Headed to CES 2013 next week, what do you want to see/hear about?


Like last year, I’ll be making a quick trip to the Consumer Electronics Show – which is pretty much the super bowl of consumer electronics.  The show is held annually in Las Vegas, usually on the first full non-holiday week of January.  This year, I’ll be spending Tuesday (first full day of the show) there, checking things.  Here’s a quick link to all the CES posts from last year.

Within the endurance sports world, I don’t expect to see too many major new product announcements.  A few perhaps, but not the wide number of sport-specific announcements that we’d see at a endurance-sport specific show like Eurobike or Interbike.

Instead, we’ll likely see more health and fitness focused announcements and products.  Meaning, products like scales, fitness trackers, and other non-high end performance devices.

That’s not to say we won’t see some good stuff.   Many of the companies that announced products back at Eurobike and Interbike will be there, this time with the final goods.  Companies like Wahoo Fitness and MyBasis for example.  Also, expect to see some companies that had planned to make announcements at Eurobike/Interbike but deferred those announcements, do so at CES instead.


I’ll be tweeting my way throughout my time there, and will likely save writing of CES related posts until the end of Tuesday, so that I can cram as much as possible into the hours I have on the show floor (my afternoon is nearly booked already!).


So with that, what companies should I be checking out?

What products do you want to hear more about?

Obviously, my focus will primarily be on health/fitness/sport, as the big players like Engadget and Gizmodo pretty well cover things such as TV’s and the like.

As always, thanks for reading!

(P.S.- If you’re a company at CES and have something cool to see relevant to readers here, drop me a note via the contact form and I’ll do my best to check ya out.  As always, if I don’t know about ya, it’s hard to talk about ya.  So don’t be shy.)


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  1. Jason B.

    Please let us know if anyone comes out with a Bluetooth LE foot pod.

  2. Tom L.

    As much as possible about Wahoo RFLKT, please.

    • majorhunadadun

      Yes! The Wahoo system has my eye! I’m in the market for a cycling computer system and I really wanna know if the RFLKT, BLUE HR and BLUE CADENCE will all work in unison with the iPhone 5. Thx!

  3. ismo

    It seems that Garmin has a booth in CES:

    The new Garmin Edge 510 / 810 news: estimated availability and price. And of course the Vector too.

  4. Tom

    Indeed everything about the 510/810. And especially the answer to the question if Garmin is winning the “battle” against smartphones with these two new social Edges.

  5. zimage

    Basis watch?

  6. Blake

    Any sign of Motorola Motoactv?

  7. Laurence

    Looking forward to your thoughts on the new Garmin 510 and 810 – definitely look like worthy upgrades.

  8. Some inexpensive power meters.

  9. I would like to hear about any budget friendly devices coming out

  10. Very interested in the Wahoo Kickr release date.

    Also, secondary interest is in the Garmin Vector release date.

  11. Jackson

    1) If Garmin is going to stop making us pay a subscription fee to show others where we are running in their app when any person can do it for free through a number of running and non-running apps including Apple’s “Find Friends” app

    2) If Garmin will release a updated ANT+ iphone dongle that works with other products and is not siloed

    3) Any effort to update accessories (HR, footpods) with rechargable batteries

  12. I would like to hear when Garmin thinks the Tempe will be able to connect to the Forerunner series.

  13. If Garmin is planning on a heart rate belt with memory, like suunto has. Swimmers would love this.

  14. Randee

    A “2nd” to the MotoActv question – although I’ve got my money on google/motorola mobility dropping it.

    • Scott Hawks

      I also am in great turmoil about the outcome of the MotoACTV…. Great product I hope doesn’t die out and that someone picks it up and runs with it, at a minimum continuing support

  15. mlehky

    Any updates on the strapless hrm watch.

  16. Frank B.

    Please look for new mobile phones with ANT+.
    I need a replacement of my xperia active, with a stronger battery.

  17. dave campbell

    I currently have a Velotron bike trainer, and a life Fitness treadmill. I see that I can buy some add on sensors from netathlon to put on the Velotron and treadmill which would allow me to use their various sw packages.
    I can also get various video packages for the computrainer/Velotron stuff.

    But what would be real neat is to get a product which would allow me to use like a go pro or any video camera, use this on a bike ride or run, and then come back and encode it for use with either my Velotron or treadmill. If you can find anyone doing anything like this, I would love to buy it.

    • Seth

      Hey Dave

      Check out the performance pro studio at http://www.perfprostudio.com
      The software has everything you could want. Computrainer courses, wattage based workouts, workouts based on %FTP. It has a very easy to set up group trainer mode and can simulate power for most trainers based on speed given the known power vs speed cure for that trainer. It lets you design workouts based on %FTP and then ride them in ERG mode on the computrainer. You can also synch the workout with any video you want. As an example if you have a power meter on your bike and went for a ride taking video with your go pro; you could put the power file and video into this software package and then ride a virtual session on your computrainer/ velotron with the video synched to the power file.

      I am in no way affiliated with the product other than being a happy user.

      Check it out!

  18. Tom Blackburn

    Like others have already mentioned, any news on Garmin Vector release dates and markets would be welcome.

  19. Don Miller

    Hi Ray,

    I’ve been researching the Jawbone UP! and FitBit One for personal fitness tracking.
    I’d be interested in anything in this category of a wearable tracking device.

    I already use a Garmin Forerunner 310XT w/ HR & footpod for dedicated runs, swims and rides, but I’m interesting in increasing my daily activity.

    Along the same lines, I’ve been looking at the ZEO Sleep Manager to maximize my restful time. Anything new in this area would be nice to know.

    And last, I use Weight Watchers to track my diet, so anything in this area would also be of interest.

    Don in Baltimore

  20. barry

    any cool new update for the Nike Plus watch or any new Nike GPS watches Thanks

  21. Greg Hamm

    Lets find out more Wahoo Fitness Kickr release info Ray! and possibly more Apps that will support it.

  22. Trey

    Any plans of Garmin incorporating Bluetooth?

  23. JamesB

    Anything on runner/ultra-runner GPS devices with loooong battery life.

    Right now the field is limited to either Garmin (910XT) or Suunto (Ambit) and I’d be interested in seeing if any of the smaller players are making moves in that direction.

  24. Seb

    Any strapless HRM with data recording that would claim to be usable while swimming.

  25. Mans

    Iphone 5 (lightning) connected devices would be cool to see. As most of the devices still coming to market still use the 30 pin connector

  26. Eli

    As previously mentioned, Edge 510/810 info, Ant+ in cell phones, MotoActive (and other watch style android based devices), Leikr watch, pebble watch, will Garmin be doing more with BTLE.

    I know its not really a sports related thing but as you’ve had interest in ZEO, any new alarm clocks that use data from the person sleeping (some form of monitoring) to wake them up more efficiently? (vary when the alarm goes off to coincide with sleep cycles and/or using a sunrise simulator like what Phillips has)

    • eli

      Any new gps tech? Seems like the GPS chipsets hasn’t changed much since the forerunner 305. Are they getting lower in power use to enable more devices or not drain cell phones as fast?

  27. Echoing the comments regarding the release date on the KICKR.

  28. John Brown

    These are the things I’m most interested in.

    1. Garmin 510 and 810.
    2. Pedal based power meters. Garmin vector and any others.
    3. Wahoo Fitness Kickr.

  29. Bluetooth! I’m really trying to figure out when we’re going to hit the inflection point where most tri gear is bluetooth instead of ant+. Or at least a sufficient quantity that I know where to put my future purchases…

  30. Purchase by Microsoft of a company specializing in home automation (R2 something or other) was just announced. Curious if thy will have anything there regarding plans to make the X-Box more of a home control center. Will others (Apple, Google, etc.) have something to counter?

  31. Happy Runner

    Please take some Garmin executives into a dark back room. Invite Dick Cheney to assist you. Convince the Garmin execs by whatever means necessary to give you some straight answers as to whether Garmin Vector will ever be released and, if so, when.

    Also, maybe ask them why they don’t participate in their own forums (i.e. on their garmin.com website). Seems like that would be a no-brainer by (1) reducing individual support calls; (2) increasing customer satisfaction through the perception that concerns are being heard/addressed; and (3) direct/quick feedback of bugs/problems.

  32. Christian

    Garmin Vector and Wahoo KICKR should definitely be on the Q/A priority list :)

  33. Eli

    I second getting garmin to participate in their own forums. (Don’t really have much interest in the vector unless it becomes cheaper then a low end powertap hub which I’m sure isn’t possible)

    While I realize this isn’t useful for those who race as they are way more engaged in their training is there any new technology to help with being able to exercise while watching TV? (I’m assuming safely indoors) For example almost all wireless headphones I’ve seen are very poor at sealing out external sound as I haven’t seen any based on ear canal style headphone so would be nice to have wireless ear canal headphone so I can watch TV while using my indoor rower or even better a wireless device I can plug my own headphones into.

  34. Maarten

    New developments that integrate ant+ and the bt comunity.

    Any new sensors.

  35. Murphy

    Any chance we may hear an update on the Garmin Vector??

  36. Victor

    Update on 4iiii viiiiva and any Bluetooth footpod?

  37. glurple

    I’d like confirmation that the Garmin Vector has been officially delayed until 2014.

    I have a pitcher of beer riding on this bet.

  38. Jase

    I’d like to echo the interest in the lower price point powermeters. There is a real market out there, and new products consistently coming in around the same 1000+ USD point is frustrating.

    it looks like a lot (more) people are keen to jump on this bandwagon, but can’t justify (to the accounts department at home) dropping the serious wedge required at the moment.

  39. Matt

    Would be great if you could head to the Polar booth and see how things are progressing on the Bluetooth front like release of new cycling head units and what will be involved in the Keo Power changing over from W.I.N.D to Bluetooth. Love your work Ray!

    • Ray Maker

      Yup, I’ll definitely be talking with them about that. Last I heard (Interbike), they were talking late spring to summer for the module changeout of the WIND to BLE (for the Keo Power).

      I’ve actually gotta hit up those guys for something else, so that’s a good reminder…

  40. GrumpyITDude

    Everything Garmin and any “cheap” ($500’ish) ANT+ power meters.

  41. Gunnar

    4iiii’s combined ANT+/BLTE hrm release date info would be appreciated. Thanks Ray.

  42. Anonymous Coward

    Brief summaries of the “Our Bodies, Our Data” and “NEXT?” sessions in the Fitness Tech conf track (Jan 8th; free), s’il vous plaît. :)

  43. Daniel

    I´d like to see/hear something about:

    Garmin Edge 510
    Leikr GPS device
    O-Synce navi2coach (hands on or better a review)

    Thx and have fun.

    Regards from Germany,

  44. jen

    Update on 4iiii viiiiva!

  45. Neal

    Wahoo Kickr update–when available for purchase by common folk.

  46. Chris

    I’d like to hear about upgrades to the Jawbone Up/Fitbit/Nike Fuelband or any similar devices coming out.

  47. DonQuix

    I’d like to see some information on the pebble and it’s integration with apps like Runkeeper. Seems like the pebble plus a smartphone could give some of the current crop of fitness watches a run for their money.

    I’d also like some information on the myBasis watch. While I’m interested in the technology, the company has to be run by some of the biggest numbskulls on the planet.

  48. bob

    If you happen to stumble across any weatherproof cameras I would be interested in your thoughts.

    I know that the camera shows are coming at the end of the month but there might be something useful from the show.


  49. APW

    Wahoo Kickr Ray and as many as ANT+ running and cycling accessories as possible!

  50. Brian

    Hi Ray,

    Love the website – thx for all of the work you put into it.

    Any chance you will be finishing up the Tacx Genius review on your flight to Vegas??

  51. Azam

    A separate GPS ANT+ module and wrist recorder, fitness focused headphones and wondering if Epson is going to release the WristableGPS line outside Japan.

  52. Klaus

    Remember the Garmin Boys, that there are essential Bugs in the Garmin 500 firmware 3.0 and ask, if and when they will fix.

    And for Garmin 810/510 please look that the display is in sun better readable then with the 800.

    Thank, klaus

  53. Tal

    *any cheap power meter.
    *a cheap, waterproofed, gps enabled, and heart rate enabled watch.
    *updates regarding the tacx iPad app.

  54. Helioth

    I share the need for news on Garmin Vector release date expressed above. Been waiting for about two years now, trying to seek for reliable information on the release date and finally facing the constant re-schedules. For example I need such a device for power-training on a stationary trainer during winter time. Only possible systems (due to technical compatibility) are either the Vector or Brimbrother’s Zone (the Polar Look Keo is not suitable due to lack of ANT+, and Stages Cycling’s StageONE is not suitable due to my requirement for a square crank arm).

    I’d prefer one thousand times a realistic conservative deadline rather than all those re-schedules.

    Their communication on the matter is so poor that it doesn’t make me want to ever reward their work by buying the Vector.

    As a reminder, the first showcase was at Interbike in 2009. It was due to be released in Q1 2010. After the acquisition by Garmin it was announced for March 2012, then re-scheduled to Summer 2012, and then quoting Clifton Pemble (president, director and COO of Garmin International Inc) from their conference with investors in Summer 2012: “So we are doing some design changes and starting to assemble new prototypes now, and we would expect that by the end of the year we should have a solid power meter.”. The latest information we currently have is (quote from Clifton Pemble) “…we’ve been evaluating new design changes and we do feel like things are looking promising and are sticking to our early next year first quarter (Q1CY13) or early second quarter (Q2CY13) deliveries.”. Needless to say confidence in the information from the Garmin press communication is already broken.

    It’s now been more than 3 years since first showcase, and competition (Polar Look) seems to have been able to overcome the technical difficulties linked to a pedal based power-meter system and is selling their Keo for quite some time now.

    Maybe Garmin is facing such serious issues that any official communication on the matter would adversely affect the company share price.

  55. Joe

    Honestly, why is it taking companies so long to come out with decent bluetooth watch options. I know the new Casio G-Shock is finally out, but anything else?

  56. Dirk

    Hello Ray

    I have some requests for the Garmin folks:

    * would it be possible to add support for the Garmin Tempe in the Forerunner-range (by firmware update), and in the Garmin Fit app (I’m not a software engineer, but this shouldn’t be very difficult to do)?
    * when will the Garmin Basecamp app become available for the Android platform?
    * is Garmin planning to add the possibility to transfer data (workouts, routes,…), via ANT+, between Garmin devices and Android phones/tablets (by developing a new app, or adding this option to existing apps like Garmin Fit)?

    Ray, thanks in advance for passing these questions to the Garmin-people, and keep up the good work!

  57. Danny

    Could you check for any update regarding treadmill tracking device ou software.

  58. Mindz

    1) Garmin Vector
    2) Edge 510/810
    3) Tempe+food pod combined in one unit!
    4) HR for swimming

  59. Christoffer

    Leikr is now on Kickstarter and in their 1st update they mention a meetup at CES where there will be an opportunity for some hands on time. It would be great to get your initial impression.


  60. Hans-Peter

    Hands-on with the Leikr gps-watch would be great.

  61. Rob O

    Thank you for all the awesome info Ray!
    I’m interested in the latest cable tv alternatives ala Hulu, etc.

  62. Seb

    Apparently, Withings as announced a new scale, the WS-50… My understanding is that its basically the original, except with BT, CO2, and HR.

  63. RET

    Hopefully some firm will pick up where Motorola left off with the Motoactv.