I’m featured in Runner’s World Magazine’s 50 Most Influential People in Running


Holy cow!

I started getting tweets and notes last week that I’d apparently been featured in Runner’s World’s 50 Most Influential People in Running piece, but didn’t have the chance to see it for myself until the Newsstand App updated with October’s issue.  Now, while travelling today I saw a copy at San Francisco International airport – I was even able to buy a copy in the little airport real-life newsstand store!

The issue covers various folks across a few main categories, as seen below:


I’m hugely honored to be selected – wow!  And the short bit they wrote-up on me was exceedingly complimentary.


The list of others is mind-boggling in people to look up to and follow: Kara Goucher, Usain Bolt, Hal Higdon, and Jeff Galloway.  Among many other big names.  Notably, I believe everyone there runs faster than me.  By a large margin.

Now get this though. The Girl can now add ‘Photographer for Runner’s World’ to her ever-expanding resume. See, back in July they asked me to send a photo over, but I didn’t really know what it was for other than noting something for a fall issue.  We were down in Dubrovnik (Croatia) at the time, and just about to board the sailboat for our 7-day sailing trip, so we sorta had to make do with what we had on-hand.  Which…was a bush in front of the hotel:


So a few test shots were taken.  I have no idea what was going on here:

IMG_4518 IMG_4519

And then a lot more shots were taken (I just did as I was told):


(There are two of every photo because I always shoot dual RAW/JPEG)

And then finally, we got this:


Boom!  I e-mailed it over, and called it donezo.  And then totally forgot about it until last week.  So it’s like the perfect Christmas present in September!

Of course, thanks to everyone who’s visited over the years – I certainly couldn’t have gotten things around these parts the way they are without you!

Now, go forth and pickup the magazine to read all the deets, or download it on the Runner’s World App (iTunes or Android).


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  1. Juro

    Any DCR run planned around SF? I happen to be in San Fran tomorrow and the day after… In Las Vegas just after Interbike, incidentally.

  2. James

    Congratulations Ray, great recognition for the work you do for us:-)

  3. Kevin

    That’s awesome, congratulations – well deserved !

  4. Lillian

    That’s so awesome Ray!! Congrats!!!

  5. stefanos

    you must be the youngest in the list.

  6. Dano

    Congrats and extremely well deserved…certainly fits the banner!!!

  7. AJ

    I think it shows the influence. I don’t know anyone who would buy a GPS watch without consulting your review. And even if they don’t know they are looking for your review, searching for reviews of watches on Google you are at the top, for a reason.

    Companies can sponsor Meb (a la Epson), or other athletes to wear their kit, but you give unbiased reviews so we know if it any good and worth our money, then returning the kit too, so we know there isn’t a conflict of interest. That makes it really stand out from most reviews online where sites are complementary to anyone giving them free stuff. Then add in the level of detail you put in, and it is obvious why you are there.

    Now, the Apple watch review please! And keep branching out from GPS – the power meter reviews are interesting, but show reviews would be good too – starting with Adidas Boost!

    Congratulations again.

  8. Judit A

    That’s so cool, congratulations Ray!

  9. Congratulations Ray. That’s a big achievement!

  10. Gonzalo



  11. Ian dg

    Now you’re mingling with the running elite you won’t want to talk to us lowly mortals.

  12. Bernie

    Terrific, congratulations! Keep up the excellent work!

  13. James Cheah

    Congratulations and thoroughly well deserved!

  14. Luis

    Well done Ray! You deserve it, even not running so fast as the others.

  15. mama

    Congrats Ray, well deserved. Thanks for all the work you do.

  16. Hugo Noronha

    You deserve it. No one in the world reviews like you!


  17. REALLLLLLY???? you get your very handsome photo in runners world mag and you put THAT photo of me on the blog as a thank you to your photographer??? You’re lucky you’re on a different continent buddy! Jezzzzzhus! (Insert emoticon monkey covering face)

    • Doogie

      Just in case…Masters in Counseling, specializing in Marriage and Family, located in Germany. lol. Many congrats on the recognition, well deserved. I’ll not buy any Sport/Tech stuff without first seeing what DCR has to say about it.

      Oh…and the Podcast is cool too!

    • slartiblartfast

      Photos of the Girl always bring a smile with the faces she pulls – whereas facial mobility is not one of Ray’s best talents.

    • Mike Hensen

      Ha, ha, Ray, you’d better be running, much congrats on well deserved coverage

    • Phil

      I think the pics are great – perhaps I’m biased as a fellow Newfoundlander.

      Ray, big ups on the RW spot, definitely well deserved. Let’s face it your influence in the sports of triathlon and cycling are the same if not more.

    • Mike Richie

      I think that photo is great! (at least the forward facing one). Ray only has that big smile on his mug ’cause he’s looking at you.

    • Si

      I foresee a future posting of the “5 things I did this weekend” article being along the lines of:

      1) Lavish thank you meal for the Girl
      2) Spolling the Girl rotten with everything she wants
      3) Spending time with the Girl doing what she wants to do
      4) Shopping for a present for the Girl
      5) something about tech


    • Si… You’re hired ;)

    • marcel

      Congrats on the great photo, TheGirl :) Make him sweat! ;)

  18. Tiago

    Congrats Ray, it is a more than fair recognition!

  19. Peter Michael Nielsen

    Watch out Ray….!!! Never underestimate female anger..;-)

    BR and well deserved to see you on the list.

  20. Dr D

    Ray – as someone who follows/recommends your reviews/podcast, this is very well deserved. The business model is perfect and truly ensures that you empower us to make our own choices.

    Now a knighthood from Her Majesty (QE II) for Services to Health & Wellness would be the perfect icing on a Bertie’s Cupcake!

  21. DT

    Really well deserved!! Congratulations!!

  22. MikeDozer

    This was to be expected :D Congrats!

  23. Featured next to Alberto Salazar… watch the doping accusations come flooding in!

    Well done though :)

  24. Eric

    Congratulations Ray! You deserve it! You’ve helped all of us sooo much!
    Aloha from Hawaii!

  25. MikeD

    Very very nice :)

  26. Eduardo

    Congrats Ray! Well deserved!

  27. Congrats Ray.
    You fully deserve it, and perhaps extend the title to cycling and triathlon.

  28. Just now that I’ve stopped buying RW magazine! I will buy one more, lol

  29. Mario Lira Junior

    Congrats Ray. As many have already said, and many more will say, it was more than well deserved. You must be one of the greatest revenue sources for those hardware makers to REALLY cater to us with worthwhile products, while at the same time saving us from the not-so-worthwhile products of those same companies. To able to see, in a single source, a glowing review for a Garmin (or Suunto, or Timex, or…) product and another damning one for a different product from the same company is what makes your blog one of my go-to places in the Net…
    And being able to laugh while seeing a hardware review is awesome.
    Congrats to the Girl also.

  30. For me, definitely in the top 5 most influential ones :D Congrats!

  31. Sergio Melo - Brazil

    Impossible to buy a running device these days without reading your blog first. Besides, it still has plenty of other interesting topics. Therefore, your appearance at the list was more than deserved. By the way, I am buying Garmin 225 this week based on your review. Congrats from Brazil.

  32. Joe

    This is, without a doubt, a remarkable accomplishment! Congratulations! I am a subscriber to RW, but I haven’t had an opportunity to check out this month’s magazine yet. I’ve been a frequent visitor to your website since 2011, and start to get withdrawals if I go more than four or five days without reading it. BTW…I work for a very large company, and have the reputation of being a “gadget geek”, when it comes to fitness, so whenever anyone asks me for my opinion on what to buy, I always point them in your direction first.

    You haven’t let me down….yet! After her comments above, I hope The Girl lets you continue this little hobby of yours! :)

    Keep up the great work!

  33. Tien Charoenchai

    Congratulations Rainmaker! Within the space of sports technology, no one comes close to your subject matter expertise and subsequent influence on the industry. Thank you for your passion and wisdom.

  34. MAGNUS

    Very cool. Congrats!

  35. Jordan

    Awesome – congrats

  36. Rodrigo Meira

    Congrats Ray ..
    Well deserved. ..

  37. rafael

    Congratulations Ray you deserve it !! Thank you for you do for us.

  38. Jackson


  39. panos

    …50 Most Influential People in Running…is there anything less insignificant than that ?

  40. RustedRoot

    Ruh-roh. You gonna become the 800 pound gorilla now? Hehe. Kudos Mr. Maker

  41. goeieio

    Congratulations, Ray! I always love reading your reviews and advice.

  42. Awesome! Congrats Ray!

  43. Captain Chris

    You have influenced my running.. thanks!

  44. Scott E

    Must make answering all the same bike trainer questions over and over again all worth it in the end – big Congratulations!

    To TheGirl – Your resume must rock with all that talent :-)

  45. Mark C Ryan

    Congrats Ray, I know whenever somebody asks advice on GPS watches, I always send them to your site. It truly is the best resource out there for people who want an unbiased view. Dude, you are better than Consumer Reports.

  46. Paco

    Congratulations Ray! You deserve it

  47. Carl

    Congrats, Ray, that’s really great!

  48. Mike Richie

    Congratulations! Not bad for a “hobby” (i.e., not your real job). By the way, there should be an icon for financial clout under your entry as well. Anyone who hopes to sell a watch/GPS/gadget in the running (and biking) space better make sure they get you a review unit or they just won’t be taken seriously. I wouldn’t consider buying anything in that space without first reading your review.

  49. Patrick Myers

    Congrats Ray, and well deserved. Your blog regularly comes up in conversations among my tri club members when people ask about technology. Your reputation precedes you.

  50. Don

    Very deserving and I still am in awe that you do this AND have a “regular” job setting up server farms for tech companies around the world. Could you maybe do a post on how you manage all that and keep time/energy for training?

  51. Congrats. Yes you rock thank you. I am addicted to your site.

  52. Earl

    Congratulations Ray, you should be really proud of yourself.

  53. Dejan M.

    Congrats…keep on with the good work!

  54. Paul

    Don’t know if you’d thought about/realize this but your influence on the sport is somewhat unique in that you reach average/wannabe athletes like me. We don’t train 10 hrs/week, we don’t win our age groups, but love working out and your site is a motivator to us. Count me in with the thousands who invest in our hobby based on your insights.

    • Artur

      This comment sums it up for probably the vast majority of your readers. I’m in the same group.

      Ray, you certainly motivate us a lot. I’ve learned most things about cycling related tech here. Congrats and well deserved!

  55. Tim

    You deserve the recognition, well done Ray!

  56. Kurt

    I would have guessed a cycling mag would feature you first as bicycles have a larger tech component.
    Patience… :-)

  57. Congrats Ray! Very happy for you and the influence and impact you have had on me and others as we consider our running and triathlete gear! This is the first place we always check out before making a critical decision on this kind of stuff. It is very well deserved!

  58. Steve Fitz

    Nice to hear it was a surprise and without a doubt deserved. Runners World just moved up my ladder of quality mags.

  59. Hey Ray. I want to be the first person to put that under your name on TV!!!!

  60. Miro Lehky

    Congratulations Ray. Well deserved!

  61. Empewu

    Congratulations Ray – Very well deserved !!!

  62. Maxbrescia

    Ciao Ray,
    congrats you really deserve it!

  63. Agron Basha

    Congratulations and as many have already said very well deserved!

    You’re a guru in your area!

  64. PurdueMatt

    Congrats Ray!

  65. Frans

    Well deserved for all the hours you spend and the time you take to react to posts. And of course the in depth reviews that are really in depth! Cheers!

  66. Ernesider

    Well done Ray, well deserved ..!!

  67. Sebastian

    Congrats Ray. Keep up the good work – I love your site.

  68. Andre

    I visit often but never post, but I figured I should this time.
    It’s well deserved! It always amazes me how you are able to accomplish that much in 24hours (or maybe you live in a different space continuum).
    To many more years,

  69. Martin R.

    Well done and well deserved, Ray! I am sure that a triathlon mag will follow soon :)

  70. Peter Felix

    Well deserved feature – with Alberto Salazar as your bed fellow!

    I never buy anything gadget wise without visiting your site (and visit pretty regularly most of the rest of the time) – so thank you for your on-going efforts and dedication.


  71. Arcadio Herrera

    Congratulations Ray ! You are famous all over the world among athletes for your accurate and profound reviews and your interesting blogs. The Garmin store in Monterrey, Mexico advises us to use your reports as reference.

  72. Awesome! Welcome recognition for all the effort you put into everything you do. Well done….and nice beard too! ;)

  73. S Kay

    Congrats Ray – To state the obvious – the triathlon, and biking world think you rock just as much!!

  74. That’s awesome. It’s funny, I got the issue in the mail and haven’t looked at it yet.

  75. David

    Love, love, love your site and your superior reviews. Saw you featured in Runner’s World and thought – they (Rodale Press) get it. Congratulations. I look forward to many more future reviews.

  76. Ritchie champion

    Congratulations Ray – Thanks a bunch for all you do. Your site is fantastic!!

  77. Skee

    Great work Ray!

  78. Chris EchoHawk

    Awesome! And well deserved. Thank you for all that you do!

  79. Joe E

    Congratulations, make sure you use you powers for good ;)

  80. Jason Skillicorn


  81. B Bloch

    Well done, well deserved !

  82. Robert

    Congrats!! That’s really cool, must feel really good to get that credit/recognition. Good job. Thanks for all the information you provide.

  83. Clair Stewart

    Congrats on the distinction. You have certainly earned your place with all the work and analysis that you’ve performed. I recommend you to all who have questions about endurance equipment, great piece. Keep it up!

  84. Joan

    Congratulations Ray, well deserved!
    I saw the following reply when someone was asking about a new powermeter in the Zwift Facebook group


    I think it captures our feelings perfectly.
    Thanks for all your hard work over the years.

  85. Fab

    Congrats Ray. well deserved!

    (the other 49 may run faster, but I’m sure their tech gadgets reviews suck :))

  86. CY

    Just gotten the copy of RW yesterday and saw the article. I have to say, for average joes (and janes) like me, your site is a god sent. Enough technicality w/o being too isolated to be understood only by the top 1% tech geniuses, while generally answering most, if not all (and more) of the questions that intrigue us. Well deserved recognition!

    p/s: I stumbled into upon your site about a year ago after winning a Vivofit from a tech site contest, to understand the new gizmo. Completely forgotten bout it but came back again after googling more details (that other websites couldn’t deliver) about Vivoactive. Am proud to say that I am now having an awesome tech on my hand, which I did not regret getting and your informative site definitely played a huge part.

  87. Jamie

    Congratulations Ray, massive achievement well done.

  88. El Paso Mark

    Very cool. Good for you. Congratulations.

  89. Ken

    Very well deserved Ray! I’ve been reading your blog since 2010 and still enjoy the reviews, run arounds and life in general articles you wright. Keep up the good work!!

  90. Rob Mc

    well deserved, I’m an avid reader now for 5years and like others have said wouldn’t dream of purchasing a GPS watch if you havent reviewed it yet. On top of that the travel and food writing just make it a very entertaining read

  91. Karl

    Glad to hear you’re getting some credit Ray!

    I’m really fond of all your in-depth reviews which I think are unmatched on the web.
    Thanks for a quality site :) Kee it up!

  92. Brandon

    Well deserved, keep up the outstanding work!

  93. Tanya Fleming

    Your our “GO TO MAN”. After seeing your precious pup and his go pro debut, I decided my fiancé had to have one for his birthday TODAY !! Thanks for always being an inspiration. Now you and “the girl” go and have yourself a wonderful weekend!

  94. marcel

    Well deserved, Ray, I’ll never buy a running watch anymore without checking out your reviews.

  95. Well deserved, sir, congrats!

  96. Fluxusbot


    This shows how dramatic the journalistic landscape has changed: the less influential (Runners World) elevate themselves through nominating their superiors (people like you, Ray, who write unbiased, comprehensive, knowledgable and authentic pieces). For me, RW is throwing the towel with your nomination. And I’d bet the visitor etc numbers for dcrainmaker and runnersworld.com will show, too.

    Anyway: We shouldn’t look back, but forward to your continuous excellent work. Keep it up.

  97. Mike S

    Good job Ray! Well deserved!

  98. Well deserved – I lose count of the number of people I have referred to your blog for buying advice!

  99. Frank

    Well, you certainly deserve all honour and credits. Yours is a great place to spend some weekly moments browsing gadgets and/or just enjoying the blog. Thanks Ray! And do visit Holland, so we can set up a Dutch fan fondo…;)

  100. Lutfi Zakhour

    Well deserved Congrats!!

  101. Congrats Runner’s World for having Ray’s name in one of your pages at last ;-)

    No t frequent commenter, but an avid reader – if you ever come to world://Poland/Warsaw let me know – there are some quite nice trails down here ;-)

    Btw I’m also interested how you manage to find time for all of it ;-)

  102. David

    Congrats! Time to update your “Press Clippings” section!

  103. Alice

    Congrats Ray, very well deserved!

  104. Luis Graterol

    You are the best. Since I discovered your site so is my first place to read about fitness gadget (specially running gadget).

    Great Job and I hope that you can be with us for many time.

    Regards from Venezuela