OK…the odd Tuesday morning edition. This was slated for Sunday, but the FR220/FR620 post process took a wee bit more time than I expected. One of these days I’ll learn to take less photos…
The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action!
DCRainmaker.com posts this past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of DCRainmaker.com this past week.
Sunday: Week in Review–September 8th, 2013
Monday: Running my way to Château de Versailles
Tuesday: The 2013 Swim/Bike/Run Gear I use List
Wednesday: The Girl’s 2013 Swim/Bike/Run Gear I Use List
Friday: Garmin Vector In-Depth Review
Yesterday: First look at Garmin’s new FR620 & FR220 GPS running watches
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) Cervelo founder calls for industry-wide fork steerer test: This was actually a pretty interesting little read on the way they test for cracks and the sort.
2) Showing off the bling: A creative DIY-style idea for how to hang all your race medals. Much better than the door handle on my closet that I clunk every time I open to get clothes…
3) Chris McCormack Says He’s Out Of Kona: Bummer, if for no other reason than he attracts more sponsor and age grouper interest in the sport than others.
4) Tour de France 2014: The rumors about the race route and the stages! If you’re looking for all the latest gossip on where things stand for next year’s route, this is clearly the place to get it. (via RaceRadio)
5) Biggest Loser Star Jillian Michaels has a rough go at triathlon: Well, no more rough actually than any other first timer. Just perhaps more dramatic. (via Jay Prasuhn)
6) Inside the UCI’s Sausage Factory: This whole thing probably wouldn’t be so funny if it just weren’t so pathetic and sad. That said, the entertainment factor is higher than TMZ.
7) iPhone 5s packs M7 motion-sensing chip, CoreMotion API for more accurate tracking: The new iPhone 5s (but not 5c) includes a motion-sensing chip that in low-power mode acts like a Fitbit and makes that data accessible to apps. Will be interesting to see how this looks 3-6 months from now with respect to app usage.
8) The $519 Cycling Short: Why Assos Costs So Much: Look, to each their own. I assure you however, my cycling shorts don’t cost $519. Heck, the road bike I just bought last week barely costs that much (Woot, clearance sale!).
9) Cyclist hit by car challenges police over fine, video evidence: Pretty unreal situation. Read the full article that goes with it. (via Neal Rogers)

10) Running Backwards: Trend to Try? Look, I tried doing this for about 100 yards during the Boston Marathon a few years ago trying to take a photo of a friend. That was painful. I won’t make that mistake for an entire marathon.
Crowd Funded Projects of Athletic Note:
This is a bit of a new section. Most of this content used to be found within the main section, but I figured I’d just call it out up here and make it easy to find. I regularly sift through Kickstarter and Indiegogo (plus a few others on occasion) looking for sports projects. Note that as always with crowd funded projects, assume the project will be late and will under-deliver on features. Thus far, on the numerous products I’ve helped ‘fund’ (except a leather bike handle), that’s been the case.
Ok, lots of Kickstarter-style projects this week. I’ll do a couple of my favorites, and then just list the rest.
Hammerhead Bluetooth Smart Navigation device: I’ve been chatting with these guys since earlier this summer giving them feedback on their device as they brought it to the goal of funding – including a discussion last week. I had hoped to be able to have some hands-on time with the device this week, but they weren’t able to make that happen. I think it’s an interesting concept that could have some real potential. But after a lot of discussions and questions I’m also a little concerned there’s some gaps between what is being demonstrated/mocked-up, what progress has been made, and what people’s expectations are for a final device (specifically on the software side).
RIDEYE: The Black Box Camera For Your Bike: Crash detection sensors. HD video. One month battery life – I like the concept, but I think this will only truly be useful if it just automatically turns on when the internal accelerometers detect any movement, and then automatically records. The simple act of remembering to turn on I believe shifts it from being true black-box to being a gadget. If they slim it down a touch and add auto-on and auto-record, then it’s solid.
Other notable sports things on Kickstarter (full section below basically courtesy of blog reader Eli):
– FORTIFIED: Bike Lights That Last Forever. We Promise.
– Rack Mounted Solar Shower – Pressurized Hot Water On The Go – If I had a car, and if I lived in the warm deserts, I’d buy this. So cool.
– The GoVest – A Human Tripod Vest for cameras like GoPros
– ReTrack. 3D Animated Action Replays of Your Mountain Biking
– A better bicycle bell, made in the USA.
Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one liners is perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good?
Site/Firmware Updates:
PeriPedal adds ANT+ Muscle Oxygen Sensor Support: This is pretty cool and the first app to do so. I played with one of these sensors last winter a bit, and look forward to catching up with them and a production version.
Polar Updates PolarPersonalTrainer.com: Polar has added a bunch of new features in this update, worth checking out for Polar users.
Garmin VIRB software released: For those planning on picking up the Garmin VIRB units, you can download and try out their editing suite. (via GPS Information)
Strava adds personal heat maps: Really cool stuff from Strava, showing your own personal heat maps of the routes you run/ride the most.
GoPro has announced their GoPro Studio 2.0: This is for editing GoPro footage into endless YouTube videos.
Garmin FR910XT Firmware Update: This adds Vector and additional power meter changes, as well as improves swimming related items.
iPhone App updates this week:
iPad App updates this week:
Android App updates this week:
There were (astoundingly) no sport-related updates on my phone this week.
Windows Phone App updates this week:
There were no sport-related updates on my phone this week.
Thanks for reading all, and prepare for a crazy-busy week ahead with Interbike and lots more on the docket!
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that was one nasty crash
I feel for him, but here, if I had been driving in the lane as he was, it would have been 100% my fault. Interesting how things are different from country to country.
Yes, very nasty. One commenter said in his country it would have been the cyclist’s fault.
Wondering where that is? Not in the U.S.(if the laws are enforced that is.)
Commenting from a right side driving country (Canada).
Here, the law would have required me to stick all the way to the right side of the road (even though it was a turning lane). Riding between the turning lane and the straight lane would have put it my fault. The only time we’re allowed to not be on the far side is when making an opposite (left) turn. To be frank, that law might seem harsh, but seeing how people drive here, it’s for our own safety :|
To make it worse, that will vary from province to province as bike regulation are provincial laws. Helmets, for some unknown idiocy, are not mandatory in my province.
And to make matters even worse, some cities require you to register your bike, adding another level of confusing laws.
I believe that this was in Queensland Australia where they drive on the left side of the road, so this was equivalent to being on the right side of the road in the US and Canada (and many other places). It looked like there was a solid line on the road which means that there is no crossing to overtake. The Jeep was at fault, and the driver was penalized.
If you don’t mind me asking: where did you buy your 500$ road bike? Is there a clearance sale in Paris I’m not aware of?
Sounds like a sweet deal!
Hi Ray,
Found this pretty cool from Wahoo Fitness, take a look for next weeks review!
link to youtube.com
Also, just wondered why you dont just talk your way thru the Vector pedal exchange instead of writing it down … I bit less work for you! But the underlying question is: “What did you use to put that text in the video?”
Great blog, read you all the time!
…regarding Hammerhead crowd funded video – completely mind-boggling to see a marketing video of someone cycling without a helmet!
Interesting idea for a game: link to kickstarter.com
Any idea how the pool swim functions of the 910XT and Swim relate? Improvements were part of the 910XT update. The last Swim update was ~6mo ago.
Looks like hammerhead is still in development: link to facebook.com
Wonder if it will ever come out
Interesting. Not seeing a ton of updates on the app side (which I maintain will be trickier than they think), but the hardware is looking more solid.
Love how products that don’t exist make it to the list :link to fortune.com
Dang, it’s more or less the entire list of products that don’t exist.