Today Garmin announced their latest bike computer, the Edge 520 – priced at $299USD. This GPS-enabled unit instantly becomes the most advanced bike computer that Garmin has ever released, adding support for a flotilla of new features. But fear not, owners of the Edge 1000/810/510 and even last week’s Edge 25 are getting some of these new features too.
In addition to the Edge 520 announcement, Garmin also announced a new bike radar and bike light system, which I’ve covered in a separate post. Further yet, they’ve announced deep integration with Strava for a number of devices (including the new Edge 520). I talk about the Strava integration later in this post, but also in more detail in a separate dedicated post.
As I noted earlier, this is without question the most new features we’ve ever seen come to a bike computer – Garmin or otherwise. It’s like they’ve been saving up for the past 6 years since the release of the original Edge 500, and decided to cash out in one big swoop. Some of the below have been added to other product lines (i.e. the Edge 1000), yet others are new altogether. So I’m sorta using the Edge 500/510 as the baselines, and noting when and where there are variances.
Here’s the skinny:
– Added on-device Strava Segment integration
– Added basemap to device
– Added ability to download 3rd party detailed maps
– Added Bluetooth Smart Text & Call Notifications (previously on Edge 1000)
– Added Recovery Advisor metrics (previously only on some Running/Tri units)
– Added VO2 Max Estimation (previously only on some newer Garmin units)
– Added FTP tracking and testing
– Added Personal Records
– Added Cycling Dynamics metrics (previously only on some newer Garmin units)
– Added ability to control Garmin Varia bike lights
– Added integration with Garmin Varia bike radar system
– Added ANT+ FE-C Trainer Control
– Addition of GLONASS support (was in Edge 510, but not 810 or 500)
– Time in zones (first seen on the FR920XT/Fenix3)
In addition to the above, when compared to the Edge 500, you’ll find these new features that have been added to most Garmin devices as of late. These are all present/added on the Edge 520:
– Integrated Live Tracking with phone
– Integrated Bluetooth Smart uploads to your mobile phone (and then sync’d to Strava/Training Peaks/Sport Tracks/etc…)
– Ability to download courses and workouts from phone to Edge 520
– Sensor pool concept & Activity Profiles (no bike profiles)
– Support for Edge Remote Control accessory
– Support for Shimano Di2 integration
– Support for Garmin VIRB control/integration
– Added Training Calendar support
– Added Auto Sleep option (turns off if not used for a while)
– Added Lap summary page (seen on Edge 510/810/1000, but not Edge 500)
– Support for ANT+ sensor types: Cadence sensors, Heart Rate Sensors, Power Meters, Speed Sensors, Speed/Cadence Sensors, VIRB action cams, Weight Scales
Now, there are a few things that have been missing from various recent Garmin units, so I double-checked to see if those were there. They are as follows:
– ANT+ Weight Scale support was kept
– Sharing of files between units directly was kept
– Auto Lap by Position is present/kept
Phew, I think that about covers it. Well, I hope it does anyway, if not, just drop a specific feature into the comments section and I can clarify.
Before we get into all the details, here’s a video walk-through I’ve put together of the Edge 520. It covers pretty much all of the major new features and lets you see how you interact with the device:
From here let’s dig into some of the major features. I’ll of course go into much more detail in my eventual In-Depth Review, which is typically about 30-45 days after the unit starts shipping – once I have final production hardware and firmware.
Basic Use and Menus:
Let’s start off with a few of the basics on use of the Edge 520. First is that the unit has a slew of buttons, and is not touchscreen. The buttons are as follows:
Upper left: Light & Power button
Middle Left: Up selection button
Lower Left: Down selection button
Bottom left: Lap button
Bottom right: Start/stop button
Upper Right: Select button (for menus)
Lower Right: ‘Back’ button (for menus)
It’ll take a tiny bit of time getting used to the different buttons if you’ve come from other devices (even Garmin devices), most notably the lap and start buttons being on the bottom of the device.
Next, the home screen is aligned vertically in that you go up/down to the various functions. In the middle you’ve got ‘Ride’, which is where you start a ride. Down one option is all of the training and settings functions – such as following a course, doing a structured workout, or controlling a trainer. As well as the settings menu.
Meanwhile, if you scroll up you’ll get to the ‘Status’ menu. This menu shows aspects like screen brightness, GPS signal strength, sensor connectivity and mobile phone status.
To start a ride, we’ll just select the ‘Ride’ button. From here it’ll ask us what Activity Profile to use. Activity Profiles were introduced with the Edge 510/810, and were designed to allow you to group settings such as data page configuration into a tidy bundle. In my case, I’ve got a default Train option, and then a custom one I created called ‘Strava’.
After selecting a profile you’ll be brought to the familiar data screen page. Meanwhile, the GPS chip goes off and finds satellites.
You can of course customize these pages with up to 10 data fields per page, and up to 5 pages (+ the Map, Compass, Elevation, Lap Summary, Virtual Partner, and Cycling Dynamics pages). Here’s a few pages:
New to the Edge 520 is a bit of a quick access menu, which is accessible by pressing the upper right button. This will bring up options for configuring in-ride settings, such as alerts, data fields and the elevation. As well as the Status menu/page we talked about a few paragraphs ago.
In addition to the regular data pages, you’ll also have pages you can enable for Garmin Cycling Dynamics (Vector/Vector2 users), as well as the new map page:
Post-ride there are some new metrics that haven’t previously been seen or offered on the Edge series. For example, you’ve got recovery time. This started with the Garmin Forerunner series and has expanded to the triathlon watches:
In addition, within the training options you can now automatically track your FTP levels, as well as perform an FTP test. Pretty cool.
When it comes to riding the Edge, it’ll act pretty much like any other Garmin Edge device from a basics standpoint. The unit has a quarter-turn mount on the back of it, so it’s completely compatible with any other Garmin Edge mount out there (including 3rd party ones):
Looking at 3rd party out-front mounts, some of you have asked about how well it might fit with the bottom buttons and pressing them. I grabbed three random mounts from my collection to try out: The Garmin forward mount, a K-Edge mount, and a Barfly mount. Below are photos in a small gallery of all of them.
Now – here’s what actually matters: Whether or not the mount is set ‘down’, or is ‘level’. For example, in the K-Edge mount you’ll see it puts the unit down lower, which means the buttons get closer to the handlebars. Whereas with the Garmin mount it’s equal in height to the bars – so there’s no button issues.
That said, in all three that I tried, I didn’t have any real issues with pressing the buttons. It might be a tad bit trickier with the sunken mounts in a sprint or something to press it, but overall not hard. Of course, there are tons of mount variations from each company (meaning a dozen each from Barfly, K-Edge, etc…). So you’ll kinda have to use a bit of testing on any given specific model and your bike to see whether/where it fits.
Additionally, Garmin has gone with a micro-USB port for charging and data sync. Note that the unit does NOT have an additional Micro-SD card slot though, so you can’t expand the storage.
But you can also sync via Bluetooth Smart to your mobile phone (iOS/Android). With this additional phone connectivity you gain the ability to see text messages and phone notifications directly on the Edge 520.
You can of course turn this functionality off as you see fit. Finally note that the Edge 520 doesn’t have WiFi within it, compared to the Edge 1000 which does.
Strava Segment Integration:
If past posts are any indication, the most desired sports tech feature out there is the ability to have Strava segments display live/real-time status on one’s Garmin Edge device. And now, that’s possible. With the Edge 520, Garmin has enabled the ability to race against various Strava leaderboard records directly on the Garmin Edge device itself.
This means you’ll get status updates as you ride the individual Strava segments, such as how far ahead and behind the record your chasing:
You can specify a number of different records, be it in the KOM (King of the Mountain aka Course Record), or records of your friends, or your personal best. Additionally, you can also race against your goals for a given segment.
These leaderboards are automatically updated anytime your Garmin device syncs via Bluetooth Smart, USB, or WiFi (on Edge 1000), though it won’t sync mid-ride. Only before/after. It’ll sync various segments based on specific conditions and preferences.
Now, to be clear – Garmin is not the first company to introduce this. Others (primarily apps) have had functionality like this previously. For example, 4iiii introduced it two years ago. Still, for most people it’s having it on the Edge that they’ve been waiting for.
In order to give you a bit more detail on this feature – I’ve put together a standalone post where I walk through the entire process step by step of how it works. You can view that here.
Oh, and one last thing: This is coming to not just the Edge 520, but also the Edge 510, Edge 810, and Edge 1000 – with a firmware update planned for Q3 (by the end of September).
ANT+ Trainer Control:
Next up we’ve got another new feature, the ability to control your electronic trainer directly from the Edge 520. This allows you to set the resistance of trainers that support the semi-new ANT+ FE-C standard. The FE-C (Fitness Equipment Control) standard enables trainer companies to allow apps and devices to set the wattage and other parameters on a bike trainer. Only certain trainers support this functionality today, with the first units being the Tacx Smart Trainers that enabled support about three weeks ago (you can read all about that here).
Since then numerous apps have added support, including Zwift, TrainerRoad, Kinomap and others. Additionally, other companies including Elite have stated plans for supporting it within their trainers.
As for the Edge 520, it allows you to search for and pair to an ANT+ Trainer:
Then from there you can go ahead and complete tasks such as the normal calibration/roll-down that’s usually done by most trainer apps:
This would then report back a success or failure:
After that you’ve got a few options when it comes to your rides. These are as follows:
– Follow an activity: This takes a past workout and allows you to re-ride it, simulating the elevation/incline in real time
– Follow a course: This allows you to ride a downloaded course (such as a race, route, or anything else), and changes elevation/incline in real time
– Follow a workout: This allows you to ride a downloaded workout (created on Garmin Connect), where it’ll automatically change the resistance for each segment of the workout
– Specify Resistance: This will specify a given resistance level
– Specify Target Power: This is simple: You set a wattage value (i.e. 250w) and the trainer will keep that wattage
The cool thing about this is that it’ll mean you can easily re-ride a given workout or race course. That’s often ideal if you’re trying to learn pacing of effort on a specific route. And no additional software is required to do so.
Same goes for riding a workout, it’ll instantly change the power to whatever you’ve specified within the Garmin Connect workout file:
Here you can see the same thing on the Garmin Edge 520:
In talking with Wahoo Fitness, they have confirmed they will add supporting the ANT+ FE-C standard to the development roadmap for the Wahoo KICKR and KICKR SNAP. Given the announcement just happened, they are working to narrow down an exact date for implementation of that profile. But from their perspective they noted they are super-excited about this.
As for other trainer companies, I’ll update this page/section here once companies confirm additional support of the FE-C profile.
(Update: Garmin has confirmed the Edge 1000 will receive FE-C support/control in/by Q4. It will not be added to the Edge 510/810.)
Mapping Included:
The Edge 520 includes what is known as a ‘Basemap’. For those that have been around the Garmin block a few times, you’ll know that this map is fairly sparse. But a map it is. For example, in all of Paris it only shows about…well..three streets. Oh, and the river (seen above). The main goal of this map is to give you some rough perspective on where you are compared to the Edge 500/510 where it’s just a blank page/canvas.
Now at first you might be in the camp of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, but wishing for a bit more. Well good news, through the same steps that I’ve outlined in in the past, you can download free (and highly detailed) maps of your choosing to the unit (note: I’ve updated that post with the Edge 520-specific instructions). These maps are from Openstreet, and are community sourced. They are the exact same maps you’ll find on the Garmin Edge 1000 and Edge Touring units (as well as on Polar’s V650). Again, this isn’t done on the Garmin website, but a 3rd party – but it’s silly easy to follow and works beautifully.
Due to the available space on the Edge 520, you won’t be able to download a massive map area, but you can cover your usual riding territory and if you were touring you could easily cover a day or two and then reload. On a stock Edge 520 there’s approximately 54MB of free space. For reference, the area of Paris and most of the surrounding areas is 21MB:
Or, looking at Washington DC, this area is 35MB:
And the (much greater) Sydney, Australia and area is 37MB:
All of these easily fit within the 51MB of free space, plus have plenty of space for ride files afterwards. The back of the napkin calculation for activity file space is .1MB per hour of riding (with GPS & ANT+ sensors). So 10 hours = just 1MB. You can use the site to figure out how much space is needed, just follow the instructions in my original post and manually select tiles.
With this said, it’s important to note that the unit does NOT do routable directions though. Meaning, it won’t tell you to ‘Turn left on Maple Street’, but rather instead give you breadcrumb style tracks overlaid onto these maps. Additionally, because it’s not routable, it won’t be able to give you directions across town. Thus there is no point of interest database or similar.
The best way to think of this is that if you’re looking to be able to create directions on the fly during your ride, the Edge 810/1000 are far better options. But, if you just want to know where you are on the map and be able to zoom around to figure out where you’re going – this will work quite well.
Product Comparison Charts:
I’ve added the Edge 520 to the product comparison database, which means you can compare it against any other GPS bike computer I’ve reviewed. For the purposes of the below, I’ve added the Garmin Edge 500, Edge 510, and Edge 520, since that’s likely the cross section of products people would be comparing against.
Remember, you can mix and match any products you’d like within the product comparison database, allowing you to create your own comparison charts.
For those of you that are regular readers, you’ll know well that I’ve been pretty hard on the Garmin Fitness team when it comes to the Garmin Edge devices over the past few years. In my review of the Edge 510 device two years ago, I noted how the device fell far short of expectations. And with the Edge 1000 unit, I noted that it was largely a device that nobody asked for. Today however, I think it’s a case of ‘3rd time’s the charm’, and the Edge 520 is almost exactly what folks have been asking for.
The features are precisely what I and many others have wanted, in terms of aspects like Strava integration, direct trainer control, and baseline mapping. Plus a smaller size than the existing Edge 510.
Now there’s no doubt always room for improvement. For example, I’d really like to see Bluetooth Smart sensor support, and I think this might have actually been the rare case where touch screen support might have made sense (due to aspects like controlling trainer wattage). Or the lack of WiFi is a bit peculiar, as is the lack of Connect IQ support. But on the whole, for most users this device will hit the spot.
For me personally, assuming the final software and hardware isn’t buggy – I expect this device to become my mainstay bike computer, replacing the large number of Edge 810 and Edge 1000’s that I use on a day to day basis on my handlebars in various tests (most notably power meter tests where I run concurrent units). The size being the most appealing aspect, combined with the connectivity.
Support the site: Found what you read above useful? If so – then you can support the site here by ordering the Edge 520 via Clever Training. They’re accepting pre-orders for the unit, which Garmin says will ship in “Q3” (between now and Sept 30th) – though its expected to likely start shipping much sooner in late July. They have both the base unit, as well as the bundle unit available, which can be selected from the drop-down list. In addition, if you’re a member of the DCR/CT VIP Program – you’ll save a bundle as well!
I currently use a couple of Polar monitors and it is easy to lock into a heart rate zone on the fly when training. I see that you can do a similar thing with Garmin by defining it in the activity profile. Can the zone lock be taken off easily on the fly? For example on my commute home I can set a zone lock to zone 3 and then disengage it by holding a button down before I climb the hill to home to save the motor from beeping at me incessantly. Can a Garmin operate in the same way?
Obviously this unit is purpose built for bike riding, not geocaching. That being said, is there any way to load something like a gpx file of local caches onto the 520 so that you can stop if you happen to be passing them on the map? (not that I can ever bring myself to stop for them but I like having the option)
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Thanks for the great review I was lucky enough to get a hold of one of these but have been unable to install the open source maps
I belive I have followed the instructions and have copied it into the Gramin root directory but it does not show up
I have got the file with the name gmapsupp.img so I am sure i have downloaded the correct file
I cannot find anyway to turn the map on
If you could help me out I would be grateful
Can you tell me how much free space is available if the base map is removed? Or what is the size of the base map? I think the 50 mb free space reported earlier is with the base map included.
The base map is 49,808KB. Windows says the capacity of the Edge 520 is 110,247,936 bytes. Replacing the base map with my 28MB map I have almost 70MB free now.
Roger I am sorry to tell you but your unit is obviously defrective. I feel really poorly that this happened to you, So to make it better I suggest you instantly send me yours next day air. Then when mine arrives and I know it’s good I’ll send you mine…. :)
Splendid review, as usual! I’m really not prone to change for any new device coming up; I’m still using an Edge 705, I guess this is a valid proof! :-) But while reading your article, I felt like this Edge 520 could be the GPS I’ve been waiting for years (especially as I’m definitely not a fan of touch-screens for bike GPS). However, I still can’t believe that Garmin did not provide more memory than those ridiculous 50 MB… how is that even possible nowadays? Any chance that they will upgrade their device either with more memory or at least with a SD card slot in your opinion? Honnestly, if you’re planning a 1 week trip from Nice to Geneva across the French Alps (which happens to be my case), you will never be able to upload the corresponding map from link to because it will be more than 60 MB (I just tried it, keeping only the really necessary tiles on the map; there’s no way to go below this map size). So now I really feel like it could be the perfect GPS if they decided to open their eyes and give it the memory it needs!
Thanks again for the great job, it really helps to have your reviews!
Great site. Maps are smaller and cover more area than the opnstreetmap site – the non square selection ability really allows you to capture more useful area.
I preordered my 520 from performance bike as soon as it was on their site, when the anticipated in-stock date was at the end of July. The date keeps getting pushed back since then (now August 18). Anyone else know of any status from the other U.S. vendors?
I spend about 20 minutes each and every day “shopping” for this item. Other than 1 person on here stating they have one besides ray I cannot find any availability anywhere.
were you one of the fortunate ones that happened to stumble across performance offering 20% off everything during the tour? This included the pre-order on the 520. 20% off the most anticipated bike computer release in a long time AND free shipping….wth
someone at performance probably got the slap on the back of the head for that one…….
Really? I’ve received 3 updates emails from Clever all stating … “This item is still expected to become available for fulfillment in August, however at this time we do not have any confirmed shipping dates available from Garmin.”
The Edge 520 bundle units came into Clever Training on Thursday or Friday (can’t remember offhand), but all of those went out. That covered roughly half of all Clever Training backorders for the bundle variant.
For the base Edge 520, no units have arrived yet (and at last check on Friday they hadn’t received ship-notice yet from Garmin to Clever Training).
Well, after reading this awesome review and all of the comments, I think I’ve finally found my Edge 500 replacement. The 510 was a non-starter because of the touch screen and larger size. The 520 looks perfect, just a tad bit bigger than the 500. The mapping and smaller storage are not issues for me, but it will be nice to have the BT sync ability like the 510. Hopefully it will not be as buggy as the first releases of prior Edge products. Kudos to Garmin on the Vivoactive, that’s been bug free for me right from the start.
I just ordered mine from Clever Training with the VIP program. People in FL get the shaft on this though because of the FL sales tax…..makes the discount only 3%. Hopefully it will arrive before 6 Gap in September.
A few questions if anyone can help.When following a Course, the live Strava Segment tracking does NOT work, when you stop the Course they work. A little disappointing as I use courses a lot !
Also, when the Strava segments comes up it only shows the fastest time of the people I am following….not the KOM leaders time. Can you change this?
Also, I’m still not sold on the faff of “starring” Strava segments…….not great.
That’s unfortunate. From the manual:
Racing a Segment
Segments are virtual race courses. You can race a segment, and compare your performance to past activities, other riders’ performance, connections in your Garmin Connect™ account, or other members of the cycling community.
1. Start following a segment, a course containing a segment, or go for a ride.
Makes it like any segments on a course should come up. Well, it’s a Garmin 1.0 release, so par for the course.
Do you need to star a segment to get it to track? I could understand that. If you live in a busy cycling area you might have 10 segments overlapping at once, or a few starting within a couple hundred feet of each other. Also if the trail Y’s there might be a segment going each way, how would it know at the start which one you wanted to hit?
I am not remarkably techy, but is there anything here that would improve and decrease the number of dropped connections between my stages PM and the 520? My 500 presently loses connection (much) more than I would prefer, drives me a bit nuts. Granted, I live in a very populous area (Orange County, CA) with lots of signals everywhere I am sure…any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I had the same problem and found it was the power meter not the cycling computer. I was experiencing stages drop outs on my Garmin 500 and Mio 505. It was related top the stages battery connection. Remove the battery compartment O-ring and voila.. no more drop outs. Unfortunately, you probably compromised the water protection at the same time. I ended up wrapping a layer of see through duct tape around the crank as water protection. Worked perfectly since.
Talking about OSM maps….The latest Basecamp 4.5.0 for Mac OS-X will crash when you try to open an OSM map that you referred to above. Just to let Garmin know that they need a fix quickly.
Does anyone know whether I can use my Forerunner 225 as HRM in addition to the Edge 520? Upon synchronizing the data of both devices, am I able to bundle the data so my heart rate measured with the FR225 will be added to the data (route/cadence/speed/etc.) of the Edge 520?
I really hate chest straps, that’s precisely what I love about my FR225 while running. I would like to use the Edge 520 for cycling as the FR225 cannot really help me there, but I do not want to wear a chest strap. So the question is, can I still use my FR225 for the heart rate part and combine the data afterwards?
I’m personnally using the Mio Link Heart Rate Wristband, because I don’t like chest straps either. It’s very reliable and I like it, could not go back to chest straps now, for sure! I believe that Ray has also reviewed this product, you should find the article by browsing this blog.
Ray great review.
Finally Garmin seems to have found a great cycling product.
Hopefully the 520 works OK in terms of connectivity reliability.
I was about to close a deal for an Edge 1000. I will wait to know if the FE-C and VO2 Max functions will be added in the upcoming firmware update.
Just received a 520 that I am setting up for my wife to use – I have a 510 currently and am struggling a little with the different UI (buttons vs. touch screen).
Couple of questions:
– Anyone know how to change the scale on the elevation screen? On the 510, I could touch the feet or miles to change the vertical/horizontal scale.
– Anyone know how to zoom on the map without going deep into the menus to set the zoom level manually?
– Is there a way to pan the map?
Changing the map zoom is burdensome. Basically, you can’t do it without stopping and going through the buttons. I have an old 800 and I’ve come to the conclusion that you need a touch screen to make a map usable while on the fly. I like the other features of the 520 and will keep it. I needed mapping this past weekend and took both the 520 and 800 with me. Worked well especially since the 520 didn’t take up much real estate when I moved it over to a conventional handlebar mount.
The map is still unreadable for me but that is largely a function of my age and lack of reading lenses. On the other hand, found a gem on this board. I ordered those $15 stick on bifocal wannabee lenses you put on your sunglasses that somebody recommended. Looking forward to trying them as I have a map intensive Phila to NYC century this weekend.
Will the edge 520 allow you to see real time heart rate data, not just average/min/max? I noticed that most of the Garmin edge products do not do this. Do most cyclists just not care about this information?
Agreed. Every Garmin Edge cycling computer shows real time heart rate data. You can also choose to show avg, or min or max, though I’m not sure why you would choose to during a ride.
In fact, I don’t know of a single Garmin fitness product that doesn’t show real time heart rate.
Well that makes sense. I was looking at bike computers in a store and that is what they told me about the 520 specifically and the other edge models. Someone was confused about something. Thanks for the response!
If the budget is not an issue, would you more recommend the 1000 or the 520?
I have the impression that a mix of the two would be the perfect device, as the limited memory and missing routing features on the 520 might me get for the 1000, but the size of the 520 is much nicer…
It really depends on how much you value the mapping/navigation aspects. If you primarily just use the map for a quick double-check of something, then go Edge 520.
If however you’re using the navigational features a lot – such as specifying an exact address, or want turn by turn instructions, the Edge 1000 is a better bet.
I suspect I’ll probably convert to a small fleet of Edge 520’s here by fall (away from a mix of Edge 810 and 1000 units).
I had problems with the 520 finding my custom maps until I renamed the gmapsupp.img file to gmapbmap.img (in the Garmin folder). Once I did that I can actually see the more detailed maps.
In response to PY, I don’t think the 1000 is a better option than the 810, the latter of which is more compact with better battery life. This raises a new question. given that the 810 is now showing to be cheaper (looking at today’s amazon) than the new 520, wouldn’t the 810 now be the best option, if only for the added memory and routable maps. Interested in people’s thoughts?
I have a friend who just bought the 1000 and he had a 810 before. He seems to be happy of it, so the 1000 must be somehow nicer than the 810. But he just had it for a few days, so I don’t have his long time feedback yet. Any other opinion about this subject will be appreciated!
Fair enough PY. To me it looks like the 1000 has the benefit of a larger screen although for many the extra size is detrimental and it’s a bit heavier. it has a slightly higher screen res, not sure how noticeable this is. The 1000 has the ability to route an instant course for the user based on distance – sounds good, although I’d be wary at the roads it took me on. Finally, it can receive text updates which could be quite a useful feature. The bluetooth link for this failed quite a lot – not sure how well it’s working now. I’ll leave it to others who have had user experience, or perhaps DC might be able to give his summation of the 1000vs810vs520 if money was/was not an option
810 doesn’t have Glonass. So 520 is more accurate, faster acquisition, less signal lost, and it’s a more compact package. Depends on needs though. If your primary use is navigation, the bigger screen of the 810 might be a benefit for you. If like me, your primary use is tracking your ride data, and displaying data like power, HR, and cadence during your workouts and races, you might find the additional accuracy of the 520 more compelling.
Just got the Edge 520 and took it for a spin this morning. I’ve used the HR strap from my Forerunner 620 with my Edge 500 before with nor problems, but on this morning’s ride, I noticed my HR switching back and forth between 63 and my HR at the moment (see attached). Any idea what’s going on here? Thanks!
While it could be the fault of the Edge 520 – that actually looks like tell-tale signs of the HR battery going bad. Any chance you’re able to swap out the coin cell battery and give it another whirl?
Thanks, Ray. That’s what I thought. It also behaved a bit wonky with my Forerunner on my afternoon run, so I guess I’ll be replacing the battaery and trying again. Will post an update.
I did my first ride with my 520 today and my heart rate looked the exact same. I’ll also change the battery and hope for the best. I’ll report back if the battery change helps.
So, I changed the battery on my HRM-Run and it did the same thing again (flipping between 63 bpm and my current heart rate), but also did it to a lesser extent with my Forerunner 620. On the battery status page for the HRM, the Forerunner 620 said the new battery was “ok” while the Edge 520 said “critical.” So what’s a guy to do? I figure maybe my HRM is going bad, so I went out and bought a new strap. So far, this seems to have solved the problem — no weird jumps to 63 bpm on either part of my brick today. What concerns me, though, is that the Edge 520 still gives a battery status of “critical” for the new HRM. This just can’t be true since I bought it only today. Could this be a firmware problem or do you think I have a faulty 520 unit? Everything else seems to be okay. Thanks again,
I’m having the sames issue. FR620 is 5 months old. I’ve not tried using the HRM with both FR620 and Edge 520 at the same time, but the numbers on the FR620 look OK, so assume it’s a bug with the Edge 520. Hope Garmin sort soon.
I called Garmin about this. They said its a software issue on the 520 and they believe its only with the HR strap that does running dynamics. They said they are working on an update, but do not have a release date for it yet.
I think it is HRM, as I was having this same issue with my 920XT. Started using my spare HRM, a Wahoo Ant+ unit, and problem completely solved. Kind of a bummer to lose the extra running dynamics though.
Bill, it’s not a Bluetooth issue, it depends on the type of network your carrier uses for voice calls. Basically, if you can surf the web and talk on the phone simultaneously (BT headset or speakerphone) then live updates should work during a voice call, but that can and will vary by location and cell coverage. Without knowing which iPhone you have or which wireless provider you use, it’s difficult to give you an exact answer.
An iPhone can communicate with several different types of Bluetooth devices at once, although generally only on a one-of-a-type-at-a-time basis (you’ll have to choose between your Jabra headset and your Jambox speaker).
So, for example, you can pair your Bluetooth HR sensor, speed/cadence sensor and power meter to a single iPhone all at the same time.
The restriction with Bluetooth as far as we’re concerned is at the sensor level. Each Bluetooth sensor can only talk to one master device at a time. So a Stages power meter can communicate over Bluetooth with either an iPhone or a Polar M450 or an Ambit 3, but only one at a time. That same Stages power meter can communicate over ANT+ with any number of Garmins or other ANT+ receivers simultaneously.
I took mine out for a ride this morning and it worked great. The only problem I had was with my heart rate strap from the Forerunner 620, which kept on dropping my heart rate down throughout the ride. I thought it might be the 520 causing the problem, but a similar thing happened on my run this afternoon, so I’m thing I have a problem with the HRM strap. I may need to change the battery. So far, though, no problems with the 520. Worked great and synced without a problem.
Mine uploaded fine via Bluetooth on my HTC One, but it did Stop about a 1/4 of the way into my ride. I was on a rocky tough climb and looked down and saw the choices to save or discard, and I was like “back” I’m not done yet. I didn’t think to hit Start again, because I had inadvertently chosen Elapsed Time which kept on going, so I didn’t know it had stopped. I’m usually just glancing at the HR or not looking at it at all, so I didn’t notice till my cooldown that it was sitting at 3.88 miles. At some point later in the ride, it beeped at me and showed a lap time, even though I was on a completely different trail and don’t have Auto-lap enabled anyway. Apparently it recorded a little bit there. I’m hoping the bar fly just flexed a little and let the button hit my stem top cap. The buttons are really touchy. If it’s going to turn off just from being jostled around while mountain biking, that will be a bummer. I hadn’t even gotten to the downhill when it had stopped, so who knows if it would have done it again if I had restarted it. I’ll find out tomorrow.
I didn’t try any of the Strava stuff yet. I didn’t even have it linked to my Garmin connect when I started the ride, only paired bluetooth and it auto-uploaded right away. I’ll have to look at the directions for the Strava stuff, just ran through the basics this morning to get it up and running and out the door on my ride.
An update, it worked fine today on some super fast rocky descents, set some PR’s. I adjusted the BarFly up a tad so it wouldn’t bounce off the stem, bonus, I can see the display better now too. So perhaps I was correct that the button got pressed by bouncing off the stem top cap…
Turned on the Strava segment feature, it seems to download a variety of segments close by, but definitely includes starred segments. As I was coming up on segment it started to notify me, 500ft to start of segment, etc. Also showed me the name of the KOM holder so I knew who the “time behind” referred to. It was a segment with a lot of cornering and climbing so I didn’t even look at it once it started, but I never knew where that segment started and this time I knew when to give it the gas and moved up to 5th, so that was nice. Later in the ride, there was another segment where I’ve set a goal time of 9:00 on Strava. I also have it starred. As I neared that one it also notified and when that one started it had my goal time at the top instead of the KOM holder’s name, and the “time behind” was in reference to the goal time. I thought that was pretty cool.
At the end of the ride, it uploaded via BT in only about 15 seconds after I hit save ride. Way faster than my 510 which only uploaded over BT about 50% of the time and frequently took 5 minutes or more to decide to do so.
Happy with the 520 now. I’ll try to update after a few more rides.
The ride area is Lunch Loops in Grand Junction, uber technical terrain.
As I’m mainly riding mtb-xc, struggling what to pick up between (bundle): 810, 510 and 520, any suggestions on personal experience? (Curently using mobile phone with endomondo-strava)
I would definitely take the 520 over the 510. Much nicer to have buttons instead of touch screen. Love touchscreen on my phone, wasn’t so good while riding. Less losing signal in the woods, hopefully none.
Vs. the 810 depends on how much you want to rely on the mapping. I was fine with the breadcrumb trail on my 500 the few times I used it. I haven’t even looked into the mapping functions on the 520 yet. Perhaps I’ll check that out this weekend. I can only imagine it’s better than the 500 and 510 at the least.
Also the 520 finds satellites in less than 15 seconds. Nice improvement over my 500 which could sometimes take a minute or two. A bummer when you’re wanting to start a ride.
I am an uncompetitive roadie, I was all about the 520 until yesterday. I had a good long discussion with myself and decided that car-like gps was more important than glonass and fec trainer support and bluetooth smart. Nothing I use for riding is bluetooth. I use my laptop on my trainer with a dongle so I do not need my head unit to control my trainer, and all my sensors record speed, cadence, etc outdoors. Should they be dead my powertap hub would provide. so yesterday i cancelled my 520 order and pilled the trigger on a 810.
however from the ridiculous amout of research I put into this if I only road off road I would probably want the glonass satellites and would have waitied for the 520
I currently use the joule gps and i can still use that to control trainer in a pinch if i had to and i’m familiar with breadcrumbs from it and it just doesn’t cut it for wandering and exploring like I want to do.
Please take this as informational. It might come off sounding a bit whiny but it is not meant to I just do not write well.
To set the stage let me say I understand that my lack of planning is not the problem of anyone else.
However in my defense, I live in the Amazon age. I use Amazon frequently with my prime membership. Order today and sometimes have it today. Tomorrow is a piece of cake. Two days? Everything on the planet or just about in two days is my mindset
I get shoes from zappos…order today receive tomorrow, and others just like it.
You all understand I need not go on.
I have been reading Ray’s reviews for quite some time. I always feel guilty I do not spend any money at clever training. I have been agonizing over my decision to purchase a new bike gps as I am tired of my joule. I am traveling this week with my daughter and we want to explore on our bikes and I do not want to follow breadcrumbs, I want maps, specifically I want car like gps.
So yesterday I pull the trigger on a new 810 that I NEED by Friday. I go to clever training and add to cart and look at shipping options. Fedex…woo hoo…flat overnight fee of 29.95. fantastic. Save 10 from Ray, get overnight have it tomorrow …my life is good on to my next first world problem.
Except… of last night the order is still “processing”…well no worries..lag time updates eh I’ll send a email someone will answer it will all be good.
This morning no answer. Hmmm ok …well when I get to work I’ll call. 24/7 800 number.
So I call…get Clinton on the phone (I’ll skip my thoughts on the political reference) I ask politely, hey Clinton ….yada…will I have it today?
His answer? I’m sorry sir I cannot help you with your order, I’ll send a message to the customer service team and someone will be with you in 1 business day. Goodbye….click
Seriously!!…WTF just happened?
That is customer service? I cannot help you someone else will call goodbye and hang up?
Ok, so at this point I am pulling the trigger ON AMAZON on a 810, having it next day aired to my first days location with my daughter and will now have to go a little out of my way to get it.
You might be clever with training but you are dumb as a stump with customer handling clever training..P.S. Obviously you have a return coming your way when I get back.
A Retraction of sorts.
I contacted again with the attitude I was going to at least speak to a call center supervisor.
Instead I got an actual Clever training person Mariah (not sure if I spelled correctly)
What a difference. She made everything better and has retained me as a customer for sure!
I cannot say enough about her professionalism and genuine concern and how well she did her part.
I am so glad I gave them another chance to make it right and they should be happy they have someone like her taking care of their customers because I WILL purchase there again because of this.
Yes my situation was self-inflicted from the onset; however I am justified in call them out on the call center issue. They pick who represents them after hours. I was definitely leaving based on their call center experience they provided.
However now because of Mariah I will be back. All is forgiven on my end.
Thanks for both notes, definitely appreciate both the initial note and the follow-up! I’ll circle back with the CT folks about the evening call center and see what’s up there.
Fwiw, on Mariah – there’s a little snippet (and a photo) of her in my post from a year or two back here: link to
She’s awesome – and a fan of many regular DCR readers that support via Clever Training. Also an expert in ‘making things happen’.
Ordered day one from CT and the original estimate was late July. This later changed to August. I emailed them seeing how plenty of people already have these in hand and was told now it’s maybe by the end of the month????
Considering other retailers have already shipped what’s the issue with CT? Are they on Garmin’s ‘you ticked us off’ list or something? I might just cancel and call it a day. I ordered 6=weeks ago and now am being told another 4? PASS!
Thanks for the support, I do appreciate it. The Edge 520 came out four weeks ago, but ignoring that – there are two products at play here:
Edge 520 bundle
Edge 520 base
Garmin has ONLY shipped Edge 520 bundles out to retailers, and not base units yet (there may be some base units offered at bike show events, not sure). They started shipping those bundle units last week to Clever Training (end of July as planned) and Clever Training based on that was able to fulfill approximately half the bundle orders last Friday. As of earlier in the week they had not yet received any base unit updated ship dates, but that may have changed in the last few days (I haven’t checked).
As with past Garmin releases (every one actually), Garmin is usually late on ship times. Clever Training knows this so usually they add enough padding to account for it (other retailers do the opposite), but sometimes you just can’t add enough apparently.
Again, I do appreciate the support through them – and I assure you they’d like you to have the unit just as much as anyone else.
Thanks for the response.. Yes you are correct it has not been 6 weeks since I ordered, It’s been 5 so my bad.
The email response I got today says they do not have a date for the base units and it said ‘maybe’ by the end of the month…
I’m not really interested in waiting another 4 weeks (or more).. I’ll give it another week or so and see where it stands before deciding what to do with the pre-order.
Since other retailers are shipping them I figured maybe CT was on Garmin’s ‘you ticked us off list’..
Thanks again for the response and for all you do with these reviews!
Thank you for your recent pre-order for the Garmin Edge 520. Our first shipment is scheduled to arrive the middle of next week. We will begin to fulfill orders based on the date in which the order was placed. If your order is fulfilled with this shipment, you will receive an email with the tracking information for the processed shipment. If your order is not fulfilled with this shipment, you will receive an update next Thursday, August 8th, with any new information we have at that time.
If you have any specific questions, regarding your pre-order please feel free to contact us directly at
@Bart yep, to confirm I just received the same exact email (unprompted) from CT :( Hopefully they provide some updates related to those who ordered the standalone unit.
RNH, I have found that when the status email goes from the canned we have not heard from Garmin yet to we will be getting a shipment that’s usually the case. Since i ordered the base unit i bet we see some ship next week so here is hoping we are first on the list.
This is my first garmin and I was hopeful it would be stable so far I am 1 for 2. On my second ride it crashed on saving the ride and I cannot retrieve it. It shows in the history but I cannot examine the details or upload it to garmin connect.
So apparently they need to do a little work on the stability.
I got that same email. Although, since I just placed my order earlier this week, I’m half expecting an email next Thursday (8th?- someone needs to check a calendar) telling me I’ll still be waiting. Not too concerned. My 620 is handling bike duties adequately.
I did choose CT over Amazon, as CT gave a date of Aug 18, where as Amazon said 1-3 months. Also, the DCR VIP discount. And the whole supporting the site thing. I almost feel we should be paying extra ordering through Ray’s links for all the work he does (whatever they’re giving you, it’s not enough).
And lastly, I’d like to add, I’ve had positive experiences speaking via phone with CT. Forget who, but some online retailers won’t ship to Hawaii- something about postal restrictions and lithium batteries transported by air. CT assured me this would not me an issue.
I think Oriol is right Ray, your comparison chart for the 520 shows “No” for Weather Display (Live Data), but should say “Yes”, similar to the 510. :-)
Hey guys, I can’t get the device to display weather data live. The garmin connect app (iOS) doesn’t seem to have a choice to turn that on/off for my 520 device. Is is done differently now?
Thanks a lot for everything!
Just got a message from Garmin stating it would ship 8/14. I inquired after my last inquiry stating it would ship today (8/7). Frankly, I’m OK with waiting as it sounds like the ones that were shipped early are buggy as long as the wait is for the fix! As many of you all seem to be I’m also an instant gratification kind of guy and it’s been REALLY hard waiting! This will be my first foray into Garmin, I’ve been using the Strava App for acquisition and VeloViewer for quenching my thirst for data. I’m hoping Garmin opens up more data for me especially given I purchased and have been using the P1’s now for a little over a month and am hungry for the left/right power analysis. Currently I haven’t been able to figure out how to get that via Strava. I avoided the Joule GPS+ based on the reviews from DC and the feeling after I read that of it’s not as advanced as Garmin. When Garmin came out with the 520 and Ray’s review about getting it “just right” I decided to take the plunge and be a convert. Hopefully I won’t be disappointed! Thanks to all of you that are posting their comments on their experiences. Perhaps another week of experiences will help me decide further if I want to stay the course or drop my order and pick up a different head unit. Thanks Ray for all your in depth reviews and what you do. Can’t believe you do this as a side job :) Care to start a site on time management for our benefit???
Hi, can the edge 520 and fenix 3 share information between them? I.e. The VO2 max, FTP and recovery times. If i use the fenix for running and swimming and the edge for cycling will the edge take into account the amount of exercise i’ve done with the fenix and reflect that in my edge recovery times?
if you have fenix 3 (as I do) why would you use 520 for cycling and not just mount the fenix 3? is it only for screen size? what can 520 do that fenix3 cannot????
It’s mostly screen size. I prefer the Edge 520 because the screen is a bit bigger, and it also has features the Fenix3 does not (such as ANT+ FE-C support, Varia Radar/lights support, Strava support), and probably a few others I’m not thinking of.
1. Does the 520 show the contents of incoming text messages, or just the fact that they have arrived?
2. If you’re riding with the screen showing the map and some superimposed data fields it sounds as though it’s not possible to move and zoom around the map without switching to another screen. Is that right?
ONE IMPORTANT QUESTION: Please, please, please could you let me know if it’s possible to upload an activity from the 520 to an ipad? This is a massive dealmaker/breaker. I don’t always have phone data (travelling abroad) hence only ipad.
@Joe Assuming you normally use wifi on your iPad while abroad, I’ll go ahead and ask why couldn’t you simply use wifi on your phone too?
Just toggle off cellular data on your phone, turn on wifi, connect to wifi network, open up Mobile Connect and upload your activity from the 520. Or something. Along these lines.
Cheers for the reply, Chris but have you got a 520 and tried this? Just wondering as wasn’t sure whether you could use it to upload to GC without the cellular data. And 2nd question, is it possible to transfer an activity from Garmin Connect to Strava with an ipad/smartphone?
I don’t have a 520 … Yet. But as Ray has schooled me all modern Garmin units work the same way. You’ll be able to upload to GC from a 520 as you would from a 1000 or a Forerunner.
A typical flow for me is Vivosmart > GC Mobile via Bluetooth on my iPhone > sync to GC via wifi from my iPhone.
And as far as Strava goes, you can log on to your Strava account and connect it to your GC account. Synching will occur automatically in the background soon after you’ve uploaded your activity via GC Mobile.
@Joe R-C
No issues uploading activities to Garmin Connect using Garmin Connect Mobile (Edge 520 > Garmin Connect Mobile, via BLE on iPhone > Garmin Connect, via wifi). I can also report that syncing to Strava is instantaneous, in my case.
I received my 520 today! (woot!) Alas though in the process of trying to install the openstreetmap based map (replacing gmapbmap.img per the folks reporting success), I’ve lost maps entirely. My unit prints the osm copyright note at boot, then a dialog that says “Cannot unlock maps.” I also apparently didn’t properly backup the stock gmapbmap.img, can anyone help me out by sending me the stock gmapbmap.img from their unit?
I wonder if the 2.30 update from garmin broke osm maps or somesuch?
The new one that worked for me is 18MB, the one that would not work was 50MB. I’m not sure if the size is the issue or some feature was included in the first OSM map that Garmin did not like. I’m going to ride with the 520 a few times over the next few days, but then I’ll do more experiments to see if I can narrow down why some tilesets work and others do not (i.e. the problem may not be file size per se).
I am anxiously awaiting mine. I see people are starting to receive their units. Any report good or bad on the units? I did see one issue with stability. Hoping that is more an exception!
Yeah, looking through the Amazon reviews one has to separate out Edge issues from user issues from other issues.
For example, one person is upset because of a server error in his screenshot. Well, that’s not anything to do with the Edge 520. Heck, even Garmin responded in the Amazon comment (I never knew they bothered to do so) saying as such.
Another gave the unit 1-star because of the Strava Virtual Partner ordering on segments (prioritizes who you follow over the KOM). I find this funny, because someone else around here just noted that they prefer the opposite of what this reader apparently hates (personally, I prefer trying to beat people I follow by default, because honestly I’ll never beat the KOM for most segments). Still, I can understand wanting to have an option to change this behavior, but to give 1 stars purely because of this?
Finally, the other challenge you have at this stage with Amazon reviews is that no Amazon verified purchases have been declared (in large part because Amazon hasn’t received any units themselves as Garmin on a matter of policy ships to them last, so only secondary sellers would have listed there, and even then, most secondary sellers wouldn’t bother to list inventory there now because they can make more money selling a hot item like this directly, versus letting Amazon take a cut). The point there being that what ends up happening is essentially any upset people flock to Amazon in an attempt to shot down a product. It’s a trend I see often until the balance of power shifts to just everyone else who purchased via Amazon and decides to rate their own purchases. Versus happy people don’t flock to Amazon if they purchased elsewhere because…well…why would they?
Not discounting those actually having problems, but just putting into perspective what I see skimming that list…
Btw – For that feature, you can actually change that to be KOM vs person you follow ahead of time on your unit per segment. Of course, said 1-star commentator didn’t notice that option…
Ray, Clever just shipped my 520. I have a 510 with a K-Edge mount that I’m handing down to my wife. Will a standard K-Edge work well enough with the 520 design (with button on bottom) or would it be better to wait for a new design or get the one for the 1000 that would put it further out front? This is a straight handlebar on a mountain bike.
You should be good. The last 2 photos in the little mount gallery are the standard K-Edge mount, so I’d double-check that it’s the same one as I have in the photo (likely is). But since it fits the Edge 510, the 520 is smaller and so you get back that little bit for pressing the bottom buttons.
Thanks Ray, I do have the standard K-Edge Garmin mount and I agree it should be good. It seems K-Edge may have limited quantities of that mount these days as they are focusing on a newer “Aero” version of it that brings the computer much closer to the handlebar which MAY cause an issue, I had to buy the “Aero” to get a blue one (my wife’s bike color, had to do it) in a reasonable timeframe but since she will use it with my old 510 it shouldn’t be an issue. I will test it with the 520 though and let you know if its a pain though.
One of the main reasons for me to get the Edge 520 is text/call notification. Just tested this on the Edge 520 and unfortunately, i am not seeing any notification. During an activity, if i hit the action button (top right), it takes me to a menu screen and when i choose “Missed Calls and Texts”, i can see the content of the text messages but without any notification, this is not very useful.
@ Changren Yong:
I understand that you weren’t notified in real-time but when you went into that menu did you see the content of the text message or just the metadata (who, when, …)?
I’ve been getting notifications for texts. I hear it on my phone first. Then I hear the beep on the 520 and look down and see the number of the caller/texter at the bottom of the screen. I suppose if it’s an important number, I could choose to stop and read the text itself. I’m content with just knowing who it’s from so I’m not having to stop and check my phone to see if it was important or not.
BTW, used the 520 on 3 more rides. It’s worked perfectly. I was wondering if it would let me LiveSegment a downhill segment, and once I starred it, it came up and worked, though I was too focused on the trail to look down at it even once during, the beep to let you know the segment has started is useful. It picks a random selection of popular segments plus any that you’ve starred as availalble for live segments.
Thanks for the response. Mine is finally working. I had to redo the pairing:
– Remove the BT_Edge 520 device from the Bluetooth menu on my iPhone 6 running iOS 9 beta 5
– Go to Edge 520’s Bluetooth menu (in Settings) and pair it up with my iPhone again
After that, i started getting text message and call notifications.
I see that it unfortunately supports profiles with GPS off. It’s the only thing missing on my 510, which I bought just some 6 months ago. I really hope they’d add this on the 510, but if not, I’m gonna have to buy a 520. SIGH.
Don, Thomas, Do you have any experiences with using OSM maps and downloaded courses yet with the 520 Which you want to share with us? I’m considering buying one, but I would like to be sure about the map and course abilities of the edge 520.
I just received mine yesterday. 1st ride later today.
I was able to upload an OSM map which seems to be working OK. I had to parse down the area but had more than enough room after deleting the garmin base map. One thing I eventually figured out is that you have to manually rename the OSM map to whatever file name the Garmin base map used. I don’t recall it now.
One other observation. Text and call alerts are virtually useless with a LG G2. No on screen notification. I have to navigate through the menu (status >Bluetooth>missed calls and texts) and then I only get header notification of the sender and time for texts. No notifications for missed calls. Would have been nice but not a deal breaker. I’m up for a new phone on my present contract and that is 1 factor in my next selection.
I have 42MB free. I really skimped on the OSM map, left out some of my vacation spots. I am probably going to redo the map with fewer holes since I have more space. The one thing I don’t like that much about this is that if you travel or tour to another area, you basically have to delete your home map, reload the new one you have made and then reverse the process after returning home.
One other issue which I haven’t determined yet. I have 60 year old eyes and I think the smaller map issue, smaller text may be an issue for me.
Ray, awesome review! I’m about to buy my first bike-gps. My first choice was the Edge 810 but since this review I think about buying the 520 instead. Good choice? The smaller size and better positioning system are important for me.
Obviously do what makes you happy and there is no way I would argue against rays endorsement even if I could. A week ago I switched from the bread crumb mapping on a joule GPS to a 810 (canceling my 520 order to get the 810 even) and I could not be happier. It is everything I wish for in a GPS unit including car like turn by turn directions.
But if didn’t really want that or I was a serious mountain biker always off the beaten path then I guess the glonass feature would have ruled the day. If I was in any way a competitive athlete trying to find all the performance in myself I could then again the 520 would rule the day for now.
That’s a valid point, if you’re doing lots of ‘new route’ type stuff where you were going out and doing totally new routes each day, then something with more turn by turn navigation would be better. For example, if I were to go do a 5-7 day trek, I’d probably grab my 810 or 1000.
But, for just exploring ‘nearby’ me on a Saturday ride where I can use breadcrumb, the 520 works fine.
Wow some bad news from Clever Training. Looks like the Amazon reviews are Strava units, do they have more inventory. I’d rather not wait another 3 weeks best case scenario.
Thank you for your recent pre-order for the Garmin Edge 520. Based on information available from the manufacturer we expect our next shipment to arrive the end of this month. Upon receipt we will process orders based on the date each was placed.
We will be sure to keep you up to date on any new information that becomes available regarding the availability of the recently released Garmin Edge 520.
If you have any specific questions, regarding your pre-order please feel free to contact us directly at
I had trouble getting OpenStreetMaps to work on the new 520 so I headed here…only mistake I made was starting at the top of the comments and reading through 300 posts before I saw to rename the gmapsupp.img to gmapbmap.img. Was necessary to delete (and empty trash) the original gmapbmap.img before renaming the new file. I made a backup of the original, but assume I probably don’t need it because it will probably get restored if I do a full device reset, but I don’t plan on finding out unless I start having issues.
I’ve only ridden 30 minutes with the new 520 (thanks Clevertraining/DC for getting it to me so fast and at a discount!). Was interested to see how it handles overlapping Strava segments…appears to only catch the first one and ignore the subsequent ones, so I went into Strava and made sure to only put stars on the ones I want to see and made sure they don’t overlap. I also disabled a segment during the ride and when I passed it again, it still started up. Oh well, wasn’t expecting perfection out of the box.
I can confirm the data fields are MUCH easier to read than the 510. You can also view your historical data while you are in the middle of a ride, though I’d recommend pulling over first :) That was something that occasionally annoyed me with the 510. Also, the way it handles sensors (pooling) seems much better than matching each sensor to a specific bike profile. If you pick up multiple sensors of the same type, it just asks you if you want to switch from the current one to the next one. Helps if you have them named so you can recognize which one is which.
All in all, I’m loving the 520 after having it for only 24hours, compared to my old 510. I’ll have to get used to the buttons, but that shouldn’t take long. I should also mention that with the K-edge aero mount, I am still able to hit the bottom buttons, although they are quite close to my bars. Hope this long-drawn-out review helps someone.
Good review, thanks! Just got my Garmin 520 yesterday. I am replacing my old 500. Early thoughts–buttons on bottom are great idea from an ergonomic perspective if you like recording splits on the fly. The 500 had terrible ergonomics. Satellite finding is amazingly fast with GLASNOSS, works even indoors for me. Slightly larger screen supports 7 windows well, I used 5 on my old 500. Although a 500 is now about half the price if you get it on sale, but I’m happy with the upgrade to 520. So far so good.
HOWEVER, I tried downloading custom basemaps as you suggest. All goes well until it’s time to stick the .img file somewhere via direct UBS connection (I’ve done this many times for courses). I’ve put it in the “new files” folder and the “custom maps” folder. Nothing. So where does it go? Your otherwise clear directions are blank on this.
You place it in the root Garmin folder and delete the gmapbmap file and rename your new file gmapbmap.img.
I used mine for the first time yesterday. Worked well. Mine is replacing an 800. I actually liked the touch screen a little better. I rode at dusk and I could just touch the screen and get it to brighten. Now I have to hit the brightness button twice. Although I don’t use preset courses, I liked that the 800 would visually display the upcoming intersecting street on the Nav screen. On the 520 all I get is a directional heading at the top. Despite the small reduction in screen size, the data pages were very easy to read (I have 60 year eyes). However, I really couldn’t see any labels on the map.
One thing I’d like to see Garmin add is the ability to at least slightly customize the way data fields are displayed.
Right now, for example, I have 5 fields displayed, but they’re all the same size. I only need 5 but I’d love to be able to have Power and Cadence, the most important fields for most of my workouts, take up the whole top half or third of the screen, rather than having all fields be the same size. Other fields, like distance, are maybe cool to see if I’m curious how far I’ve gone, but I’m frequently trying to maintain a certain power or cadence for a certain time, so I want to be able to see those easily since I’m glancing down at them frequently.
I suppose I could have one screen for Power, Cadence, Heart rate, Lap time, and have the other fields I might find interesting on a separate screen. I’m not sure of the layout for 4 screens, even that might be all the same size, and I’d still rather have power and cadence larger than the other two.
Just a suggestion for Garmin that maybe you could pass along for a future firmware update.
For those looking for mapping instructions, I’ve added in an Edge 520 section into my original ‘How to download free maps’ post, which details how you install maps. You’ll find that Edge 520 section here: link to
I generally don’t comment on unannounced products (either way), but as a reference point the Edge 1000 basically just came out early last summer (touch over a year ago), so it wouldn’t make much sense to refresh that.
Meanwhile, I’d classify the Edge 810 as overdue, but feature-wise they’ve been adding in new features every few months (and still are), so usually Garmin doesn’t do that when they plan to release a new product soon.
Thanks….i like the 520 but i need the touchscreen function and more space to maps, so i think of buying the 810 but i didnt want to buy and within a month they release the 820.
I’m not sure about the map size yet. It may not be that bad. I’m holding the 520 next to my 800. Screen width is almost identical. Screen height is about 0.75 cm greater on the 800. Map text is slightly crisper on the 520 but I can’t read either while in motion. One difference is that the navigation bar and data fields are on a transparent background on the 800 while on the 520 they’re on a translucent block making the map around the data numerals unreadable. I think I would lose too much real estate with data fields on. I am going to take the 520 out on a preloaded course tomorrow and see how the mapping performs. One downside though. I could immediately brighten the map on the 800 by touching the screen, could just tap it without and precision and it would wake up. Have to go through some button presses on the 520.
On my one ride last night the GPS behaved with precision. I looked at the GPS track on Strava and the only time my track was significantly off road was when it “cut corners”. No more undetected segments.
Anyone know how to get Strava Routes onto the device? Is it possible or must you recreate them in Garmin Connect. The .fit is too new Strava will only export in .gpx or .tcx
I don’t know about Strava Routes, but I loaded one of my routes created in Ride With GPS and it worked fine. It was a .tcx file and I dropped it in the Garmin/NewFiles folder, just like I used to with my 800. It showed up under Courses when I checked the 520. I also noticed that when I looked at the Garmin/Courses folder, my route was there and had been changed a .fit file. I hope this helps.
Did anyone experience with getting the cadence sensor working? I attached it to my crank but after a few revolutions it still doesnt give me green lights.
I already deleted the custom installment on the 520 and tried to connect again. But still the same problem, no lights and no connection. Does anyone have an idea what this problem can be?
Besides that, I do like this one already. Lot of options and works very easy.
Ofcourse interested in the edge810 FE-C Trainer support.
But can you ask Garmin how they see the map support for this device.
Al lot of maps are sold only on SD cards today and cannot be used (directly or indirect) on this device. Basecamp has no option to move a (part) of a map delivered on a SD card to an internal device.
Special the TOPO maps are nowadays only available in SD card format, when riding MTB these maps contain roads (and tracks) not found in Garmins standard maps or OSM.
At the moment i use a few old (8yr) topo maps combined with a pocketPC! in my backpocket but not rugged and hardware will fail soon.
I wanted to buy the edge 520 and a new set of topo maps and only save a small part of the map (tile) to the device but this seems to be impossible.
Only alternative would be buying an “old” 810 for the same price or wait for a smaller 820 whenever that may come.
so basic: can the edge 520 support TOPO maps according to Garmin?
As for maps, I’m pretty sure they don’t really see mapping as a core feature of the Edge 520, else they would have put in a micro-SD slot. And I’m sure to a large degree that’d rather not have people put maps on it and rather them buy more expensive units. Obviously I sorta thwarted those plans.
Thanks for the response.
Reading more about it, i think i will skip the 520.
Mapping seems to be to limited to be useful for specific maps.
I’m happy to spend a little bit more if they bring out the 820 (slightly smaller (edge510 size) and higher resolution screen please) with the same functions of the 520.
But fact is you can’t buy things that aren’t for sale.
So lets wait for Eurobike
I read somewhere (cant remember where) that there was suppose to be a 3-month trial of strava premium, I just dont seem to find how to setup that trial. Anyone?
link to Edge 520 is the first bike computer that’s compatible with Strava live segments and includes a 3-month trial of Strava Premium. With this membership, your starred Strava segments automatically sync with the 520 for live feedback during your ride. You’ll also get alerts for segment start and finish and leaderboard rankings once you complete the segment.
I just signed up for a much shorter trial right before I got my 520. Does anyone know if I will have the option for another trial with the purchase of my 520?
Can someone help me out here? I’m doing a crossword and I need a 5 letter word for someone that posts sarcastic comments on message boards that bring no value to the original conversation. Starts with a “t”
I have had my garmin 520 for 2 days now and just wanted to share my experience.
I was able to easily replace the base maps with the openstreetmaps per DRM’s instructions. I also linked my account up with Strava via Garmin Connect and was able to download my starred segments to the garmin. Yesterday I did get a segment-leader sync error when the garmin was USB’d to my pc. I managed to get around this by deleting the queued transaction.
One thing I noticed is I did not get 3 months of Strava on my account. I am currently on the last day of premium from a one month trial. I called Garmin and they were not sure but said maybe I need to become a regular user and then connect to Strava from GC. If not I should call back Monday. (I will attempt this tomorrow morning)
I have gone on 2 rides. Not everything went smoothly as I am also recording on my Polar v800 and there were some learning curve items to go through :). I bought a Wahoo TICKR specifically so I could capture HR on both my bluetooth V800 watch and the ant+ garmin 520. The bike sensor I have is also ant+ and bluetooth (Wahoo Blue Speed/Cadence).
My first ride was about 12 miles. It worked great and the Strava segment are amazing. It gives you a warning when you are 500 ft away and subsequently updates the distance until you get the “GO” screen which has the map and the target you are trying to beat. I attempted quite a few and had no issues.
The second ride was about 41 miles. It worked great except for one hiccup. About a mile from my house, I noticed that the garmin had restarted. I got what looked like the startup screen (map loading) and then it went to the activity save/delete screen. I resumed the session and it picked up where it left off. When I downloaded my session, I noticed that the period of time in which it restarted was not recorded. So there is a straight line from when it started the restart and when it came back up. I know I did not ride through a bunch of houses and through people’s lawns. :)
I am assuming it is some stability bug that will be fixed. I noticed I had some values in the error_log file in the debugging folder. I will send this to garmin.
One other quirky thing I noticed. I started the ride this morning and then abandoned it as I spent too much time adjusting my other devices. For a 5 min slow bike, my recovery time was 9 hours.
Would love to hear how other’s garmin 520s are working. Especially if they have seen any issues with stability. Thanks!
Update: My first freeze… I had my garmin 520 hooked up via USB and starred a few segments. I detached the garmin and went to enable all segments via the menu. Once I did this it froze. I had to hold the power button down to get control back. I immediately tried again with the same result. Next I went in to GC and deleted all pending updates in the queue. I synced and tried to enable all segments again. This time it worked. One of the segment updates must have been causing the problem.
Also I did get my 3 month trial. Once my current trial ran out I had the option to get the garmin 520 3 month trial from garmin connect -> segment widget.
Went for my second ride yesterday on a preloaded course. No starred Strava segments appeared. Virtual partner just had my +/- time. I think you get one or the other or else I didn’t set something correctly.
Navigation was pretty weak compared to the 800. On the 800 even without baked in turn by turn directions the upcoming intersecting street is displayed. The 520 just gives you a directional heading. This was so useless that I turned it off as I had more map area available to see an upcoming turn.
One other quirky thing. I have my wheel size entered manually. Always thought it gave me better distance calibration and ride to ride reproducibility. About a mile into the ride I got a screen popup that automatic wheel calibration was successful. I stopped and went back in the menu to make sure I selected manual size which I had. Interested to know what that was about.
So I figured out the wheel calibration pop up. I have a Powertap wheel and never realized there was a wheel size entry for this. I then looked at the options under sensor and automatic had been checked. It calculated it to 2008 and I had a manual entry of 2010 under my GSC10 speed sensor. I’m curious which one the 520 used. Not that it’s a big difference as over a century this should amount to 0.1 miles.
The Garmin Edge 520 is my first Garmin bike computer without bike profiles. I like the idea of a pool of sensors and that i don’t have to make sure that the correct bike profile is selected before each ride. For people with multiple bikes, i am sure it has happened at some point that they have forgotten to select the correct bike profile and ended up missing power/cadence data. But there is one good thing about bike profile, other than keeping track of odometer for each bike, is if you are sharing a speed sensor with multiple bikes like i do, you don’t have to change the wheel size for the speed sensor each time you switch bike (assuming the wheel sizes are different). As it is now, if i want move the speed sensor from a bike with 700x23c to one with 700x32c, i will need to wake up the speed sensor, go into the sensor menu, select the speed sensor and change the wheel size. Naturally, if you let the device automatically calculate the wheel size, you don’t have to go through all these steps.
Hi Ray, thx for your fantastic and complete review, as always.
Do you know if is possible to load some portions of map using Garmin Basecamp, in which I have all the OSM maps I need?
My Iphone 4S has a correct date and time and I think somewhere in the software from Garmin is probably a bug. Will Garmin Support ring you back about this problem?
as an aside……..Every time I put my Garmin away and see in my drawer my Motoactv I cannot help but think they could have had it all….I mean a couple different form factors just like garmin and the motoactv could have owned the market…….so sad there was no foresight or commitment there.
oh well life moves on..someday someone will put out the perfect be everything to everyone units depending on the size you want
I like the non-touchscreen actually. My 510 is always covered with smudges, making it hard to read when the sun is hitting it just so. Plus, my big lanky hands seem to have problems hitting the right button.
Thanks for making very thorough postings on your site. I had an edge 810 that kept on freezing. Garmin replaced it with another edge 810 that also kept on freezing.Needless to say I have lost faith in garmin products. After reading you review on the edge 520, I decided to pick one up.
I know there are no “routable” directions, but I notice in your youtube video, on your edge 510, at the top of the screen, the garmin can recognize what street you are on (Port de la tornelle). After putting the OSM maps on my edge 520, it does not recognize what street I am on. For example, when riding on a street, it will say “Riding West” Do you know why this is?
Also, how do you navigate a course on the 520? The courses exported through garmin connect that use angles to determine when to give a turn signal miss 50% of the actual turns. How can I ride a course unless I am staring at the map screen, not seeing my data page and paying attention to whats on the road? I need to get alerts on when a turn is approaching. I would buy an edge 1000, but people on the garmin forums are still saying that there are many problems. How could you reccomend the 520 when it is impossible to follow a course and get to segments, and the strava segments don’t even work while following a course!
A few things (since you also e-mailed me too with almost the same wording). One, as noted numerous times at the top of the post – it wasn’t a review. It was a look at functionality on a beta unit, things change on beta units (for better or worse), and some things aren’t always implemented at time of test/demo (i.e. following course with Segments). Which is again, why it’s a preview.
As for your mapping, the challenge is when one says ‘routable’ it means the unit knows what street your own. The Edge 520 never claimed to have this capability, and thus, it won’t. That’s for the Edge 810/1000/Touring/etc… The Edge 520 merely shows you a map of where you are, but it doesn’t have street context.
Instead, it has breadcrumb routing, which means that you’re basically following a bunch of little dots – not actual streets. This is the same as most other Garmin devices except the routeable ones.
Got my 520 for a few days and first impression was nice… I installed the open maps file (renamed it to the original IMG-file). Marked some star segments (like 150 units+/-) still had enough space on its internal memory, but.. most of the time the 520 crashes; just freezing. freezing when I power up the unit or in-/after the ride. Noticed when i didn’t use the 520 for some while it goes auto-off. save batteries; normal thing. though when restarting it doesn’t goe further then the 2md image u got (before ‘loading maps’).
Can it be that due to the huge amount of star segments installed (and open street maps) that the system overloads itself?
If the crashes are repeatable enough, I’d start with removing the maps first, and see if that solves it. And then failing that, I’d go with reducing the number of segments. I’m not sure if there’s a limit there.
But given you’re getting freezing on loading maps, that to me indicates there might be some issue with the map file you added. I’ve had that happen once before to me on an Edge 810 when I downloaded a map file and the file was slightly corrupted and I didn’t realize it. I just re-downloaded it and then all was well.
I was really happy to discover your site when I searched for a review of the Edge 520. I will be a regular visitor here.
Two questions:
1) Regarding customizing the data fields on the different pages: from screenshots, it looks like all of the data fields are the same size, small. On the Edge 500, you can have the top data field be larger, depending on how many data fields you set for the page. Can you do that with the 520? Or, can you make data fields bigger simply by choosing a small number of fields to display on the page (e.g. 3 instead of 5-6)?
2) I see you can set different activity profiles. How about bike profiles for those of us who would like to use this with two different bikes?
Thanks for the excellent review! You are helping people make more informed purchase decisions.
Ron, the bike profiles you (and I) are used to in the 500 have gone the way of the proverbial dodo bird. Now it’s all about activity profiles and sensor pools. Ray has a pretty good write-up on this in the Activity Profiles section of his big Edge 1000 review.
Got my 520 last week. Working well so far and everything is playing nicely for now (Edge 1000 had sever power drop issues with my stages PM, TICKR X, and even own garmin speed sensor). Anyhow I have noticed what I would describe as a minor annoyance. As usual I have the back light set to time out after 30 secs to save precious battery life. Does anyone know how to brighten the screen again without have to scroll to another screen (i.e. because you need to push a button to wake the device, whichever button you push Garmin will respond). Said another way, how do I simply wake my device (after the backlight goes off) and stay on my current screen?
I found this to be a slight nuisance also. On the 800 all I had to do was touch the screen. On the 520, you hit the upper left button twice. The 1st tap brings up the brightness setting. If you hit it again, it will just bring you back to your prior screen with a wake up for your preset timeout.
on a similar vein, I just got an 810 and this is also an annoyance to me. My powertap joule you can change the contrast / backlight brightness WHEN DIM on the garmin i guess there is no way? in other woords on the garmin I can set the brightness and the timeout, but once it times out it is unreadable until something triggers it to “wake up” isn’t there any way to set the time out brightness as well? my joule if i went trough an overpass or tunnel would brighten up. my garmin stays dark. the only solution I could find is to have the backlight always on and just set the backlight dimmer so i can read it all times and it never has to “wake up” but this cuts battery life in half. granted I do not need 8+ hours of ride time yet but still it seems like a simple software option by garmin.
DC can correct me if I’m wrong but it has to do with the screen. On the 1000 the screen is sensitive to light (which is why it is the only unit that can be paired with its new Garmin Varia light system) whereas the 520 at least is not. Unlike you I am not bothered by it staying in backlight off mode since I don’t necessarily stare at the garmin the entire ride (and also want to get more of a feel for my body when I’m pushing various wattages and riding above/below threshold etc.). Seems like Joel’s solution of double-tapping the brightness button is the only solution for now, so no big deal. Would be preferable to have a “tap any button” to wake first, but I’ll live lol.
I tap the power button and set the brightness to 100% or 0% with one additional tap and have the unit set to ‘always on’ setting it to 0% turns it off. The back button should take you back to the screen you were on or the power button should dismiss the brightness setting.
Did a bunch of searching but didn’t find the answer so I figured I’d post here… To do a hard reset, you hold the power+lap+start/stop buttons for about 5 sec. Had 1 freeze-up post-ride on the recovery screen.
So far mine has been a bit of a mess. Dropping ANT sensors despite new batteries, crashing on save, intermittently connecting to my iphone, maps that disappear, etc. The one that really gets me is the crash and restart after completing a ride and the loss of data. I’m hoping for a rapid firmware update or this unit is going back. Maybe I’ve just got a bad one?
It looks like whatever alerts I set in one profile get applied to all the profiles. I had a recovery ride profile with a max heart rate set to 130. It is getting triggered even on the days when I use another profile that had alert settings off. For example, as soon as I go past 130 bpm, an alert message pops us saying I exceeded the max limit of 180 (yes 180 and not 130, may be another bug). During the ride, I tried to set a higher alert limit for that profile hoping that it will override the setting being used from my recovery ride profile. That only changed the alert message but the trigger remained the same. I found a similar issue regarding the custom speed to detect when to pause. Has any one experienced this issue?
The second problem I have is that while I do get text message notifications, it is only about who and when. The body of the message is not getting displayed. Appreciate any tips to set this up. I have been using Edge 520 for a week now and I love it in spite of these minor issues!
Hi, I just go my Edge 520, and as I was toying with it inside, started a ride and then stopped it, the device froze on the screen saying Discard ride without saving? It’s not responding at all, except for lighting up the backlight when I touch buttons. Did anyone else experience this?
For twelve hours on day one I had the same issue. The button on the upper left – the one with the brightness icon – is the power button. Hold it down for a second the unit will turn off. When it does turn the unit and around and you see the actual power icon on the rubber cover.
Having the same problem. though as DCR stated below my comment I replaced my old open maps file with a new file (maybe it was corrupt or..) plus I reduced the 150 segments to a somewhere around 20. Didn’t use it since then, but qurious to see if it helped. When my unit freezes i had to do a total (hard) reset. all data gone, all settings gone. had it while i ended a ride and during the start.
In the user manual instead it only mentions downloading workouts from Garmin Connect, nothing about editing or creating them. So my question is: can you create, or at least edit, workouts on the 520, as in the 500?
This is a deal breaker for me, as I need to edit Garmin Connect workouts to switch from instantaneous power to P10 or P30 (10 or 30 s average of power), for example 20 minutes with P10 in zone 4. Otherwise the device would beep way too often, given the jumping nature of instantaneous power.
I mean structured Workouts that you create on Garmin Connect, where you specify steps to follow, for example “ride FOR 10:00 minutes AT A heart rate between 140 and 150”. The device beeps to alert you when the heart rate goes lower than 140 or higher than 150. With power the problem is that it is jumping all the time, one second it is 100 W, the next it is 200 W, making such a workout useless, unless you can specify to use for example P10 or P30, as in “4. ride for 5 km at P30 between 200 and 240 W”.
That particular line item refers to the ability to execute (use) custom workouts. So the Edge 520 allows you to use custom workouts from Garmin Connect. Hopefully one of these days Garmin will enable custom workouts on the app (creation) for one-stop shopping.
Yeah, this was strange. Coming from 510 I thought everything would be the same or better on 520, but not being able to set for example “Lap power” as target in Garminconnect, and not being able to create or edit the workout on the 520 (where it was possible to change the target type on the 510) makes it impossible to power as a target for intervals. Yesterday I wanted to do threshold +-10W and spent most of the workout staring at “Power is to high/low” screen.
Hopefully Garmin does something about this, but googling it indicates not a lot of people even complain?
Can someone tell me what the maximum text size is (in mm) on the training display screen when displaying 4 or 5 metrics on the screen? Contemplating a change of brands but need to know how easy to read this will be without my glasses when I ride.
Moving from the 500 to the 520 I miss the easy option to do a zero offset (calibrate) power meters during the startup. Suppose I’ll have to remember to go menu hunting each time. At least with the much quicker satellite lock I have some extra time!
Got an email last night from CT that said they were getting another shipment of 520s next week to cover any “orders that were placed on or before August 8th.” Woot!
Really hoping the 520 corrects the issue with my 500 where it intermittently loses and then re-acquires the GPS signal a second later.
Btw, on your Edge 500 – try doing a soft reset, which will reset the satellite database cache. It sounds like it has a bad known (or rather, not found) satellite in the cache which can cause what you’re describing.
Indeed, Clever Training is a partner here in supporting the site. Readers get a 10% discount on pretty much everything. Details here: link to
Can anyone assist me with a question. I have the 520 with 3 profiles, Road, Mountain and Trainer. I want the Road profile to be the default at startup. Every time I restart the Mountain profile come up. Sound minor but it’s a pain. Thanks!
Just a guess, but could it be alphabetical? Try changing the road profile name to start with a letter that occurs first in the alphabet compared to the others..
Maybe it’s positional in the firmware. Edit the Mountain bike entry and set it up for the road, and ditto for the Road entry. Beyond that, perhaps it is possessed by demons :-)
I figured it out. If you choose the activity profile under Settings and Enable it there it sticks. If you choose it from the home page it defaults to the latter.
I’ve had the same problem and tried enabling the activity profile in Settings, but that didn’t work for me. I’ll have to try it again when I get home tonight – maybe I didn’t save it (but I tried several times). It is a pain having it default to the wrong profile every time I fire it up.
Got the email too. Placed my order on 1 Aug, so very happy.
And I love the communication from CT. Even if it’s bad news, like the last round of emails stating no 520 for me yet. Just the fact that they communicate like they do scores big points. It’s little things like that go a long way in building customer loyalty.
I just got the unit and it has a big software problem that hasn’t been described too much. Basically, it’s not compatible with HRM-RUN strap. The HR reading will drop to 63 quite often (which according to some web search is related to run dynamics data). – check the attached photo please.
Yeah, their response is bs and they desired to be called out for it. It should absolutely be compatible per their own ANT+ spec. On the bright-side, there’s a thread in the Garmin forums where they note the problem and it sounds like it’s on the radar for the next firmware update.
Any word from Garmin on this issue?
I have an Identical problem with my FR 620 HRM (and strap) and Edge 520. Drops to 63 BPM nearly once a minute. Fresh battery in the HRM.
I experienced exactly the same problem with the heart rate monitor which is very annoying. In addition, from the garmin connect, I can’t see the training effect (scale from 1 to 5) as shown by other garmin devices with HRM.
Hi dcr, great review as ever, I love my Garmin 520 but it’s just a shame that you cannot use Strava live segs and run a route from the device at the same time. I use the Strava route planner then drag n drop the TCX file onto the device but when I use this route I cannot use Strava segs do not come up on the screen. So now I have to decide which of the functions I want to use, obviously I would like to use both the same time. it’s a bit of a compromise but I’m sure they will fix it with a firmware update later on.
While you are speaking with Garmin, could you also ask about their plans and time frame to fix the txt message reading feature so it is usable? The way it behaves now it is useless. Thanks!
I would like to repeat the question of user Sebastian raised earlier (July 1, 2015): Does the Edge 520 support resetting the installation angles in the Vector pedals like the Edge 1000 does?
Received an email on Tuesday from CT that said their next shipment was arriving, and that if you had pre-ordered the base model prior to 8/4, you would be fulfilled with this shipment. I did the pre-order on 7/31. True to their word, I received a shipping confirmation last night, and mine is on its way.
This looks slick. One small comment: Very glad it is NOT touch screen. I hated the 510 any time I needed to touch the screen to do something. Very fiddly
I love your blog (I discovered it after I ordered my Edge 520). Do you happen to have a contact at Garmin that knows if a future release will include an option to set segment goals in mass (PR, Rival or KOM)? I ask because I’m thinking about writing a small app to somewhat poorly fix this problem – but I don’t want to bother if an official fix is on the way (or if Garmin even thinks this is a problem). My comment here from the garmin support forums: link to
Ray, On my Edge 520 I get text message notifications from my iPhone 6 but it only says that I got a text message and from who. It does not show the body of the text message as part of the notification. I tried clearing blue tooth connections and pairing them again multiple times but it did not help. Appreciate any suggestions.
I’m pretty sure that’s by design. You need to “drill down” – you know go thru some button clicks to actually read the message. Which is pretty hard to do while riding.
Had my first hiccup today. The unit froze just as I started a live tracking session. The 520 wouldn’t respond, held down the power button and it finally rebooted.
How long did you wait for it to come back before rebooting. I’ve had a few freezes (and manually rebooted because I thought it had locked up), but then I decided to be more patient and wait, say, 10-15s, and it has always seemed to recover. It’s usually when I’m doing something involving courses.
It was 60+ seconds. I only know that because I had the GoPro with me and it timed out & turned itself off.
Incidentally I had my second issue today:
On my commute home the HRM & cadence sensor would not connect. Checked the sensor menu, both sensors were listed. As I deleted the HRM the cadence sensor connected. Had no issues adding the HRM back. I did a short loop around the parking lot to make sure everything was connected. Once the “movement detected” message came up I simply hit start. Here’s the kicker, once I started the ride nothing was recorded. HR, speed & cadence were being displayed but the ride did not record – no distance/calories. At the first traffic light, about 1.5 miles later I stopped the recording and started a new one. This time with no issues.
A couple idiosyncrasies I noticed
Strava live segment times seem to default to next fastest time of your followed riders. If you want to use your existing PR you have to go and individually change the leaderboard. Was riding a segment yesterday where I expected the goal (my PR) to be 6:30 and it was 6:12. I discovered that one of the riders I followed had the nearest goal of 6:12. Would be nice if there was a master switch (similar to enable all) to select your PR, KOM or followed leaderboard rather than individually select them in each segment.
FTP test protocol doesn’t make much sense. I had entered an FTP of 200. The 4th test segment had a target of 150-170W. Why should it have a target at all if it’s the actual 20 minute test? Everytime I went above 170, I would get an annoying popup alert telling me that I had exceeded the limit of 500W (I wish!). So I pedaled with the alert visible almost the entire test and would have to clear it every 30 seconds or so to see what my actual wattage was.
It is even worse than that. If you have some friend you are following and say their time on a segment is 7:10, but your PR is only 10:30 the default is that the 520 will have you compete against their time. Which is super demoralizing and kills the fun/effective part of live-segments.
They really need some global switch so you can specify which of the three choices you want – diving deep into a menu for every one of 100ish segments is never going to work.
Why would you want to star hundreds of segments…you’d spend entire rides chasing KOMs or having segments pop up? Highlight a few of your favourites that you want to best your times in and set your criteria “KOM, following or PR”. Even then most of the time I’m not out segment hunting as much as having a structured workout or even just a typical LSD.
The problem is not staring hundreds of segments, this issue of incorrectly competing against friends also applies to segments that are automatically selected by strava. If you frequently use many different routes and each route has five segments average you quickly end up with 100 segments on your device.
Yeah, the built-in FTP test is wonky. My FTP is 266 and looking at the various stages in the FTP test, i am supposed to maintain 500W for 5 minutes, before the actual 20-minute stage.
Thanks for the input Derek. I thought this forum was about the function and usefulness of the 520 and using the community to collectively figure out this new device rather than whether you agree with my riding habits. By the way, I only starred 1 segment and wanted to challenge myself on that 1 segment against my past performance. Hope that works for you.
Wasn’t a reply to you JoeL..don’t be so sensitive. But in response to your post…I assume that the reason for having to individual select each segment is to give increased customization. In other words there are are segments where I want to set a PR, there are segments I want to beat my buddy, and there are segments I want the KOM. But maybe your right, some master switch control button to iron out all the idiosyncrasies everyone notices is what is really needed here.
Being so much emphasis made on Strava segments, will this unit be of any use to someone who doesn’t use Strava? From what i read, it’s just a great cycling computer WITH strava features and it shouldn’t be any problem omitting using those…but i thought it would be better if i asked first before buying.
I think the Strava thing is more an “added value” than anything. just my opinion though. IO bought this one because it seemed to be the best for what I wanted. i don’t care so much about the wifi, since it has BT. Don’t like touch screens, and living on an island, I don’t need the maps. For the price, it seems a no brainer.
I doubt I’ll ever use the Strava features. I DO love Strava- I have a ppremium subscription, and with live segments, my phone tells me how I’m doing when I do go after a KOM or PR. I did quit using Strava for a while, because I was becoming too obsessed with the leaderboards, and it started taking the enjoyment out of my rides.
I also found i did better when I wasn’t setting out specifically to go after the KOM. Now, I just go after KOMs on a spur of the moment decision if I know there’s one on a particular trail or road, and I know I may have a shot at it.
That being said, I think you answered your own question, “From what i read, it’s just a great cycling computer WITH strava features and it shouldn’t be any problem omitting using those”.
Ray has a really cool product comparison tool right here on this website. You can select the 520 and the 810 and the 1000 or as many more or less than you want and then get a side by side listing of what each unit does.
as a matter of fact if you are writing a post and look to the left of teh text box you are typing in there is a quick link to the product comparison charts………..
I’ve confirmed today the Edge 1000 will receive FE-C trainer control by/in Q4 (at latest). It will also receive all additional features of the Edge 520 such as FTP & Recovery (except the upcoming accident alerts seen on the Edge Explore, due to aforementioned lack of accelerometer). They did note they are working to find some workaround for that issue, acknowledging that it’s an odd gap to have the high-end unit missing a feature of a lower end unit.
They confirmed the Edge 510/810 will NOT receive ANT+ FE. The Edge 510/810 will receive some variant of Varia support, but the exact implementation is still being sorted out.
I stated prior top cancelling my order for my 520 and my ensuring purchase of my 810 that I do not need FE-c trainer support from my 810. I have a laptop and my joules both the original large joule and the gps for trainer support.
However, and I can not even explain why, but that formality of Garmin saying that they are not bringing it to the 810 REALLY irritates me.
In all reality in this day and age I would like to think I should be able to design my own with a company like Garmin. Let me select the features I want and then pack those into the form factor size I want.
Garmin is like cable television packages, a whole lot of channels that not everyone wants or needs but always just shy of the one or two you really want that would make the experience perfectly individualized for the end user.
I would pay not only for that service but they could make it like a annual renewal subscription know barring physical damage to my unit that I could just add whatever software I want for as long as I want it ad pay monthly or yearly? almost priceless……..
So… No more individual bike profiles. Shorter battery life than the 510 (which was shorter than th 500). A bunch of social media/iFeatures I don’t care about.
They list this as their go-to model for competitive cyclists, but they don’t seem to realize how actual competitors use their computers. We want multiple bike setups so we have individual odometers. We don’t want to have the computer scan for a power meter every time we turn it on, and find everybody in the group’s devices. We don’t need our computer feeding us Strava BS – we are actually riding with other humans in real time. We don’t need text messages popping up while on the bike – many people ride to escape all that.
Why not make the “competitive” model suit competitive cyclists, and let those who want all the bells and whistles buy them as part of an 800 series? If the new Edge 25 had power, it would be perfect…. But no.
Makes me wonder if they are trying to push us to buy more devices for each bike we own….
I think from your comments that you must not have one of these devices ?
I’m not sure if I’m what you are labelling as a competitive cyclist (since I don’t race apart from Strava KOMs), but I’m much happier not having to define a profile for each of my (6) bikes (and then selecting the correct profile for each ride, plus registering which sensors to use with which profile). I had to do this with my Mio Cyclo 505 and I found it a pain in the ass. However, there is nothing stopping you creating a profile for each bike if you want individual odometers, the choice is entirely yours.
re: searching, my observation is that it only searches for sensors that you’ve already registered with it, it won’t continually look for new sensors unless you tell it to (I’ve had no problems on club rides).
re: messages, I like the ability to see if someone is trying to contact me, but I can turn it off if I don’t want to see it.
Finally, I like the Strava BS, even though the majority of my riding is with a club (who all use Strava as well), and last time I checked we were all human, though Fast Rob is possibly superhuman ;)
I suppose that what I’m saying is that I much prefer having the option to use these features than not having that option, and if you don’t want them then turn them off.
I don’t think Pete was responding to me, but just to elaborate on my short comment/joke. I don’t have one of these devices, I’m here pre-evaluating the 520. I’m not a professional cyclist, I’m a hobbyist. I only have one bike, and it’s long in the tooth at eight years old.
But I’m paying attention to the kinds of errors and difficulties people are having, and I’m a little concerned.
Garmin has been writing software for more than ten years for these kinds of devices, and, speaking as a mobile developer they’ve been pretty good at handling two read-only radios on their devices (GPS, and ANT) – my edge 305 and FR405 have been pretty solid as long as they have battery, and enough memory to hold the data. But, honestly, that’s not all that tricky.
In recent years, they’ve added a third read-write radio that’s prone to dropouts on the data path (internet over BT, and cell). That makes the coders job 10x harder, assuming all three radios are on.
So I’m concerned when I see reports like #750-#752 – have they really got the interactive features completely debugged? Or, if I purchase the 520, will I be turning off BT because the unit simply can’t handle the demands of the read-write interactive connection on top of it’s normal, and what I would consider more critical functions.
I’ve had no pairing or BT issues, no failed recordings, my rides are magically uploading via my phone without issue and even the weather info seems to be keeping uptodate. I have had a couple of lockups, but only when I’ve been sat at home playing with it (so maybe it was just trying to find satellites and had not really crashed at all). The TBT works fine, too. I appreciate it’s early days yet and I’ve no doubt it has bugs, but so far I’m happy with it.
Thanks for the reply. I’m happy to hear that! the 520 seems to “remember” previously enrolled sensors and look for them first.
BTW, I am a current/longtime user – I started in the early days of the 500, briefly had an 750 (again, more features than needed), and migrated to the 510 specifically because it offered more than the 3 bike profiles offered by the 500.
I was told specifically by Garmin support that the 520 does not allow separate odometers for each bike you own; that info has to be tracked in Garmin Connect, which means editing each ride file you upload individually. For my purposes, I prefer to upload my files direct to TrainingPeaks and avoid Connect.
I understand that some people are really into to the Strava thing; as a competitive cyclist for 25 years I guess I’m just a bit of a curmudgeon. I just have no use for it.
I do like the LiveTrack feature, and have used it often so that my wife knows where I am during long rides.
My point stands, however, that now there is no option for people like me who just want a computer that logs the info we need, with customizable data field setup, and supports multiple bikes, whithout all the social media stuff. If the new Edge 25 had the ability to show/log power sensors, I’d be a happy camper!
Jeff, I think support may have mislead you. I only have 2 profiles, Ride and Indoor Trainer (which I haven’t used yet), but they each show different total distances in the totals screen.
I’m only using Connect to get my rides into Strava, where I do actually change which bike it was on (but that’s only so I get the individual mileages versus my different gear correct, e.g. how many miles on each bike’s tyres, chain, etc).
I’m not using Live Tracking, I’d rather the burglars didn’t know I’m out of the house :)
You may wish to look at the Lezyne GPS computers ?
If the activities keep a total mileage, that would go a long way to what I want – could probably just create activities using bike nicknames, right?
I don’t worry much about LiveTrack, because only people you invite can see it… If someone I invited uses that info for nefarious purposes, I’ve got bigger problems ;)
All that being said, I still really think that the extended features should be in the 800 series, and keep the 500 series more streamlined.. And If you want the full nav system on a bike, you can go for the big boy 1000.
…. Oh, and I did check out thr Lezyne GPS. At this point, they are Vapor Ware – don’t actually exist, and no documentation about how they would work if they did exist.
They make a lot of claims about how they’re supposed to do unique things no one else does…. That might be a little tougher to deliver than they thought ;)
Not sure where you’re based, Jeff, but they appear to be on sale in US (link to and shops in UK (where I am). It does seem odd that there are no reviews anywhere, though. I did not pursue these because none of them seem to have maps.
Jeff, re: activities, you can call them whatever you like. I don’t know if there’s a limit on how many you can have, but I’ve now added an MTB profile so I’ll double check that the distances stay per profile.
Jeff, I can confirm that my new MTB profile shows a different mileage to my Ride profile, and both mileages are correct. I discovered that you may only create 10 profiles.
That’s not planned (and I wouldn’t expect it). By Christmas the Edge 510 will be three years old, and got an impressive number of updates along the way, so I think while we’d all want new features, it’s somewhat reasonable it’s not getting those new 520 features.
Thanks for your reply, bro.
That’s bad… I really like the touch screen, so 520 is not my cup-of-tea.
I live in Hong Kong, there are a lot of tall buildings, 810 GPS accuracy is not as good as 510. Seems like I have to upgrade to Edge 1000 model, so that I can enjoy the FTP & Vo2max functionalities with good GPS accuracy…
Question for Ray:
Hi Ray, I just received my new Edge 520 from Clevertraining (thanks for the discount program!), and am having a problem syncing it with Garmin Connect.
I went through initial setup process, plugged unit in w/ USB to my Mac, registered the 520 with Garmin Express, launched G.Connect, and went to “Settings” under my profile.
Problem is, when I select “Send to Device” under “Personal Information” or “Training Zones” I get an error message: “There was an error sending your personal profile.”
Any idea what I can do to solve this problem?
I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to go in & manually re-enter all my personal data, power zones, etc.
Thanks for the great resource you’ve created here.
Cheers, Matt
Just solved my own problem!
For posterity & other people experiencing this issue:
Turns out, I was defaulting to the “Classic” view of Garmin Connect.
When I switched to the “Modern” view, clicking “Send to Device” opened Garmin Express, allowed me to select the new Edge 520, and transferred the data.
Overall I’m pretty happy with the Garmin 520. However last night after about 20 miles or so the unit froze up screen went blank. I was able to hit the power button and it restarted and resumed the ride but that took about 2 minutes out of the ride data. Did an update this morning so hopefully that will take care of the issue.
Also last night I was riding a Strava Segment and my prior PR was 9 minutes. The Garmin said I had a PR and completed that segment in 8min 20seconds beating my prior PR by 40 seconds. Then when I synced with Strava it showed my time was 9 minutes 10 seconds. Just wondering why or how it could be 50 seconds off on accuracy. Is it a Garmin or Strava issue?
Think I might run next time with both the Edge 520 and Suunto Ambit 3 Peak devices to see if it’s Strava or the Garmin.
I have the Edge 520 set at 1 second GPS accuracy. Are there any other settings I should check? Thanks again for the site and all the reviews.
I’ve soundly beaten my friends up a hill by over 30 seconds. When I uploaded it to Strava it had me going slower than them by 30 seconds and they had set PRs and not me. After running the ride through other software, I determined that it was Strava giving me the incorrect times. You’d have to try other analysis software to determine where the error is, but my guess is Strava.
First real ride with my 520. Seems great so far. Two issues I noticed, both in features I’ll likely never use, but thought I’d check them out:
1. On Strava segments, I got notifications, but when I passed the segment, and got the “Off Segment” note (which was correct, btw), the unit returned to the next data screen in the sequence. I gad it on screen one, got the notifications of upcoming segment and off segment, but unit returned to screen 2. Next series of alerts, and the screen returned to Screen 3.
I had auto scroll off.
2. I decided to try “Back to Start” just for curiosity. When my cursor moved off the screen, the map never reset or moved to keep the cursor on screen. Is that normal?
The segment alerts also interfered with this. It returned to a regular data screen when the alerts were over, and I had to start the “Back to Start” over again.
Everything else seemed flawless. BT on, backlight off, Glonass enabled, alerts and weather on, Map screen off (except for the 3 miles of back to start), 3.5 hours of use, battery still showing 90%.
And a big thank you to Ray, Clever Training and the USPS. Love the DCR VIP discount and the work going into the reviews, the service from CT and USPS superfast delivery-Florida to Kauai, 36 hrs post office to post office (un-F-bombing believable). And FREE (the shipping, that is).
A “better” can only advised depending on what you need! One device is not better than the other.
example: You need FE-C trainer control -> 520 (or 1000), Real map support (topo SD) -> 810 (or 1000),
smallest size -> 520, navigation -> 810 (or 1000)
I want a small device with real topo map support and FE-C trainer control, the only device would be the 1000 but i find that way to big. So for the moment i will wait and keep my current device hoping Garmin will release a 820 with FE-C trainer control. (a plus would be a smaller case and slightly higher resolution screen)
Use the product comparison database and decide for yourself.
I have been using the Edge 520 for two weeks, and is generally happy with the unit. However, the unit still does not calculate VO2max. I have been using the unit paired with PM (Stages) and (various) Garmin HMR (and straps). Anyone else with the same problem?
“You will not get a VO2max measurement since you are not using av Garmin power meter.
VO2max is calculated from: heart frequence varation + heart frequence + speed + distance + power. It is necessary that every unit which generate these data fields are compatible with each other in order for the computer to calculate correctly and use functions based on third party measurement. It may be possible to use a power meter from another supplier, but Garmin cannot guarantee that it will work or that all functions will work.”
“Thank you for getting in touch with us, we are using the ANT+ signal which is from Garmin, so I do not know why it is not calculating the VO2max for you. we are using the Garmin standard.
After my first ride, upgrading from a 500… I love the text and phone alerts. This was very handy on a big group ride when regrouping. There is almost too much information, but I love that I can grow into those extra screens. Strava challenges are knockout.
My one negative, there are almost too many buttons. It is very easy to push one accidentally.
Suggestion: Allow us to configure screens and settings on the phone like I can with my Vivosmart. That would make it so much easier and may reduce the number of buttons required.
There isn’t any bike profile in the Edge 520, unlike the 510, so if you want to use the 520 to keep track of the “odometer” then you are essentially using the activity profiles as bike profiles. If you want to configure an activity profile in the 520 to reflect the odometer reading on the 510, you have to change the Totals for the activity profiles. The following method may work:
1. Pick an Activity profile on the 520 that you want to use. Record a ride using that profile.
2. After the ride, go to History –> Totals –> Select the Activity profile (let’s assume it’s Train). Take note of the totals (take a photo).
3. Now look at the totals for other activity profiles and make sure the totals in Train is different from other profiles.
4. Connect the 520 to your computer and copy the file to your computer. It’s located on 520, in the following location: Garmin/Totals
5. Go to and upload the file and click on “Convert to .csv file”. This will download totals.csv file that has been converted from the fit file.
6. Open totals.csv file with a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.
7. Look for a row with the calories number matching the one in the Totals for the Train profile.
8. The column to the immediate left of the calories field is the distance in meters. Let’s say the odometer reading from your 510 is 120 miles. That is 193121 meters. Replace the box next to the calories box with this number. If you also want to transfer the number of hours you have spent riding from the 510 to the 520, you edit the box to the left of the distance box that you just modified. This box is in seconds so you will have to convert your total time on the bike to seconds and replace the value in that box.
9. Next, you have to update the total row, to reflect the changes you made. The row that i am referring to is the one right below the row with with a bunch of “Unknown”. If the Train profile is the only activity profile with activity (that is, no other activity profile has recorded any activity), then all you need to do is the repeat the changes you made in the total row.
10. Save the totals.csv file.
11. Go back to and upload the totals.csv file in the box that says “Garmin .csv” file. Then click on “Convert to .fit file”. This will download a file called onto your computer.
12. Transfer this file to your 520, in this location: Garmin\NewFiles. Rename to
13. Unplug the 520 from the USB port and the 520 should start up. The totals for the Train activity profile should now have the new mileage.
As per DCR, it doesn’t seem that the KICKR is currently supported.
In talking with Wahoo Fitness, they have confirmed they will add supporting the ANT+ FE-C standard to the development roadmap for the Wahoo KICKR and KICKR SNAP. Given the announcement just happened, they are working to narrow down an exact date for implementation of that profile. But from their perspective they noted they are super-excited about this.
I have been using my 520 for about two weeks now and my Bluetooth ride uploads are extremely inconsistent with my iPhone. The phone always indicates that the Bluetooth is connected to the 520 via a BLE and regular Bluetooth connection (actually shows up as two devices on the list), but the Garmin is normally searching for the phone on the status page even though the phone says it’s connected when both devices are on.
I have tried different combinations of opening the Garmin Connect app first, hitting save on the Garmin, etc. it always seems to transfer within about 10 attempts, but I am not changing anything in the button sequence. I have already deleted paired the Garmin to the phone three times.
The auto upload feature worked one time without me doing anything and that was great.
What is the EXACT order that everyone with an iPhone ends their ride and transfers it?? (For example, open Garmin Connect before pressing save??, etc.)
Thanks for anyone who can help, this and all of Ray’s blogs along with everyone’s replies are phenomenal for maximizing the performance and functionality of the Garmin devices. Thanks in advance.
I’m connected via BLE not BT. There are oddly two profiles available to choose
Mine failed the first time and I had to manually upload the file via USB since it looked (to the Garmin) like it was already uploaded). Got it working today …
end ride
hit save
on iPhone open Garmin Connect … pull to refresh and it synced.
then I just walked inside my house from the garage and it was uploaded.
that’s pretty much the same sequence as my Fenix 2. Wish it worked in the background, but think that’s rather unreliable.
iPhone 5S on iOS 8.4.1 here.
As far as I noticed:
As soon as the 520 and the phone connect the phone will show that the 520 is connected as “BLE_Edge 520” & “BT_Edge 520”.
The connection status on the 520 will indicate connected only when I launch GCM.
To upload I always save the ride then fire up GCM. I have yet to experience any issues during the upload process.
I have similar issue on my iPhone (iPhone 6 on iOS 9 beta). What i have found is if the Garmin Connect app is no longer active (that is iOS has put it to sleep), when you re-launch Garmin Connect on your iPhone, the Edge 520 will say it’s connected to it won’t upload your ride, even if you choose the option to “upload ride”. I believe this is an issue with the Garmin Connect app on iOS, not the Edge 520. My coworker has a 520 and he has Garmin Connect on his Samsung Galaxy 5 phone. The wireless upload works every single time with his Android phone.
What i found to consistently work is the following:
– After you are done with your ride, press the Start/stop timer button on the Edge 520. This should prompt you to save or discard your ride. Choose the option to save your ride.
– With your iPhone nearby, if after about 30 seconds or so you don’t hear the beep from the Edge 520 saying the ride has been uploaded, double-click the home button on your iPhone to display the recently-used apps. You should find Garmin Connect on the list. Remove it from the list.
– Re-launch the Garmin Connect app on your iPhone.
– After re-launching the Garmin Connect app, the Edge 520 should beep once to indicate it’s connected to your iPhone and in the Garmin Connect app, you should see a message at the bottom of the app saying “syncing….”.
@Changren Yong…this did work although I hope that we don’t have to do this everytime. Kind of defeats the purpose of “auto upload”. That said, anyone else notice issue with the livetrack feature? My wife says that it “could not connect”? Anything to do with the BLE or BT connections with phone or Garmin Connect?
Anyone else have trouble with the auto upload function? It shows ride uploaded but doesn’t appear in Garmin connect. If I upload ride a second time (again via Bluetooth) it will give me the upload failed message. Plugging in and uploading via garmin express poses no issues.
Reporting to Garmin directly, thought I’d just mention it here too.
Third hiccup, sort of along the lines of comment #761 (for now).
First is what is connected when I ride.
iPhone 5S with GCM “killed”.
Scosche Rhythm+
Garmin branded magnet-less Cadence and Speed sensors – not purchased as a bundle with the 520.
What occurred:
-Turned on unit.
-Visual confirmation of GPS lock.
-Audible and visual confirmation of HRM connection.
-Made a short loop around the parking lot to wake up the sensors.
-Audible and visual confirmation that cadence and speed sensors are connected.
-Visual confirmation of “movement detected”.
-Kept riding/pressed start. Unlike the first issue I can see that the speed is being reported. So I don’t even think twice about anything else.
-Got home and uploaded ride.
-Noticed that route is short on GC. Checked Strava. Same thing. About 1/2 mile is missing at the beginning.
-Converted/open up FIT file. Don’t know what I’m looking at nor what I’m looking for but I do notice “errors” reported.
Isolated incident? I hope.
In the end I decided to fire up VIRB edit just so I can see where the 520 corrected itself. What I found is very interesting. The FIT file has data for HR, cadence and most important speed from the very beginning. It’s my assumption that distance is always reported by the speed sensor when one is present. Apparently in this case it wasn’t (yes the size, of my wheels 2200cm, is entered manually).
Spare yourselves the boredom and just pick up the video at 3:10 right before is all goes right. link to
I have an idea that could be interesting for people to have a more space.
In the folder of the Garmin there is a folder “Text”, where there are all the languages. You can delete the ones not used. All are translation from English, because in some places of the menus it is in english only (for example share files between units)
So the total folder size is 6,75Mb, leaving English (native) and your language you will have more 6Mb. It is not too much, but good size for have more map in the unit.
Any updates on the 520 / Varia funtionality? I do not see the option to add bike lights to the 520 and Garmin only lists the 1000 as a compatible device for the Varia.
Love your reviews
just bought the 520 and was using a 500 previously. I just noticed some websites are advertising 1000 at deep discounts, which puts it within $100 of the 520. It looks like with software updates that the 1000 will have all the upgrade that are on the 520. What is your thought on going with the 520 vs. 1000? I do like the bigger screen as I am over 50 and the eyes are not what they were at 30.
It really depends on size form factor. I do expect the software to be pretty close to equal (minus crash detection). I’ll personally drift more towards the Edge 520 because I like the smaller size and my eyes are pretty good, but the Edge 1000 has been a pretty solid performer for me (I usually have at least one on every ride lately doing some recording).
I generally like the 520 but the one thing that really irritates me is the power calibration. Bring back the prompt to calibrate at start up, when it detects yours, instead of having to go through numerous windows to do it.
I just discovered your Website and I really appreciate your initiative to help your fellow sportsmen!
I have also recently bought the Edge 520, but I can’t find the option to add multiple bike profiles to my device. Is there even an option or do I have to create a seperate activity profile for that matter? Apologies in advance if that question has already been answered on here but I didn’t have the time to read them all through.
You should create Profile for the Bike, but this profile it is not associated to a bike… for example you hace Train Indoor and Race profile at the beginning.
You can create another one for the bike, but remember you should modify the bike in Garmin Connect or Strava( at least in my case when I sincronize with Strava asked me which bike I have used),
In my case I have create 5 profile:
Ghost (Map and Virtual Partner Active)
Router (Map Active and Virtual Partner Off) and a screen from information of time to next waypont, distance to next point… Estimated time to finish…
Race (Map and Virtual Partner OFF, with the advise of limit of HR)
Indoor (All Off except the HR, etc… just for the Trainer Roller)
Free (Map ON, Virtual Partner OFF, with screens from information to next waypoint o similar OFF)
Hi All,
today I got my new Edge 520, I’ m very happy with it !!! Just for one reason, it works simple !!!
To connect the 810 or 1000 to my mobile and laptop (to use garmin express) I spent days and days, with the 520 in 10 min I have done everything. This is what I’ m expecting from a device, to be full of functionality that simply works… :-)
Today I’ ll try first workout and see if works well with all sensor.
Anyone having issue using the Wahoo Tickr with the 520? My 520 would take several minutes to find the Tickr when i’m adding it the first time. Even after adding it, there appears to be some communication problem between the Tickr and the 520. The HR would only show up very sporadically and very briefly. For example, during my 1 hour workout, the HR would only show up a handful of times. I know the Tickr HRM was working fine during that one hour because TrainerRoad had no problem seeing it.
I was wondering if the screen is easier to read than the Edge 510. I live in Arizona and I found it difficult to read no matter what back light setting the computer set to. Even the edge 500 appeared to have better contrast and therefore better readability.
I’m not sure if this has been covered but whenever my Edge 500 recharge it resets itself. Has Garmin fixed this with the Edge 520? I like to do multi day events without my unit resetting after recharging. If not do you recommend this hack? link to
I have a question along those lines. I am doing a century in a couple days and was concerned about battery life as with Stages PM connected it consumes about 20% an hour. If I plug in an external battery pack mid ride will it terminate the activity and zero out? I’ve also read somewhere that recording from a power meter consumes more battery. Was wondering if anybody had any experience with extending battery life on long rides by unpairing the power meter.
FWIW – I have never had an battery life issue with my 500, but I did with my previous Edge 305. I purchased a small USB battery and it came with a short USB cable that I quickly learned did not have the data leads present, or had the configure pin connected such that the edge would not see a data connection. I could plug and unplug the battery with impunity and it would not impact the recording mode during a ride. On longer rides I would carry the spare battery and if the 305 warned me of low battery I would plug in the spare and be happily on my way. I don’t know for sure, but I would believe that since USB is a fairly well defined and mature standard, that this is SOP. You might find that using such a cable (or fashioning one per the link given previously) that you should be fine.
Also, a friend has utilized an online tool that allows you to stitch together multiple fit files into a single ride. I googled and found this link, but have never used it: link to
@JoeL: I don’t think you should worry about using a power meter consuming too much battery in the Edge 520. 20% for an hour of use seems high. I am using a Quarq Elsa RS power meter with the Edge 520 and with 2.5 hours (1.5 hours with power meter) of use over two days, the battery level is down to 90%.
I played around with this on a maintenance stand “ride” and think I figured it out. Doesn’t matter what type of cable you are using. As long as there is no smart connection on the other end, it won’t reset. I plugged in a battery pack while the wheel was still spinning and got a charging notification on the top border but it kept on recording. When I stopped the same thing happened, but it started up again “midride”. I then turned the unit off to simulate a rest stop and plugged in a battery pack. It immediately booted but I was able to resume the same ride. I then powered off, plugged it into a PC, did nothing else and the unit had reset with the data uploaded to Garmin Connect.
So bottom line, if you want to recharge but keep ride data, use a battery pack or simple USB power plug, not a PC USB port.
@JoeL 20% an hour is high. I used a borrowed Garmin 500 this week and did a 5+ hour ride with a Stages power meter connected and still had plenty of life left in the battery afterward.
I did a Century this weekend and had no battery issues. I used an 800 for navigation and got a low battery warning on the 800 towards the end. I think my battery life was better on the 520 because I wasn’t constantly scrolling through pages and waking up the backlight.
Talking of HRMs working with the 520 I will report that my Viiiiva does not work. It spikes to 239 every few seconds. Talked to both Garmin and 4iiii. Just having the Garmin 520 present makes the Viiiiva report spikes to my old 500 as well – it never did that before and removing the 520 (out of ANT range) makes them stop. 4iiii are working on a firmware fix for it.
A feature that I would like to see implemented by Garmin: configuration of the device via the garmin connect website (kind of like Suunto does). It is a bit of pain configuring for instance the data pages in the profiles on the device. That would be much easier via a site and then syncing the config back to the device.
But the 500 didn’t offer that (no Garmin device does).
To be fair, I want to see both – not one or the other. The Suunto method is fine, until you realize you want some other data field and are already out and about (then you’re hosed).
Meanwhile, the Garmin method sucks when you want to transfer settings from one device to another.
That’s why he said implemented by Garmin. Seems trivial to do on their end given that the device does get certain settings pushed from GC. Ideal would be configuration on the phone via the app which has the advantage of a large touchscreen for quick config and then a wireless push to the device it is connected to.
Fwiw, some of the newer/cheaper Garmin devices do have some basic configuration of settings now via the phone app.
I’d suspect that’s them dipping their toe into the water there. From a data structures standpoint I’d imagine it’s a much more complex effort than Suunto has/had, simply because of the number of slightly different products Garmin has. Obviously far from impossible, but also more complex than it might seem at first glance.
Well it’s all contained in one ‘’ file, just like the rider metrics are in ‘’ (I think that’s it). Simple matter of changing variable entries. Honestly, it could be done as a web interface with someone who knows how to write in the appropriate format and then download it to put on your device. Anyone dissected a non-activity .fit file before?
I’ve just bought an Edge 520 to replace my Forerunner 310XT. I’ve gone on a couple of rides with both units in action (2 HRMs wrapped around my chest is fun). Distance is more accurate on the 520, I’ve wrapped the sensor around my front hub, and live tracking to my Android phone is good, everything in fact is good except for the calories conversion. My details are the same in each device, but the 520 is giving me a figure of approx 45% of the figure from the Forerunner. So a ride on which I consume 2067 calories on the Forerunner only records 954 calories. Garmin support are mystified, say the same algorithm is being used, are thinking about it. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
I’ve just bought an Edge 5620 to replace my Forerunner 310XT. I’ve gone on a couple of rides with both units in action (wearing 2 HRM straps feels kinda kinky). Loving the 520 and the improvements, the only downside is that the calories consumed figures reported by the 520 are way low, about 45% of the figures reported by the 310XT. My profile details are the same in each device. For example, on one ride the 310XT said 2067 calories and the 520 said 954. Garmin support are mystified, say the same algorithm is being used, and have asked me to do a reset to factory defaults and try again. Have to see if that works any better…. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
so far i like the egde 520 OK. battery life ive been getting in the real world is about 12 hrs of normal use, but easily supplemented with an extra usb battery and recharged while riding. Lack of memory does suck since maps are large but i guss overall things have been good and im happy with it.
How can I rename courses though? I download gpx files from strava and can only get them to show up as what the person who first rode them named it. Ive tried editing the name of the files on my mac.
Are you saying 12 hours of battery life isn’t sufficient? What type of riding are you doing? I did a century over the weekend, had about 6 hours of running time with breaks etc for the group and came home with around 45% battery which seemed more than enough.
I have bought a edge 520, and use my “old” HR strap from Forerunner 620. but when I use it with the edge it keeps dropping from current heartrate to 63-65 bpm. but when I use the same strap with FR 620 it works fine. any ideas?
My Edge 520 came with the new premium HRM (maybe because I got the premium bundle) and as I mentioned above while I am comparing the Forerunner 310XT and the new 520, I am wearing both the new Premium HRM and the older “standard” HRM, and the difference is noticeable. I have always a lot of trouble with the 310XT and the older HRM in that at some times on some rides I would get sporadic spikes where it thought my HR was something other than reality, sometimes up to 250bpm or more, and once in a while it would drop alarmingly. The problems would manifest themselves most commonly at the start of a ride, and on downhills, especially if things were a bit bumpy. Even with electroconductive gel applied. The premium HR however has not missed a beat, has been unfailingly steady. I saw DC Rainmaker’s comment early on that the new HRM is much better, and that has also been my experience. So my recommendation is to rush out and get one. Both the transmitter and the strap have been revised.
I am a little frustrated with the 520s inability to automatically connect to my iPhone via bluetooth once it is turned on.I have to open the garmin connect app in order to do so. And if I don’t manually close the app (i.e. swipe up) and wait for the device to say “synced” auto downloads and live track do not function properly. On my Edge 1000 once I turned the device on and was close to my phone the two devices automatically synced with each other. Anyone else having the same issue. Other than that 520 is working perfectly…great form factor…love the size…love the non-touch screen.
I am about to pull the trigger on a 520 and have a question about the speed/cadence assy to decide to either get the base unit or the bundle.
I am interested in cadence for my main road bike and maybe for speed/distance for my trainer rides during the winter, but I have several road bikes, and mountain bike and two tandems, all which I/we ride and I don’t want to have to reconfigure the unit each time I change from the bike with assy to one of the other bikes (nor to I want to equip all bikes with the transmitter. I would prefer to just pop the unit into the shoe and go.
Will the unit work with the speed/cadence assy when it is present and just use the GPS for speed/distance when I use it on another bike, or do I have to manually configure the unit for both?
The Garmin speed and cadence sensors are separate devices. They are not meant to be installed into your shoe. The cadence sensor goes on the left crank arm (usually) and the speed sensor goes on either the front hub or the rear hub. There isn’t any reconfiguration needed for the cadence sensor. For the speed sensor, if you don’t want to have to reconfigure the wheel size, you can set it to auto-detect. One thing i am not 100% sure is if it will do the auto-detect each time you start a ride, or if it’s a one time thing. If it’s a one time thing, then you may have to force it to auto-detect again when you move it to a different bike with different wheel size.
Changren, Perhaps my question was not worded clearly. I understand how the speed/cadence sensor works and where it mounts. My question is if I only have one speed/cadence sensor on one of my bikes, can I use the 520 on another bike without having to perform any configuration steps to run without the sensor? (i.e. it just works with the sensor present, or without the sensor present)
Does anyone know if it is possible to change the color of the tracking line (the path you have already ridden) when using with open source maps? It is currently a light blue that is hard to see when on my Mtb. Thanks in advance.
To Changren Yong: thanks for the tip to close and relaunch the iOS garmin app if it doesn’t sync. Works every time that way!!
I know you have a 1000 questions but hoping you can answer this one.
What are the key pros and cons between the 810 and 520. I know the map ability in the 810 is far better but apart from that once the 810 gets the soft wear update what is the difference?
My aren’t we being snarky. How about…”Hey you’re in luck, Mark. Ray provides a table that will allow you to compare the features of both. Here’s the link.”
Hi Ray, so i ordered one of these and have a Tickr HR strap that simply wont pair and when trying it gives me a bunch of letters with accents etc so its having a fit. I called Garmin and their response was, well its a 3rd party device so not our problem so call Wahoo. This is a bit troubling and hopefully not a widespread bug where there are lots of 3rd party devices we expect to be able to pair with an Edge unit.
Andy S: I have problem using the 520 with a Wahoo Tickr as well. It would take a long time to pair up and even when it’s paired up, the Tickr has problem sending HR to the 520.
Just moved from 510 to 520 ! And I’m testing.
All good so far, except this :
on the 510, when you are following a course. If you decide, you can stop it while you are riding. The Garmin just keep on recording your ride as usual … but stop the course and the turn by turn.
But during a ride, you can also load a course at any time and decide to ride the course as you are busy in the middle of the ride. The 510 will just recalcule and put you back on the course and back to turn by turn direction from the point you are. I tried that with the 520. It messed it up. The map was still right, the course on the map was still right, but the turn by turn was “off course”. The 520 did the calculation but someone did not properly adjust the turn by turn according to your NEW location … it was weird.
I purchased an Edge 520 beginning of this week and had a couple of test rides with it, very happy so far. Connectivity with my phone (Sony Xperia Z1 Compact) has been working flawless and it was very easy to setup. The battery life time is much higher than reported in other previous comments (still above 90% after a 2 hours ride), but I’m not using “advanced” features such as live tracking, maybe this could have an impact. Yesterday I tried to follow a course and there are 2 things that I would like to change but I’ve no idea if this is even possible… so hopefully someone here will be able to help!
1. This is a minor issue, but on top of the screen (when displaying the map), there’s quite a large zone used to display what I consider as useless information: as fara as I could see, it seems to be the direction (“Riding North”) and the distance to the goal measured in straight line. I’m more than happy with the indications appearing at the bottom of the screen and providing turn by turn notifications, so is there a way to disable this display on top to increase the size of the screen dedicated to the map itself?
2. This one is much more annoying… Unless I missed some settings, it looks like Strava segments won’t work if you’re following a course. Is that correct or is there a way to have both work at the same time, with Strava segments “taking over” when your course corresponds to one of them? The idea here is that if you want to go ride a particular segment that you’ve never done before, and you’re not sure how to get there, you’ll probably want to use a course and follow it to this segment. But if the segment feature does not work when a course is on, then it means that you should create a course to this segment and stop the course when you get there so that you’ll be able to use the segment feature… Not very convenient!
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! And once again, very satisfied with the Edge 520 so far, just hope that the 2 issues reported above have their solutions :-)
About your 1. I experience the same.
Those points looks random along the course you are following. And they should be the same points at the indication you receive at the bottom. I’m not sure why, but each time I load a course to follow, the device creates those points and then it appears like you say on the map page, with distance from it (straight line).
I think this is a bug, there was none of that on the 510.
About your 2. I concur. Indeed you need to choose. You can only one at the time. Once you follow a course, the Segments are off ! It was the same on the 510, either way with Strava or Garmin segments, same thing.
I also add that on the 510, when you are following a course. If you decide, you can stop it while you are riding. The Garmin just keep on recording your ride as usual … but stop the course and the turn by turn.
But during a ride, you can also load a course at any time and decide to ride the course as you are busy in the middle of the ride. The 510 will just recalcule and put you back on the course and back to turn by turn direction from the point you are. I tried that with the 520. It messed it up. The map was still right, the course on the map was still right, but the turn by turn was “off course”. The 520 did the calculation but someone did not properly adjust the turn by turn according to your NEW location … it was weird.
Hi, I went to a shop today to try Edge 520 with my Xperia Z1 Compact. We paired it successfully and call and SMS notifications worked, but Edge did not receive any email notifications, even though Gmail was enabled in Garmin Connect app. Are email notifications working with your Edge 520 and Z1 Compact setup? I checked the compatible android devices list, it is not there, but on the other hand I see no reason why it should not work. I will appreciate any info, as sometimes I need to be able to see incoming emails while on my bike. I have Edge 500 and having email notifications on the Edge unit would be actually one of the main reasons for buying 520.
Dear Ray and Stages PM users,
I am wondering whether I need separate Garmin cadence sensor when using Stages PM, which measures both Watts and Cadence. I am asking because I read somewhere that it will not display cadence only watts. Is that true? I wish I can keep everything simple with just Stages PM + Edge 520 and get all data I need, including cadence.
If it does not display cadence is there an android app that would display it along with all other data? The StagesPower app is displaying watts and cadence only and speed, elevation etc could come from the smartphone so it should be possible to keep it simple Stages PM + smartphone, right?
Thanks for your ideas and advice in advance!
The stages does work with Watts & Cadence on the Garmin 520, I know because it works with mine.
It can be confusing when setting it up because you set up the power meter and then go to try and set up cadence but it doesn’t detect anything. But fear not, the Garmin just needs the one connection setting up so it’ll start showing cadence as soon as you start pedaling.
I appreciate your kind help. I wanted to be 100% sure before I make the investment. Not showing cadence makes no sense once the data exist, but I got uncertain when I read in one discussion thread it will not show cadence (maybe some issue with settings of this user’s edge?).
Great review. Many thanks.
I’m looking go buy a 520 and a Varia rear radar. Can you confirm that the Garmin head unit shows visual rear proxity indication. All the videos show this level of integration with am Edge 1000. Cheers
There are issues with not being able to change the crank length on the Edge 1000 for Powertap P1 pedals. Does the same issue apply with the 520, or can you change to 175 easily? Of not, what woudl be the % variance in power output?
In my Garmin ownership, I’ve owned a 750 and a bunch of 500’s. While I’ve had to replace my 500 a few times for various hardware issues and it was very finicky about saving files/starting up, it was a pretty rugged head unit for what I put it through. I’ve liked the 500 because it’s very small and minimal while giving you everything you could ever need from a head unit. The 520 looked to me like the perfect step up than what the 510 was.
So far in my experience the 520 has been a step back. It may be smaller than the 510, but I have to mount it forward on the 8xx rails to use the new buttons on the bottom. It went from a simple, intuitive interface (4 buttons) to adding on 3 more that are honestly unneeded and more parts that are apt to fail over time. Pairing with the phone is hit or miss; some days it works as intended- quick pair, quick sync at the end… other days it will mysteriously disconnect and reconnect causing a drop in data, it will restart in the middle of a ride, or just fail to upload over and over at the end of a ride before suddenly getting it (full LTE reception on phone).
Now, recently I’ve been getting back on the bike after taking a 2 week off period, so today was my longest day of 2.5 hrs. 100% battery > 33%, are you kidding me? No routing, no live tracking, nothing other than the backlight being on 100% all the time, but that much? Holy cow. That was what I always left my 500 at and it was totally fine. The 500 had that watch face look that was always easy to read even without the backlight but I would leave it on because I never had it drop 25% even for a 6 hour ride. With the pretty color screen here, it’s hard to read without the light being on in most conditions, but I guess I’ll have to make due…
Nate Robinson, you do hit on a very good point here. As more and more functionality has been programmed into these little computers, new hardware platforms with ‘sleep’ modes have been used to bring these devices up and online quickly. Like most smartphones and tablets, when you shut it off you don’t really power it down, and managing leakage current in these designs is a challenge. The older devices indeed last longer, especially when ‘off’, but this is the price we now pay to get them to come up quickly. On the flipside, though, newer batteries are less susceptible / immune to the ‘memory’ buildup of the older batteries, so they should be able to be charged more often without shortening their lives.
Bottom line: with the newer devices, realize they’re draining battery even when they’re “off,” so if you’re going to leave them alone for a while put them on the charger (or better yet be prepared to charge them up before next use).
Edge 1000 has been reliable for me, turn-by-turn, BT, and all that, through several software updates. I don’t see WiFi here, which uploads my rides (ultimately) to Strava as soon as I get to my driveway. I’ve used it internationally by changing the open streetmaps, which I had to do initially because I live in US but got it from probikekit in UK. I don’t know why there’d be an 800 series update with the 1000 around, and I’d be amazed if it didn’t get FE-C support (we’ll soon see). I don’t know why Garmin (and especially Edge 1000) get beat up in comments so much; my 1000’s GLONASS support solved the mountainous tracking problems I had with my 705, which eradicated the unpleasant experiences I’d previously had with Polar gear.
520 mounts. I have the K-Edge adjustable mount. I like keeping the unit as close the the actual bars as possible.I initially thought it would deb an issue with the stop/start buttons being so close to the bar, but I have learn that this is not an issue at all.
In fact, I prefer that nothing can get at these buttons.
When I start the ride , i simply turn the unit slightly to the right, hit start and turn it back. Nothing ill ever his the button. When i’m done, I do the reverse. This is not an issue at all for me and much prefer the aesthetic of keeping the unit close to the bars. I don’t like the images of the unit using the supplied Garmin mount.
Overall like the unit. Only real suggestion I would have for Garmin is to add on to the live segments a bit. Right now on long segments getting back to seeing power and such is a pain. Would love an option to auto cycle between the main stats screen and the live segment screen every second or so.
There is just way to many comments to go through. Can the Garmin heart rate monitor work with the 520? Is it fair to compare this unit to the Polar M450 or is it apples and oranges?
I have just brought the new power tap P1 pedals and the garmin edge 520 but cannot set my crank length to 175(172.5 default). any one any ideas or does it not make much difference to the power showing??
Correct, that function isn’t yet in the Edge 520 for non-Vector pedals. It’s in beta right now from Garmin, and should be out shortly (perhaps a week or two it sounds like).
As for the difference, it’s roughly 2%. You can also post your Settings.FIT file to the Garmin Forums (see the Edge 1000/P1 thread there) and someone will spit you back the correct one.
Is the “auto stop” function based off of a GPS setting? I’m guessing so because my Edge pauses randomly under large wooded areas and then comes back on. Is there any way to enable this function to use the Ant+ speed sensor to find out if I’m moving or not?
@Brent: Is the Activity Profile you are using set to Auto Pause when stopped? If it is, and it is not paired with a speed sensor, then it uses the GPS to determine if you are in motion. If you pair it with a speed sensor, it will automatically use the speed sensor.
This might be in the comments above, but the processor of the Edge 520 simply can’t process maps with any level of detail. I loaded the maps per several recommendations (31.8 meg), but trying to run a course on it is almost impossible. When I go around a corner, the map takes a great deal of time to catch up, and what if I have another immediate turn? Also, if going off course, the Edge 520 map function would simply lock up from anywhere one to two minutes.
And this gets to my fundamental criticism of the Edge 520. When the 500 was released, it felt like I was holding a piece of Soviet designed cold war technology. When the 520 was released, I STILL feel like I’m holding a piece of Soviet designed cold war technology. In the era of Apple, this is unacceptable.
Sounds like your only real complaint is the processor speed of the 520 can’t update/redraw the map fast enough to allow easy navigation. Maybe Ray could setup a video showing how the different map GPS handle redrawing a complex map during a ride. Complex meaning in a city so the map is more cluttered with stuff then country roads when the map is mostly empty. I know when I loaded an OSM map on my Edge 705 the map mode became almost useless when riding in Washington DC as it was way too slow, the 810 is faster but still has times where it can be too slow.
This is the problem with mapping in general. Putting a faster CPU in the device isn’t such an easy solution as that faster CPU takes more battery power. This is also why when doing a long ride on the 810 if you stay in map mode the battery will drain faster then if you stay in the numbers screens. (note, not if you just stay still so it makes battery testing harder)
Are you using auto-zoom though? Or do you just have it super-zoomed in?
I found on a recent ride just using Auto-Zoom I didn’t have any redraw problems. I’ll have to take another look in the city to see if it’s slower, but don’t remember anything standing out.
I would absolutely love if the 520 had a way to turn the backlight on and off with one button the way the 500 had. I am always riding in the evening or early morning and would like to be able to just turn on the backlight without going through a bunch of menus. One would think this could be a simple software update. Any chance you can use your pull with garmin Ray?????
I too have the same problem and I wish there is an easy way to turn the back light on and off. I have not explored all the options to see if there is a way to increase the timeout so that the back light stays longer than what it does by default. For now, I go to next screen just to get the back light on and get back to my original screen. Seems like something Garmin can fix easily.
If you buy the Edge remote you can use one of the button functions to turn the backlight on so you dont have to fiddle with the device as your riding and can keep your hands safley on the bars :)
Downside is that you have to buy the remote which i appreciate isnt idea but those poor poor garmin employees have to eat you know ;)
DC Rainmaker,
I have the new Edge 520 for a week, I need to order a rubber-plug part used for the water-proofing of the usb port. Yea, Apparently I pulled out the power charging cable but along with the rubber plug – oops.
So do I call Garmin for a replacement part or is there a site to order specific for the Edge 520.
On The Side: I order a garmin head mount extension part, thought this works, I would prefer to order the exact one that came with the unit. Just feels more secure when I twist it on to the mount the one that came with the new Edge 520.
Hello Ray, thanks for the awesome review! It convinced me to upgrade from my edge 500 (purchased through the Clever Training discount – THANKS!) I also purchased the Varia radar bike light thinking it was compatible….yeah didn’t do my homework and was pretty bummed out. Have you heard if there will be integration with the radar light with the 520 anytime soon?
Indeed, it’s on the radar, no pun intended. I meant to ask this past week for a date, but forgot. I’m optimistic it’ll show up in the next firmware update which I know they are in the midst of testing that includes a few other things. But I’ll see if that’s the case (may not be in that one).
Unfortunately the PowerBeam Pro doesn’t support ANT+ FE-C, which is what is needed for the Edge 520 to be able to control the trainer. CycleOps hasn’t given any timeframe or plans on when that might happen.
As you noted, you’d have to use it as a power meter, which isn’t quite as ideal.
I can pick up a 520 for an incredibly low price through a trade contact and would use it to replace my Mio 505HC which crashes too often.
I know the 520 can’t plan routes on the fly but is there any way to create a route using my smart phone then sync it to the 520 while out on a ride?
Unfortunately not. It’s one of the biggest gaps in the Garmin platform at large (mobile course creation), that impacts more than just the Edge 520 – but also the Outdoor series especially (Fenix3).
On the other hand, nobody else has mobile app creation to watch/head unit either. :-/
Question/Clarification about the maps. I have used the maps on my FR 310, where it literally looks like a breadcrump over a blank page, and as I bike I would consume the breadcrump on the screen. Does the map on this unit the Edge 510 work similar but it shows the breadcrump over a map with streets, etc? This would make it a lot easier in those scenarios when I come to a triple Y-intersection and is not clear where to go on the breadcrump over the blank page. I get the no turn-by-turn direction, but If can see a turn coming up on a map with streets, thats a lot more than what I get right now. Is it possible to use one of those third party apps to make/build my route, send it to the device, and then follow it?
Hi Ray,
bought this unit after reading your post. Took it for a test ride earlier today and so far it seems like a really great unit! However I got one issue I haven’t been able to solve or find a solution for. Perhaps you have run into this as well.
I loaded a workout from Garmin Connect to the unit. To start off I am to do a simple warm up of 140-170 watts. However I keep getting prompted with a notification saying my power is to low and needs to be above 200.
I have checked that the zones on the unit is the same as in Garmin Connect and I can’t seem to figure out whats going on.
Have you experienced anything similar?
I bought a 520 this week. The unit itself was great but while it could pair with my phone it wouldn’t sync with it via the Connect Mobile app. So, courses prepared using GC couldn’t be downloaded. No amount of re-pairing and re-starting the app would fix it. Wasn’t just my phone (an iPhone 4GS) as it was exactly the same with a friend’s iPhone 6. Gave the 520 back to the shop. Shame. I’ll try a 1000 next, hoping that it can do all necessary syncing via wifi instead of with the app which simply didn’t work for me. I appreciate that the experience of others has been different. Thanks for the website though which is really helpful.
Hi Ray.. At Interbike, did you get a chance to ask Garmin about a firmware upgrade for the 520 to fix the numerous bugs and add additional missing functionality??
Got mine, and already done over 200km, powered off itself during the ride once,
also found strange, when pre-built training (intervals) finished, there is no way just continue routine/ride, need to start new session. Otherwise, very happy, although it is too early to say.
Oops, now found- “until Laps button pressed”.
Missing possibility to create training from previously done routines or import TCX files into GC as training template
dont add interval step, add new step (outside of interval repeats) of type ‘other’ and set duration to ‘lap button press’. Or simply use the ‘cool down’ step with duration set to ‘lap button press’. In general, whatever is Your last step in the workout (be it cool down or other or anything else), outside of any repeats, set the duration to ‘lap button press’ and You are good to go: You will go through the whole workout as instructed, then You will be prompted to the last step and it will last until You will press the lap button – so You control when the whole workout will finish.
hey ray…congrats on the Top 50 nomination…well deserved…quick question, when should i expect the indpeth review of the 520? I have a 510 and have been eyeing the new device but wanted your indepth analysis. Also curious if you think the 1000 gets updated (I assume the 810 was replaced by the 1000)—they could do a lot if they incorporated the ability download 3rd party apps via Connect IQ ! Thanks
I don’t have a specific Edge 520 review date, merely as I’m working to dig out of Interbike and related posts. I’ve been using it tons, but going from using it tons to writing up a massive review is a bit tricky.
That said, the only issue I really have with it at the moment is occasional oddities with Bluetooth Smart & ANT+ coexisting (ANT+ drops). So I’ve mostly just turned of BT while riding to solve that (it doesn’t do anything while riding anyway). Beyond that, I expect to use the Edge 520 as my go-to going forward (mostly replacing Edge 810’s and 1000’s).
I don’t expect to see a new Edge 1000 anytime soon, as it’s only been a touch more than a year since release.
BT doesn’t do anything while riding? Well it does live tracking, which is something I am using so my wife knows where the hell I am if I don’t return at the expected time…
i have a 520 since a few days. I’d like to use it with my POLAR V800,but it doesn t work. I have irregular beats at 161 bpm, every 10 seconds. I use a VIIIIVA sensor. It was working perfectly with my Edge 800.
I called Garmin, they have no solution.
Are you using the older HRM (HRM2 on the transmitter) or the new “premium” HRM (HRM3 on the transmitter)? I found the HRM2 unit prone to perverse readings, but the HRM3 hasn’t missed a beat (or invented any extra ones)
Thank you for another great review. I am a first time Garmin owner (Edge 520)
Has anyone noticed that when you sync your ride to Strava, it does not load an image of the map (route) you rode ?
Is this normal with Garmin syncing or is their a setting I need to change to allow this to happen ?
Thank you for a great review. I’ve had Strava segments missed due to bad GPS data from my Android phone Strava app, and was looking for a reliable device. This is my first Garmin purchase, and your reviews helped me know what to expect, how to setup openstreet maps, and how to use live Strava segments (which has encouraged some new PRs). Thank you very much for your thoroughness. Cheers :-)
HRM RUN SENSOR INCOMPATABITY WITH EDGE 520: I have tested my new edge 520 with existing hrm run sensor and strap for 1 week now. Without fail i was getting drops to exactly 63 bpm throughout each activity. When running forerunner 620 with the hrm run sensor, no issues. However, when running forerunner and edge 520 together forerunner also showed dips to 63 bpm at same time! I resolved by buying notrm garmin sensor and premium strap. Removed hrm run from edge and connected normal sensor. No dramas, all good. It was definitely the hrm run sensor causing tbe issue as can use the new standard sensor with nee and old straps and it still works well with the edge 520 regardless. Frustrating not to be able to use the hrm run sensor with edge 520 reliably. Many comments on yhe garmin forum reflecting identical experiences. Perhaps a software upgrade is needed. Have you heard if one is voming to resolve ghis, Ray?
I also had a few difficulties getting the 520 to recognise the bike sensors, but have a technique which is thus far reliable. I put on the HRM, and it takes maybe 10-15 seconds to pick up my heart rate, I go down to the bike, spin the front wheel for up to 30 seconds until it eventually notices the speed sensor wrapped around the front hub, then before getting on the bike, I spin the chainring and cranks backwards for 30 seconds until it finally notices the cadence sensor. It does seem a bit slow picking up the sensors, certainly slower than my 310XT, and after noticing a sensor seems to need a little breathing space before it is able to detect another one, but once detecting them prior to starting the ride, I haven’t had any dropouts during the rides.
I love all my garmin stuff but this 520 is giving me a really hard time. Maybe someone can help me out here.
1) I cannot have it reliably store AND turn on my sensors… When I turn on the unit it refuses to recognize the sensors and they remain in a blinking stage for ever…. I start riding and the unit keeps dropping the sensors (batteries on all of them are fine because I tested with my Forerunner 920XT and all is fine)
2) I cannot make the unit connect bluetooth to my phone…. again it keeps saying connected and then disconnected immediately… Regarding this issue, is it normal to show 2(two) bluetooth profile on your phone for that device? I don’t get it. BLE_Edge 520 and BT_Edge 520 are both there????
I would really appreciate some help here as this is driving me bonkers!
Software on the 520 is the latest available via Garmin Express and I have reset the unit to factory once already.
1) I don’t know about this, sensors are detected readily by mine although they need to be “awake” (wet HR band, move crank for cadence/speed). Once locked they are usually not dropped except if bluetooth is on, which seems to cause interference and sensor drops on most rides. So I’d suggest you to switch off BT and see if it helps, if it doesn’t you may have a faulty unit.
2) the two bluetooth profiles are normal and seem to be necessary for the connection and the call/msg notifications to work. I suppose that one of the profiles handles just the notifications and the other is necessary for other functions (e.g., live tracking). Not all phones handle well BLTE connections, so try with another phone if you can. Starting from scratch (i.e., unpair the edge from the phone and the phone from the edge, restart both and retry) might also help
Hi Ray. In your in-depth review, could you address a major shortcoming of the Strava Live segments feature? The problem is that segments are displayed in a predetermined order of:
– Goal (If you have one set for the segment)
– Rival (Next person above you that you’re following on the leaderboard)
– PR
According to the Strava help page: “On the device, you can select which effort time you are compared against on a segment-by-segment basis. However, the next time the device is synced the default values will be restored.”
In other words, it is impossible to have the Garmin 520 always show one’s own PRs on the Strava Live segments. Thanks!
Yup, I’ll discuss it with those guys when I see them next week. I know there’s also a big Edge 520 update coming next week (things like Varia, etc…), so it’s possible something may be in that for Strava too.
Thank you! It’s was a disappointing surprise especially because their promo materials primarily show PRs (not KOMs or a friend’s PRs). I probably would not have bought it had I known otherwise.
By the way, your blog is so comprehensive that it’s hard to believe you have a day job! Thanks again.
I wish this update fixes HRM Run problem… that’s a major bummer for me. However it’s a good excuse to ride DCR-style with two bike computers and two HR straps
Would still love the option to have the front page and segment page cycle during a segment. The segment page is a bit data sparse so being able to see a bit of both would be a great addition.
The segment page is dreadful. Who wants to look at a schematic of the countryside. It would be much better to be able to have information to pace yourself properly as you try to improve on your PB.
So you should have a choice of data fields – including speed, cadence, HR – and of course for some serious training – average power last time and over/above this time.
Now that would be really useful.
But at the end of the day, the most important thing is to have choice. The data is all there and I don’t see why Gatmin feels that they need to decide what is best for you.
Hi Ray,
Is there any point in downloading a routeable map for an Edge 520? Seems the generic maps are smaller in size and may work ok? Sorry if this has been covered but I didn’t spot it if it’s the case.
Can you explain how the Ant FE-C works for controlling trainers?
For example:
If I set a watt level of 250 w, and I run a power meter. Would the 250 be relative to the power meter or to the power meter within the trainer device?
Is there power data feedback from the Garmin unit to the trainer?
It will be from the trainer thinks is 250W. No feedback from any other power meter. It has to work stand alone without any other power meter after all. So there may be a difference in you measure to what you set.
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I currently use a couple of Polar monitors and it is easy to lock into a heart rate zone on the fly when training. I see that you can do a similar thing with Garmin by defining it in the activity profile. Can the zone lock be taken off easily on the fly? For example on my commute home I can set a zone lock to zone 3 and then disengage it by holding a button down before I climb the hill to home to save the motor from beeping at me incessantly. Can a Garmin operate in the same way?
Obviously this unit is purpose built for bike riding, not geocaching. That being said, is there any way to load something like a gpx file of local caches onto the 520 so that you can stop if you happen to be passing them on the map? (not that I can ever bring myself to stop for them but I like having the option)
Do you know which things the 510 will be updated with, such as FTP tracking and VO2 max analysis? Thanks.
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First one available on eBay UK!
Thanks for the great review I was lucky enough to get a hold of one of these but have been unable to install the open source maps
I belive I have followed the instructions and have copied it into the Gramin root directory but it does not show up
I have got the file with the name gmapsupp.img so I am sure i have downloaded the correct file
I cannot find anyway to turn the map on
If you could help me out I would be grateful
Many Thanks
I have worked it out now
you need to replace the basemap with the new file
Just for info
Hi Roger,
Can you tell me how much free space is available if the base map is removed? Or what is the size of the base map? I think the 50 mb free space reported earlier is with the base map included.
The base map is 49,808KB. Windows says the capacity of the Edge 520 is 110,247,936 bytes. Replacing the base map with my 28MB map I have almost 70MB free now.
Roger I am sorry to tell you but your unit is obviously defrective. I feel really poorly that this happened to you, So to make it better I suggest you instantly send me yours next day air. Then when mine arrives and I know it’s good I’ll send you mine…. :)
Nice try :)
Hi There, it is possible to have miles for distance and meters for elevation with the Garmin 520?
if i remember correctly that is how it is set up on mine (default)
Yes, you can separate those out.
Hi Ray,
Splendid review, as usual! I’m really not prone to change for any new device coming up; I’m still using an Edge 705, I guess this is a valid proof! :-) But while reading your article, I felt like this Edge 520 could be the GPS I’ve been waiting for years (especially as I’m definitely not a fan of touch-screens for bike GPS). However, I still can’t believe that Garmin did not provide more memory than those ridiculous 50 MB… how is that even possible nowadays? Any chance that they will upgrade their device either with more memory or at least with a SD card slot in your opinion? Honnestly, if you’re planning a 1 week trip from Nice to Geneva across the French Alps (which happens to be my case), you will never be able to upload the corresponding map from link to because it will be more than 60 MB (I just tried it, keeping only the really necessary tiles on the map; there’s no way to go below this map size). So now I really feel like it could be the perfect GPS if they decided to open their eyes and give it the memory it needs!
Thanks again for the great job, it really helps to have your reviews!
Wait for the (inevitable) 820?
You could try the maps from here you can draw your own area which might help rather than having to use the tiles..
I have not tried an actual map on the device yet though
Would help if i give you the url
Thanks for the link Roger! Looks very interesting, I will definitely give it a try!
Great site. Maps are smaller and cover more area than the opnstreetmap site – the non square selection ability really allows you to capture more useful area.
Thanks for the pointer!
Hi Ray,
Is there any news from Garmin on FE-C and VO2 Max for Edge 1000 yet?
i´m interested in this also….. thanks
I sent them notes (again) on Wednesday or Thursday, still awaiting clarification.
I preordered my 520 from performance bike as soon as it was on their site, when the anticipated in-stock date was at the end of July. The date keeps getting pushed back since then (now August 18). Anyone else know of any status from the other U.S. vendors?
I got an email from Clever Training earlier this week saying that some of their pre-orders were going start going out today (Friday, 7/31).
I spend about 20 minutes each and every day “shopping” for this item. Other than 1 person on here stating they have one besides ray I cannot find any availability anywhere.
were you one of the fortunate ones that happened to stumble across performance offering 20% off everything during the tour? This included the pre-order on the 520. 20% off the most anticipated bike computer release in a long time AND free shipping….wth
someone at performance probably got the slap on the back of the head for that one…….
Yes. I did get that deal, it’s what made me justify the purchase.
Really? I’ve received 3 updates emails from Clever all stating … “This item is still expected to become available for fulfillment in August, however at this time we do not have any confirmed shipping dates available from Garmin.”
The Edge 520 bundle units came into Clever Training on Thursday or Friday (can’t remember offhand), but all of those went out. That covered roughly half of all Clever Training backorders for the bundle variant.
For the base Edge 520, no units have arrived yet (and at last check on Friday they hadn’t received ship-notice yet from Garmin to Clever Training).
Thanks for the support!
Appreciate the details, Ray.
Thanks for all you do!
Just got a shipping confirmation.
Where did you order yours?
Strava. The discount on Premium, which I have anyway and is needed for LiveSegments pulled me in that direction.
Well, after reading this awesome review and all of the comments, I think I’ve finally found my Edge 500 replacement. The 510 was a non-starter because of the touch screen and larger size. The 520 looks perfect, just a tad bit bigger than the 500. The mapping and smaller storage are not issues for me, but it will be nice to have the BT sync ability like the 510. Hopefully it will not be as buggy as the first releases of prior Edge products. Kudos to Garmin on the Vivoactive, that’s been bug free for me right from the start.
I just ordered mine from Clever Training with the VIP program. People in FL get the shaft on this though because of the FL sales tax…..makes the discount only 3%. Hopefully it will arrive before 6 Gap in September.
What thorough review. Thanks Rainmaker!
I’m curious about what the Quick Satellite Reception is and the rating distinction btwn the 500 being ‘great’ and the 510/520 having a ‘yes’ rating.
Is there any improvement in GPS reception with the 520 compared to the 500?
Thanks in advance,
I used my 520 for the first time today…..
A few questions if anyone can help.When following a Course, the live Strava Segment tracking does NOT work, when you stop the Course they work. A little disappointing as I use courses a lot !
Also, when the Strava segments comes up it only shows the fastest time of the people I am following….not the KOM leaders time. Can you change this?
Also, I’m still not sold on the faff of “starring” Strava segments…….not great.
That’s unfortunate. From the manual:
Racing a Segment
Segments are virtual race courses. You can race a segment, and compare your performance to past activities, other riders’ performance, connections in your Garmin Connect™ account, or other members of the cycling community.
1. Start following a segment, a course containing a segment, or go for a ride.
Makes it like any segments on a course should come up. Well, it’s a Garmin 1.0 release, so par for the course.
Yeah, when they say “a course containing a segment”, they literally mean the segment is embedded in the course fit file.
Do you need to star a segment to get it to track? I could understand that. If you live in a busy cycling area you might have 10 segments overlapping at once, or a few starting within a couple hundred feet of each other. Also if the trail Y’s there might be a segment going each way, how would it know at the start which one you wanted to hit?
So grateful for these brief new user updates. I’m not convinced the 520 is going to be what’s promised. Prove us wrong.
Hi Ray,
Thanks for the great work that you are doing.
Do you know if we can Display GPX trace on an openstreet map together?
Hey Ray-
I am not remarkably techy, but is there anything here that would improve and decrease the number of dropped connections between my stages PM and the 520? My 500 presently loses connection (much) more than I would prefer, drives me a bit nuts. Granted, I live in a very populous area (Orange County, CA) with lots of signals everywhere I am sure…any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Really hard to say. Stages seems to be one of the more finicky ones when it comes to transmission. So it’s possible it’ll improve.
Generally I haven’t heard too many issues with reception on the Edge 500 (the FR910XT is the most common).
I had the same problem and found it was the power meter not the cycling computer. I was experiencing stages drop outs on my Garmin 500 and Mio 505. It was related top the stages battery connection. Remove the battery compartment O-ring and voila.. no more drop outs. Unfortunately, you probably compromised the water protection at the same time. I ended up wrapping a layer of see through duct tape around the crank as water protection. Worked perfectly since.
Talking about OSM maps….The latest Basecamp 4.5.0 for Mac OS-X will crash when you try to open an OSM map that you referred to above. Just to let Garmin know that they need a fix quickly.
Does anyone know whether I can use my Forerunner 225 as HRM in addition to the Edge 520? Upon synchronizing the data of both devices, am I able to bundle the data so my heart rate measured with the FR225 will be added to the data (route/cadence/speed/etc.) of the Edge 520?
I really hate chest straps, that’s precisely what I love about my FR225 while running. I would like to use the Edge 520 for cycling as the FR225 cannot really help me there, but I do not want to wear a chest strap. So the question is, can I still use my FR225 for the heart rate part and combine the data afterwards?
Hi Denise,
I’m personnally using the Mio Link Heart Rate Wristband, because I don’t like chest straps either. It’s very reliable and I like it, could not go back to chest straps now, for sure! I believe that Ray has also reviewed this product, you should find the article by browsing this blog.
I also use the Mio.. Much easier
I think I remember Ray saying that the 225 doesn’t rebroadcast HR data, it only stores it internally (ie no ANT+ transmitter, only receiver).
Correct, unfortunately.
Ray great review.
Finally Garmin seems to have found a great cycling product.
Hopefully the 520 works OK in terms of connectivity reliability.
I was about to close a deal for an Edge 1000. I will wait to know if the FE-C and VO2 Max functions will be added in the upcoming firmware update.
Thanks for the great review again!
Just received a 520 that I am setting up for my wife to use – I have a 510 currently and am struggling a little with the different UI (buttons vs. touch screen).
Couple of questions:
– Anyone know how to change the scale on the elevation screen? On the 510, I could touch the feet or miles to change the vertical/horizontal scale.
– Anyone know how to zoom on the map without going deep into the menus to set the zoom level manually?
– Is there a way to pan the map?
I have the exact same questions, anyone?
Changing the map zoom is burdensome. Basically, you can’t do it without stopping and going through the buttons. I have an old 800 and I’ve come to the conclusion that you need a touch screen to make a map usable while on the fly. I like the other features of the 520 and will keep it. I needed mapping this past weekend and took both the 520 and 800 with me. Worked well especially since the 520 didn’t take up much real estate when I moved it over to a conventional handlebar mount.
Have you tried the auto zoom option? I used it this weekend and seemed to roughly work.
The map is still unreadable for me but that is largely a function of my age and lack of reading lenses. On the other hand, found a gem on this board. I ordered those $15 stick on bifocal wannabee lenses you put on your sunglasses that somebody recommended. Looking forward to trying them as I have a map intensive Phila to NYC century this weekend.
Will the edge 520 allow you to see real time heart rate data, not just average/min/max? I noticed that most of the Garmin edge products do not do this. Do most cyclists just not care about this information?
Not sure what products you’ve been using but they all show real time heart rate data, including the 520.
Agreed. Every Garmin Edge cycling computer shows real time heart rate data. You can also choose to show avg, or min or max, though I’m not sure why you would choose to during a ride.
In fact, I don’t know of a single Garmin fitness product that doesn’t show real time heart rate.
Well that makes sense. I was looking at bike computers in a store and that is what they told me about the 520 specifically and the other edge models. Someone was confused about something. Thanks for the response!
Great review, as always!
If the budget is not an issue, would you more recommend the 1000 or the 520?
I have the impression that a mix of the two would be the perfect device, as the limited memory and missing routing features on the 520 might me get for the 1000, but the size of the 520 is much nicer…
Your advise will be appreciated!
It really depends on how much you value the mapping/navigation aspects. If you primarily just use the map for a quick double-check of something, then go Edge 520.
If however you’re using the navigational features a lot – such as specifying an exact address, or want turn by turn instructions, the Edge 1000 is a better bet.
I suspect I’ll probably convert to a small fleet of Edge 520’s here by fall (away from a mix of Edge 810 and 1000 units).
I had problems with the 520 finding my custom maps until I renamed the gmapsupp.img file to gmapbmap.img (in the Garmin folder). Once I did that I can actually see the more detailed maps.
I had the same problem. Thanks for the post.
Give this one a shot. having the map ability similar to my current 800 is a nice upgrade to the 500 series.
In response to PY, I don’t think the 1000 is a better option than the 810, the latter of which is more compact with better battery life. This raises a new question. given that the 810 is now showing to be cheaper (looking at today’s amazon) than the new 520, wouldn’t the 810 now be the best option, if only for the added memory and routable maps. Interested in people’s thoughts?
I have a friend who just bought the 1000 and he had a 810 before. He seems to be happy of it, so the 1000 must be somehow nicer than the 810. But he just had it for a few days, so I don’t have his long time feedback yet. Any other opinion about this subject will be appreciated!
Fair enough PY. To me it looks like the 1000 has the benefit of a larger screen although for many the extra size is detrimental and it’s a bit heavier. it has a slightly higher screen res, not sure how noticeable this is. The 1000 has the ability to route an instant course for the user based on distance – sounds good, although I’d be wary at the roads it took me on. Finally, it can receive text updates which could be quite a useful feature. The bluetooth link for this failed quite a lot – not sure how well it’s working now. I’ll leave it to others who have had user experience, or perhaps DC might be able to give his summation of the 1000vs810vs520 if money was/was not an option
810 doesn’t have Glonass. So 520 is more accurate, faster acquisition, less signal lost, and it’s a more compact package. Depends on needs though. If your primary use is navigation, the bigger screen of the 810 might be a benefit for you. If like me, your primary use is tracking your ride data, and displaying data like power, HR, and cadence during your workouts and races, you might find the additional accuracy of the 520 more compelling.
Just got the Edge 520 and took it for a spin this morning. I’ve used the HR strap from my Forerunner 620 with my Edge 500 before with nor problems, but on this morning’s ride, I noticed my HR switching back and forth between 63 and my HR at the moment (see attached). Any idea what’s going on here? Thanks!
any chances to do a review or a demo video? of the 520?
While it could be the fault of the Edge 520 – that actually looks like tell-tale signs of the HR battery going bad. Any chance you’re able to swap out the coin cell battery and give it another whirl?
Thanks, Ray. That’s what I thought. It also behaved a bit wonky with my Forerunner on my afternoon run, so I guess I’ll be replacing the battaery and trying again. Will post an update.
I did my first ride with my 520 today and my heart rate looked the exact same. I’ll also change the battery and hope for the best. I’ll report back if the battery change helps.
So, I changed the battery on my HRM-Run and it did the same thing again (flipping between 63 bpm and my current heart rate), but also did it to a lesser extent with my Forerunner 620. On the battery status page for the HRM, the Forerunner 620 said the new battery was “ok” while the Edge 520 said “critical.” So what’s a guy to do? I figure maybe my HRM is going bad, so I went out and bought a new strap. So far, this seems to have solved the problem — no weird jumps to 63 bpm on either part of my brick today. What concerns me, though, is that the Edge 520 still gives a battery status of “critical” for the new HRM. This just can’t be true since I bought it only today. Could this be a firmware problem or do you think I have a faulty 520 unit? Everything else seems to be okay. Thanks again,
Identical problem with my FR 620 HRM and Edge 520. Drops to 63 BPM nearly once a minute. Fresh battery in the HRM.
I’m having the sames issue. FR620 is 5 months old. I’ve not tried using the HRM with both FR620 and Edge 520 at the same time, but the numbers on the FR620 look OK, so assume it’s a bug with the Edge 520. Hope Garmin sort soon.
I called Garmin about this. They said its a software issue on the 520 and they believe its only with the HR strap that does running dynamics. They said they are working on an update, but do not have a release date for it yet.
I think it is HRM, as I was having this same issue with my 920XT. Started using my spare HRM, a Wahoo Ant+ unit, and problem completely solved. Kind of a bummer to lose the extra running dynamics though.
I have an odd question: can I use the Bluetooth live upload from the 520 to my iPhone simultaneously with my Bluetooth headset?
Bill, it’s not a Bluetooth issue, it depends on the type of network your carrier uses for voice calls. Basically, if you can surf the web and talk on the phone simultaneously (BT headset or speakerphone) then live updates should work during a voice call, but that can and will vary by location and cell coverage. Without knowing which iPhone you have or which wireless provider you use, it’s difficult to give you an exact answer.
I thought the issue would be whether his phone could pair to two BT devices simultaneously. I’m not sure if BT allows that or if it’s phone dependent.
An iPhone can communicate with several different types of Bluetooth devices at once, although generally only on a one-of-a-type-at-a-time basis (you’ll have to choose between your Jabra headset and your Jambox speaker).
So, for example, you can pair your Bluetooth HR sensor, speed/cadence sensor and power meter to a single iPhone all at the same time.
The restriction with Bluetooth as far as we’re concerned is at the sensor level. Each Bluetooth sensor can only talk to one master device at a time. So a Stages power meter can communicate over Bluetooth with either an iPhone or a Polar M450 or an Ambit 3, but only one at a time. That same Stages power meter can communicate over ANT+ with any number of Garmins or other ANT+ receivers simultaneously.
(I have no idea why that last sentence is in bold. LOL)
Anyone get their edge 520 yet? is it buggy? I’m a bit concerned about the reviews here:
link to
I took mine out for a ride this morning and it worked great. The only problem I had was with my heart rate strap from the Forerunner 620, which kept on dropping my heart rate down throughout the ride. I thought it might be the 520 causing the problem, but a similar thing happened on my run this afternoon, so I’m thing I have a problem with the HRM strap. I may need to change the battery. So far, though, no problems with the 520. Worked great and synced without a problem.
Thanks, part of me hopes it was a bad batch they all got since the 520 is looking real nice (and oddly, it’s cheaper…not sure why that is).
Mine uploaded fine via Bluetooth on my HTC One, but it did Stop about a 1/4 of the way into my ride. I was on a rocky tough climb and looked down and saw the choices to save or discard, and I was like “back” I’m not done yet. I didn’t think to hit Start again, because I had inadvertently chosen Elapsed Time which kept on going, so I didn’t know it had stopped. I’m usually just glancing at the HR or not looking at it at all, so I didn’t notice till my cooldown that it was sitting at 3.88 miles. At some point later in the ride, it beeped at me and showed a lap time, even though I was on a completely different trail and don’t have Auto-lap enabled anyway. Apparently it recorded a little bit there. I’m hoping the bar fly just flexed a little and let the button hit my stem top cap. The buttons are really touchy. If it’s going to turn off just from being jostled around while mountain biking, that will be a bummer. I hadn’t even gotten to the downhill when it had stopped, so who knows if it would have done it again if I had restarted it. I’ll find out tomorrow.
I didn’t try any of the Strava stuff yet. I didn’t even have it linked to my Garmin connect when I started the ride, only paired bluetooth and it auto-uploaded right away. I’ll have to look at the directions for the Strava stuff, just ran through the basics this morning to get it up and running and out the door on my ride.
An update, it worked fine today on some super fast rocky descents, set some PR’s. I adjusted the BarFly up a tad so it wouldn’t bounce off the stem, bonus, I can see the display better now too. So perhaps I was correct that the button got pressed by bouncing off the stem top cap…
Turned on the Strava segment feature, it seems to download a variety of segments close by, but definitely includes starred segments. As I was coming up on segment it started to notify me, 500ft to start of segment, etc. Also showed me the name of the KOM holder so I knew who the “time behind” referred to. It was a segment with a lot of cornering and climbing so I didn’t even look at it once it started, but I never knew where that segment started and this time I knew when to give it the gas and moved up to 5th, so that was nice. Later in the ride, there was another segment where I’ve set a goal time of 9:00 on Strava. I also have it starred. As I neared that one it also notified and when that one started it had my goal time at the top instead of the KOM holder’s name, and the “time behind” was in reference to the goal time. I thought that was pretty cool.
At the end of the ride, it uploaded via BT in only about 15 seconds after I hit save ride. Way faster than my 510 which only uploaded over BT about 50% of the time and frequently took 5 minutes or more to decide to do so.
Happy with the 520 now. I’ll try to update after a few more rides.
The ride area is Lunch Loops in Grand Junction, uber technical terrain.
As I’m mainly riding mtb-xc, struggling what to pick up between (bundle): 810, 510 and 520, any suggestions on personal experience? (Curently using mobile phone with endomondo-strava)
I would definitely take the 520 over the 510. Much nicer to have buttons instead of touch screen. Love touchscreen on my phone, wasn’t so good while riding. Less losing signal in the woods, hopefully none.
Vs. the 810 depends on how much you want to rely on the mapping. I was fine with the breadcrumb trail on my 500 the few times I used it. I haven’t even looked into the mapping functions on the 520 yet. Perhaps I’ll check that out this weekend. I can only imagine it’s better than the 500 and 510 at the least.
Also the 520 finds satellites in less than 15 seconds. Nice improvement over my 500 which could sometimes take a minute or two. A bummer when you’re wanting to start a ride.
I am an uncompetitive roadie, I was all about the 520 until yesterday. I had a good long discussion with myself and decided that car-like gps was more important than glonass and fec trainer support and bluetooth smart. Nothing I use for riding is bluetooth. I use my laptop on my trainer with a dongle so I do not need my head unit to control my trainer, and all my sensors record speed, cadence, etc outdoors. Should they be dead my powertap hub would provide. so yesterday i cancelled my 520 order and pilled the trigger on a 810.
however from the ridiculous amout of research I put into this if I only road off road I would probably want the glonass satellites and would have waitied for the 520
I currently use the joule gps and i can still use that to control trainer in a pinch if i had to and i’m familiar with breadcrumbs from it and it just doesn’t cut it for wandering and exploring like I want to do.
can’t find the edit so pilled = pulled and road off road = rode off road….
darn sleepy eyes and small keyboard…..
Please take this as informational. It might come off sounding a bit whiny but it is not meant to I just do not write well.
To set the stage let me say I understand that my lack of planning is not the problem of anyone else.
However in my defense, I live in the Amazon age. I use Amazon frequently with my prime membership. Order today and sometimes have it today. Tomorrow is a piece of cake. Two days? Everything on the planet or just about in two days is my mindset
I get shoes from zappos…order today receive tomorrow, and others just like it.
You all understand I need not go on.
I have been reading Ray’s reviews for quite some time. I always feel guilty I do not spend any money at clever training. I have been agonizing over my decision to purchase a new bike gps as I am tired of my joule. I am traveling this week with my daughter and we want to explore on our bikes and I do not want to follow breadcrumbs, I want maps, specifically I want car like gps.
So yesterday I pull the trigger on a new 810 that I NEED by Friday. I go to clever training and add to cart and look at shipping options. Fedex…woo hoo…flat overnight fee of 29.95. fantastic. Save 10 from Ray, get overnight have it tomorrow …my life is good on to my next first world problem.
Except… of last night the order is still “processing”…well no worries..lag time updates eh I’ll send a email someone will answer it will all be good.
This morning no answer. Hmmm ok …well when I get to work I’ll call. 24/7 800 number.
So I call…get Clinton on the phone (I’ll skip my thoughts on the political reference) I ask politely, hey Clinton ….yada…will I have it today?
His answer? I’m sorry sir I cannot help you with your order, I’ll send a message to the customer service team and someone will be with you in 1 business day. Goodbye….click
Seriously!!…WTF just happened?
That is customer service? I cannot help you someone else will call goodbye and hang up?
Ok, so at this point I am pulling the trigger ON AMAZON on a 810, having it next day aired to my first days location with my daughter and will now have to go a little out of my way to get it.
You might be clever with training but you are dumb as a stump with customer handling clever training..P.S. Obviously you have a return coming your way when I get back.
A Retraction of sorts.
I contacted again with the attitude I was going to at least speak to a call center supervisor.
Instead I got an actual Clever training person Mariah (not sure if I spelled correctly)
What a difference. She made everything better and has retained me as a customer for sure!
I cannot say enough about her professionalism and genuine concern and how well she did her part.
I am so glad I gave them another chance to make it right and they should be happy they have someone like her taking care of their customers because I WILL purchase there again because of this.
Yes my situation was self-inflicted from the onset; however I am justified in call them out on the call center issue. They pick who represents them after hours. I was definitely leaving based on their call center experience they provided.
However now because of Mariah I will be back. All is forgiven on my end.
Hi Daniel-
Thanks for both notes, definitely appreciate both the initial note and the follow-up! I’ll circle back with the CT folks about the evening call center and see what’s up there.
Fwiw, on Mariah – there’s a little snippet (and a photo) of her in my post from a year or two back here: link to
She’s awesome – and a fan of many regular DCR readers that support via Clever Training. Also an expert in ‘making things happen’.
Ordered day one from CT and the original estimate was late July. This later changed to August. I emailed them seeing how plenty of people already have these in hand and was told now it’s maybe by the end of the month????
Considering other retailers have already shipped what’s the issue with CT? Are they on Garmin’s ‘you ticked us off’ list or something? I might just cancel and call it a day. I ordered 6=weeks ago and now am being told another 4? PASS!
Thanks for the support, I do appreciate it. The Edge 520 came out four weeks ago, but ignoring that – there are two products at play here:
Edge 520 bundle
Edge 520 base
Garmin has ONLY shipped Edge 520 bundles out to retailers, and not base units yet (there may be some base units offered at bike show events, not sure). They started shipping those bundle units last week to Clever Training (end of July as planned) and Clever Training based on that was able to fulfill approximately half the bundle orders last Friday. As of earlier in the week they had not yet received any base unit updated ship dates, but that may have changed in the last few days (I haven’t checked).
As with past Garmin releases (every one actually), Garmin is usually late on ship times. Clever Training knows this so usually they add enough padding to account for it (other retailers do the opposite), but sometimes you just can’t add enough apparently.
Again, I do appreciate the support through them – and I assure you they’d like you to have the unit just as much as anyone else.
Thanks for the response.. Yes you are correct it has not been 6 weeks since I ordered, It’s been 5 so my bad.
The email response I got today says they do not have a date for the base units and it said ‘maybe’ by the end of the month…
I’m not really interested in waiting another 4 weeks (or more).. I’ll give it another week or so and see where it stands before deciding what to do with the pre-order.
Since other retailers are shipping them I figured maybe CT was on Garmin’s ‘you ticked us off list’..
Thanks again for the response and for all you do with these reviews!
Email from CT today…..first shipment of non-bundled Edge 520’s arrives the middle of next week :)
Here is the actual email.
Dear Bart,
Thank you for your recent pre-order for the Garmin Edge 520. Our first shipment is scheduled to arrive the middle of next week. We will begin to fulfill orders based on the date in which the order was placed. If your order is fulfilled with this shipment, you will receive an email with the tracking information for the processed shipment. If your order is not fulfilled with this shipment, you will receive an update next Thursday, August 8th, with any new information we have at that time.
If you have any specific questions, regarding your pre-order please feel free to contact us directly at
Thank you,
Clever Training Team
Clever Training Logo
@Bart hmm… as I read that email you received, it may just be a canned response related to the bundled 520 packages that were shipped. I hope not…
@Bart yep, to confirm I just received the same exact email (unprompted) from CT :( Hopefully they provide some updates related to those who ordered the standalone unit.
Fear not, it is indeed base units. I confirmed they are expecting first arrivals of base units next week.
RNH, I have found that when the status email goes from the canned we have not heard from Garmin yet to we will be getting a shipment that’s usually the case. Since i ordered the base unit i bet we see some ship next week so here is hoping we are first on the list.
DC saves the day!!
This is my first garmin and I was hopeful it would be stable so far I am 1 for 2. On my second ride it crashed on saving the ride and I cannot retrieve it. It shows in the history but I cannot examine the details or upload it to garmin connect.
So apparently they need to do a little work on the stability.
I got that same email. Although, since I just placed my order earlier this week, I’m half expecting an email next Thursday (8th?- someone needs to check a calendar) telling me I’ll still be waiting. Not too concerned. My 620 is handling bike duties adequately.
I did choose CT over Amazon, as CT gave a date of Aug 18, where as Amazon said 1-3 months. Also, the DCR VIP discount. And the whole supporting the site thing. I almost feel we should be paying extra ordering through Ray’s links for all the work he does (whatever they’re giving you, it’s not enough).
And lastly, I’d like to add, I’ve had positive experiences speaking via phone with CT. Forget who, but some online retailers won’t ship to Hawaii- something about postal restrictions and lithium batteries transported by air. CT assured me this would not me an issue.
the garmin official product pages states that it shows weather data:
link to
I think Oriol is right Ray, your comparison chart for the 520 shows “No” for Weather Display (Live Data), but should say “Yes”, similar to the 510. :-)
Thanks, corrected. I was brain-farting at the time and thinking storm alerts. Fixed!
Hey guys, I can’t get the device to display weather data live. The garmin connect app (iOS) doesn’t seem to have a choice to turn that on/off for my 520 device. Is is done differently now?
Thanks a lot for everything!
Can I use my Plantronics bluetooth headphones and at the same time keep connected with the phone
Awesome! I ordered mine the morning of July 1st (same day it went on sale) so I’d assume I’ll make the 1st round of shipping next week..
I also got the email listed above..
Just got a message from Garmin stating it would ship 8/14. I inquired after my last inquiry stating it would ship today (8/7). Frankly, I’m OK with waiting as it sounds like the ones that were shipped early are buggy as long as the wait is for the fix! As many of you all seem to be I’m also an instant gratification kind of guy and it’s been REALLY hard waiting! This will be my first foray into Garmin, I’ve been using the Strava App for acquisition and VeloViewer for quenching my thirst for data. I’m hoping Garmin opens up more data for me especially given I purchased and have been using the P1’s now for a little over a month and am hungry for the left/right power analysis. Currently I haven’t been able to figure out how to get that via Strava. I avoided the Joule GPS+ based on the reviews from DC and the feeling after I read that of it’s not as advanced as Garmin. When Garmin came out with the 520 and Ray’s review about getting it “just right” I decided to take the plunge and be a convert. Hopefully I won’t be disappointed! Thanks to all of you that are posting their comments on their experiences. Perhaps another week of experiences will help me decide further if I want to stay the course or drop my order and pick up a different head unit. Thanks Ray for all your in depth reviews and what you do. Can’t believe you do this as a side job :) Care to start a site on time management for our benefit???
Hi, can the edge 520 and fenix 3 share information between them? I.e. The VO2 max, FTP and recovery times. If i use the fenix for running and swimming and the edge for cycling will the edge take into account the amount of exercise i’ve done with the fenix and reflect that in my edge recovery times?
No, not at this time. It’s all device-specific.
if you have fenix 3 (as I do) why would you use 520 for cycling and not just mount the fenix 3? is it only for screen size? what can 520 do that fenix3 cannot????
It’s mostly screen size. I prefer the Edge 520 because the screen is a bit bigger, and it also has features the Fenix3 does not (such as ANT+ FE-C support, Varia Radar/lights support, Strava support), and probably a few others I’m not thinking of.
Nice article! Right no I have a Edge 810 on my racebike. What would you recommand? Keep the 810 or sell this and get myself a Edge 520?
Hi. Thanks for the helpful review.
1. Does the 520 show the contents of incoming text messages, or just the fact that they have arrived?
2. If you’re riding with the screen showing the map and some superimposed data fields it sounds as though it’s not possible to move and zoom around the map without switching to another screen. Is that right?
If you receive a call it tells you who the caller is, but text messages I’m unsure if, haven’t seen one yet.
You can zoom out of the map pretty easily, however without the touch screen ability of the 810 you cannot move the map around.
Hi Ray!
Awesome review as per usual!! Thank you so much.
ONE IMPORTANT QUESTION: Please, please, please could you let me know if it’s possible to upload an activity from the 520 to an ipad? This is a massive dealmaker/breaker. I don’t always have phone data (travelling abroad) hence only ipad.
Cheers man and keep up the awesome work!
@Joe Assuming you normally use wifi on your iPad while abroad, I’ll go ahead and ask why couldn’t you simply use wifi on your phone too?
Just toggle off cellular data on your phone, turn on wifi, connect to wifi network, open up Mobile Connect and upload your activity from the 520. Or something. Along these lines.
Cheers for the reply, Chris but have you got a 520 and tried this? Just wondering as wasn’t sure whether you could use it to upload to GC without the cellular data. And 2nd question, is it possible to transfer an activity from Garmin Connect to Strava with an ipad/smartphone?
I don’t have a 520 … Yet. But as Ray has schooled me all modern Garmin units work the same way. You’ll be able to upload to GC from a 520 as you would from a 1000 or a Forerunner.
A typical flow for me is Vivosmart > GC Mobile via Bluetooth on my iPhone > sync to GC via wifi from my iPhone.
And as far as Strava goes, you can log on to your Strava account and connect it to your GC account. Synching will occur automatically in the background soon after you’ve uploaded your activity via GC Mobile.
link to
@Joe R-C
No issues uploading activities to Garmin Connect using Garmin Connect Mobile (Edge 520 > Garmin Connect Mobile, via BLE on iPhone > Garmin Connect, via wifi). I can also report that syncing to Strava is instantaneous, in my case.
I received my 520 today! (woot!) Alas though in the process of trying to install the openstreetmap based map (replacing gmapbmap.img per the folks reporting success), I’ve lost maps entirely. My unit prints the osm copyright note at boot, then a dialog that says “Cannot unlock maps.” I also apparently didn’t properly backup the stock gmapbmap.img, can anyone help me out by sending me the stock gmapbmap.img from their unit?
I wonder if the 2.30 update from garmin broke osm maps or somesuch?
Actually all good now. If I made my osm map file smaller it was fine.
What is the size now of you map-file? And can you tell if it’s possible to put an gpx file directly on the gar in folder?
The new one that worked for me is 18MB, the one that would not work was 50MB. I’m not sure if the size is the issue or some feature was included in the first OSM map that Garmin did not like. I’m going to ride with the 520 a few times over the next few days, but then I’ll do more experiments to see if I can narrow down why some tilesets work and others do not (i.e. the problem may not be file size per se).
any idea the max size mapfile that can be put on the Garmin 520?
I am anxiously awaiting mine. I see people are starting to receive their units. Any report good or bad on the units? I did see one issue with stability. Hoping that is more an exception!
So far it seems to work more reliably (connects to my android phone consistently and auto uploads) than my (now returned) 810. I’m happy.
A bit nervous now after the reviews on amazon… Had a Polar V800 which I returned to get this one. Wondering if I made the right decision
Yeah, looking through the Amazon reviews one has to separate out Edge issues from user issues from other issues.
For example, one person is upset because of a server error in his screenshot. Well, that’s not anything to do with the Edge 520. Heck, even Garmin responded in the Amazon comment (I never knew they bothered to do so) saying as such.
Another gave the unit 1-star because of the Strava Virtual Partner ordering on segments (prioritizes who you follow over the KOM). I find this funny, because someone else around here just noted that they prefer the opposite of what this reader apparently hates (personally, I prefer trying to beat people I follow by default, because honestly I’ll never beat the KOM for most segments). Still, I can understand wanting to have an option to change this behavior, but to give 1 stars purely because of this?
Finally, the other challenge you have at this stage with Amazon reviews is that no Amazon verified purchases have been declared (in large part because Amazon hasn’t received any units themselves as Garmin on a matter of policy ships to them last, so only secondary sellers would have listed there, and even then, most secondary sellers wouldn’t bother to list inventory there now because they can make more money selling a hot item like this directly, versus letting Amazon take a cut). The point there being that what ends up happening is essentially any upset people flock to Amazon in an attempt to shot down a product. It’s a trend I see often until the balance of power shifts to just everyone else who purchased via Amazon and decides to rate their own purchases. Versus happy people don’t flock to Amazon if they purchased elsewhere because…well…why would they?
Not discounting those actually having problems, but just putting into perspective what I see skimming that list…
Just my two cents.
Thanks for the review Ray and your last post. :)
There was a one star review because the 520 “did not have enough features”. WTF else could they put in it??? Especially a that price.
“Another gave the unit 1-star because of the Strava Virtual Partner ordering on segments (prioritizes who you follow over the KOM)”
This actually makes this feature useful, and now I’m really excited about it.
That and receiving txt messages from my concerned girlfriend on the device is a total win.
Btw – For that feature, you can actually change that to be KOM vs person you follow ahead of time on your unit per segment. Of course, said 1-star commentator didn’t notice that option…
Quick edit. Did you mean to say shot, or shoot in the 2nd to last paragraph?
Does the FTP function work with a power meter that is not Garmin Vector/Vector2(S)?
Any ANT+ power meter.
The Garmin product page website says it tracks FTP using the Vector pedals.
The website also says the 520 computes VO2 Max saying it requires heart rate and a power meter (generic).
This is consistent with my experience. I’m using the Powerpod and I get VO2 Max on the device but not FTP.
Email from CT…..520 shipped, I ordered on 7-16
Here too. Ordered the non-bundle on 7/8.
No CT love yet for this Canadian. Ordered 7-1.
Scratch that – email just received!
Same- Ordered on 7/21
You’ll have to let us know if there were any brokerage fees or duty on it.
That last comment was for RNH.
@Andre, I will let you know.
@Andre yes, got hit with duty ($50) + $10 ROD fee.
Thanks RNH. That means it will be cheaper to get it from MEC when they get some stock.
Ray, Clever just shipped my 520. I have a 510 with a K-Edge mount that I’m handing down to my wife. Will a standard K-Edge work well enough with the 520 design (with button on bottom) or would it be better to wait for a new design or get the one for the 1000 that would put it further out front? This is a straight handlebar on a mountain bike.
You should be good. The last 2 photos in the little mount gallery are the standard K-Edge mount, so I’d double-check that it’s the same one as I have in the photo (likely is). But since it fits the Edge 510, the 520 is smaller and so you get back that little bit for pressing the bottom buttons.
Thanks Ray, I do have the standard K-Edge Garmin mount and I agree it should be good. It seems K-Edge may have limited quantities of that mount these days as they are focusing on a newer “Aero” version of it that brings the computer much closer to the handlebar which MAY cause an issue, I had to buy the “Aero” to get a blue one (my wife’s bike color, had to do it) in a reasonable timeframe but since she will use it with my old 510 it shouldn’t be an issue. I will test it with the 520 though and let you know if its a pain though.
Thanks again…
One of the main reasons for me to get the Edge 520 is text/call notification. Just tested this on the Edge 520 and unfortunately, i am not seeing any notification. During an activity, if i hit the action button (top right), it takes me to a menu screen and when i choose “Missed Calls and Texts”, i can see the content of the text messages but without any notification, this is not very useful.
@ Changren Yong:
I understand that you weren’t notified in real-time but when you went into that menu did you see the content of the text message or just the metadata (who, when, …)?
I see the content of the text messages.
I’ve been getting notifications for texts. I hear it on my phone first. Then I hear the beep on the 520 and look down and see the number of the caller/texter at the bottom of the screen. I suppose if it’s an important number, I could choose to stop and read the text itself. I’m content with just knowing who it’s from so I’m not having to stop and check my phone to see if it was important or not.
BTW, used the 520 on 3 more rides. It’s worked perfectly. I was wondering if it would let me LiveSegment a downhill segment, and once I starred it, it came up and worked, though I was too focused on the trail to look down at it even once during, the beep to let you know the segment has started is useful. It picks a random selection of popular segments plus any that you’ve starred as availalble for live segments.
I did choose the Yes option for notifications also, which I then had to allow on my phone. HTC One, btw.
Thanks for the response. Mine is finally working. I had to redo the pairing:
– Remove the BT_Edge 520 device from the Bluetooth menu on my iPhone 6 running iOS 9 beta 5
– Go to Edge 520’s Bluetooth menu (in Settings) and pair it up with my iPhone again
After that, i started getting text message and call notifications.
Another thing i have noticed. You don’t need the Garmin Connect app running to get text and call notification.
I see that it unfortunately supports profiles with GPS off. It’s the only thing missing on my 510, which I bought just some 6 months ago. I really hope they’d add this on the 510, but if not, I’m gonna have to buy a 520. SIGH.
Don, Thomas, Do you have any experiences with using OSM maps and downloaded courses yet with the 520 Which you want to share with us? I’m considering buying one, but I would like to be sure about the map and course abilities of the edge 520.
I just received mine yesterday. 1st ride later today.
I was able to upload an OSM map which seems to be working OK. I had to parse down the area but had more than enough room after deleting the garmin base map. One thing I eventually figured out is that you have to manually rename the OSM map to whatever file name the Garmin base map used. I don’t recall it now.
One other observation. Text and call alerts are virtually useless with a LG G2. No on screen notification. I have to navigate through the menu (status >Bluetooth>missed calls and texts) and then I only get header notification of the sender and time for texts. No notifications for missed calls. Would have been nice but not a deal breaker. I’m up for a new phone on my present contract and that is 1 factor in my next selection.
what is the available space if you erase the base map? thanks
I have 42MB free. I really skimped on the OSM map, left out some of my vacation spots. I am probably going to redo the map with fewer holes since I have more space. The one thing I don’t like that much about this is that if you travel or tour to another area, you basically have to delete your home map, reload the new one you have made and then reverse the process after returning home.
One other issue which I haven’t determined yet. I have 60 year old eyes and I think the smaller map issue, smaller text may be an issue for me.
Ray, awesome review! I’m about to buy my first bike-gps. My first choice was the Edge 810 but since this review I think about buying the 520 instead. Good choice? The smaller size and better positioning system are important for me.
I’m personally going to switch over to them from the Edge 810/1000’s that I use (once Clever Training clears out all the reader backorders).
Obviously do what makes you happy and there is no way I would argue against rays endorsement even if I could. A week ago I switched from the bread crumb mapping on a joule GPS to a 810 (canceling my 520 order to get the 810 even) and I could not be happier. It is everything I wish for in a GPS unit including car like turn by turn directions.
But if didn’t really want that or I was a serious mountain biker always off the beaten path then I guess the glonass feature would have ruled the day. If I was in any way a competitive athlete trying to find all the performance in myself I could then again the 520 would rule the day for now.
That’s a valid point, if you’re doing lots of ‘new route’ type stuff where you were going out and doing totally new routes each day, then something with more turn by turn navigation would be better. For example, if I were to go do a 5-7 day trek, I’d probably grab my 810 or 1000.
But, for just exploring ‘nearby’ me on a Saturday ride where I can use breadcrumb, the 520 works fine.
If you guys were ordering today where am I going to get a 520 from the quickest? Also would bundled version come quicker than standalone?
Good news! My 520 (non-bundle) ordered from Clever Training has arrived! Woo Hoo!
Wow some bad news from Clever Training. Looks like the Amazon reviews are Strava units, do they have more inventory. I’d rather not wait another 3 weeks best case scenario.
Thank you for your recent pre-order for the Garmin Edge 520. Based on information available from the manufacturer we expect our next shipment to arrive the end of this month. Upon receipt we will process orders based on the date each was placed.
We will be sure to keep you up to date on any new information that becomes available regarding the availability of the recently released Garmin Edge 520.
If you have any specific questions, regarding your pre-order please feel free to contact us directly at
Thanks Ray and Daniel,
Looks like the 810 would be good enough for me then. I prefer turn by turn navigation over breadcrumb.
I do like to go out with my bike and have a certain goal(City, landmark i.e.), think the 810 will be perfect for the job.
And, also important, the 810 performance bundle has a sharp price at the moment here in the Netherlands.
Did anyone get a free 3 month trial with their 520? If so how do you redeem this? TIA!
Does anyone know if the pedaling analysis can be used with the new PowerTap P1 pedals? (or if it’s planned for soon?)
No, that’s Garmin proprietary for Vector only.
Garmin 520 first impressions & maps
I had trouble getting OpenStreetMaps to work on the new 520 so I headed here…only mistake I made was starting at the top of the comments and reading through 300 posts before I saw to rename the gmapsupp.img to gmapbmap.img. Was necessary to delete (and empty trash) the original gmapbmap.img before renaming the new file. I made a backup of the original, but assume I probably don’t need it because it will probably get restored if I do a full device reset, but I don’t plan on finding out unless I start having issues.
I’ve only ridden 30 minutes with the new 520 (thanks Clevertraining/DC for getting it to me so fast and at a discount!). Was interested to see how it handles overlapping Strava segments…appears to only catch the first one and ignore the subsequent ones, so I went into Strava and made sure to only put stars on the ones I want to see and made sure they don’t overlap. I also disabled a segment during the ride and when I passed it again, it still started up. Oh well, wasn’t expecting perfection out of the box.
I can confirm the data fields are MUCH easier to read than the 510. You can also view your historical data while you are in the middle of a ride, though I’d recommend pulling over first :) That was something that occasionally annoyed me with the 510. Also, the way it handles sensors (pooling) seems much better than matching each sensor to a specific bike profile. If you pick up multiple sensors of the same type, it just asks you if you want to switch from the current one to the next one. Helps if you have them named so you can recognize which one is which.
All in all, I’m loving the 520 after having it for only 24hours, compared to my old 510. I’ll have to get used to the buttons, but that shouldn’t take long. I should also mention that with the K-edge aero mount, I am still able to hit the bottom buttons, although they are quite close to my bars. Hope this long-drawn-out review helps someone.
Good review, thanks! Just got my Garmin 520 yesterday. I am replacing my old 500. Early thoughts–buttons on bottom are great idea from an ergonomic perspective if you like recording splits on the fly. The 500 had terrible ergonomics. Satellite finding is amazingly fast with GLASNOSS, works even indoors for me. Slightly larger screen supports 7 windows well, I used 5 on my old 500. Although a 500 is now about half the price if you get it on sale, but I’m happy with the upgrade to 520. So far so good.
HOWEVER, I tried downloading custom basemaps as you suggest. All goes well until it’s time to stick the .img file somewhere via direct UBS connection (I’ve done this many times for courses). I’ve put it in the “new files” folder and the “custom maps” folder. Nothing. So where does it go? Your otherwise clear directions are blank on this.
You place it in the root Garmin folder and delete the gmapbmap file and rename your new file gmapbmap.img.
I used mine for the first time yesterday. Worked well. Mine is replacing an 800. I actually liked the touch screen a little better. I rode at dusk and I could just touch the screen and get it to brighten. Now I have to hit the brightness button twice. Although I don’t use preset courses, I liked that the 800 would visually display the upcoming intersecting street on the Nav screen. On the 520 all I get is a directional heading at the top. Despite the small reduction in screen size, the data pages were very easy to read (I have 60 year eyes). However, I really couldn’t see any labels on the map.
One thing I’d like to see Garmin add is the ability to at least slightly customize the way data fields are displayed.
Right now, for example, I have 5 fields displayed, but they’re all the same size. I only need 5 but I’d love to be able to have Power and Cadence, the most important fields for most of my workouts, take up the whole top half or third of the screen, rather than having all fields be the same size. Other fields, like distance, are maybe cool to see if I’m curious how far I’ve gone, but I’m frequently trying to maintain a certain power or cadence for a certain time, so I want to be able to see those easily since I’m glancing down at them frequently.
I suppose I could have one screen for Power, Cadence, Heart rate, Lap time, and have the other fields I might find interesting on a separate screen. I’m not sure of the layout for 4 screens, even that might be all the same size, and I’d still rather have power and cadence larger than the other two.
Just a suggestion for Garmin that maybe you could pass along for a future firmware update.
It’s working well so far.
Hi All-
For those looking for mapping instructions, I’ve added in an Edge 520 section into my original ‘How to download free maps’ post, which details how you install maps. You’ll find that Edge 520 section here: link to
Thanks Ray! Just in time, since I was scratching my head trying to figure that one out.
Hey any word on the firmware for the 810 to add strava?
Still in testing, but on track for the previously announced Q3 date (by the end of September at latest).
Thanks Ray, and any news about the upgrade of 810/1000 to 820/1010 new GPS?
I generally don’t comment on unannounced products (either way), but as a reference point the Edge 1000 basically just came out early last summer (touch over a year ago), so it wouldn’t make much sense to refresh that.
Meanwhile, I’d classify the Edge 810 as overdue, but feature-wise they’ve been adding in new features every few months (and still are), so usually Garmin doesn’t do that when they plan to release a new product soon.
Thanks….i like the 520 but i need the touchscreen function and more space to maps, so i think of buying the 810 but i didnt want to buy and within a month they release the 820.
Yeah, the map size on the 520 is a dealbreaker.
I’m not sure about the map size yet. It may not be that bad. I’m holding the 520 next to my 800. Screen width is almost identical. Screen height is about 0.75 cm greater on the 800. Map text is slightly crisper on the 520 but I can’t read either while in motion. One difference is that the navigation bar and data fields are on a transparent background on the 800 while on the 520 they’re on a translucent block making the map around the data numerals unreadable. I think I would lose too much real estate with data fields on. I am going to take the 520 out on a preloaded course tomorrow and see how the mapping performs. One downside though. I could immediately brighten the map on the 800 by touching the screen, could just tap it without and precision and it would wake up. Have to go through some button presses on the 520.
On my one ride last night the GPS behaved with precision. I looked at the GPS track on Strava and the only time my track was significantly off road was when it “cut corners”. No more undetected segments.
By “map size” I mean “storage space for maps”. I want at least several GB, preferably a SD card.
Anyone know how to get Strava Routes onto the device? Is it possible or must you recreate them in Garmin Connect. The .fit is too new Strava will only export in .gpx or .tcx
I don’t know about Strava Routes, but I loaded one of my routes created in Ride With GPS and it worked fine. It was a .tcx file and I dropped it in the Garmin/NewFiles folder, just like I used to with my 800. It showed up under Courses when I checked the 520. I also noticed that when I looked at the Garmin/Courses folder, my route was there and had been changed a .fit file. I hope this helps.
process is the same … once you create or find a route on Strava, you can export as either .tcx or .gpx
Did anyone experience with getting the cadence sensor working? I attached it to my crank but after a few revolutions it still doesnt give me green lights.
I already deleted the custom installment on the 520 and tried to connect again. But still the same problem, no lights and no connection. Does anyone have an idea what this problem can be?
Besides that, I do like this one already. Lot of options and works very easy.
I could not get mine synced up easily either. I believe I had to keep cranking the pedals more than a couple times.
Have anyone figured out where to buy these in EU yet?
Some days ago you asked Garmin for ef-c trainer Suport for edge 1000, any news? Thanks
I asked again on Tuesday, no update yet there.
Ofcourse interested in the edge810 FE-C Trainer support.
But can you ask Garmin how they see the map support for this device.
Al lot of maps are sold only on SD cards today and cannot be used (directly or indirect) on this device. Basecamp has no option to move a (part) of a map delivered on a SD card to an internal device.
Special the TOPO maps are nowadays only available in SD card format, when riding MTB these maps contain roads (and tracks) not found in Garmins standard maps or OSM.
At the moment i use a few old (8yr) topo maps combined with a pocketPC! in my backpocket but not rugged and hardware will fail soon.
I wanted to buy the edge 520 and a new set of topo maps and only save a small part of the map (tile) to the device but this seems to be impossible.
Only alternative would be buying an “old” 810 for the same price or wait for a smaller 820 whenever that may come.
so basic: can the edge 520 support TOPO maps according to Garmin?
Yeah, still waiting on FE-C answer.
As for maps, I’m pretty sure they don’t really see mapping as a core feature of the Edge 520, else they would have put in a micro-SD slot. And I’m sure to a large degree that’d rather not have people put maps on it and rather them buy more expensive units. Obviously I sorta thwarted those plans.
Thanks for the response.
Reading more about it, i think i will skip the 520.
Mapping seems to be to limited to be useful for specific maps.
I’m happy to spend a little bit more if they bring out the 820 (slightly smaller (edge510 size) and higher resolution screen please) with the same functions of the 520.
But fact is you can’t buy things that aren’t for sale.
So lets wait for Eurobike
I read somewhere (cant remember where) that there was suppose to be a 3-month trial of strava premium, I just dont seem to find how to setup that trial. Anyone?
link to
Edge 520 is the first bike computer that’s compatible with Strava live segments and includes a 3-month trial of Strava Premium. With this membership, your starred Strava segments automatically sync with the 520 for live feedback during your ride. You’ll also get alerts for segment start and finish and leaderboard rankings once you complete the segment.
Can’t figure out how to activate it tho.
This just popped up on my GC Dashboard.
Do we know how long we have to activate the 3 month Strava trial?
I just signed up for a much shorter trial right before I got my 520. Does anyone know if I will have the option for another trial with the purchase of my 520?
You bought a $400 computer and can’t handle $60 per year for an optional service?
Can someone help me out here? I’m doing a crossword and I need a 5 letter word for someone that posts sarcastic comments on message boards that bring no value to the original conversation. Starts with a “t”
I have had my garmin 520 for 2 days now and just wanted to share my experience.
I was able to easily replace the base maps with the openstreetmaps per DRM’s instructions. I also linked my account up with Strava via Garmin Connect and was able to download my starred segments to the garmin. Yesterday I did get a segment-leader sync error when the garmin was USB’d to my pc. I managed to get around this by deleting the queued transaction.
One thing I noticed is I did not get 3 months of Strava on my account. I am currently on the last day of premium from a one month trial. I called Garmin and they were not sure but said maybe I need to become a regular user and then connect to Strava from GC. If not I should call back Monday. (I will attempt this tomorrow morning)
I have gone on 2 rides. Not everything went smoothly as I am also recording on my Polar v800 and there were some learning curve items to go through :). I bought a Wahoo TICKR specifically so I could capture HR on both my bluetooth V800 watch and the ant+ garmin 520. The bike sensor I have is also ant+ and bluetooth (Wahoo Blue Speed/Cadence).
My first ride was about 12 miles. It worked great and the Strava segment are amazing. It gives you a warning when you are 500 ft away and subsequently updates the distance until you get the “GO” screen which has the map and the target you are trying to beat. I attempted quite a few and had no issues.
The second ride was about 41 miles. It worked great except for one hiccup. About a mile from my house, I noticed that the garmin had restarted. I got what looked like the startup screen (map loading) and then it went to the activity save/delete screen. I resumed the session and it picked up where it left off. When I downloaded my session, I noticed that the period of time in which it restarted was not recorded. So there is a straight line from when it started the restart and when it came back up. I know I did not ride through a bunch of houses and through people’s lawns. :)
I am assuming it is some stability bug that will be fixed. I noticed I had some values in the error_log file in the debugging folder. I will send this to garmin.
One other quirky thing I noticed. I started the ride this morning and then abandoned it as I spent too much time adjusting my other devices. For a 5 min slow bike, my recovery time was 9 hours.
Would love to hear how other’s garmin 520s are working. Especially if they have seen any issues with stability. Thanks!
Other than the one time that it froze – i believe it was syncing to the Garmin Connect app – it has been quite stable.
Update: My first freeze… I had my garmin 520 hooked up via USB and starred a few segments. I detached the garmin and went to enable all segments via the menu. Once I did this it froze. I had to hold the power button down to get control back. I immediately tried again with the same result. Next I went in to GC and deleted all pending updates in the queue. I synced and tried to enable all segments again. This time it worked. One of the segment updates must have been causing the problem.
Also I did get my 3 month trial. Once my current trial ran out I had the option to get the garmin 520 3 month trial from garmin connect -> segment widget.
Went for my second ride yesterday on a preloaded course. No starred Strava segments appeared. Virtual partner just had my +/- time. I think you get one or the other or else I didn’t set something correctly.
Navigation was pretty weak compared to the 800. On the 800 even without baked in turn by turn directions the upcoming intersecting street is displayed. The 520 just gives you a directional heading. This was so useless that I turned it off as I had more map area available to see an upcoming turn.
One other quirky thing. I have my wheel size entered manually. Always thought it gave me better distance calibration and ride to ride reproducibility. About a mile into the ride I got a screen popup that automatic wheel calibration was successful. I stopped and went back in the menu to make sure I selected manual size which I had. Interested to know what that was about.
So I figured out the wheel calibration pop up. I have a Powertap wheel and never realized there was a wheel size entry for this. I then looked at the options under sensor and automatic had been checked. It calculated it to 2008 and I had a manual entry of 2010 under my GSC10 speed sensor. I’m curious which one the 520 used. Not that it’s a big difference as over a century this should amount to 0.1 miles.
The Garmin Edge 520 is my first Garmin bike computer without bike profiles. I like the idea of a pool of sensors and that i don’t have to make sure that the correct bike profile is selected before each ride. For people with multiple bikes, i am sure it has happened at some point that they have forgotten to select the correct bike profile and ended up missing power/cadence data. But there is one good thing about bike profile, other than keeping track of odometer for each bike, is if you are sharing a speed sensor with multiple bikes like i do, you don’t have to change the wheel size for the speed sensor each time you switch bike (assuming the wheel sizes are different). As it is now, if i want move the speed sensor from a bike with 700x23c to one with 700x32c, i will need to wake up the speed sensor, go into the sensor menu, select the speed sensor and change the wheel size. Naturally, if you let the device automatically calculate the wheel size, you don’t have to go through all these steps.
Ray – I know the 510 is getting the Strava segments update soon. Do you knowing this will also include the Vo2 Max data as well?
I’m (still) awaiting answers back on that. I honestly wouldn’t expect it on the 510/810, but would expect it on the 1000 (would be mind-blown if not).
Hi Ray, thx for your fantastic and complete review, as always.
Do you know if is possible to load some portions of map using Garmin Basecamp, in which I have all the OSM maps I need?
It was in the beta, but has changed with the final version. I suspect in time someone will find a creative workaround.
I receive calls and SMS notifications with a wrong date (2-8-2004 !!). How is that possible and where can I change date?
Have you double-checked that the Edge 520 has the correct date/time.
Hello Ray,
Yes the Edge gives the correct date/time when I make a ride!
Here a Photo
Yeah, odd. I’d ring up Garmin support, not really sure how an out of date message show up like that (be it on the phone side or device side).
My Iphone 4S has a correct date and time and I think somewhere in the software from Garmin is probably a bug. Will Garmin Support ring you back about this problem?
as an aside……..Every time I put my Garmin away and see in my drawer my Motoactv I cannot help but think they could have had it all….I mean a couple different form factors just like garmin and the motoactv could have owned the market…….so sad there was no foresight or commitment there.
oh well life moves on..someday someone will put out the perfect be everything to everyone units depending on the size you want
I like the non-touchscreen actually. My 510 is always covered with smudges, making it hard to read when the sun is hitting it just so. Plus, my big lanky hands seem to have problems hitting the right button.
Thanks for making very thorough postings on your site. I had an edge 810 that kept on freezing. Garmin replaced it with another edge 810 that also kept on freezing.Needless to say I have lost faith in garmin products. After reading you review on the edge 520, I decided to pick one up.
I know there are no “routable” directions, but I notice in your youtube video, on your edge 510, at the top of the screen, the garmin can recognize what street you are on (Port de la tornelle). After putting the OSM maps on my edge 520, it does not recognize what street I am on. For example, when riding on a street, it will say “Riding West” Do you know why this is?
Also, how do you navigate a course on the 520? The courses exported through garmin connect that use angles to determine when to give a turn signal miss 50% of the actual turns. How can I ride a course unless I am staring at the map screen, not seeing my data page and paying attention to whats on the road? I need to get alerts on when a turn is approaching. I would buy an edge 1000, but people on the garmin forums are still saying that there are many problems. How could you reccomend the 520 when it is impossible to follow a course and get to segments, and the strava segments don’t even work while following a course!
Thanks for your help.
Also, when I put the course on the OSM map, the edge 520 TBT ignores my whole course and just makes a strait line from start to finish.
A few things (since you also e-mailed me too with almost the same wording). One, as noted numerous times at the top of the post – it wasn’t a review. It was a look at functionality on a beta unit, things change on beta units (for better or worse), and some things aren’t always implemented at time of test/demo (i.e. following course with Segments). Which is again, why it’s a preview.
As for your mapping, the challenge is when one says ‘routable’ it means the unit knows what street your own. The Edge 520 never claimed to have this capability, and thus, it won’t. That’s for the Edge 810/1000/Touring/etc… The Edge 520 merely shows you a map of where you are, but it doesn’t have street context.
Instead, it has breadcrumb routing, which means that you’re basically following a bunch of little dots – not actual streets. This is the same as most other Garmin devices except the routeable ones.
Dear Ray,
Got my 520 for a few days and first impression was nice… I installed the open maps file (renamed it to the original IMG-file). Marked some star segments (like 150 units+/-) still had enough space on its internal memory, but.. most of the time the 520 crashes; just freezing. freezing when I power up the unit or in-/after the ride. Noticed when i didn’t use the 520 for some while it goes auto-off. save batteries; normal thing. though when restarting it doesn’t goe further then the 2md image u got (before ‘loading maps’).
Can it be that due to the huge amount of star segments installed (and open street maps) that the system overloads itself?
kind regards
Amsterdam NL
sorry for the typos. wrote it in ‘rush hour’;)
If the crashes are repeatable enough, I’d start with removing the maps first, and see if that solves it. And then failing that, I’d go with reducing the number of segments. I’m not sure if there’s a limit there.
But given you’re getting freezing on loading maps, that to me indicates there might be some issue with the map file you added. I’ve had that happen once before to me on an Edge 810 when I downloaded a map file and the file was slightly corrupted and I didn’t realize it. I just re-downloaded it and then all was well.
I was really happy to discover your site when I searched for a review of the Edge 520. I will be a regular visitor here.
Two questions:
1) Regarding customizing the data fields on the different pages: from screenshots, it looks like all of the data fields are the same size, small. On the Edge 500, you can have the top data field be larger, depending on how many data fields you set for the page. Can you do that with the 520? Or, can you make data fields bigger simply by choosing a small number of fields to display on the page (e.g. 3 instead of 5-6)?
2) I see you can set different activity profiles. How about bike profiles for those of us who would like to use this with two different bikes?
Thanks for the excellent review! You are helping people make more informed purchase decisions.
Ron, the bike profiles you (and I) are used to in the 500 have gone the way of the proverbial dodo bird. Now it’s all about activity profiles and sensor pools. Ray has a pretty good write-up on this in the Activity Profiles section of his big Edge 1000 review.
Hi everyone,
Got my 520 last week. Working well so far and everything is playing nicely for now (Edge 1000 had sever power drop issues with my stages PM, TICKR X, and even own garmin speed sensor). Anyhow I have noticed what I would describe as a minor annoyance. As usual I have the back light set to time out after 30 secs to save precious battery life. Does anyone know how to brighten the screen again without have to scroll to another screen (i.e. because you need to push a button to wake the device, whichever button you push Garmin will respond). Said another way, how do I simply wake my device (after the backlight goes off) and stay on my current screen?
I found this to be a slight nuisance also. On the 800 all I had to do was touch the screen. On the 520, you hit the upper left button twice. The 1st tap brings up the brightness setting. If you hit it again, it will just bring you back to your prior screen with a wake up for your preset timeout.
OK…I guess this is the only way to do it. Thanks Joel
on a similar vein, I just got an 810 and this is also an annoyance to me. My powertap joule you can change the contrast / backlight brightness WHEN DIM on the garmin i guess there is no way? in other woords on the garmin I can set the brightness and the timeout, but once it times out it is unreadable until something triggers it to “wake up” isn’t there any way to set the time out brightness as well? my joule if i went trough an overpass or tunnel would brighten up. my garmin stays dark. the only solution I could find is to have the backlight always on and just set the backlight dimmer so i can read it all times and it never has to “wake up” but this cuts battery life in half. granted I do not need 8+ hours of ride time yet but still it seems like a simple software option by garmin.
or am i missing something?
DC can correct me if I’m wrong but it has to do with the screen. On the 1000 the screen is sensitive to light (which is why it is the only unit that can be paired with its new Garmin Varia light system) whereas the 520 at least is not. Unlike you I am not bothered by it staying in backlight off mode since I don’t necessarily stare at the garmin the entire ride (and also want to get more of a feel for my body when I’m pushing various wattages and riding above/below threshold etc.). Seems like Joel’s solution of double-tapping the brightness button is the only solution for now, so no big deal. Would be preferable to have a “tap any button” to wake first, but I’ll live lol.
I tap the power button and set the brightness to 100% or 0% with one additional tap and have the unit set to ‘always on’ setting it to 0% turns it off. The back button should take you back to the screen you were on or the power button should dismiss the brightness setting.
Did a bunch of searching but didn’t find the answer so I figured I’d post here… To do a hard reset, you hold the power+lap+start/stop buttons for about 5 sec. Had 1 freeze-up post-ride on the recovery screen.
So far mine has been a bit of a mess. Dropping ANT sensors despite new batteries, crashing on save, intermittently connecting to my iphone, maps that disappear, etc. The one that really gets me is the crash and restart after completing a ride and the loss of data. I’m hoping for a rapid firmware update or this unit is going back. Maybe I’ve just got a bad one?
It looks like whatever alerts I set in one profile get applied to all the profiles. I had a recovery ride profile with a max heart rate set to 130. It is getting triggered even on the days when I use another profile that had alert settings off. For example, as soon as I go past 130 bpm, an alert message pops us saying I exceeded the max limit of 180 (yes 180 and not 130, may be another bug). During the ride, I tried to set a higher alert limit for that profile hoping that it will override the setting being used from my recovery ride profile. That only changed the alert message but the trigger remained the same. I found a similar issue regarding the custom speed to detect when to pause. Has any one experienced this issue?
The second problem I have is that while I do get text message notifications, it is only about who and when. The body of the message is not getting displayed. Appreciate any tips to set this up. I have been using Edge 520 for a week now and I love it in spite of these minor issues!
Hi, I just go my Edge 520, and as I was toying with it inside, started a ride and then stopped it, the device froze on the screen saying Discard ride without saving? It’s not responding at all, except for lighting up the backlight when I touch buttons. Did anyone else experience this?
The biggest problem is that I don’t know how to turn it off at all
For twelve hours on day one I had the same issue. The button on the upper left – the one with the brightness icon – is the power button. Hold it down for a second the unit will turn off. When it does turn the unit and around and you see the actual power icon on the rubber cover.
Having the same problem. though as DCR stated below my comment I replaced my old open maps file with a new file (maybe it was corrupt or..) plus I reduced the 150 segments to a somewhere around 20. Didn’t use it since then, but qurious to see if it helped. When my unit freezes i had to do a total (hard) reset. all data gone, all settings gone. had it while i ended a ride and during the start.
Ray, in your Comparison chart you say:
Create/Follow custom workouts Yes
In the user manual instead it only mentions downloading workouts from Garmin Connect, nothing about editing or creating them. So my question is: can you create, or at least edit, workouts on the 520, as in the 500?
This is a deal breaker for me, as I need to edit Garmin Connect workouts to switch from instantaneous power to P10 or P30 (10 or 30 s average of power), for example 20 minutes with P10 in zone 4. Otherwise the device would beep way too often, given the jumping nature of instantaneous power.
isn’t that something you adjust within the device settings? as a display mode/field adjustment? or am i not following you correctly?
I mean structured Workouts that you create on Garmin Connect, where you specify steps to follow, for example “ride FOR 10:00 minutes AT A heart rate between 140 and 150”. The device beeps to alert you when the heart rate goes lower than 140 or higher than 150. With power the problem is that it is jumping all the time, one second it is 100 W, the next it is 200 W, making such a workout useless, unless you can specify to use for example P10 or P30, as in “4. ride for 5 km at P30 between 200 and 240 W”.
That particular line item refers to the ability to execute (use) custom workouts. So the Edge 520 allows you to use custom workouts from Garmin Connect. Hopefully one of these days Garmin will enable custom workouts on the app (creation) for one-stop shopping.
Yeah, this was strange. Coming from 510 I thought everything would be the same or better on 520, but not being able to set for example “Lap power” as target in Garminconnect, and not being able to create or edit the workout on the 520 (where it was possible to change the target type on the 510) makes it impossible to power as a target for intervals. Yesterday I wanted to do threshold +-10W and spent most of the workout staring at “Power is to high/low” screen.
Hopefully Garmin does something about this, but googling it indicates not a lot of people even complain?
Can someone tell me what the maximum text size is (in mm) on the training display screen when displaying 4 or 5 metrics on the screen? Contemplating a change of brands but need to know how easy to read this will be without my glasses when I ride.
By way of comparison, the biggest font size on the V650 is 8 mm.
Moving from the 500 to the 520 I miss the easy option to do a zero offset (calibrate) power meters during the startup. Suppose I’ll have to remember to go menu hunting each time. At least with the much quicker satellite lock I have some extra time!
Yeah, I’ll have to ask them next week why they removed that (curious myself). My guess is that people were hosing it up somehow.
Got an email last night from CT that said they were getting another shipment of 520s next week to cover any “orders that were placed on or before August 8th.” Woot!
Really hoping the 520 corrects the issue with my 500 where it intermittently loses and then re-acquires the GPS signal a second later.
Thanks for the support John!
Btw, on your Edge 500 – try doing a soft reset, which will reset the satellite database cache. It sounds like it has a bad known (or rather, not found) satellite in the cache which can cause what you’re describing.
You’re most welcome, and I’ll give that soft reset a try on the 500 tonight. Thanks again!
When you guys refer to “CT” what are you talking about?
Clever Training
Indeed, Clever Training is a partner here in supporting the site. Readers get a 10% discount on pretty much everything. Details here: link to
Appreciate the support!
Can anyone assist me with a question. I have the 520 with 3 profiles, Road, Mountain and Trainer. I want the Road profile to be the default at startup. Every time I restart the Mountain profile come up. Sound minor but it’s a pain. Thanks!
Just a guess, but could it be alphabetical? Try changing the road profile name to start with a letter that occurs first in the alphabet compared to the others..
No, tried that. Good guess though.
Maybe it’s positional in the firmware. Edit the Mountain bike entry and set it up for the road, and ditto for the Road entry. Beyond that, perhaps it is possessed by demons :-)
I figured it out. If you choose the activity profile under Settings and Enable it there it sticks. If you choose it from the home page it defaults to the latter.
That was going to be my next guess. :-). Glad you figured it out.
I’ve had the same problem and tried enabling the activity profile in Settings, but that didn’t work for me. I’ll have to try it again when I get home tonight – maybe I didn’t save it (but I tried several times). It is a pain having it default to the wrong profile every time I fire it up.
Got the email too. Placed my order on 1 Aug, so very happy.
And I love the communication from CT. Even if it’s bad news, like the last round of emails stating no 520 for me yet. Just the fact that they communicate like they do scores big points. It’s little things like that go a long way in building customer loyalty.
Hey Ray,
I just got the unit and it has a big software problem that hasn’t been described too much. Basically, it’s not compatible with HRM-RUN strap. The HR reading will drop to 63 quite often (which according to some web search is related to run dynamics data). – check the attached photo please.
I asked Garmin, and this is their response:
link to
Other than that – unit is great, but this part is really annoying.
Do you know if it’s going to work with new TRI specific strap?
Yeah, their response is bs and they desired to be called out for it. It should absolutely be compatible per their own ANT+ spec. On the bright-side, there’s a thread in the Garmin forums where they note the problem and it sounds like it’s on the radar for the next firmware update.
I’ll validate it next week.
Any word from Garmin on this issue?
I have an Identical problem with my FR 620 HRM (and strap) and Edge 520. Drops to 63 BPM nearly once a minute. Fresh battery in the HRM.
Hi Pawel,
I experienced exactly the same problem with the heart rate monitor which is very annoying. In addition, from the garmin connect, I can’t see the training effect (scale from 1 to 5) as shown by other garmin devices with HRM.
Hi dcr, great review as ever, I love my Garmin 520 but it’s just a shame that you cannot use Strava live segs and run a route from the device at the same time. I use the Strava route planner then drag n drop the TCX file onto the device but when I use this route I cannot use Strava segs do not come up on the screen. So now I have to decide which of the functions I want to use, obviously I would like to use both the same time. it’s a bit of a compromise but I’m sure they will fix it with a firmware update later on.
It’s something I’ll be talking to them about this week at the ANT+ Symposium.
I agree, this is frustrating. Would value Garmin correcting this.
While you are speaking with Garmin, could you also ask about their plans and time frame to fix the txt message reading feature so it is usable? The way it behaves now it is useless. Thanks!
Hello Ray,
I would like to repeat the question of user Sebastian raised earlier (July 1, 2015): Does the Edge 520 support resetting the installation angles in the Vector pedals like the Edge 1000 does?
Greetings from Germany.
Not sure, as I haven’t ridden with Vector in a while now.
But, installation angles can be reset at any time by simply popping the batteries out for a few seconds.
Received an email on Tuesday from CT that said their next shipment was arriving, and that if you had pre-ordered the base model prior to 8/4, you would be fulfilled with this shipment. I did the pre-order on 7/31. True to their word, I received a shipping confirmation last night, and mine is on its way.
Thanks as always.
This looks slick. One small comment: Very glad it is NOT touch screen. I hated the 510 any time I needed to touch the screen to do something. Very fiddly
Hi Ray,
I love your blog (I discovered it after I ordered my Edge 520). Do you happen to have a contact at Garmin that knows if a future release will include an option to set segment goals in mass (PR, Rival or KOM)? I ask because I’m thinking about writing a small app to somewhat poorly fix this problem – but I don’t want to bother if an official fix is on the way (or if Garmin even thinks this is a problem). My comment here from the garmin support forums: link to
Hi Ray,
Do you know if 520 supports comments, associated with each workout step ? I know the old 500 doesn’t.
Nothing beyond just the target for each step.
If I remove the basemap that does not brang anything, would this give me than 100mb for my maps or……..?
I’m not ray, but I replaced my basemap with the generated file from the web and it worked just fine. (I also deleted gmapbmap.sig)
It would give you 100MB before you added your maps.
Ray, On my Edge 520 I get text message notifications from my iPhone 6 but it only says that I got a text message and from who. It does not show the body of the text message as part of the notification. I tried clearing blue tooth connections and pairing them again multiple times but it did not help. Appreciate any suggestions.
I’m pretty sure that’s by design. You need to “drill down” – you know go thru some button clicks to actually read the message. Which is pretty hard to do while riding.
Thanks Chris. I remember reading somewhere that it is supposed to display the body of the text also (perhaps limited to one or two lines).
Had my first hiccup today. The unit froze just as I started a live tracking session. The 520 wouldn’t respond, held down the power button and it finally rebooted.
How long did you wait for it to come back before rebooting. I’ve had a few freezes (and manually rebooted because I thought it had locked up), but then I decided to be more patient and wait, say, 10-15s, and it has always seemed to recover. It’s usually when I’m doing something involving courses.
It was 60+ seconds. I only know that because I had the GoPro with me and it timed out & turned itself off.
Incidentally I had my second issue today:
On my commute home the HRM & cadence sensor would not connect. Checked the sensor menu, both sensors were listed. As I deleted the HRM the cadence sensor connected. Had no issues adding the HRM back. I did a short loop around the parking lot to make sure everything was connected. Once the “movement detected” message came up I simply hit start. Here’s the kicker, once I started the ride nothing was recorded. HR, speed & cadence were being displayed but the ride did not record – no distance/calories. At the first traffic light, about 1.5 miles later I stopped the recording and started a new one. This time with no issues.
Hey there,
Does the 520 only show heart rate in BPM or is it possible to show heart rate in %. I find this great for training!
Yes, you can have %Max and %HRR (and Zone)
Great! Thanks Pete
A couple idiosyncrasies I noticed
Strava live segment times seem to default to next fastest time of your followed riders. If you want to use your existing PR you have to go and individually change the leaderboard. Was riding a segment yesterday where I expected the goal (my PR) to be 6:30 and it was 6:12. I discovered that one of the riders I followed had the nearest goal of 6:12. Would be nice if there was a master switch (similar to enable all) to select your PR, KOM or followed leaderboard rather than individually select them in each segment.
FTP test protocol doesn’t make much sense. I had entered an FTP of 200. The 4th test segment had a target of 150-170W. Why should it have a target at all if it’s the actual 20 minute test? Everytime I went above 170, I would get an annoying popup alert telling me that I had exceeded the limit of 500W (I wish!). So I pedaled with the alert visible almost the entire test and would have to clear it every 30 seconds or so to see what my actual wattage was.
It is even worse than that. If you have some friend you are following and say their time on a segment is 7:10, but your PR is only 10:30 the default is that the 520 will have you compete against their time. Which is super demoralizing and kills the fun/effective part of live-segments.
They really need some global switch so you can specify which of the three choices you want – diving deep into a menu for every one of 100ish segments is never going to work.
Why would you want to star hundreds of segments…you’d spend entire rides chasing KOMs or having segments pop up? Highlight a few of your favourites that you want to best your times in and set your criteria “KOM, following or PR”. Even then most of the time I’m not out segment hunting as much as having a structured workout or even just a typical LSD.
The problem is not staring hundreds of segments, this issue of incorrectly competing against friends also applies to segments that are automatically selected by strava. If you frequently use many different routes and each route has five segments average you quickly end up with 100 segments on your device.
Yeah, the built-in FTP test is wonky. My FTP is 266 and looking at the various stages in the FTP test, i am supposed to maintain 500W for 5 minutes, before the actual 20-minute stage.
Thanks for the input Derek. I thought this forum was about the function and usefulness of the 520 and using the community to collectively figure out this new device rather than whether you agree with my riding habits. By the way, I only starred 1 segment and wanted to challenge myself on that 1 segment against my past performance. Hope that works for you.
Wasn’t a reply to you JoeL..don’t be so sensitive. But in response to your post…I assume that the reason for having to individual select each segment is to give increased customization. In other words there are are segments where I want to set a PR, there are segments I want to beat my buddy, and there are segments I want the KOM. But maybe your right, some master switch control button to iron out all the idiosyncrasies everyone notices is what is really needed here.
Being so much emphasis made on Strava segments, will this unit be of any use to someone who doesn’t use Strava? From what i read, it’s just a great cycling computer WITH strava features and it shouldn’t be any problem omitting using those…but i thought it would be better if i asked first before buying.
I think the Strava thing is more an “added value” than anything. just my opinion though. IO bought this one because it seemed to be the best for what I wanted. i don’t care so much about the wifi, since it has BT. Don’t like touch screens, and living on an island, I don’t need the maps. For the price, it seems a no brainer.
I doubt I’ll ever use the Strava features. I DO love Strava- I have a ppremium subscription, and with live segments, my phone tells me how I’m doing when I do go after a KOM or PR. I did quit using Strava for a while, because I was becoming too obsessed with the leaderboards, and it started taking the enjoyment out of my rides.
I also found i did better when I wasn’t setting out specifically to go after the KOM. Now, I just go after KOMs on a spur of the moment decision if I know there’s one on a particular trail or road, and I know I may have a shot at it.
That being said, I think you answered your own question, “From what i read, it’s just a great cycling computer WITH strava features and it shouldn’t be any problem omitting using those”.
What does the 810 do that this doesn’t? I like the smaller size and am thinking of moving to this instead of a 1000.
Ray has a really cool product comparison tool right here on this website. You can select the 520 and the 810 and the 1000 or as many more or less than you want and then get a side by side listing of what each unit does.
as a matter of fact if you are writing a post and look to the left of teh text box you are typing in there is a quick link to the product comparison charts………..
I’ve confirmed today the Edge 1000 will receive FE-C trainer control by/in Q4 (at latest). It will also receive all additional features of the Edge 520 such as FTP & Recovery (except the upcoming accident alerts seen on the Edge Explore, due to aforementioned lack of accelerometer). They did note they are working to find some workaround for that issue, acknowledging that it’s an odd gap to have the high-end unit missing a feature of a lower end unit.
They confirmed the Edge 510/810 will NOT receive ANT+ FE. The Edge 510/810 will receive some variant of Varia support, but the exact implementation is still being sorted out.
I stated prior top cancelling my order for my 520 and my ensuring purchase of my 810 that I do not need FE-c trainer support from my 810. I have a laptop and my joules both the original large joule and the gps for trainer support.
However, and I can not even explain why, but that formality of Garmin saying that they are not bringing it to the 810 REALLY irritates me.
In all reality in this day and age I would like to think I should be able to design my own with a company like Garmin. Let me select the features I want and then pack those into the form factor size I want.
Garmin is like cable television packages, a whole lot of channels that not everyone wants or needs but always just shy of the one or two you really want that would make the experience perfectly individualized for the end user.
I would pay not only for that service but they could make it like a annual renewal subscription know barring physical damage to my unit that I could just add whatever software I want for as long as I want it ad pay monthly or yearly? almost priceless……..
So… No more individual bike profiles. Shorter battery life than the 510 (which was shorter than th 500). A bunch of social media/iFeatures I don’t care about.
They list this as their go-to model for competitive cyclists, but they don’t seem to realize how actual competitors use their computers. We want multiple bike setups so we have individual odometers. We don’t want to have the computer scan for a power meter every time we turn it on, and find everybody in the group’s devices. We don’t need our computer feeding us Strava BS – we are actually riding with other humans in real time. We don’t need text messages popping up while on the bike – many people ride to escape all that.
Why not make the “competitive” model suit competitive cyclists, and let those who want all the bells and whistles buy them as part of an 800 series? If the new Edge 25 had power, it would be perfect…. But no.
Makes me wonder if they are trying to push us to buy more devices for each bike we own….
The more I read about the lockups and pairing issues, the happier I am with my old Edge 305… ;-)
I think from your comments that you must not have one of these devices ?
I’m not sure if I’m what you are labelling as a competitive cyclist (since I don’t race apart from Strava KOMs), but I’m much happier not having to define a profile for each of my (6) bikes (and then selecting the correct profile for each ride, plus registering which sensors to use with which profile). I had to do this with my Mio Cyclo 505 and I found it a pain in the ass. However, there is nothing stopping you creating a profile for each bike if you want individual odometers, the choice is entirely yours.
re: searching, my observation is that it only searches for sensors that you’ve already registered with it, it won’t continually look for new sensors unless you tell it to (I’ve had no problems on club rides).
re: messages, I like the ability to see if someone is trying to contact me, but I can turn it off if I don’t want to see it.
Finally, I like the Strava BS, even though the majority of my riding is with a club (who all use Strava as well), and last time I checked we were all human, though Fast Rob is possibly superhuman ;)
I suppose that what I’m saying is that I much prefer having the option to use these features than not having that option, and if you don’t want them then turn them off.
I don’t think Pete was responding to me, but just to elaborate on my short comment/joke. I don’t have one of these devices, I’m here pre-evaluating the 520. I’m not a professional cyclist, I’m a hobbyist. I only have one bike, and it’s long in the tooth at eight years old.
But I’m paying attention to the kinds of errors and difficulties people are having, and I’m a little concerned.
Garmin has been writing software for more than ten years for these kinds of devices, and, speaking as a mobile developer they’ve been pretty good at handling two read-only radios on their devices (GPS, and ANT) – my edge 305 and FR405 have been pretty solid as long as they have battery, and enough memory to hold the data. But, honestly, that’s not all that tricky.
In recent years, they’ve added a third read-write radio that’s prone to dropouts on the data path (internet over BT, and cell). That makes the coders job 10x harder, assuming all three radios are on.
So I’m concerned when I see reports like #750-#752 – have they really got the interactive features completely debugged? Or, if I purchase the 520, will I be turning off BT because the unit simply can’t handle the demands of the read-write interactive connection on top of it’s normal, and what I would consider more critical functions.
Just a thinking out loud.
I was replying to Jeff :)
I’ve had no pairing or BT issues, no failed recordings, my rides are magically uploading via my phone without issue and even the weather info seems to be keeping uptodate. I have had a couple of lockups, but only when I’ve been sat at home playing with it (so maybe it was just trying to find satellites and had not really crashed at all). The TBT works fine, too. I appreciate it’s early days yet and I’ve no doubt it has bugs, but so far I’m happy with it.
Thanks for the reply. I’m happy to hear that! the 520 seems to “remember” previously enrolled sensors and look for them first.
BTW, I am a current/longtime user – I started in the early days of the 500, briefly had an 750 (again, more features than needed), and migrated to the 510 specifically because it offered more than the 3 bike profiles offered by the 500.
I was told specifically by Garmin support that the 520 does not allow separate odometers for each bike you own; that info has to be tracked in Garmin Connect, which means editing each ride file you upload individually. For my purposes, I prefer to upload my files direct to TrainingPeaks and avoid Connect.
I understand that some people are really into to the Strava thing; as a competitive cyclist for 25 years I guess I’m just a bit of a curmudgeon. I just have no use for it.
I do like the LiveTrack feature, and have used it often so that my wife knows where I am during long rides.
My point stands, however, that now there is no option for people like me who just want a computer that logs the info we need, with customizable data field setup, and supports multiple bikes, whithout all the social media stuff. If the new Edge 25 had the ability to show/log power sensors, I’d be a happy camper!
Thanks again for the reply!
Jeff, I think support may have mislead you. I only have 2 profiles, Ride and Indoor Trainer (which I haven’t used yet), but they each show different total distances in the totals screen.
I’m only using Connect to get my rides into Strava, where I do actually change which bike it was on (but that’s only so I get the individual mileages versus my different gear correct, e.g. how many miles on each bike’s tyres, chain, etc).
I’m not using Live Tracking, I’d rather the burglars didn’t know I’m out of the house :)
You may wish to look at the Lezyne GPS computers ?
If the activities keep a total mileage, that would go a long way to what I want – could probably just create activities using bike nicknames, right?
I don’t worry much about LiveTrack, because only people you invite can see it… If someone I invited uses that info for nefarious purposes, I’ve got bigger problems ;)
All that being said, I still really think that the extended features should be in the 800 series, and keep the 500 series more streamlined.. And If you want the full nav system on a bike, you can go for the big boy 1000.
Thanks again for the info!
…. Oh, and I did check out thr Lezyne GPS. At this point, they are Vapor Ware – don’t actually exist, and no documentation about how they would work if they did exist.
They make a lot of claims about how they’re supposed to do unique things no one else does…. That might be a little tougher to deliver than they thought ;)
Not sure where you’re based, Jeff, but they appear to be on sale in US (link to and shops in UK (where I am). It does seem odd that there are no reviews anywhere, though. I did not pursue these because none of them seem to have maps.
Jeff, re: activities, you can call them whatever you like. I don’t know if there’s a limit on how many you can have, but I’ve now added an MTB profile so I’ll double check that the distances stay per profile.
Jeff, I can confirm that my new MTB profile shows a different mileage to my Ride profile, and both mileages are correct. I discovered that you may only create 10 profiles.
Hope my 510 will get the FTP and VO2max functions because I planned to get Garmin vector 2 before Xmas…
That’s not planned (and I wouldn’t expect it). By Christmas the Edge 510 will be three years old, and got an impressive number of updates along the way, so I think while we’d all want new features, it’s somewhat reasonable it’s not getting those new 520 features.
Thanks for your reply, bro.
That’s bad… I really like the touch screen, so 520 is not my cup-of-tea.
I live in Hong Kong, there are a lot of tall buildings, 810 GPS accuracy is not as good as 510. Seems like I have to upgrade to Edge 1000 model, so that I can enjoy the FTP & Vo2max functionalities with good GPS accuracy…
Question for Ray:
Hi Ray, I just received my new Edge 520 from Clevertraining (thanks for the discount program!), and am having a problem syncing it with Garmin Connect.
I went through initial setup process, plugged unit in w/ USB to my Mac, registered the 520 with Garmin Express, launched G.Connect, and went to “Settings” under my profile.
Problem is, when I select “Send to Device” under “Personal Information” or “Training Zones” I get an error message: “There was an error sending your personal profile.”
Any idea what I can do to solve this problem?
I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to go in & manually re-enter all my personal data, power zones, etc.
Thanks for the great resource you’ve created here.
Cheers, Matt
Just solved my own problem!
For posterity & other people experiencing this issue:
Turns out, I was defaulting to the “Classic” view of Garmin Connect.
When I switched to the “Modern” view, clicking “Send to Device” opened Garmin Express, allowed me to select the new Edge 520, and transferred the data.
Hi Ray,
Overall I’m pretty happy with the Garmin 520. However last night after about 20 miles or so the unit froze up screen went blank. I was able to hit the power button and it restarted and resumed the ride but that took about 2 minutes out of the ride data. Did an update this morning so hopefully that will take care of the issue.
Also last night I was riding a Strava Segment and my prior PR was 9 minutes. The Garmin said I had a PR and completed that segment in 8min 20seconds beating my prior PR by 40 seconds. Then when I synced with Strava it showed my time was 9 minutes 10 seconds. Just wondering why or how it could be 50 seconds off on accuracy. Is it a Garmin or Strava issue?
Think I might run next time with both the Edge 520 and Suunto Ambit 3 Peak devices to see if it’s Strava or the Garmin.
I have the Edge 520 set at 1 second GPS accuracy. Are there any other settings I should check? Thanks again for the site and all the reviews.
I’ve soundly beaten my friends up a hill by over 30 seconds. When I uploaded it to Strava it had me going slower than them by 30 seconds and they had set PRs and not me. After running the ride through other software, I determined that it was Strava giving me the incorrect times. You’d have to try other analysis software to determine where the error is, but my guess is Strava.
boa noite, qual o melhor? 810 ou 520? por qual voces optariam?
First real ride with my 520. Seems great so far. Two issues I noticed, both in features I’ll likely never use, but thought I’d check them out:
1. On Strava segments, I got notifications, but when I passed the segment, and got the “Off Segment” note (which was correct, btw), the unit returned to the next data screen in the sequence. I gad it on screen one, got the notifications of upcoming segment and off segment, but unit returned to screen 2. Next series of alerts, and the screen returned to Screen 3.
I had auto scroll off.
2. I decided to try “Back to Start” just for curiosity. When my cursor moved off the screen, the map never reset or moved to keep the cursor on screen. Is that normal?
The segment alerts also interfered with this. It returned to a regular data screen when the alerts were over, and I had to start the “Back to Start” over again.
Everything else seemed flawless. BT on, backlight off, Glonass enabled, alerts and weather on, Map screen off (except for the 3 miles of back to start), 3.5 hours of use, battery still showing 90%.
And a big thank you to Ray, Clever Training and the USPS. Love the DCR VIP discount and the work going into the reviews, the service from CT and USPS superfast delivery-Florida to Kauai, 36 hrs post office to post office (un-F-bombing believable). And FREE (the shipping, that is).
I noticed my rides are uploading to GC as “Samoa Time”, with a time stamp 23 hours ahead of real time.
Checked all my settings on my phone, 520, GC settings, computer. All good.
Tried changing to random time zones to see if I could find one to offset, but no matter what, still uploads as “Samoa Time”.
Doesn’t matter if it’s over BT/Phone connection, or direct to the computer via USB.
Rides transferred to Strava and Endomondo have the correct time, so this must be a GC/Garmin Express issue?
you guys do not realize … what’s better? 810 or 520? by what you guys would choose? the 520 has no advantage over the 810? VO2, segments, etc …
A “better” can only advised depending on what you need! One device is not better than the other.
example: You need FE-C trainer control -> 520 (or 1000), Real map support (topo SD) -> 810 (or 1000),
smallest size -> 520, navigation -> 810 (or 1000)
I want a small device with real topo map support and FE-C trainer control, the only device would be the 1000 but i find that way to big. So for the moment i will wait and keep my current device hoping Garmin will release a 820 with FE-C trainer control. (a plus would be a smaller case and slightly higher resolution screen)
Use the product comparison database and decide for yourself.
I have been using the Edge 520 for two weeks, and is generally happy with the unit. However, the unit still does not calculate VO2max. I have been using the unit paired with PM (Stages) and (various) Garmin HMR (and straps). Anyone else with the same problem?
Have you done a steady, high intensity ride of at least 20 minutes?
Garmin support Norway gave me this answer:
“You will not get a VO2max measurement since you are not using av Garmin power meter.
VO2max is calculated from: heart frequence varation + heart frequence + speed + distance + power. It is necessary that every unit which generate these data fields are compatible with each other in order for the computer to calculate correctly and use functions based on third party measurement. It may be possible to use a power meter from another supplier, but Garmin cannot guarantee that it will work or that all functions will work.”
Yeah, they’re confused. Any power meter will work.
What they do briefly touch on is the HR aspect. It is important to use a strap that’s not optical to get the most accurate results.
Stages support gave me this answer:
“Thank you for getting in touch with us, we are using the ANT+ signal which is from Garmin, so I do not know why it is not calculating the VO2max for you. we are using the Garmin standard.
please try another setting in your device.
I´ll ask Garmin for that problem.”
Mike Bölts | Customer Support
STRAGES CYCLING EUROPE | 0049-(0)7661-919948-0 | @stagescycling
Stages is indeed correct here, though their inability to spell their own company name in their signature line…
It is spelled correct in all of Mike’s emails. The extra R only exists in this comment.
After my first ride, upgrading from a 500… I love the text and phone alerts. This was very handy on a big group ride when regrouping. There is almost too much information, but I love that I can grow into those extra screens. Strava challenges are knockout.
My one negative, there are almost too many buttons. It is very easy to push one accidentally.
Suggestion: Allow us to configure screens and settings on the phone like I can with my Vivosmart. That would make it so much easier and may reduce the number of buttons required.
Have my Edge from 18/08/2015 and was up to date not able to get live strava segments even stared ones.
Device complain memory full , all segements on device has been deleted , memory can also not stared all segments about 20
Is the device memory actually full? Did you manually swap the maps out for other ones?
I just recently just purchased a Garmin 520. I had a 510 before. Is there a way to change the odometer on the 520 to where I left off on my 510.
There isn’t any bike profile in the Edge 520, unlike the 510, so if you want to use the 520 to keep track of the “odometer” then you are essentially using the activity profiles as bike profiles. If you want to configure an activity profile in the 520 to reflect the odometer reading on the 510, you have to change the Totals for the activity profiles. The following method may work:
1. Pick an Activity profile on the 520 that you want to use. Record a ride using that profile.
2. After the ride, go to History –> Totals –> Select the Activity profile (let’s assume it’s Train). Take note of the totals (take a photo).
3. Now look at the totals for other activity profiles and make sure the totals in Train is different from other profiles.
4. Connect the 520 to your computer and copy the file to your computer. It’s located on 520, in the following location: Garmin/Totals
5. Go to and upload the file and click on “Convert to .csv file”. This will download totals.csv file that has been converted from the fit file.
6. Open totals.csv file with a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.
7. Look for a row with the calories number matching the one in the Totals for the Train profile.
8. The column to the immediate left of the calories field is the distance in meters. Let’s say the odometer reading from your 510 is 120 miles. That is 193121 meters. Replace the box next to the calories box with this number. If you also want to transfer the number of hours you have spent riding from the 510 to the 520, you edit the box to the left of the distance box that you just modified. This box is in seconds so you will have to convert your total time on the bike to seconds and replace the value in that box.
9. Next, you have to update the total row, to reflect the changes you made. The row that i am referring to is the one right below the row with with a bunch of “Unknown”. If the Train profile is the only activity profile with activity (that is, no other activity profile has recorded any activity), then all you need to do is the repeat the changes you made in the total row.
10. Save the totals.csv file.
11. Go back to and upload the totals.csv file in the box that says “Garmin .csv” file. Then click on “Convert to .fit file”. This will download a file called onto your computer.
12. Transfer this file to your 520, in this location: Garmin\NewFiles. Rename to
13. Unplug the 520 from the USB port and the 520 should start up. The totals for the Train activity profile should now have the new mileage.
For the life of me, I can’t get my Edge 520 to pair with Wahoo’s Kickr!!!!
As per DCR, it doesn’t seem that the KICKR is currently supported.
In talking with Wahoo Fitness, they have confirmed they will add supporting the ANT+ FE-C standard to the development roadmap for the Wahoo KICKR and KICKR SNAP. Given the announcement just happened, they are working to narrow down an exact date for implementation of that profile. But from their perspective they noted they are super-excited about this.
i am using the wahoo and it paired .
It pairs with the power and speed sensors but it can’t control it, that is what I am waiting for. At the moment it only reads values.
Are you trying to pair it as an ANT+ indoor trainer? Wahoo Kickr does not support the ANT+ FE-C profile yet. You can however pair it as a power meter.
I have been using my 520 for about two weeks now and my Bluetooth ride uploads are extremely inconsistent with my iPhone. The phone always indicates that the Bluetooth is connected to the 520 via a BLE and regular Bluetooth connection (actually shows up as two devices on the list), but the Garmin is normally searching for the phone on the status page even though the phone says it’s connected when both devices are on.
I have tried different combinations of opening the Garmin Connect app first, hitting save on the Garmin, etc. it always seems to transfer within about 10 attempts, but I am not changing anything in the button sequence. I have already deleted paired the Garmin to the phone three times.
The auto upload feature worked one time without me doing anything and that was great.
What is the EXACT order that everyone with an iPhone ends their ride and transfers it?? (For example, open Garmin Connect before pressing save??, etc.)
Thanks for anyone who can help, this and all of Ray’s blogs along with everyone’s replies are phenomenal for maximizing the performance and functionality of the Garmin devices. Thanks in advance.
I’m connected via BLE not BT. There are oddly two profiles available to choose
Mine failed the first time and I had to manually upload the file via USB since it looked (to the Garmin) like it was already uploaded). Got it working today …
end ride
hit save
on iPhone open Garmin Connect … pull to refresh and it synced.
then I just walked inside my house from the garage and it was uploaded.
that’s pretty much the same sequence as my Fenix 2. Wish it worked in the background, but think that’s rather unreliable.
iPhone 5S on iOS 8.4.1 here.
As far as I noticed:
As soon as the 520 and the phone connect the phone will show that the 520 is connected as “BLE_Edge 520” & “BT_Edge 520”.
The connection status on the 520 will indicate connected only when I launch GCM.
To upload I always save the ride then fire up GCM. I have yet to experience any issues during the upload process.
I have similar issue on my iPhone (iPhone 6 on iOS 9 beta). What i have found is if the Garmin Connect app is no longer active (that is iOS has put it to sleep), when you re-launch Garmin Connect on your iPhone, the Edge 520 will say it’s connected to it won’t upload your ride, even if you choose the option to “upload ride”. I believe this is an issue with the Garmin Connect app on iOS, not the Edge 520. My coworker has a 520 and he has Garmin Connect on his Samsung Galaxy 5 phone. The wireless upload works every single time with his Android phone.
What i found to consistently work is the following:
– After you are done with your ride, press the Start/stop timer button on the Edge 520. This should prompt you to save or discard your ride. Choose the option to save your ride.
– With your iPhone nearby, if after about 30 seconds or so you don’t hear the beep from the Edge 520 saying the ride has been uploaded, double-click the home button on your iPhone to display the recently-used apps. You should find Garmin Connect on the list. Remove it from the list.
– Re-launch the Garmin Connect app on your iPhone.
– After re-launching the Garmin Connect app, the Edge 520 should beep once to indicate it’s connected to your iPhone and in the Garmin Connect app, you should see a message at the bottom of the app saying “syncing….”.
@Changren Yong…this did work although I hope that we don’t have to do this everytime. Kind of defeats the purpose of “auto upload”. That said, anyone else notice issue with the livetrack feature? My wife says that it “could not connect”? Anything to do with the BLE or BT connections with phone or Garmin Connect?
Anyone else have trouble with the auto upload function? It shows ride uploaded but doesn’t appear in Garmin connect. If I upload ride a second time (again via Bluetooth) it will give me the upload failed message. Plugging in and uploading via garmin express poses no issues.
Reporting to Garmin directly, thought I’d just mention it here too.
Third hiccup, sort of along the lines of comment #761 (for now).
First is what is connected when I ride.
iPhone 5S with GCM “killed”.
Scosche Rhythm+
Garmin branded magnet-less Cadence and Speed sensors – not purchased as a bundle with the 520.
What occurred:
-Turned on unit.
-Visual confirmation of GPS lock.
-Audible and visual confirmation of HRM connection.
-Made a short loop around the parking lot to wake up the sensors.
-Audible and visual confirmation that cadence and speed sensors are connected.
-Visual confirmation of “movement detected”.
-Kept riding/pressed start. Unlike the first issue I can see that the speed is being reported. So I don’t even think twice about anything else.
-Got home and uploaded ride.
-Noticed that route is short on GC. Checked Strava. Same thing. About 1/2 mile is missing at the beginning.
-Converted/open up FIT file. Don’t know what I’m looking at nor what I’m looking for but I do notice “errors” reported.
Isolated incident? I hope.
In the end I decided to fire up VIRB edit just so I can see where the 520 corrected itself. What I found is very interesting. The FIT file has data for HR, cadence and most important speed from the very beginning. It’s my assumption that distance is always reported by the speed sensor when one is present. Apparently in this case it wasn’t (yes the size, of my wheels 2200cm, is entered manually).
Spare yourselves the boredom and just pick up the video at 3:10 right before is all goes right. link to
I have an idea that could be interesting for people to have a more space.
In the folder of the Garmin there is a folder “Text”, where there are all the languages. You can delete the ones not used. All are translation from English, because in some places of the menus it is in english only (for example share files between units)
So the total folder size is 6,75Mb, leaving English (native) and your language you will have more 6Mb. It is not too much, but good size for have more map in the unit.
Yeah i did this too, works a charm so far. Just left English language, more space, more maps, winner winner chicken dinner!
One caveat … my unit doesn’t have a English.ftt file.
English is default and isn’t a file in there. I moved all of them off and it works fine (in English).
Any updates on the 520 / Varia funtionality? I do not see the option to add bike lights to the 520 and Garmin only lists the 1000 as a compatible device for the Varia.
DC Rainmaker,
Love your reviews
just bought the 520 and was using a 500 previously. I just noticed some websites are advertising 1000 at deep discounts, which puts it within $100 of the 520. It looks like with software updates that the 1000 will have all the upgrade that are on the 520. What is your thought on going with the 520 vs. 1000? I do like the bigger screen as I am over 50 and the eyes are not what they were at 30.
It really depends on size form factor. I do expect the software to be pretty close to equal (minus crash detection). I’ll personally drift more towards the Edge 520 because I like the smaller size and my eyes are pretty good, but the Edge 1000 has been a pretty solid performer for me (I usually have at least one on every ride lately doing some recording).
I generally like the 520 but the one thing that really irritates me is the power calibration. Bring back the prompt to calibrate at start up, when it detects yours, instead of having to go through numerous windows to do it.
Yeah, I keep meaning to ask why they removed that.
I just discovered your Website and I really appreciate your initiative to help your fellow sportsmen!
I have also recently bought the Edge 520, but I can’t find the option to add multiple bike profiles to my device. Is there even an option or do I have to create a seperate activity profile for that matter? Apologies in advance if that question has already been answered on here but I didn’t have the time to read them all through.
You should create Profile for the Bike, but this profile it is not associated to a bike… for example you hace Train Indoor and Race profile at the beginning.
You can create another one for the bike, but remember you should modify the bike in Garmin Connect or Strava( at least in my case when I sincronize with Strava asked me which bike I have used),
In my case I have create 5 profile:
Ghost (Map and Virtual Partner Active)
Router (Map Active and Virtual Partner Off) and a screen from information of time to next waypont, distance to next point… Estimated time to finish…
Race (Map and Virtual Partner OFF, with the advise of limit of HR)
Indoor (All Off except the HR, etc… just for the Trainer Roller)
Free (Map ON, Virtual Partner OFF, with screens from information to next waypoint o similar OFF)
I hope the Idea helps.
Thanks Jorge for your advice, I will try it out.
Can someone help with instructions how to get a gpx file onto Garmin Connect and then onto the 520?
Hi All,
today I got my new Edge 520, I’ m very happy with it !!! Just for one reason, it works simple !!!
To connect the 810 or 1000 to my mobile and laptop (to use garmin express) I spent days and days, with the 520 in 10 min I have done everything. This is what I’ m expecting from a device, to be full of functionality that simply works… :-)
Today I’ ll try first workout and see if works well with all sensor.
Bye, Gian Claudio
Anyone having issue using the Wahoo Tickr with the 520? My 520 would take several minutes to find the Tickr when i’m adding it the first time. Even after adding it, there appears to be some communication problem between the Tickr and the 520. The HR would only show up very sporadically and very briefly. For example, during my 1 hour workout, the HR would only show up a handful of times. I know the Tickr HRM was working fine during that one hour because TrainerRoad had no problem seeing it.
Yep. My new 520 fails to detect my Tickr HR strap. 800 and Zwift pick it up fine. Firmware 2.30.
I was wondering if the screen is easier to read than the Edge 510. I live in Arizona and I found it difficult to read no matter what back light setting the computer set to. Even the edge 500 appeared to have better contrast and therefore better readability.
Thanks for the great review.
Hi all,
I copied some map files over USB to the device and transfer speed was realy slow (300+KB/s). What’s causing this?
I’m not sure if this has been covered but whenever my Edge 500 recharge it resets itself. Has Garmin fixed this with the Edge 520? I like to do multi day events without my unit resetting after recharging. If not do you recommend this hack?
link to
I have a question along those lines. I am doing a century in a couple days and was concerned about battery life as with Stages PM connected it consumes about 20% an hour. If I plug in an external battery pack mid ride will it terminate the activity and zero out? I’ve also read somewhere that recording from a power meter consumes more battery. Was wondering if anybody had any experience with extending battery life on long rides by unpairing the power meter.
FWIW – I have never had an battery life issue with my 500, but I did with my previous Edge 305. I purchased a small USB battery and it came with a short USB cable that I quickly learned did not have the data leads present, or had the configure pin connected such that the edge would not see a data connection. I could plug and unplug the battery with impunity and it would not impact the recording mode during a ride. On longer rides I would carry the spare battery and if the 305 warned me of low battery I would plug in the spare and be happily on my way. I don’t know for sure, but I would believe that since USB is a fairly well defined and mature standard, that this is SOP. You might find that using such a cable (or fashioning one per the link given previously) that you should be fine.
Also, a friend has utilized an online tool that allows you to stitch together multiple fit files into a single ride. I googled and found this link, but have never used it: link to
@JoeL: I don’t think you should worry about using a power meter consuming too much battery in the Edge 520. 20% for an hour of use seems high. I am using a Quarq Elsa RS power meter with the Edge 520 and with 2.5 hours (1.5 hours with power meter) of use over two days, the battery level is down to 90%.
I played around with this on a maintenance stand “ride” and think I figured it out. Doesn’t matter what type of cable you are using. As long as there is no smart connection on the other end, it won’t reset. I plugged in a battery pack while the wheel was still spinning and got a charging notification on the top border but it kept on recording. When I stopped the same thing happened, but it started up again “midride”. I then turned the unit off to simulate a rest stop and plugged in a battery pack. It immediately booted but I was able to resume the same ride. I then powered off, plugged it into a PC, did nothing else and the unit had reset with the data uploaded to Garmin Connect.
So bottom line, if you want to recharge but keep ride data, use a battery pack or simple USB power plug, not a PC USB port.
@JoeL 20% an hour is high. I used a borrowed Garmin 500 this week and did a 5+ hour ride with a Stages power meter connected and still had plenty of life left in the battery afterward.
The GPS was on during the ride too.
I did a Century this weekend and had no battery issues. I used an 800 for navigation and got a low battery warning on the 800 towards the end. I think my battery life was better on the 520 because I wasn’t constantly scrolling through pages and waking up the backlight.
Talking of HRMs working with the 520 I will report that my Viiiiva does not work. It spikes to 239 every few seconds. Talked to both Garmin and 4iiii. Just having the Garmin 520 present makes the Viiiiva report spikes to my old 500 as well – it never did that before and removing the 520 (out of ANT range) makes them stop. 4iiii are working on a firmware fix for it.
A feature that I would like to see implemented by Garmin: configuration of the device via the garmin connect website (kind of like Suunto does). It is a bit of pain configuring for instance the data pages in the profiles on the device. That would be much easier via a site and then syncing the config back to the device.
YES! holy cow it’s somehow more complicated than the 500 was!
But the 500 didn’t offer that (no Garmin device does).
To be fair, I want to see both – not one or the other. The Suunto method is fine, until you realize you want some other data field and are already out and about (then you’re hosed).
Meanwhile, the Garmin method sucks when you want to transfer settings from one device to another.
That’s why he said implemented by Garmin. Seems trivial to do on their end given that the device does get certain settings pushed from GC. Ideal would be configuration on the phone via the app which has the advantage of a large touchscreen for quick config and then a wireless push to the device it is connected to.
Fwiw, some of the newer/cheaper Garmin devices do have some basic configuration of settings now via the phone app.
I’d suspect that’s them dipping their toe into the water there. From a data structures standpoint I’d imagine it’s a much more complex effort than Suunto has/had, simply because of the number of slightly different products Garmin has. Obviously far from impossible, but also more complex than it might seem at first glance.
Well it’s all contained in one ‘’ file, just like the rider metrics are in ‘’ (I think that’s it). Simple matter of changing variable entries. Honestly, it could be done as a web interface with someone who knows how to write in the appropriate format and then download it to put on your device. Anyone dissected a non-activity .fit file before?
I’ve just bought an Edge 520 to replace my Forerunner 310XT. I’ve gone on a couple of rides with both units in action (2 HRMs wrapped around my chest is fun). Distance is more accurate on the 520, I’ve wrapped the sensor around my front hub, and live tracking to my Android phone is good, everything in fact is good except for the calories conversion. My details are the same in each device, but the 520 is giving me a figure of approx 45% of the figure from the Forerunner. So a ride on which I consume 2067 calories on the Forerunner only records 954 calories. Garmin support are mystified, say the same algorithm is being used, are thinking about it. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
I’ve just bought an Edge 5620 to replace my Forerunner 310XT. I’ve gone on a couple of rides with both units in action (wearing 2 HRM straps feels kinda kinky). Loving the 520 and the improvements, the only downside is that the calories consumed figures reported by the 520 are way low, about 45% of the figures reported by the 310XT. My profile details are the same in each device. For example, on one ride the 310XT said 2067 calories and the 520 said 954. Garmin support are mystified, say the same algorithm is being used, and have asked me to do a reset to factory defaults and try again. Have to see if that works any better…. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
Sorry about the duplication, the first attempt coincided with Chrome taking a bath, so I assumed it hadn’t succeeded.
so far i like the egde 520 OK. battery life ive been getting in the real world is about 12 hrs of normal use, but easily supplemented with an extra usb battery and recharged while riding. Lack of memory does suck since maps are large but i guss overall things have been good and im happy with it.
How can I rename courses though? I download gpx files from strava and can only get them to show up as what the person who first rode them named it. Ive tried editing the name of the files on my mac.
Are you saying 12 hours of battery life isn’t sufficient? What type of riding are you doing? I did a century over the weekend, had about 6 hours of running time with breaks etc for the group and came home with around 45% battery which seemed more than enough.
I have bought a edge 520, and use my “old” HR strap from Forerunner 620. but when I use it with the edge it keeps dropping from current heartrate to 63-65 bpm. but when I use the same strap with FR 620 it works fine. any ideas?
My Edge 520 came with the new premium HRM (maybe because I got the premium bundle) and as I mentioned above while I am comparing the Forerunner 310XT and the new 520, I am wearing both the new Premium HRM and the older “standard” HRM, and the difference is noticeable. I have always a lot of trouble with the 310XT and the older HRM in that at some times on some rides I would get sporadic spikes where it thought my HR was something other than reality, sometimes up to 250bpm or more, and once in a while it would drop alarmingly. The problems would manifest themselves most commonly at the start of a ride, and on downhills, especially if things were a bit bumpy. Even with electroconductive gel applied. The premium HR however has not missed a beat, has been unfailingly steady. I saw DC Rainmaker’s comment early on that the new HRM is much better, and that has also been my experience. So my recommendation is to rush out and get one. Both the transmitter and the strap have been revised.
A problem already identified by Garmin. See earlier post in this thread.
I am a little frustrated with the 520s inability to automatically connect to my iPhone via bluetooth once it is turned on.I have to open the garmin connect app in order to do so. And if I don’t manually close the app (i.e. swipe up) and wait for the device to say “synced” auto downloads and live track do not function properly. On my Edge 1000 once I turned the device on and was close to my phone the two devices automatically synced with each other. Anyone else having the same issue. Other than that 520 is working perfectly…great form factor…love the size…love the non-touch screen.
Same problem! My new fenix3 connects perfectly. Both units bought same week…
I am about to pull the trigger on a 520 and have a question about the speed/cadence assy to decide to either get the base unit or the bundle.
I am interested in cadence for my main road bike and maybe for speed/distance for my trainer rides during the winter, but I have several road bikes, and mountain bike and two tandems, all which I/we ride and I don’t want to have to reconfigure the unit each time I change from the bike with assy to one of the other bikes (nor to I want to equip all bikes with the transmitter. I would prefer to just pop the unit into the shoe and go.
Will the unit work with the speed/cadence assy when it is present and just use the GPS for speed/distance when I use it on another bike, or do I have to manually configure the unit for both?
What is “assy”?
The Garmin speed and cadence sensors are separate devices. They are not meant to be installed into your shoe. The cadence sensor goes on the left crank arm (usually) and the speed sensor goes on either the front hub or the rear hub. There isn’t any reconfiguration needed for the cadence sensor. For the speed sensor, if you don’t want to have to reconfigure the wheel size, you can set it to auto-detect. One thing i am not 100% sure is if it will do the auto-detect each time you start a ride, or if it’s a one time thing. If it’s a one time thing, then you may have to force it to auto-detect again when you move it to a different bike with different wheel size.
Abbreviation for “accessory”
Changren, Perhaps my question was not worded clearly. I understand how the speed/cadence sensor works and where it mounts. My question is if I only have one speed/cadence sensor on one of my bikes, can I use the 520 on another bike without having to perform any configuration steps to run without the sensor? (i.e. it just works with the sensor present, or without the sensor present)
It will just work with or without the sensors being present.
Does anyone know if it is possible to change the color of the tracking line (the path you have already ridden) when using with open source maps? It is currently a light blue that is hard to see when on my Mtb. Thanks in advance.
To Changren Yong: thanks for the tip to close and relaunch the iOS garmin app if it doesn’t sync. Works every time that way!!
I know you have a 1000 questions but hoping you can answer this one.
What are the key pros and cons between the 810 and 520. I know the map ability in the 810 is far better but apart from that once the 810 gets the soft wear update what is the difference?
Mark, that’s what the Product comparison table is for. Use it.
link to
My aren’t we being snarky. How about…”Hey you’re in luck, Mark. Ray provides a table that will allow you to compare the features of both. Here’s the link.”
Hi everyone,
I just want to report that the Edge 520 works perfectly with Sony Xperia Z3 compact.
Hi Ray, so i ordered one of these and have a Tickr HR strap that simply wont pair and when trying it gives me a bunch of letters with accents etc so its having a fit. I called Garmin and their response was, well its a 3rd party device so not our problem so call Wahoo. This is a bit troubling and hopefully not a widespread bug where there are lots of 3rd party devices we expect to be able to pair with an Edge unit.
Andy S: I have problem using the 520 with a Wahoo Tickr as well. It would take a long time to pair up and even when it’s paired up, the Tickr has problem sending HR to the 520.
Just moved from 510 to 520 ! And I’m testing.
All good so far, except this :
on the 510, when you are following a course. If you decide, you can stop it while you are riding. The Garmin just keep on recording your ride as usual … but stop the course and the turn by turn.
But during a ride, you can also load a course at any time and decide to ride the course as you are busy in the middle of the ride. The 510 will just recalcule and put you back on the course and back to turn by turn direction from the point you are. I tried that with the 520. It messed it up. The map was still right, the course on the map was still right, but the turn by turn was “off course”. The 520 did the calculation but someone did not properly adjust the turn by turn according to your NEW location … it was weird.
Hi Ray and fellow readers,
I purchased an Edge 520 beginning of this week and had a couple of test rides with it, very happy so far. Connectivity with my phone (Sony Xperia Z1 Compact) has been working flawless and it was very easy to setup. The battery life time is much higher than reported in other previous comments (still above 90% after a 2 hours ride), but I’m not using “advanced” features such as live tracking, maybe this could have an impact. Yesterday I tried to follow a course and there are 2 things that I would like to change but I’ve no idea if this is even possible… so hopefully someone here will be able to help!
1. This is a minor issue, but on top of the screen (when displaying the map), there’s quite a large zone used to display what I consider as useless information: as fara as I could see, it seems to be the direction (“Riding North”) and the distance to the goal measured in straight line. I’m more than happy with the indications appearing at the bottom of the screen and providing turn by turn notifications, so is there a way to disable this display on top to increase the size of the screen dedicated to the map itself?
2. This one is much more annoying… Unless I missed some settings, it looks like Strava segments won’t work if you’re following a course. Is that correct or is there a way to have both work at the same time, with Strava segments “taking over” when your course corresponds to one of them? The idea here is that if you want to go ride a particular segment that you’ve never done before, and you’re not sure how to get there, you’ll probably want to use a course and follow it to this segment. But if the segment feature does not work when a course is on, then it means that you should create a course to this segment and stop the course when you get there so that you’ll be able to use the segment feature… Not very convenient!
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! And once again, very satisfied with the Edge 520 so far, just hope that the 2 issues reported above have their solutions :-)
Hi Julien,
About your 1. I experience the same.
Those points looks random along the course you are following. And they should be the same points at the indication you receive at the bottom. I’m not sure why, but each time I load a course to follow, the device creates those points and then it appears like you say on the map page, with distance from it (straight line).
I think this is a bug, there was none of that on the 510.
About your 2. I concur. Indeed you need to choose. You can only one at the time. Once you follow a course, the Segments are off ! It was the same on the 510, either way with Strava or Garmin segments, same thing.
I also add that on the 510, when you are following a course. If you decide, you can stop it while you are riding. The Garmin just keep on recording your ride as usual … but stop the course and the turn by turn.
But during a ride, you can also load a course at any time and decide to ride the course as you are busy in the middle of the ride. The 510 will just recalcule and put you back on the course and back to turn by turn direction from the point you are. I tried that with the 520. It messed it up. The map was still right, the course on the map was still right, but the turn by turn was “off course”. The 520 did the calculation but someone did not properly adjust the turn by turn according to your NEW location … it was weird.
Hi, I went to a shop today to try Edge 520 with my Xperia Z1 Compact. We paired it successfully and call and SMS notifications worked, but Edge did not receive any email notifications, even though Gmail was enabled in Garmin Connect app. Are email notifications working with your Edge 520 and Z1 Compact setup? I checked the compatible android devices list, it is not there, but on the other hand I see no reason why it should not work. I will appreciate any info, as sometimes I need to be able to see incoming emails while on my bike. I have Edge 500 and having email notifications on the Edge unit would be actually one of the main reasons for buying 520.
Dear Ray and Stages PM users,
I am wondering whether I need separate Garmin cadence sensor when using Stages PM, which measures both Watts and Cadence. I am asking because I read somewhere that it will not display cadence only watts. Is that true? I wish I can keep everything simple with just Stages PM + Edge 520 and get all data I need, including cadence.
If it does not display cadence is there an android app that would display it along with all other data? The StagesPower app is displaying watts and cadence only and speed, elevation etc could come from the smartphone so it should be possible to keep it simple Stages PM + smartphone, right?
Thanks for your ideas and advice in advance!
The stages does work with Watts & Cadence on the Garmin 520, I know because it works with mine.
It can be confusing when setting it up because you set up the power meter and then go to try and set up cadence but it doesn’t detect anything. But fear not, the Garmin just needs the one connection setting up so it’ll start showing cadence as soon as you start pedaling.
Hi Mark,
I appreciate your kind help. I wanted to be 100% sure before I make the investment. Not showing cadence makes no sense once the data exist, but I got uncertain when I read in one discussion thread it will not show cadence (maybe some issue with settings of this user’s edge?).
Great review. Many thanks.
I’m looking go buy a 520 and a Varia rear radar. Can you confirm that the Garmin head unit shows visual rear proxity indication. All the videos show this level of integration with am Edge 1000. Cheers
The 520 doesn’t support the Varia yet but it apparently will do so very soon.
it will work on the 520 on the next software update
There are issues with not being able to change the crank length on the Edge 1000 for Powertap P1 pedals. Does the same issue apply with the 520, or can you change to 175 easily? Of not, what woudl be the % variance in power output?
In my Garmin ownership, I’ve owned a 750 and a bunch of 500’s. While I’ve had to replace my 500 a few times for various hardware issues and it was very finicky about saving files/starting up, it was a pretty rugged head unit for what I put it through. I’ve liked the 500 because it’s very small and minimal while giving you everything you could ever need from a head unit. The 520 looked to me like the perfect step up than what the 510 was.
So far in my experience the 520 has been a step back. It may be smaller than the 510, but I have to mount it forward on the 8xx rails to use the new buttons on the bottom. It went from a simple, intuitive interface (4 buttons) to adding on 3 more that are honestly unneeded and more parts that are apt to fail over time. Pairing with the phone is hit or miss; some days it works as intended- quick pair, quick sync at the end… other days it will mysteriously disconnect and reconnect causing a drop in data, it will restart in the middle of a ride, or just fail to upload over and over at the end of a ride before suddenly getting it (full LTE reception on phone).
Now, recently I’ve been getting back on the bike after taking a 2 week off period, so today was my longest day of 2.5 hrs. 100% battery > 33%, are you kidding me? No routing, no live tracking, nothing other than the backlight being on 100% all the time, but that much? Holy cow. That was what I always left my 500 at and it was totally fine. The 500 had that watch face look that was always easy to read even without the backlight but I would leave it on because I never had it drop 25% even for a 6 hour ride. With the pretty color screen here, it’s hard to read without the light being on in most conditions, but I guess I’ll have to make due…
… or just go back to my 500 which was awesome.
Nate Robinson, you do hit on a very good point here. As more and more functionality has been programmed into these little computers, new hardware platforms with ‘sleep’ modes have been used to bring these devices up and online quickly. Like most smartphones and tablets, when you shut it off you don’t really power it down, and managing leakage current in these designs is a challenge. The older devices indeed last longer, especially when ‘off’, but this is the price we now pay to get them to come up quickly. On the flipside, though, newer batteries are less susceptible / immune to the ‘memory’ buildup of the older batteries, so they should be able to be charged more often without shortening their lives.
Bottom line: with the newer devices, realize they’re draining battery even when they’re “off,” so if you’re going to leave them alone for a while put them on the charger (or better yet be prepared to charge them up before next use).
Edge 1000 has been reliable for me, turn-by-turn, BT, and all that, through several software updates. I don’t see WiFi here, which uploads my rides (ultimately) to Strava as soon as I get to my driveway. I’ve used it internationally by changing the open streetmaps, which I had to do initially because I live in US but got it from probikekit in UK. I don’t know why there’d be an 800 series update with the 1000 around, and I’d be amazed if it didn’t get FE-C support (we’ll soon see). I don’t know why Garmin (and especially Edge 1000) get beat up in comments so much; my 1000’s GLONASS support solved the mountainous tracking problems I had with my 705, which eradicated the unpleasant experiences I’d previously had with Polar gear.
Hi Ray,
I’ m interested to the functionality of 520 to control the home trainer. Do you know if bkool is supporting this functionality ?
Thanks, Gian Claudio
link to
520 mounts. I have the K-Edge adjustable mount. I like keeping the unit as close the the actual bars as possible.I initially thought it would deb an issue with the stop/start buttons being so close to the bar, but I have learn that this is not an issue at all.
In fact, I prefer that nothing can get at these buttons.
When I start the ride , i simply turn the unit slightly to the right, hit start and turn it back. Nothing ill ever his the button. When i’m done, I do the reverse. This is not an issue at all for me and much prefer the aesthetic of keeping the unit close to the bars. I don’t like the images of the unit using the supplied Garmin mount.
Overall like the unit. Only real suggestion I would have for Garmin is to add on to the live segments a bit. Right now on long segments getting back to seeing power and such is a pain. Would love an option to auto cycle between the main stats screen and the live segment screen every second or so.
There is just way to many comments to go through. Can the Garmin heart rate monitor work with the 520? Is it fair to compare this unit to the Polar M450 or is it apples and oranges?
what is the 3rd party maps to be downed?
no bike settings for 520?
I have just brought the new power tap P1 pedals and the garmin edge 520 but cannot set my crank length to 175(172.5 default). any one any ideas or does it not make much difference to the power showing??
Correct, that function isn’t yet in the Edge 520 for non-Vector pedals. It’s in beta right now from Garmin, and should be out shortly (perhaps a week or two it sounds like).
As for the difference, it’s roughly 2%. You can also post your Settings.FIT file to the Garmin Forums (see the Edge 1000/P1 thread there) and someone will spit you back the correct one.
Is the “auto stop” function based off of a GPS setting? I’m guessing so because my Edge pauses randomly under large wooded areas and then comes back on. Is there any way to enable this function to use the Ant+ speed sensor to find out if I’m moving or not?
@Brent: Is the Activity Profile you are using set to Auto Pause when stopped? If it is, and it is not paired with a speed sensor, then it uses the GPS to determine if you are in motion. If you pair it with a speed sensor, it will automatically use the speed sensor.
This might be in the comments above, but the processor of the Edge 520 simply can’t process maps with any level of detail. I loaded the maps per several recommendations (31.8 meg), but trying to run a course on it is almost impossible. When I go around a corner, the map takes a great deal of time to catch up, and what if I have another immediate turn? Also, if going off course, the Edge 520 map function would simply lock up from anywhere one to two minutes.
And this gets to my fundamental criticism of the Edge 520. When the 500 was released, it felt like I was holding a piece of Soviet designed cold war technology. When the 520 was released, I STILL feel like I’m holding a piece of Soviet designed cold war technology. In the era of Apple, this is unacceptable.
Sounds like your only real complaint is the processor speed of the 520 can’t update/redraw the map fast enough to allow easy navigation. Maybe Ray could setup a video showing how the different map GPS handle redrawing a complex map during a ride. Complex meaning in a city so the map is more cluttered with stuff then country roads when the map is mostly empty. I know when I loaded an OSM map on my Edge 705 the map mode became almost useless when riding in Washington DC as it was way too slow, the 810 is faster but still has times where it can be too slow.
This is the problem with mapping in general. Putting a faster CPU in the device isn’t such an easy solution as that faster CPU takes more battery power. This is also why when doing a long ride on the 810 if you stay in map mode the battery will drain faster then if you stay in the numbers screens. (note, not if you just stay still so it makes battery testing harder)
Are you using auto-zoom though? Or do you just have it super-zoomed in?
I found on a recent ride just using Auto-Zoom I didn’t have any redraw problems. I’ll have to take another look in the city to see if it’s slower, but don’t remember anything standing out.
The Garmin Edge 520 does not pair with the Varia Rearview Radar as of yet. Any chance of asking Garmin when that will be available?
I would absolutely love if the 520 had a way to turn the backlight on and off with one button the way the 500 had. I am always riding in the evening or early morning and would like to be able to just turn on the backlight without going through a bunch of menus. One would think this could be a simple software update. Any chance you can use your pull with garmin Ray?????
I too have the same problem and I wish there is an easy way to turn the back light on and off. I have not explored all the options to see if there is a way to increase the timeout so that the back light stays longer than what it does by default. For now, I go to next screen just to get the back light on and get back to my original screen. Seems like something Garmin can fix easily.
If you buy the Edge remote you can use one of the button functions to turn the backlight on so you dont have to fiddle with the device as your riding and can keep your hands safley on the bars :)
Downside is that you have to buy the remote which i appreciate isnt idea but those poor poor garmin employees have to eat you know ;)
I’d change the timeout value to ‘Stays on’, which is what I do for the night rides.
DC Rainmaker,
I have the new Edge 520 for a week, I need to order a rubber-plug part used for the water-proofing of the usb port. Yea, Apparently I pulled out the power charging cable but along with the rubber plug – oops.
So do I call Garmin for a replacement part or is there a site to order specific for the Edge 520.
On The Side: I order a garmin head mount extension part, thought this works, I would prefer to order the exact one that came with the unit. Just feels more secure when I twist it on to the mount the one that came with the new Edge 520.
Update: I called the Garmin 800 support line in USA, and they do not carry or sell the ‘Rain Plug’ as of yet :-(
Hello Ray, thanks for the awesome review! It convinced me to upgrade from my edge 500 (purchased through the Clever Training discount – THANKS!) I also purchased the Varia radar bike light thinking it was compatible….yeah didn’t do my homework and was pretty bummed out. Have you heard if there will be integration with the radar light with the 520 anytime soon?
Reached out to Garmin, and they have said they are planning on adding the functionality of the Varia radar light to the 520 but no ETA.
Thanks for the support Sam!
Indeed, it’s on the radar, no pun intended. I meant to ask this past week for a date, but forgot. I’m optimistic it’ll show up in the next firmware update which I know they are in the midst of testing that includes a few other things. But I’ll see if that’s the case (may not be in that one).
Hi ray/Everyone
I just bought my edge 520 and so far so good (only been 2 days and i have already sent back 1000 and 810 this year)
What i want to know is – has anyone had any luck pairing the 520 with thier turbo trainer – specifically a CycleOps Power Beam Pro?
Its an ANT+ device and therefore i would have expected it to be compatible with the 520s Indoor trainer functionality.
I can see it as a power meter on the 520 but cannot see it as an Indoor trainer.
Any advice or help would be much appreciated
Unfortunately the PowerBeam Pro doesn’t support ANT+ FE-C, which is what is needed for the Edge 520 to be able to control the trainer. CycleOps hasn’t given any timeframe or plans on when that might happen.
As you noted, you’d have to use it as a power meter, which isn’t quite as ideal.
Thanks ray
Apologies for the delay in my response
I can pick up a 520 for an incredibly low price through a trade contact and would use it to replace my Mio 505HC which crashes too often.
I know the 520 can’t plan routes on the fly but is there any way to create a route using my smart phone then sync it to the 520 while out on a ride?
Unfortunately not. It’s one of the biggest gaps in the Garmin platform at large (mobile course creation), that impacts more than just the Edge 520 – but also the Outdoor series especially (Fenix3).
On the other hand, nobody else has mobile app creation to watch/head unit either. :-/
Any word on the VO2 Max accuracy?
Question/Clarification about the maps. I have used the maps on my FR 310, where it literally looks like a breadcrump over a blank page, and as I bike I would consume the breadcrump on the screen. Does the map on this unit the Edge 510 work similar but it shows the breadcrump over a map with streets, etc? This would make it a lot easier in those scenarios when I come to a triple Y-intersection and is not clear where to go on the breadcrump over the blank page. I get the no turn-by-turn direction, but If can see a turn coming up on a map with streets, thats a lot more than what I get right now. Is it possible to use one of those third party apps to make/build my route, send it to the device, and then follow it?
Thanks, Andres
Correct, breadcrumb on top of map.
finito il giro mi appare un numero legato al recupero cosa significa? la volta dopo che esco m dice lo stato…
Hi Ray,
bought this unit after reading your post. Took it for a test ride earlier today and so far it seems like a really great unit! However I got one issue I haven’t been able to solve or find a solution for. Perhaps you have run into this as well.
I loaded a workout from Garmin Connect to the unit. To start off I am to do a simple warm up of 140-170 watts. However I keep getting prompted with a notification saying my power is to low and needs to be above 200.
I have checked that the zones on the unit is the same as in Garmin Connect and I can’t seem to figure out whats going on.
Have you experienced anything similar?
Thanks you some really great reviews! :)
Is the Barfly featured in the photos the Barfly SLi or SLi 2.0?
I bought a 520 this week. The unit itself was great but while it could pair with my phone it wouldn’t sync with it via the Connect Mobile app. So, courses prepared using GC couldn’t be downloaded. No amount of re-pairing and re-starting the app would fix it. Wasn’t just my phone (an iPhone 4GS) as it was exactly the same with a friend’s iPhone 6. Gave the 520 back to the shop. Shame. I’ll try a 1000 next, hoping that it can do all necessary syncing via wifi instead of with the app which simply didn’t work for me. I appreciate that the experience of others has been different. Thanks for the website though which is really helpful.
Paul F
Hi Ray.. At Interbike, did you get a chance to ask Garmin about a firmware upgrade for the 520 to fix the numerous bugs and add additional missing functionality??
Got mine, and already done over 200km, powered off itself during the ride once,
also found strange, when pre-built training (intervals) finished, there is no way just continue routine/ride, need to start new session. Otherwise, very happy, although it is too early to say.
just add an ‘open’ step as last in Yoor workout and continue the ride for as long as You want.
Hey Adam,
thanks for advice, however I can not find the way add interval without time stated.
Oops, now found- “until Laps button pressed”.
Missing possibility to create training from previously done routines or import TCX files into GC as training template
dont add interval step, add new step (outside of interval repeats) of type ‘other’ and set duration to ‘lap button press’. Or simply use the ‘cool down’ step with duration set to ‘lap button press’. In general, whatever is Your last step in the workout (be it cool down or other or anything else), outside of any repeats, set the duration to ‘lap button press’ and You are good to go: You will go through the whole workout as instructed, then You will be prompted to the last step and it will last until You will press the lap button – so You control when the whole workout will finish.
hey ray…congrats on the Top 50 nomination…well deserved…quick question, when should i expect the indpeth review of the 520? I have a 510 and have been eyeing the new device but wanted your indepth analysis. Also curious if you think the 1000 gets updated (I assume the 810 was replaced by the 1000)—they could do a lot if they incorporated the ability download 3rd party apps via Connect IQ ! Thanks
I don’t have a specific Edge 520 review date, merely as I’m working to dig out of Interbike and related posts. I’ve been using it tons, but going from using it tons to writing up a massive review is a bit tricky.
That said, the only issue I really have with it at the moment is occasional oddities with Bluetooth Smart & ANT+ coexisting (ANT+ drops). So I’ve mostly just turned of BT while riding to solve that (it doesn’t do anything while riding anyway). Beyond that, I expect to use the Edge 520 as my go-to going forward (mostly replacing Edge 810’s and 1000’s).
I don’t expect to see a new Edge 1000 anytime soon, as it’s only been a touch more than a year since release.
BT doesn’t do anything while riding? Well it does live tracking, which is something I am using so my wife knows where the hell I am if I don’t return at the expected time…
Good catch, brain fart on my part – forgot about live tracking.
(Though, I’ll have to poke and see if that goes over the legacy BT channel or the BT Smart channel, in the Edge series).
i have a 520 since a few days. I’d like to use it with my POLAR V800,but it doesn t work. I have irregular beats at 161 bpm, every 10 seconds. I use a VIIIIVA sensor. It was working perfectly with my Edge 800.
I called Garmin, they have no solution.
What can i do ?
Are you using the older HRM (HRM2 on the transmitter) or the new “premium” HRM (HRM3 on the transmitter)? I found the HRM2 unit prone to perverse readings, but the HRM3 hasn’t missed a beat (or invented any extra ones)
Have you notice that is not posible to send workouts via bluetooth to the unit? I mean, from my smartphone (android)
Is there any way to speed up Garmin and force them to release firmware update with fixed HRM Run problem? It is insanely annoying…
Hey will the 520 display a HR history graph like the 500 does? Looking forward to the in-depth review.
Thank you for another great review. I am a first time Garmin owner (Edge 520)
Has anyone noticed that when you sync your ride to Strava, it does not load an image of the map (route) you rode ?
Is this normal with Garmin syncing or is their a setting I need to change to allow this to happen ?
Thank you
Thank you for a great review. I’ve had Strava segments missed due to bad GPS data from my Android phone Strava app, and was looking for a reliable device. This is my first Garmin purchase, and your reviews helped me know what to expect, how to setup openstreet maps, and how to use live Strava segments (which has encouraged some new PRs). Thank you very much for your thoroughness. Cheers :-)
HRM RUN SENSOR INCOMPATABITY WITH EDGE 520: I have tested my new edge 520 with existing hrm run sensor and strap for 1 week now. Without fail i was getting drops to exactly 63 bpm throughout each activity. When running forerunner 620 with the hrm run sensor, no issues. However, when running forerunner and edge 520 together forerunner also showed dips to 63 bpm at same time! I resolved by buying notrm garmin sensor and premium strap. Removed hrm run from edge and connected normal sensor. No dramas, all good. It was definitely the hrm run sensor causing tbe issue as can use the new standard sensor with nee and old straps and it still works well with the edge 520 regardless. Frustrating not to be able to use the hrm run sensor with edge 520 reliably. Many comments on yhe garmin forum reflecting identical experiences. Perhaps a software upgrade is needed. Have you heard if one is voming to resolve ghis, Ray?
I also had a few difficulties getting the 520 to recognise the bike sensors, but have a technique which is thus far reliable. I put on the HRM, and it takes maybe 10-15 seconds to pick up my heart rate, I go down to the bike, spin the front wheel for up to 30 seconds until it eventually notices the speed sensor wrapped around the front hub, then before getting on the bike, I spin the chainring and cranks backwards for 30 seconds until it finally notices the cadence sensor. It does seem a bit slow picking up the sensors, certainly slower than my 310XT, and after noticing a sensor seems to need a little breathing space before it is able to detect another one, but once detecting them prior to starting the ride, I haven’t had any dropouts during the rides.
one question, what will happen if i quit my premium account? will it be still be possible to use my downloaded segments or will it be erased?
thanks for your help
I love all my garmin stuff but this 520 is giving me a really hard time. Maybe someone can help me out here.
1) I cannot have it reliably store AND turn on my sensors… When I turn on the unit it refuses to recognize the sensors and they remain in a blinking stage for ever…. I start riding and the unit keeps dropping the sensors (batteries on all of them are fine because I tested with my Forerunner 920XT and all is fine)
2) I cannot make the unit connect bluetooth to my phone…. again it keeps saying connected and then disconnected immediately… Regarding this issue, is it normal to show 2(two) bluetooth profile on your phone for that device? I don’t get it. BLE_Edge 520 and BT_Edge 520 are both there????
I would really appreciate some help here as this is driving me bonkers!
Software on the 520 is the latest available via Garmin Express and I have reset the unit to factory once already.
1) I don’t know about this, sensors are detected readily by mine although they need to be “awake” (wet HR band, move crank for cadence/speed). Once locked they are usually not dropped except if bluetooth is on, which seems to cause interference and sensor drops on most rides. So I’d suggest you to switch off BT and see if it helps, if it doesn’t you may have a faulty unit.
2) the two bluetooth profiles are normal and seem to be necessary for the connection and the call/msg notifications to work. I suppose that one of the profiles handles just the notifications and the other is necessary for other functions (e.g., live tracking). Not all phones handle well BLTE connections, so try with another phone if you can. Starting from scratch (i.e., unpair the edge from the phone and the phone from the edge, restart both and retry) might also help
Hi Ray. In your in-depth review, could you address a major shortcoming of the Strava Live segments feature? The problem is that segments are displayed in a predetermined order of:
– Goal (If you have one set for the segment)
– Rival (Next person above you that you’re following on the leaderboard)
– PR
According to the Strava help page: “On the device, you can select which effort time you are compared against on a segment-by-segment basis. However, the next time the device is synced the default values will be restored.”
In other words, it is impossible to have the Garmin 520 always show one’s own PRs on the Strava Live segments. Thanks!
Yup, I’ll discuss it with those guys when I see them next week. I know there’s also a big Edge 520 update coming next week (things like Varia, etc…), so it’s possible something may be in that for Strava too.
Thank you! It’s was a disappointing surprise especially because their promo materials primarily show PRs (not KOMs or a friend’s PRs). I probably would not have bought it had I known otherwise.
By the way, your blog is so comprehensive that it’s hard to believe you have a day job! Thanks again.
I wish this update fixes HRM Run problem… that’s a major bummer for me. However it’s a good excuse to ride DCR-style with two bike computers and two HR straps
I agree, Maxim, a real bummer to have to use two seperate sensors. The HRM RUN really hould work with the Edge 520.
There is a helpful discussion about this on the Garmin forum site: link to
There is discussion on this forum that the HRM-Tri does work with the Edge 520. One way to get running dynamics and hse only one sensor i guess.
Would still love the option to have the front page and segment page cycle during a segment. The segment page is a bit data sparse so being able to see a bit of both would be a great addition.
The segment page is dreadful. Who wants to look at a schematic of the countryside. It would be much better to be able to have information to pace yourself properly as you try to improve on your PB.
So you should have a choice of data fields – including speed, cadence, HR – and of course for some serious training – average power last time and over/above this time.
Now that would be really useful.
But at the end of the day, the most important thing is to have choice. The data is all there and I don’t see why Gatmin feels that they need to decide what is best for you.
Hi Ray,
Is there any point in downloading a routeable map for an Edge 520? Seems the generic maps are smaller in size and may work ok? Sorry if this has been covered but I didn’t spot it if it’s the case.
Sorry, ignore me, confused generic routable with bicycle routable.
Hi Ray,
Can you explain how the Ant FE-C works for controlling trainers?
For example:
If I set a watt level of 250 w, and I run a power meter. Would the 250 be relative to the power meter or to the power meter within the trainer device?
Is there power data feedback from the Garmin unit to the trainer?
It will be from the trainer thinks is 250W. No feedback from any other power meter. It has to work stand alone without any other power meter after all. So there may be a difference in you measure to what you set.