You may remember from a handful of weeks ago that while I was busy at CES in Las Vegas running around talking with all the latest sports technology folks, I also had the privilege of being the moderator for a panel of folks from within the industry as part of the Digital Health Summit.
That panel was born out of all of the questions that you asked back in December when I fielded y’all for insight on what you wanted to hear from the folks running the industry. I was blown away by just how articulate and insightful all of the questions were from everyone – both those posted as well as e-mailed to me. Ultimately, I attempted to branch out and cover just about everything asked – plus a lot more. Like my typical in-depth reviews, only…well…panel-style.
Moderating a panel is definitely a bit of a different experience than straight up speaking. I often speak to large crowds (hundreds of people) as part of my normal day job – so I’m used to that. And more importantly, I’m used to being somewhat in control of the time period allotted. Meaning, once I start, I can get into a groove and just do my thang. Assuming I know the topic well (and I usually hope to) – I can make the session my own, unique to each time I give it.
But with a panel, I lose the ability to control it end to end. Thus, I’m along for the ride just as much as the audience is. A moderator is somewhat like a stage coach conductor though – if the horses decide to wander somewhere else, I’m goin’ along with them – whether or not I like it. At the same time, you’re careful to ensure that you’re directing questions to the right people that can answer the questions your asking, while also presenting issues that are challenging and interesting enough that audiences of differing levels will find it interesting. This means that my list of questions had to be substantial – far more than I could ever use, thereby allowing me to float new questions as the topic did.
Luckily, everyone on the panel was not only well versed in their subject areas – but also the broader industry as a whole. And thankfully, nobody answered any questions with a simple one-word “Yes.” answer. Though, I may or may not have threatened them prior to the presentation that any answers less than a certain number of seconds would result in…well…unhappy.
Speaking of the panelists – here they are:
Chris Fickle, Director of Telemedicine Business Development
A & D MedicalIan Andes, President
4iiii Innovations, Inc.Karl-Johan Dahlström, Head of Developer Relations
Sony Ericsson Mobile CommunicationsMike Stashak, Vice President of Marketing and Sales
Wahoo Fitness
Oh…and me.
The topic was “Data Liberation: Making Health Data Intelligible for the Consumer” – or essentially, “How on earth does anyone make sense of any of this stuff”. Strangely, my alternate title wasn’t accepted.
With that long-winded introduction – here’s the full recorded panel – about 50 minutes in length. You can skip around, as I cover a ton of different topics in my Monty Python quest to get all your questions and my curiosities answered. Enjoy!

My 2012 CES Session
And, if you liked this – you’ll probably really enjoy the keynote I did back at the ANT+ Symposium in September. That one wasn’t a panel, but just straight up all me. Well, me, talking about what you wanted. So really, both of us. Got it? Good.
Oh – and if you want to see the rest of the sessions from the Digital Health Summit track, here’s their page. They’ve got even more publishing over the course of Thursday. Enjoy!
As always, thanks for reading (or watching, as it may be).
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Hi Ray
The Swede’s name is Karl-Johan Dahlström (or Dahlstrom using english keyboard).
link to
Stefan (another Swede, just enjoying your blog)
Thanks for the video, Ray.
I’m in the camp of users with data overload. I train and collect the usual things like average pace, distance, heart rate, etc. Then I make pretty graphs and maps. Yet, I really don’t know what to make of or do with it!
I’m hopeful a solution is coming as you guys discussed that one is needed. Until then, what’s a guy like me to do? Is there a resource I could use to interpret my data?
As a consumer, it’s something I’d be willing to pay for.
Ray, I’d like to hear more about what you do for your day job — would you ever consider posting something on that?
Hi Anon-
I do enterprise IT architecture consulting, specifically focusing on Authentication, Messaging, and data storage/backup. I do this for organizations between 20K and 350,000.
From a technology standpoint I primarily work with Active Directory, Exchange, OCS/Lync, and DPM with various SAN/DAS storage devices from a slew of vendors. Additionally, I also work a fair bit with datacenter virtualization design for large datacenters (multi-football field sized). As part of all that, I travel quite a bit – both in design, deployment and training of the teams that will ultimately support whatever I end up designing. As part of that I also often speak at various IT conferences on those topics and best practices.
Enjoy, and thanks for reading!