The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter and Facebook, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! Posts in the Past Week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this past week:
Wednesday: The Power Meter Buyers Guide–2018 Edition
Friday: Sports Technology Buyers Guide & Recommendations: Winter 2018-2019
I spent a lot of time at the DCR Cave this week trying to move in, unboxing boxes of crap and cleaning/sorting it.
Reminder: Big 20% sale ends tonight!
If you were looking to pick up a power meter or a trainer at 20% off, or any number of other devices including the Suunto 9 series, Polar Vantage series, Lezyne head units, or all sorts of other gizmos and gadgets – that deal ends tonight at 11:59PM US Eastern Time.
You can get all the details over on my main sale post, or, via the video below. As far as a Black Friday post, that’ll drop sometime between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, with new items automatically appearing as they are announced throughout the weekend.
YouTube Videos I Made This Week:
Here’s what hit the tubes over on the You of Tube, definitely don’t forget to subscribe there to get notified of videos the second they hit!

Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet.
1) Spotify comes to Apple Watch…sorta: Well, not exactly what we all hoped. As of now there’s no offline Spotify. Rather, it’s basically just for controlling Spotify. In all honesty, I’ve actually found the app kinda annoying – and I’m likely to remove it from my Apple Watch. Mostly because it just seems to be constantly trying to get in the way and make itself known. We use Sonos at home, but mostly as background music – so I don’t tend to interact with it once I’ve gotten the list I wanted started. Maybe it’s just my setup. Either way, looking forward to legit offline music down the road some day.
2) Zwift plans to add map choice: Kinda-sorta-maybe. The article is honestly a bit confusing and secret squirrel for something that should have been fairly straightforward. I think the history bits is great and useful, but seriously – how hard would it have been to say “We plan to allow Watopia plus one other map per day”, but when it gets to the important part it’s like they decided to go to Happy Hour instead. Which, to be fair, Happy Hour is good.
3) Rylo adds 5.8K capture, desktop app: This was a week or two ago – but is pretty darn cool. They decided to really up their game and add the ability to export substantially higher resolution than ever before (via desktop). I’m probably going to give this a whirl on the unit I bought this past spring, as it’s a heck of a lot easier to use Rylo’s tools than GoPro Fusion tools for quick videos, and I want to attach it to the WIRAL CableCam in the office for some fun shots.
4) Performance bike announces Ch 11, will close 40 stores: This is a shame. It’s a shame for a lot of reasons, with the most simplistic being it’s where I got my first road bike in the US. Sure, say what you will about Performance compared to LBS’s, but it’s a great gateway option for many. Plus, it’s accessible and I’ve historically found Performance shops far more welcoming to those newer to the sport And plus, removing consumer choice and options in the market is never good. Sad panda. (Via Eli)
5) Indiegogo to start offering guaranteed shipping refund: This is really interesting – especially coming from Indiegogo, which is known as the Wild West of crowdfunding (I strongly discourage legit companies from using it as their primarily/initial crowdfunding source for a variety of reasons). Of course, the details and nuances are still a bit fuzzy – but I’m a fan of the general concept.
6) Some of Garmin’s ANT+ Presentations are online: Generally speaking, aside from my ANT+ Keynote session and sometimes one or two others, most ANT+ Keynote presentations are rarely shown online (especially quickly). Garmin has put up their Connect IQ related ones though. If you’re a geek (or developer geek), you might find some of the tidbits in this interesting.
7) Capital Bikeshare data analysis: This whole thing is interesting. Note that the 99% number is for e-bike usage, which isn’t available to select on the rental stands unless you’re a member (only via the app for tourists). Kinda odd.
8) Mom pumps during the middle of half-ironman run: For realz folks. That’s just damn impressive. While running. (via Slowtwitch)
9) Skin UV Exposure sensor/device: I wonder if something like this could easily be built into watches or even cycling head units. Seems like something that would actually be good for quick reminders about sunscreen and the such.
10) Interesting CEO insights on WIRAL Cable Cam: I just got my Kickstarter backed device in the mail this past week, but concurrently the CEO presented at an investor conference in Finland. It’s only 12 minutes long, but it’s pretty interesting in terms of insights from her and their team.

Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one-liners are perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good? Oh – and if you want to get a head start on things, this page is a great resource for watching Garmin and a few other firmware updates.
Garmin Edge 1030 Firmware Update BETA: Woah, Garmin quietly adds support for the official ANT+ Cycling Dynamic Metrics (which will open the door for Favero to release their update for Assioma pedals). Also, Galileo satellites added as an option. And you can now add social media networks for smartphone notifications (previously just texts/calls). Plus a crapton of fixes. This is actually a big update.
Garmin Edge 520 Plus Firmware Update BETA: Same as the Edge 1030.
Garmin Edge 820 Firmware Update BETA: Same as the Edge 1030/520.
Garmin Forerunner 30/230/235/630 Firmware Update: Addresses some Bluetooth Smart phone connectivity issues.
Garmin Instinct Firmware Update BETA: Sync fixes.
Garmin Vivosmart 3, Vivosport, Vivomove HR Firmware Update: Fixes some weather widget stuff.
Hammerhead Karoo Firmware Update: Mostly bug fixes, plus sunrise/sunset time data fields.
Polar Vantage V and Vantage M Firmware Update: Lots of bug fixes, including some focused on optical HR.
Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!
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Typo point 4…should be say
” Plus, it’s accessible and I’ve historically found Performance shops far more welcoming to those newer to the sport”
This is such an important aspect that it should be repeated. I started “cycling” in 2000. I found that most cyclists and LBS were such jerks. Like if I didn’t know something they wouldn’t even talk to me. Even today the general cycling crowd are such jerks, of course not everyone. Arrogance is probably a better term than jerk. Which is laughable because 99.999999999% of cyclists on the road will never become professionals.
Luckily for me, I worked with a 50 year old long time cyclist that was the most amazing person. He would run group rides and teach people the basics of cycling, draft lines, on your left, etc. He would always wait for those who were getting left behind. He always road dated cycling equipment, and would freely teach anyone bike maintenance at any time. He was so fast he would easily destroy the “beach drive wannabes”. I know you know the type Ray.
Sadly, there are fewer people like him and more of the arrogant type. But at least he created a few disciples and we are trying to continue his mission of expanding the cycling community.
My favorite memory was when he pulled nine of us beginners in a pace line by some “superfast” beach drive wannabe on his 10k $ pinnarello wearing his DC velo jersey.
My experience was exactly the opposite. The PB near me tried to sell me an end of line, previous year’s model almost as soon as I walked through the door – no questions about experience, type of cycling I was planning to do, bugdget etc. OTOH my LBS spent over an hour with me asking basic questions, explaining the differences between bikes etc. Then they suggested I go away and think about it – no hard sell, no pressure. A week later I bought a hybrid from them and 8 years on, I’ve alsonbought a road bike and mountain bike from them. More importantly, I send anyone who asks me about where to buy a bike, to them- at least 10 sales. They do all my servicing and I’m happy to do business with them.
Garrison’s Cyclery, Centreville, Delaware –
Microsoft Band 2 had a UV sensor built in.
Actually Microsoft Band 1 had a UV sensor too.
Yeah they both sure did. I kind of miss the MS band.
Best offline Spotify gadget ( and only one?) I think is the mighty ( Simple, small and it just works.
And I’m just now catching up that Garmin has the Spotify option so ignore my comment……….time to go back to my cave
Sad to hear about Performance. I also purchased my first bike from them. They have had some of the best priced gear, including $99 bike racks and fluid trainers that are still serving me well years later. I agree with others that the sales people can be hit or miss, but as a high schooler on a tight budget, it was a great option for me.
HI There, Great work as alway. Any idea if the Garmin update will come to the Edge 520?
I haven’t heard anything there. My suspicion would be not, since there was a few other random firmware update type things that Garmin decided the Edge 520 wouldn’t get but that the Edge 520 Plus would. :-/
Connect IQ is also worse on the 520 as it hasn’t been updated and is much more memory limited. My guess is the hardware is very different under both and the 520 is too limited
It’s interesting to look at how Hammerhead are coming along. They do seem to have got their act together.
Now my watch (FR 235… sans music) opens Spotify every time it reconnects via Bluetooth. Magic, I guess.
I had no idea Performance Bike had retail shops.
I thought they were only an online store. They, and Nashbar always seem to be price-leaders on the basic stuff. I’m not aware of any other online presence that comes close.
The great thing about Performance was that they stock parts. I’ve found it quite rare that LBS stock replacement components.
I found the comment on the IV sensor (point 9 ) very interesting specially living in brazil with very hig sun and UV ,
@Dcrainmaker do you think an integration of the data with TrainingPeaks or any other app could be possible ? Or as you menationed integration with Garmin would be even better…
Definitely possible.
Though, Training Peaks specifically doesn’t really seem super interested in making any of these metrics widespread. They’ve had lots of opportunity on various running dynamics metrics for example – but nothings happened there.
Do you have a Rylo Cam in-depth review coming? I am trying to decide between the Rylo and the Insta360 one-x and would love you sage wisdom via a review :)