The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter and Facebook, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts in the past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this past week.
Sunday: Week in Review–April 24th, 2016
Monday: 5 Random Things I Did This Weekend
Wednesday: AirDog Action Sports Drone In-Depth Review
Normal ebb and flow of posts. This past week was quieter than previous, as I spent a bunch of time preparing posts (both at home, and on the road) for upcoming releases. Good times ahead!
My YouTube Uploads of Note This Week:
Here’s a few of the videos that I uploaded the Tube of You this past week! Definitely swing over to the channel to subscribe, or hit up that like button.

DCR Podcast!
Ok, so the below episode is from last week, but I totally forgot to post it in last week’s ‘Week in Review’ post.
It was Ladies Night! So all the questions were from the women DCR Podcast fans. We also covered my trip to Sea Otter and the UCI Headquarters (or, at least a small bit of what I was doing there).
Listen to the full podcast here on the Podcast player, or just download it directly here.
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) Fitbit wins patent ruling vs Jawbone: I don’t have much to add here, other than it being notable. As I’ve said before, I often see lawsuits as a sign of desperation.
2) Timing cameras show Julie Miller cut Ironman course: I suppose she could also be Casper and thus invisible. But since Casper is friendly, it seems unlikely he’d cut a course.
3) Developer puts Windows 95 on Apple Watch: Well then. Your move, Garmin.

4) Nokia purchases Withings: As many know from my tweet earlier this week, I don’t see this as positive for consumers (or the company). Though, both parties are attempting to convince me otherwise. Here’s the thing: Nokia hasn’t recently been a company that makes consumer products (they mostly license out the brand name now for consumer products). I see a lot of parallels to Intel buying out Basis & Recon Instruments.
5) Redhook Crit Crashes: If you watch auto-racing for the crashes, then this post is for you. Like Caley, I also put this mostly in the category of ‘You get what you ask for riding without brakes outside’. The most pain moment is in the third video (Instagram), when a guy randomly crosses the screen and flips over a hay bail. (Via Caley Fretz)
6) The Trocaadero Fixie: For when you really want attention while riding down the street. (Via Robert W.)
7) In Paris next weekend? You’re in luck! The first of the monthly closures of the Champs-Élysées begins on May 8th, enabling you to bike/run/whatever the famed road. I’ve done this a few times in the past during one-off events, and it’s always a blast.
Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one liners is perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good? Oh – and if you want to get a head start on things, this page is a great resource for watching Garmin firmware updates.
Garmin Edge 1000 firmware update: Bug fixes.
Garmin Edge 520 firmware update: Bug fixes.
Garmin Vivofit2 Firmware update: Bug fix.
Garmin Varia Lights Firmware update: Minor feature change.
Garmin Fenix3/F3HR/Tactix Brava/Quatix 3 BETA firmware update: Bug fixes. Note, Fenix3 HR Beta firmware variant here.
So while lots of firmware updates, most were just minor bug fixes. Phew!
Thanks for reading all!
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I think you meant “hay bale” when describing the endo at the Redhook Crit.
one might say he bailed off the course :)
There is a lot wrong with “The Trocaadero Fixie” but their title, it’s not a fixed gear bike, probably only seconds the design of the bike.
Garmin also maintains an RSS feed for software updates at link to
interesting – what is the source RSS feed? at a glance its def not a 100% complete list (F3HR is there, but F3 is not)
interesting yet again – i found the site – link to
amazing how different their feed (official) is than link to (unofficial)
Yes, that was the site.
Trocaadero Fixie – yet another solution with no problem or need in sight.
Hmmm. I don’t totally agree about “that’s what you get for riding brakeless”. In a pack like that I think the crash would have been similar even with brakes. After the first few riders you can’t see what’s happening in a peloton.
People who ride brakeless bikes on the street? Yeah, that’s stupid.
“People who ride brakeless bikes on the street? Yeah, that’s stupid.”
You mean, like the street in the video? ;)
You mean, like the closed course in the video? um. I don’t consider that the street.
The challenge with that course is that there’s nowhere to go other than into the pile, nor anyway to stop. So some with brakes might have been able to stop, thus lessening the pile-up and the plot of space it was taking up blocking the road
Don’t get me wrong, I think the whole thing is fun to watch, but it’s also nuts.
yeah, certainly worse without brakes, but it would have still been a pileup.
that was a super-crazy one, even with all the recent moto-vs-bike crashes/fatalities.
bikesnobnyc: “And it’s not like the riders who get involved in pile-ups know there’s been a crash and have time to brake. The only thing they see is the Lycra-clad ass in front of them.”
link to
Posting here to see if anyone is having the same issue. Updated the Edge 1000 to 8.10 from 8.00. Setup: Edge 1000 + Varia Radar + Varia Vision + Stages Power + Scosche HRM. The Varias are on the latest firmware as well.
I went from having sporadic “Radar Disconnected” messages to having TONS of them, as well as the occasional “virtual street” screen like it was directly talking to the Varia Radar without the Edge 1000, and even “Edge 1000 disconnected messages” and one “Acknowledge to connect” message. Bah!
For the first time my .FIT file is junk; see attached. TONS of dropouts. Even more emphatic Bah!
I called Garmin support… nice person on the phone, whose advice was to un-pair everything from the Edge, deleted all the shared state, and then try pairing things one at time. Sounds painful, but I’ll do it. But if anyone has figured out the root cause, I’d appreciate knowing about it.
Not sure why you see lawsuits as a sign of desperation. If a patent owner doesn’t defend and enforce their patents, that can be grounds for losing them. So a company would be nuts not to enforce against one alleged infringer if it may give ride to the patent being invalidated and unenforceable against everyone.
Innovate or die. In this case, Jawbone simply hasn’t innovated. And when they did innovate (a few years ago), they fumbled the play so badly that it drove everyone away from the product. Many times in tech when a company like Jawbone is suing a market leader, it’s rarely because they have a lesser product.
We don’t see other major brands suing each other in this activity tracker space (heck, not even lawsuit-happy ICON fitness).
I agree with “innovate or die” but when you have innovated you have to protect your intellectual property. I’m coming at this as a lawyer in a different product space but the basic principle still applies.
Well of course the Lawyer thinks it’s a good idea to sue, you guys are the only winners. Litigate or die?
Actually I am an M&A lawyer not a litigator. If my work ends up in litigation I’ve failed to do my job properly. So well done on the generalization there buddy.