Tuesday Tech Tidbit: Wahoo sprouts ELEMNT BOLT in Red & Yellow

Today was supposed to be ‘Tuesday Tech Tidbits’ – note the plural aspect within ‘Tidbits’. Unfortunately, 7 minutes before this post was set to go live I got note that the other tidbit jumped ship. Like a Tim Horton’s donut hole rolling off the table, no longer a member of the party.  So I pulled that half of this post and stuck that back in the fridge.

As such, you only get one tidbit. Sorry ’bout that. The other tidbit was more new tech feature focused, not an entirely new device.  In any case, let’s talk details about the one tidbit we do have.

Red Wahoo BOLT, and some other color:

Got a red bike? You’re now in luck. Wahoo’s got an ELEMNT BOLT that now matches it.  They’ve taken the existing ELEMNT BOLT and added one part color, and zero part new features to create this new edition.  Thus Wahoo has now joined the long list of sports tech companies that introduce new color variants to drive interest after the initial pop has tapered.  Both Polar and Garmin (as well as Apple) are well versed in this rhyme, and now comes Wahoo’s turn.

Because I have a black and red bike, the new BOLT actually does look pretty solid.  Especially when the light is right (as it was very much not when I tried to take these pictures).

In addition to the red unit, they also introduced some other color.  Perhaps it’s plain yellow, or perhaps it’s neon yellow.  I don’t know – I honestly don’t want to know.  All I do know though is that out of all the colors of the rainbow, they somehow landed on this particular hue.  A hue which is almost never seen on any two-wheeled pedal-powered transport device.  Still, Wahoo persisted, and this is what came of it:


Actually, to be fair, I did recently see a somewhat similar shade on a vehicle in our neighborhood.  Oh, and it had a banana atop it:

Still, given Wahoo reinvented the cycling trainer landscape, as well as has significantly challenged Garmin in the cycling computer market, perhaps they know something the rest of us don’t with respect to that other non-red color. Pioneers in head unit pigmentation just maybe.

Either way, the unit starts shipping today from all the usual suspects, and is the same price as the previous unit ($249).  Oh, and technically they’re ‘Limited Edition’, which is the usual marketing speak for ‘please buy these now because we want your money’.

With that, go about enjoying your Tuesday, and hopefully the other tidbit of news from another company will be ready for announcement soon!


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  1. Not Hulk Hogan

    Hulk Hogan is all about the red and yellow…. brother!

  2. Dave Lusty

    That vehicle looks like TdF winner yellow to me. The Wahoo on the other hand looks like “Amp Yellow” from Garmin – the least bright, least exciting shade of yellow available.

    Did you buy a new saddle for this? It doesn’t look used at all!

  3. Sam

    and me i thought the news was about a new wahoo fitness watch. new colours is humm news too I guess

  4. Marcelo Bezerra

    TdF, Vuelta tie in?

  5. SMS

    Wahoos 2018 pre-Eurobike release new colours
    doesn’t sound too promising for the show
    .. going to axe my hopes for a new bolt

  6. Ryan Reeves

    If I was a Wahoo user, not, the yellow would seem to match accents on my Giant Propel.

    • Dan G

      Boardman bikes, certainly the older ones, have yellow highlights too. Wahoo clearly aiming for the niches (or, as Marcelo noted, a nice marketing opportunity if any pro team using their head units gets the leader’s jersey in the upcoming Grand Tours).

  7. Brian

    Any possibility of an updated Bolt coming out soon? Eurobike?

  8. Anton Peterson

    That yellow looks similar to one of the colours that Rose bikes use.

  9. Sam

    I see in the address that the other thing was Garmin rem sleep data…

    How is rem sleep tracking different than what they already do?

  10. DS

    The color is “Salbutamol,” which is supposed to be a big deal at the Tour this season.

  11. Stefan

    That black/yellow would perfectly match my Simplon Mr. T2! Too bad I already have one…

  12. Geoffrey

    Wait a LE Bolt and no Wahoo in blue…….BOOOOOOO!! I say this for two reasons…..everything else has some of that blue and also….that blue matches my bike…yes I said it…..I want the blue….Wahoo…I know you see this…make it in blue….you want make it in blue …trust me….Wahoo? Are you there? :P

  13. David Rosenthal

    Weird shade of yellow, blue and red would be a good neutral choice for most bikes/kits/whatever. I mean I guess this is convienient if you happen to be winning the GC competition for the Tour or the Critérium de Dauphine.

  14. Ron

    To enshrine myself into the permanent derision mode of DCR readers, I’ll admit that I like the yellow. It goes with my don’t-hit-me bright yellow helmet & over-the-calf socks.

    • I really like the red one. I have a red/black/yellow (Saeco) bike. It sure would look nice.
      People do care for looks. Helmets, socks, shirts, wheels, bar tape, you name it. Looks are important and it is all in the details. So it is good to have a choice color-wise. Especially if you consider the amounts of money some spend on bikes and stuff.

  15. Milton

    Ray, I don’t know if there is a better place to ask, but this is your most recent biking unit post. Will you be doing another Best Bike Computer post like last summer? A lot has happened since your last review (Edge 1030, Hammerhead Karoo, Edge 520 Plus, ROX 12.0, etc.). I’m in the market and have been putting off buying one. I’d really like to get your thoughts on the current state of the market.

    • Yup, 100% definitely! Started working on it a bit. I might wait till Eurobike, I might not. Probably will, just because there’s so much to do before then.

  16. Antti

    Give a chance to yellow :) this wahoo still suits in my old Pinarello.

  17. When arrive to Spain??

  18. Richard S

    I will jump on the Wahoo headunits when they are in couloir and higher resolution, sorry maybe I’m superficial!

  19. Oswaldo Asprino

    Was I the only one that noticed the Tim horton’s reference?
    I wonder where that came from? Are you a fellow Canadian?

  20. Arne

    Now i remember where i knew that yellow from :)

  21. DLS

    Has anyone else had mounting issues with the new color Bolts? See the gap that opens up.

  22. Alberto

    Muy buenas , pues yo tengo una Connor WRC BLANCA , AMARILLA Y UN POQUITO DE NEGRO.
    Quisiera comprarme un hospital, tengo el Garmin 1000 y no quiero saber nada de Garmin, cuál me recomendais??

  23. Alberto

    Muy buenas , pues yo tengo una Connor WRC BLANCA , AMARILLA Y UN POQUITO DE NEGRO.
    Quisiera comprarme un GPS, tengo el Garmin 1000 y no quiero saber nada de Garmin, cuál me recomendais??