The last two weeks have been crazy busy – but perhaps one of the more interesting parts of Interbike was the Power Meter Seminar, which was held Wednesday morning just prior to the show floor opening up. The seminar (now an annual event at Interbike) lasts about 90 minutes and has all the major power meter players in the market (well, except Look/Polar). So well…all the major ANT+ players anyway.
The ‘seminar’ is actually just all the different vendors giving 10-15 minute presentations. And for this year’s big show, I had a front row seat. Such a good seat that I was able to record each and every one of the presentations.
So this post isn’t so much of a big long winded analysis of power meters as it is simply a place for me to stash links for all of these video’s I uploaded. For each of the presenters I’ve gone ahead and included a brief blurb about what they covered.
And finally, I’ll point out ahead of time that the room wasn’t quite setup for video (it was an awkward setup) – so the video camera isn’t in a perfect location- but it’s more than fine to get all the content, see the projector screen clearly, and hear the speakers without issue. Which, when you’re talking technical content…is really all you’re looking for. Also, the one benefit of having a media-access pass is the ability to take both pictures and video and post them for you to consume:
So with that…onto the show. Here was the full agenda:
Schedule – Wednesday, September 22, 8-9:30 am
8:00 – 8:10 – SRAM & Zipp
8:10 – 8:25 – Hunter Allen – history, power overview, selling power
8:25 – 8:35 – SRM
8:35 – 8:45 – CycleOps Power
8:45 – 8:55 – QUARQ
8:55 – 9:05 – Dynastream/ANT+
9:05 – 9:15 – Training Peaks software
9:15 – 9:25 – Garmin
9:25 – Wrap – Q&A
Note: SRAM and Zipp didn’t really have anything to show or say, and their ‘segment’ lasted a minute or so, thus I didn’t include them below.
Item #1: Hunter Allen – History, Power Overview, Selling Power
Hunter is one of the co-authors of Training and Racing with a Power Meter, which is pretty much the Bible when it comes to power meter training. They recently released a new version this past spring. His 22 minute talk is broken into two pieces (because YouTube has a 15-minute limit). The talk covers the basics of how power meters started, as well as how folks train by them. It’s a great primer to the rest of the sessions.
Part I:

Hunter Allen Training with Power at Interbike–Part 1
Part II:

Item #2: SRM & Tour de France Rider Jens Voigt
SRM started their alloted time with a short talk from Tour de France cyclists Jens Voigt. He talked about a bit about how power impacts their race. Good short clip.

Tour de France Rider Jens Voigt
From there SRM went into their presentation covering a bit of their own power meter history before going through and overview of the catalog of products and updates:

SRM Power Meter Video
Item #3: Saris/CycleOps Power
Jesse talks to an overview of the product line at Saris, and then introduces their new website offering CycleOps product owners the ability to upload their workouts and compare/compete against each other. A short video clip of this new site is available within the presentation/video. I also later posted more about their products hands-on in this post.

CycleOps/Saris Interbike Power Meter Talk
Item #4: Quarq – Jim Meyer
Quarq announced their new Mountain Bike Cinqo Power meter, as well as a glimpse into their new iPhone app to calibrate their Cinqo Power meters, dubbed Qalvin. Additionally, he offers some random (but interesting) thoughts on what it takes to get a power meter to market.
Note, I go in depth with Jim on these updates here in this post.

Quarq Power Meter Video
Item #5: ANT+
ANT+ covered a brief overview of the ‘state of the state’. Their presentation covered highlights of ANT+ technology products over the past year. A good primer to ANT+.

ANT+ Power Meter Seminar Update
Item #6: Training Peaks Update – Hunter Allen
Training Peaks covers an intro to their system, as well as recent enhancements around social networking. Additionally, they talk about their development approach with 3rd parties going forward and finally they snuck a little glimpse at a mobile web app in there.

Training Peaks Update Video
Item #7: Garmin Update
There wasn’t a ton new from Garmin here beyond a high level overview of the Edge 800. They did note that the Edge 800 is now projected for November 2010, and that the Edge 705 will stop being made in January 2011. No comment on MetriGear items in the video, but you can read my full discussion post with them instead.

Garmin Interbike 2010 Power Meter Seminar
Wrap Up
Finally, as a note, there was no Q&A section afterwards.
Note however, that I’ve had more than a pile of power related posts of my own from Interbike. So here’s the skinny on all my power related coverage:
– Quarq: A look at Quarq’s new Power Meter Configuration/Diag App
– Saris/CycleOps: A brief hands on teaser of the Joule
– Garmin/MetriGear: Analysis and discussion of the MetriGear acquisition
– Polar/Look: Hands on with the new Polar/Look pedal based power meter
– Brim Brothers: An Interview with Barry Redmond of Brim Brothers
– iBike: Hands on with the iBike Dash
– LeMond Revolution Fitness Trainer: Spending time with this power-meter trianer
And last but not least, here’s the full listing of Interbike related posts to date, or you can just click here to have the nifty category feature sort them all for ya.
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