The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this week:
Saturday: Week in Review–February 25th, 2012
Monday: Windy 43MPH Weekend Runs
Tuesday: CycleOps PowerBeam Pro Trainer In-Depth Review
Wednesday: Garmin’s Vector Power Meter…unwrapped by the FCC
Thursday Morning: Congrats to JP Theberg- USAT 2011 Paratriathlete of the year!
Thursday Afternoon: Nifty Garmin Edge 500 Custom Mount
Friday: The Girl- “I’ll actually wear this watch” (The New Polar RCX3)
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) Pretty solid update on the Suunto Ambit: A good Q&A from the Ultra guys on the Suunto Ambit. I’m looking forward to getting a unit to play with, hopefully in the next couple weeks last I heard.
2) Wanna run a lot of Rock ‘n Roll Marathons for cheap? They’ve introduced the TourPass, which essentially is like a ski seasons pass for their race series. Pretty brilliant.
3) Why do we train with devices? A good post over on the TrainingPeaks blog around some of the reasons folks use devices to train with. A good reminder that it’s sometimes also just simply about motivation more than data collection.
4) Blood Pressure Monitor now in a patch: I’m just about set with the ANT+ Blood Pressure monitor so I can whip up a review on it. But, this idea is pretty interesting. Instead of a cuff, you wear a 24hr patch which monitors things a bit more across your day.
5) Nothing to do with Endurance Sports: But still really darn cool. There’s something awesome about a ton of little helicopter drones in a gym playing the James Bond theme song on musical instruments. Trust me, it’s cool. Have I ever let you down?

6) New type of swimming goggle to measure heart rate: A pretty interesting little snippet from Quantified Self about a project a woman is working on that allows you to measure heart rate in the same general region as the FINIS AquaPulse. Interesting stuff.
7) A look into Professional Cyclist Salaries: Based on a new report from Ernst and Young, an inside look at changes in how much the peloton is getting paid. I have a feeling you might just be surprised…
8) Folding Bicycle Helmets: I had tagged this back a bit ago, but forgot to share it. Yup, these things fold right up like space blankets. Crazy.
9) Riding while armed: Trust me on this, you’ve gotta see the full photo. I could have pasted it here, but that wouldn’t be cool (copying and all). Here’s the top chunk, it gets better when you see the rest of the picture.
10) The making of an underwater bike fashion shoot: I honestly have no idea how I ended up at this page, but, it’s kinda interesting to see how they went from what looks like a sketchy hotel pool, to a pretty impressive shot.
Random Notes:
I spent a bit of time last night updating my Facebook page to the newfangled timeline format. I figured since all Facebook pages are being forced to it at the end of the month, might as well kick the tires a bit and give it a whirl. (Note: This is all in addition to the blog here of course, I usually post interesting pics there that I don’t post here).
Feel free to poke around and let me know what ya think. Enjoy!
Thanks for reading all, have a great remainder of your weekend!
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