Quick FYI: Trainers are now within the Product Comparison tool


Just wanted to drop a quick heads up to let folks know that as of this past Friday, trainers are now one of the new categories that you can slice and dice within the Product Comparison Calculator.  This is alongside all the watches/bike computers that you could previously slice and dice.

You’ll simply select ‘Trainer’ from the product type, and then you’ll be shown a list of trainers to further narrow down by price range (optional).  You can simply pick and choose which trainers you want to include in your list.


After whacking the ‘Compare Now’ button, you’ll have the results to expand out (it goes on and on and on below, but I cropped the bottom off).  But sure to click the ‘Expand table for more results’ button to see all the rows/columns.


The results are dynamic like the watches (pulled from a backend database), and as firmware/software updates come out I’ll update accordingly.  There’s a couple of data points that are awaiting validation from their respective manufactures, but most have come back and confirmed everything as correct.  But of course if you spot something amiss, just let me know via Comment/Contact Form/Twitter/Facebook/Skywriting/Pigeon/etc… and I’ll get it validated/corrected.

As always, I only include units within the comparison tool that I’ve personally used and/or reviewed.  I just don’t think it’s fair otherwise as there are too many variables in marketing junk to believe what companies say for most of the details.  Or how one might spin things.

The next category to be included will likely be the power meters, as I complete the Power2Max review (I’ll then add into that table anything I’ve personally ridden).  And then following that, probably weight scales and then perhaps lifestyle fitness trackers (FitBit/Fuel/etc…).  Essentially, as I do new reviews, I’m ensuring there’s a comparison tool available for it.

With that, go forth and enjoy!

Thanks for reading!


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  1. Very nice! Am I misreading Cycleops’ marketing info, though? It seems like the PowerBeam Pro comes with the virtual training software included: see, for example, the listing on Amazon.com here.

    • Ray Maker

      It depends on which version you buy. ;)

      The $1400 version you linked to includes it, but the $1,170 version I linked to doesn’t. Simple math explains the difference unfortunately.

      Maybe I can change the value in ‘Software bundles for free’ to ‘Depends’, and that might solve it.

    • Ah, interesting. The one you link to on amazon.ca is different.

      If you search for “Powerbeam Pro” on the US site, you get two options: the less expensive one still includes the software, but appears to not include the Joule GPS computer.

    • Ray Maker

      Hmm… quick question – are you seeing Amazon.ca links or Amazon.com links when you click from the table? The reason I ask is that in theory, since you’re in the US (or at least your IP is in the US), you should only be seeing Amazon.com links. If you were in Canada then it would enumerate Amazon.ca links (or try to). And for me in France, it shows Amazon.fr links (or tries).

      Just curious if something be broke. Thanks!

    • Odd, I’m seeing amazon.ca links for anything that links to them from this site (product comparision, links inside reviews, even the big Amazon.com link in the right-side bar). I’m definitely in the US.

    • Ray Maker

      Thanks Brian…I’m working to track it down. Really appreciate the heads up!

  2. Jeremy

    Speaking of trainers, any word on kickr availability?

  3. Victor

    Why is the Lemond Revolution ($499) listed as high end when other trainers ~$1000 are listed as moderate. Especially the Kickr which I would consider a high end Lemond Revolution.

    • Ray Maker

      Simple wrong categorization on my part. It’s back to moderate. Thanks for catching it!

      Right now, I’m roughly drawing the lines at sub-$1K is ‘Moderate’ and above $1K is high-end. KICKR sits on the edge. It competes with the high end trainers (actually, it bests them in most categories), yet it’s priced lower. So I tagged it for both.

      Hope this helps!

  4. Chris

    Been holding out for the kickr but am really intrigued by the VR training suite from Cyclops. Will there be a full review coming? Is anyone else getting in the the open source kickr software game in addition to trainerroad and kinomap? We have 2 feet of snow here and I need VR to get through my workouts. I want to make the right purchase that will allow me to video some rides and have the trainer match them.

    • Ray Maker

      Yup, absolutely. With the inRide one done today, I’ve got the Tacx Genius and CycleOps VR suite left. For the CycleOps I won’t re-review the entire PowerBeam, since not much has changed there (tiny little changes I’ll cover), so I’ll just focus on the software. That’ll save me a bunch of time.

      My goal is by the end of next week two have both done (ahead of CES, as that’s a really busy time).

      As for other KICKR companies – yes, many. Hang tight on those, they’ll be part of my review.

  5. Chrissie

    I recently purchased a Mintoura, and was wondering if you could let me know if you have ever used one. I had an old Trek CycleOps, but it ate my tire up, so went for the rim drive. So far, it really saves my tire. Any reason you don’t compare it? Also, anyway of using the other trainers without fear of rubber all over the carpet, your back, etc? My husband is looking for a trainer, but after the Trek trainer, he isn’t sure what to get.

    • Ray Maker

      The tables only include products I’ve personally used/reviews – otherwise I’m basically talking about things I haven’t used. Which I think is bad.

      There are some trainers that get ride of the wheel as noted. For example, the LeMond Revolution (no longer sold) and the Wahoo KICKR.

      That said, as we move into the new year I’m going to continue trying out new trainers.


  6. Roamingseaside

    Just recently purchased the powerbeam pro so wanted to outline what the cycleops customer service outlined to me after calling to complain. I ordered the lower end powerbeam pro (read $1,200 version) because I already have a Garmin 500 and thus didn’t need the gps. The lower end unit does come with Virtual Trainer and DOES NOT come with a head unit. Hear in lies the problem….while you can ride virtual routes with changing resistance, you CAN NOT develop standard power-based training session with just wattage and time intervals.

    What is absolutely ridiculous is the software obviously “talks” to the trainer to change resistance on the hills, but they left out the ability to do so in setting up power-based training sessions (guessing to boost sales of head units). The result is a bad xbox game without the ability to really work a training schedule. I called to return the unit after recognizing the limited functionality of a $1,200 unit, and they offered to send a Joule GPS. While I appreciate the customer service aspect (the individual on the phone was helpful and understanding), but there is no way this unit can be advertised for $1,200….the only real option is the $1,500 version with the GPS included (Obviously, most would rather have the Joule 3.0, but Im just nit-picking at that point)

    Sadly, despite the positive customers service support, it is still very disappointing to spend that kind of money and then feel almost instantly disappointed by the feeling that you must spend an additional amount to “make the system work properly.”

  7. Mohamed

    Ray, just ordered a Cycleops Super Magneto Pro. Will be using it with Garmin GSC10 or Bontrager Speed Cadence Sensor (both that you reviewed with my lovely 910 XT. Any advice to get the maximum out of this combination? Many thanks. :)

    • I would suggest pairing it with TrainerRoad to get the most bang for your buck and get power curves there and then it can transmit that back to your Garmin FR910XT for a single point of training logs.

    • Mike Martin

      Hey Ray –
      I am a 4 year Computrainer user. Last year I used it almost exclusively with Trainer Road as this was the simplest way to QUICKLY write erg-files for the CT and I think it worked pretty flawlessly.

      The CT software is way behind IMHO, and I really haven’t used anything else from a hardware perspective, so I think the CT is good, but I have never compared…..

      If you were me, would you sell the CT and get something else or just continue running it with Trainer Road? I mostly train to programmed ERG – mode workouts. I guess I am just wondering if the other trainers are now superior from a hardware perspective as well as a software perspective?

      I very rarely ride against videos / VR / etc…. although occasionally I will crack out and ERG Video.


    • I’d probably wait till Interbike to see what pops up there. It’s only 10 days away.