Week in Review–May 13th, 2018

The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter and Facebook, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!

So with that, let’s get into the action!

DCRAINMAKER.com Posts in the Past Week:

Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of DCRainmaker.com this past week:

Sunday: Week in Review – May 6th, 2018
Monday: Tech Tidbits: Withings becomes Withings again, Favero’s Assioma 1% Update, AIRhub Core, and FirstBeat HRV Summit
Wednesday: TrainerRoad now pulls in outside rides, adds training log and load analysis
Thursday: Fitbit Versa In-Depth Review

Sports Tech Deals This Week:

There’s a smattering of sports tech deals out there right now, here’s what’s cookin’:

ProductSale PriceAmazonOther siteSale Notes
Garmin Varia Radar (RTL515) - $50 off$149This is Garmin's standalone radar+taillight option, and $149 is pretty much the standard sale-price.

Also, I’d highly encourage you to check back in tomorrow (wouldn’t impact any of the three above items though). Just sayin’.

YouTube Videos I Made This Week:

Here’s what hit the tubes over on the You of Tube, definitely don’t forget to subscribe there to get notified of videos the second they hit!

A user of the DCR Analyzer? Here’s a nifty tutorial I put together.  Not a user of the DCR Analyzer? Then here’s what it’s all about. It’s actually been out for anyone to use for almost 18 months now! Crazy!

Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:

Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet.

1) A Google-branded ‘Android Wear’ (Wear OS) device on the horizon? Perhaps, but then again, we’ve also seen these rumors numerous times over the years.  Still, I do agree with the concept here. As I said in one of my recent keynotes – Android Wear/Wear OS won’t gain meaningful market share (or app resources) until there’s specifically a ‘Google Pixel watch’, or something with Google-specific branding. It’s as simple as that.

2) GoldenCheetah Open Data program now hits over 140,000 workouts to analyze: Super cool project, and can’t wait to see this become part of non-developer builds.

3) GoPro Snow: Jesper Tjäder’s Forest 2 – Return to Åre! Once again, always awesome to watch Jesper ski, but more interesting to me in this video is how little (virtually none) post-production appears to have been done in terms of editing color/clarity/etc… It’s normal for his videos to be a single take, but it doesn’t appear there’s much more in the way of video work here aside from just pressing upload and briefly shifting into slow-mo in some sections.

4) Pre-teens apparently buy $500 swimming tech suits: Woah, the fact that this is a thing for 7-year-olds is nuts. I totally agree with the planned ban.

5) SportTracks Connect IQ Developer Fields: Really cool to see them add support for this, gives folks so much flexibility in analysis of files.  Read up their whole thing on all the uses for this, but it includes analysis of sensor data like Stryd, RunScribe, and more.

6) A whole lot of cycling apps to consider: A pretty comprehensive pile of apps to consider from the folk at Road.CC. Worth of a browse to see if something fits your needs.

7) An Open Letter About Female Coaches In the NBA: Yes, just yes.

8) 2.1KM bike tunnel opens up located inside a sewage tunnel. That’s kinda cool, looks very fancy too!

Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:

Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one-liners are perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good?  Oh – and if you want to get a head start on things, this page is a great resource for watching Garmin firmware updates.

Garmin Vivofit Jr. 2 Firmware Update: A smattering of tweaks, many to do with Toe-to-Toe challenge

Garmin Vivofit 4 Firmware Update: Inclusive of Toe-to-Toe challenge tweaks, and a few more for good measure

Garmin Edge 1030 BETA firmware update: One minor bug fix

Garmin Edge Explore 820 Firmware update: A large number of new features added.

That’s it for firmware updates! Apparently all the engineers were out enjoying the weather last week instead!

With that – thanks for reading!

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  1. sabeard

    Garmin also released the FR935 beta version 8.99 on Friday. It is listed on the device page, but has not been posted in the Forum or on the other typical FW listings yet. This brings the 935 in line with the F5 series.

  2. Mark U

    Interesting apps on #6. One I did not see on their list or find on your site is “Epic Ride Weather”. Link it to your routing software account (RWGPS, Strava, etc), select a route, give it a start date & time and average overall speed and it gives weather along the entire route based on when you should be cycling through. Including wind direction and speed. I have found this useful on shorter loops of only a few hours as the winds tend to change direction a fair amount in my area so I know whether I’m better off going clockwise or counter-clockwise. Even more helpful when trying to figure out what to wear and pack for 400 & 600k brevets.

  3. Calibrated

    I can only imagine what the bottom of Jesper’s skis look like.

  4. Eli

    Qualcomm finally releasing a new SoC for watches is probably even bigger news in some ways. The last update they made was 2 years ago and wasn’t very good when it was new which greatly held back the market. link to arstechnica.com