In Just 7 Days…


It’s that time of the year again.

No, not the start of the Tour de France (though, almost that too).

No, not the summer solstice (ok, that was last week).

Rather, it’s that time of the year for something far greater than all of those put together: The Annual DCR Giveaway Extravaganza.

Next Thursday (June 30th) starting at exactly 12:00AM US Eastern time (0600 CET/CEST) the pinnacle of sports technology giveaway awesomeness will commence…again.

Last year the numbers were massive – both in entrants as well as prizes.  Over $7,000 in gadgets were given away to people everywhere on this little blue marble (everyone is welcome).  And probably just about that much in shipping trainers globally.  Here’s a refresher set of posts for all the craziness that went down last year.  But as with every previous year, I aim to make it bigger and better.  Bigger prizes, worth more.  Cause as always, bigger is definitely better.  Though, I think my web hosting company hates bigger and better.

Like last year I’ll be giving something new away every 2 hours.  This means that every two hours a new giveaway starts and the previous one closes (i.e. 12:00AM, 2:00AM, etc…).  The entry period will only be open for two hours for each giveaway.  So be sure to plan your entire existence on Thursday around being able to enter during that two hour period for each giveaway.

If you aren’t sure how to convert your time zone to Eastern time, you can use this little tool to figure it out.  Though, it doesn’t really matter as long as you know what time to start in your country.

So if you need to barricade yourself in the bathroom with two 24-pack boxes of sport gels for 24 hours to ensure proper attention to entry periods, that’s totally acceptable. Just do what you need to do!

Cause yup…it’s gonna be awesome…again.

Note that the giveaways will be announced promptly on Twitter – so that may be easiest for those that are following along there!  And remember, all the prizes are sponsored by myself and Clever Training. No product companies involved here!


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  1. Jackson Cheng

    Looking forward to it!

  2. TR

    6:00 for people in GMT+2 (most of EU now) :P

    • Jason Raath

      THat’s awesome, I’m up at GMT +1 for this year’s draw, should allow me to be around for a few more posts this time.

  3. TriAbel

    Unfortunately there will be people exploiting the system again with proxies and automatised tools to make hundreds of fake comments while evading the filter settings I suspect :/

  4. Kevin D.

    It’s great that you do this Ray, I’m fortunate in having all the running kit I need so won’t be entering.
    Best of luck to you all.

  5. Oleg

    I am in!

  6. You’re spoiling us, Ray ;)

  7. lukian

    Like I’m sleeping enough already….
    But it’s my birthday in two days so five days after is stil acceptable to make me a gift Ray.
    I’ll get nothing again but this things are fun, definitely bigger is better( as the magnum of Belgian beer I’m heaving can confirm)

  8. Fred

    I am in!!!

  9. Mark Middleton

    I cant wait for this. This is a rare comptetion that feels i ACTUALLY have a chance of winning! So excited!

  10. Robin

    My daughter is headed off to her first year of college this fall, and we are trying to get the most out of the time left before she’s leaves our nest, but I will gladly ignore her for the 24 hour duration of this giveaway. Kids go to college all the time, but it’s not every day that you get the opportunity to win some awesome bike stuff.

  11. Tosin

    My newborn is training me for the middle of the night wake-up sessions, so I’m all prepped and ready to go.

    • Spencer Oswald

      Haha me too! My kid was born this past Sunday so I get up every two hours anyway as i am sure you are doing a well.

  12. marti038

    Can’t wait. Will it also end on Thursday or just keep rolling until you run out of stuff?

    Just curious exactly how much sleep I should plan to lose.

    • Milessio

      Not much sleep loss required:

      Go to sleep just after a two hour block starts. Wake up just under 4 hours later for ~5minutes, before going to sleep for another just under 4 hours.

    • It stays within the bounds of Thursday (US Eastern Time). So every 2 hours a new giveway opens, and the previous one closes.

    • Martin

      So the first price will be given away between 6 and 8 central european time, right?

  13. Casey Cook

    I am hoping Ray is giving one of these bad boys away!

    The Bitelli bike trainer :Hydraulic tilt, 65in screen and wind fans creating a fully immersive experience.

  14. Scott

    My family leave Scotland heading to Boston Massachusetts that day! Got to be a lucky sign there!

  15. Pedro

    What exactly will we need to do?

    • Every 2 hours (next Thursday) a new giveaway begins (and then closes 2 hours later). Like the usual giveaways you’ll merely leave a comment to win. Simple as that!

  16. Jeff T

    And how does one get entered for this?

  17. Adam W

    Yay yay yay! Thanks Ray!

  18. Os

    My mind boggles at all the great prizes I won’t win again this year. But hey, you can’t put a price on hope!

  19. trinoob

    Woo hoo! This is gonna be fun!

  20. Fabian

    Very nice. Saving the date

  21. Scott E

    I’m going for KOM status, so consider the bike gloves are off for the challenge!

  22. Mike Richie

    I’m catching up on my sleep, starting now!

  23. Bruce Burkhalter

    TIme to hack!

  24. Julien

    Oh dear… I’ll loose a day of my life again.

    … except if I win, what will be the case of course!!!!


  25. marex

    This is awesome! Thanks Ray!

  26. Ricky

    I’m feeling lucky =)

  27. Yuf

    Can’t wait…
    Hope it won’t be a problem with distance, I’m in Indonesia.

  28. Fatih K


  29. Rikus

    Ray will you be able to ship to South Africa

  30. Ana Rodrigues


  31. Jamie

    Dam I am flying to Crete and wont have net access!

  32. Andrew

    I’ve been thinking about upgrading my much loved Garmin 620 (Thanks Ray for the great reviews).
    So the event is perfect timing, and the postage is much cheaper to Germany, but I must resist taking advantage of the weak pound to shop.

  33. David

    So Ray, your note at the bottom says they will be announced promptly on Twitter… That means the winners will be announced on Twitter? I don’t have a Twitter account, do I need one to partake?

  34. Steve B

    Am I too late…again?

  35. Richard


  36. gingerneil

    Argh. I’m hoping to run a marathon on Thursday morning. Looks like I’ll have to carry my phone!

  37. Jason Raath

    This time I plan to win something…

  38. jessica c

    I cleared the whole day just to do this. This is going to be awesome thanks for sharing and wow thanks so much for the cool prizes. I’m really looking forward to this. Good Luck all..

  39. roufeail

    waiting for it

  40. MAGNUS

    Best time of the year!!!!

    Thanks in advance for all my goodies!

  41. John

    Ray, everytime I buy a gps watch or any other gadget, I’d first check your excellent reviews. Thanks man!

  42. Joao Fialho

    Looking forward to it! It’s going to be awesome!!!

  43. James Barnes

    Can’t win if you don’t try

  44. M Ogilby

    WHOOP WHOOP! Finish 1st July for a week’s leave. I’m sure I can cope in work with no sleep for one day!

  45. Kapral

    Very nice… i,m waiting

  46. Carmello Elie

    Hope I win … Reasonable Doubt

  47. Tyler Hope

    This is the most exciting thing to happen all year!

  48. fisao

    So many happy people thanks to Ray. That makes me happy too!

    Thank you very much in advance ! :bow:

  49. Young Chiu

    wowwow. Calendar Set!

  50. Philippe

    I hope I don’t win a Fenix3; already have that due to Ray’s excellent review!

  51. Chronomotor.

    EDT, EST, CET, CEST ??? Dude, what’s that in UTC?

  52. Johan beetge

    hey DC – will you be spreading the best stuff over the day or more heavily to the end as per usual.

    This day requires detailed planning you see.

  53. KL

    Bring on the gears! Thank you Ray!

  54. Anthony

    I’ve only heard about this, and am looking forward to being in the winner’s circle!!!

  55. My 910 is getting old (like me)

  56. I think it is totally legit to add in the giveaway a printed photo of Lucy in that push chair (and signed by Lucy of course)

  57. AlbertoN

    Go go go!!!!

  58. BartW

    Are there any other rules?
    like is it allowed for multiple persons in one family to enter? (we both want an Edge) or is it one per family?

    • One entry per person per giveaway. There are 12 giveaways during the day, so each person gets one entry per giveaway.


    • BartW

      Thanks, this means i don’t have any family discussions about who may enter which giveaway. And i don’t have to keep silent when i see something passing which i think we all want to have.

    • Darrell

      your mistake, that of informing others including family members of this contest, reduces all of our chances.

  59. Peter Davies

    Well this is awesome, I’ll try hard not to miss this ! (unlike every other year and other every giveaway to date….)!
    Thanks Ray!

  60. Dixie House

    Oh this looks like it’ll be exciting! :D

  61. Drew W

    WOOT! I can stay up for 24 hours straight to end up 0-for-everything again! haha

  62. David Dimston

    I’d follow your blog whether you gave away stuff or not. Really well written and my only source of independent, critical reviews. I’d love to see reviews on nutrition products

    • Thanks David!

      I think the challenge for me with nutrition products is it’s super-personal to a given body and how that body reacts.

      Heck, even me I’ll shift nutrition throughout the season as sometimes I just simply get sick of something to the point where even trying to down it will have me throwing up on a hard workout. :-/

    • David D.

      I understand, its just hard to get unbiased (un-sponsored) reviews of what works. I have a jar full of bars and gels that were inedible or ineffective. Its bad when even wild animals won’t eat the stuff!

  63. Roman V

    Today I ran 10k trial in forest.
    I hope it will be under 30°C.

  64. 8

    So cool !
    Maybe better luck this time. ..

  65. Henry

    Hello Ray, i have a question about the entry limit, me and mine co-workers are very athletic persons, sport gadgets are very in need :) so i wonder what are the entry rules – you allow to enter this lottery only 1 person – 1 ip address or 1 e-mail address? Or we should all comment from home computers, you forbid duplicate entries? Thanks

    • I primarily focus on a single e-mail address (first filter passes on that), however there’s some added logic that I run though if I see multiple people from the same IP and/or host that I’ll manually evaluate.

      I’ve seen in the past that most (attempted) cheating is fairly basic and easy to detect. No system is perfect, but this raises the difficulty bar.

  66. Michael H.

    Very excited! I referred your blog to a couple I met at a gas station last Saturday during my run. They asked how I came to the conclusion of buying the TomTom Cardio HR. Kinda wishing I would’ve NOT added two more potential competitors :) Good Luck to everybody! Thanks Ray for doing this!

  67. I view last year as practice now; this year I intend to win! :) (I hope I won’t be saying the same thing next year!)

  68. Greg Gray

    I can’t wait!

  69. Joel Padilla

    Awesome…looking forward to this.

  70. jez edwards

    Just can’t wait .I’m not very lucky but u never know this time maybe.

  71. Cat

    Yasssss! Alarms are set, clever entry comments are being thought and I’m ready to go!

  72. Dave Simonson

    Thanks Ray!

  73. David D.

    So how does this work, you post something “an item” someone responds to the post and the first response is the winner?

  74. Connedale

    Looking forward to it!

  75. Bill

    Just a practice comment for the real thing. Think I’m ready!

  76. Ryan

    Getting ready for this…

  77. Yuf

    let’s get ready for this!
    it’s a matter of minutes now…

  78. Martha Cantu


    I have been an on and off lurker and full time fan of your writing style for years.

  79. Walt Drill

    Prepping for game time…

  80. Jen Mandel

    How awesome! Im in

  81. Assaf Porat

    Fun Fun Fun – I’m in!

  82. Shaunak

    This is gonna be fun!!

  83. Ciprian Strejac

    I am in

  84. Jon Palle Hansen

    Great with some extra motivation for getting out there.

  85. Mary Owen

    Missed out last time good luck to everyone ???????

  86. vincenzo

    I hope it’s not too late

  87. Peter

    Oh yay – time to fun giveaways!

  88. Melissa Marowelli

    :sad face:
    I don’t Twitter, thus I don’t win.