I’ve long since wondered what to do with all the random tidbits of things I collect each week – or the little thoughts that don’t quite make for a full post. But I finally came up with a solution: The Week in Review Post. This takes the place of my Weekly Mailbag – which is over on Slowtwich. These are just quick snippets of things that I’ve found interesting. Nice and easy Saturday reading. Plus, a recap of my Weekly Mailbag post a well.
So with that, let’s get into the action!
Weekly Mailbag Over at Slowtwitch.com:
This week got a wee bit busy with a trip back and forth across to the South Pacific and Asia, and thus, the Weekly Mailbag went AWOL this week while the rest of the blog was largely on auto pilot…it’ll return on Monday with some cool stuff. Got an awesome tip from a reader around Road ID and Garmin integration that I’ll be sharing.
You can read all my past weekly mailbags at Slowtwitch here. Or the pre-Slowtwitch days here.
Posts this past week:
In case you missed anything from the past 7 days, here ya have it.
Saturday: Week in Review – November 6th, 2010
Monday: A weekend in Saipan
Tuesday: How I ran into a WWII tank on my swim
Wednesday: Sport Device GPS Accuracy In Depth: Part I
Thursday: Sport Device GPS Accuracy In Depth: Part II
Friday: November Forerunner 210 Giveaway
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
As always, here’s a sampler platter of some of the interesting articles and posts I found around the Internet this week.
#1) A look at the great marathoner Gebrselassie’s Retirement…or well, perhaps his ‘first retirement’…I don’t believe he’s actually going to retire quite yet, but nonetheless – the post raises a lot of good points on both sides. Oh, and if you don’t follow the Sport Scientists…well…you should, cause they kick ass.
#2) Update on the Vail Hit and Run Cycling Story – If you’ve been following the massive internet outrage that occurred this past week (it even made the front page of Drudge and Huffington post, as well as the NY Times) – then here’s a really good overview of the case and where it stands now.
#3) Coaches perspective on training NFL player to run NYC Marathon – While you probably heard all about NFL Player Amani Toomer running the NYC marathon last weekend, I found Training Peak’s piece from his coaches perspective much more refreshing and interesting. Funniest line from his coach would be: “Amani was about 240lbs and was only running occasionally when we started. Amani was not in his best shape of his life.”
#4) A funny look at a new cycling app idea – Fat Cyclist has incredible writing capability…and this post proves why. In an age where fitness apps try to be everything, Fat Cyclist his the nail on the head with his spoof idea.
#5) Legendary Mariners Announcer Dies – I know it’s not directly endurance sports related…but being I’m from Seattle, and the Mariners are my home team (cause let’s face it…it’s not gonna be the Washington Nats) – I was pretty bummed to hear that Dave Neihaus died this week of a heart attack. He’s been there since the first Mariners game and is a huge part of Seattle culture. :( Plenty more coverage over at the Seattle Times.
Random Notes
Edge 800 Now in Stock-
The Edge 800 units started trickling out into the wild last week, and are now easily available via a variety of channels. Amazon has them available for next day delivery…so get your Santa Lists out and start shopping! (My In Depth Review is here) Also, in the last few days they finally enabled Birdseye support for the Edge 800 – so I’ll be putting together a sweet post on that here soon too.
Forerunner 210 Giveaway-
In the unlikely event you missed it…I’ll throw it out there again – I’m giving away a Forerunner 210! In short, the FR210 is like the FR110 (slim, sleek and sexy)…except that it actually gives you instant pace and footpod support – two key items missing from it’s brother the FR110. Thus far, after over a week of using it…I’m pretty much loving it for running.
Ironman 70.3 World Championships
Good luck to all those competing in the final Ironman 70.3 World Championships held down in Clearwater, FL (next year is in Vegas). And remember…let’s keep the drafting to less than 15 seconds this year…mmkay? If ya need a a quick refresher on the rules…here ya go.
That’s it! Have a good weekend!
Oh, and if you happen to see me up in NYC this weekend…say hello!
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Ray I’m glad you mentioned Dave Niehaus, he was definitely beloved throughout the state of Washington and here in Spokane. His passing was a sad day for Mariners fans everywhere.
i love this kind of post. i never know what to do with the random thoughts that never are good for a whole post either…but this is a great idea