The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter and Facebook, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts in the past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this past week.
Sunday: Week in Review–October 16th, 2016
Monday: 5 Random Things From a Warm Fall Weekend
Tuesday: My 2016 ANT+ Symposium Keynote and Session Videos
Wednesday: Polar M600 Android Wear GPS Watch In-Depth Review
Thursday: The 3rd Annual DCR Cave Open House–December 10th, 2016!
DCR Podcast!
Here’s a handful of the topics discussed in this past week’s podcast:
– Behind the scenes discussion of my time at the ANT+ Symposium
– Why Strava & TrainingPeaks don’t want to show custom Garmin data…
– …and why Connect IQ can be risky for long term data normalization
– How both GoPro and DJI have fumbled their big new drones
– …and why GoPro and Amazon are in a bit of a pissing match
– Changing a tire without removing your wheel…or something
– Making Triathlon Great Again
– Whether or not SRAM RED eTAP can be foiled in a big race
– Latest and (not) greatest in motor doping
(Side note: YAY! Audio is happy again now!)
Listen to the full podcast here on the Podcast player, or just download the audio file from the same spot.
YouTube videos of note:
The YouTube’s be a flowin’! Here’s what I published this week that you may have missed:

Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet.
1) Is the American distance runner getting slower? An interesting perspective.
2) Cleaner way to get quick routes to your Garmin device for usage: Since Garmin still makes it a nightmare to actually create a route on the fly using your mobile phone and transfer it to your watch, dwMap has found a way to fill that gap. Cool new feature using Connect IQ.
3) Got Gear TV Show: No, this is not my TV show, though, it probably could be. But I do appreciate his appreciation for gear. But only one GPS watch? Gotta try harder… (via Randall)

4) A hoodie with a smartwatch hole: Well then, that’s fairly logical actually. Looks to be from some folks at Pebble, but should work on any smartwatch. (via Eric, CEO of Pebble)
5) Freakin’ lasers, I just want lasers! And this bike delivers on that. Plus, it runs Android. No joke. Mostly.
6) Bike lock that makes you puke if you try to cut it: For realz. How awesome is this idea? Though, do remember that Indiegogo is a far less trustable platform than Kickstarter. (via Marc)
7) Carbon fiber bike tire levers: Not too bad for $10 to be honest, I’d have expected them to cost more. (via Christopher & Ted)
8) Garmin bike GPS stem mount with a lot of flexibility: Kinda neat if you find none of the other on-market stem mount options work for your bike/config. The only downside is lack of action cam mount under it, like Barfly and others have.
Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one liners are perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good? Oh – and if you want to get a head start on things, this page is a great resource for watching Garmin firmware updates.
GoPro Hero5 Black Firmware Update: Adds Karma compatibility, tweaks to GoPro Plus.
GoPro Hero5 Session Firmware Update: Bug fixes.
Garmin Edge 520 Firmware Update: Minor new features.
Garmin Fenix3/Tactix Bravo/Quatix 3/Fenix3 HR BETA firmware update: Additional Connect IQ SDK compatibility, minor tweaks.
Polar V650 Firmware Update: Minor tweaks to the button functions, other small enhancements.
Thanks for reading all!
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Hope to see a Spartan Ultra review in the week ahead ;)
$10 will get you one carbon tire lever (the hooked one) on kickstarter. Most people would want a set of levers which is $20 on kickstarter or $25 retail.
Re: 4) A hoodie with a smartwatch hole:
A week ago I saw something like that in Decathlon in Lisbon. I think, that window could be very useful for someone with Optical HR watches.
Also, Decathlon has an interesting “KALENJI MEN’S KIPRUN HRM RUNNING T-SHIRT – BLACK” with HRM contacts, so you don’t need to wear HRM strap during the run; just attach your existing HRM on two buttons to this T-shirt. Moreover, Decathlon claims to be compatible with all sensors from the brands Géonaute, Kalenji, Polar and Garmin that have press-buttons.
How does the Tacx treadmill generate resistance? I only ask because, IIRC, the rolling resistance on a good pair of road tires is something in the neighborhood of 25-30watts at 25mph. Does the belt introduce significant hysteresis and therefore resistance into the system? Is the treadmill dependent on incline for resistance?
They seem to have two options. See the bar at the front? Looks like you could pedal against it so the belt can provide some resistance. (but may just be safety) The front legs make it seem like it could easily gain incline for resistance too
Hi Ray, interesting article on how running times have slowed down for most “neighborhood class” runners. Almost seems like with all the data now available at our fingertips from cadence/ vertical whatever, cadence, VO2 Max, accurate GPS, etc we are slower. Almost seems counter- intuitive. Times I ran in the 80’s and finishing 4-5 th in my age group now win some local races. Kind of sad. Maybe it is a case of too much information.
Keep,up the great work.I continue to,appreciate you.
Hi! I did the Update on my Garmin Edge 520 but now the device does not start any more! It freezes during the startup when the display shows the Garmin Logo. Anyone else having the same problem or an idea for a solution?
The FormMount now has GoPro capability! See updated posts
link to
I really think you should do a full post on dwMap, it’s a total game changer for me…