The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter and Facebook, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! Posts in the Past Week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this past week:
Monday: Week in Review: June 4th, 2018
Monday: SIGMA ROX 12.0 Sport Cycling GPS In-Depth Review
Tuesday: 5 Random Things I Did This Weekend
Tuesday: Hands-on: The New Suunto 9 Multisport GPS Watch
Sports Tech Deals:
Here’s what’s currently still chugging along on sale:
There are no deals currently.
Enjoy, and thanks for helping support the site, even if it’s just buying toilet paper using the Amazon link on the sidebar.
YouTube Videos I Made This Week:
Here’s what hit the tubes over on the You of Tube, definitely don’t forget to subscribe there to get notified of videos the second they hit!

Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet.
1) Yup, the most awesome thing you’ll see this weekend: No explanation needed.
2) A complete listing of 50 new Apple Watch features: It is pretty impressive, no doubt about it. The rolling last-mile pace averaging is also particularly interesting, though, I’d prefer to see a variable time parameter instead (just like power meter smoothing), to perhaps show the pace average for the last 30-seconds or 60-seconds. Timex had this way back in the day, but mind-bogglingly nobody else has ever implemented it.

3) Hot Wheels makes a GoPro car mount: Pretty sweet, and it only costs $1! Oddly though, it’s for the Hero Session lineup (cube camera), which has since been discontinued. (via Graham)

4) Apple Watch blood pressure monitor patent: I’d say this falls in line with the numerous small advancements by historically non-medical companies towards offering medical certified wearables. Fitbit has done this, and expect others soon as well.
5) Class action lawsuit claims all Apple Watches are defective: Seems like a bit of a stretch. Also, apparently this was the week of Apple Watch news (not surprising given Apple’s annual WWDC developer conference).
6) Uber may look to acquire Citi Bike: Will be interesting to see what comes of this. Partially for Citi Bike, but also for other ride share programs nationwide (and beyond).
7) Some good thoughts on brand ambassadorship: Worth a thought, especially if you’re looking to try and cultivate such a relationship (from either side of the transaction).
Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one-liners are perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good? Oh – and if you want to get a head start on things, this page is a great resource for watching Garmin firmware updates.
All the Garmin’s! Seriously, hit the link above. Almost every recent Garmin device got a firmware update. Many are related to Physio True-Up, but some are actual new beta features like the Extended Display option (Edge 520 Plus).
Wahoo BOLT/ELEMNT Firmware Update: This fixes Assioma issues, as well as a few other things.
Thanks for reading!
Any updates on how the 520 Plus is working? Garmin emailed that they were “available” but the only reason I would upgrade is for the navigation (mostly rerouting).
In general, routing is better (much better than before but still slightly slow), and re-routing is still less than awesome.
Thanks for the reply. Would you guess that the hardware is capable for the promised routing (and rerouting) and is now dependent on software?
I think they can tweak slightly more, but overall the hardware is simply underpowered (which of course is largely a balance of unit size vs battery size).
Got it. Thanks again. Thumbs up emoji or whatever it is the kids are saying these days.
The Polar Beat v2.6 update now includes all the previous paid upgrades when connected to a Polar sensor: “Your Polar Bluetooth heart rate sensor is now your all-access pass to Polar Beat’s premium features: Fitness Test, Running Index, EnergyPointer and Benefit Target!”
Curious how this changes the app as a recommendation or even their services. Do other HRT Straps enable those special features?
I know ypu can’t say either way but I’m hoping your silence on the 5 plus news all over the web means you have one under NDA and a preview/review will be avail soon after release. News so far looks really exciting..if pricey.
I guess the Fenix 5 Sale is an attempt to shift stock before the launch of the 5 Plus. A worthy upgrade or wait for the 6? Personally very happy with the 5x and can live without the features touted for the 5 Plus, especially as the underlying infrastructure is still immature. Music – limited options. Garmin Pay – limited banks. Or is this just all rumour?
The all F5 plus models will come with topo maps (according to the rumors) got me excited. The 5x was a bit too big and pricey, but a 5 or 5s with the same features (mapping / navigation wise) would seem nice to me. But I guess Ray will give his in depth / sneak preview once he is allowed to do so. (looking forward to it ray)
Keep in mind that WAHOO was supposed to announce their “Rival” watch on May 25th. If it was going to be a higher end watch to ‘rival’ Garmin, I would think Garmin would want to sell as many units as they could ahead of time for those on the fence. Selling a unit for $100 off instead of not-at-all makes sense to me.
I was one of those waiting for a competitor (with ant+) and ended up buying the Fenix 5 after it was announced the Rival was being delayed a few months.
Firmware updates for all the Garmin’s, except the 1000.
It’s seems to they have finally given up on it to encourage users to get the 1030.
Perhaps, or, perhaps an update hasn’t come out for it yet. The most recent firmware update was only 3 months ago.
And, it is now 4 years old, which is fairly impressive to still be receiving functionality/feature updates.
Not complaining with Garmin. The problem is that I can’t see a reason to get a new bike computer. After 4 years my Garmin 1000 is still a solid device, no electronic or physical issues, battery can still do 8 hours with navigation on, no features I miss. I think Garmin made a too good and long lasting device actually. It will be hard to convince users to shell out money for something that doesn’t add too much.
ray, now that extended display is out, could you write a short article about it?
Yup, definitely!
It’s all about a new 2.4 GHz antenna, so WiFi, Bluetooth and ANT+ play nice.
Garmin rumours always seem to be pretty wild and fall short of reality. I don’t think you’re going to see a 5+ with topographic maps, for example. That’s the job of the 5X.
The addition of Galileo and Garmin Pay; more likely.
So it looks like the Fenix 3hr won’t get the true up, but my edge 820 will, which means that my bike computer (purchased at the same time the fenix 3hr was being sold as new) is now a better source for my daily activities than my watch. I’m sure this makes sense to someone at garmin
@Ray #DCRainmaker
I wanted to ask you which of these 2 Garmin watches will you recommend:
Fenix 5X $549.99 USD
Forerunner 935 $499.99 USD
Main use will be for running, training for half ironman and eventually training and doing my firs ironman 2 years down the road…
Your reply is greatly appreciated.
@Bledar – I am not Ray but here goes:
Think of the F935 as a plastic (read: lighter) version of the Fenix 5. They are identical in terms of functionality and based on your requirements either will work fine. The Fenix 5X has maps and that is the only difference I can recall. You can use Ray’s Product Comparison Tool too.
My opinion: Go with the 935 and pocket the change.
I got 935 for one simple reason, it is light weight while full functions.
Fenix 5S weight less (still heavier), but it has less battery life as well.
I had the same question. Thanks for the unsolicited clarifications.
Has anyone had any issues with the new 935 or Fenix 5 software 9.10? My 935 sends workouts to Garmin Connect but won’t send any other data, e.g. HR data, steps, sleep, training status
Garmin 520 is still on sale for $199 USD at REI.
link to
Any news on upcoming release on Garmin Fenix 5 Plus range? I assume this is the reason for the sale price’s of the current Fenix 5.
There are plenty of rumors out there but I only like to rely on solid sources such as yourself.
I was about to plunge on a 5x but may wait a bit longer now….