This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer. It's been replaced by the Garmin Edge 1030 Plus, you may want to check out that review instead.
Back in April Garmin unveiled their latest and most expensive cycling computer to date – the Edge 1000. The unit would be bigger than any previous unit, as well as add a number of new features – like included maps. But would it be worth the $600 price tag?
For the past month I’ve been poking at the new unit, getting plenty of rides in all sorts of locales and testing grounds. As such, I’ve got a reasonably good idea on where the unit shines and where it stumbles. And based on that, I’m here to give a pretty clear rundown of what I like and don’t like about the unit (and trust me, I have plenty of opinions this time).
To be clear, Garmin sent me over an Edge 1000 to start testing with until retail availability. Like always, I’ll be shipping that back to them in Olathe, Kansas in the next few days and going out and getting my own via regular retail channels. That’s just the way I roll.
Lastly, at the end of the day keep in mind I’m just like any other regular athlete out there. I write these reviews because I’m inherently a curious person with a technology background, and thus I try and be as complete as I can. But, if I’ve missed something or if you spot something that doesn’t quite jive – just let me know and I’ll be happy to get it all sorted out. Also, because the technology world constantly changes, I try and go back and update these reviews as new features and functionality are added – or if bugs are fixed. So – with that intro, let’s get into things
The Edge 1000 comes packaged up in two varieties. The first boxed version comes with mostly just the unit (+ some mounts). Whereas the bundle comes with the base unit, then the speed sensor, cadence sensor, and heart rate strap.
After cracking open the box you’ll find a slew of plastic bags with parts in them. In this case, I had the bundle version – so I’ve got more plastic baggies than the non-bundle version.
Post-baggie removal process you’ll have the following collection.
Along the top row is the Edge 1000, the out-front mount (+tool/adapters), and the heart rate strap/pod.
Along the bottom row is the manual, then the cadence sensor bands, the speed sensor & cadence sensor, a bunch of standard mounts, and the micro-USB cable for charging/downloading.
Running through all the pieces briefly, the transmitter pod will pop-in the heart rate strap. The unit is the HRM3 premium strap, with the post-July 2013 firmware, so it’ll pretty significantly reduce heart rate spikes and dropouts.
Next you’ve got the out-front mount, along with two little bar adapters in case you have differing handlebar sizes. Additionally there’s a small tool seen above, plus a lanyard that you can use to further secure your Edge 1000 to the handlebars.
If the out-front mount isn’t your thing, then you’ve got two standard quarter-turn mounts that can be used on a stem/handlebars, as well as a plethora of rubber bands (only two needed per mount).
Next is the ever-exciting micro-USB cable. This is the same type of cable that’s used for virtually all non-Apple phones.
Then we have the speed sensor and cadence sensor. The speed sensor is in the upper left, and the cadence sensor in the lower left. The rubber bands are for the cadence sensor. I’ll dive into that more later.
Finally, there’s the unit itself – but, let’s not get ahead of ourselves!
Size & Weight Comparisons:
When it comes to size, the Edge 1000 takes the cake for the largest cycling computer I’ve seen to date – at least from a dimensional standpoint:
(Left to right sizing: Edge 1000, Mio Cyclo 505, Polar V650, Edge 800/810/Touring, Edge 510, Edge 500/200)
Even comparing it to just other Garmin devices, it’s quite a bit bigger in height and width:
However, it is a fair bit skinnier in depth:
But, if you were to compare it to the latest iPhone (5s), then you’ll see it’s still some bit thicker, even excluding the mount:
When it comes to weight, the Edge 1000 is the heaviest Garmin unit to date, but not quite the heaviest cycling computer on the market:
The weights of others that I measured on the same scale at the same time from the comparison shots are as follows:
I’ll talk a bit later in the summary section on my thoughts about the size and whether I think it’s what folks actually want.
The New Touch Screen:
The Edge 1000 includes the largest and highest resolution screen we’ve seen on a Garmin fitness device. To compare, the Edge 1000 has a resolution of 240px by 400px, whereas the older Edge 800/810/Touring units have a resolution of 160px by 240px. Further, the size of the screen has increased from 2.7” to 3.0”.
Astute Garmin watchers will actually note that this screen first appeared on a golf device, the Approach G8, back a few months earlier. Garmin almost always re-uses the device hardware in other markets with different software (golf/marine/hiking/etc…). And in almost every case a device will either originate or end up in the fitness segment. Thus, one can often look to other Garmin segments to see what device profiles are coming along.
With the Edge 1000, Garmin has introduced a new touch screen that differs from past Edge units (such as the Edge 510, 800, 810 and Touring). Those units used resistive technology, which meant that it was just fine in rain and with gloves. Whereas the Edge 1000 uses capacitive technology, similar to what’s been used in smart phones.
Historically, capacitive technology doesn’t work well with rain or gloves – but the Edge 1000 appears to have only few issues with either of those. Below, a test showing utilizing it in the rain:
Further, having an abundance of rainy rides lately – I haven’t seen any rain-specific problems with the screen.
In addition to rain, I tested it out with gloves. I found that it wasn’t quite as good here as past units that I’ve tested.
While I was able to accomplish the majority of in-ride swiping, some of the configuration items it struggled a bit on (which I’ve never seen on past units). Here’s a short video of me putting it through some of my basket of gloves:
I’ll again note that during my riding this past weekend with gloves in the mountains, I didn’t have any issues with during-ride taps, but as you can see during the video, those sort of tasks it seems to be fine with. It’s the trickier ones that required me to remove gloves.
Now, while I’ve had no issues with tasks that are typically hard to accomplish (gloves/rain), I’ve had many troubles with the touch screen in more simple scenarios…like pre-ride and even during a ride on a clear day with just my fingers. I’ve discussed these more in the ‘bugs’ section, so definitely check that out – as some of them are pretty significant.
Finally, note that the unit includes an ambient light sensor which allows it to automatically adjust the screen brightness depending on the environment. For example, if you go through a tunnel it would automatically turn-on the backlight, and then turn it off once you’ve exited. The goal with this being that you can reduce battery drain by having an appropriately lit screen while also ensuring enough visibility to see it.
Activity Profiles & Sensor Connectivity:
While there are a number of new features on the Edge 1000, perhaps one of the biggest shifts is the evolution away from bike profiles. In the Edge 510/810, Garmin introduced the concept of Activity Profiles, which allowed you to configure data screens for a given purpose – such as a set for racing and a set for training. These were color-coded and also changed a number of settings including which maps to use and things like auto lap settings. Overall, the concept made quite a bit of sense and made it really easy to allow your Edge device to be more versatile:
At that time though, there were still bike profiles. Bike profiles contained specific sensor pairings, so that “Bike #1” was paired to (for example), a specific power meter, or a specific speed/cadence sensor. They also contained a few minor settings like bike weight and crank length (used in some power meters). Finally, they contained an odometer feature.
When you went out for a ride you simply switched to whichever bike profile you wanted and you were good to go.
However, with the Edge 1000 that functionality has been removed. Instead, there’s now a full ‘sensor pool’, where you can pair as many sensors as you’d like for as many bikes as you’d like. This means that you no longer have to associate specific sensors to specific bikes. Rather, it’ll simply connect to whichever sensors you have enabled at the start of the ride.
In theory, this works out great because you don’t have to change bikes (or forget to do so). Further, if you swap sensors between bikes it makes it easy – all while still retaining the data/screen/ride customization of activity profiles (which are separate).
However, in reality there’s one specific item that was dropped: The per-bike odometer. This means that at present you are unable to track how many miles a specific bike has been ridden. Rather, only a generic overall odometer for the Edge unit. In practice this wouldn’t be horrible if Garmin Connect actually tracked equipment – which it doesn’t. Thus, if you had been able to simply tag a ride on Garmin Connect from a specific bike then I would think that’d appease most folks. But alas, it’s a long-requested feature never implemented (also useful for runners and shoes).
As for sensor pairing, you’ll dive into a master menu to pair up any sensors you’ll need. It’s here that you can select the sensor type:
From this list you’ll start the pairing process with any of the allowed ANT+ sensor types. At this point, the allowed types are:
You can seemingly save as many of a specific sensor type as you’d like. For example I have a number of heart rate straps, three power meters, a handful of speed/cadence sensors, and many other sensors paired. Perhaps my favorite function is that I can actually name a specific sensor.
It’ll by default be the ANT+ device ID, but then you can give it a friendly name:
I also love that even if I have multiple sensors of the same type visible during pairing, it’ll just list them all, rather than throwing an error message like it has for all previous Garmin units (see photo below). When it comes time to ride the unit will automatically connect to each of the sensors and show that in the top status bar. If two or more of your already paired sensors are visible, it’ll even ask you which one to use.
When it comes to the sensors piece – this all works quite well. And, I like that I can easily disable certain sensors by just flipping an enabled/disabled checkbox. It doesn’t remove the pairing (though, I can do that too), but rather simply tells the unit to not try and connect to it.
Finally, it’s worth noting that the Edge 1000 does not at this time connect to any Bluetooth Smart sensors (i.e. a Bluetooth Smart heart rate strap or speed/cadence sensor). It only connects to ANT+ sensors. However, unlike the Edge 510 and Edge 810, the Edge 1000 actually contains a full Bluetooth 4.0 chipset, thus it could be programmed to connect to such sensors down the road if Garmin were to enable it to.
Mapping & Routing Functionality:
Perhaps the biggest changes to the unit actually come from the mapping side. The Edge 1000 is the second such cycling unit that Garmin has actually included the maps with (the first was the Edge Touring). Like the Touring, the maps on the Edge 1000 come from OpenStreet, which is a free community sourced map set. These are the same maps that you can get for free for your older generation Edge units following these instructions.
It’s the mapping functionality that ultimately differentiates itself from most other cycling computers. Most other GPS cycling units don’t have any mapping functionality, nor the ability to give you street-level turn by turn directions. Some might have the ability to help you follow a breadcrumb trail, but the unit wouldn’t know if you were on Maple Street or Main street. Whereas the Edge 1000 (as well as the Edge Touring/705/800/810) all have the ability to understanding your position on a street.
It’s with that understanding that it will give you turn by turn directions based on street names. As you approach turns it’ll then tell you of an upcoming turn:
And, if you miss a turn it’ll tell you about that too, and how to get back on route. Though, I found that in some mountain situations with switch-backs it was a bit overambitious in assuming I was off-course (trust me, off-course here would have really hurt being off the side of a cliff). Thankfully, it always got back on track by itself.
Of course while you can simply operate in map-on mode without a specific destination in mind, you’ll be best served by putting a destination in. To that end you have two basic options: Creating a course ahead of time (online from a computer), or simply selecting an address/point of interest on the unit itself.
First, looking at the course creation ahead of time you can do this on any computer connected to Garmin Connect (website). It’s here that you’ll simply plot your route however you’d like:
Then, once complete you can click ‘Send to Device’ to send it to your device via USB. Alternatively, if you’ve saved the course then you can use Bluetooth on your mobile phone to grab it and push it to the Edge 1000. Note the little checkbox for inclusion of ‘Cycling Segments’.
Once on the Edge 1000 you can then load the course and get an overview about it, including elevation:
After which, you can start riding:
As noted above, as you ride around it’ll automatically give you those turn by turn directions. Further, it’ll have downloaded elevation information about the route, and you can see your little blue dot on that elevation profile:
I found it somewhat interesting this past weekend where I had created a course that made a bit of a ‘Y’ and I skipped coming back on one portion that the unit eventually realized I wasn’t going to do that portion and in turn properly skipped my little blue dot ahead on the elevation graph. Kinda nice.
In addition to pre-planned routes you can simply enter in an address, or lookup a point of interest (i.e. food, tourist locale, etc…):
In this case, it’s just going to route you more or less non-stop to that location.
There’s also a ‘Route Planner’ feature that allows you to add more than one destination to a list. This is handy if you’re doing a bit of a day trip from point to point, and don’t want to go directly to the end point:
You can then build a list of places you want to go to, and easily edit that list as well. This is ideal for touring where you want to be able to tweak your route mid-stream if you decide to skip a town or point of interest.
Note that you can change map settings within the ‘Activity Profiles’. For example, you can associate different maps (if you have other maps, i.e. off-road terrain maps) with different activity profiles. Or, you can change the routing preferences for a given activity type too:
In addition to being able to follow a predefined course or route, you’ll now find another Touring feature: Round Trip Routing suggestions. This feature enables you to simply tell the unit how long you want to ride for and it’ll automatically come up with three route selections:
You can tap on any of these three to get more information about them, such as the exact route.
Once you’ve selected to navigate on one of these it’ll work just like any other course would, thus it’ll give you turn by turn directions and mapping information. In my testing with Round Trip Routing it takes approximately forever for the unit to initially load the routes. Perhaps that’s just because of the complexity of downtown Paris, but other competitive units (i.e. Mio Cyclo) took far less time.
Finally, I do find some oddities in Garmin’s overall approach to mapping here. The Edge 1000 and its $600 price tag of included free maps does include your local region (i.e. if you bought in the US, it’ll include North America). But, you cannot simply download from Garmin’s site other regions to load onto the unit. For example, one might think that if you’re buying a $600 mapping bike computer that you might travel from the US to Europe to use it while touring or the like. Alas, while the GPS piece will work, you won’t have any maps in Europe, and there’s no way to load them from Garmin Express or Garmin Connect.
Instead, you’ll need to use the instructions I’ve written in the past on downloading free maps to a small Micro-SD card in order to get them on the device. The Edge 1000 contains 8GB of space internally, but almost all of that is used up by the included regional map set, thus needing to use the Micro-SD card to grab other maps.
General Use While Cycling:
I’ve tried in this review to focus primarily on new features and functionality (new to the Edge lineup), rather than pouring over what many might believe to be more ‘fundamentals’. However, I wanted to briefly cover a few of the basics of cycling with a GPS unit.
First, when you turn on the unit using the left side button you’ll notice it turns on a heck of a lot faster than previous units – and that’s even ignoring the standby mode which makes it turn on within just a second or so (kinda like a phone). Like past units, you can customize a little message on the startup screen, if you’d like.
The unit finds satellites quite quickly. In all of my testing it was usually the first of the Edge units (I typically had 3-4 concurrently being turned on), to find satellites. It connects on both old school GPS as well as WAAS for higher accuracy. You can look at the satellite signal strength at any time by simply swiping down from the top menu and then tapping the satellites:
From there, you’ll be ready to get started riding. If you have sensors (such as a heart rate sensor), those will automatically be found. I touch on that more in the sensors section though. To start recording the ride you’ll press the bottom right button on the unit itself (not on the touchscreen). This will begin the session.
While cycling speed and distance will automatically come from the GPS (you don’t need a separate speed sensor). Elevation will come from the internal barometric altimeter.
You can use features like Auto Pause if you want it to automatically pause the recording when you slow below a specific speed (such as at a stoplight), but for me I tend not to bother with that. If you’d like to segment your workout you can use laps to do so. I do that when I’m breaking up pieces of my workout, such as this trainer workout below. To do so you’ll tap the lap button (lower left physical button):
In addition to manual laps you can also create automatic laps after a set distance (i.e. every 5 miles or 10 kilometers), as well as laps by position. Laps by position are useful if you’re doing endless loops around a simple circuit. I talk about this quite a bit in this past post.
When it comes time to end your ride you’ll just tap the stop/pause button. At this point the unit will give you a red edged border around it – indicating it’s stopped. Further, it’ll give you a giant VCR-style stop logo over the top briefly. This isn’t a touch logo, it’s just a ‘Yo, fool, you stopped your ride’ image.
After which, you’ll be given a touch-screen option to end the ride. This will get you one step closer to ending things for real.
Finally, you’ll be given this option to Save or Discard the ride:
Once you’ve done the saving piece it’ll show you any PR’s that you may have hit during the ride. PR’s are ‘Personal Records’, and track things like longest ride, most ascending, and max 20-minute power levels. Note that it doesn’t appear to pull these from Garmin Connect today (or on my device anyway), but rather, only relative to the device itself. So all your past awesomeness means nothing here.
Finally, there are a slew of ways that you can customize the display of the unit while riding. Specifically, the data pages/screens, which are customized per activity profile. A ‘data screen’ contains multiple ‘data fields’. With the Edge 1000 you can have five data screens, with each screen (page) containing up to 10 data fields (1-10). Further, you have a map page, a compass page, an elevation chart page, the lap summary page, and the virtual partner page. Each of those ‘special’ pages allows you to specify two additional data fields on them.
Because I’m your bestest of friend, I’ve written down all the data field options for ya. Here they are:
Edge 1000 Data Fields - Part 1
Gears (Di2)
Course Pt. Dist.
Di2 Battery Level
Battery Level
Cadence - Avg
Dist. To Dest.
Front Gear
Dist. - Lap
GPS Accuracy
Cadence - Lap
Dist. To Go
Gear Ratio
Dist. - Last Lap
Total Ascent
GPS Signal Strength
Dist. To Next
Total Descent
ETA at Dest.
Rear Gear
Vertical Speed
VS - 30s Avg
Time to Dest.
Time of Day
Time to Go
Time to Next
Edge 1000 Data Fields - Part 2
Heart Rate
Power (cont)
Heart Rate
Dist to Dest.
Power - kJ
Calories to Go
Dist . To Next
Balance - 3s Avg.
Power - Lap
Speed - Avg.
Dist. to Go
HR - %Max
ETA at Destination
Balance - 10s Avg.
Power - Lap Max
Speed - Lap
Time - Avg. Lap
HR to Go
HR - Avg.
ETA at Next
Balance - 30s Avg.
Power - Last Lap
Speed - Last Lap
Time - Elapsed
Reps to Go
HR - Avg. %HRR
Balance - Avg.
Power - Max.
Speed - Max
Time - Lap
Time to Go
HR - Lap
Location at Des.
Balanace - Lap
Power - NP
Time - Last Lap
Workout Step
HR - Lap %HRR
Location at Next
Pedal Smoothness
Power - NP Lap
HR - Lap %Max
Time to Dest.
Power - NP Last Lap
HR - Last Lap
Time to Next
Power - %FTP
Power - TSS
HR Graph
Power - 3s Avg.
Power - Watts/kg
HR Zone
Power - 30s Avg.
Power Zone
Power - Avg.
Torque Effectiveness
Power - IF
Again, you can mix and match all of these up to 10 fields per page/screen, and up to five custom pages per activity profile (and you can create multiple activity profiles).
Garmin Segments & Competition:
Update: Garmin has since introduced Strava segments on the Edge 1000 (and the Edge 520), which is pretty much what everyone wanted. As such, nobody really uses Garmin Segments anymore. Read all about it in my post here.
Back earlier this year Garmin introduced the concept of Garmin Segments into the Garmin Connect platform. Segments allow you to race or compete on short snippets of a given route, such as a popular sprint location or a tough few mile climb. These segments include leaderboards and your ranking among them. In short, it’s like Strava. Except, it’s not Strava – it’s Garmin (a few years later).
The Edge 1000 extends this system by allowing you to race against leaders on specific downloaded segments, where your status is shown real-time on the device against those leaders.
To start, you’ll need to find a segment of interest that you want to race. In my case, living in Paris there were approximately zero segments. So, I created some. Once I did that and waited a while the segment leaderboard populated. Following that I was able to ‘Send to unit’ which then sends the segment via USB. You can also favorite a segment for easy access and tracking later.
Once that’s done, over on my device I can look under the Segments button to see all transferred segments:
After I pick one I can pull up details on that segment:
Within that, I can check out the leaderboard. What’s cool here is that if I had friends on Garmin Connect (that are listed as ‘Friends’, just like in Facebook), then it’ll allow me to race against them instead of the leaderboard. In my case though, I lack such friends in Paris that have said device and have raced across my magical segments – so, I can’t validate that actually works.
With everything set I’ll head out for a ride. As I approach the segment (within 1/10th of a mile), it’ll automatically show a segment alert that I’m coming up on a segment.
And as I cross the invisible starting line it’ll give me a ‘Go’ message:
Then, as I hit the beginning of the segment while riding it’ll give me notifications of where I am against the leader, effectively like racing a virtual partner:
Finally, at the conclusion of the segment it’ll let you know your time against the leaderboard.
Overall, I’ve found the segment feature to work fairly well once you get the segments onto the device. Unfortunately, at this point you can’t simply search and select random segments from the phone app and shoot them to your phone (they have to be pre-favorite). Further, it won’t just auto-enable popular segments along your route in real-time like Strava’s app does.
Which, brings me to the biggest point: It’s not Strava.
It doesn’t integrate with it, nor have anything to do with it. It doesn’t share data with it, nor have any of the hundreds of thousands of cool and unique Strava segments. It is a separate walled Garmin by itself. A garden which at this point seems pretty empty. For example, I would have assumed that in a smallish city like Paris someone from Garmin would have gone through and populated the most popular local riding segments. But that appeared not to be the case. From this weekend, despite riding two of the most popular climbs in the Tour de France with literally hundreds of Strava segments created on them, there wasn’t a single segment that I triggered on Garmin Connect. Not one!
This is where the lack of some sort of Garmin ambassador program seems to really become visible. I would think it would have been easy to have ambassadors in hundreds of global cities go and mark/make the most popular segments. Heck, even local Garmin employees, of which Garmin has many globally. But that seems not to have been done.
Further, even if you do go and re-create new segments, they’ll only go back on populating the leaderboard from April 1st, 2014. This seems like a huge mistake, not only for my personal records but the massive online data cache that Garmin Connect is. Ultimately, I’d wager a fair sum of money that Garmin Connect has far more historical data (rides) than Strava does. Ignoring that data and the records set there is bewildering. It’d be one thing if they were slowly working their way back in time, but, it seems like that date was it. In this day and age of flexible cloud computing resources – I would think Garmin would simply buy the computing power to perform the calculations needed to fill out the leaderboards.
Because of that I’ve mostly already lost interest. ‘Records’ that I would have set even just this winter, let alone last year or two years ago will never show up. Contrast that with Strava which goes back forever.
Mounting Options:
I wanted to call out a specific section on the Edge 1000’s mounting options, since it’s a bit larger than past units. As such, it may not fit into all past Edge mount locales. While the actual quarter-turn mount is identical, it’s the increased length of the size of the device that can cause issues. For example, it is NOT compatible with the 3T Integra mount system which works with previous Edge devices – it’s just a hair bit too long (or short, depending on your perspective).
The Edge 1000 does come with an out-front mount, which is a slightly longer and beefier version of the previous out-front plastic mount that Garmin has produced. This mount continues to work with all past Garmin products.
I’ve used the Garmin mount a little bit, and it seems just fine – I saw no obvious issues.
It’s also compatible with the new K-Edge metal mount designed for the Edge 1000. Basically it’s just a tiny bit longer than their previous mount, and still works with all past products.
Of course, you can always just use the rubber band mounts, which I’ve done as well. In this case I put it on my stem, because I felt like it might be a bit wobbly out on the handlebars itself.
If you’re of the triathlon persuasion, your best bet is using some sort of mount in between the bars. For this I used the Bar Fly TT mount, I did all my riding in the Pyrenees this past weekend with this mount, and saw zero problems.
There are of course other mounts on the market – just be sure that you actually twist the unit into position length-wise. In most cases it’s not so much the mount length that’s the issue, but rather bike components (bars/headset/etc…) that will block you from twisting the Edge 1000 into the mount. It’s that it’s just a tiny bit (couple millimeters) longer while twisting in, than otherwise mounted.
Indoor Cycling:
When it comes to indoor riding on a trainer, the Edge 1000 can easily track your trainer rides – assuming you have some sort of sensors to use indoors. In this mode you’ll disable the GPS and be fully dependent on connected sensors.
For example, if you have an ANT+ speed sensor, then it’ll pair to that and display speed while on the trainer. Same goes for a power meter with speed (such as a PowerTap). And of course, it’ll still track cadence and heart rate, as well as any other sensors you have paired (such as Di2).
If you’ve got an ANT+ capable trainer, it’ll generally receive data from that as well. For example, the Wahoo KICKR and the CycleOps PowerBeam Pro can both send power and speed data to the Edge 1000. To pair your Edge 1000 to your trainer for reading power and speed data, you’ll simply go to pair a power meter, since that’s officially what the KICKR and PowerBeam Pro are sending data as.
Note however that the Edge 1000 does not have any of the new ANT+ Trainer Control features (officially called FE-C, Fitness Equipment Control Profile), so it can’t control your trainer unfortunately. It’ll just read from it using the existing power meter profile. Hopefully down the road Garmin will actually adopt this profile from their own subsidiary Dynastream/ANT+.
Shimano Di2 Support:
The Edge 1000 is Garmin’s first fitness unit to offer support for integration with Shimano Di2 systems. This means that the Edge 1000 can now track your current gearing while you ride, as well as recording it for later access (though, that piece isn’t quite ready yet). Garmin is however not the first company to do this, rather, that honor went to Mio and their Cyclo units about a month before Garmin.
In order to get the Edge 1000 to talk to your Di2 system though you’ll need one little $80 component – the SM-EWW01. This little doohickey seen below is what sends the data from the Shimano side of the house out over private-ANT to the Garmin device:
As noted, this isn’t actually ANT+, but rather Shimano’s private-ANT. This means that not quite everyone in the industry can see the data, only those that have a relationship with Shimano. You’ll pair the Di2 system in the same sensor menu as you would a heart rate strap or power meter. And at the start of each ride you’ll simply need to shift once to wake-up the Di2 transmitter so the Garmin unit sees it.
The data transmitted one-way from the Di2 platform to the Edge includes shift information (each time you shift) and battery power of the Di2 battery. Your gearing though first needs to be configured through the Edge 1000 Di2 sensor menu, where you’ll select all of your gears (front and back). This information is not stored/sent from the Di2 platform, but rather, only ‘matched up’ by Garmin on the Edge 1000:
Next, you can add any Di2 related data fields that you’d like to the screen. I’ve gone ahead and made a whole page just of Di2 stats simply to show you all the options. But ultimately these can be placed on any custom page you’d like:
When it comes to shifting, the Garmin cannot control Di2. Rather, it only reads the information. Again, at this point there is no control going on anywhere. Longer term (I’m betting 12-18 months), I think we’ll see this. But there are some challenges to work out in ensuring that the system is properly secured (authenticated and authorized) so that a competitor doesn’t randomly shift you right before the finish line. Both ANT+ and competing technology Bluetooth Smart are capable of encryption for this data, so it’s more the case of letting the market grow up a bit. Given that Shimano competitor SRAM recently sorta-announced their fully wireless system, it’s only a matter of time before Shimano follows.
Ultimately, the real interest here for many, specifically time-trialists and triathletes, is the ability to have a set wattage (perhaps from a pre-defined race plan) and for the gearing to automatically maintain the correct/optimal gearing based on that plan.
Finally, upon completion of the ride the unit will show you how many shifts you made in the front and the rear:
Note that while this data is saved to the .FIT file, there’s no software tools available today to actually render it after the ride. So you can’t view your shifting information on Garmin Connect afterwards, nor any 3rd party platforms.
Edge Remote Control:
Along with the Edge 1000 announcement was the inclusion of an announcement for a new Garmin Edge remote control. This remote could be attached to your bike handlebars to allow control of the Edge 1000 without directly touching it.
The reason you might want this is for scenarios where moving your hands to change a display field or start a new lap might not be ideal. For example – mountain biking, or in aero position on a time trial bike. Or, as I learned this weekend – descending on wet and steep roads.
The remote includes two different mounts, which can be plopped into a number of locations. The first mount is rubber-band based. I found it works great on the inside of both my road bike handlebars, as well as my triathlon bike aerobars (for climbing/descending).
On the flip side, a more ‘proper’ placement on a triathlon bike would be out on the aerobars themselves. For this it’s best to use the included small-bar clip:
It’s here that I place it out right next to my fingers.
When it comes to the remote, there are two pre-defined buttons and one customizable button. I’ve drawn a little picture below of which are which:
The customizable button can at this point be customized to the following functions (above, I did it as Start/Stop):
– Start and Stop Timer
– Start Timer
– Stop Timer
– Turn Backlight On
– Show Map
– Show Compass
– Show Elevation Profile
– Show Lap Summary
– Show Virtual Partner
In addition to the customizable button you can also define a press and hold action, which mirrors the above actions.
Though, I’d expect (hope) over time Garmin will enable other functions to be controlled by it, for example, starting/stopping the Garmin VIRB. Speaking of which, while the Garmin VIRB remote looks identical to the Edge Remote, for reasons unclear to me Garmin has made it such that you can’t pair the VIRB remote to the Edge. Ironically, you can actually pair the O-Synce remote control to the Edge, but I found that only the change of display buttons work when doing that.
In any event, when it comes to use, it’s pretty straight forward. You’ll pair the Edge Remote in the same sensors area as any other sensor. Once that’s done, you’ll simply tap a button to wake it up. The first time you tap a button it may take a couple seconds for it to register/wake-up. Then after that, I found that the reaction time is generally about one-second for display page changes.
Overall, it works just perfectly – I’ve got no complaints at all on the device and have definitely found it kinda handy. Garmin has stated that they are considering adding support to other Edge units (specifically the Edge 510 & Edge 810), but haven’t decided yet. A decision would potentially come later this year.
Now, the ‘cool’ thing here is that even if Garmin doesn’t add support for past units – other companies actually could. It just uses the standard ANT+ Remote Control device profile and any other company could add support, as could software companies like TrainerRoad or Kinomap, allowing you to control functions in the computer apps with it. I’d love to be able to increase/decrease my resistance on TrainerRoad with it.
Magnetless Speed and Cadence Sensors:
I’ve talked at length about these new sensors in this post from a few weeks ago, however I’ll touch on it here a bit more, along with a bit more data. In short though, Garmin introduced two new sensors as part of the Edge 1000 announcements. They were a new speed-only sensor, and a new cadence-only sensor. These are both separate sensors, each performing their own duties.
The speed-only sensor is magnetless in that it wraps around your front or rear wheel hub, just as shown below – using simply only the included rubber-band style mount:
You’ll generally want to put it around your rear wheel, since that’ll work better on a trainer. The unit uses an internal accelerometer to automatically measure revolutions, no magnets required.
In my initial testing in my earlier post I saw some oddities with speed and noisiness of the data using the new sensor, compared to traditional magnet-based sensors. Garmin did some poking and believed it was due to the new sensor being installed on a PowerTap hub, which they believe may have introduced some electronic interference. So instead, I moved it to both a different wheelset, as well as to the front wheel. In doing so, here’s the data I saw on about a 90 minutes or so ride:
(Note: Data is in wheel rotations, in order to ensure everything matches exactly, it’s not in precise speed which is simply a function of the wheel circumference)
Here’s a smaller section (1,000 to 1,800) zoomed in:
And, zoomed in one step further (250-500 of the above chart):
As you can see, it’s far cleaner now, and I’d have no problems recommending it.
Next, we’ve got the new cadence-only sensor. This sensor uses one of the three included rubber bands (three sizes included), to attach to your left crank arm. You can technically put it on your right crank arm, but in my experience that’ll last approximately one revolution before your front derailleur will impede future revolutions.
Like the speed-only sensor, it also uses an internal accelerometer to measure cadence. This is ultimately like the Wahoo RPM, and other accelerometer based cadence measuring devices – such as those found in the Stages Power Meter, Garmin Vector, and ROTOR Power Meter.
In my earlier testing I found it generally fairly good, with no specific issues of note. I found this to be the case over the longer run as well, with no variance of note in any of my tests. Here’s a graph from earlier that explains what I mean:
Ultimately I have no issues in recommending either of these sensors at this point. They do work just fine. However, do note that with other companies coming onto the market developing dual ANT+ & Bluetooth Smart sensors in the coming weeks, the new Garmin ANT+ only sensors would seem to likely limit your long term usage of them. I talk about this more in-depth at the end of my other post on the topic.
When it comes to compatibility of these sensors with other units beyond the Edge 1000, here’s a handy chart:
ANT+ Speed and Cadence Sensor Compatibility Matrix
Product Name
ANT+ Cadence-only Sensor
ANT+ Speed-only Sensor
ANT+ Speed & Cadence Combo Sensor
Garmin Edge 200
Garmin Edge 500
Garmin Edge 510
Garmin Edge 705
Garmin Edge 800
Garmin Edge 810
Garmin Edge 1000
Garmin Fenix
Garmin Fenix2/2SE
Garmin Fenix3
Garmin Forerunner 10
Garmin Forerunner 15
Garmin Forerunner 60
Garmin Forerunner 70
Garmin Forerunner 305
Garmin Forerunner 310XT
Garmin Forerunner 405
Garmin Forerunner 410
Garmin Forerunner 610
Garmin Forerunner 620
Garmin Forerunner 910XT
Garmin Forerunner 920XT
Garmin Tactix
Garmin Touring
Garmin Touring Pro
Garmin VIRB
Garmin VIRB Elite
Garmin Vivoactive
Garmin Vivofit
Garmin Vivofit2
Magellan Switch
Magellan Switch Up
Mio Cyclo 505
Motorola Motoactv
O-Synce Navi2Coach
Polar products (any/all)
PowerTap Joule
PowerTap Joule 2.0
PowerTap Joule 3.0
PowerTap Joule GPS
Suunto Ambit
Suunto Ambit2
Suunto Ambit2 S
Suunto Ambit2 R
Suunto Ambit3 (all models)
Timex Cycle Trainer 2.0
Timex Global Trainer
TomTom Products (any/all)
Wahoo RFLKT+
Finally, do note that if you buy the sensor bundle, that it’s simply just the speed-only sensor and the cadence-only sensor in the same box. It’s not a specific new combo sensor, just two sensors.
Power Meter Support:
Many of you who are looking at the Edge 1000 from a power meter perspective will likely have past experience with Garmin Edge devices, thus, I’ll skip over some of the basics here save a short overview of what the Edge 1000 does.
When it comes to power meters, very little has changed between the Edge 1000 and past Garmin Edge units. The unit supports all ANT+ power meters on the market today, and records all of the newer left/right and related power meter metrics that newer ANT+ power meters transmit. All of these data fields are listed within the ‘Data Fields’ section in the review.
From a pairing perspective, you’ll go ahead and pair the power meter just like any other ANT+ sensor, from the sensors menu:
Like the other sensors, you can save multiple power meters just as you would multiple speed/cadence sensors.
After pairing you’ll want to go ahead and calibrate (zero) your power meter. The Edge 1000 makes this easily accessible via a swipe-down menu at any time from the top menu bar:
At which point it’ll trigger normal calibration options:
From a recording standpoint the unit retains the same options for including or not including both zero-value power and cadence options (I prefer ‘Yes’ to both), as well as the ability to set 1-second recording. By default it should flip into one-second recording when a power meter is attached.
Afterwards, all of this data is shown on Garmin Connect and recorded to the saved .FIT file for analysis in other applications. Note however that while Torque Effectiveness & Pedal Smoothness are shown on the display, and saved in the .FIT file, they are not enumerated onto full graphs on Garmin Connect at this time (only a summary statistic on the left side).
If you’re looking at power meters in general, start with my buyers guide from last fall, which covers all the basics and my recommendations.
Altimeter Accuracy:
This past weekend I spent a number of days in the mountains purely for the purposes of testing out altimeters across a wide range of units, including the Edge 1000. I was looking at accuracy in tracking total ascent, as well as accuracy to a given point on the route (i.e. the start/end, and peaks).
While I have a much more detailed post coming up next week with all of the devices I was testing and all the tests, I will briefly cover some of the Edge 1000 stats as part of that. Overall, I saw zero problems with altitude tracking.
For example, in this case below looking at just three Edge units, all three were within +/- 43ft on total ascent, out of nearly 5,000ft of climbing. That puts them within .8% of each other (less than 1% difference). That’s definitely in the ‘normalcy’ range.
Further, I didn’t see any wild swings in the total ascent/descent variances. You want them to be very similar, and in this case it was within about 16ft (I started and ended in the same spot).
If we look at a point the next day on a different pass, here’s the Edge 1000 next to the altitude sign. It reads 4,864ft (Edge), and the peak sign converted is 4,888ft (1,490m), so it was within about 20ft – not too shabby.
I did notice a tiny drift of a few meters between the first climb up this pass, and the second climb up this pass. But, I also saw similar differences on other units (Garmin and non-Garmin).
For all of my tests I simply let the unit utilize GPS to calibrate the barometric altimeter. While I definitely understand I could have likely made the unit slightly more accurate by using a known elevation value – I don’t believe that’s realistic of 99.9% of riders on 99.9% of rides. Most people have no idea what the exact elevation is at their starting point, and it certainly wasn’t marked on any sign-posts for me in the small village I started in.
Mobile Phone & WiFi Connectivity:
The Edge 1000 follows along in the footsteps of the Edge 510/810 (and FR620) in having Bluetooth connectivity to mobile phones. However, unlike the Edge 510/810, it extends that functionality to Bluetooth Smart – enabling you to get missed phone call and text notifications on your Edge 1000. As of this writing, the notifications component is only available on iOS devices, but Garmin has noted it will be on Android devices by the end of the summer. The non-notification pieces already work on Android devices today.
To start, you’ll begin by initiating the pairing process from the Edge 1000:
This will initiate pairing the legacy Bluetooth (non-smart) side of the equation to your smart phone:
Once that’s completed, it’ll prompt you on the phone to allow it to talk to the Edge, as seen above.
Following opening up of the Garmin Connect app (be sure that’s pre-installed and signed in first), then you’ll start the Bluetooth Smart pairing process:
Along the way you may get random disconnect, unsuccessful, and failure messages, don’t worry, you’ll grow used to those:
Or, it may ask you to do something that you can’t, because Bluetooth Smart isn’t even showing up yet. Again, ‘retry’ is the name of the game here. Once you eventually succeed, you’ll click ‘Allow’ again and it’ll open up the Garmin Connect once again. At this point your configuration is all set and ready to roll.
With everything setup I’ll cover what you can do with the unit. First is the ability to save data straight to Garmin Connect after completing a ride. This will automatically happen assuming you’ve got the option selected in Garmin Connect Mobile (that’s the phone app):
Next there’s weather information and alerts that come via your phone for your local area. I’ve never had much luck with these alerts showing up – even on the Edge 810. In the mountains this weekend when rain storms were rolling in, it never notified me of anything. Still, I do know it seems to work for some.
There’s the ability to ‘push’ courses and workouts you’ve created online on Garmin Connect to the Edge 1000 via Bluetooth. This is handy if you’ve created courses online and want to quickly grab them to ride. Note that you can’t create a course from the phone however, nor can you create a workout. Everything has to be pre-done:
Last but not least there’s the ability to get text message notifications and missed call notifications. It’s this component that depends on Bluetooth Smart to work (which is why Garmin pairs the device twice). You don’t have to enable these, you can simply leave them disabled if you’d like.
When a text message comes in during a ride, you’ll get notified as such along the bottom of the unit. Note that you can’t respond back to the person using the Edge 1000, rather, it’s read-only. You can access the text of the message via the swipe-down menu:
And, when a phone call comes in, you’ll get notified as well. Like with text messages, you can’t press anything on the Edge 1000 to automatically answer the call with a headset, so it’s more of an ‘FYI’ thing than anything else.
While I’d like to say I’ve got a ton of great experience here, in reality, this has almost never worked except when I’ve sat down and spent quite a bit of time to try and get it to work – but not during a ride. As you’ll see in my bugs section – virtually everything and anything to do with the Edge 1000 and mobile phone connectivity seems broken (at best).
Finally, note that while I’ve mostly covered mobile phone connectivity in this section – note that the Edge 1000 is the first cycling unit from Garmin to offer WiFi connectivity. This means that if you aren’t using a phone to upload activities, as soon as you step into your home the unit will automatically save the data to Garmin Connect. I talk about configuring this a bit more in the next section. The only other Garmin unit to offer WiFi connectivity at this time is the FR620 running watch.
Garmin Express (Desktop):
You’ll use Garmin’s free software, Garmin Express, to do tasks such as configuring WiFi, synchronizing activities (if without WiFi/Bluetooth), as well as updating the firmware and maps. You can also configure WiFi via the Edge directly – a nice change from the FR620 where you must set it up on a computer first.
To get going you’ll plug your Edge 1000 in and it’ll go ahead and then it’ll ask you to associate it with your account:
From here you’ll configure your WiFi networks, saving in as many as you’d like. You can also save preferred access points as well.
Once WiFi settings are saved, the unit will automatically utilize that connection when available. Note however that you cannot use typical WiFi networks found at hotels or a Starbucks, as those all require being able to click some form of ‘I agree’ page, which the Edge isn’t capable of doing. So it’s really for home networks (or some work networks).
Beyond setting the WiFi networks, you’ll also use Garmin Express to update firmware (and maps). To date there’s only been a single firmware update, but down the road there will inevitably be more.
Finally, you’ll use Garmin Express to upload workouts to Garmin Connect. This can also be accomplished via both WiFi and Bluetooth, but this simply offers another option (for example, if you’re out of the country and only have a laptop with mobile connectivity). As always, the raw .FIT files (saved activity/training files) are still accessible on the Edge 1000 in the ‘GarminActivities’ folder, so you can also copy those files up to various services such as Strava, Training Peaks, and many more.
Garmin Connect Online:
Garmin Connect is Garmin’s online free training log platform. It’s this site that the Edge 1000 automatically uploads to (via phone/WiFi/USB). After completion of an activity the activity will show up on Garmin Connect within the ‘Activities’ page (or via the Dashboard as shown above). You can then click on an activity on the dashboard and get the full details on it:
As I scroll down past the maps and summary information I’ll get charts for each of the different sensors I had on, as well as things like elevation and distance.
Data from sources such as the temperature sensor are also displayed – both in summary and in chart. Note at the very bottom left side there’s an option to enable or disable elevation correction. In general, with the Edge 1000 you’ll want to leave that as ‘Disabled’, as the unit has a barometric altimeter. By using elevation correction you tell it to use the GPS track as the basis for it recalculating the elevation from known elevation sources. While that generally works, there are cases, especially in the mountains where that can be problematic.
It’s here in Garmin Connect that you can also setup and transmit everything from workouts to courses. For example, below is one of my custom workouts with specific targets that I’ve setup:
And, within the courses section you can create your own courses to follow later on the unit:
Garmin Connect also contains a bunch of fairly straight-forward reports that you can generate, from total activities to average heart rate. Note however that there are no ‘Time in HR Zone’ reports, despite being one of the most frequently asked for features that I hear in the comments section (especially from ex-Polar users).
Finally, the site has social capabilities such as ‘Friends’ (well, ‘Connections’), groups and the ability to follow other people’s activity through the dashboard and connections page. You’ll see screenshots of that sprinkled about the review. Ultimately, Garmin Connect is a good starter site for many cyclists. It’s not as advanced as Training Peaks or Sport Tracks, nor as socially awesome as Strava. But, it does do the trick.
And in some areas, it actually can do a better job. For example, there’s no better workout builder that I’ve found yet than Garmin Connect’s builder. And when it comes to creating courses, it’s super-easy with the course creator (though, I wish it actually had heatmaps outside the US). Still, I’d start with GC and then move up from there once you get the hang of things.
Random Things That Didn’t Fit
There are a few items that didn’t quite fit into a larger specific section all about them, but figured I’d call them out here:
Weight Scale Support: The Edge 1000 does support the ANT+ weight scale, which is somewhat interesting because some of the newer Garmin running watches haven’t. I sorta would have thought that it’d be more likely that a runner with a Forerunner or Fenix watch would also have an ANT+ weight scale, rather than a cyclist. But…tis not my decision.
Quick turn-on: The unit turns back on nearly instantly from a sort of standby state. Definitely cool.
Calendar View: You can now pull up a bit of a calendar view of activities you’ve completed on the unit itself, which is pretty neat. Each day will show a little blue marker on the corner of it.
Garmin VIRB Action Camera Support: Like a number of other Garmin Edge units, the Garmin Edge 1000 does support controlling the Garmin VIRB action camera. You can dive into how all that works within my VIRB review.
I may think of more interesting tidbits over time, but this seems like a good place for me to stash them.
As I’ve been doing for a few years now, I’ve been adding a ‘Bugs and things of note’ section to the end of my reviews. I do this for a few reasons. Do remember that a ‘bug’ is different than ‘by design’. For example, the lack of a feature is something I highlight within a given section is considered ‘by design’, whereas something not really working right is considered a bug. First is to make it clear the issues I’ve seen.
Now, in order to reduce my work later on, I’ve largely omitted bugs in the upper sections. I do this simply so I can change things down the road as bugs get fixed (well, I hope they get fixed). It’s far easier for me to cross it off a list here than it is to re-word entire paragraphs.
With that noted, I’m going to be blunt: This unit shouldn’t have been released in its current state. It’s simply too buggy at this time. The core functions and features that theoretically separate it from lesser Garmin units simply don’t work. Here’s the major bugs that I’ve been running into as of June 4th, 2014:
Bluetooth Functionality: In my experience, this is basically useless. The connectivity constantly drops between my phone (iPhone 5S) and the unit. As a result, core Edge 1000 functionality such as text message alerts don’t work reliably. Neither does Live Tracking. Ultimately, one of the biggest reasons to buy the unit (call notifications & text message alerts) has been nullified.
Touch Screen Display: This, is also rather ugly. Garmin is using a new capacitive technology here over their previous resistive screens. This makes it more like cell phones than past Garmin devices. The problem is that it’s just horribly sensitive. I can hover over the screen a few millimeters and it’ll randomly touch things. Trying to enter anything into the keyboard is equally as useless because the ‘hovercraft’ action pushes other things I didn’t want in the middle of things I did want. Further, the screen is constantly locking itself without me telling it to – a problem reported by virtually everyone using the unit and Garmin has confirmed as an issue. Update: This has since been fixed.
Di2 Integration: While the Di2 shifting display functionality has been flawless, the actual configuration of said parameters simply doesn’t work. Seriously. You can’t actually set your gearing. It just says ‘Ok’, and then immediately discards the changes. Garmin has confirmed this to be an issue. While this isn’t a huge deal right now since it still shows the correct relative placement, it’s more the principal here. The principal being that there’s clearly no test plans actually being used for device QA. Because any plan would have likely caught “Validate can change Di2 settings”. Update: This has seen been fixed.
Segments: When it comes to Segments, I actually don’t have issues with the device itself and Segments during them. Once I get them on there, they’re perfectly functional and fine. It’s getting them on there that Garmin Express seems to trip over itself half the time. It’s not a show-stopper, but it’s annoying because it seems to take a few attempts and then turning off/on the device to validate that they show up. I have however seen some issues upon exiting Segments and the map view where it zooms me to a full view of the entire continent versus my street. Finally, I’m also seeing an issue where it’s not updating the Segment leaderboards I have on my device (it hasn’t done so on some segments in three weeks). I would have thought it would have updated those every time I connected the Edge, via WiFi, BT or USB. Update: Garmin solved this within their own platform, but has since released Strava segment support, which is what everyone wanted anyway.
From a bug standpoint, the above items are the core of what I’m seeing. Obviously, I recognize other people are seeing other bugs – some widespread, and some seen by only one or two people. Typically speaking if something is only seen by a handful of people it’s either environmentally driven (i.e. a slew of settings causing a condition), or could be a defect with a specific unit.
Now beyond clear bugs, there are also things that technically are what the software industry calls “By Design”, which means that the company (Garmin in this case), made a clear decision to do a certain way. In some cases, users don’t like said design decision. To that end, I want to point out one specific change that’s come under a bit of scrutiny:
Removal of Bike Profiles: Garmin has done away with bike profiles, which means that you no longer have separate saved bikes and associated sensors. Instead, sensors are simply located in a vast pool of sensors and automatically connect when within range. So in theory if you jump on your bike and head out it automatically knows which is which and it ‘just works’. And, from my experience that’s been the case. However, this has a downside, which I’ll discuss in the next bullet point…
Lack of per-bike odometer: With the lack of bike profiles there’s a lack of odometer feature for specific bikes. There’s a general odometer, but not one for a given bike. Some folks use this to track how many miles any given bike has. At present there’s no way to track individual bikes – and obviously, many people are upset about it. While it may seem simply enough to just tie an odometer setting to a given speed sensor, that doesn’t really solve the problem since many folks don’t use speed sensors (just GPS). Thus, I don’t see an easy solution here without going back towards bike profiles. Update: Garmin has solved this by adding the ability to setup a per-sensor odometer.
Now what’s ‘funny’ here is that I’ve long asked for the ability to simply have a sensor pool. So what they did with respect to that piece is great, since it makes it easy to just use whatever sensors you want. But, what I didn’t really ask for was removal of the bike profiles. Instead, what I would have preferred was that Garmin follow what Mio has done with their Cyclo units, or what Polar has done with the V800 – which is simply have the sensor pool, but still have bike profiles that can pair to any sensor in the pool. Perhaps that’ll change.
In summary, the bugs I’m seeing are in some ways unforgivable – they go to the core of what Garmin has touted as the foundational reasons to buy the Edge 1000: Bluetooth Notifications, Better Screen, Di2, and Segments. With flaws in all core areas of the experience, it leaves doubt as to why exactly to purchase it. As of this writing, I’ve confirmed with Garmin that by the end of June they’ll be releasing a firmware update aimed at the issues in the ‘bugs’ section. Of course, time will tell whether that addresses those issues.
Product Comparisons:
I’ve gone ahead and added in the Edge 1000 into the product comparison tool database, enabling you to compare it against any other unit in the database. For the purposes of keeping things tidy in this post, I’ve just compared it to the Garmin Edge 810, 510, and 500 – which I view as the major ‘steps’ with the Garmin cycling lineup for folks who might be evaluating the Edge 1000. Obviously, there’s the Edge 200 below that – but realistically nobody considering the Edge 1000 is also eyeing the Edge 200.
Of course, you can always mix and match any of the units by clicking this link. And this also includes units from other companies.
And again, remember you can always mix and match any units from the database and compare them using this link.
Outside of the bugs noted above, the Edge 1000 as a functional cycling computer is generally acceptable. Assuming they fix those issues, I’m sure it’ll be fine long-term. It’s got some neat new features that I definitely find appealing. Some of those features are bigger ticket items like notifications and segments, and others are smaller but handy features like being able to build up an impromptu route with not just one end-point, but a series of points along the way (all without planning ahead of time). Plus the inclusion of the Touring round-trip routing features are handy.
But, that doesn’t mean I’d rush out and buy it. In some ways I feel that it ‘needs more’. Which, is oddly the same way I felt about the Edge 510 and 810 when those came out. Though, those weren’t any more expensive than their predecessor units (unlike the Edge 1000).
I guess at the end of the day I’m just not sure why Garmin made such a device to begin with. To put it in perspective, there have been 137,122 comments posted to the blog thus far. Those comments have covered every conceivable (and non-conceivable) thing that someone could ever want a sports technology company to do. Many of those ‘suggestions’ directed specifically at Garmin. But at no point in those 137,122 comments did someone say:
“I really want an even bigger Garmin Edge that’s far more expensive than any previous unit!” -Said…nobody…ever.
Thus, while I understand that Garmin is trying to chase after the phone market encroaching on their turf, this seemed entirely the wrong way to do it. This fall it’ll have been five years since the Edge 500 was released, and quite frankly – that’s by far the most popular GPS cycling computer ever made. And it’s the only one that I repeatedly hear people asking when a “new little Edge” will come out. Both the Edge 510 and the Edge 1000 – being larger than their siblings, seem to once again be a distraction from what people really want: A new little Edge 500.
Which isn’t to say folks won’t buy the Edge 1000. I get it, it’s a new shiny gadget that has some cool features. But at the moment with many features broken (touchscreen/Bluetooth), and others not fully thought through (how do I view Di2 data afterwards anyway?) – I’m not sure I’d personally recommend it at the price that it’s at. Perhaps a lower price, but not $600.
Now some might say I’m being hard on Garmin. And when it comes to releasing an unfinished product and charging $600 for it – absolutely I am. It’s been out now nearly a month, and it sounds like almost another month till things are fixed (or, the first attempt at it). And quite frankly, I’m a bit irked by how annoying the unit can be to use with these issues.
And less you think I didn’t give them a chance to try and fix it (Bluetooth notifications), minutes before publishing this review I called the regular US Garmin tech support line to try and troubleshoot, just like any other consumer. Ultimately, they couldn’t fix my issue (and didn’t really try) but did leave me with this nugget of the day (an exact quote):
“With this being a new device, we have many issues with it that will need to be fixed in a future update….We’ve had a lot of people with similar issues.”
Ironically after getting off the phone I gave the entire Edge 1000 system yet another full reset…and this time it finally started working.
And finally, it’s probably also true that I’m being hard on Garmin for ‘innovating’ with a new screen technology and a larger unit. But at the end of the day, nobody really asked for either of those. Thus, I’m not going to sit around and sing campfire songs just because there’s a new piece of technology that doesn’t move the user experience forward or fill a gap that people wanted.
Found this review useful? Or just want a good deal? Here’s how:
Hopefully you found this review useful. At the end of the day, I’m an athlete just like you looking for the most detail possible on a new purchase – so my review is written from the standpoint of how I used the device. The reviews generally take a lot of hours to put together, so it’s a fair bit of work (and labor of love). As you probably noticed by looking below, I also take time to answer all the questions posted in the comments – and there’s quite a bit of detail in there as well.
I’ve partnered with Clever Training to offer all DC Rainmaker readers exclusive benefits on all products purchased. By joining the Clever Training VIP Program, you will earn 10% points on this item and 10% off (instantly) on thousands of other fitness products and accessories. Points can be used on your very next purchase at Clever Training for anything site-wide. You can read more about the details here. By joining, you not only support the site (and all the work I do here) – but you also get to enjoy the significant partnership benefits that are just for DC Rainmaker readers. And, since this item is more than $75, you get free 3-day (or less) US shipping as well.
Additionally, you can also use Amazon to purchase the Edge 1000 or accessories (though, no discount). Or, anything else you pickup on Amazon helps support the site as well (socks, laundry detergent, cowbells). If you’re outside the US, I’ve got links to all of the major individual country Amazon stores on the sidebar towards the top.
As you’ve seen throughout the review there are numerous compatible accessories for the unit. I’ve consolidated them all into the below chart, with additional information (full posts) available on some of the accessories to the far right. Also, everything here is verified by me – so if it’s on the list, you’ll know it’ll work. And as you can see, I mix and match accessories based on compatibility – so if a compatible accessory is available at a lower price below, you can grab that instead.
Street Price
2014 Giveaway Extravaganza
2015 - DCR - Gear I Use: Bike
Edge 1000 First Look
Garmin Edge Units
Left/Right Capable Bike Computers
Garmin ANT+ Replacement HR Strap (for HRM3/HRM-RUN - just the strap portion) $28.00
Thanks for reading! And as always, feel free to post comments or questions in the comments section below, I’ll be happy to try and answer them as quickly as possible.
My European version came with OSM already loaded, surprised the US version doesn’t have it, although I use British Ordnance Survey 1:50000, which are better than OSM. I have it loaded to an SD card (which came out of my old 800) and they work fine, so presumably so will OSM loaded to an SD card. Just remember to enable the map you need in the settings To save you any hassle you can buy the area you need from ‘Ride with GPS’ (as mentioned before) a vastly superior website to Garmin Connect
The US maps are OSM, according to the information on the Edge 1000 on Garmin’s own web site. So far, I have been quite satisfied with the maps that came on my US version.
I think they realized that they weren’t going to be able to charge people $100 for maps, when OSM was out there, and we could download our own maps and use them on the 800, 810, etc.
I expect we’re going to be “on our own” as far as getting map updates, though.
Hi DC RAINMAKER, does it have Recovery Advisor metrics, VO2 Max Estimation
and FTP tracking and testing?…Edge 520 has all these but I preferred a much larger screen
because of my eye problem…thanks for your reply.
This has never happened previously. I live in the US. Just got back from bike trip in France where I used courses on France Open Street Maps loaded on SD card.
Back in US I have AMR standard base map enabled and Garmin Geocode Map US 2015.10 enabled. Went on a ride, found a new club Course, clicked on Ride and the unit started to calculate as usual. But as soon as it got to 100% it started calculating over and never stopped. I had to cancel the course. Then I tried courses I had used before and the same thing happened.
In every other way the unit seems to work. It records rides and uploads to Garmin connect. Any thoughts on what is wrong? Thanks
I have had the same problem happen on my Edge 1000 with routes I’d downloaded (and I’d developed on for my tour in England and Scotland this past May-July. I had brought alone my old 800 and I pulled out my netbook and downloaded the route onto the 800 (had all my routes in a file on my netbook). The same thing happened on the 800, the device would start calculating and after reaching 100% it would continue recalculating. Given this happend on both the 1000 and 800, it’s pretty safe to assume that the route on had a glitch causing this to happen and it wasn’t a problem with the device. We ended up riding the day’s route (I had a general knowledge of the route we were taking) by following the map on the 1000. We ended up stopping about 4 hrs later for lunch and I loaded tried loading the route on the 800 and 1000 again as we were 4 hrs away from the start of the route. And both devices accepted the route and we were ok to go again. My guess is that there was a glitch in that route that caused the re-calculation to repeat itself.
Thanks for the reply Len. In my case I have tried running several courses I have run successfully previously and they are loading with the same problem. So I am unable to run any courses at present
William, try disabling the AMR Standard basemap and the Geocode map and enabling the Garmin Cycle map. I have just the Garmin Cycle map and my Garmin City Navigation North America map enabled.
No, City Navigation map North America is a purchased SD map card from Garmin. I was only commenting on my mapping. But I think you should have the Garmin Cycling map. Are you up to date on your software of the device??
Hi, new to this and yet to purchase anything. Read the whole thread and enjoyed it.
So, can anybody tell me, what is the map ratio for the EU supplied map that comes with the 1000 please?
Also, if I want to get a complete 1:25000 OS map on the card, will this work on the 1000 please?
Thanks, Dave
I’m looking into this unit to replace all my cyclometers, but would like to verify two things I can’t seem to find an answer for.
1. Would disabling GPS all-together do much for battery life? Say you’re out in the trails with no power source for a few days and just use the wheel sensor for speed / distance. I’ve seen comments about people trying this for trainer use, but no mention on impact for battery life.
2. How difficult is it to change the wheel size between bikes? I notice the size is set to the sensor itself now. Since this does not tie to an Activity Profile, would you need to go into the sensor setting to set this every time you switch bikes (even to kick in the auto-set feature)?
I sort of answered my own questions from yesterday. I picked up the Edge 1000 and tested a few things.
1. GPS effect on battery life: I rode TWO laps on an 8 mile trail this morning. with the same settings other than GPS. Auto backlight, -Go dark after 15 seconds. Disabled Bluetooth / Wireless. Enabled speed sensor only.
Lap 1: GPS & Glonass – used 7% battery over 40 min.
Lap 2: NO GPS – just speed sensor – used 5% battery over 40 min.
(Not a huge difference but worth considering I suppose).
2. Auto wheel size –
This does not seem to work for me, at least in ‘real world’ conditions. After riding a mile on my CX bike, the size AUTO set from 2096 down to 2091. Cool. Here is the issue – I do not ride my various sized mountain bikes in straight lines for a mile before hitting the trails.
During both laps on mountain bikes, the wheel size did NOT change from my CX size, even with auto set enabled. I tried zeroing out the size with defaulted back to 2096 – then set to auto which immediately changed it back to 2091.
So in the REAL WORLD – I will need to remember a four-digit wheel size for each of my 7 bikes, and manually set this before each ride in the speed sensor settings page.
….NOT happy about this. If I’m missing something, please let me know.
That you don’t ride in straight lines is easy to solve. Simply forget about auto calibration and set the wheel size manually, the easiest way simply by doing a roll out and measuring the circumference beforehand. Unless you’re using the same sensor on multiple bikes, the fact that your bikes have different wheel circumferences isn’t a problem, either. On a sensor pool based device like the 1000, you simply set a wheel size for each individual sensor. (On a bike profile based device like my Edge 800, you simply set the size per bike, but since I have a sensor for each bike, it amounts to the same thing. My Epix is pool based, and I have a size for each sensor.)
It’s best not to rely on auto cal anyway. I don’t know of any way to force a recalibration on Edge 800 or Epix, but it does recalibrate from time to time, and sometimes screws up. I use auto cal for a new sensor, but once it determines a wheel size that I’m happy with (I compare track based length to sensor based length to make sure), I set it to manual calibration.
Thanks – I think the problem is that I am using the same sensor on all bikes. I figured it’s an advantage of the design…throw the computer / sensor on whatever bike I ride. For now I’ll do like you mentioned and measure each wheel. Then I’ll put the wheel size into the name of an activity profile for each bike and set it each ride. Not ideal but it’s probably the best option aside of buying 6 more sets of sensors. :-)
I got the garmin edge 1000 so I could see my bosses calls/texts when riding, but there is no connectivity with the latest iPhone 6 IOS update.
I got it to work once but I updated my I phone and now they wont connect. Garmin say its on apple to fix and they should but haven’t seen anything yet.
do you have any alternative information or communication with apple about the “fix” that’s supposed to be on the way?
Has the Edge 1000 improved enough via firmware updates to warrant an updated review?
Just bought one this week, and it seems better than this now… Varia support (and a 20% coupon because of my support of the radar project from before) got me, ahem, in gear. Bottom line for me: it’s not a bad upgrade from the 810…
Speaking as an older bicyclist, I’m liking the bigger screen.
Am using Garmin Edge 1000, version 5.10, as of the date of this comments. Well, i believe Garmin should’ve done better in terms of:
1- Adding Vo2max cycling test; they already have it on different models!!
2- Adding Vo2max general like the one on Polar models
3- Adding LTHR; in order to establish a proper heart rate zones instead of basing it on maximum heart rate zones.
These additions will make a big difference for those which dont own the power device “Victor”.
Garmin Connect is very complicated and not established compared to other competitors. The analysis should be more flexible and the comparison between selected variables should be easy and available. I dont understand why Garmin Connects priorities the social connectivity over the functionality and uses of data.
There are many simple and easy updates that could be added to the device for better use and functionality. When using Garmin it’s like using a device designed by an old-fashion programmer who still in the year 2005.
They’ve already noted that #1 & #2 are coming shortly to the Edge 1000. It’s only on the Edge 520 today, which just started shipping in August.
As for Garmin Connect – I’ll be honest – that feedback is exactly the opposite of what most people complain. Most would say that Garmin Connect is too simple and that they want more functions. :-/
Thanks Ray,, great review, as always
I bougth the edge 1000 a month ago, and I am very happy with it. I have been using my oregon 450 for the bike for two years, and now I have started using the edge 1000 for mountain running, and intend to do it for the back country skying as well, and seems to cover all my needs (the only limitation I see in relation to the oregon 450 is that it is not TEMPE compatible)
A couple of things I don’t like though, and that I think should be solved in future software releases, and I wanted to check if you have noticed and what you think the chances are that this is solved
Apologies if they have been addressed above. Did not read the 1000 posts
GPS on/off cannot be made profile dependent (seems basic for indoor training, the Fenix can do it)
Map active/not active cannot be made profile dependent (basic to change from road to mtb, the Oregon 450 can do it)
same thing for sensors, not able to attach them to each activity profile
Under settings/activity profile/data screens/map/data fields/custom, you can chose different data fields when navigating and when not navigating, but in reality when you chose the data fields for one, it overwrites the data fields for the other (seems to be a bug- I have v. 5.10)
Other than that, I am very happy with the unit, and it weights half of my oregon 450!
Thanks for the excellent review, Ray! If you can find the time, could you update it with a fresh appraisal of the issues that Edge 1000 *still* has, in light of the firmware updates since its release?
I’m trying to decide whether it’s worth upgrading from my 800, but I’m finding it very difficult to work out which of the bugs have been fixed, and what outstanding problems there are. Sorry if this has already been asked – there are too many comments to read through them all!
Will, damn man, I think you should just read the comments. I mean, Ray is not getting paid to do this and I truly think it is a service he’s providing everyone on Garmin devices. To ask him to post a lengthy (which it would be) report on what has been fixed and what hasn’t because you feel there are too many comments to read through all them all is a little much to ask, especially when you can find all this by going to Google and reading what the firmware fixes did.
The Garmin Forums are also a good place to get this information. You might have to vet some nonsense resulting from user error, but there is plenty of discussion about what is working and what isn’t.
Seriously, I’ve tried, but there are 1000 comments, some quite lengthy, and many containing duplicated information and conflicting opinions. Since I don’t have the unit and don’t know the nuances of its problems, I don’t know what to look for, either.
I’ve already consulted Google and yes, I have read the firmware changelog. Again, it’s difficult to know what to search for and which problems remain when the changelog messages read like “Fixed issue with ” or “Improved the UI”.
Ray’s opinion at the end of this review was that the Edge 100 is a good idea hobbled with bugs and poor execution. What I’m asking is: is this still the case a year later? I trust DCR’s judgement above most people’s – that’s why I ask.
And remember, “no” is a perfectly legitimate response to my request to DCR. I won’t be offended.
Fear not, it’s on my short-list to update it this week with changes (all positive).
Ultimately, for my uses up until the Edge 520 came out, I largely have used a combination of the Edge 1000 & Edge 810’s the last year for all of my riding. Rarely would use an Edge 510.
Now with the Edge 520 out, I’ve mostly converted to using it – merely because of the size, not the functions.
Will, I also was using the Edge 800 when the 1000 came out. I wasn’t a really early adopter, but I’ve had the 1000 for 13 months now. I’ve never thought the 1000 was full of problems. It originally under-measured both distance ridden and ascent compared to the 800, so I usually carried both units on rides. A software update some time back caused ascent numbers to increase. As a result, I rarely carry the 800 any more.
I always found the 1000 superior for navigation. Both units work with my Vector power meter. The 1000 continues to get software updates; the 800 less so. I think Ray’s original review was a bit harsh on the 1000. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you buy one.
Thanks a lot for your wonderful posts! I recently found your website and have been enjoying it since.
I have two questions for you.
1. Power tap orginally caused you problems with the speed sensor but then you switched hubs and it worked fine. I wasn’t sure if you just moved the sensor to the front or switched out a wheelset. Will a set up of power tab on the rear wheel + regular hub and speed sensor on front wheel work without interference? When I recently upgraded to the Garmin magnetless sensors from the Cateye magnet sensors, I first tried with both Garmin and Cateye sensors attached and I got similar noise on the speed sensor as you did except worse I think (speed fluctuating 3 mph with constant cadence and gear). I just want to make sure this wouldn’t happen with the power tap.
2. My odometer did not work on the edge 1000 unit so I talked to Garmin for an hour, decided my unit was defective and exchanged to a new unit. The odometer, as displayed as one of the data screens, still does not work on the new unit. I can go to my device totals and see the correct mileage but not in the data screen. It always turns back to 0 after each ride. Do you know if this is a known problem with all edge 1000?
By the way, I found an issue with the Edge 520 auto sleep feature which I confirmed with a Garmin rep. The auto sleep timer is set to 15 min of inactivity not 5 min as indicated on the manual.
Just noticed that there is now an official ant+ device profile for electronic shifting. Do you think shimano will change from their private ant profile to this one? link to
I doubt in the short term, but I think longer term they might. The ANT+ Shifting profile basically came from SRAM, but I don’t know offhand how active Shimano was in the working group (unfortunately that’s considered private info and they don’t share it with me).
That said, long term it benefits Shimano to just adopt it, as it’ll make their life easier in terms of wider adoption.
Do remember that Garmin has actually already implemented it on some Edge 520 firmware somewhere (since it was used by SRAM to demo it to journalists at a media event). My guess is that it may actually be in all 520/1000 firmware already, and when you search for Di2 it probably searches for both quietly.
Sorry to bang on about this but somehow I had convinced myself from reading as much of your site as I could on the issue that the FE-C update would be introduced at the beginning of Q4. Do you know if we will still see it in Q4? I had tweeted Garmin but they replied ‘Nothing announced indicating it will not be in Q4’, but given we’re nearing the end of November, Christmas upcoming, and with Connect IQ support on the agenda do you think that we will see it before 2016?
Look at the Edge 1000 or the 810. I understand the training aspects of them. But I want to know if the routes can be set to take bike paths for days I ride with the kiddo on the back?
The answer to all questions like this come down to the maps. Do the maps have routable bike paths? Then it should follow bike paths, and there may even be ways to make them preferred when creating a route on the device. If the bike paths are just lines on a map, without the underlying metadata that allows the device to route, then it won’t route on them. Since the Edges allow you to use whatever maps you want, the trick is to find a map that has routable bike paths in your area.
Thanks for your reply. I am assuming that the Garmin maps won’t have that option then from what I see it’s the same type of mapping you get for a car. Any suggestions on good map sources?
The Garmin maps that come with the 1000 might, since they’re based on Open Street Maps. Try and see what you can find. I just checked and they seem to have the (hideously awful that I’d never ride on) paths in my area, in addition to the on-road PA cycle routes. Whether they’re routable or not I don’t know. The easiest way to find that out is to try them using Garmin BaseCamp.
The Edge 1000 maps for North America definitely DO have bike trails for routing. I have used them in Southern California and in the Dallas, Texas areas.
I have been using live strava segments on my edge 1000 since the software upgrade came out in Jul/Aug. Very pleased with the product and integration…always had two questions though….
1) has Garmin increased the number of segments you can store to 200 now?
2) How come on some days I can ride a course and every Strava segment shows up as advertised and I can ride today on the same course and get zero alerts about the Strava segments on the course?
I think Garmin have reacted to your separate bike odometer issue and created separate profiles. Couldn’t say for certain though I usually forget to switch profiles ;-)
I’m just wondering what is the benefits of the 1000 over the 520? I’ve got the 1000 but if I had my time again I think I’d get a 520 :-/
I wondered if you could comment on how long the battery life actually lasts? I’ve read lots of reviews why different info so wondered if you could advise on ways to make it last longer?
Also do you know if a new model is due to come out any time soon?
Which features? Many of them have been ported over.
Currently outstanding is FE-C for Edge 1000, which I checked yesterday, and the current plan is: “FE-C support should have a public beta release available this month or next.”
Maybe it is just my Edge 1000, but I do not see any Max VO2 estimates, recovery advisory, and my Strava well…I think I need to mess with that more. Thanks for the quick reply!
Wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out to be wide of the mark either. Originally Q4 last year, now a beta by the end of february? Connect IQ beta was in November. The glacial pace of firmware development for this product is very disappointing for a flagship piece of equipment when its junior has had these features for months, and the Fenix team can seem to turn out new firmware on a weekly basis. I wonder how much appetite Garmin really has for cycling devices any more.
a statement from garmin product support from yesterday:
“It is still our intent to release an update to the Edge 1000 to bring in ANT+ Fe – C compatibility. However at this time we do not have a targeted release date.”
(link to
From time to time while riding, my Edge 1000 displays a screen that says Di2 Gear Adjustment Mode, and then Front Adjustment and 3 numbers and then Rear Adjustment and 3 numbers. Does anyone know what’s going on and how to make it stop doing this? Thanks.
Firstly I love your blogs, so keep up the great work! Ok, enough shmoozing. I’m after some advice; I’m looking at parting with some of my well earned dosh for a GPS device with maps. I’ve previously used a Polar CAD2000 on my bikes and feel it’s time for an upgrade to GPS. I like the Edge 520 but it doesn’t have the nifty Edge 1000 maps feature which allow you to select a suggested route option. I mostly ride solo and like to do different routes around my hood (3-4 hours) which I feel the 1000 currently will best suit this.
The big question I have struggled to get an answer to is; should I wait until a 2016 new Garmin 520/1000 version is released (rumored that the 520 will include this route planner option?) or should I bite the bullet and buy a 1000 now? Either way I would like to get a device in Q1 2016 ideally. Any advice with your guru Garmin product connections would be greatly appreciated!
I definitely wouldn’t expect any new Edge 520, since that’s barely 6 months old. Given the Edge 1000 has continued to receive numerous updates, I think we’re still a ways from a replacement there too.
Ultimately, if you’re looking for the suggested routes feature – the Edge 1000 is pretty much your best bet (since the Edge 1000 Explore makes zero cents at current logic).
No 810/1000 replacement at seaotter? The 810 hasn’t really been updated in a long time and the 520 has many features the 810 doesn’t have. I mean even the 25 supports the radar
I just bought explore 1000 and like the feature of round-trip courses which will give you three routes for each direction from your choice of starting locations, so totally there is twelve routes to choose from. And the connection of cadence, speed and HR and remote sensors is very quick. Plus it comes with a remote which edge 1000 doesn’t have. I prefer explore 1000 more.
Another year has passed, and the Edge will be 3 years old in 3 months time. Any rumours on a Next Gen Edge 1000? I’m reluctant to pay almost full price (€ 409 no bundle) for such an old device. Thanks!
Ray, any idea on whether Garmin will release an updated version of the 1000 this year? The routing functionality is quite important for me, so the 1000 currently is my best contender. However, I would feel rather sad to buy it now and see an updated version showing up before the summer. Thanks!
My Edge 1000 is only a few weeks old and my gmapprom.img is dated 16/08/2012. I am updating map now using DC Rainmakers instructions link to…705800810.html but have just noticed the original map on Edge 1000 is 2,979,264 KB. The map generated for AUS/NZ on link to is only 266,672 KB.
I’m not quite sure off-hand what the basemap looks like for units bought in AUS/NZ. But, if it’s like elsewhere in the world, the basemap on the unit covers far more countries in your region, hence being bigger.
Ok I’ve looked into this a bit more and discovered two maps on the Edge 1000.
Worldwide DEM Basemap,NR
TOPO Australia & New Zealand v4
When I connect the Edge 1000 to my PC I see the two files gmapbmap.img (49,808 KB) is the base map, the AUS/NZ map is gmapprom.img (2,979,264 KB).
I thought the Edge 1000 exclusively used OSM maps, but there you go.
Ray if you were to replace the existing 2012 TOPO map what would you replace it with? Should I purchase the latest TOPO map (I assume from Garmin) or should I use the OSM map?
I’d go with OSM first and see if that fits you requirements. But, if it’s a true Topo map, they very rarely change within a few years (since it’s about topography, not new streets/buildings).
What I most miss on Garmin Edge devices is the virtual calculation of power (watt) in connection with speed, cadence, and altitude. Only with actual power meter it gives you data (watt). A lot of other manufacturers have that possibility.
Does anyone know if Garmin is planning to have this feature in any future updates? Could you, DC Rainmaker maybe make a recommendation for it on Garmin, as you have more influence than we all together?
A lot of people that I know are missing this data. We all know that this data is not precisely accurate, but in normal conditions (riding alone and with no wind) it gives you pretty accurate number. It would also be more fun out there knowing what kind of watts are you pushing. A lot of us can’t afford a power meter itself.
If you post your rides to Strava it will give you estimated average power and energy output for your ride, without using a power meter. You can setup Garmin Connect to automatically post the rides for you when you sync.
Hi there,
While I am training idoor, the amount of seat I produce is enough to have a lot of of those nasty “screen-lock” messages…the only way to solve that is to clean the screen with a towel.
I wonder what will happen if you ride outside on the rain…there is no dry towel to use ;-).
As the device is still pretty new (2 months) I wonder if this something that can be solved (partially) by a replacement or is something affecting all units..500E for a GPS that can’t be used while raining is just completely stupid…I missed my OREGON.
In addition to my frustration, I own a smart trainer…and while the 510 has FE-C…the 1000 is taking time to have that feature.
I’m kind of confused Nuno. What are you saying? I’ve ridden my 1000 for over 9,000 miles now and a lot of it in pouring rain (like Australia, England and Scotland this past summer) and am currently in SE Asia now bike touring. Have had numerous pouring rain storms in SE Asia past couple weeks and my Edge hasn’t missed a beat. I had the 800 and rode through Eastern Europe in 2013 and Cairo to Capetown in 2013 and rode through numerous rain storms on both tours. And the 800 also never missed a beat. The device isn’t submersible under water but it sure is water proof while riding in a rain storm on a bike! Mine is living proof of that.
My Edge 1000 works just fine in the rain. I have cycled centuries in rainstorms with it, where it was pelted with rain for 8 hours straight, and it functioned without issues.
I used to get the screen lock messages, as well as other problems, but that had nothing to do with moisture (it would happen on a perfectly dry and sunny day). I finally erased the file system of my 1000 (but saving and restoring the base maps) and reloaded everything from scratch using Garmin Express. That solved all the glitchy issues it had (although TBT can still be a bit flakey).
anyway it’s quite disappointing to get this long awaited “major-update” with no really “major-updates” (in my eyes). and that it doesn’t has ANY of the mentioned features.
Are you saying that 6.0 is an entirely new foundation on top which they will add the promised, e.g. vo2max, features?
Personally I welcome better Bluetooth stability, as BT notifications was a major point in my purchase of E1000. However, it has never worked reliably for me…
So if 6.0 implies a new overall more stable foundation, I can only applaud that move. It also signals that garmin actually wants to continue supporting the hardware.
“While support for the new features (Vo2 Max, FTP Tracking, Recovery Advisor, and ANT + FE-C ) were not included in the 6.0 software released, I have confirmed with the engineering team that these features will be coming to the Edge 1000. They have indicated that these features are planned to be implemented soon, but it is likely that not all of these features will be coming in a single update. Again, I am unable to provide an actual date that these features will be available, but they are planned to be implemented on the Edge 1000.”
I’m on my 3rd edge 1000 now (all replaced by Garmin due to various faults) so I’m thinking of changing it for a 520. I don’t really need the maps and wifi (although they’re nice to have). I think these are the major differences. Has anyone else done so?
Nope, I have owned the 705, 800, 810 and now the 1000. Love the 1000, works great. I bought it in July 2014 and have done a 4 month tour of Australia/Tasmania, Land’s End to John O’ Groats in England to Scotland, Cuba 1 month and now 4 months in SE Asia (during Colorado winter, an annual thing). Not a single hiccup on the device. Do all my own routes on then upload my Edge as a gpx track and it has navigated me through every city I rode through in Australia/Tasmania, England/Scotland and now SE Asia with turn by turn navigation. I use mine almost exclusively (love the large display) for bike touring and have all the Garmin City Navigator SD mapping cards for the device. I would not leave home without this device for bike touring.
FYI New Edge FW
Changes made from version 6.00 to 7.00:
Added support for Connect IQ data fields. On the Edge 1000, you can have ten Connect IQ data fields active at a time. To install Connect IQ data fields, manage your Edge 1000 in Garmin Connect Mobile or Garmin Express. After installing data fields, they will be available in the ‘Connect IQ’ category when selecting data fields to put on a data screen.
Fixed a bug preventing the Vector installation angle wizard from advancing.
Fixed a bug causing the ‘Next:’ field in a workout to show incorrect information when a series of steps are repeated.
Improved searching in the ‘Where To?’ menu.
Fixed once-per-second data recording.
I performed the update to software version 7.0, and with it my activity profiles, personal records, totals (both device and activity profile) and list of sensors have been reset. Very annoying … I would have thought these were kept during update cycles??? Does anyone know of a way to restore these; are they backed up somewhere in the directory structure of the device?
I have recently buy Edge 1000 bundle.
Now I have two bikes and one cadence and speed sensor. The cadence sensor is not a problem. The rotation is the same. But how is it with speed sensor? I know it calibrates automatically. But is this just in the beginning of pairing to the device or does it calibrate for every single start of ride?
Because now I have speed sensor on one bike. Tomorrow I will (would) have it on another bike (with a bit of difference in tyre diameter), and the next day I will put it again on the first bike. Can I change the sensor freely or should the sensor stay only on one bike?
How is Edge 1000 with recording the distance for different bikes. Can it be somehow separately recorded? Or is it the only possibility to have different profile for different bike?
Can odometer be set already in the beginning (to record in the previous distance made this year?
How is Egde 1000 with recording the distance for differente bikes. Can it be somehow seperately recorded? Or is it the only possibility to have different profile for different bike?
Can odometer be set already in the beginning (to record in the previous distance made this year?
The easiest thing that you can do is just to go out and buy an individual speed sensor for each bike. But if you manually change the wheel circumference each time you move it, you should be able to use it on multiple bikes.
I use an Edge 800 for cycling, which has bike profiles. From what I’ve read, the Edge 1000 is a “sensor pool” model, and doesn’t have profiles. If so, it will automatically connect to whatever sensors are available, rather than looking for specific sensors that go with a bike profile. My Epix, which I occasionally have used for cycling, is a “sensor pool” model, and it keeps the wheel circumference for each individual sensor. (I have a sensor for each bike.) I know that Edges recalibrate from time to time using GPS (because once my 800 screwed up the recalibration during a ride; now I use manual calibration for every profile), but I don’t know how you can force it to do that. So your readings may be off unless you change the circumference manually before setting out. So, as I said, the easiest thing is to just have a sensor for every bike. If it doesn’t already know about a sensor (like the first time you pair), it will calibrate automatically using GPS.
For some reason, Garmin removed the ability (which I have on my Edge 800) to input a starting value for each profile. So you cannot set the value to the distance you’ve ridden this year, before you bought your Edge 1000. (Maybe they expect all purchases to be Christmas presents, and all riders to begin using their Edge 1000 on January 1.)
I have three profiles on my 1000 – Colnago, Trek, and Cannondale. In History, I can see totals for the Edge itself (407 rides, 26000+ km), and for each of the profiles. This might be marginally useful if I deleted and recreated all of the profiles each January 1, but I don’t. So I can’t track the total distance of my 10 year old Trek or my 6 year old Colnago. The almost new Cannondale’s distance shown on the Edge is its “lifetime” distance.
If Garmin would restore the user’s ability to input a starting distance for a profile, then users could make more use of the totals on the device.
To speed sensor change manually is not a problem. It is easy to change with only this rubber band needs to be locked.
But the question is, once I change it, will it automatically give the right speed data for this second bike, as it is a bit different (different tyre)? Or will it give the speed data from the first bike?
Does speed sensor calculates speed in accordance to garmin GPS every time, or how does this work?
I have the newer style hub-mounted speed sensor. I once tested if there is a difference between entering my wheel size manually vs. letting the Garmin 1000 an sensor compute it automatically. There is a negligible difference. I just leave the sensor setting on automatic wheel size.
“But the question is, once I change it, will it automatically give the right speed data for this second bike, as it is a bit different (different tyre)? Or will it give the speed data from the first bike?”
I can’t tell you for sure, but I suspect it will give the right speed data for the first bike. The 1000 will have no way of knowing that you’ve moved the sensor, and will have stored the circumference of the first bike. Eventually, it might recalibrate on its own, but it will be wrong until then.
Just hanging – I bought the garmin edge 1000 2 days ago. It set up easily. I planned to use it for the first time tomorrow. Got it out the box today and was playing with it to get familiar with all the functions. The device suddenly hang. No response. No on off switch working. It just hangs. I connected it to a PC. Nothing. It just hangs. Can’t switch it on or off. I can basically do nothing with it.The screws on the device are so small that now tool can fit it. Thought I will remove the battery.
Joseph, you said you took it out of the box and started playing with it. Question…did you read the instruction manual first???? I’m pretty sure the instruction manual says to plug it in and let it FULLY CHARGE FIRST. And it also states in the instruction manual that if the display freezes, to push in the power button and hold it in for 10-15 sec until it reboots. I”ve found over the years that many electronic devices will freeze up if you don’t fully charge them BEFORE you start playing with them which is why it pays to always read the instruction manual before doing anything and always plug it in and let it fully charge before you do anything at all with the devices.
Whether a device is fully or partially charged has nothing to do with the device operating system crashing, unless the power is too low to run it (which essentially means battery is fully depleted). It just doesn’t work that way. My 1000 locks up (crashes) every now and then, with no relationship to level of charge. It’s the nature of the beast. It just locks up now and then.
Fwiw, in my experiance with Garmin device crashes, it’s almost always due to some corruption on the drive (either the micro-SD card or the internal memory). Usually connecting to computer and doing a scan of the disk to fix errors will resolve it.
Ray: a while back I gave up on all the freezes and instability. I saved the basemap and erased the entire device. After rebooting I restored the basemap and connected to Garmin Express to update everything (maps, etc). I then did a factory reset. I had to redo all my settings from scratch, but since then it has been more stable and only locks up once in a great while.
My question is about Speed Sensor which I used to use in the rear wheel.
While it is used in a trainer indoor disconecting GPS, checking battery is working properly and device (Edge 1000) recognize it, device is not showing speed on the screen.
Do you know if are there any kind of problem on that?, are there a configuration tip that would resolved the issue?.
In this review I listed in the “Website” entry you said this:
“You’ll use Garmin’s free software, Garmin Express, to do tasks such as configuring WiFi, synchronizing activities (if without WiFi/Bluetooth), as well as updating the firmware and maps. You can also configure WiFi via the Edge directly – a nice change from the FR620 where you must set it up on a computer first.”
I run Ubuntu Linux on my laptop (it was the OS installed by the vendor), and Garmin has atrocious support for anything not Windows or Mac, so I cannot get Wifi enabled because Garmin Express refuses to run in my browser. Can you explain how to enable Wifi on the Edge 1000 directly?
Recently I got an Edge 1000. I like making long tours, but the battery doesn’t last the whole distance… So, I want to hook it up to a power bank when I take a break. I only can’t find the specs regarding the maximum amperage. Can you help me out? Will it charge when I link it to a 2.4 A USB-port or will it blow up?
I just ran an experiment using a Jackery Mini charger to keep my Edge 1000 topped up. I got suggestions on the Garmin Forum to affix the charger to the stem using electrical tape and plug the charger in to the Edge. The fully charged Jackery Mini (3350mAH) kept the Edge fully charged for 13+ hours. The Edge should be good for another 10 hours, perhaps more.
I did this experiment to help a friend who is doing 24 Hr Time Trials. Her Edge 1000 gave out at 10:56. She switched to her Edge 800 for awhile, then resumed using the Edge 1000 after it was recharged. The 800 lost her ride file, so she wasn’t pleased with this strategy. Now she should be able to do the entire ride using the Edge 1000.
Using the Garmin Edge 1000 out-front mount, I had to switch the Edge to landscape mode to get easy access to the USB port. If you buy a Garmin Varia out-front mount (list $40), you will be able to plug in while in portrait mode. I prefer to view the Edge in portrait.
As a new owner of Edge 1000 I have updated firmware and now it is 7.0 version. But still I do not see some features that should be there. An example is Recovery time. As far as I know on 520 was already originaly on the device. Will that feature also be available for the Edge 1000, and if yes, when is it planed?
By dowloading version 7.0 of firmware, I asume that I have updated all previous versions as well, am I right? Meaning it is probably not nessesary to upload 4, then 5, … Also the only option was the latest firmware. I ask because I feel that there are many options missing. Or perhaps they are already on 520 but still not arrived to 1000.
What features are on 520 that will (or could) be also presented on 1000 (and when, if its already known)?
There is one thing that is disturbing me on my Edge 1000. That is navigation or better said that navigation does not give me guidance to get back on course when following an already created and uploaded route.
The guidance back on course works if I only enter an address to go too (or multiple addresses). So normal Navigation (like having it in a Car).
Is that normal, and for pre-created courses the is no guidance back on course or is something wrong?
All settings for navigation are enabled so settings are not the problem.
I read the review as I was thinking about getting the Edge 1000. I’m now a little sceptical about getting one. I have a Garmin Forerunner 920XT, but am spending more time on the bike and wanted something a little bigger and was thinking this as a starting point to getting Varia Vision.
Has the Edge 1000 improved since the review? Can you now recommend it over the other model? I will never set a KOM, but would like to see the Strava segments. Proper navigation would be nice.
As it is almost two years old is it worth waiting for a new model?
I was all set on buying the Edge 520. But now with the 1000 version 8.0 available, I’m hesitating again… I do like the bigger screen, WiFi and street routing of the 1000. Does the latest version and pricing (260 vs 400 Euro) change your opinion on 520 vs 1000 in any way?
Thanks in advance!
At this point the two units are pretty much equal outside of street routing and WiFi and screen. So it really does come down to personal preferences.
I’d say if you do a lot of navigation, then you’ll find the Edge 1000 a better option because of the more advanced routing. But otherwise, I’d stick with the Edge 520.
I would add that the 1000’s touchscreen adds a lot to the user experience in terms of ease and quickness of use. I helped an LBS setup a 520 for a customer and I hated the button-pushing user interface of the 520. I suppose I could get used to it, but I found it much slower and awkward to navigate the settings.
Dear Dean, I do like the touch-screen of the Edge1000 and the fast and intuitive browsing of the menus, but sometimes have issues with it when wearing gloves in colder or wet weather.
My first GPS was the multi-purpose Gpsmap 60Csx, and I really loved the positive tactile feel and arrangement of the buttons, in all weather conditions. If only it had ANT+ connectivity … :D.
I also ride in the winter with heavy gloves. I usually take a second pair of Merino gloves with me in case I have to get into the settings menus mid-ride. Otherwise, I use the Remote for accessing the data screens.
Thx Ray, Dean and Jonathan. Really helpful. I just ordered the 1000 on using Ray’s link. Highly unusual in Europe that Garmin is dicounting it deeper (390 Euro) on Amazon than any retailer or webshop.
Hi Ray or anyone else who can help.
I have just moved from a Garmin 800 to 1000. One of the things I really liked on the 800 was what I will call “car” like mapping. What I mean by this is that the turn by turn map was akin to the same way a Garmin sat nav would look.
The major advantage to me of what I will call the “car” setup is that I found it incredibly useful when descending as it gave me a heads up on the corners ahead so that I would know what to expect & get my speed & line ready. I can’t do this with 1000. It just doesn’t give me the detail. I was on Sa Calobra in Mallorca recently & according to the 1000 my descent was straight without any corners…..
Is it possible to get this car view back with the pre-installed maps on the 1000 with some setting change or it is case of I need to by the Garmin SD card as an extra?
Ray/Guys, can I just check something please. Are the GPS, maps and routing etc EXACTLY the same in the Edge Explore 1000 and the full fat 1000 please?
ie, if you are only using this as a top spec GPS routing device and dont want the extra facilities of the 1000, then the Explore would be the better bet, BUT, NOT if the GPS, mapping and routing on the Explore are a lower version.
I hope that makes sense.
I went to, looked up Edge products, and did a compare between the Edge 1000 and the Edge Explore 1000. To me, it appears that the user can do exactly the same map-related things – route planning, etc. – with either computer. This implies to me that they would have the same data in their maps.
I’m also looking to replace my Edge 500 this year.
I’ll do it soon if I can feel comfortable there’s limited chance of a replacement. if there’s something in the pipeline – i’ll wait.
Have you done any testing of recording long rides with the Edge 1000, specifically audax/rando events? I have an Edge 810, but there’s a known bug with it that mean it starts to truncate recorded tracks anywhere north of 350km. Otherwise I’m happy with the 810, but contemplating dropping the $$$s on a 1000 for something that just works.
My friend Mary Hall rode a 24 Hour Time Trial yesterday, and recorded 465 km without any issues. Earlier in April, she recorded 478km, also without issues. Both rides were done with the “help” of a Jackery Mini charger connected t the Edge 1000 to keep the battery charged for the entire ride. She also did a 400km randoneurring ride in April.
Guys, sorry to sound a numpty on this but, did my first ride today. I set a round 10 miles route, hit ride then rode the route. When I came home, hit he red cross to turn the route off.
Then I went to view where I had been, nothing!!. No route saved, so, I must have done something wrong and of course, the instructions are useless.
What have I done wrong please, perhaps I did not save it at the end, please help!!! Thanks……..
Loading a route and riding it does not automatically start recording the ride data. You still have to start your ride, just like you would without a route. Hitting the X just cancels your route and stops the turn-by-turn cues as you ride.
When you load a route and it detects you are at the start it may prompt you if you want to start the ride, but it doesn’t always start recording automatically, and I have noticed a bit of flakiness since FW v8.0
I’d agree. I’m going to guess one of two things happened:
1) Start was never pressed (on recording)
2) Stop was never pressed (on recording)
If #1, you’re kinda hosed. :(
If #2, then you could turn it back on and find your ride file ready to save. But, since connecting it to a computer would automatically end/save the ride – then it’s unlikely it’s #2.
Thanks Guys, this all starts to make more sense now then.
So, not only must I hit ride, but I must then follow it with start/stop which I guess is the bottom right hand button. Then everything I do will be tracked and recorded by the device and will be able to see it and use it later. Am I right ? Thanks…………
Yup, correct. That’s it! You should hear it chirp, and the edge of the screen will go briefly green. When you press stop, it’ll go briefly red (border).
Does the Edge 1000 (or even 520) support Intensity Minutes? Seems like a bit of gap that if I go cycling I don’t record any at all, when the modern trackers will pick it up for a brisk walk…
I would have thought Garmin Connect can look at an activity and work it out?
But it’s right a Fenix 3 HR in Cycling does log intensity minutes?
I guess that falls into the ‘haven’t considered people using multiple devices/trackers’ lack of thought.
For someone who does cycling as my main activity, it renders that metric completely useless as I’ll only rack up a handful of Intensity Minutes each week. When in reality I’ve done a good few hours of cycling.
Someone at Garmin really needs to consider how all their devices work together. For commodity functions like activity tracking, then maybe all devices should do it, as long as all the data ends up in the same place. And if they’re rolling out a new metric such as Intensity Minutes, then that should appear on at least the high end devices (after all, there’s a valid argument that it only needs to be on the 520 and 1000). There must be plenty of Edge users out that use an HRM and I can’t see what the difference in what is produced file wise is to a Fenix 3 HR.
As an addendum to my rant I just feel like that things such as:-
Can only make one measurement on the Index Smart Scale per day
Can only use one ‘nominated tracker’ rather than any tracker I pick up to log stats each day
Intensity Minutes not working on some devices (Edge) but does on others for the same activity
Should be considered before products get launched!
There is a fundamental difference I’ve observed with the support of the Edge 1000 vs Fenix 3 (I’ve got both). Perhaps its due to the number of units sold, but the Fenix 3 gets almost weekly beta updates, and new features, meanwhile, over in Edge 1000 land, the updates dribble out every 3 or 4 months, and typically they are missing and still behind cycling related features that have been available in the Fenix for ages. The difference is quite dramatic, and disconcerting. Almost like two companies.
It’s frustrating that Garmin essentially do this to themselves. I really like the Edge 1000, but as the premier cycling only device shouldn’t it have the same if not more features than the F3? I’m primarily talking about things like mapping that are made possible by the form factor.
I have a colleague who bought an Edge 520 and an F3, out of confusion more than anything, and then looks surprised when I tell him that there are certain things the F3 can do that the Edge 520 can’t that are cycling related.
It’s clear that the departments in Garmin are too insular in my view. At sub-category level things generally work well – the Varia stuff, it works really nicely with the Edge (apart from when using the remote it disconnects the lights from the Edge, meaning you can’t use the remote as a simple indicator button else where on the bars), but at category level things are messy – why can’t you use a Vivo or Edge (or smartphone) device to do a upload on an index scale (say a two week holiday or training camp?) would be something Fitbit doesn’t do for instance. Why can’t you use a Varia Radar to trigger a nominated Virb cam to record when it detects movement? When they are all separate departments you end up with a messy sprawl of devices confusing for the consumer which is where we are now. I have a lot of garmin stuff, but I want a device that can replace my Mio Fuse and original Vivoactive ideally. So must have rebroadcast. And I want a decent golf device too. But in Garmin that probably means buying a VVHR+ and an Approach X40, which are identical pieces of hardware!
Lately, perhaps because of a firmware update, near the start of a ride, even if I am still riding slowly in the little chainring, a circle pops up on the display of my Garmin Edge 1000 with the word GOOD inside in all upper case letters. It completely takes over the display, and I have to hit the back arrow to get the display back.
A less annoying feature is that when I finish even a short cruise in the little chain ring and save the ride, another circle takes over the display and show a very unrealistic recovery time in hours, perhaps 9 hours after slowly riding a few times around the block. I can ignore the second message, but the one that says GOOD is very annoying as it completely blocks my view of the readout while I’m riding. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?
that’s the recovery advisor at work since firmware update 8.0.
To disable it, go into the main menu (by pressing the wrench/screwdriver symbol near the bottom), then scroll completely down to “my stats”, select “recovery advisor”, and disable it.
I think this will get rid of both messages. I assume recovery time is suggested on the basis of a number of calculated metrics, but don’t really know how accurate it is.
Both recoveryalerts time out go away after a few seconds with any user interaction from you. Otherwise, go into settings and you can disable the Recovery Advisor altogether.
I have been using the edge1000 for over 1.5 years, and now it won’t recognize the memory card. Checked with a card reader, the card itself is good. Checked the memory slot with another card, no luck. Any ideas?
Hmm, it could be some corruption on the card. Perhaps try checking the card in your computer and maybe copying the files off of it and formatting it and see if it reads that.
It also could be something amiss with the contact on the card slot…which is tougher to fix.
Thanks Ray,
it seems this is not the card but the Edge’s reader. Tried various cards, I did master reset without the card, with the card inserted, no luck. When connected to a pc or mac it only mounts Garmin folder on the desktop but no memory card. Sending back to garmin see what happens.
When I come home from a ride, I plug my Garmin 1000 into a micro USB cable, the other end of which is permanently attached to one of the many USB ports on my 27″ iMac. I have a Windows VM (VMware Fusion) on the same machine, but it’s not typically running. Sometimes a “Garmin” external volume icon appears on the Mac’s desktop, sometimes it doesn’t. And no matter whether that happens, invariably it loses its connection to the Mac (unpredictably, but within a few minutes).
Has maintaining its connection to a Mac computer been a frequent problem for the Edge 1000? I can make it drop off Mac desktop just by wiggling the micro USB connector.
I’ve got the 720 and would like an upgrade, I’ve read the majority of reviews here and am happy to spend the £300 on the 1000 but cost to one side just want the bet product for cycling on the market, what would you recommend?
Help much appreciated, money burning a hole in my pocket and need to spend it before the Wife finds out!
Another great review that I’ve spent hours reading and referring to in my search for a cycling device. By the way, I bought a Garmin 230 after reading your review, and love it.
A couple questions.
1. Is this still the only Garmin Edge device that provides turn-by-turn directions? I live in Japan and this is one of the critical features for me (so I can get my iPhone off my handlebars).
2. The only maps in Asia I can find are for SE Asia and Australasia. Any knowledge of how to get street map updates for Japan, particularly the Tokyo area?
1) Today, yes. Others can provide directions, but not true turn by turn directions. Wahoo also rolled out an update to the ELEMNT this past week that does provide tun by turn directions. Look for a post later this week from me on it.
I forgot to ask if the Bluetooth connectivity to third party devices was fixed. I use the Wahoo SC cadence sensor and Wahoo TICKR X heard rate monitor. Will they connect to the 1000?
On the free download site it only seemed to show the southern Asia countries. I was wondering if anyone was a user in Japan and found good (hopefully, free) local maps.
I have so appreciated everyone’s comments on the edge 1000, thank you.
I was undecided which garmin to buy after riding with the 705 for the last 5 years. The reviews on the 1000 from all websites I found were at best mixed.
I made an informed decision based on the thought why would a company create a product more expensive than its predecessors that was worse?
So I bought the edge 1000. I rode 128 miles yesterday with the edge 1000 guiding me on a pre planned route made on strava and downloaded as a gpx file. It was faultless!!
The 1000 is quirky and offers lots of functionality, the key is understanding how it all works and setting it up correctly for your riding preferences.
The only negative comment I would pass on is that the battery life is not as advertised. It doesn’t even get close to the 15 hours garmin say. It lasted only 5 hours and this was with all the following turned off:
GPs glonass
Virtual partner
Auto brightness(all brightness manually turned to zero)
I had to take a powerpack with me to keep it charged.
On a positive you can navigate with it plugged into a power pack. On garmin a side a massive false advertising!
Back to the positives, which totally outweigh the only negative. It does absolutely everything they say it does and does it very well.
All issues I have read in my opinion are due to user error, not understanding the product, how it works and reading the instructions.
The edge 1000 ticks all the boxes, if you don’t have a power pack with you, don’t ride for longer than 4-5 hours :-(
You’re getting there garmin but where on earth did you get your figure on battery life from ???
I agree that the Edge 1000 is quite a nice unit, with more capabilities than I actually want to use. My only disagreement with your post is on battery life. 15 hours is the stuff of dreams, but I get something on the order of ten hours life. My brightness is completely off, but Glonass, WiFi, and Bluetooth are all enabled.
I did an experiment for a friend who has started riding 24 Hour Time Trials. I used a Jackery Mini charger with the Edge, and got at least 13 hours before the Edge went below 100% charged. (This was with some brightness still turned on, maybe three bars.) So she has been able to use her Edge for three 24 Hour efforts without a problem.
I checked today, and when the Edge showed 73% charge remaining, I had already ridden 85+ km. Generally, I get about 3km or 2mi for each percent of charge. That’s going to last longer than I ever ride.
Using guidance does put more of a load on the battery, but I’ve done a century with guidance (about 7 hours riding time), and had 20% charge left. Often, guidance can be turned off for some portion of a ride, which can help preserve charge.
5 hours is way too low Nick, I’ve had over 11 hours on mine and I think it had 20% left with everything off inc brightness! I’ve regular done 6-8 hour rides with no issues with everything on.
Thanks for your feedback. I was probably unclear in my earlier post. Without a battery pack (external) the 1000 with everything turned off that I mentioned only lasted 5-6hours, fact. I plugged a power pack in to recharge along the route so it would record data and guide me to the end of my ride.
It is a great unit, my only negative was that a week old unit used for the third time did not last anywhere near the advised time as marketed by garmin.
By a powerpack and happy days the unit is excellent.
As an aside I rode with 4 other people on the same ride who have 810’s and they had no problem with battery???
Summary – with every penny, if you’re into long rides then think about additional power.
I’d agree, something is askew there. Assuming you’re 100% sure backlight was off (it’s the secret/deadly killer), then I’d ring up Garmin and have swap out. Especially since it’s new.
Garmin typically releases firmware updates for products for about 2-3 years. After that, it’s largely maintenance updates (minor bugs, but rarely features). There are exceptions to this on both sides (less or more updates) – but 2 years is a general safe bet.
There’s virtually no tech company releasing firmware updates for hardware products 7-9 years later (since it’s already been out 2 years).
I’ve bought a Wahoo Speed sensor and paired it to my Edge 1000 (running latest 8.30 firmware). I don’t know if it’s the latest firmware or something with the sensor but whilst cycling at the weekend I noticed a lot of erroneous pausing/starting (auto resume) going on whilst riding. I disabled the speed sensor for the rest of the ride and it completely stopped happening.
Is it the sensor or the firmware? I was moving at the time on each occasion (it had the effect of stopping one of my Strava live segments too). The sensor is on my front hub directly below the Edge so I don’t think it was going in and out of range.
Has the Wahoo Speed performed well for anyone else?
Well good news for those waiting on the replacement of the Garmin Edge 1000 – there is bound to be one up quick, as I have just ordered a 1000 off Amazon.
you can thank me when Garmin announces a replacement – I am sure they were waiting for me.
The old 705 finally drowned (literally) doing L’Ardéchoise last week.
So after going back and forth between the idea of the 520 (great form factor; but no turn by turn and no storage for maps) I went with the brick known as the 1000.
I haven’t gone for the full pack with new heart strap, accelerators/thingies – mainly as it is a big enough outlay as it is and I have Ant+ things already that will link up.
Tuesday after the postie delivers will be a nice learning curve in advance of L’Etape.
I would love to get help with uploading/exporting courses/routes when I am away from my computer. (1) Is it possible to export a course (route) from a mapping program such as RideWithGPS to my Garmin Edge 1000 using wifi or Bluetooth? (2) If so, how? (3) If not, can I accomplish this with a USB cable connection from a tablet or Smartphone device and will the device recognize the Garmin’s memory?
So a week in with the 1000, and still no Garmin announcement for a new model – strange guys!
Anyway – obviously after my old 705 it is quite step up.
Although I can’t work out how to do segments.
I know it’s all Strava now; but old Garmin segments used to be free – yes free – why should I stump up to Premium – yes i know there is a 30 day free trial etc; but they still want your credit card details for that… Bring back Garmin segments! (a petition of one I know).
Turn by turn seems as daft as on my 705 ignoring major exits on roundabouts , when giving instructions. But it is certainly nicer and clearer to look at.
The round trip function is neat.
I love that I have so many data fields to play with and the clearness of the screen, is great , if a bit prone to glare.
Some of the training things need a bit of fettling with – I mean 3 days to recover after a ride!
Anyway thumbs up so far.
I sold my 810 when i saw the 820 leaks.. So far no announcements soooooooooo I got the garmin edge 1000. 1st thing – it’s huge! i dont think it’s going to fit my out front mount.. we will see in a few hours.
Second – wow so much faster than the 810. i like the touch screen on it.
3rd – free maps – it’s automated now so that’s nice from OSM.
Apps – very cool!
Anyways I purchased the micro SD card but noticed garmin ignored it and threw the downloaded maps to the main device.
I’ve been using the Garmin 800 device for a long time & now that I upgraded my Turbo Trainer to a Taxc NEO after reading your article. I’m now unable to utilise my Garmin device fully, so am considering upgrading to either the 520 or 1000.
im thinking that the 1000 is the best option, however with some of the issues you have highlighted I’m not totally sure I should purchase it.
Have Garmin sorted out the communication between its 1000 model with the NEO?
I would be happy upgrading to the 820, however as I am unable to use it fully with the Taxc NEO it’s not an option. As far as I am aware only the 520 & 1000 models are an option for this trainer.
Hi, thank you for your comments and instructions. I had one question that I do not see anywhere. I just bought the Garmin Edge 1000. All is well and I am learning of course, but I note that it does NOT give me the current street name that I am riding on. Isn’t that important to know? I often am in areas that I am not familiar with and cannot find out the name of the street that I am on. It only tells me of the upcoming streets but not my CURRENT street. Is this my lack of knowledge on using the Edge 1000 or does it simply not have that capability? Thank you very much, sir.
1301 River St. #207 thanks for all the attention to the endless details that mostly mystify me. Glad I found your site a little late but better late than never.
“Bluetooth Functionality: In my experience, this is basically useless.”
DC Rainmaker, I believe this info should be edited. I haven’t tested with the iPhone, but the Edge 1000 (v9.20) works with my Nexus 5X phone just fine. The Bluetooth connection works without a single issue, Live Track works and I also receive all text messages on screen.
Also, when I have Bluetooth on, Live Track on, screen backlight on, wi-fi on, GLONASS and GPS on, the battery lasts about 7-8 hours, which is as expected.
Same here. The BT functionality has worked well for me with my iPhone 6S Plus. I get caller ID and text messages on my 1000 and it’s very useful for knowing whether I can ignore or need to stop and respond.
Looking for some advice:
I’ve just purchased a Garmin Edge 820 but find the navigation screen a bit small. Can anyone give me their opinion whether I should move up to a 1000 or something else? Is the 1000 worth buying since its a couple years old now?
having had both units i believe the 1000 runs better than the 820. the 820 has a very sensitive touch screen that your sweat will trigger the buttons.
Navigation wise it’s fixed for the most part but the 820 was having big issues rerouting and just creating the route due to some major lag. The 1000 was pretty solid here.
That said i did think the 1000 was so huge – like obnoxiously huge. Your choice though.
it’s a shame garmin didn’t actually create the 820 based on the 810 screen size.
Last night I did a workout with gloves on, it was hard to change screens on the 820. I’m pretty torn between this and going for the 1000. With my luck, Garmin will release a 1020 just after my return period runs out, hah!
I just traded in my edge 520 (same size as 820) for the edge 1000. I love the edge 1000. So much easier to see the screen when compared to my old edge 800, thanks to the higher resolution.
I just finished a ride using gloves and I was surprised how well the edge 1000 worked when swiping with gloves.
The good thing about the edge 1000 being out since 2014 is the fact most of the bugs have been worked out of the unit.
Dear friend , I would like to have your advise about free map in micro sd card.
I already downloaded free map in micro sd card but I don’t how to open its in garmin edge1000.
I try to go activity file and then go navigator and then map and then map select but there is no map that I have been load in micro sd card. Please you kindly advise
I didn’t read all of the comments and I was curious if anyone else is complaining about the drops of sweat changing the profile fields. The Sweat drops activate the change profile
Anybody to reply that knows the answer – – understand DC RM is a pretty busy guy.
Heading to Cuba in a week (from Australia) and on the assumption that I can get my Garmin 1000 through customs without getting it confiscated I want to make sure I can record my trips. I understand Cuba has limited internet so my usual habit of downloading (via WiFi or cable to Garmin Connect, Training Peaks and Strava) will most likely not be an option. I plan on riding about 15 days approx 4 hours per day = 60 hours. Charging is not a problem but recording 60 hours of data might be ????
I’ve been trolling through user manuals and forums to try and work out how much storage the unit actually has and if I can just leave the download till I get home or can I / should I download each ride to my laptop and then somehow ‘manually’ upload them all once I’m back in an internet savvy country.
Currently I measure/record every second (PowerTap hub on my road bike) but the bike I’m taking will just have Garmin Cadence Sensor and Garmin 1000 for speed, distance, route etc and as this is really just touring I can reduce that to less data points per min if that would help, I have also read you can swap out SD Cards maybe that is an option.
You will be fine. I bike tour all over the world, just finished 2 mo in Ireland and never upload my rides to Garmin Connect until I get home. Did 2 mo in England and Scotland using my 1000 and just uploaded when I got home. Did 4 mo in SE Asia this past winter Jan-Feb) and waited till I got home to upload. Be very careful taking the 1000 to Cuba; I was there last year for 5 weeks and observed a cyclist in front of me st customs when they scanned luggage, getting caught taking in a Garmin GPS bike computer (it wa an 800) and it was confiscated. Cuba lists on entry requirements various items forbidden to bring in, and GPS devices are on the list. I would not take mine there and I am planning a tour there in Feb Fira month.
Garmin support replaced my device 3 times during 2 years but each time after a few months of use the Edge 1000 fails to boot and I’m forced to perform a factory reset.
No help from Garmin other than replacing. The shop will send my device again to Garmin (never ending story).
Impact on user experience: Many cycling trips and holidays have been impacted by lost time with factory resets + reconfiguration and frustration when this happens during or just before rides.
Are the newer Edge devices more reliable or should I forget about Garmin and go to Wahoo Elemnt?
I have another cycling holiday coming up end of december and need a reliable navigation solution.
– Has this problem once. Looked like it ran out of battery just when the boot completed. Cured itself after a couple of recharge attempts and soft resets.
– I guess this one time issue could have been caused by fuzzing around whilst connecting the charger. Could this have caused a short circuit alert (like you sometimes gets on PCs when fuzzing around with USB connections)???
– I hope it doesn’t come back, once was annoying enough.
Got a strange problem with my Edge Wifi connection.
When I have a sensor connected ( or BT enabled) to the device I also have a stable WiFi connection and uploads are normal.
When I don’t have a sensor (HR etc.) connected or don’t have the BT with my phone , the Garmin is searching for Wifi, then it connects for a few seconds and then starts searching again. So it does not have a continues Wifi connection
I want to know can you plan route on the device on itself or do you need a computer? Also will the bracket fit on handlebar extensions mine is about 20 mm in diameter?
Most modern handlebar stems are roughly that diameter, so that should be fine.
However, I should mention that when I bought my Edge 1000 I’d intended to mount it on the handlebar stems of my various bikes, but I found it easier to view when on the out-front mount, so I bought out-front mounts (or similar) for each bike. Another friend of mine found the same with his Edge 800.
The stem would seem the most logical place, and it takes up no footprint on the handlebars. But I didn’t like it. Your mileage may vary.
Thanks well this unit looks like it’s meant for racing or touring bikes with drop handlebars but my bicycle has straight bars with an extender so it would need packing out a bit by the looks of it.
You can develop maps on the Edge 1000 off OS maps. If you go to, you can select OS off the mapping up at the top right corner when you plan a route. I’ve done it. Been developing my own routes on for all my bike touring. I’ve done bike tours all over the world using my Edge 1000 (and prior 705, 800, 810) for navigation and the Edge has taken me through major cities in SE Asia, China, Eastern Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and South America without any hiccups. For me, it’s an indispensable device for my bike touring and I wouldn’t do a bike tour anymore without my Edge. Paper maps just take too much time to decipher where the hell you are and finding a hotel, campground, guesthouse, restaurant, or point of interest, can’t be found with a paper map.
Any updates on when the Edge 1010 is coming? Got enough money to upgrade my edge 800 or my fenix3 but not bothe, and need to see what and when on the Edge 1000 platform as its now over 2 years old before i upgrade to the 1000 or pre-order the fenix5
Thats the same question I am asking.. do I wait till just before my spring trip in case they release a new unit ?? Is there going to be a 1000 update this year..
Any ideas anyone..
If I’m only going to use the 1000 on open road rides and never on a trainer would there be any reason to purchase a wheel mounted speed sensor? This unit will show my current speed through GPS correct?
The Bolt seems to me much ado about nothing, IMO. It’s an Element in an aero case with integrated mount if I read correctly. That’s no big deal. Personally, I wouldn’t want a device that ties me to a specific mount. I prefer choices.
Well, Garmin has responded before. When I bought my Vector 2 pedals, they had just lowered the price by $200 due to the presence of lower priced power meters on the market.
Well, you can go to Settings page (click on the screw driver/wrench on the display), select Activity Profiles, select the option you use and then Data Screens. There you have 5 configurable screens which can show the data fields you want to see.
Had my E1000 stolen this afternoon….. am in the market for a replacement but noticed that its 3ish years old! Will it be replaced/upgraded? If so when would a likely replacement appear?
BTW Really like the form factor.
Thanks for this very informative post!
I’m still trying to find an answer to the follow question though:
When uploading an existing GPX to my Garmin Edge 1000 I can get directions to go to the beginning of the route. Can the Garmin edge 1000 route me to the nearest point rather than to the start of of the route?
Or is there another way to fix the problem, for example to modify the existing map?
I normally chose “no” when the 1000s asks if it can route me to the start of the route, then when I “hit” the route it just starts the navigation then. Not sure if that answers your question or not??
Thanks! I will go for a ride asap to test. Will let you know!
Do you know if there’s a way to edit existing gpx’s? It makes sense that there’s a function to delete or add some points. If it’s not possible within Garmin, I’m sure there’s an existing program for such.. I’ll go explore and will let you guys know if I find something helpful!
Generally, I’ve attached my Edge 1000 to my home iMac (late 2013 27”) by USB for charging and for firmware updates and app installation on the device. However, in recent months it’s disconnected erratically (logically, but not electrically) when connected to the iMac.
The weird thing is that I’ve had no such troubles connecting it to my Mac laptops, where it maintains its presence as an external device on the Mac laptops’ Desktops. Furthermore, I can still CHARGE it without difficulty when it’s plugged into the iMac using the same cable and same USB port that doesn’t support reliable data transfer. And, I use the same cable to plug it into the laptops.
Wiggling the micro-USB plug where it attaches to the Edge 1000 occasionally makes it reappear on the iMac’s desktop, but even this doesn’t work now. I’d blame the cable or the MicroUSB port except that they work fine when I plug the device into my laptops.
Hesitating between geting a 520 on sale or waiting for the new one… just lost my great 800 that I was using for navigation aswell sometime during bike trips !
Hi, i have been trying to find the screen on my Edge1000 that shows next interval which was on my Edge 800 but can’t find it, i was on to garmin & they cant find it either but it is on youtube
Has anyone else experienced difficulty getting a GPS fix since the 14.00 update?
Since the 14.00 update (although that may just be coincidence but it never happened previously & has continued with the 14.10 update) I’ve had several days where I don’t get a GPS fix, or get one and then it loses it every few minutes. This is in familiar locations where I’ve never experienced a problem before.
I’ll see if it carries on (it worked fine yesterday for the entirety of a 72 mile ride) but it hasn’t happened every day that I’ve used it. I’ll try a factory reset if it happens again.
The reason it’s coming out this week is because I just paid $200 for an out of warranty replacement of my Edge 1000. Perfect timing.
I’m not bothered by that, though. Typical of Garmin, it will take them a good year or so before they have working, production ready software ready for the 1030. ?
Hell, some days I think the software for 1000 is still no better than beta quality work-in-progress.
Well, get ready for some TRUE beta software on the Garmin Edge 1030! Experience with the 705, 800, and 1000 show that the early software will be buggy….
Very completed analysis, perhaps the only thing you forgot to mention is the lot of problems this device has after software upgrades, I`ve had a couple of these and is really frustrating when you face the unit starts to turning off constantly or when it gets white screen from one moment to another, or when the buttons stop to work w/o reason or when you have noticed about filtration of water inside the device, I don’t know if only happens with me but my experience with the edge 1000 has been really a frustration even when you acquire the top of the Garmin computer to ride. In my personal opinion, the edge 1000 is not a recommended option.
Would be great if you post a comparison of this kind of devices to get better guidance.
I’ve had my Edge 1000 since July, 2014 after it first came out. I used it that Sept to bike tour unsupported through Australia/Tasmania for 4 months, using routes I developed off rwgps and and it performed flawlessly. Also used it every winter from Jan-May for annual get out of Colorado winter, biking touring through SE Asia. Other bike tours of Eastern Europe, London/Brussels, Land’s End to John O’Groats (southern point of England to northern point of Scotland for 3 months), Ireland (3 months), Cuba (1 month) and am getting ready to leave for Lisbon Portugal to bike tour Portugal and Spain for 3 months. In all these tours, I developed all my routes with POI, accomodations, etc. on rwgps and then downloaded the files every 3-4 days onto my Edge. The device has worked perfectly, turn by turn navigation no issues, off course warnings always worked. I’ve downloaded all the software upgrades as they came out, I only had one hiccup which was when it didn’t come back on after I’d clicked on install. But that was a simple reboot the device and all was well. I’ve had the 305, 705, 800 and 1000 and again, nary a problem with any of these devices. I just ordered the new 1030.
That sounds perfect with you, unfortunately not my case. Perhaps i just has been an unlucky guy with this model. I surely gonna try other brands, that’s the reason to ask postings with detailed comparisons between similar options.
Unfair question Ray, with the Edge 1000 now in the late 300s on some websites, and closing in on the Elemnt pricing, would you opt for the 1000 or the Elemnt if it were your money, (I am a weekend warrior)
I have the same question. I actually have an 820 that I purchased for $300 still in the box waiting for the weather to warm up. I’m debating if I should return it and buy the 1000 since they are now the same cost. Hopefully Ray will help us out with an opinion.
It depends, in many ways the Edge 1000 is an incredible deal. But only if one looks at it knowing that the road for future upgrades is dim (if not off entirely). So it’ll certainly run most (all?) Connect IQ apps these days, as well as connect to most sensors out there.
But longer term you might be out some new features. Then it really comes down to size. Some like the larger size of the Edge 1000, while others prefer something smaller like the 820. I think at that price point though, the 520 is a harder bet unless you just want a small bike computer.
I just upgraded to a 1030 from a 1000. My wife uses a 820. In the $300 price range I would definitely go for the 820 over the 1000, unless you have to have the bigger screen. Otherwise, the 820 is more current and likely to see continuing upgrades while the 1000 may not, now that the 1030 is out.
FWIW: I watched and waited and got my 1030 for $480 on a XMas day special.
I replace my items when they do not function any-more. As long as they are still doing what they were when I bought them I have to be satisfied as the reason for buying an item is that it should function. I am not rich enough to upgrade everything as soon as a new model come not matter if it is a car, phone, bike or whatever the industry is trying to make us believe we need.
I had my first Edge 1000 replaced free of charge as the on / off swithc stopped functioning and they told me it could not be repaired.
The HRM did last till warranty was finished so I had to buy a new.
Amazon UK has Edge 1000 for £279.99 – suddenly dropped in price today. Have bought one, having decided recently that the Vivoactive HR wasn’t great for cycling (but good for running, though.) Thought this a good place to give a heads up.
I saw that offer :-) …. I’m trying to decide between it and a Wahoo Bolt (which I realise isn’t as powerful in some respects). I currently use a waterproof smartphone, occasionally charging at lunch for the longest rides. So, assuming the Edge has the latest firmware….
1. How long the 1000 typically takes to process and load a route for e.g. 20mile, 40mile rides?
2. Can we completely force it to follow the predefined route (roads/bike paths etc) (I have heard that disabling the re-routing is beneficial).
3. Assuming I have backlight reasonably configured, how long should I expect the battery to last?
4. Does it automatically switch to the map screen for a turn (and then switch back) ?
5. Upon finishing a ride, are there methods to automatically sync with the phone and upload to strava?
6. Assuming it has the OpenStreet Maps loaded does it show street names on the maps? (depending on zoom level) level)
7. I realise I can use a cable to download the route from the computer – is there any way of doing it wirelessly?
The Edge 1000 is good; the Edge 1030 is better. Both are pretty quick calculating a route. A 40 mile ride should be ready to go in well under a minute.
It’s up to you to define the route exactly as you want it, and to follow the predefined route once it’s downloaded and activated. If you turn where the Edge says to, you’ll always be on the route. If you define a route with too large distances between points, the calculated route could differ from the one you thought you’d planned. I try to define the route with points just before each turn.
To maximize battery life, turn off the backlight completely, and use only GPS (no GLONASS) for guidance. There is also a “battery save mode”, which turns off the display until you need to be notified of a turn, or until you come to a stop. Edge 1000 – about 8 hours; Edge 1030 – at least 20 hours! These numbers are based upon my personal experience with both models.
If you’re not on the map screen, either Edge will switch over for a turn, and then switch back.
You can set things up with either Edge to automatically send your activity to Garmin Connect, and then on to Strava.
I see street names; if the map screen is in auto zoom mode, it only shows bigger streets until you get close to a turn. Then it zooms in, and you’ll see more street names. The direction for a turn includes the street name. And in the upper left corner, there’s a tiny field showing how far away the next turn is. If you have good vision, it’ll be easy to see.
I haven’t tried downloading a route wirelessly. Both Edge models have a feature to allow you to share courses with another Edge (1000, 1030, or 820, if I remember correctly).
I am unfortunately now in the market for a new cycling computer. My Edge 1000 took a bad shot and the screen is cracked. I spoke to Garmin and they will send me a refurbished Edge 1000 for $200 plus tax. Is that worth it? A new Edge 1000 is around $300 on Amazon. Garmin does not offer a trade-in on the Garmin 1030 (20% off if you send in old unit). I emailed them about the Garmin 820.
Garmin Express has just offered to upgrade my map, but it says that it need more space so now I need a MicroSD card and it must be max 32GB.
But today there are many types so what is the right one?
The only thing Garmin says is that they have tested with Sandisk and Kingston but not if both type will work or which one.
So anyone there know which to use?
Do you have a lot of rides stored on your Edge? That could be the reason you don’t have enough space for replacing your map. You can copy the FIT files to your PC’s hard drive (maybe you already do that), and I assume you have uploaded them to Garmin Connect and Strava. If so, you can delete them from the Edge and recover space – probably enough to hold that new map.
No I have 2MB
But it is because the new map has a lot of more information so it simply to big for the build in memory accordingly to Garmin Express so it says that you have to buy a MicroSD card of at least 4GB and of a maximum of 32GB to save he new Map. But mot what type of MicroSD.
The new map is version 2018.10 and the new size is 10.46GB
And the Build-In storage is 8GB
OK, sorry, I don’t have my Edge 1000 any longer. I did have issues related to saving 100+ rides on the Edge.
It seems strange that Garmin would issue a map that exceeds the storage limits of the product.
I used a microSD in my Edge 800. It was a Sandisk Ultra microSDHC UHS-1 of 8GB capacity. I’m sure just about any SanDisk of 32GB would work. I think your only choice would be transfer speed. I have a SanDisk Extreme microSDXC UHS-1 of 64GB capacity sitting here in my PC room. It has twice the transfer speed of the Ultra.
I have moved on to the 1030. It has more internal memory – 16GB. It looks like the USA map is about 3.5GB.
Hi folks – just in the process of migrating from my Edge 1000 to Edge 1030.
Does anyone know if there is a Fit file I can transfer to the new device that will have all the sensor details from my old device? I have 3 bikes and lots of sensors so hoping there is a quick way to update the 1030 with all the sensor details.
Paul, what sensor details are you wanting from your 1000 to the 1030?? On my 1000, I just named all the sensors for the different bikes, like Pangea (my touring bike), Seven (my road bike), Spot (my mountain bike), and Surly (my around town bike). when I got my 1030, what I did, was just add the speed and cadence sensors to like the Pangea, named then, saved them and then did each bike profile, adding the sensor and naming it. That way, when I ride each biked, I can click on sensors and see which are solid
and that tells me my 2 sensors for the bike I’m on are working. I never bother with my heart rate monitor, naming it, as it works automatically for whatever bike I’m riding. Hope this helps.
The service of this company is very regrettable. It doesn’t keep its guarantee promise when the product fails, and the customer service is very poor. The hooks on the back of mine broke off, and Garmin refused to help me, even though it was within the guarantee period. Then one day the other hook broke off too and it fell on the ground during a ride, which made the screen break. So now I can’t use my Garmin on the mount + the screen is broken…
My experience is different. I just read about the appearance of the “blue halo” around the periphery of my 1030’s screen, and I logged on to Garmin’s support page, gave my serial number, and they’re sending me a replacement.
Eric, are you using a Garmin speed sensor on wheel?? Have you checked the battery on it if u have one? If you have on the rear, lift rear wheel and spin it, a green LEF should light up after wheel starts rotating. If it doesn’t take it off and replace battery.
I’ve had my 1000 since they came out and am very happy with it, although I do know how to resolve the inevitable problems. But just today the on off button has crumbled, just crumbled away as if it has rotted, it has never had any harsh treatment not stored in the sun or anything like that and hardly ever been wet….now left with a hole I have to poke a rod through to turn it on and off and obviously will have to make sure it doesn’t get wet….wonder if they all go like this…not sure what to do now.
I had the exact same thing happen to me last week. Now a glaring hole and I switch the Edge on/off with a toothpick. If you just google “edge 1000 power button” you’ll find we’re by far not the only ones. I’ll resort now to 3D printing cover/button; see link to
Jonathan’s suggestion is probably the neatest. As a “temporary” solution (that I did quite a few months ago until I got round to something more permanent & still haven’t got round to) was to neaten the hole, make a small rubber insert to go in the hole to re-create the raised button & carefully tape over this with electrical tape to hold the new “button” in place & to make it more waterproof (it survived OK in the wettest February on record here in the UK)
Happened to me on 2 Garmin units. About 6 months ago it happened to my 1000; I called Garmin and they had a replacement program–$200 and your old 1000 got you a refurbished 1000. I paid my money and a few days later was contacted by Garmin and told that they no longer had any refurbished 1000s in stock and the would send me a new 1030. I received it a week or so later and shipped back the broken 1000.
Thanks for replies, I should have googled it first – seems to be an inevitable consequence. Rather than use a material that is better suited to the job with longevity, Garmin will probably realise its a great way to build in obsolescence.
My Edge 1000 turns on when I plug it in to charge it. If I turn it off when plugged in, it turns on again when I unplug it after it is charged. Is this normal?
Did you update to the latest software? My device shows the same behavior, nothing to worry about I guess … just a bit annoying to have to switch it off again after charging. Cheers.
I hope you can assist me.
In my retirement I have taken up cycling , and I purchased a used Garmin Edge 1000.Everything works just fine, the only problem that I have is when I upload my record of that ride to Facebook (over 50s cycling group) my map is huge, I have tried and tried to reduce the size with no luck. Any reconditions please?
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I am US based. Recently took my 1000 to France with Open Street Map for France loaded on the SD card. Worked fine with French streets showing well.
I have thought of downloading US Open Street Maps. If I do, should they go on the SD card? How do US open Street Maps compare to Garmin’s. Thanks
My European version came with OSM already loaded, surprised the US version doesn’t have it, although I use British Ordnance Survey 1:50000, which are better than OSM. I have it loaded to an SD card (which came out of my old 800) and they work fine, so presumably so will OSM loaded to an SD card. Just remember to enable the map you need in the settings To save you any hassle you can buy the area you need from ‘Ride with GPS’ (as mentioned before) a vastly superior website to Garmin Connect
The US maps are OSM, according to the information on the Edge 1000 on Garmin’s own web site. So far, I have been quite satisfied with the maps that came on my US version.
I think they realized that they weren’t going to be able to charge people $100 for maps, when OSM was out there, and we could download our own maps and use them on the 800, 810, etc.
I expect we’re going to be “on our own” as far as getting map updates, though.
Hi DC RAINMAKER, does it have Recovery Advisor metrics, VO2 Max Estimation
and FTP tracking and testing?…Edge 520 has all these but I preferred a much larger screen
because of my eye problem…thanks for your reply.
The plan is that the Edge 1000 will receive that in an upcoming firmware update, but no specific date (beyond by the end of the year) has been listed.
Any news on this? 2015 is coming to an end …
This has never happened previously. I live in the US. Just got back from bike trip in France where I used courses on France Open Street Maps loaded on SD card.
Back in US I have AMR standard base map enabled and Garmin Geocode Map US 2015.10 enabled. Went on a ride, found a new club Course, clicked on Ride and the unit started to calculate as usual. But as soon as it got to 100% it started calculating over and never stopped. I had to cancel the course. Then I tried courses I had used before and the same thing happened.
In every other way the unit seems to work. It records rides and uploads to Garmin connect. Any thoughts on what is wrong? Thanks
I have had the same problem happen on my Edge 1000 with routes I’d downloaded (and I’d developed on for my tour in England and Scotland this past May-July. I had brought alone my old 800 and I pulled out my netbook and downloaded the route onto the 800 (had all my routes in a file on my netbook). The same thing happened on the 800, the device would start calculating and after reaching 100% it would continue recalculating. Given this happend on both the 1000 and 800, it’s pretty safe to assume that the route on had a glitch causing this to happen and it wasn’t a problem with the device. We ended up riding the day’s route (I had a general knowledge of the route we were taking) by following the map on the 1000. We ended up stopping about 4 hrs later for lunch and I loaded tried loading the route on the 800 and 1000 again as we were 4 hrs away from the start of the route. And both devices accepted the route and we were ok to go again. My guess is that there was a glitch in that route that caused the re-calculation to repeat itself.
Thanks for the reply Len. In my case I have tried running several courses I have run successfully previously and they are loading with the same problem. So I am unable to run any courses at present
William, try disabling the AMR Standard basemap and the Geocode map and enabling the Garmin Cycle map. I have just the Garmin Cycle map and my Garmin City Navigation North America map enabled.
I don’t see a Garmin cycling map or Garmin city navigation. Maybe that’s the problem. Wonder why they are not listed?
No, City Navigation map North America is a purchased SD map card from Garmin. I was only commenting on my mapping. But I think you should have the Garmin Cycling map. Are you up to date on your software of the device??
Hi, new to this and yet to purchase anything. Read the whole thread and enjoyed it.
So, can anybody tell me, what is the map ratio for the EU supplied map that comes with the 1000 please?
Also, if I want to get a complete 1:25000 OS map on the card, will this work on the 1000 please?
Thanks, Dave
I’m looking into this unit to replace all my cyclometers, but would like to verify two things I can’t seem to find an answer for.
1. Would disabling GPS all-together do much for battery life? Say you’re out in the trails with no power source for a few days and just use the wheel sensor for speed / distance. I’ve seen comments about people trying this for trainer use, but no mention on impact for battery life.
2. How difficult is it to change the wheel size between bikes? I notice the size is set to the sensor itself now. Since this does not tie to an Activity Profile, would you need to go into the sensor setting to set this every time you switch bikes (even to kick in the auto-set feature)?
I sort of answered my own questions from yesterday. I picked up the Edge 1000 and tested a few things.
1. GPS effect on battery life: I rode TWO laps on an 8 mile trail this morning. with the same settings other than GPS. Auto backlight, -Go dark after 15 seconds. Disabled Bluetooth / Wireless. Enabled speed sensor only.
Lap 1: GPS & Glonass – used 7% battery over 40 min.
Lap 2: NO GPS – just speed sensor – used 5% battery over 40 min.
(Not a huge difference but worth considering I suppose).
2. Auto wheel size –
This does not seem to work for me, at least in ‘real world’ conditions. After riding a mile on my CX bike, the size AUTO set from 2096 down to 2091. Cool. Here is the issue – I do not ride my various sized mountain bikes in straight lines for a mile before hitting the trails.
During both laps on mountain bikes, the wheel size did NOT change from my CX size, even with auto set enabled. I tried zeroing out the size with defaulted back to 2096 – then set to auto which immediately changed it back to 2091.
So in the REAL WORLD – I will need to remember a four-digit wheel size for each of my 7 bikes, and manually set this before each ride in the speed sensor settings page.
….NOT happy about this. If I’m missing something, please let me know.
That you don’t ride in straight lines is easy to solve. Simply forget about auto calibration and set the wheel size manually, the easiest way simply by doing a roll out and measuring the circumference beforehand. Unless you’re using the same sensor on multiple bikes, the fact that your bikes have different wheel circumferences isn’t a problem, either. On a sensor pool based device like the 1000, you simply set a wheel size for each individual sensor. (On a bike profile based device like my Edge 800, you simply set the size per bike, but since I have a sensor for each bike, it amounts to the same thing. My Epix is pool based, and I have a size for each sensor.)
It’s best not to rely on auto cal anyway. I don’t know of any way to force a recalibration on Edge 800 or Epix, but it does recalibrate from time to time, and sometimes screws up. I use auto cal for a new sensor, but once it determines a wheel size that I’m happy with (I compare track based length to sensor based length to make sure), I set it to manual calibration.
Thanks – I think the problem is that I am using the same sensor on all bikes. I figured it’s an advantage of the design…throw the computer / sensor on whatever bike I ride. For now I’ll do like you mentioned and measure each wheel. Then I’ll put the wheel size into the name of an activity profile for each bike and set it each ride. Not ideal but it’s probably the best option aside of buying 6 more sets of sensors. :-)
I got the garmin edge 1000 so I could see my bosses calls/texts when riding, but there is no connectivity with the latest iPhone 6 IOS update.
I got it to work once but I updated my I phone and now they wont connect. Garmin say its on apple to fix and they should but haven’t seen anything yet.
do you have any alternative information or communication with apple about the “fix” that’s supposed to be on the way?
Has the Edge 1000 improved enough via firmware updates to warrant an updated review?
Just bought one this week, and it seems better than this now… Varia support (and a 20% coupon because of my support of the radar project from before) got me, ahem, in gear. Bottom line for me: it’s not a bad upgrade from the 810…
Speaking as an older bicyclist, I’m liking the bigger screen.
Of course, the BLE stuff is (still?) finicky as heck. Using iOS9…
Am using Garmin Edge 1000, version 5.10, as of the date of this comments. Well, i believe Garmin should’ve done better in terms of:
1- Adding Vo2max cycling test; they already have it on different models!!
2- Adding Vo2max general like the one on Polar models
3- Adding LTHR; in order to establish a proper heart rate zones instead of basing it on maximum heart rate zones.
These additions will make a big difference for those which dont own the power device “Victor”.
Garmin Connect is very complicated and not established compared to other competitors. The analysis should be more flexible and the comparison between selected variables should be easy and available. I dont understand why Garmin Connects priorities the social connectivity over the functionality and uses of data.
There are many simple and easy updates that could be added to the device for better use and functionality. When using Garmin it’s like using a device designed by an old-fashion programmer who still in the year 2005.
They’ve already noted that #1 & #2 are coming shortly to the Edge 1000. It’s only on the Edge 520 today, which just started shipping in August.
As for Garmin Connect – I’ll be honest – that feedback is exactly the opposite of what most people complain. Most would say that Garmin Connect is too simple and that they want more functions. :-/
Thanks Ray,, great review, as always
I bougth the edge 1000 a month ago, and I am very happy with it. I have been using my oregon 450 for the bike for two years, and now I have started using the edge 1000 for mountain running, and intend to do it for the back country skying as well, and seems to cover all my needs (the only limitation I see in relation to the oregon 450 is that it is not TEMPE compatible)
A couple of things I don’t like though, and that I think should be solved in future software releases, and I wanted to check if you have noticed and what you think the chances are that this is solved
Apologies if they have been addressed above. Did not read the 1000 posts
GPS on/off cannot be made profile dependent (seems basic for indoor training, the Fenix can do it)
Map active/not active cannot be made profile dependent (basic to change from road to mtb, the Oregon 450 can do it)
same thing for sensors, not able to attach them to each activity profile
Under settings/activity profile/data screens/map/data fields/custom, you can chose different data fields when navigating and when not navigating, but in reality when you chose the data fields for one, it overwrites the data fields for the other (seems to be a bug- I have v. 5.10)
Other than that, I am very happy with the unit, and it weights half of my oregon 450!
Thanks for the excellent review, Ray! If you can find the time, could you update it with a fresh appraisal of the issues that Edge 1000 *still* has, in light of the firmware updates since its release?
I’m trying to decide whether it’s worth upgrading from my 800, but I’m finding it very difficult to work out which of the bugs have been fixed, and what outstanding problems there are. Sorry if this has already been asked – there are too many comments to read through them all!
Will, damn man, I think you should just read the comments. I mean, Ray is not getting paid to do this and I truly think it is a service he’s providing everyone on Garmin devices. To ask him to post a lengthy (which it would be) report on what has been fixed and what hasn’t because you feel there are too many comments to read through all them all is a little much to ask, especially when you can find all this by going to Google and reading what the firmware fixes did.
The Garmin Forums are also a good place to get this information. You might have to vet some nonsense resulting from user error, but there is plenty of discussion about what is working and what isn’t.
Seriously, I’ve tried, but there are 1000 comments, some quite lengthy, and many containing duplicated information and conflicting opinions. Since I don’t have the unit and don’t know the nuances of its problems, I don’t know what to look for, either.
I’ve already consulted Google and yes, I have read the firmware changelog. Again, it’s difficult to know what to search for and which problems remain when the changelog messages read like “Fixed issue with ” or “Improved the UI”.
Ray’s opinion at the end of this review was that the Edge 100 is a good idea hobbled with bugs and poor execution. What I’m asking is: is this still the case a year later? I trust DCR’s judgement above most people’s – that’s why I ask.
And remember, “no” is a perfectly legitimate response to my request to DCR. I won’t be offended.
Fear not, it’s on my short-list to update it this week with changes (all positive).
Ultimately, for my uses up until the Edge 520 came out, I largely have used a combination of the Edge 1000 & Edge 810’s the last year for all of my riding. Rarely would use an Edge 510.
Now with the Edge 520 out, I’ve mostly converted to using it – merely because of the size, not the functions.
Will, I also was using the Edge 800 when the 1000 came out. I wasn’t a really early adopter, but I’ve had the 1000 for 13 months now. I’ve never thought the 1000 was full of problems. It originally under-measured both distance ridden and ascent compared to the 800, so I usually carried both units on rides. A software update some time back caused ascent numbers to increase. As a result, I rarely carry the 800 any more.
I always found the 1000 superior for navigation. Both units work with my Vector power meter. The 1000 continues to get software updates; the 800 less so. I think Ray’s original review was a bit harsh on the 1000. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you buy one.
DC Rainmaker,
Thanks a lot for your wonderful posts! I recently found your website and have been enjoying it since.
I have two questions for you.
1. Power tap orginally caused you problems with the speed sensor but then you switched hubs and it worked fine. I wasn’t sure if you just moved the sensor to the front or switched out a wheelset. Will a set up of power tab on the rear wheel + regular hub and speed sensor on front wheel work without interference? When I recently upgraded to the Garmin magnetless sensors from the Cateye magnet sensors, I first tried with both Garmin and Cateye sensors attached and I got similar noise on the speed sensor as you did except worse I think (speed fluctuating 3 mph with constant cadence and gear). I just want to make sure this wouldn’t happen with the power tap.
2. My odometer did not work on the edge 1000 unit so I talked to Garmin for an hour, decided my unit was defective and exchanged to a new unit. The odometer, as displayed as one of the data screens, still does not work on the new unit. I can go to my device totals and see the correct mileage but not in the data screen. It always turns back to 0 after each ride. Do you know if this is a known problem with all edge 1000?
By the way, I found an issue with the Edge 520 auto sleep feature which I confirmed with a Garmin rep. The auto sleep timer is set to 15 min of inactivity not 5 min as indicated on the manual.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Hi Ray, when you do the new review for the 1000, will you place this as a new review in the Garmin section, or under here sir? Thanks, Dave
It will be an update to this existing review.
Any news on the update?
Just noticed that there is now an official ant+ device profile for electronic shifting. Do you think shimano will change from their private ant profile to this one?
link to
I doubt in the short term, but I think longer term they might. The ANT+ Shifting profile basically came from SRAM, but I don’t know offhand how active Shimano was in the working group (unfortunately that’s considered private info and they don’t share it with me).
That said, long term it benefits Shimano to just adopt it, as it’ll make their life easier in terms of wider adoption.
Do remember that Garmin has actually already implemented it on some Edge 520 firmware somewhere (since it was used by SRAM to demo it to journalists at a media event). My guess is that it may actually be in all 520/1000 firmware already, and when you search for Di2 it probably searches for both quietly.
Hi Ray,
Sorry to bang on about this but somehow I had convinced myself from reading as much of your site as I could on the issue that the FE-C update would be introduced at the beginning of Q4. Do you know if we will still see it in Q4? I had tweeted Garmin but they replied ‘Nothing announced indicating it will not be in Q4’, but given we’re nearing the end of November, Christmas upcoming, and with Connect IQ support on the agenda do you think that we will see it before 2016?
Look at the Edge 1000 or the 810. I understand the training aspects of them. But I want to know if the routes can be set to take bike paths for days I ride with the kiddo on the back?
The answer to all questions like this come down to the maps. Do the maps have routable bike paths? Then it should follow bike paths, and there may even be ways to make them preferred when creating a route on the device. If the bike paths are just lines on a map, without the underlying metadata that allows the device to route, then it won’t route on them. Since the Edges allow you to use whatever maps you want, the trick is to find a map that has routable bike paths in your area.
Thanks for your reply. I am assuming that the Garmin maps won’t have that option then from what I see it’s the same type of mapping you get for a car. Any suggestions on good map sources?
The Garmin maps that come with the 1000 might, since they’re based on Open Street Maps. Try and see what you can find. I just checked and they seem to have the (hideously awful that I’d never ride on) paths in my area, in addition to the on-road PA cycle routes. Whether they’re routable or not I don’t know. The easiest way to find that out is to try them using Garmin BaseCamp.
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
The Edge 1000 maps for North America definitely DO have bike trails for routing. I have used them in Southern California and in the Dallas, Texas areas.
Could anybody tell me the difference between the Distance-to-destination datum and the Distance-to-go datum – thanks
can you tell me if there has been a update for live tracking for garmin 1000 (STRAVA) if not yetn is there one planned
I have been using live strava segments on my edge 1000 since the software upgrade came out in Jul/Aug. Very pleased with the product and integration…always had two questions though….
1) has Garmin increased the number of segments you can store to 200 now?
2) How come on some days I can ride a course and every Strava segment shows up as advertised and I can ride today on the same course and get zero alerts about the Strava segments on the course?
Excellent Review Ray,
I think Garmin have reacted to your separate bike odometer issue and created separate profiles. Couldn’t say for certain though I usually forget to switch profiles ;-)
I’m just wondering what is the benefits of the 1000 over the 520? I’ve got the 1000 but if I had my time again I think I’d get a 520 :-/
I have great trouble setting the vector angles. I would appreciate some help.
Hi DC Rainmaker
I wondered if you could comment on how long the battery life actually lasts? I’ve read lots of reviews why different info so wondered if you could advise on ways to make it last longer?
Also do you know if a new model is due to come out any time soon?
Many thanks :)
Is there any word on when the 1000 will get the same set of features as the 520?
Which features? Many of them have been ported over.
Currently outstanding is FE-C for Edge 1000, which I checked yesterday, and the current plan is: “FE-C support should have a public beta release available this month or next.”
Maybe it is just my Edge 1000, but I do not see any Max VO2 estimates, recovery advisory, and my Strava well…I think I need to mess with that more. Thanks for the quick reply!
I don’t see it either
link to
Wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out to be wide of the mark either. Originally Q4 last year, now a beta by the end of february? Connect IQ beta was in November. The glacial pace of firmware development for this product is very disappointing for a flagship piece of equipment when its junior has had these features for months, and the Fenix team can seem to turn out new firmware on a weekly basis. I wonder how much appetite Garmin really has for cycling devices any more.
a statement from garmin product support from yesterday:
“It is still our intent to release an update to the Edge 1000 to bring in ANT+ Fe – C compatibility. However at this time we do not have a targeted release date.”
(link to
From time to time while riding, my Edge 1000 displays a screen that says Di2 Gear Adjustment Mode, and then Front Adjustment and 3 numbers and then Rear Adjustment and 3 numbers. Does anyone know what’s going on and how to make it stop doing this? Thanks.
Firstly I love your blogs, so keep up the great work! Ok, enough shmoozing. I’m after some advice; I’m looking at parting with some of my well earned dosh for a GPS device with maps. I’ve previously used a Polar CAD2000 on my bikes and feel it’s time for an upgrade to GPS. I like the Edge 520 but it doesn’t have the nifty Edge 1000 maps feature which allow you to select a suggested route option. I mostly ride solo and like to do different routes around my hood (3-4 hours) which I feel the 1000 currently will best suit this.
The big question I have struggled to get an answer to is; should I wait until a 2016 new Garmin 520/1000 version is released (rumored that the 520 will include this route planner option?) or should I bite the bullet and buy a 1000 now? Either way I would like to get a device in Q1 2016 ideally. Any advice with your guru Garmin product connections would be greatly appreciated!
I definitely wouldn’t expect any new Edge 520, since that’s barely 6 months old. Given the Edge 1000 has continued to receive numerous updates, I think we’re still a ways from a replacement there too.
Ultimately, if you’re looking for the suggested routes feature – the Edge 1000 is pretty much your best bet (since the Edge 1000 Explore makes zero cents at current logic).
No 810/1000 replacement at seaotter? The 810 hasn’t really been updated in a long time and the 520 has many features the 810 doesn’t have. I mean even the 25 supports the radar
Thanks Ray & Eli for your prompt response. Looks like it may have to be a trip to the shops for an Edge 1000 then! :) Safe riding.
I just bought explore 1000 and like the feature of round-trip courses which will give you three routes for each direction from your choice of starting locations, so totally there is twelve routes to choose from. And the connection of cadence, speed and HR and remote sensors is very quick. Plus it comes with a remote which edge 1000 doesn’t have. I prefer explore 1000 more.
Another year has passed, and the Edge will be 3 years old in 3 months time. Any rumours on a Next Gen Edge 1000? I’m reluctant to pay almost full price (€ 409 no bundle) for such an old device. Thanks!
Ray, any idea on whether Garmin will release an updated version of the 1000 this year? The routing functionality is quite important for me, so the 1000 currently is my best contender. However, I would feel rather sad to buy it now and see an updated version showing up before the summer. Thanks!
Question was already answered, sorry.
Anyone know if it’s possible to configure the 1000 to connect to a phone via BTLE but *NOT* via regular bluetooth?
I want to get the phone notifications on my 1000 but don’t need the weather alert or live tracking functionality.
My Edge 1000 is only a few weeks old and my gmapprom.img is dated 16/08/2012. I am updating map now using DC Rainmakers instructions link to…705800810.html but have just noticed the original map on Edge 1000 is 2,979,264 KB. The map generated for AUS/NZ on link to is only 266,672 KB.
Anyone know why the huge size variance?
I’m not quite sure off-hand what the basemap looks like for units bought in AUS/NZ. But, if it’s like elsewhere in the world, the basemap on the unit covers far more countries in your region, hence being bigger.
Ok I’ve looked into this a bit more and discovered two maps on the Edge 1000.
Worldwide DEM Basemap,NR
TOPO Australia & New Zealand v4
When I connect the Edge 1000 to my PC I see the two files gmapbmap.img (49,808 KB) is the base map, the AUS/NZ map is gmapprom.img (2,979,264 KB).
I thought the Edge 1000 exclusively used OSM maps, but there you go.
Ray if you were to replace the existing 2012 TOPO map what would you replace it with? Should I purchase the latest TOPO map (I assume from Garmin) or should I use the OSM map?
Thanks and look forward to hearing your thoughts.
I’d go with OSM first and see if that fits you requirements. But, if it’s a true Topo map, they very rarely change within a few years (since it’s about topography, not new streets/buildings).
Thank you. I’ll install OSM as per your article.
What I most miss on Garmin Edge devices is the virtual calculation of power (watt) in connection with speed, cadence, and altitude. Only with actual power meter it gives you data (watt). A lot of other manufacturers have that possibility.
Does anyone know if Garmin is planning to have this feature in any future updates? Could you, DC Rainmaker maybe make a recommendation for it on Garmin, as you have more influence than we all together?
A lot of people that I know are missing this data. We all know that this data is not precisely accurate, but in normal conditions (riding alone and with no wind) it gives you pretty accurate number. It would also be more fun out there knowing what kind of watts are you pushing. A lot of us can’t afford a power meter itself.
Thanks for your help and excellent reviews.
Best regards,
If you post your rides to Strava it will give you estimated average power and energy output for your ride, without using a power meter. You can setup Garmin Connect to automatically post the rides for you when you sync.
do you think we vil se a1010 this year
Hi there,
While I am training idoor, the amount of seat I produce is enough to have a lot of of those nasty “screen-lock” messages…the only way to solve that is to clean the screen with a towel.
I wonder what will happen if you ride outside on the rain…there is no dry towel to use ;-).
As the device is still pretty new (2 months) I wonder if this something that can be solved (partially) by a replacement or is something affecting all units..500E for a GPS that can’t be used while raining is just completely stupid…I missed my OREGON.
In addition to my frustration, I own a smart trainer…and while the 510 has FE-C…the 1000 is taking time to have that feature.
I’m kind of confused Nuno. What are you saying? I’ve ridden my 1000 for over 9,000 miles now and a lot of it in pouring rain (like Australia, England and Scotland this past summer) and am currently in SE Asia now bike touring. Have had numerous pouring rain storms in SE Asia past couple weeks and my Edge hasn’t missed a beat. I had the 800 and rode through Eastern Europe in 2013 and Cairo to Capetown in 2013 and rode through numerous rain storms on both tours. And the 800 also never missed a beat. The device isn’t submersible under water but it sure is water proof while riding in a rain storm on a bike! Mine is living proof of that.
So what is your concern???
My Edge 1000 works just fine in the rain. I have cycled centuries in rainstorms with it, where it was pelted with rain for 8 hours straight, and it functioned without issues.
I used to get the screen lock messages, as well as other problems, but that had nothing to do with moisture (it would happen on a perfectly dry and sunny day). I finally erased the file system of my 1000 (but saving and restoring the base maps) and reloaded everything from scratch using Garmin Express. That solved all the glitchy issues it had (although TBT can still be a bit flakey).
Indeed, they seemingly fixed the water issues pretty early on. Mine is happy now and has been for a while (and I get plenty of rain in Paris).
New Firmware 6.0 is out….
link to
Where are the ANT+ FE-C Functions :-(
unbelievable! now i’m really fed up with garmin!
but the most “strange/annoying” thing is that they was able to release exactly the same “improvements” IMMEDIATELY for the 520
link to
Umm…it’s because they started on that platform.
ah… ok… that sounds plausible.
anyway it’s quite disappointing to get this long awaited “major-update” with no really “major-updates” (in my eyes). and that it doesn’t has ANY of the mentioned features.
Are you saying that 6.0 is an entirely new foundation on top which they will add the promised, e.g. vo2max, features?
Personally I welcome better Bluetooth stability, as BT notifications was a major point in my purchase of E1000. However, it has never worked reliably for me…
So if 6.0 implies a new overall more stable foundation, I can only applaud that move. It also signals that garmin actually wants to continue supporting the hardware.
that’s what garmin is saying:
“While support for the new features (Vo2 Max, FTP Tracking, Recovery Advisor, and ANT + FE-C ) were not included in the 6.0 software released, I have confirmed with the engineering team that these features will be coming to the Edge 1000. They have indicated that these features are planned to be implemented soon, but it is likely that not all of these features will be coming in a single update. Again, I am unable to provide an actual date that these features will be available, but they are planned to be implemented on the Edge 1000.”
link to
I’m on my 3rd edge 1000 now (all replaced by Garmin due to various faults) so I’m thinking of changing it for a 520. I don’t really need the maps and wifi (although they’re nice to have). I think these are the major differences. Has anyone else done so?
Nope, I have owned the 705, 800, 810 and now the 1000. Love the 1000, works great. I bought it in July 2014 and have done a 4 month tour of Australia/Tasmania, Land’s End to John O’ Groats in England to Scotland, Cuba 1 month and now 4 months in SE Asia (during Colorado winter, an annual thing). Not a single hiccup on the device. Do all my own routes on then upload my Edge as a gpx track and it has navigated me through every city I rode through in Australia/Tasmania, England/Scotland and now SE Asia with turn by turn navigation. I use mine almost exclusively (love the large display) for bike touring and have all the Garmin City Navigator SD mapping cards for the device. I would not leave home without this device for bike touring.
Any chance of compatibity with motorbike tire pressure monitor sensor?
Unfortunately nothing. I haven’t checked Connect IQ though yet – so it might work with something there.
FYI New Edge FW
Changes made from version 6.00 to 7.00:
Added support for Connect IQ data fields. On the Edge 1000, you can have ten Connect IQ data fields active at a time. To install Connect IQ data fields, manage your Edge 1000 in Garmin Connect Mobile or Garmin Express. After installing data fields, they will be available in the ‘Connect IQ’ category when selecting data fields to put on a data screen.
Fixed a bug preventing the Vector installation angle wizard from advancing.
Fixed a bug causing the ‘Next:’ field in a workout to show incorrect information when a series of steps are repeated.
Improved searching in the ‘Where To?’ menu.
Fixed once-per-second data recording.
link to!
Hi all,
I performed the update to software version 7.0, and with it my activity profiles, personal records, totals (both device and activity profile) and list of sensors have been reset. Very annoying … I would have thought these were kept during update cycles??? Does anyone know of a way to restore these; are they backed up somewhere in the directory structure of the device?
Thanks, Jonathan
I have recently buy Edge 1000 bundle.
Now I have two bikes and one cadence and speed sensor. The cadence sensor is not a problem. The rotation is the same. But how is it with speed sensor? I know it calibrates automatically. But is this just in the beginning of pairing to the device or does it calibrate for every single start of ride?
Because now I have speed sensor on one bike. Tomorrow I will (would) have it on another bike (with a bit of difference in tyre diameter), and the next day I will put it again on the first bike. Can I change the sensor freely or should the sensor stay only on one bike?
How is Edge 1000 with recording the distance for different bikes. Can it be somehow separately recorded? Or is it the only possibility to have different profile for different bike?
Can odometer be set already in the beginning (to record in the previous distance made this year?
How is Egde 1000 with recording the distance for differente bikes. Can it be somehow seperately recorded? Or is it the only possibility to have different profile for different bike?
Can odometer be set already in the beginning (to record in the previous distance made this year?
Does anyone have the solution for my questions? I would really need some help.
The easiest thing that you can do is just to go out and buy an individual speed sensor for each bike. But if you manually change the wheel circumference each time you move it, you should be able to use it on multiple bikes.
I use an Edge 800 for cycling, which has bike profiles. From what I’ve read, the Edge 1000 is a “sensor pool” model, and doesn’t have profiles. If so, it will automatically connect to whatever sensors are available, rather than looking for specific sensors that go with a bike profile. My Epix, which I occasionally have used for cycling, is a “sensor pool” model, and it keeps the wheel circumference for each individual sensor. (I have a sensor for each bike.) I know that Edges recalibrate from time to time using GPS (because once my 800 screwed up the recalibration during a ride; now I use manual calibration for every profile), but I don’t know how you can force it to do that. So your readings may be off unless you change the circumference manually before setting out. So, as I said, the easiest thing is to just have a sensor for every bike. If it doesn’t already know about a sensor (like the first time you pair), it will calibrate automatically using GPS.
For some reason, Garmin removed the ability (which I have on my Edge 800) to input a starting value for each profile. So you cannot set the value to the distance you’ve ridden this year, before you bought your Edge 1000. (Maybe they expect all purchases to be Christmas presents, and all riders to begin using their Edge 1000 on January 1.)
I have three profiles on my 1000 – Colnago, Trek, and Cannondale. In History, I can see totals for the Edge itself (407 rides, 26000+ km), and for each of the profiles. This might be marginally useful if I deleted and recreated all of the profiles each January 1, but I don’t. So I can’t track the total distance of my 10 year old Trek or my 6 year old Colnago. The almost new Cannondale’s distance shown on the Edge is its “lifetime” distance.
If Garmin would restore the user’s ability to input a starting distance for a profile, then users could make more use of the totals on the device.
To speed sensor change manually is not a problem. It is easy to change with only this rubber band needs to be locked.
But the question is, once I change it, will it automatically give the right speed data for this second bike, as it is a bit different (different tyre)? Or will it give the speed data from the first bike?
Does speed sensor calculates speed in accordance to garmin GPS every time, or how does this work?
I have the newer style hub-mounted speed sensor. I once tested if there is a difference between entering my wheel size manually vs. letting the Garmin 1000 an sensor compute it automatically. There is a negligible difference. I just leave the sensor setting on automatic wheel size.
“But the question is, once I change it, will it automatically give the right speed data for this second bike, as it is a bit different (different tyre)? Or will it give the speed data from the first bike?”
I can’t tell you for sure, but I suspect it will give the right speed data for the first bike. The 1000 will have no way of knowing that you’ve moved the sensor, and will have stored the circumference of the first bike. Eventually, it might recalibrate on its own, but it will be wrong until then.
Just hanging – I bought the garmin edge 1000 2 days ago. It set up easily. I planned to use it for the first time tomorrow. Got it out the box today and was playing with it to get familiar with all the functions. The device suddenly hang. No response. No on off switch working. It just hangs. I connected it to a PC. Nothing. It just hangs. Can’t switch it on or off. I can basically do nothing with it.The screws on the device are so small that now tool can fit it. Thought I will remove the battery.
Any advice before I smash it with a hammer?
Press and hold the power button for several seconds (up to 15 secs). It should reboot
Joseph, you said you took it out of the box and started playing with it. Question…did you read the instruction manual first???? I’m pretty sure the instruction manual says to plug it in and let it FULLY CHARGE FIRST. And it also states in the instruction manual that if the display freezes, to push in the power button and hold it in for 10-15 sec until it reboots. I”ve found over the years that many electronic devices will freeze up if you don’t fully charge them BEFORE you start playing with them which is why it pays to always read the instruction manual before doing anything and always plug it in and let it fully charge before you do anything at all with the devices.
Whether a device is fully or partially charged has nothing to do with the device operating system crashing, unless the power is too low to run it (which essentially means battery is fully depleted). It just doesn’t work that way. My 1000 locks up (crashes) every now and then, with no relationship to level of charge. It’s the nature of the beast. It just locks up now and then.
Fwiw, in my experiance with Garmin device crashes, it’s almost always due to some corruption on the drive (either the micro-SD card or the internal memory). Usually connecting to computer and doing a scan of the disk to fix errors will resolve it.
Else, a hard reset resolves it too.
Ray: a while back I gave up on all the freezes and instability. I saved the basemap and erased the entire device. After rebooting I restored the basemap and connected to Garmin Express to update everything (maps, etc). I then did a factory reset. I had to redo all my settings from scratch, but since then it has been more stable and only locks up once in a great while.
Yup, sounds like classic corruption issue resolution. Good to hear!
My question is about Speed Sensor which I used to use in the rear wheel.
While it is used in a trainer indoor disconecting GPS, checking battery is working properly and device (Edge 1000) recognize it, device is not showing speed on the screen.
Do you know if are there any kind of problem on that?, are there a configuration tip that would resolved the issue?.
Thanks in advance.
I’d double-check that there’s a wheel circumference listed, as otherwise it’ll show a null speed.
In this review I listed in the “Website” entry you said this:
“You’ll use Garmin’s free software, Garmin Express, to do tasks such as configuring WiFi, synchronizing activities (if without WiFi/Bluetooth), as well as updating the firmware and maps. You can also configure WiFi via the Edge directly – a nice change from the FR620 where you must set it up on a computer first.”
I run Ubuntu Linux on my laptop (it was the OS installed by the vendor), and Garmin has atrocious support for anything not Windows or Mac, so I cannot get Wifi enabled because Garmin Express refuses to run in my browser. Can you explain how to enable Wifi on the Edge 1000 directly?
Recently I got an Edge 1000. I like making long tours, but the battery doesn’t last the whole distance… So, I want to hook it up to a power bank when I take a break. I only can’t find the specs regarding the maximum amperage. Can you help me out? Will it charge when I link it to a 2.4 A USB-port or will it blow up?
Just about any standard USB charger should work. The Garmin will only draw as much power as it needs to charge. It will not self destruct.
I just ran an experiment using a Jackery Mini charger to keep my Edge 1000 topped up. I got suggestions on the Garmin Forum to affix the charger to the stem using electrical tape and plug the charger in to the Edge. The fully charged Jackery Mini (3350mAH) kept the Edge fully charged for 13+ hours. The Edge should be good for another 10 hours, perhaps more.
I did this experiment to help a friend who is doing 24 Hr Time Trials. Her Edge 1000 gave out at 10:56. She switched to her Edge 800 for awhile, then resumed using the Edge 1000 after it was recharged. The 800 lost her ride file, so she wasn’t pleased with this strategy. Now she should be able to do the entire ride using the Edge 1000.
Using the Garmin Edge 1000 out-front mount, I had to switch the Edge to landscape mode to get easy access to the USB port. If you buy a Garmin Varia out-front mount (list $40), you will be able to plug in while in portrait mode. I prefer to view the Edge in portrait.
As a new owner of Edge 1000 I have updated firmware and now it is 7.0 version. But still I do not see some features that should be there. An example is Recovery time. As far as I know on 520 was already originaly on the device. Will that feature also be available for the Edge 1000, and if yes, when is it planed?
By dowloading version 7.0 of firmware, I asume that I have updated all previous versions as well, am I right? Meaning it is probably not nessesary to upload 4, then 5, … Also the only option was the latest firmware. I ask because I feel that there are many options missing. Or perhaps they are already on 520 but still not arrived to 1000.
What features are on 520 that will (or could) be also presented on 1000 (and when, if its already known)?
There is one thing that is disturbing me on my Edge 1000. That is navigation or better said that navigation does not give me guidance to get back on course when following an already created and uploaded route.
The guidance back on course works if I only enter an address to go too (or multiple addresses). So normal Navigation (like having it in a Car).
Is that normal, and for pre-created courses the is no guidance back on course or is something wrong?
All settings for navigation are enabled so settings are not the problem.
I read the review as I was thinking about getting the Edge 1000. I’m now a little sceptical about getting one. I have a Garmin Forerunner 920XT, but am spending more time on the bike and wanted something a little bigger and was thinking this as a starting point to getting Varia Vision.
Has the Edge 1000 improved since the review? Can you now recommend it over the other model? I will never set a KOM, but would like to see the Strava segments. Proper navigation would be nice.
As it is almost two years old is it worth waiting for a new model?
FW Update 8.0, looks like good stuff
link to
I was all set on buying the Edge 520. But now with the 1000 version 8.0 available, I’m hesitating again… I do like the bigger screen, WiFi and street routing of the 1000. Does the latest version and pricing (260 vs 400 Euro) change your opinion on 520 vs 1000 in any way?
Thanks in advance!
At this point the two units are pretty much equal outside of street routing and WiFi and screen. So it really does come down to personal preferences.
I’d say if you do a lot of navigation, then you’ll find the Edge 1000 a better option because of the more advanced routing. But otherwise, I’d stick with the Edge 520.
I would add that the 1000’s touchscreen adds a lot to the user experience in terms of ease and quickness of use. I helped an LBS setup a 520 for a customer and I hated the button-pushing user interface of the 520. I suppose I could get used to it, but I found it much slower and awkward to navigate the settings.
Dear Dean, I do like the touch-screen of the Edge1000 and the fast and intuitive browsing of the menus, but sometimes have issues with it when wearing gloves in colder or wet weather.
My first GPS was the multi-purpose Gpsmap 60Csx, and I really loved the positive tactile feel and arrangement of the buttons, in all weather conditions. If only it had ANT+ connectivity … :D.
I also ride in the winter with heavy gloves. I usually take a second pair of Merino gloves with me in case I have to get into the settings menus mid-ride. Otherwise, I use the Remote for accessing the data screens.
Thx Ray, Dean and Jonathan. Really helpful. I just ordered the 1000 on using Ray’s link. Highly unusual in Europe that Garmin is dicounting it deeper (390 Euro) on Amazon than any retailer or webshop.
Hi Ray or anyone else who can help.
I have just moved from a Garmin 800 to 1000. One of the things I really liked on the 800 was what I will call “car” like mapping. What I mean by this is that the turn by turn map was akin to the same way a Garmin sat nav would look.
The major advantage to me of what I will call the “car” setup is that I found it incredibly useful when descending as it gave me a heads up on the corners ahead so that I would know what to expect & get my speed & line ready. I can’t do this with 1000. It just doesn’t give me the detail. I was on Sa Calobra in Mallorca recently & according to the 1000 my descent was straight without any corners…..
Is it possible to get this car view back with the pre-installed maps on the 1000 with some setting change or it is case of I need to by the Garmin SD card as an extra?
Ray/Guys, can I just check something please. Are the GPS, maps and routing etc EXACTLY the same in the Edge Explore 1000 and the full fat 1000 please?
ie, if you are only using this as a top spec GPS routing device and dont want the extra facilities of the 1000, then the Explore would be the better bet, BUT, NOT if the GPS, mapping and routing on the Explore are a lower version.
I hope that makes sense.
I went to, looked up Edge products, and did a compare between the Edge 1000 and the Edge Explore 1000. To me, it appears that the user can do exactly the same map-related things – route planning, etc. – with either computer. This implies to me that they would have the same data in their maps.
Thanks for the reply Colin, appreciated, I am going to London today to see both and hopefully come home with one of them!!! Thanks………..
Any updates/rumors on the next unit to replace the 1000?
I’m also looking to replace my Edge 500 this year.
I’ll do it soon if I can feel comfortable there’s limited chance of a replacement. if there’s something in the pipeline – i’ll wait.
Hi Ray,
Have you done any testing of recording long rides with the Edge 1000, specifically audax/rando events? I have an Edge 810, but there’s a known bug with it that mean it starts to truncate recorded tracks anywhere north of 350km. Otherwise I’m happy with the 810, but contemplating dropping the $$$s on a 1000 for something that just works.
My friend Mary Hall rode a 24 Hour Time Trial yesterday, and recorded 465 km without any issues. Earlier in April, she recorded 478km, also without issues. Both rides were done with the “help” of a Jackery Mini charger connected t the Edge 1000 to keep the battery charged for the entire ride. She also did a 400km randoneurring ride in April.
I’ve just read the review for the Garmin Edge 520 and apart from the larger screen why would you buy a 1000 over the 520?
Ray had the 520 as the top pick in his buyers guide, so just wondered why people were picking the 1000.
Best wishes Michael
Much better mapping on the 1000. Also more memory availible to running Connect IQ apps. Ok, people don’t really care about that one.
see post 1062.
Thanks guys. I think for what I need uploading Street Maps will do the job. Looks like it will be a 520.
Guys, sorry to sound a numpty on this but, did my first ride today. I set a round 10 miles route, hit ride then rode the route. When I came home, hit he red cross to turn the route off.
Then I went to view where I had been, nothing!!. No route saved, so, I must have done something wrong and of course, the instructions are useless.
What have I done wrong please, perhaps I did not save it at the end, please help!!! Thanks……..
Loading a route and riding it does not automatically start recording the ride data. You still have to start your ride, just like you would without a route. Hitting the X just cancels your route and stops the turn-by-turn cues as you ride.
When you load a route and it detects you are at the start it may prompt you if you want to start the ride, but it doesn’t always start recording automatically, and I have noticed a bit of flakiness since FW v8.0
I’d agree. I’m going to guess one of two things happened:
1) Start was never pressed (on recording)
2) Stop was never pressed (on recording)
If #1, you’re kinda hosed. :(
If #2, then you could turn it back on and find your ride file ready to save. But, since connecting it to a computer would automatically end/save the ride – then it’s unlikely it’s #2.
Thanks Guys, this all starts to make more sense now then.
So, not only must I hit ride, but I must then follow it with start/stop which I guess is the bottom right hand button. Then everything I do will be tracked and recorded by the device and will be able to see it and use it later. Am I right ? Thanks…………
Yup, correct. That’s it! You should hear it chirp, and the edge of the screen will go briefly green. When you press stop, it’ll go briefly red (border).
Nice one, thanks, appreciated
Does the Edge 1000 (or even 520) support Intensity Minutes? Seems like a bit of gap that if I go cycling I don’t record any at all, when the modern trackers will pick it up for a brisk walk…
I would have thought Garmin Connect can look at an activity and work it out?
No, unfortunately not.
But it’s right a Fenix 3 HR in Cycling does log intensity minutes?
I guess that falls into the ‘haven’t considered people using multiple devices/trackers’ lack of thought.
For someone who does cycling as my main activity, it renders that metric completely useless as I’ll only rack up a handful of Intensity Minutes each week. When in reality I’ve done a good few hours of cycling.
Someone at Garmin really needs to consider how all their devices work together. For commodity functions like activity tracking, then maybe all devices should do it, as long as all the data ends up in the same place. And if they’re rolling out a new metric such as Intensity Minutes, then that should appear on at least the high end devices (after all, there’s a valid argument that it only needs to be on the 520 and 1000). There must be plenty of Edge users out that use an HRM and I can’t see what the difference in what is produced file wise is to a Fenix 3 HR.
As an addendum to my rant I just feel like that things such as:-
Can only make one measurement on the Index Smart Scale per day
Can only use one ‘nominated tracker’ rather than any tracker I pick up to log stats each day
Intensity Minutes not working on some devices (Edge) but does on others for the same activity
Should be considered before products get launched!
There is a fundamental difference I’ve observed with the support of the Edge 1000 vs Fenix 3 (I’ve got both). Perhaps its due to the number of units sold, but the Fenix 3 gets almost weekly beta updates, and new features, meanwhile, over in Edge 1000 land, the updates dribble out every 3 or 4 months, and typically they are missing and still behind cycling related features that have been available in the Fenix for ages. The difference is quite dramatic, and disconcerting. Almost like two companies.
It’s frustrating that Garmin essentially do this to themselves. I really like the Edge 1000, but as the premier cycling only device shouldn’t it have the same if not more features than the F3? I’m primarily talking about things like mapping that are made possible by the form factor.
I have a colleague who bought an Edge 520 and an F3, out of confusion more than anything, and then looks surprised when I tell him that there are certain things the F3 can do that the Edge 520 can’t that are cycling related.
It’s clear that the departments in Garmin are too insular in my view. At sub-category level things generally work well – the Varia stuff, it works really nicely with the Edge (apart from when using the remote it disconnects the lights from the Edge, meaning you can’t use the remote as a simple indicator button else where on the bars), but at category level things are messy – why can’t you use a Vivo or Edge (or smartphone) device to do a upload on an index scale (say a two week holiday or training camp?) would be something Fitbit doesn’t do for instance. Why can’t you use a Varia Radar to trigger a nominated Virb cam to record when it detects movement? When they are all separate departments you end up with a messy sprawl of devices confusing for the consumer which is where we are now. I have a lot of garmin stuff, but I want a device that can replace my Mio Fuse and original Vivoactive ideally. So must have rebroadcast. And I want a decent golf device too. But in Garmin that probably means buying a VVHR+ and an Approach X40, which are identical pieces of hardware!
Lately, perhaps because of a firmware update, near the start of a ride, even if I am still riding slowly in the little chainring, a circle pops up on the display of my Garmin Edge 1000 with the word GOOD inside in all upper case letters. It completely takes over the display, and I have to hit the back arrow to get the display back.
A less annoying feature is that when I finish even a short cruise in the little chain ring and save the ride, another circle takes over the display and show a very unrealistic recovery time in hours, perhaps 9 hours after slowly riding a few times around the block. I can ignore the second message, but the one that says GOOD is very annoying as it completely blocks my view of the readout while I’m riding. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?
Hi Jack,
that’s the recovery advisor at work since firmware update 8.0.
To disable it, go into the main menu (by pressing the wrench/screwdriver symbol near the bottom), then scroll completely down to “my stats”, select “recovery advisor”, and disable it.
I think this will get rid of both messages. I assume recovery time is suggested on the basis of a number of calculated metrics, but don’t really know how accurate it is.
Best wishes,
Both recoveryalerts time out go away after a few seconds with any user interaction from you. Otherwise, go into settings and you can disable the Recovery Advisor altogether.
Thank you Jonathan and Dean. I would have played around for hours figuring that out on my own. I have switched the recovery advisor off.
No comment
I have been using the edge1000 for over 1.5 years, and now it won’t recognize the memory card. Checked with a card reader, the card itself is good. Checked the memory slot with another card, no luck. Any ideas?
Hmm, it could be some corruption on the card. Perhaps try checking the card in your computer and maybe copying the files off of it and formatting it and see if it reads that.
It also could be something amiss with the contact on the card slot…which is tougher to fix.
Thanks Ray,
it seems this is not the card but the Edge’s reader. Tried various cards, I did master reset without the card, with the card inserted, no luck. When connected to a pc or mac it only mounts Garmin folder on the desktop but no memory card. Sending back to garmin see what happens.
When I come home from a ride, I plug my Garmin 1000 into a micro USB cable, the other end of which is permanently attached to one of the many USB ports on my 27″ iMac. I have a Windows VM (VMware Fusion) on the same machine, but it’s not typically running. Sometimes a “Garmin” external volume icon appears on the Mac’s desktop, sometimes it doesn’t. And no matter whether that happens, invariably it loses its connection to the Mac (unpredictably, but within a few minutes).
Has maintaining its connection to a Mac computer been a frequent problem for the Edge 1000? I can make it drop off Mac desktop just by wiggling the micro USB connector.
Thanks so much,
Happy birthady! 2 years garmin 1000…
Prevision for a new Garmin EDGE? ….. 1100 ^O^
Hi DC,
I’ve got the 720 and would like an upgrade, I’ve read the majority of reviews here and am happy to spend the £300 on the 1000 but cost to one side just want the bet product for cycling on the market, what would you recommend?
Help much appreciated, money burning a hole in my pocket and need to spend it before the Wife finds out!
Another great review that I’ve spent hours reading and referring to in my search for a cycling device. By the way, I bought a Garmin 230 after reading your review, and love it.
A couple questions.
1. Is this still the only Garmin Edge device that provides turn-by-turn directions? I live in Japan and this is one of the critical features for me (so I can get my iPhone off my handlebars).
2. The only maps in Asia I can find are for SE Asia and Australasia. Any knowledge of how to get street map updates for Japan, particularly the Tokyo area?
Thank you!
1) Today, yes. Others can provide directions, but not true turn by turn directions. Wahoo also rolled out an update to the ELEMNT this past week that does provide tun by turn directions. Look for a post later this week from me on it.
2) Hmm…and that’s on the free download site?
I forgot to ask if the Bluetooth connectivity to third party devices was fixed. I use the Wahoo SC cadence sensor and Wahoo TICKR X heard rate monitor. Will they connect to the 1000?
Thank you!!
On the free download site it only seemed to show the southern Asia countries. I was wondering if anyone was a user in Japan and found good (hopefully, free) local maps.
No method to use Bluetooth Smart sensors with any Garmin products.
However, the Wahoo BlueSC v2 (dual ANT+/BLE) will work, as will the TICKR X.
You’d just need to validate you have the V2 version of the BlueSC. it has the little ANT+ logo on the back of it.
Thank you!
I have so appreciated everyone’s comments on the edge 1000, thank you.
I was undecided which garmin to buy after riding with the 705 for the last 5 years. The reviews on the 1000 from all websites I found were at best mixed.
I made an informed decision based on the thought why would a company create a product more expensive than its predecessors that was worse?
So I bought the edge 1000. I rode 128 miles yesterday with the edge 1000 guiding me on a pre planned route made on strava and downloaded as a gpx file. It was faultless!!
The 1000 is quirky and offers lots of functionality, the key is understanding how it all works and setting it up correctly for your riding preferences.
The only negative comment I would pass on is that the battery life is not as advertised. It doesn’t even get close to the 15 hours garmin say. It lasted only 5 hours and this was with all the following turned off:
GPs glonass
Virtual partner
Auto brightness(all brightness manually turned to zero)
I had to take a powerpack with me to keep it charged.
On a positive you can navigate with it plugged into a power pack. On garmin a side a massive false advertising!
Back to the positives, which totally outweigh the only negative. It does absolutely everything they say it does and does it very well.
All issues I have read in my opinion are due to user error, not understanding the product, how it works and reading the instructions.
The edge 1000 ticks all the boxes, if you don’t have a power pack with you, don’t ride for longer than 4-5 hours :-(
You’re getting there garmin but where on earth did you get your figure on battery life from ???
I agree that the Edge 1000 is quite a nice unit, with more capabilities than I actually want to use. My only disagreement with your post is on battery life. 15 hours is the stuff of dreams, but I get something on the order of ten hours life. My brightness is completely off, but Glonass, WiFi, and Bluetooth are all enabled.
I did an experiment for a friend who has started riding 24 Hour Time Trials. I used a Jackery Mini charger with the Edge, and got at least 13 hours before the Edge went below 100% charged. (This was with some brightness still turned on, maybe three bars.) So she has been able to use her Edge for three 24 Hour efforts without a problem.
I checked today, and when the Edge showed 73% charge remaining, I had already ridden 85+ km. Generally, I get about 3km or 2mi for each percent of charge. That’s going to last longer than I ever ride.
Using guidance does put more of a load on the battery, but I’ve done a century with guidance (about 7 hours riding time), and had 20% charge left. Often, guidance can be turned off for some portion of a ride, which can help preserve charge.
5 hours is way too low Nick, I’ve had over 11 hours on mine and I think it had 20% left with everything off inc brightness! I’ve regular done 6-8 hour rides with no issues with everything on.
Hi Colin,
Thanks for your feedback. I was probably unclear in my earlier post. Without a battery pack (external) the 1000 with everything turned off that I mentioned only lasted 5-6hours, fact. I plugged a power pack in to recharge along the route so it would record data and guide me to the end of my ride.
It is a great unit, my only negative was that a week old unit used for the third time did not last anywhere near the advised time as marketed by garmin.
By a powerpack and happy days the unit is excellent.
As an aside I rode with 4 other people on the same ride who have 810’s and they had no problem with battery???
Summary – with every penny, if you’re into long rides then think about additional power.
Happy cycling
I’d agree, something is askew there. Assuming you’re 100% sure backlight was off (it’s the secret/deadly killer), then I’d ring up Garmin and have swap out. Especially since it’s new.
Most folks I hear from are in the 10+ hour range.
will Garmin stop the update for the edge 1000 in the near future? as in 5-7years time.
Garmin typically releases firmware updates for products for about 2-3 years. After that, it’s largely maintenance updates (minor bugs, but rarely features). There are exceptions to this on both sides (less or more updates) – but 2 years is a general safe bet.
There’s virtually no tech company releasing firmware updates for hardware products 7-9 years later (since it’s already been out 2 years).
I’ve bought a Wahoo Speed sensor and paired it to my Edge 1000 (running latest 8.30 firmware). I don’t know if it’s the latest firmware or something with the sensor but whilst cycling at the weekend I noticed a lot of erroneous pausing/starting (auto resume) going on whilst riding. I disabled the speed sensor for the rest of the ride and it completely stopped happening.
Is it the sensor or the firmware? I was moving at the time on each occasion (it had the effect of stopping one of my Strava live segments too). The sensor is on my front hub directly below the Edge so I don’t think it was going in and out of range.
Has the Wahoo Speed performed well for anyone else?
Well good news for those waiting on the replacement of the Garmin Edge 1000 – there is bound to be one up quick, as I have just ordered a 1000 off Amazon.
you can thank me when Garmin announces a replacement – I am sure they were waiting for me.
The old 705 finally drowned (literally) doing L’Ardéchoise last week.
So after going back and forth between the idea of the 520 (great form factor; but no turn by turn and no storage for maps) I went with the brick known as the 1000.
I haven’t gone for the full pack with new heart strap, accelerators/thingies – mainly as it is a big enough outlay as it is and I have Ant+ things already that will link up.
Tuesday after the postie delivers will be a nice learning curve in advance of L’Etape.
New kit youpie!
Hey DC – straight up. Heard of a new version coming out at all Garmin 1001/820/830
Good afternoon,
I would love to get help with uploading/exporting courses/routes when I am away from my computer. (1) Is it possible to export a course (route) from a mapping program such as RideWithGPS to my Garmin Edge 1000 using wifi or Bluetooth? (2) If so, how? (3) If not, can I accomplish this with a USB cable connection from a tablet or Smartphone device and will the device recognize the Garmin’s memory?
Sincere thanks for any advice offered.
William Hudson
So a week in with the 1000, and still no Garmin announcement for a new model – strange guys!
Anyway – obviously after my old 705 it is quite step up.
Although I can’t work out how to do segments.
I know it’s all Strava now; but old Garmin segments used to be free – yes free – why should I stump up to Premium – yes i know there is a 30 day free trial etc; but they still want your credit card details for that… Bring back Garmin segments! (a petition of one I know).
Turn by turn seems as daft as on my 705 ignoring major exits on roundabouts , when giving instructions. But it is certainly nicer and clearer to look at.
The round trip function is neat.
I love that I have so many data fields to play with and the clearness of the screen, is great , if a bit prone to glare.
Some of the training things need a bit of fettling with – I mean 3 days to recover after a ride!
Anyway thumbs up so far.
I sold my 810 when i saw the 820 leaks.. So far no announcements soooooooooo I got the garmin edge 1000. 1st thing – it’s huge! i dont think it’s going to fit my out front mount.. we will see in a few hours.
Second – wow so much faster than the 810. i like the touch screen on it.
3rd – free maps – it’s automated now so that’s nice from OSM.
Apps – very cool!
Anyways I purchased the micro SD card but noticed garmin ignored it and threw the downloaded maps to the main device.
How do i go about moving the maps to the SD Card?
I’ve been using the Garmin 800 device for a long time & now that I upgraded my Turbo Trainer to a Taxc NEO after reading your article. I’m now unable to utilise my Garmin device fully, so am considering upgrading to either the 520 or 1000.
im thinking that the 1000 is the best option, however with some of the issues you have highlighted I’m not totally sure I should purchase it.
Have Garmin sorted out the communication between its 1000 model with the NEO?
If I were in the market for a 1000 today I might give the new 820 a hard look first.
Hi Dean,
I would be happy upgrading to the 820, however as I am unable to use it fully with the Taxc NEO it’s not an option. As far as I am aware only the 520 & 1000 models are an option for this trainer.
Thanks :-)
The Edge 820 has the FE-C option as well, so it too works in the same way as the Edge 520/1000 when it comes to trainers.
Hi, thank you for your comments and instructions. I had one question that I do not see anywhere. I just bought the Garmin Edge 1000. All is well and I am learning of course, but I note that it does NOT give me the current street name that I am riding on. Isn’t that important to know? I often am in areas that I am not familiar with and cannot find out the name of the street that I am on. It only tells me of the upcoming streets but not my CURRENT street. Is this my lack of knowledge on using the Edge 1000 or does it simply not have that capability? Thank you very much, sir.
1301 River St. #207 thanks for all the attention to the endless details that mostly mystify me. Glad I found your site a little late but better late than never.
“Bluetooth Functionality: In my experience, this is basically useless.”
DC Rainmaker, I believe this info should be edited. I haven’t tested with the iPhone, but the Edge 1000 (v9.20) works with my Nexus 5X phone just fine. The Bluetooth connection works without a single issue, Live Track works and I also receive all text messages on screen.
Also, when I have Bluetooth on, Live Track on, screen backlight on, wi-fi on, GLONASS and GPS on, the battery lasts about 7-8 hours, which is as expected.
Same here. The BT functionality has worked well for me with my iPhone 6S Plus. I get caller ID and text messages on my 1000 and it’s very useful for knowing whether I can ignore or need to stop and respond.
Looking for some advice:
I’ve just purchased a Garmin Edge 820 but find the navigation screen a bit small. Can anyone give me their opinion whether I should move up to a 1000 or something else? Is the 1000 worth buying since its a couple years old now?
having had both units i believe the 1000 runs better than the 820. the 820 has a very sensitive touch screen that your sweat will trigger the buttons.
Navigation wise it’s fixed for the most part but the 820 was having big issues rerouting and just creating the route due to some major lag. The 1000 was pretty solid here.
That said i did think the 1000 was so huge – like obnoxiously huge. Your choice though.
it’s a shame garmin didn’t actually create the 820 based on the 810 screen size.
Thanks Gabe,
Last night I did a workout with gloves on, it was hard to change screens on the 820. I’m pretty torn between this and going for the 1000. With my luck, Garmin will release a 1020 just after my return period runs out, hah!
I just traded in my edge 520 (same size as 820) for the edge 1000. I love the edge 1000. So much easier to see the screen when compared to my old edge 800, thanks to the higher resolution.
I just finished a ride using gloves and I was surprised how well the edge 1000 worked when swiping with gloves.
The good thing about the edge 1000 being out since 2014 is the fact most of the bugs have been worked out of the unit.
Dear friend , I would like to have your advise about free map in micro sd card.
I already downloaded free map in micro sd card but I don’t how to open its in garmin edge1000.
I try to go activity file and then go navigator and then map and then map select but there is no map that I have been load in micro sd card. Please you kindly advise
I didn’t read all of the comments and I was curious if anyone else is complaining about the drops of sweat changing the profile fields. The Sweat drops activate the change profile
Anybody to reply that knows the answer – – understand DC RM is a pretty busy guy.
Heading to Cuba in a week (from Australia) and on the assumption that I can get my Garmin 1000 through customs without getting it confiscated I want to make sure I can record my trips. I understand Cuba has limited internet so my usual habit of downloading (via WiFi or cable to Garmin Connect, Training Peaks and Strava) will most likely not be an option. I plan on riding about 15 days approx 4 hours per day = 60 hours. Charging is not a problem but recording 60 hours of data might be ????
I’ve been trolling through user manuals and forums to try and work out how much storage the unit actually has and if I can just leave the download till I get home or can I / should I download each ride to my laptop and then somehow ‘manually’ upload them all once I’m back in an internet savvy country.
Currently I measure/record every second (PowerTap hub on my road bike) but the bike I’m taking will just have Garmin Cadence Sensor and Garmin 1000 for speed, distance, route etc and as this is really just touring I can reduce that to less data points per min if that would help, I have also read you can swap out SD Cards maybe that is an option.
Thoughts anybody.
You will be fine. I bike tour all over the world, just finished 2 mo in Ireland and never upload my rides to Garmin Connect until I get home. Did 2 mo in England and Scotland using my 1000 and just uploaded when I got home. Did 4 mo in SE Asia this past winter Jan-Feb) and waited till I got home to upload. Be very careful taking the 1000 to Cuba; I was there last year for 5 weeks and observed a cyclist in front of me st customs when they scanned luggage, getting caught taking in a Garmin GPS bike computer (it wa an 800) and it was confiscated. Cuba lists on entry requirements various items forbidden to bring in, and GPS devices are on the list. I would not take mine there and I am planning a tour there in Feb Fira month.
Thanks Len very helpful.
Yeah I’ve been debating wether to take or not …..
Good to know it will store all my rides no problems and load when I get home (if I take it).
Am I the only one having this problem? link to
Garmin support replaced my device 3 times during 2 years but each time after a few months of use the Edge 1000 fails to boot and I’m forced to perform a factory reset.
No help from Garmin other than replacing. The shop will send my device again to Garmin (never ending story).
Impact on user experience: Many cycling trips and holidays have been impacted by lost time with factory resets + reconfiguration and frustration when this happens during or just before rides.
Are the newer Edge devices more reliable or should I forget about Garmin and go to Wahoo Elemnt?
I have another cycling holiday coming up end of december and need a reliable navigation solution.
What would you do?
Hi Ivan, do you use custom maps or you go by plain vanilla Edge and built in maps?
Just using the built-in maps.
Maps and firmware are up-to-date.
Also no memorycard in use.
– Has this problem once. Looked like it ran out of battery just when the boot completed. Cured itself after a couple of recharge attempts and soft resets.
– I guess this one time issue could have been caused by fuzzing around whilst connecting the charger. Could this have caused a short circuit alert (like you sometimes gets on PCs when fuzzing around with USB connections)???
– I hope it doesn’t come back, once was annoying enough.
Got a strange problem with my Edge Wifi connection.
When I have a sensor connected ( or BT enabled) to the device I also have a stable WiFi connection and uploads are normal.
When I don’t have a sensor (HR etc.) connected or don’t have the BT with my phone , the Garmin is searching for Wifi, then it connects for a few seconds and then starts searching again. So it does not have a continues Wifi connection
Is this normal for the Edge ?
I want to know can you plan route on the device on itself or do you need a computer? Also will the bracket fit on handlebar extensions mine is about 20 mm in diameter?
You can route to a given address/locale/etc, which will be point to point. Also, you can do Round Trip Routing from a given locale.
As for the max handlebar size, I don’t quite have that off-hand.
Most modern handlebar stems are roughly that diameter, so that should be fine.
However, I should mention that when I bought my Edge 1000 I’d intended to mount it on the handlebar stems of my various bikes, but I found it easier to view when on the out-front mount, so I bought out-front mounts (or similar) for each bike. Another friend of mine found the same with his Edge 800.
The stem would seem the most logical place, and it takes up no footprint on the handlebars. But I didn’t like it. Your mileage may vary.
Thanks I want to be able to create my own routes off an OS map so this GPS is obviously not suitable but thanks for trying to help!
Thanks well this unit looks like it’s meant for racing or touring bikes with drop handlebars but my bicycle has straight bars with an extender so it would need packing out a bit by the looks of it.
You can develop maps on the Edge 1000 off OS maps. If you go to, you can select OS off the mapping up at the top right corner when you plan a route. I’ve done it. Been developing my own routes on for all my bike touring. I’ve done bike tours all over the world using my Edge 1000 (and prior 705, 800, 810) for navigation and the Edge has taken me through major cities in SE Asia, China, Eastern Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and South America without any hiccups. For me, it’s an indispensable device for my bike touring and I wouldn’t do a bike tour anymore without my Edge. Paper maps just take too much time to decipher where the hell you are and finding a hotel, campground, guesthouse, restaurant, or point of interest, can’t be found with a paper map.
Any updates on when the Edge 1010 is coming? Got enough money to upgrade my edge 800 or my fenix3 but not bothe, and need to see what and when on the Edge 1000 platform as its now over 2 years old before i upgrade to the 1000 or pre-order the fenix5
Thats the same question I am asking.. do I wait till just before my spring trip in case they release a new unit ?? Is there going to be a 1000 update this year..
Any ideas anyone..
Call Garmin Tech and ask them.
If I’m only going to use the 1000 on open road rides and never on a trainer would there be any reason to purchase a wheel mounted speed sensor? This unit will show my current speed through GPS correct?
A wheel mounted one is more precise, and works in tunnels. For $50 it’s a no-brainer.
Curious if and how Garmin will respond to the new Wahoo bike computer
Why would Garmin respond to a Wahoo bike computer? I wouldn’t expect Garmin to respond to what a competitor is selling.
The Bolt seems to me much ado about nothing, IMO. It’s an Element in an aero case with integrated mount if I read correctly. That’s no big deal. Personally, I wouldn’t want a device that ties me to a specific mount. I prefer choices.
Agree, there’s no reason for Garmin to respond to this. That’s mostly because the Bolt is Wahoo responding to Garmin. ;)
Well, Garmin has responded before. When I bought my Vector 2 pedals, they had just lowered the price by $200 due to the presence of lower priced power meters on the market.
In your view is there any sign of an upgraded edge this year ? Edge 1000 now 3 years old.
Not sure whether to buy an 820 or wait for a new model. Hear 820 screen is awful in the wet
Where can I see on the display, Rolling avg speed, while I’m actually riding my bike and using the Edge 1000?
Do you need to use the speed sensor to see this? I see the Avg Speed words but never any actual reading.
Did your device acquired gps signal?
Yes. It seems all other functions are working except while I am riding my bike I can’t find anywhere where the Avg speed is displayed.
Please excuse my english.
Well, you can go to Settings page (click on the screw driver/wrench on the display), select Activity Profiles, select the option you use and then Data Screens. There you have 5 configurable screens which can show the data fields you want to see.
Below you can find out how to configure your Data Screen(s).
link to
Thanks, figured it out.
You’re welcome.
Had my E1000 stolen this afternoon….. am in the market for a replacement but noticed that its 3ish years old! Will it be replaced/upgraded? If so when would a likely replacement appear?
BTW Really like the form factor.
Thanks for this very informative post!
I’m still trying to find an answer to the follow question though:
When uploading an existing GPX to my Garmin Edge 1000 I can get directions to go to the beginning of the route. Can the Garmin edge 1000 route me to the nearest point rather than to the start of of the route?
Or is there another way to fix the problem, for example to modify the existing map?
Thank you for your time & knowledge!
I normally chose “no” when the 1000s asks if it can route me to the start of the route, then when I “hit” the route it just starts the navigation then. Not sure if that answers your question or not??
Thanks! I will go for a ride asap to test. Will let you know!
Do you know if there’s a way to edit existing gpx’s? It makes sense that there’s a function to delete or add some points. If it’s not possible within Garmin, I’m sure there’s an existing program for such.. I’ll go explore and will let you guys know if I find something helpful!
Since Fenix 5 can connect both ANT+ hr belts and BLE belts, and Edge 1000 does have BLE, do you think Garmin will enable BLE sensors on Edge 1000?
Generally, I’ve attached my Edge 1000 to my home iMac (late 2013 27”) by USB for charging and for firmware updates and app installation on the device. However, in recent months it’s disconnected erratically (logically, but not electrically) when connected to the iMac.
The weird thing is that I’ve had no such troubles connecting it to my Mac laptops, where it maintains its presence as an external device on the Mac laptops’ Desktops. Furthermore, I can still CHARGE it without difficulty when it’s plugged into the iMac using the same cable and same USB port that doesn’t support reliable data transfer. And, I use the same cable to plug it into the laptops.
Wiggling the micro-USB plug where it attaches to the Edge 1000 occasionally makes it reappear on the iMac’s desktop, but even this doesn’t work now. I’d blame the cable or the MicroUSB port except that they work fine when I plug the device into my laptops.
Any ideas what might be wrong on the iMac?
Any news on the 1000 update ? 1010 or 1030 ?
Hesitating between geting a 520 on sale or waiting for the new one… just lost my great 800 that I was using for navigation aswell sometime during bike trips !
Maybe the Hammerhaead Karoo is also a very nice option.
Have you used this device? If so, thoughts compared to Garmin products?
Hi, i have been trying to find the screen on my Edge1000 that shows next interval which was on my Edge 800 but can’t find it, i was on to garmin & they cant find it either but it is on youtube
link to
I would be greatful if you can tell me how to find this screen as it is very useful when doing intervals
Has anyone else experienced difficulty getting a GPS fix since the 14.00 update?
Since the 14.00 update (although that may just be coincidence but it never happened previously & has continued with the 14.10 update) I’ve had several days where I don’t get a GPS fix, or get one and then it loses it every few minutes. This is in familiar locations where I’ve never experienced a problem before.
I’ll see if it carries on (it worked fine yesterday for the entirety of a 72 mile ride) but it hasn’t happened every day that I’ve used it. I’ll try a factory reset if it happens again.
I’m pleased to say it seems to have resolved itself spontaneously since I threatened it with a factory reset if it didn’t behave! :-)
Well look for an announcement this week for the edge 8030
link to
Looks like they greatly improved the touch screen.
$600! Ouch
The reason it’s coming out this week is because I just paid $200 for an out of warranty replacement of my Edge 1000. Perfect timing.
I’m not bothered by that, though. Typical of Garmin, it will take them a good year or so before they have working, production ready software ready for the 1030. ?
Hell, some days I think the software for 1000 is still no better than beta quality work-in-progress.
Well, get ready for some TRUE beta software on the Garmin Edge 1030! Experience with the 705, 800, and 1000 show that the early software will be buggy….
Very completed analysis, perhaps the only thing you forgot to mention is the lot of problems this device has after software upgrades, I`ve had a couple of these and is really frustrating when you face the unit starts to turning off constantly or when it gets white screen from one moment to another, or when the buttons stop to work w/o reason or when you have noticed about filtration of water inside the device, I don’t know if only happens with me but my experience with the edge 1000 has been really a frustration even when you acquire the top of the Garmin computer to ride. In my personal opinion, the edge 1000 is not a recommended option.
Would be great if you post a comparison of this kind of devices to get better guidance.
I’ve had my Edge 1000 since July, 2014 after it first came out. I used it that Sept to bike tour unsupported through Australia/Tasmania for 4 months, using routes I developed off rwgps and and it performed flawlessly. Also used it every winter from Jan-May for annual get out of Colorado winter, biking touring through SE Asia. Other bike tours of Eastern Europe, London/Brussels, Land’s End to John O’Groats (southern point of England to northern point of Scotland for 3 months), Ireland (3 months), Cuba (1 month) and am getting ready to leave for Lisbon Portugal to bike tour Portugal and Spain for 3 months. In all these tours, I developed all my routes with POI, accomodations, etc. on rwgps and then downloaded the files every 3-4 days onto my Edge. The device has worked perfectly, turn by turn navigation no issues, off course warnings always worked. I’ve downloaded all the software upgrades as they came out, I only had one hiccup which was when it didn’t come back on after I’d clicked on install. But that was a simple reboot the device and all was well. I’ve had the 305, 705, 800 and 1000 and again, nary a problem with any of these devices. I just ordered the new 1030.
That sounds perfect with you, unfortunately not my case. Perhaps i just has been an unlucky guy with this model. I surely gonna try other brands, that’s the reason to ask postings with detailed comparisons between similar options.
Unfair question Ray, with the Edge 1000 now in the late 300s on some websites, and closing in on the Elemnt pricing, would you opt for the 1000 or the Elemnt if it were your money, (I am a weekend warrior)
Very interesting review
With the 1000 now at $300, would you purchase is over an 820 or 520? I don’t want to spend the money for the 1030.
I have the same question. I actually have an 820 that I purchased for $300 still in the box waiting for the weather to warm up. I’m debating if I should return it and buy the 1000 since they are now the same cost. Hopefully Ray will help us out with an opinion.
It depends, in many ways the Edge 1000 is an incredible deal. But only if one looks at it knowing that the road for future upgrades is dim (if not off entirely). So it’ll certainly run most (all?) Connect IQ apps these days, as well as connect to most sensors out there.
But longer term you might be out some new features. Then it really comes down to size. Some like the larger size of the Edge 1000, while others prefer something smaller like the 820. I think at that price point though, the 520 is a harder bet unless you just want a small bike computer.
I just upgraded to a 1030 from a 1000. My wife uses a 820. In the $300 price range I would definitely go for the 820 over the 1000, unless you have to have the bigger screen. Otherwise, the 820 is more current and likely to see continuing upgrades while the 1000 may not, now that the 1030 is out.
FWIW: I watched and waited and got my 1030 for $480 on a XMas day special.
I replace my items when they do not function any-more. As long as they are still doing what they were when I bought them I have to be satisfied as the reason for buying an item is that it should function. I am not rich enough to upgrade everything as soon as a new model come not matter if it is a car, phone, bike or whatever the industry is trying to make us believe we need.
I had my first Edge 1000 replaced free of charge as the on / off swithc stopped functioning and they told me it could not be repaired.
The HRM did last till warranty was finished so I had to buy a new.
Amazon UK has Edge 1000 for £279.99 – suddenly dropped in price today. Have bought one, having decided recently that the Vivoactive HR wasn’t great for cycling (but good for running, though.) Thought this a good place to give a heads up.
And it’s $300 on Amazon US.
I saw that offer :-) …. I’m trying to decide between it and a Wahoo Bolt (which I realise isn’t as powerful in some respects). I currently use a waterproof smartphone, occasionally charging at lunch for the longest rides. So, assuming the Edge has the latest firmware….
1. How long the 1000 typically takes to process and load a route for e.g. 20mile, 40mile rides?
2. Can we completely force it to follow the predefined route (roads/bike paths etc) (I have heard that disabling the re-routing is beneficial).
3. Assuming I have backlight reasonably configured, how long should I expect the battery to last?
4. Does it automatically switch to the map screen for a turn (and then switch back) ?
5. Upon finishing a ride, are there methods to automatically sync with the phone and upload to strava?
6. Assuming it has the OpenStreet Maps loaded does it show street names on the maps? (depending on zoom level) level)
7. I realise I can use a cable to download the route from the computer – is there any way of doing it wirelessly?
Thanks for the advice everyone :-)
The Edge 1000 is good; the Edge 1030 is better. Both are pretty quick calculating a route. A 40 mile ride should be ready to go in well under a minute.
It’s up to you to define the route exactly as you want it, and to follow the predefined route once it’s downloaded and activated. If you turn where the Edge says to, you’ll always be on the route. If you define a route with too large distances between points, the calculated route could differ from the one you thought you’d planned. I try to define the route with points just before each turn.
To maximize battery life, turn off the backlight completely, and use only GPS (no GLONASS) for guidance. There is also a “battery save mode”, which turns off the display until you need to be notified of a turn, or until you come to a stop. Edge 1000 – about 8 hours; Edge 1030 – at least 20 hours! These numbers are based upon my personal experience with both models.
If you’re not on the map screen, either Edge will switch over for a turn, and then switch back.
You can set things up with either Edge to automatically send your activity to Garmin Connect, and then on to Strava.
I see street names; if the map screen is in auto zoom mode, it only shows bigger streets until you get close to a turn. Then it zooms in, and you’ll see more street names. The direction for a turn includes the street name. And in the upper left corner, there’s a tiny field showing how far away the next turn is. If you have good vision, it’ll be easy to see.
I haven’t tried downloading a route wirelessly. Both Edge models have a feature to allow you to share courses with another Edge (1000, 1030, or 820, if I remember correctly).
@Colin! Thanks for the reply! Now just to decide between that and the Bolt ;-)
I am unfortunately now in the market for a new cycling computer. My Edge 1000 took a bad shot and the screen is cracked. I spoke to Garmin and they will send me a refurbished Edge 1000 for $200 plus tax. Is that worth it? A new Edge 1000 is around $300 on Amazon. Garmin does not offer a trade-in on the Garmin 1030 (20% off if you send in old unit). I emailed them about the Garmin 820.
I am looking to replace no later than May 1st.
I am looking for suggestions…
Garmin Express has just offered to upgrade my map, but it says that it need more space so now I need a MicroSD card and it must be max 32GB.
But today there are many types so what is the right one?
The only thing Garmin says is that they have tested with Sandisk and Kingston but not if both type will work or which one.
So anyone there know which to use?
Do you have a lot of rides stored on your Edge? That could be the reason you don’t have enough space for replacing your map. You can copy the FIT files to your PC’s hard drive (maybe you already do that), and I assume you have uploaded them to Garmin Connect and Strava. If so, you can delete them from the Edge and recover space – probably enough to hold that new map.
No I have 2MB
But it is because the new map has a lot of more information so it simply to big for the build in memory accordingly to Garmin Express so it says that you have to buy a MicroSD card of at least 4GB and of a maximum of 32GB to save he new Map. But mot what type of MicroSD.
The new map is version 2018.10 and the new size is 10.46GB
And the Build-In storage is 8GB
OK, sorry, I don’t have my Edge 1000 any longer. I did have issues related to saving 100+ rides on the Edge.
It seems strange that Garmin would issue a map that exceeds the storage limits of the product.
I used a microSD in my Edge 800. It was a Sandisk Ultra microSDHC UHS-1 of 8GB capacity. I’m sure just about any SanDisk of 32GB would work. I think your only choice would be transfer speed. I have a SanDisk Extreme microSDXC UHS-1 of 64GB capacity sitting here in my PC room. It has twice the transfer speed of the Ultra.
I have moved on to the 1030. It has more internal memory – 16GB. It looks like the USA map is about 3.5GB.
Hi Colin
Ok tanks I will give microSDHC a try and see if that works.
But jo are right that a XC will be faster:-)
I bought a Sandisk Extreme Pro Micro SDHC 32GB UHS-I U3 Class 10. And it works.
First boot takes a long time but after it is normale.
Hi folks – just in the process of migrating from my Edge 1000 to Edge 1030.
Does anyone know if there is a Fit file I can transfer to the new device that will have all the sensor details from my old device? I have 3 bikes and lots of sensors so hoping there is a quick way to update the 1030 with all the sensor details.
Paul, what sensor details are you wanting from your 1000 to the 1030?? On my 1000, I just named all the sensors for the different bikes, like Pangea (my touring bike), Seven (my road bike), Spot (my mountain bike), and Surly (my around town bike). when I got my 1030, what I did, was just add the speed and cadence sensors to like the Pangea, named then, saved them and then did each bike profile, adding the sensor and naming it. That way, when I ride each biked, I can click on sensors and see which are solid
and that tells me my 2 sensors for the bike I’m on are working. I never bother with my heart rate monitor, naming it, as it works automatically for whatever bike I’m riding. Hope this helps.
The service of this company is very regrettable. It doesn’t keep its guarantee promise when the product fails, and the customer service is very poor. The hooks on the back of mine broke off, and Garmin refused to help me, even though it was within the guarantee period. Then one day the other hook broke off too and it fell on the ground during a ride, which made the screen break. So now I can’t use my Garmin on the mount + the screen is broken…
My experience is different. I just read about the appearance of the “blue halo” around the periphery of my 1030’s screen, and I logged on to Garmin’s support page, gave my serial number, and they’re sending me a replacement.
Hi My Garmin 1000 only records time and heart rate and dose not record distance or anything else.
Could you offer me any advice
Eric, are you using a Garmin speed sensor on wheel?? Have you checked the battery on it if u have one? If you have on the rear, lift rear wheel and spin it, a green LEF should light up after wheel starts rotating. If it doesn’t take it off and replace battery.
I’ve had my 1000 since they came out and am very happy with it, although I do know how to resolve the inevitable problems. But just today the on off button has crumbled, just crumbled away as if it has rotted, it has never had any harsh treatment not stored in the sun or anything like that and hardly ever been wet….now left with a hole I have to poke a rod through to turn it on and off and obviously will have to make sure it doesn’t get wet….wonder if they all go like this…not sure what to do now.
Hi Gordon,
I had the exact same thing happen to me last week. Now a glaring hole and I switch the Edge on/off with a toothpick. If you just google “edge 1000 power button” you’ll find we’re by far not the only ones. I’ll resort now to 3D printing cover/button; see link to
Jonathan’s suggestion is probably the neatest. As a “temporary” solution (that I did quite a few months ago until I got round to something more permanent & still haven’t got round to) was to neaten the hole, make a small rubber insert to go in the hole to re-create the raised button & carefully tape over this with electrical tape to hold the new “button” in place & to make it more waterproof (it survived OK in the wettest February on record here in the UK)
Happened to me on 2 Garmin units. About 6 months ago it happened to my 1000; I called Garmin and they had a replacement program–$200 and your old 1000 got you a refurbished 1000. I paid my money and a few days later was contacted by Garmin and told that they no longer had any refurbished 1000s in stock and the would send me a new 1030. I received it a week or so later and shipped back the broken 1000.
You nay want to try this.
Thanks for replies, I should have googled it first – seems to be an inevitable consequence. Rather than use a material that is better suited to the job with longevity, Garmin will probably realise its a great way to build in obsolescence.
My Edge 1000 turns on when I plug it in to charge it. If I turn it off when plugged in, it turns on again when I unplug it after it is charged. Is this normal?
Did you update to the latest software? My device shows the same behavior, nothing to worry about I guess … just a bit annoying to have to switch it off again after charging. Cheers.
Yes, I keep the software updated.
I see the same behaviour.
Yes, I keep the software updated.
I hope you can assist me.
In my retirement I have taken up cycling , and I purchased a used Garmin Edge 1000.Everything works just fine, the only problem that I have is when I upload my record of that ride to Facebook (over 50s cycling group) my map is huge, I have tried and tried to reduce the size with no luck. Any reconditions please?