I’ve long since wondered what to do with all the random tidbits of things I collect each week – or the little thoughts that don’t quite make for a full post. But I finally came up with a solution: The Week in Review Post. This takes the place of my Weekly Mailbag – which is over on Slowtwich. These are just quick snippets of things that I’ve found interesting. Nice and easy Saturday reading. Plus, a recap of my Weekly Mailbag post a well.
So with that, let’s get into the action!
Weekly Mailbag Over at Slowtwitch.com:
If you’re looking for your usual Saturday fix of the Weekly Mailbag, it’s chillin’ over at Slowtwitch. You can read it here. And here’s the topics I covered this week are:
1) Effect of discontinuation on Garmin models
2) Edge 800 availability
3) Which workout logging software to use
You can read all my past weekly mailbags at Slowtwitch here. Or the pre-Slowtwitch days here.
Posts this past week:
In case you missed anything from the past 7 days, here ya have it.
Saturday: Week in Review – October 30th, 2010
Monday: Marine Corps Marathon Time-Lapse and Photos
Tuesday: How to learn from the Marine Corps Marathon App Fiasco and Failboat
Wednesday: How to fix dry/cold weather heart rate readings
Thursday: Quick Administrative notes and updates
Friday: Fitness Related Analysis from Garmin’s Q3 Earnings Call
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
As always, here’s a sampler platter of some of the interesting articles and posts I found around the Internet this week.
#1) Hit and run driver to get out of charges because he manages wealthy folks: As one who’s been hit by a car while on a bike, this story just ticks me off. It’s one thing to have an accident – it’s another to have a hit and run. Further, the prosecutors aren’t going to charge the guy off because he’s a wealth manager and it might affect his job (their words, note mine). W.T.F! Would love to see some more media coverage of this (I now there are media folks reading this…). Hat tip to Jordan Rapp for this one.
#2) Ironman Response to Miami 70.3 Mess: This is a great response from WTC after a mess of a race at Ironman Miami 70.3. Clearly taking responsibility and trying to make the situation right.
#3) NYC Marathon Press Conference with Miner: As many of you already know, the Chilean miner who ran up to 10K a day in the tunnels is running the NYC marathon this weekend. This little video snippet from NBC News is interesting though in that it appears to show some of his triathlon photos/finishes as well. Kinda cool.
#4) iMobile Intervals looking for testers for Nike+ & ANT+ Integration App: See Ransom’s request for testers here. I’ve used the app before and it’s pretty cool – a great way to do ANT+ data tracking and live broadcasting to folks on the internet – even a gadget you can put on your site that includes streaming ANT+ data along with location information.
#5) Trisports adds water harvesting: This is for a bit of the geek in me, but I think it’s cool that tri companies are trying to do their part (however small) in being greener. I’ve always loved the business model that Trisports has, in particular it’s physical retail store. Check out these neat post of theirs talking about their new water harvesting system.
Random Item #1: Ironman Florida Today!
If you’re racing Ironman Florida today…well…you need to get your butt to the start line pronto! If you’re cheering folks on either in person or remotely, then that’s fully acceptable to be reading me. You may remember last year after I raced Ironman Florida I went out at midnight and cheered the final runners in. I ended up making the below video, which, you can use as a bit of motivation if you have an Ironman race coming up. Or, alternatively, if you completed IMFL today – here’s a reason to go back out at midnight to watch the final finishers (you really should, no matter how much you hurt…trust me on this one.)
Along with being my favorite little video that I’ve made, it also happens to be one of my more popular non-review related videos, with almost 4,000 views. Woot!
Ironman Florida 2009 at Midnight from Ray Maker on Vimeo.
Random Item #2: Ironman Tracking App
This app isn’t from WTC/Ironman, but rather an independent developer. It’s called ‘Pele’, and allows you to track various Ironman events without all the hassle of the sucky WTC website. Though, keep in mind the data does come from the WTC servers at the end of the day, so it’s somewhat dependent on that. It’s also a wee bit expensive compared to most apps, and I haven’t used it before – so take that at face value that it could suck. That said, I’ll be using it to track two peeps I know for IMFL.
If you don’t have anyone at Ironman Florida to track – then you can both track and cheer on the two peeps that I know are doing Florida: Frayed Laces (2191) and my friend Lindsay (#2174) from up here in DC. While I’m sure there are many of you racing (or know racers), these are the only two that I know of. Wish them luck – either on their pages, or here. That said – feel free to leave numbers of friends or bloggers (or yourself) in the comments below, I’m always up for tracking some folks and cheering them on.
Good luck everyone! Oh, and good luck to those running the NYC Marathon this weekend as well!
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Thinking of the race tracking and the NYC marathon, that app you mentioned (iMobile Intervals) as well as apps like Runkeeper would let you track their un-official times/progress. The Runkeeper app/website even sets up “races” (though you may have to pay for that…I’m not good at fine print) where everyone who’s running it gets connected together, so you can watch how your person is doing in comparison to everyone else. I’d love to test the iMobile Intervals, looks great (and exactly why I’m glad Wahoo made their Fisica with an open API), but I don’t exactly have $85 to be dropping on testing ;)