Starting in 24 hours! The DCR Giveaway Extravaganza!


For those loyal readers who were around last year, you’ll remember the massive Giveaway Extravaganza I launched last year about this time.  Normally when I do a traditional giveaway, I giveaway a single item and the entry period lasts a few days or so.  But with the Extravaganza style, it’s sorta like a Woot-off.  Which means that I’m giving away one item at a time, but the entry period only lasts three hours for each item!

Last year I gave away a slew of items.  It was a mixed collection of new items, and items that companies didn’t want back from reviews (I don’t keep any items post-review).  This year though, it’s all new items.  The giveaway is sponsored by both myself and Clever Training.  We’re going splitsies on it!

Except this year, we’re going big.  Really…really…really big.  About $5,000 worth of giveaway items big.  I’m pretty much taking the most popular items that I know you want to have – and giving them away.  Of course, telling you what those items are would take away half the fun!  Well, at least my fun.

Thus you’ll want to set whatever alarm clocks you need, to ensure you’re ready to start pouncing at 12:00AM Eastern Time.  I suggest repeating alarms for every 3 hours.

You’ll need to follow the entry instructions for each giveaway you’ll enter throughout the day (essentially just leaving a comment).  Every three hours on the dot, a new giveaway will appear (and the previous one will close).  To sum up, it’ll work like this:

12:00AM US Eastern on Wednesday– First giveaway begins!
3:00AM US Eastern – First giveaway closes, second giveaway opens!
6:00AM US Eastern – Second giveaway closes, third giveaway opens…

…and on and on every three hours until midnight!  For those not familiar with US timezones, here’s a handy-dandy page to help you figure out what time it is there.  Of course, all international readers are welcome to enter and win – that’s just how I roll.

My only hint is that almost everything I’m giving away tomorrow has been launched this year.  Crazy huh?

Get ready to rumble!  And thanks for reading and supporting the blog!

(Note: Leaving a comment on this post doesn’t enter you into anything.)


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  1. Helen

    Thanks, Ray! Looking forward to it. The winners will be randomly drawn, right?

  2. Tom

    Bring it!

  3. Luiz

    Come on man this will start at 1 am in Brazil… could someone please give me a call to remember me??
    01 55 32 8814 4163

  4. Ricky


  5. RichardHR


  6. Daniel

    Looking forward to it. Love what you’re doing here!

  7. Adam


  8. Cindy

    Very nice! Great web site :) Thanks!

  9. Rosy

    Looking forward to it! I just stated reading your blog about a month ago. Love it!!

  10. Eric

    Looking forward to it!

  11. Tomorrow is my 30th birthday so I should at least get automatic entry for each one…

  12. Jim Libecco

    that first entry is going to make my morning swim slightly more unpleasant. I don’t like 5am swims, let alone after a midnight wakeup!

  13. David Riggans

    This is a very useful website! It become somewhat of an authority on reviews of triathlon equipment and has been very useful for me in the purchase of some of my more expensive gear.

  14. I NEED A KICKR!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Mike

    Looking forward to it.

  16. You’re the man, Ray. Excited to see what you’ve got this year!


  17. Sara

    Super excited…. :)

  18. Drew W.

    WOOT! Can’t wait for midnight to roll around. Less than 2 hours to go!

  19. Diego Prado


  20. Gregory

    Yeah I’d like to buy some DCR stock, if possible. Keep us posted when you’re going to do your IPO!

  21. gabe

    Thanks Ray! Your the Gift that keeps on Giving!

  22. Chris

    Is this a first to post giveaway or a random number generator give away or the cutest profile picture giveaway? Cool beans regardless. I do like your website/ blog.

  23. Frank medina

    Hi ray, what if there are two readers of your website at home? Still one post ?

  24. Gary71

    I’ve just become a clock watcher……tick tock tick tock

  25. Neeraj

    Just checking if commenting works for me! =)

  26. Eric S

    Sounds awesome! I can’t wait!

  27. Mabel verde

    Ray thank you sooooo much!!! Can’t wait

  28. Champ

    coming close to the first give away now, where do we post the comments to enter?

  29. Eric Siebert

    Very exciting!!

  30. Jacov

    Did I get the time wrong? I don’t see anything yet?

  31. David Riggans

    Did I get it?

  32. John S.

    Great blog during the past year of power meter shopping!

  33. FIlip

    thanks for the web

  34. Daryl

    I am ready!

  35. Brett

    Where’s the goods? I prefer FedEx.

  36. morey000

    er… i got out of bed for this … and no giveaway?

  37. Zac rempe

    First give a way woot woot

  38. Estela Castro

    first time….
    cool stuff

  39. Jacov

    Oops. I did get the time wrong by 3 hours. Even with the world clock in front if me! But now it’s officially Ambit 2 time. Thanks Ray! Back to sleep time.

  40. Joe r

    Count me in!

  41. Keith Mcumber

    Chose me

  42. Joe R

    Does entering twice double or half my chances? ;-)

  43. You rock Ray. And for all the work you put into these reviews, it should be the other way around-we should be giving you stuff!

  44. John

    All in!

  45. I bought TRT2 three month ago. Did not thought that I will start swimming and cycling. So already looking for change! Crossing fingers!

  46. milkywaye

    I’ve got sunshine in my stomach
    Like I just rocked my baby to sleep.

  47. Don Thompson

    No idea about the timezones, haven’t had my morning coffee yet, so no idea if i’m in time or not. But i’m in for a nifty watch :)

  48. Alan Torrigino

    I really appreciate all that you do for us. Thank you very much!

  49. Brandon T

    How very generous of you, thanks!

  50. christina

    Me please!

  51. edward chan

    please pick me

  52. ERiC APPLE

    What’s up Ray ? Tech problem? It’s Wednesday and I see no giveaway? Anway thanks! Ea

  53. PascalDG

    Would I be lucky ?

  54. Sjoerd Witjes

    Just in time for this one. *fingers crossed*

  55. Rene

    Point to me

  56. Gundam

    Okay fair enough. 50/50 chance. Either I win or don win. :)

  57. adam lewis

    Hopefully this is in time!

  58. David Riggans

    Good luck!

  59. John S.

    How about now

  60. Wilson thomas

    thank you for such good reads and indepth info.

  61. Andrew LIM

    Well, I am here. So where’s the surprise…

  62. Hi All-

    Remember that posting comments here doesn’t qualify. Instead, visit the home page ( or the listing of posts link to to add a comment for the most recent giveaway.


  63. Eeku K

    Yes please!

  64. Renate

    Ooh, great!!

  65. Mal Macnair


  66. Bruno

    Sorry my mistake. I didn’t see the note: “Note, only one entry per person.”

  67. Wally

    Christmas in June? Hooray!

  68. Koen Brinkerink


  69. Rihari

    Count me in for the win – thanks for the opportunity!

  70. Dave Doyle

    Well Ray, today is my 51st birthday and I using today as my good luck charm to try and pick up some of the SWAG you have generously decided to give away throughout today! Dave

  71. Mike Clark

    Give me a chance!

  72. Carl


  73. Avery

    Yes please. Nice!

  74. pawel

    I’m in!

  75. Holly Geldhauser

    Fingers crossed!!

  76. Rod

    Road biking…my new love, even though Mountain Biking “Rocks”

  77. Martins M


  78. Daniel

    When are the winners announced?

  79. Geert Goossens


    It’s the best Giveaway Extravaganza ever :-)

    greetings from Weert Holland

  80. David Riggans


  81. Jerry Evilsizor

    dont let your meatloaf!!!!!

  82. Rihari

    Thanks DC Rainmaker!

  83. David Riggans

    Hey! What’s up?

  84. Patrick

    Me too :-)

  85. I can’t wait for midnight to get here! I have already set-up my first alarm to wake me up at midnight.