Zwift Details Plans for New Neokyo Map, New User Interface, and Clubs Public Launch


For the first time in Zwift’s history, they held what would be akin to a product launch event, detailing their upcoming product plans. Albeit, one that was given in private to the media rather than publicly. But nonetheless, the resultant details remain the same for you – just instead saving you approximately 58 minutes on a Zoom call, you’ll spend 32 minutes reading this post.

Ultimately, the main changes that are coming boil down into three buckets:

1) Overhaul of user interface (menus) open launching Zwift: This makes it far easier to pick what you want to do on Zwift, especially if you don’t have a concrete plan (e.g. choosing an upcoming group ride, free riding a route, having route badges tracked, etc…)

2) Public launch of Clubs: This will allow self-serve creation and management of clubs that doesn’t involve Zwift HQ being involved in the process. This includes setting up and planning large scale group rides, and much more.

3) The launch of a new map called ‘Neokyo’, which is a Neon Tokyo of sorts: This is part of the Makuri Islands World. So one can argue if it’s just new roads or a new map, but in this context it’s hard to say it’s just an expansion, as it’s clearly far more than that.

Beyond those items, Zwift detailed approximately 2,392 different stats on how you use Zwift. In short, they know where you sleep at night, and which nights you’re likely to Zwift (because, it is a night – Tuesday night specifically – except the 5AM crew, but mostly weeknights between 6-8PM local time zones). They also know that if you Zwift with an event you’ll Zwift more than solo (15-30% longer), and that if you ate a Chipotle burrito immediately beforehand, the ride will likely go poorly (general life observation). And that if you’re a morning Zwifter person, you’re 20% more likely to actually get the ride done, versus fall off the boat. These stats were somewhat like Strava’s annual Year in Review stats, except just not at the end of the year.

New Neokyo Map:


Coming in November, Zwift will be rolling out a new Neokyo map, as an expansion to the Makuri Islands (which houses Yumezi). As a reminder, Zwift first launched that world back in May, and at the time noted that it would eventually become Zwift’s rival to Watopia in size. Thus, Neokyo is connected to Yumezi, and you can ride between the two map areas since they are part of the same world. Albeit, they are dramatically different in look. The existing Yumezi is country-side Japan, while Neokyo is a neon-laden take on Tokyo.

The new addition will nearly double the amount of pavement within the map. At present, Yumezi is about 27.6km/17.1mi of roadway, so this will be slightly smaller than that in size. Unlike Yumezi, which includes some climbing, Zwift says this is predominantly a “flat and fast” set of roadway.


While they showed a trailer during the media event, they haven’t made that trailer available for distribution. Albeit, it’s basically just the below screenshot, except three minutes long and had more details including food trucks and dance parties.


Plus this one too, the only two screenshots released:


They said that upon launch of the new map section in November, that they’ll have a Neokyo Tour, similar to what they’ve done with past map expansions/new maps, in order to get your ride on.

New User Interface:


Next up is the new home screen interface. This of course has been long requested, with the main Zwift screen upon logging in having stayed the same since pretty much the beginning (minus the smallest of tweaks). But now things are dramatically different – and clearly focused on getting you exploring more of Zwift, rather than just doing the same thing every time.

Zwift noted that basically, people fall into three core buckets when they ride Zwift:

A) Train: Either doing a structured or group workout, or a training plan
B) Compete: Doing a race or series of races
C) Explore: Group rides/runs, free rides/runs, badge hunting, and tours

Within those three buckets, Zwift says that:

– 50% of Zwifters fall into the ‘Train’ bucket at least once each month
– 20% of Zwifters will ‘Compete’ in an event at least once a month
– 80% of Zwifters will do something in the ‘Explore’ bucket at least once a month

Semi-related to all of that, and with no particular place for me to stash it, I’ll note that Zwift says that starting in November they’re going to be running a new race series that’ll add far more races to the daily calendar – somewhat like the ZHQ races, but with more availability when you log into the game.

In any event, back to this user interface. This new UI is designed to broaden your buckets by showing you more options of things that are going on. If you’ve signed up for group rides or races, it’ll show what those are, extending out into future weeks. Meanwhile, the Just Ride section will show routes, and estimated times for each route. You can see above that there’s the Pace Partners option too, though unfortunately those still (somewhat inexplicably) remain on Watopia only. Frankly, I think they’re one of the best things to come to Zwift since launch, yet they become boringly stale when they’re only Watopia, and largely just the same set of four routes.

If you tap on the events tab/button, you’ll see all the upcoming events, and can apply various filters including the type of event (e.g. Group Ride, Group Workout, Race, Fondo, Time Trial), and Group (e.g. A/B/C/D). The ‘only show’ filter allows things like only showing Zwift Academy events.

Upcoming Events list

So referring to the above, let’s say that you click on an event, you’ll get details of that event shown in a side pop-over:

Upcoming Event detail

If you’re good with that, there’s a quick access menu from the main home screen to change your jersey, as well as access sensor pairings. Though, those screens in the presentation appeared identical to before.

Next, there’s a new routes finder user interface. Once you click on the globe icon, you’ll see the worlds currently live listed at the top, and then the routes down below. This new page shows which routes you’ve completed, and then the distances and elevation for each one.

Route list

You can filter/sort these by various metrics including Duration, Name, Effort, Distance, Elevation, and Route completion. Once you click on a route, it’ll show you the route profile, and how many XP you’ll earn. You’ll also notice back on the earlier screen (above), it’ll display an estimated completion time. Zwift says this is based on the estimated completion time it takes 80% of Zwifters to complete it in (max time). The point being you can basically say ‘Look, I’ve got 45 mins for this workout, what’ll fit?’.

Route detail

Zwift noted that while many of us, including probably most readers of this site, will easily be able to do mental math on elevation & distance combos to figure out durations – that most newer riders won’t have that experience. So this makes it easier to find routes in the same way you ultimately filter structured workouts based on time.

Speaking of routes and such. For lack of anywhere else to stick this tidbit – the Tour de Zwift will start January 10th, 2022. And the Tour of Watopia will be held in March.

As for this user interface overhaul? Frankly – that’s the fuzziest thing Zwift detailed. During different parts of the media presentation and follow-up e-mails they gave three different timelines. However, the latest and most semi-consistent answer seemed to be that it’ll start rolling out in a phased launch later this year, but wouldn’t achieve full roll-out till “early 2022”.

Either way, it’s much needed – and based on everything I saw, this definitely makes it more likely that I’d crack open Zwift on days where I didn’t have a clue as to what I wanted to do. Since it made it far easier to quickly filter to find a ride that meets my time and interest requirements. As long as it ends up working that way in real life, I suspect it’ll be a hit (even if it doesn’t quite please every aspect of the community).

Oh – one more thing: They specifically noted that they’re aiming to make this new user interface suck less on Apple TV.

Clubs Expansion:

Finally, there’s the Clubs expansion. Clubs started nearly two years ago in beta, and Zwift says they’re finally to the point of being able to expand it a bit more – ultimately getting it opened up to everyone – ideally by “early 2022”.

Clubs allow you to invite people to a club, and then have club-only events, which are held in private worlds, so only those team members are present in the event. There are also ancillary benefits of having stat tracking and such. But ultimately, this is all about having team events. However, up till now only the biggest and most well connected to Zwift HQ clubs could get an actual club made on Zwift. Thus, your average cycling team or triathlon team or whatever else, couldn’t.

Starting later this year, you’ll be able to. First up, to create a club you’ll give it a name, language, and choose the team colors. You’ll also choose the team icon and club image. The icon appeared to pull from a pile of predefined icons. They didn’t detail how you can select the club image.

create club customize club

Next, from there you can invite other Zwifters to join the club. Once the invite is sent, the person on the receiving side can choose to accept (join) or decline the invite. Once joined, you can see the upcoming club events, as well as club chat. Further, there are total club stats displayed too (just as there already is).

invite members join club club home

However, the main magic is the ability to create a club event. To begin, you’ll start with whether it’s a run or a ride. Then from there, you’ll be presented some quick-start templates from different groupings – like flat routes, or hilly routes.

club event type selection club event templates

If the templates aren’t your style, you can choose which world you want from the list, and then dive into choosing the exact route you want. You can further customize that to be a set number of laps or a given time duration as well. Afterward, you’ll give it a title, and the time of the event. Also a description, and then adding which groups will be available for that ride.

club event route selection club event customization

However, this is where it gets interesting. You can even customize different routes for different groups. So for example the A group could do one route for this event, while the C group does a different route. Further, you can then set a ride leader and sweeper for each group as well. You can also set those later, if you don’t have them sorted at event creation.

club event manage groups club event ride leader

Once all this is done, it’ll be available to those in the Club.

In terms of availability, this will roll out in limited release before year-end with the full widespread release in early 2022. To create a club you’ll need to be either a Level 20+ Rider, or a Level 10+ Runner. However, anyone can join a club. Club events can be shared with anyone, including via a simple shareable URL (woot!), allowing someone from outside the club to join the event.

Zwift says the next developments are to roll out Club structured workouts (right now you can only choose routes, not workouts), and then to put together an interface for discovering clubs to join.


As with any new release plan – there will be some that’ll be excited for the upcoming changes, and some that’ll be disappointed and asking for more. It’s too soon to say whether or not Neokyo will be what Zwifters want in terms of new roadway. However, it’s definitely clear that Zwifters are looking for a new user interface. And based on what I’ve seen thus far – this seems to be a good start at things.

On the Clubs side, this seems mostly well thought out, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that this took two years, and nearly 1.5 years since it entered public beta. They missed the boat on literally countless teams that wanted to use Zwift to organize events during lockdowns. That didn’t happen. Similarly, there doesn’t appear to be any obvious way for getting team jerseys in-game, another strong request for teams. Zwift largely ended that program more than two years ago now, without any clear path forward. Again, there’s just no excuse for not having this functionality. Plenty of other online game platforms have solved this customization problem (including approval) at scales far larger than Zwift. Having a team kit is kinda sorta like starting point one for having a team in real life.

Still, despite my frustration at how painfully slow Clubs is going, I’m optimistic that maybe the winds of change are starting to pick up speed at Zwift and getting some of these things moving forward. New pavement is always a welcome addition, and while new user interfaces can go both ways, everything Zwift is showing at this point is a vast improvement over where they are today and seems to be headed in the right direction of making things more discoverable. Which ultimately, keeps people on Zwift longer – and ideally, doing new and different things.

With that – thanks for reading!


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  1. David E.

    Good news all around. The most desired club feature has to be custom club jerseys. I understand why it would be hard to do, but I think people would actually pay good, hard-earned money for a virtual club jersey.

    • ArT

      Don’t call the wolf out of the forest! Are you paying too little for zwift? Does everything have to be for a fee?

    • James E

      Apparently they will soon add some basic jersey designs/colours that you can pick from. That’s a starting point at least.

    • Del

      New roads sound like they are aimed at people that like to fluff themselves and their strava totals by doing 26 miles in an hour more than anything else.

    • Ben Finesilver

      Anything new is welcome. Would have been more intetesting to have climbs added. It appears to be mostly a series of crit courses added into the expansion. Yamuzi doesn’t have any significant climbs in it. Until it does, it won’t be considered a major Zwift world for me.

    • The issue with jerseys is every possible jersey in Zwift history is loaded onto every client’s machine as part of each new release. So this doesn’t scale. They’d need to add a dynamic jersey download process, where the code would assess what jerseys are nearby, and download only those designs, since there could be 10 thousand different designs, with new ones ever hour.

      An alternate approach would be semi-custom jerseys. Instead of the code saying you have “jersey 42” or whatever, it could be “pattern X, colors A, B, and C, and with text “yaddayadda” in which font and color, or whatever. Then the client could render the jersey based on a small number of numbers, rather than every pixel at the maximum resolution.

      I think this would be a great addition.

    • While that would be a lot of jersey’s, I’ve gotta imagine there’s probably already a thousand or so out there.

      A dynamic approach to add newly created jersey’s behind the scenes during your ride would be logical. But again, this is already solved by other (far larger) games out there – so I’m not convinced this is really a big issue.

  2. Sam

    Good news but I have no hope for zwift, will see how buggy this is going to be…..

    those little buttons at the top of the interface, i am already hearing the swearing trying to reach them with the apple tv remote (the shitty one)

  3. ArT

    What the event calendar proposes does not suit me or my friends. After all, group permissions for everyone. I’ll be able to do the group ride I want. I missed rides longer than 100km for a long time, only now they appear, but still at bad times for me. It should be long ago. They are afraid of a decrease in users in general events. However, there are already so many users, so there is no need to limit yourself.
    Meetup takes a lot of work to post a group ride.

  4. Tom Smulders

    Hi Ray, do you know if it is possible to hold internal club races? We are holding an internal competition by creating meetups, but that is far from convenient.

    • James E

      It’s only meetups for now, but hopefully races will be added in the future. At least the meetups will be easier to organise.

    • That’s what the clubs feature is about, though, it wasn’t clear from the presentation if one can create a ‘race’ versus a ‘group ride’. But yes, in concept that’s the point of the internal club events bit.

    • Will be interesting to see if this could replace current workflow with event owners . Was there any mention of permissions to club administration? Such as event creation/editing amongst appointed club members or club invite permissions?

    • Edz

      And do we know if within these club events that all riders start from a pen or out on the road like a current meet up? Issue with the current state is that riders are dropped in random spots on the road, even in races for meet ups. Would love the possibility of all riders starting in one set location rather than scattered 100m apart from each other.

    • EL

      They will start from the pen.

  5. TK

    Any news about a family plan? For us it is more or less the only reason for using Rouvy over Zwift right now (1 treadmill, 3 users).

  6. ArT

    You can see Zwift making changes to the program on the internet. The changes go to the server-side software.

  7. Michael Sparshatt

    Good news that something (anything!) seems to be getting developed that isn’t just new roads (fine, but actual game development should be a much higher priority) or items that should have been no brainers 5 years ago let being badged as features / enhancements (e.g. being able to end your ride without exiting the game, a route progress bar).
    It’s a little disappointing that some real features or enhancements other than clubs aren’t mentioned here. I started this thread below over 6 months ago listing some common gripes that a lot of Zwifters have, and despite sporadic ‘we hear you and we’re working on it’ message from ZHQ, there has been nothing released for this Zwift season so far.
    link to forums.zwift.com

    • ArT

      I think Zwift is working on a new version of the server-side application. The current zwift program is not as developed as it will probably be terminated. Web systems have fewer problems. This is a new software trend.

    • fabio

      Every zwifter is different. for me new roads and clubs should have the higher priority

  8. Aaron

    It would be nice if I didn’t have to click like a million things every time I wanted to use the game. Would be nice if updates were more seamless.
    Route progress and tracking has been nice since I like to complete each route, that’s my favorite recent feature.
    Also they still need to improve the minimap. Also would be nice to have a easier way to switch bikes and wheels, maybe have favorite frame/wheel combos stored in presets to simplify things. I have tons of bike and wheels but most of them are collectables, I only ride a few bikes. I don’t see a reason to ride half the bikes in Zwift, I either want the most aero bike with the most aero wheels, or the lightest climbing bike and wheels, or like some special bike like the Tron bike, TT bike, MTB etc.

    • m4rk0

      Yeah, a way to better organize or even discard unused items would be super helpful, especially for those that have been zwifting for years and have collected dozens of bikes, wheels, etc.

  9. BikePower

    Meh. I thought Eric Min said they could crank out a new world every month if they wanted to and what we get after months is 20 or 30k of new flat roads? I’m already bored with roads that exist and I like to climb: this isn’t going to help if this is all we get.

  10. Randy Hermann

    Love that they are making “improvements” but that UI/UX is still just terrible. They REALLY need to bring in someone with talent in that field to clean it up for them.

  11. Randy Hermann

    Thanks for the information- always interesting to get the “news”. Since you apparently have someone’s attention at Zwift, perhaps you can suggest that they hire someone with a degree in User Interface/User Experience design- yes, that’s a thing and they desperately need it.

  12. fabio

    I hope that watopia won’t be left with desert expansion (2019) as last update. Shortcut of the last one cannot be considered an update imo.

  13. A lot of this sounds great. I don’t have any real issues with the current platform. It works fine. I ride. I go about my day. I’m not currently in a club but if I were I’d like more functionality out of it.

    One question I have that isn’t really related to the news is can I do a workout and a Tour de Zwift ride at the same time?

  14. Neil Jones

    Just give me a way to mute that goddamn Zwift Home Screen music on Apple TV.


  15. Randy Hermann

    Chatting with teammates after the WTRL race last night and there was/is lots of complaining about sandbaggers. While that is still a problem, I think the bigger issue is the inability of people with lower fitness to have a fun competitive experience in races as they are currently structured. The vast majority of racers are in the B/C range and for those in the C range in particular they seem to be “casual” racers who train less than 6-8 hours/week. (Zwift data can certainly provide more info on that!) A casual racer at 2.5 w/kg wants to compete but has absolutely no chance in a field of riders up to 3.2 w/k, not even a chance to really participate because they are dropped in the first 5 minutes of any race.
    Rather than adding more races, Zwift really needs to look at improving anti-sandbagging (an A racer in March doing C races in September?!?) and having fewer races with more category divisions. The TFC Mad Monday races are a great example.

    • Michael Sparshatt

      The answer is some sort of ranking system based off performances vs. others. Zwiftpower already does this.

    • Agree completely. For myself, I’m right on the fringe of B/C races – but the thing is, I can’t even come anywhere near close to the podium in a C race, let along find the back of the pack in a B race. Yet people get all up in arms if I race a C race (and still probably not find the top 10 of that field).

      There’s a pretty good reason that in the real world, race divisions aren’t based on a random FTP estimate. It just doesn’t work. Zwift says they have all the data in the world around this, and even touched on the sandbagging aspects in the call briefly in fact. Given it’s something that so many people (on both sides) are frustrated with, I agree something needs to change (as many have said).

    • Blake Chalson

      Hey Ray –

      We hear you on the racing side. I know between your product testing and other real life commitments you probably don’t have much time, but if you’re interested, @RandyHermann and I would be happy to invite you to our team and help get you on the podium :)

    • bill o'hara

      How is a 20 minute assessment of power suitable for the classification? This has put USAC cat 3 racers with folks from cat 4 and cat 5. The categories should be based on a mixture.

      Points are obtained from placing within races. So many points and you upgrade. If you have an aerobic 1 hour at 3.5w/kg then you are upgraded. As of now, they upgrade a club member for 20 minutes at 3.3 w/kg with a heart rate of 195.

      The WRTL league is full of issues. There are multiple sign-ins. It takes a bit to walk folks through the registration. Next every week we have to make sure that click the link each week. Why can’t the manager of the club select a field and assign members from zwiftpower to the team ? What’s the point behind zwiftpower at this point ?

    • Paul Wakefield

      The real issue with Zwift racing, and one they seem happy to ignore, is that the drafting is TOTALLY unrealistic. Therefore, the racing is unrealistic and is just a constant threshold effort with, if your’e lucky, a sprint at the end. IRL I can generally hang with more powerful riders (I’m 65kg and around 260FTP) by drafting and saving energy vs the bigger guys on climbs; not on Zwift. RGT is much more realistic.

  16. Jimmy

    My only complaint, really, is that there’s no way to see current and upcoming grade in the Companion app. I’m probably in the minority on this, but I like to run the display with the HUD turned off most of the time. But doing so makes it impossible to see the upcoming grades. It’s a little difficult to discern what’s coming up in the virtual environment, so a adding to the Companion app a feature akin to the “upcoming elevation” on the Karoo would be super helpful

    • Dunroving

      +1 on that. It might be hard to see a graphic profile in Companion (even full-screen on a large TV, it’s not always as obvious as it should be). But as you say, any indication of what the upcoming elevation might be would help riders to anticipate them, and avoid crashing gears!

  17. Heiko

    They should de-clutter the GUI, allow to switch off items, allow different font sizes etc.
    I am pretty sure they don’t lack budget for these kind of improvements.

  18. James Eppich

    I would like to see zwift decertify Elite, so elite has some pressure to clean up their act. Elite advertises specs on par with all the other equipment out there but just doesn’t deliver. When I bought my direto, I searched the web think it’s just me or some easy to fix problem… No, it’s everyone. From problems just reading the hand written calibration number, to just tighten the belt more. Mechanical belts have specs like 2mm deflection with 100g. People say, just calibrate, over and over. The calibration is for the power meter, but it’s ERG resistance that is often wrong and not effected by calibration. The firmware just does whatever it wants as far as resistance goes. But the thing is most people are just happy to hop on the bike and get their heart rate up, they don’t know the difference. But if you are competitive and trying to improve or maybe race you need this thing to work right and give good numbers.

    Linking a workout graph from Garmin, but in zwift it’s all the same. It’s not calibration, because sometimes it gets it right. And each group of intervals is the same but it’s not even consistent

  19. Paul Gallenstein

    Any new for a family plan for riders? Won’t go back to Zwift unless family plan is available. Rouvy is more budget friendly for 2 riders in our household.

  20. Steve

    Ray, did they mention how this interface change will affect the Android deployment? I think the majority of users are either on a desktop or Apple TV but some of us are fine with just an android phone connected to a TV through HDMI. Its cheap and effective (I’m using a galaxy S9). I want to be able to keep using my existing setup.

  21. Gilbert


    Did Zwift make any comments about cycling computer integration? Or the ability to dynamically do laps from the companion app?


  22. Gilbert


    Also. Any comments about a Apple M1 native application too?

  23. Craig Martin

    They seem to have completely pivoted so that the only way to get a new custom jersey is to qualify for ZRL premier division, or be DIRT.

  24. Bored Zwifter

    They should also add more rider levels to cycling and running and some actual end game content besides getting new bikes and wheels. After you max level, finish all the routes, and have millions upon millions of drops, what’s even left to do? Half the time nowadays I just control my trainer with the wahoo app and listen to music.

  25. David Aziz

    So no Level 75

  26. Steve

    Now if zwift could implement a family plan I may consider coming back…..

  27. rumpole

    “Oh – one more thing: They specifically noted that they’re aiming to make this new user interface suck less on Apple TV.”

    If they would allow pairing and navigation from the app rather than the screen, that would solve a lot of problems. God do I hate the apple remote.

  28. Paul Bybee

    Are you saying a club event needs to be sent to club members, or can it be shown in the Zwift schedule / calendar as well to the public?

    • It’ll automatically show up as available for club members, AND you can send out a link to an event.

      So that’s super useful for me if I wanted to send out via Twitter/Facebook/anything a link to an event.

  29. Velozavr

    Хорошие новости!

  30. Rai

    I assume that only club owners or admins can create club events? Or can anyone do so?

  31. Eugene

    Zwift should cull races on the schedule with low participation. All it does is spread everyone out too thin, especially at certain times of day, such as early evening on the US West Coast (the deadest time of the day.)

    • I think in theory yes, but in practice it’s tricky.

      On the 18 million stats they shot over, one of them was that 75% of people join an event within 6 minutes of it starting. Meaning that, you wouldn’t really know which races to cull with any predictability that far out. I know I fall in to that camp. I’m typically joining an event very last second.

      Now – I think if you look at broader race series and events historically, then yes – I agree in theory. Execution is tricky as noted.

  32. Not Sure

    Nice, I guess, but kinda meh. Zwift has so much untapped potential. Let us customize the HUD, like we can on a Garmin or Wahoo. Give us a lap button. Let us build “magic” routes so we can do interval workouts using terrain suitable for the interval instead of Erg mode. Give us some way to voice and/or video chat with friends without having to resort to Discord and the like. And make drafting more realistic.

  33. Mihnea

    Great news!

  34. Adam

    My thoughts/requests
    The user interface – it is currently poor, let’s hope they don’t mistake new with better. New isn’t always better.
    The worlds, some people only like certain worlds, and hence won’t ride if they aren’t on. Yes I know there is a hack, but there shouldn’t need to be a hack – we pay to use it, let us us all of it when we want. And honestly limiting worlds so there is more people in the few available is an odd reason to keep the limit IMHO.
    The races, yeah too many FTP cheats – so I can’t be bothered.
    Graphics, am I the only person who would like more of the GTA type world like GPLama showed off that one time.
    Music – time for options. (integration of a streaming service?)
    Design your own jersey add-on. It’s only a avatar skin. (OK maybe not the dancing Banana from fortnite, that’s a bit far.)
    Pace partners in all worlds +1

  35. Nikkor

    Please turn off the start screen sound!

  36. B1Pilot

    Graphics still look potato.

    Any chance we will see an update to the Smart Trainer App Guide this year?

    Really wanting an app that fits well between trainerroad and Zwift (I use both now) and has improved graphics… RGT, Rouvy, BKool? Stick with the established?

  37. m4rk0

    Looks like the Wahoo Climb will continue to be a useless brick in workout mode.

  38. Tom Swain

    Any news on whether they are going to invest in equalling up the running vs cycling performance of Zwift Ray? Investing into the running platform a bit more?

    • I wouldn’t expect that. In virtually every interview Zwift does (mainly Eric Min the CEO), they note how they’re focused on cycling. That’s largely been mirrored in terms of what we see feature-wise too.

      They haven’t released routes yet for the new map, so I’m not sure to what extent running routes exist.

  39. New UI looks nice to use with a mouse. Anything else? Nightmare.

    Not too worried; the two developers they have will take far longer than a few more months to roll this out.

  40. Robin Mitchell

    I wish there was an option to teleport to any spot on the maps to start a ride.

  41. Marcel

    everything works for me at the moment. Zwift please don’t break things by implementing new features…..

  42. Filip

    I have never understood why there is a 30 day PR only. I would like for Zwift to add unlimited PRs, perhaps a list of your top 10 times on the left hand side of the screen.

  43. Kris

    I’m so happy there is a menu update coming (although I worry that it was the latest one I was using and struggling with this week). I’m doing appleTV, with the 4k remote, and it’s just horrid. I’m a Zwift fan, but take huge issue with:

    1) the appalling user interface and limitations with having to log into the game to do most things.
    2) the complete lack of a event announcements beyond a week out. Why oh why can’t they announce the big events early enough that I can train for them and make plans to be able to do them. Haute route, TdZ etc.