One Tiny Little Random Thing This Weekend


Normally on my ‘5 Random Things’ posts after each weekend I highlight a blend of tech gadgets that may have gotten unboxed, initial trials with new gizmos, and just random life things.  These things are generally about living in Paris, but they also follow wherever I and the rest of the family happens to be in the world.

This weekend – there were no sport tech gadgets unboxed.  Nor any workouts for me.  Instead, we unboxed one tiny little thing: P2.

[Editors Note: No unboxing photos or video was shot for this product.]

P2 being the nickname for The Peanut 2, who arrived Saturday evening:


She’s happy and healthy!  And Mom is doing really well, since releasing her second product!

Like her sister, she was born in Paris, but won’t get Baguette and Beret citizenship anytime soon.  Instead, she’ll soon gather both American and Canadian citizenship once we get her taken to the passport photo place.  And if we’re here long enough, she can eventually pick up her French credentials.  But if nothing else, she’ll always have a birth certificate that says Paris.

Meanwhile, the original Peanut is curious about her but very gentle.  Lucy (the dog) is also curiously gentle while sniffing.

DSC_5376 DSC_5290

Of course, this being our second product tester brought on-board, we’re expecting big things from her.  And thus far she’s tested out precisely one thing: The weight scale. Given she didn’t poop or cry on it (her only rating system), I’d say it must be a success!  Note though that the two girls do occasionally offer differing test opinions.  P1 very much dislikes the weight scale, and will frequently attempt to rid it.  Same goes for the HR-monitoring sock thingy which she despised. So it’s possible reviews could get complicated with differing opinions!

We’ll have to see whether P2 enjoys sports as much as P1 does.  P1 is a fan of the running stroller, as well as riding with me on the bike.  As soon as P2 is big enough, I’ll be taking her around town as well!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

(P.S.: The Girl recently updated our large list of mom/baby/kids gear that we’ve been using over the last year. A lot of you have asked, so we put it in one handy place!)


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  1. screwdriver


  2. Anton Peterson

    Quote of the day: Mum is doing well since realising her second product. Genius! Congratulations on a healthy new born..

  3. Ken

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!

  4. Harald

    congratulations and all the best!

  5. JB

    Congratulations! For sure it will get much more busy! Enjoy as much as you can!

  6. Mike Pisauro


  7. Colleen

    Congratulations on your lovely and growing family

  8. Andre

    Congratulations and all the best for the family!

  9. Pierre

    Big congrats!!

  10. Anon

    Congrats!! That second photo in particular is adorable.

  11. Elliot


  12. Paul S.

    Congratulations! You’re seriously outnumbered now.

  13. David Chang

    Congrats! Adorable little peanuts!

  14. Gilles Levesque

    Congratulations on the recent expansion! Hope everybody is doing well.

  15. Garry Curley

    Congratulations all :)

  16. Rob

    Awww, P2 certainly looks happy. Congrats.

  17. Daniele


  18. Nemo

    Congratulations to the whole family. The pics are adorable. Thank you for sharing this special moment with us.

  19. Tomasz

    Congrats!! :))

  20. Daniela S.

    Congratulations! The little ones are adorable together. :)

  21. Ryan

    Congrats – hope you all are getting some well-deserved rest!

  22. Sam

    Woo finally powertap releasing the second version of their pedal based powermeter!! ah oops sorry that’s going to be another post ;) Congrats to the family ray!!

  23. Tim Stevens

    Congratulations on the new addition!

  24. Troels Jakobsen


  25. Brett

    Beautiful little girl. Congrats to the family!

  26. Gonçalo

    I can’t find the product comparison table… nope, not this time! Congrats to you, The Girl, P1 and L. All the best!

  27. Boris Cinkler

    Congratulations! Babies are adorable!

  28. Katie M.


  29. gingerneil

    She looks gorgeous! Congrats to you all. x

  30. nachovica

    But let me tell you a secret:
    we all were laid at school when the teacher told us that 1+1=2…

  31. John Kissane

    Congratulations, best wishes!

  32. eric

    Congratulations Bobbi and Ray, that’s great news!

  33. Michael Harman


  34. Jaime Barajas

    Congratulations !!!

  35. Congratulations!
    All the best to mom and child :)

  36. TimRules


  37. She’s a super cutie! ?

  38. Taff Tanner

    Great upgrade! Congratulations!

  39. Bikeman

    Congrats to you and the girl and especially to all the grand parents. Celebrations on two continents & two oceans.

  40. Patrick

    Congratulations !!! :D

    Regards from Denmark,

  41. Chris

    Conrats to The Girl and you…double-wide vs tandem testing coming??

  42. Ken


  43. Geoffrey

    Wooohooo fantastic and congratulations on the new addition….YEAH…..:)))))))))

  44. Chris Yeung


  45. David Tucker


  46. likepend1

    congratulations!! and all the best!

  47. Scott

    congratulations! one of your best posts

  48. Jean-Christophe

    Congratulations to the Girl and to you ;) Enjoy.

  49. Olly

    Congrats and all the best for P2 and the rest of her family ;-)

  50. Federico

    Congratulations Ray!!!!

  51. Vincent Chang


  52. Doug

    Great news Ray & family. Congratulations!

  53. John

    CONGRATS! Best to everyone

  54. Frank Bauer

    Congratulations – very cute pictures, all the best for the five of you!

  55. David

    Congrats!! Virtual cigars to you.

  56. Long Run Nick

    Fantastic. Good health to all. Enjoy, they grow up quicker than you think.

  57. Mark Cohen

    Mazel Tov!!!

  58. Armando Serafini

    Congratulations to you and your wife. Glad everyone is doing well. You are definitely out-numbered concerning gender, but now have twice the opportunity to enjoy & spoil your daughters.

  59. Shmuel Raviv

    Enjoy P2

  60. the5krunner

    I was going to make some obscure Cervelo-based reference to P1 and P2 but thought it easier to say:


  61. Thomas

    Love it – BIG congrats.

    And while this might sound a bit oldish; remember to enjoy! They grow old just so fast :-)

  62. DS

    Deux bonheurs! (That’s Sino-Francais for you.) Congratulations on v2.0 !

  63. Jac

    Congratulations to all of you!

  64. Thomas Clement

    Welcome to the new one !!! Enjoy this time together… Power meter reviews can wait for sure lol

  65. Diego

    My best wishes. /\

  66. Zsolt

    Congrat and wish to have great test results in P2’s whole lifecycle:
    – accurate, happiness-related HR data,
    – never-lost geoposition,
    – always renewable design,
    – 3rd party compatibility on the market (so-called society).

    And obviously lot of joy for the previous modell P1 and for the product-Makers.

  67. Felipe Payet

    Congratulations to the Maker family! She’s beautiful.

  68. Bamboo

    Congratulations to all of you!

  69. Gonzalo


    Felicitaciones! All the best

  70. Doron leibovitz

    Congratulation מזל טוב

  71. Ian S

    Congrats to you guys! Pictures look gorgeous, all the best to you all

  72. Zlokroshka

    Congratulations to all of you! Looks like there will be a whole pack of Peanuts in your family :)

  73. James

    Congrats guys, she’s proper cute! We’ll expect lots of black bags under eyes in pictures from now on then ;)

  74. Mark Liversedge

    Congratulations to you and your growing family.

    Get ready to be poor ! :)


  75. Ales

    Congratulations and all the best.


  76. Félicitations pour la naissance de votre petite fille !

  77. Todd T

    Congrats and thanks for sharing!!!

  78. Ken Clark

    Congratulations Ray & The Girl.
    P2 is a cutie.

  79. “[Editors Note: No unboxing photos or video was shot for this product.]”

    I am sure the Girl appreciates this. Congrats.

  80. Mario A Lira Junior

    Congrats Mom, Peanut 1 and Dad (get used to the order)

  81. Atesz


  82. Congrats Ray!!! To you, the girl, the little P1 and Lucy!!!

  83. Vickie

    Huge congratulations on the new P2 launch! She’s beautiful!

  84. Great review. Everything according to specs. No manual needed !

  85. Edward Ng

    Congratulations on P2!!! We’re expecting our first child in March, and were thinking about the Owlet HRM sock that you guys mentioned elsewhere before–is that the same sock that P1 disliked that doesn’t bother P2? Would you recommend the Owlet?

    Thanks again!!!


  86. Joshua

    Congrats to you and the girl(s)…so many girls now!

  87. Huan Le

    Congrats! Beautiful family!

  88. Joshua McLaughlin

    Love it! Congratulations on the new addition to your happy family.

  89. Mario


    Bienvenue à la petite

  90. Pete


  91. PAUL W

    Amazing news – it’s fantastic that everybody is healthy. She looks like another keeper.

  92. Robin


  93. Dr. D

    Ray & Bobby – Congrats on the addition of P2. Enjoy and be blessed.

  94. Paul in Kirkland

    As a fellow ex-Microsoftie, I’m happy to see that it didn’t take until Version 3.0 to get it right :)

    Congrats from Kirkland!

  95. Vic


  96. Paul Elkington

    Congrats all, what a lovely baby smile.

  97. Roy de Wild

    Congratulations!!! and good luck, you are even more outnumbered now #ladiesladies

  98. ReHMn

    Congratulations, Ray the PrincessMaker!

  99. Max

    All the best!!

  100. Radek


  101. Simone Pillon

    Congratulations! A warm welcome to the second Peanut. :)

  102. Jorge Gonzalez

    Congratulations to the family. She looks very cute and happy. I wish you all the best and many many years of happiness around your adorable peanuts!

  103. giorgitd

    Outstanding, congrats! Glad to know that everyone is well. She’s adorable!

  104. Awesome! Congrats Ray

  105. joaking


  106. J. Gramm

    Awesome but does she measure HR reliably? How about her positioning accuracy, it is a critical stat.

  107. flarunner

    Congratulations! She’s adorable, as is P1 and the rest of your family.

  108. Dan

    Congratulations from Canada and all the best for the family.

  109. Domingos Baia


  110. Vincent

    Congrats! Hope she will become French one day?

  111. Ricardo


  112. Stash Rudolf


  113. Peter Speight

    Congratulations on the addition to your family!

  114. william linder

    Congratulations !

  115. shailendra


  116. Henrik Forsell

    Congratulations! ♥

  117. Oscar P

    Congratulations from Canada! Beautiful P2!

  118. Mark Kline

    Congratulations to all of you. Wishing you all the best.

  119. Karim

    That is FANTASTIC NEWs, congrats to you and the Girl…!

  120. Bachulator

    Congrats to whole Maker family! Soon enough style point will become a thing for all sport gadgets ?

  121. Leendert

    Congratulations :-)

  122. Stephen Fitzgerald

    Congrats. She looks beautiful.

  123. Zum

    Hi Ray,

    Congrats to the Girl and you on the addition to your family. May P2 be healthy and happy!!

  124. Remco Verdoold


  125. David

    Congratulations! I assume you are NOT following your standard behavior and therefore will not be returning the product after evaluation?

  126. Keith

    Great news – congratulations.

    PS love this:

    [Editors Note: No unboxing photos or video was shot for this product.]


  127. Kevin Sheasgreen

    Congratulations Ray!

  128. Joe


    Was surprised to see, that P2 was “unboxed” exact 4Y (and some 9 hours, to pe precise) after my junior was!

    But where are the product specs and the comparison charts to previous models ;-)

    Have fun, all of you!

  129. Jason

    Congrats to the whole family

  130. fisao

    félicitations à vous deux! nos meilleurs souhaits de Toulouse.

  131. Wim Boonstra

    Dear Ray, The Girl and Peanut,

    Congratulations on your family expansion :)

    Enjoy and we shall happily endure without some posts for a while.


    For the record; this should become the most commented post ever.

  132. Oren

    Great news! Congratulations!
    So where are the detailed HR graphs from this activity? (Come on… we know you have them ;p)

  133. EB

    Congratulations Ray.

  134. Emma


  135. Lisa

    Ecstatic congratulations!

  136. Michael S.

    Happy times for the whole family :-)

  137. Lee Crofton Douthitt

    Congrats Ray and DCRG and fam!

  138. Bsquared


  139. Gilberto Baisch

    Congrats! Enjoy those treasure moments… they tend to grow up very quickly…

  140. John K

    Congratulations! You’ll have to switch to a man-to man-defense now…

  141. Kevin Conover

    Great news! But you are sooooo outnumbered!

  142. Maxbre

    Many many congratulations to all the family…

  143. Ritchie

    Congratulations and all the best for your family!

  144. Charles Z.

    Congrats, beautiful little girl and product tester you have.

  145. Jared


    Although, your daddy brain is already kicking in. No specs on the new product?! Hopefully some sleep *laughing* will help resolve the daddy brain issue.

    Enjoy those little ones!

  146. David


  147. Peter Poulsen

    Congrats :-)

  148. Ihsan


  149. I’m looking forward to the girl’s comment on this blog post in the next newsletter. Congratulations, Ray.

  150. John


  151. Mike Richie

    I realize it is probably gas, but that girl is very pleased with her self. You have two beautiful kids! Congratulations!

  152. Jesper

    3,580kg! That’s not a “little thing”. Well done. And congrats to the 3 of you.

  153. PascalDG

    Congratulations !

  154. hdb

    Congratulations! I hope you and the Peanut (P1) spoil the Girl rotten since she’s done all the hard work ;-)

  155. Tom S

    congratulations, hope you and the family are doing great.


  156. Paco

    All the best for all the family enjoy.

  157. Charlie Lao

    congratulation Ray!

  158. John P.

    Congrats! You can still play man-to-man defense. Next time it’s zone! Good luck!

  159. Jody

    Congratulations and all the best to mom and the new baby!

  160. Congratulations Ray! Great news.

  161. Mike

    Congratulations! That’s absolutely wonderful!

  162. johnny maher

    Congratulations. A lovely post to see on a sports tech blog. keeps it real!

  163. snailsloe

    Yippeeee. Being a parent is better than any other job.

  164. Will

    Congratulations Ray!

  165. Congrats to the family for the new addition! The photos are adorable!

  166. Jeff

    Congratulations to the 4 off you….

  167. Sharon


  168. Sergio Dantas


  169. Eduardo Guemez

    Congrats. Those are the really important moments. Cherish them all.

  170. Mike hensen

    Congratulations, you guys! Absolute best wishes

  171. bijak

    Congrats Ray and wifey! They say, the more the merrier!

  172. Jim C

    Congrats ray. You’re now playing man on man defense. Be careful, a P3 will require you to start playing zone and will change everything from the type of car you buy to the hotel room you can rent on vacation.

  173. jason.meador


  174. Alan E

    Congratulations Makers. These are the best of times.

  175. Adam W

    Love your work.

  176. Saad Mufti

    Reminds me of the classic Metallica song “And Nothing Else Matters” link to


  177. Husain


  178. Pascal

    Welcome or Bienvenue to P2, certainly the best 2017 DC Rainmaker news!
    Congratulations to the happy parent and P1!

  179. Stephen G

    Congratulations! Great post and love the humor, now try to get some sleep!

  180. Scott E

    Can’t wait until P1 and P2 start writing their news letters!

    Funville – All the best

  181. Karl

    Congrats to all.

    I suspect Ray will again (as with P1) abandon his usual strategy of sending back and then buying via retail. These one of a kind need to be treasured. :D

  182. Jerome

    Lovely new product! Congratulations to both of you and welcome on Earth little P2 :)

  183. Hannu

    Congrats :D

  184. giovanni

    Bravi! congratulazioni :)

  185. Volker

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

  186. Milkywaye

    Congrats from Haarlem, NL

  187. Martin Hauske

    congratulations!! all the best for your wife, P2, and P1:) hope daddy get’s a bit of sleep to continue with this great site.

  188. nick

    Congratulations with P2!

  189. Morpheus


  190. Ciprian Strejac

    Congratulations! P3?

  191. Stefan

    Congrats! Wel, done!