The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this past week.
Monday: Week in Review–September 23rd, 2013
Monday: A look at the competitive booth games of Interbike
Wednesday: A Prague, Czech Republic Runaround
Friday: Curiosity/Survey: Do you use a different device for running than cycling?
Deals of Note:
A few weeks ago Garmin made available the FR210/FR610 rebates, knocking off $25 and $50 respectively for the purchase of those units by the end of October.
I purposefully waited on making them noted here, given the FR220/FR620 watches were coming out. With the rebate value of only $25 (off $200) and only $50 (off $350), I personally wouldn’t take the deal unless you really need a watch this week and can’t wait a month for the newer units. Instead, I would purchase the FR220 or FR620. Especially if you were considering purchasing the FR620, I’d look at the lower price of the FR220 as a rebate in and of itself, since it has a slew of features that used to be reserved for the FR610 product (that the FR210 didn’t have).
Nonetheless, if you’d like to support the site – feel free to pickup the FR210 or FR610 using either of those links, plus remember to add in the DCR10BTF coupon code for 10% off your cart upon checkout and free US shipping. The rebate comes from Garmin after purchase.
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) Woman wins marathon, despite planning to run half-marathon: A pretty interesting story where a woman took a wrong turn missing the half-marathon finish, yet decided to keep on going along the marathon course. Mid-way through that fail, she got ahold of the race director and they cleared her to switch events and ultimately take the crown. The RD makes an appearance in the comments section that’s worth scrolling down to. (via Bia Twitter)
2) A look at Endurance Coach Joe Friel: I found this interesting because it gets into the financial side of his business (specifics).
3) A One Man Peloton: A DCR reader is cycling across the country currently, and here’s his photo filled feed. Fun stuff, good luck Eric!
4) Engineering RunKeeper on iOS7: For the iOS app developers in the crowd, or just geeks, a good post by the the RunKeeper engineering team on the behind the scenes of the iOS7.
5) In Paris, Thefts and Vandalism Could Force Bike-Share to Shrink: It’s pretty astounding at just how many bikes are stolen from the Velib system here. (via WashCycle)
6) Boston Marathon 2014 Qualifier Acceptances: A look at what times ended up making the cut this year now that registration is closed. (via Competitor Group DC)
7) My Asics 2.0 provides adaptive training plans to runners on Android and iOS: Best I can tell, this is really just an app and not some additional technology in the shoes (though it does claim to have some sort of smart-coaching in it). However, long term I think we’ll continue to see convergence there (like we see with Adidas). (sent in by Ken)
8) Interbike Observations: A good piece from Greg over at Slowtwitch on how he approaches Interbike each year. Worth the read.
9) Perhaps the best Vine ever: I’m not a huge Vine person, but this is pure awesome. Treadmill vs Goldfish. (via Wahoo Fitness Facebook)
10) A detailed look at understanding and editing with GoPro footage: If you edit GoPro videos, this is absolutely worth the read. For everyone else, it might be a bit over the top.
11) Strava’s updates running app to use the M7 chip: Strava becomes the first app that uses the new iPhone 5s motion coprocessor chip (M7) to save battery life. Interesting read.
12) Photographer Embarks on 40,000km Bike Trek Around the World with His Camera: Well then, that makes my rides seem a bit inadequate. Cool stuff though, love the photos and tracker.
13) Would you pass a Dutch bicycling exam? Fun little quiz to see if you could pass the test. (via Tails Twitter)
Crowd Funded Projects of Athletic Note:
This is a bit of a new section. Most of this content used to be found within the main section, but I figured I’d just call it out up here and make it easy to find. I regularly sift through Kickstarter and Indiegogo (plus a few others on occasion) looking for sports projects. Note that as always with crowd funded projects, assume the project will be late and will under-deliver on features. Thus far, on the numerous products I’ve helped ‘fund’ (except a leather bike handle), that’s been the case.
FORTIFIED: Bike Lights That Last Forever Interesting concept, but honestly it’s still something to charge. I love the units that illuminate based on magnets with the wheel.
FitTrip: The World From Your Gym. iPad software suite for training indoors.
Wind-Blox: Wind noise reduction thingy for your helmet. I didn’t personally realize this was an issue, but, to each their own. (Thanks to Eli for finding)
Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one liners is perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good?
Site/Firmware Updates:
TrainerRoad updates: They’ve rolled out a new website in the past week, as well as launched a bunch of new cross plans.
Garmin Fenix Firmware Update: The Fenix got a few minor updates including the ability to fully utilize the ANT+ Speed/Cadence sensor while indoors. Previously you couldn’t configure the wheel size. (via GPS Information)
Peripedal v2.0.0: This update removes the previous 8 ANT+ sensor limit, which in turn allows you to further increase multi-rider scenarios to a total of 8 concurrent users. It certainly seems to me like Peripedal is quietly working away on making itself a very viable ANT+ trainer multi-rider platform for classes/centers that previously used the CompuTrainer and are now looking at the Wahoo KICKR and other trainers that will be adopting the ANT+ trainer control profile.
Strava Android Sufferfest App: They’ve uploaded a build for folks that are interested in playing with one of their betas. (via Strava Twitter)
4iiii’s Viiiiva Firmware Update: No link, just via the iPhone app. I did include a screenshot of the update down below though, albeit it’s impossible to read.
First Bluetooth Smart app for Windows Phones: Adidas released their MiCoach app onto some Nokia Lumia phones that allows you to connect to a Bluetooth Smart heart rate strap – the first BT Smart app that I know of on the Windows Phone platform.
PowerTap Joule GPS User Guide Update: They’ve revamped quite a bit in this updated version, worthwhile read for Joule GPS users who may not be getting everything out of the unit today.
Tacx released their iPad App: Here’s my post from back in August about it.
iPhone App updates this week:
iPad App updates & releases this week:
Android App updates this Week:
Windows Phone App updates this week:
(Nothing updated this week, but this was notable and new, per above mention about being first BT Smart app)
Thanks for reading!
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For Wind Blox, some of us like social rides where we talk to our fellow riders. Weird concept to a racer, I know :-p (should admit I went with the car ears version, mostly cause when I saw that kickstart I looked for competitors and saw the cat ears which should hopefully be here before next weekend when I have a century ride)
Windows phone 8 doesn’t really support BLE, that is added in 8.1 but Lumina phones do support BLE. so similar to how Galexy S3 and S4 phones support BLE even without 4.3, the main advantage Lumina phones have is they make up most of the Windows phone market.
I’m Dutch.. And just finished the online test with 4 out of 9 questions correct. Awkward..
Ray, what is your take on letting the half runner switch to the full? If you were the RD, what call you you make?
Given they started on the same course at the same time, and given that she had a bicyclist with her watching her (and there were open slots in the marathon), I’m completely good with it.
Had she started on a different course, or at a different time – that would have made a difference in my mind.
Dual simultanious BLE and ANT chipset finally released it looks like:
link to
link to
It is possible that the person who finished 2nd did not push for 1st because only a person with a half-marathon bib was in front of her.
It is possible that the marathon front runners prepared in advance by scouting out their opposition and did not consider half-marathoners to be a threat.
I would allow her to finish the marathon, get credit for her time, but not acknowledge her accomplishments relative to other finishers. ie. she can’t claim a podium spot.
Except that there are 13+ miles after the cut off for 2nd to see someone in front of her and catch them. If she saw someone in front of her AFTER the turn off and didn’t try to catch them then I’m not going to blame the person who beat them.
If she didn’t see them then she was probably pretty far back, as the woman who was declared the winner could count how many men were in front of her.
She finished ahead of second place by 2:16, or about one-third of a mile at their pace. But the point is that the second place runner shouldn’t have to “light a match” and catch someone who she wasn’t even racing for the first half of the marathon.