The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this past week.
Monday: An Epic Weekend of Cycling in the Pyrenees
Wednesday: Garmin Edge 1000 In-Depth Review
Friday: A short trip to Finland….with sunrise at 3:30AM
Sports Tech Notable Hot Deals: TomTom Runner GPS – $134
TomTom has a deal right now on the TomTom Runner through the end of the week. It’s down to $149, then the Clever Training DCR reader discount is still valid, bringing it to $134US (with free shipping). Definitely a solid deal on an entry level watch, especially with the update this past winter that brings Bluetooth connectivity and uploading to your mobile phone (no PC required to upload workouts). Full in-depth review here (and links to purchase). Note, only the TomTom regular Runner version is on sale, not the Cardio nor the Multisport variants.
Department of Random Things: Blue (his) & Pink (hers) Polar H7 heart rate straps
Every January when I go to CES I often have a photo or two of different heart rate strap suppliers that have a variety of colors of straps. And every year I get lots of questions on where to buy said colorful variations (answer: you can’t, it’s for manufacturers).
Except, Polar has now changed some of that. You can now rock the vibrant pink strap or the blue H7 heart rate straps (select color dropdown), which transmit Bluetooth Smart as well as treadmill friendly analog signals. Of course, I’m guessing that on most woman said strap would be below clothing and not visible to passersby. But, perhaps I run the wrong routes… To each their own.
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) Apolo Ohno finishes Ironman Boise 70.3: And…he went reasonably fast. I thought this post was actually somewhat refreshing when it comes to his race thoughts/strategy.
2) Mountain bike riding gunpoint robbery: Seriously. Just watch the video. (via my Dad)

3) Father’s Day Ideas for Athletes: Speaking of Dad, this is a fun list of interesting ways to put together athletic themed father’s day gifts. So unfortunately Dad, I don’t think La Poste will appreciate me showing up with a massive bicycle chandelier and a bunch of stamps on the side.
4) The perfect house for watching the Tour de France (or, a weekend tri): Pretty awesome. If only I had a place to park such a little house in downtown Paris.

5) Shimano’s new XTR Di2 system released: Pretty cool stuff in that it automatically shifts either front or back depending on the next best gearing selection.
6) Power meters for running? Long term, perhaps – but not quite yet today. The technology first has to get small enough, then people have to figure out how to apply it to running. (Thanks to Ty)
7) Kona on the cheap, how to do it: For those who may be headed to the big island this fall for the Ironman World Championships – here’s a slew of tips for reducing the costs.
8) The Audax Alpine Classic vide: Pretty cool little film of the 2,200 cyclists tackling the 250KM route. Really well done. (Via Graham V.)
9) New race day photo business model: I continue to wait for the existing model of highly overpriced photos to die. This might just work out. (via Steve Fleck)
10) Wiggins in Tour hasn’t quite been decided yet: I’ve been finding the whole thing kinda funny. If people were talking real-world work/office environments, then the boss would normally tell the two non-BFF people to HTFU and work together to get the work done that they’re paid to do. Additionally, in the real world, if said boss was incapable of such management, he’d likely no longer be said manager.
Crowd Funded Projects of Athletic Note:
Most of this content used to be found within the main section, but I figured I’d just call it out up here and make it easy to find. I regularly sift through Kickstarter and Indiegogo (plus a few others on occasion) looking for sports projects. If you’re unfamiliar with projects, read my detailed post on how I decide which projects I personally back. Note that as always with crowd funded projects, assume the project will be late and will under-deliver on features. Thus far, on the numerous products I’ve helped ‘fund’ (except a leather bike handle), that’s been the case.
FlyPedals – Universal Clipless Bike Pedal Adapter Ok, this is really darn cool. How is it that nobody thought of this earlier? (via Heather)
The Carrier: Thoughtfully Designed for Triathletes
A Fantastic New Concept for Wireless, Smart Sport Headphones – Hmm…seem a bit large compared to something like The Dash (which, admittedly, I’m rather skeptical about).
Runbell, Frustration Free Urban Running – Tempting…very tempting. Except, the true native Parisians would just turn around and then continue ignoring me again. (via Luke)
Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one liners is perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good?
Site/Firmware Updates:
Garmin VIRB Edit Software Update: Lots of cool new tidbits in there this time. This is the team that just keeps chugging with new functionality.
Garmin Vivofit Firmware Update: Minor bug fix.
iPhone Apps:
Android Apps:
Windows Phone Apps:
Thanks all for reading!
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Speedplay sells Speedplay Platformers that convert their pedals similarly for non-cycling shoes. I also spotted in Berlin a dude using plain Shimano SPD-sl cleats in pedals to convert them for sneaker use.
That bell would get very verry annoying (and I am a true born and bred parisian)
Problem solvers has their Deckster adapter that works for SPD: link to but I don’t remember if there’s a road version or something similar made by anyone.
I actually could have used the bell when I was in Brooklyn over this past weekend on my jog from a friend’s apartment to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden… I think it would have served as a better, more polite way of attempting to get someone’s attention.
Speaking of (or reading) down under in northern Australia was Ironman Cairns and it’s sister event the 70.3.
The race was so wet from start to finish. There’s a great race report from Tim Berkel who finished second here link to
And it looks like he tweets a lot during his races as well – might be worth a follow.
The Snob was making fun of the FlyPedals last week IIRC, and in the comments someone mentioned there actually was something similar already, but I can’t recall the details, might be worth checking for those interested.
With SPD-SL and similar pedals, however, the platform is simply big enough that you can pedal with any shoe that has a sole grippy and not too thin – I do it all the time.
Also, double sided SPD pedals might be a good idea for bikes that have a mixed usage profile.
About the gun robbery, this is how we have in Rio de Janeiro. It was filmed few weeks ago.
link to
Will polar be selling colored replacement straps as well?
Hmm, not sure honestly.
The pedals are interesting, but it looks like I would have to also buy a second pair of clips to attach to their product.