The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this week:
Friday before: New Zealand Part II- Glaciers, peaks, long hikes…and a lot more sheep
Monday: Week in Review–January 2nd, 2012
Tuesday: New Zealand Part III- Open cockpit vintage biplane flights, and canyoning (it’s like rappelling)
Wednesday: Smart HR Strap – In Depth Review
Friday: Friday Photo of the Day (or trip, as it may be)
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) A great review of the Vitadock suite: This one is done in the super-detailed style review of a whole range of health and fitness related products that are part of the suite (which integrate with the iPhone/iPod), including a connected scale, body temperature sensor, blood pressure monitor, and glucose measurement system.
2) An interesting blog from Runkeeper on the massive impact from being on the featured page of the Android Market.
3) Gympact app costs you money if you skip the gym: A pretty fascinating idea here, helping to motivate you to maintain your gym visitation goals. The app actually dings you real cold hard cash if you don’t do a workout with it. And if you do the workouts? You get other peoples cash. Crazy!
4) Quarq returns to the Pro Pelaton for the 2012 year: Cool to see Quarq power meters will be ridden in the Tour this year.
5) Bike Promo Shot Photoshop Disaster: A funny site that happened to recently feature a promotional bike photo-shoot, gone wrong in the edit suite.
6) Cool interview with Editor of CyclingNews: A great interview from the NY Velocity guys with the editor of CyclingNews, good stuff.
7) Here’s what a giant artist stack of 1,200 bikes looks like: No, really, 1,200 bikes. I plan to recreate it, once I get another 1,997 bikes. Well, 1,996 if you include our wedding bike.
8) The Top 20 Rules for faster swimming: From high performance Olympic triathlon coach Joel Filliol. Some interesting tidbits in there, though most of them won’t be a surprise to many around here
9) The mother of all cyclocross mud pics: Well, if you’re gonna get your bike muddy, you might as well do it right. This is what right looks like. (via AngryAsian)
10) Slowtwitch best of “What we Saw” category: It’s kinda fun to wander over and check out the What we Saw site, where folks post random (usually) cell photos from their training. While the title of the post is ‘What we noticed’, it’s really ‘What we noticed in what we saw’. Or something like that.
Random Notes:
Just to see who’s paying attention to this post, I shall drop the small nugget here that the FR910XT starts shipping next week (reconfirmed with Garmin as well). Most vendors have received their ship-dates over the past few days (or will continue to receive them shortly), with dates ranging from January through till March.
Have a great weekend all!
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Awesome news at the bottom!
ray – your saturday post is my favorite post of every week – i like to see all the cool stuff that you found around the web – saves me time!
Hello Ray, long time reader, first time replyer. Love your blog and wahoo on the 910xt news. Please keep up the great work and welcome home.
any comment on the new Magellan GPS watches announced this week?
Yea! about the 910xt! Good to get an update on that.
Here’s hoping my 910xt order @ REI will be fulfilled soon. I’d really like to try out those swim metrics.
Thanks Anon – glad you enjoy it!
Hi SpeedoStache-
Yup, it’s cool stuff. I’ve been talking with those guys for well over a year now about it, they’ve been great about incorporating much of the feedback I hear from you.
I’ll be sitting down with them in Vegas in a few days at CES with more details, and a device shortly thereafter.
Thanks all!
Sneaky nugget!
thanks for the update Ray! Been waiting so, so patiently.
I think your math is off on the number of bikes you need. Far fewer :)
Hi Ray,
Thanks for the 910XT update!! Really glad to hear it will start shipping soon.
FYI, Garmin posted the manuals to the 910XT on their website.
Hi Ray. Just wondering if you know of possible reasons as to why my Garmin 305 should gradually stop picking up the satellites over a period of 1 month within 6 months of buying it. Initially it would take longer to find the sattelites and sometime lose them mid-run and now it can’t pick them up at all. Hve you come across this issue before? Probably needs to be sent back to the guys at Garmin?
If it’s being funky on satellites, try doing a soft reset. Sometimes the satellite cache gets a bit out of whack and just needs a swift kick to the butt.
Failing that, a quick ring to Garmin support almost always figures it out.
thanks for the 910 heads up
Got my confirmation from Amazon that my 910xt is shipping in the next week! Wohoo!!!
I can’t wait to read your write-up on the Magellan once you get your hands on it.
Have the 910 on order and should get late Jan by the sounds of link to
Depending on the reviewing and the timing I may to have to have rethink.
My LBS talked to their garmin rep today and was told that the 910 was delayed until May now….is that true? Or is he just wrong and they really are going out this week?
Hi Bryce-
They’re confused. Or, they’re distributor is confused. Or, they never placed their FR910XT order (though, even in that scenario, the dates are more like March).
Sorry, but I’m sure they’ll get it all sorted out.
I can advise that 2 or 3 retailers in Australia received batches this week. I know this because I am from and we shipped out a bunch of units as soon as they arrived this morning. Further we have been advised that a further larger batch is arriving early next week. Staff are already wearing them and one went for a run this evening wearing the shop demo in prep for a review.
My understanding is that Australia was the first to get them in the world and stock is slowly rolling out worldwide.
I can say that it is definetely not March delivery, It is now !
I have 6 of the hrm version on my desk, left over from todays deliveries awaiting collection by allocated customers.
PS, please do not call us, this is not a sales pitch, we can sell within Australia only and all stock for another month or more is already presold anyway. I am merely advising that deliveries of 910xt’s is occuring now.
PSS, @Nathan Simpson (posted Jan 9), your pre-ordered 910xt will be available in the batch arriving early next week and an email has been sent to you earlier today.
I ordered the 910XT in early Dec. through Ray’s link on Amazon. The day before Ray posted the nugget, I received a shipping notification for Jan 26th. Last night, I recived an updated ship of March 14. First world problems ;)…..