The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this week.
Monday: Garmin Edge 810 In-Depth Review
Monday: Garmin Edge 510 In-Depth Review
Wednesday: CES 2013: The Loot I’m Bringing Back
Thursday: CES 2013: A look at what’s coming to me next week
Friday: Hands on with the new Leikr GPS sports watch
Saturday: CES 2013: Health and Activity Monitors–Bringing it back to reality edition
Notable Youtube video:
A ton of you asked for a sound comparison between the Wahoo KICKR and another trainer. So I grabbed the decibel meter, the LeMond Revolution, the Kinetic Road Machine, and the Wahoo KICKR – and did them one after another. Enjoy!

The Queue posts:
The Queue is a place where I post quick galleries of products that have just started the review cycle. Here’s more from the onslaught of new products that have come in lately (with tons more planned over the next few weeks). At the moment, these don’t show up in the main RSS feed since they are just quick galleries. You can however subscribe specifically to The Queue RSS feed here (mostly to just use it as a notification mechanism).
Friday: Wahoo Fitness KICKR Unboxing Photos
Saturday: O-Synce Navi2Coach Cycling GPS Unboxing Photos
Sunday: Wahoo Fitness RFLKT Unboxing Photos
To see all previous Queue galleries, simply click here.
WOOT! Check it out!
Here’s a place I was highlighted this week:
Newton Running Blog: Apparently the Newton running folks enjoy sports technology just as much as I do. Cool!
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) 10 Companies on the cutting edge of sports technology: An interesting look at companies that you wouldn’t necessarily think of, but are doing cool stuff.
2) 2012 a year in cycling photos: More awesome photos from the CyclingTips blog. Just go there for your weekly dose of cycling related…well…almost porn.
3) TrainingPeaks CEO on Top 10 2012 accomplishments: Given many of us use TrainingPeaks, I found this worth of a quick read. Especially some of the hints on what is coming.
4) Brand Ambassador and Sponsorship Programs for Endurance Athletes: A great list of opportunities out there for triathletes (in particular, age groupers and point end folks alike).
5) Tim Trains Chandler for Master’s Cyclocross World Championships: A pretty hilarious video that I’m pretty sure most cyclists will enjoy.
Tim Trains Chandler for Master’s Cyclocross World Championships from Twenty Pound Skull on Vimeo.
6) Wanna build an ice rink in your backyard? Well, here’s how to do it. Complete DIY instructions. Regrettably, I seem to be lacking the whole ‘cold’ thing here. Bummer.
7) Wired Tech Running T-Shirt: Stumbled on this while doing my usual Friday night sweet of new Kickstarter projects. As one who’s recently been doing some headphone running testing out new products (I usually don’t run with headphones), it’s an intriguing option. I’m not sure if I run with headphones enough that I’ll pick one up. But, for those that do…FYI.
8) Turning your alarm clock into a game: The Girl was just talking about her alarm clock woes the other day. Perfect for those early morning workouts. Funny to see this via a post on Slowtwitch.
9) Article on controversial coach tri coach Brett Sutton (coached Chrissie Wellington and other top pros): Worth a read, for any number of reasons. If you have a few hours to spare, you can then chase it down with this thread.
10) A look at how much walking tech journalists do at CES: A bunch of the Gizmodo crew wore various Fitbits and the like, here were their results. I’ve been looking at mine a bit, but unfortunately my timezone was off – so it was somewhere between 13,000 and 20,000 for that one day (steps). (via Steve E.)
11) A look at why fingers get wrinkled: See, now you can sorta explain some of what occurs in the pool. (via DJ Patil)
12) Diving underwater in a wheelchair: A pretty cool video – definitely check out the backstory and the TED talk behind it.

Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one liners is perfect, or Tweet it at me) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good?
Magellan Fitness Updates Website: A ton of fixes/changes and new features to their Fitness website for the Switch and Switch Up.
That’s all folks! Thanks for reading!
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Is that your actual saddle height/position? Yikes.
No, that serves as my reminder that I need to raise it again. Yikes – been meaning to do that since I unpacked it last…
haha i was about to comment on the same thing, yikes!!!
Hey, thanks for mentioning my post. It’s an honor. Enjoy Paris. It’s a beautiful place.
To (7):
I have tried to put a smartphone into shirt pockets and they just jump far too much around.
Either using an arm strap or putting it into a backpack worked fine for running.
I really don’t think that these shirts work for runners. Especially when they are fitting to loose (which makes carrying a smartphone even worser while running).
While the Wahoo and the KK had similar dB readings on your sound meter; the sound picked up by your camera sounded to be much more an an annoying whine from the Wahoo, whereas the KK was more white-noisy. Possibly an artifact of how the sound was recorded and played back on the video? I’ve got a KK Road Machine- and have found it very reasonable in its noise level.
It is a touch bit higher pitched, though, probably not as as bad the camera makes it out to be. To put things in perspective, listen for my clicking in. It’s surprisingly darn loud on the camera, but just not that bad in real life.
That’s of course, the challenge with any sound testing – is that it’s really just comparing things, and not truly comparing silence to it. Of course, with the LeMond mixed in there – you can hear the fullness of that sound, and how it’s really just deafening in a room.
Be interesting to know where the sound is coming from on the Wahoo KICKR. If its mostly coming from the big round grate area that in the photo has a black and white striping going around it then it would seem to be easy to build a box of sorts around it using acoustic ceiling tiles or acoustic ridged fiberglass, the hard part is how to allow enough airflow to allow the device to work and not over heat. But guessing you wouldn’t need to completely block airflow just redirect it so sound can be absorbed a bit.
Regarding the tweet about the vapor on the screen, I’ve had that to.
Would love to follow u on Strava so please upload. I sent u a connection on Garmin connect, but does not compare to Strava. (I don’t have a Twitter account so I posted instead).
Would love to see another post on TainerRoad software, I’ts been a year since the last one and it was pretty new back then.
Great blog, keep up the great work.