The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this week.
Sunday: Week in Review–February 17th, 2013
Monday: A weekend cycling around the city multiple times
Tuesday: Reminding myself about the nutrition wall…the hard way.
Wednesday: Garmin gives updated Vector power meter schedule
Friday: Garmin adds new Fenix Skiing mode (in beta)
Paris Blog Posts:
Here’s all the Parisian fun we’ve been having on our Paris sub-blog. And yup, they’re back in the main RSS feed these days!
Friday: Paris Blog: A look at the one and the only Parisian Chipotle
To see all previous Paris Blog posts, simply click here.
The Queue Posts:
The Queue is a place where I post quick galleries of products that have just started the review cycle. Here’s more from the onslaught of new products that have come in lately (with tons more planned over the next few weeks). At the moment, these don’t show up in the main RSS feed since they are just quick galleries. You can however subscribe specifically to The Queue RSS feed here (mostly to just use it as a notification mechanism).
Tuesday: Timex Run Trainer 2.0 Unwrapping (including first run photos!) – Note: Tons of questions answered in this post, plus added more pics per your request.
To see all previous Queue galleries, simply click here.
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) Horse running around in a bike shop (yes, an actual horse): I hate it when that happens to me. (via Bikehugger)
2) Ski Patroller Myths…demystified: An interesting Q&A interview with a long-time ski patroller (30 years!) who’s pretty much seen it all.
3) Cycling Harlem Shake Videos: In the event you find yourself in a shortage of Harlem Shake videos (did you know over 2,000 are uploaded every day to YouTube?), then you can check out some of the cycling (and swimming) related ones.
4) What 200 calories looks like…visualized: This is a really interesting look at different foods, for those that may be watching calories. Really cool. (via Gizmodo)
5) Nike kills hopes of Android Nike Fuelband fans everywhere: Nike Tweeted out last week that it’s a no-go for an Android version of their app.
6) A look at health and fitness gadgets at Best Buy: This quick post breaks down what are the most popular health and fitness units that you can buy through common brick and mortar stores. I cover many of them, but obviously some are still in The Queue.
7) Want $32,000? Just go for a dip in this river. Well, and perhaps also be a Chinese government official. (via Slowtwitch Forums). Oh, and here’s the response.
8) Video shows build of bike from car…or does it? This Road.CC article questions the motives behind the below video, and where some of the parts really came from. Motives or otherwise, still a neat bit of video.

9) How to download FitBit data to Excel: Ok, this is a wee bit complex – but…for those that want it, you’re in business!
10) About those Fat Bikes: A bit of a look at Fat Bikes, and pros and cons of them, and a touch bit of controversy.
Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one liners is perfect, or Tweet it at me) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good?
Garmin adds skiing mode to Fenix: I covered this pretty well above in my post dedicated to it.
iPhone/iPad App Updates this week:
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Not really surprised by Nike’s decision. I don’t really think much of their “Fuel Band” (god I can’t wait for the silly proprietary pseudo-metrics to die the horrible freakin’ death they so richly deserve), but I confess I hope their unwillingness to support platforms other than iOS bites them on the butt.
But then my phone is an SGS3, I love Android’s flexibility and haven’t been a fan of Apple since the II+. Owning an iPad has soured me on them even more.
As for that river in China… Wow… Just… Wow.
Somehow I expect that guy isn’t going to have to pay out.
Or, if he does, it’ll be to the environmental protection bureau chief’s widow.
Hey Ray! I am a fat bike owner, I have a Surly Pugsley with 5″ tires. I bought it with the intention of keeping me riding through winter instead of riding on the fluid trainer(or in truth, being lazy and not riding at all because I hate the fluid trainer!). Well, I bought it in June because if you wait until Novemeber, you aren’t getting one as they are all sold out by then. Rode it IN the lake and on sand, awesome! Rode it on dirt singletrack and looked for things to run over, awesome! Pumped up the tires and rode it to the bar & grill for drinks, awesome! Now that it has snowed, again…awesome! Will I race tris with it, no, it is heavy and slow like a monster truck would be compared to an Indy car! But it is a blast for everything I have used it for everything and a surprisingly able ride. It is funny to be called “fringe” or have a bike that is sortof demonized before being ridden in the field by critics and fellow riders alike. It basically is a mountain bike with twice the size tires(most MTB bike have 2″ tires stock). And after all, that is how mountain bikes started….they were road bikes modified to have twice as wide tires. It isn’t fringe, it’s innovation. MTB bikes got us off the pavement. Fat bikes get you off the beaten path.
I love the article/images circling the internet of the 200 calorie foods – a ton of surprises in there, even for someone who pretty regularly weighs their food!
I know you’re an Apple guy, but any chance you can bridge the gap and start covering Android apps and updates? :)
It’s something I’ve looked at.
The Apple ones are somewhat easy because it’s just the apps I happen to have installed on my phone, so as I go about my week, I update them and take screenshots. So if I’m travelling it’s still easy.
That said, adding in Android and Windows Phone ones are items that have long been on my list. It’s obviously not a huge difficulty, but unfortunately it is one more item on my plate. :(
That would be great, Rhett …
Yeah i agree with the android coverage. More of this please!
At least when mentioning iOS apps you should also point out what other mobile OSes the app runs on.
Thanks Eli-
I’ve loaded a slew of apps on my Android Samsung S3, was well as my Windows Phone 8 Lumia 920.
I’ll see which updates come each week and try to include them (if I’m travelling that week it’s a bit more difficult).
The reason I don’t include links to all the apps is that it honestly just adds a ton of time. I originally started the Week in Review as a quick recap of the week. Over time it continues to grow, and has gotten a bit unwieldy for me at times. So I’m trying to keep it as quick as possible.
At least for me th updates themselves are less useful in that my phone can auto update and tell me what needs updating. What I gain from your notes is what apps there are out there and if they have functionality I’m interested in. (so major updates that change something big ae more useful in that it can make an app that wasn’t so useful now useful)
Pointing out when an app is on more then just iOS is useful cause some are only iOS apps.
Online Triathlete Competitor, “Watch…Find yours: Pick a training plan and decide how you want to monitor your progress. If you’re going to use distance or speed, GPS is great. For heart rate-based programs, forget other features. Visit for the most in-depth reviews available.”
I tell all my friends who are interested in new gear to visit your site. Looks like tells all their friends too.
Very cool, thanks for the heads up! I’ve just added it for this Saturday’s post!
Reg Nike FuelBand.
So after 900000+ NikeFuel points my FuelBand suddenly broke… The button seems to have sunk in, there is no tactile response. I have the latest firmware, etc, etc – the button is simply physically broken. Less than a year old, button pushed a few times a day. Nike quality?
With thanks, Helpful stuff!