In Just 7 Days…


Yes, the time is once again almost upon us: The Annual DC Rainmaker Giveaway Extravaganza.

Next Tuesday (June 24th) starting at exactly 12:00AM Eastern (0600 CET/CEST) the pinnacle of sports technology giveaway awesomeness will commence.  Last year the numbers were huge – both in entrants as well as prizes.  Thousands of dollars in gadgets were given away to people everywhere on this little blue marble (everyone is welcome).  Here’s a refresher set of posts for all the craziness that went down last year.

But this year it’s gonna be even bigger than ever before.  Simply because bigger is definitely better in this case.  And because Clever Training is pitching in even more to make the awesomeness level even higher.

So how much more awesome?  Well, instead of every three hours like years past – I’m going with every two hours.  Seriously. Thus, allowing even more prizes to be given out!

This means that every two hours a new giveaway starts and the previous one closes (i.e. 12:00AM, 2:00AM, etc…).  The entry period will only be open for two hours for each giveaway.  So be sure to plan your entire existence on Tuesday around being able to enter during that two hour period for each giveaway.

If you aren’t sure how to convert your time zone to Eastern time, you can use this little tool to figure it out.

So if you need to barricade yourself in the pantry for 24 hours to ensure proper attention to entry periods, that’s totally acceptable. Just do what you need to do!

Cause yup…it’s gonna be awesome!


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  1. Nathan Simpson

    When am I supposed to sleep?

  2. Brandon Shockley

    Awesome! I’m having a hard time deciding what running watch to buy. FREE always helps with the decision process!

  3. Mike F

    gotta be in it to win it !

  4. Kyle Polansky

    Can’t wait!

  5. got to get this right, I don’t want to miss one!!!

  6. JvT

    Fantastic, can’t wait

  7. egelados


  8. Is it 0600 CET or CEST?

  9. Graham

    I still crack up at the comment that won the iPhone bundle.
    Every time….

  10. I think I’m going to have to do some interval training specifically around this timeframe

  11. Steve

    Eat Sleep Ray Repeat

  12. Just once it’s good to be on the other side of the world (Sydney will be a very plesant 2:00pm) – better look into how this extravaganza works …..

  13. Sebastien


  14. SouthernDCist

    Can’t wait!

  15. George H.

    I want your goodies. :)

  16. trustme

    This event has been cancelled. Please ignore all future communications from Ray that it’s happening. (rubbing hands together and emitting an evil laugh that my master plan to win everything is now set in motion) (wait, why are my thoughts being transcribed into this comment? arghhh!)

  17. Jeff Sammon

    Super Excited…. a new watch or training is needed on my end!

  18. Duane

    Of course this happens while I am on vacation with at best spotty internet and while the World Cup is going on. Going to have to really make an effort this year just to get into a couple of them. At least I will have a cold drink and football to watch while waiting for pages to load.

  19. Hey, just wondering… Were you far from your Samsung Gear 2 review yet? Still haven’t made the purchase or committed to a decision for my partner… Was kind of hanging on your thoughts :o)

    • Sorry!

      It’s somewhat fallen off the radar, mostly because I’ve just found the whole experience a bit cumbersome. It doesn’t really fit what I use the device for, and the optical sensor has been hit and miss when it comes to tracking HR. The inability to easily get data up to most platforms doesn’t help either.

      At this point, kinda hard to recommend. :-/

    • Not at all a problem, and I appreciate the reply and thought!

      I can only take on your advice, I will dodge the samsung. With that in mind, it’s only really the Adidas that seems to offer the all-in-one. Despite the price, I think this is the only thing I could really get her that is reliable and ticks the boxes. Better something that works and is reliable than just… Turd.

      I only wish they improved the android app compatibility (eg synced), but that is not everything. And from your post / research day a while ago, I seem to recall they are working at only improving the Adidas with further updates.

      I have read your review of it too of course, which was positive. So unless it’s exploded on your wrist recently… Hopefully it’s still a good choice :o)

  20. brokv

    No rest for the wicked!!

  21. Mike Guitard


  22. Bob R

    Will you be using a raffle widget like on Engadget? Might save you time.

  23. Chris O'Brien

    You truly are a giver, Ray.

  24. jorge


  25. MAGNUS

    I’m new to the site, which is awesome btw, but this is awesome!!! Can’t wait.

  26. Jean-Paul


  27. TdF8

    Cracking looking competition. As luck would have it,iI’m on holiday next week so I’ll be all over this!

  28. Henrik

    just testing my comment skills!

  29. Chappo

    2pm Sydney is a great starting time…

  30. Jean-François Gagne

    Yes. Fantastic

  31. Krystian Włodarczyk

    Awesome! btw. have you ever thought about switching to tools like in your giveaways?

    We use it in our company and it works quite well.

    • For the most part the comment system works well because I’m then not dependent on calling to a separate service (which introduces system load). In the case of the extravaganza, the load is a fair bit high, especially in the first few minutes of each hour.

  32. Gran, good luck to everyone

  33. Joe Rosati

    Always very nice!

  34. robert

    awesome :)

  35. Malcolm

    Test. And gratitude to Ray not only for the raffle but also for his insightful reviews and entertaining weekly stories (the wife and I are going to try find the cake shop next time we are in Paris :)). Btw really like the article a while back about Cape Town, my home town – always interesting to see a city through the appreciative eyes of a visitor :)

  36. Pawel

    awasome !!

  37. Stef

    Testing in Miami!

  38. Mike

    Test, Test 1 2,Test

  39. Stephane

    Eeeh…? Can you explain the concept? Sorry, i’m french and i think i miss some info…

  40. Bart De Weirdt

    Alarm is set … tuesday every 2hours!

  41. bycho

    yes! :P

  42. Tim

    Hmm, some new gear…

  43. Tammy Abbott-Thiel

    I can’t wait to see what I win!! (Dad always taught me to own it and think positive!)

  44. Kevin Chandler

    Let the good times role!

  45. Paolo Dizon


  46. Juanje

    It’s gonna be great. Thanks Ray.


    I’m trying…

  48. Deane Hafling

    I assume since I did not win last year I am guaranteed an entry this year…

  49. Eric McMinoway

    Can’t wait, this is going to be awesome!!!

  50. Jamie Watson

    Heck, I might as well post a test comment as well.

    Does this go all day, a full 24 hours of craziness? Can’t wait!!!

  51. I could really use a heartbeat monitor strap. I’m in!!

  52. Matthew shepherd

    Thought I would try a test too, something to look forward to.

  53. Paul E

    Looking forward to this!!! I already got a Fenix2, but getting a dedicated road bike computer may be a nice way to go… :) Hrm…. :)

    Ray, many thanks for your detailed, fair, and objective reviews. They definitely gave me a LOT of information to go through and made me consider what my priorities and needs are as far as a GPS watch/computer go. In the end, the Fenix2 was the better choice FOR ME as I DO do the geocaching stuff and go on longer hikes where waypoint setting would be nice (and having a longer battery life).

    So far, my mileage #’s have been spot on for the run and bike, but the swim seems to be measuring a bit long in the open water. Not sure if the other swimmers are swimming straighter than me or it is due to GPS error, but no worries here.

    Again, thank you for the highly informative AND entertaining site and for doing something so kind as to promote your sponsors and thank your readers. VERY cool! If my wife and I ever get to Paris, we’d love to take you and The Girl out for dinner!

  54. Faisal Ackerdien

    I want in too

  55. Faisal Ackerdien

    I want in too … Pretty please

  56. loshko

    Free stuff! Yey!

  57. Michele Brussa

    I’ll be IN

  58. Bill

    So, all we have to do is post during the two hour period for each item and we are entered? And each item is listed to one per email address, but each email address can enter once for each item, right? I am relatively new to this…

  59. Bill

    Test from phone

  60. Skammenv

    This will be amazing!

  61. Bruno Barran

    Lisboa calling! Testing …

  62. CW

    Woohoo, free stuff,

  63. Leigh Ann Schultz

    Looking forward to it! Training for IM Choo and a new gadget would keep it exciting!

  64. Chris O'Brien

    Now these test posts are pretty funny. I wonder, is it people posting for the first time ever, or are most people setting up posting from all their various devices?

    Who is trying to figure out how to post during their Run on that day?

  65. Ge

    That’s cool… looking forward to it

  66. Peter

    Cool! Looking forward to it. Unfortunately, work internet is spotty at best. Apparently they want us working during work hours.

  67. Andrew Taylor

    Do I get special treatment because June 24th is my birthday???

  68. Kimberlynn

    Excited to find you, Ray!,

  69. Paul E

    I’m not sure if my earlier posts qualify me to be in the drawings, but if I may, I’d like to be included as well.

    Not just for the free stuff (though, admittedly, that’s really cool!), but the more I read on here, the more I learn about how I can train, what I can look for when I train, and perhaps what I can expect when I compete.

    The non-triathlon related posts about Paris and your various travels are just as educational and fun too. I truly enjoy visiting this site and I can’t say that about many sites on the web.

  70. Iggi vaggi

    Fly me to the moon…

  71. Myron Luis

    you are better than Christmas

  72. Iggi vaggi


  73. Sam

    Thanks Ray for the reviews, I’m learning a lot with your post.

  74. Iñaki

    Not sure if it’s been already answered, how long will the whole thing last? Thanks

  75. ym

    I’m from Israel I can also participate???

  76. Arek

    Can’t wait

  77. Maggie

    Testing to make sure this works!

  78. sam

    Testing Testing 123

  79. Amand

    Super geil! Oh, sorry … awesome!

  80. Audrey


  81. David Olsen


  82. woowoo20


  83. Chris

    Another test!
    Great reviews by the way!

  84. Kingkool

    niiiice ;)

  85. popo.jay

    I’m in! And test.

  86. Sakis Katsantoulas

    i am in

  87. Ryan jiv

    Nice. Game!

  88. Barry

    I’m in too

  89. ale c

    Great ray!

  90. Matthew H

    Can’t wait, alarms set!

  91. J

    Comment test and thanks in advance

  92. Luca

    Very nice !!

  93. Bora

    Reminder set! Waiting for the madness. :)

  94. Matt

    Come on 24th!!

  95. Hugo

    Just great…

  96. Matt Dz

    Looking forward to no sleep tomorrow.

  97. Ray – are you posting a list of what all is in the extravaganza, or is the approach that we should check in every 2 hours to see what new item hits?


  98. Moe

    Woo-hoo! Alarms are set for 12am PST and every 2 hours after that!

  99. Drew

    Soooo…you’ll be giving away a Garmin 920 tomorrow on the same day you release your in-depth review, right?

  100. minja

    woooohoooo, sounds great

  101. Roser

    Great news!!

  102. Elliott

    Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

  103. lionel birkenbach


  104. Fingers crossed for a tomtom or equivalent allsports watch.

    See you all tomorrow!

  105. Anush

    Truly exciting!

  106. Gilles Levesque

    I’m excited, hoping that I’m lucky!

  107. doucetcpa


  108. Meghan

    So excited!

  109. Sander de Vos

    Test to get in some draws 2morro

  110. Stuart

    Thanks for putting this on Ray!

  111. Dennis B

    What I enjoy about this site (along with the in-depth reviews) is the collection of forward thinkers!

  112. Chris Furner

    great, cant wait!

  113. James


  114. Seth Downs

    Desperately need an upgrade!! I’m going to be measuring my heart rate running with my hand on my carotid artery soon!

  115. Chris


  116. Hemi

    Cant wait


    Testes 123

  118. Bill L

    Thanks Ray!

  119. JackZ

    Go Team USA!!

  120. Fingers crossed!

  121. Teddy

    Rock on man!

  122. Felix E


  123. Ole

    Oh yes I think I need good luck this time:-)

  124. Miguel Matos

    Nice! good luck to me!

  125. JasonM

    good luck

  126. MARK

    3RD ONE

  127. Miguel Matos


  128. Matt

    Come on lucky number!!

  129. Eric McMinoway

    I am all in

  130. Mandy Breen

    I need stuff

  131. Bill Breen

    Love the game

  132. Mandy Breen

    PO Box 08414

  133. Hung Nguyen

    thank you so much…..plz pick me….

  134. Eric Goldblatt

    Please reward me…or pick me

  135. Kevin Kirkhart

    I’m in.

  136. Maren Frisell

    I just ran my first tri and loved it… Would love to have some awesome gear for my next one!

  137. Semi Ennafaa

    count me in :)

  138. Tomas Strelak

    Pick meeee

  139. Todd Whited

    Great site, would love some free stuff!

  140. Klara Maskova

    We would like to win your gadgets so we could enjoy our holidays even more :)

  141. Eric Goldblatt

    Reading more and more of your posts. Would love to be in a winners circle too

  142. Michael Madden

    Great site….I consult DCRainmaker before purchasing any new tech!

  143. William P

    Sign me up. Last winter (in MD) involved horrific suffering. I need a trainer or I may implode if we have another bad winter.

  144. Miguel Matos


  145. Csaba

    There is no other site with that trustworthy information!

  146. andrea hopkins

    Husband’s 55th birthday today, would love to win him a gift :-)

  147. Pál Benyó

    Thanks :)

  148. Marc-Olivier

    Great site Ray !

  149. Johnny Hsu

    Pick me!!

  150. James

    Pick me, please.

  151. jean-alexandre

    me… 16:00

  152. andrew nagy


  153. Here i am
    Great job!
    Thank you

  154. Karl Pointer

    Ive really enjoyed reading your site the last couple of weeks. You do a great job with your reviews!

  155. Santosh

    Me Me…

  156. Just as a minor reminder that you don’t actually win anything by posting on this post. It needs to be on the individual giveaway posts that show up on the home page every 2 hours. Enjoy!

  157. Sixto

    Awesome idea…

  158. Mike

    So it ended, with really cool stuff; when will the winners be informed, can’t wait, maybe I was lucky, maybe not

  159. Hi All!

    A winners circle post will be put up here today, just cleaning up all the duplicate comments/etc…
