The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this week:
Monday: An In-Depth Swimming Comparison between the Garmin FR910XT and the FINIS Swimsense
Tuesday: Moderating Health & Fitness Panel at CES 2012- Looking for your questions!
Wednesday: Soleus GPS 1.0 $90 Running Watch In-Depth Review
Thursday: Fun with Fartleks
Friday: Significant updates to the Garmin GTU10 (Tracker), relevant for endurance athletes
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) Wahoo Fitness auctioning off for charity their BTLE (Bluetooth Smart) not-yet-released HR straps: Cool to see a company doing this, would love to see others in the space do similar things. Wahoo is taking all the proceeds from the auction and giving it to one of five charities (five units available). These straps don’t others become available until sometime next year, and are the first Bluetooth Smart (low energy) straps out there. At the moment, the only BTLE device that’s mainstream is the iPhone 4S.
2) Brim Brothers releases FAQ: If you’ve been eyeing the Brim Brothers pedal (technically cleat) based power meter, they released a small pile of new and updated information about their plans.
3) Garmin Updates Course Creator: You probably remember back a bit ago when Garmin re-added Google Maps to GC (you did remember that, right?). Well, they just updated the course creator to recognize trails in Google Maps. This means that bike paths, etc… are now understood. Goodness.
4) Fun video of Canadian Olympian Kyle Jones on the track: Just a fun little video walking through (err…running through) a recent morning with Kyle Jones on the track.
Track Tuesday from Kyle Jones on Vimeo.
5) Training Peaks adds Coaching equivalent of I thought this was interesting. I’m not aware of anything similar in this space. I think it would also be really interesting if current athletes were able to somehow provide feedback for their current coaches – revealing that to potential candidates. My idea probably needs a bunch of tweaking, but I think there’s some potentially cool stuff that could come out of this down the road.
6) Velodrome coming to Washington DC: This this doesn’t impact everyone, it’s still cool to see. Some nice renderings in there – and it’ll be just in the shadow of our newish Nationals ballpark. Awesome!
7) Ironman World Championship uploaded (Kona): Someone did us all a favor and uploaded the full length show from this year. See below (or click onto Youtube). Cool stuff.

Kona 2011
Random Notes:
Sneak peak…these arrived this weekend, good times ahead:
And while I can tell ya all about the top picture (LeMond Revolution Trainer with Power Pilot)…the bottom box photos are considered highly restricted for now. Fear not…it’s some sweet stuff. And no, it’s not cookies. Those…well I ate those already.
Thanks for reading, have a great remainder of your weekend!
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The one in the bottom, must be the new Tanita BC 1500… ;)
Velodrome to DC? That is AWESOME!
With all the wackos on the Internet and since you post your travel schedule pretty often thereby indicating when you’ll be away from home, personally I’d be concerned about the picture of the package that has your home address on it. But maybe people will just add you to their Christmas card list.
Hi Happy-
Thanks, it’s a valid concern – though, I’m also aware my address is easily found in the White Pages too.
Thanks for stopping by!
I was trying to plot a new course on Garmin Connect today and noticed the change to Google Maps. That is welcomed, but I can’t seem to get it to follow a road — the checkbox is checked, but it still does point-to-point routes. Seems kind of broken…
If that FEDEX box is indeed the Tanita BC-1500, please post your review! I’m anxiously awaiting some trusted feedback before I spend $500 on a scale! I’m looking for an excuse to upgrade my BC-554! Thanks.
Hi The world-
It was/is not. Sorry! At present I don’t have any plans to review the BC-1500, mostly due to its high price and relatively few feaure differences compared to teh BC-1000, which I think is a bit overpriced given the Withings Scale at half its price. Just my two cents though.
Thanks. The segmented body composition part of the BC-1500 interests me because I am trying to monitor muscle mass in each of my limbs–I think my imbalanced muscles (especially legs, but upper body as well)–are contributing to some gait/posture/back problems.