Update Note: Consider looking at the just released Timex Run Trainer GPS 2.0 edition instead, if you’re looking at this watch. Comparisons between the two units are available in that review.
With the market for sub-$200 GPS running watches becoming increasingly competitive I was pretty excited to see Timex announce a new product back in August. Based on the specifications released at the time, the Timex Run Trainer clearly went above and beyond every other sub-$200 running watch out there.
But until I got my hands on one questions would linger about reliability and functionality – how seamlessly integrated were all these new features, and could it compete with the likes of the Nike+ GPS watch and the Garmin Forerunner 210? Well, I set out to find out. I received a watch to test back in early October and have been taking it along on runs, bike rides and even swims since.
Like all my reviews, they tend to be pretty in depth (perhaps overly so) – but that’s just my trademark DC Rainmaker way of doing things. Think of them more like reference guides than quick and easy summaries. I try and cover every conceivable thing you might do with the device and then poke at it a bit more. My goal is to leave no stone unturned – both the good and the bad.
Because I want to be transparent about my reviews, as I mentioned when I first got the device – Timex sent me the Timex Run Trainer for a period of 60 days as a trial unit. Once that period has elapsed, I send the whole beaten box back to the folks in Middlebury, CT. Simple as that. Sorta like hiking in wilderness trails – leave only footprints. If you find my review useful, you can use any of the Amazon links from the bottom of this page to help support future reviews.
Lastly, at the end of the day keep in mind I’m just like any other regular triathlete out there. I write these reviews because I’m inherently a curious person with a technology background (my day job), and thus I try and be as complete as I can. But, if I’ve missed something or if you spot something that doesn’t quite jive – just let me know and I’ll be happy to get it all sorted out. Also, because the technology world constantly changes, I try and go back and update these reviews as new features and functionality are added – or if bugs are fixed.
The Timex Run Trainer features refreshing simplicity in its packaging – primarily through avoiding the ‘must put everything in a separate little plastic wrapper’ syndrome. But before you get to that stage, you start off with it looking at it through the plastic window:
From there you’ll crack it open to find the major components snapped into the (friendly) plastic – no TSA prohibited items needed here to get inside:
Depending on which version you bought it’ll also include the Timex branded ANT+ compatible heart rate strap. We’ll go ahead and remove all the items from the box – leaving us with the following pile of goods (note, the ANT+ footpod sorta came along for the ride, he isn’t in the retail box):
First up – the most important item, the watch itself:
Then we’ve got the second most important item – the USB charging/downloading clip. As I’ve noted a few times in random comments, this thing is hands down the best charging clip for a sports watch I’ve seen yet. It clips in super-secure and doesn’t fall off:
Once I find someone nearby with a ceiling fan I’m going to tie one end to that and turn on the fan – I’m reasonably confident it’ll hold. I tried it like a windmill in the house the other day…held just fine. Don’t worry, I’ll video this event at some point. It’ll be sorta like the CatFan YouTube video. Wait, you have seen that, right?
After the USB charging clip you’ll find (depending on the package you bought) – the ANT+ enabled heart rate strap:
Then we’ve got the ANT+ footpod. It doesn’t come in either of the two packages – but it got mixed in there for fun:
And finally… the always exciting quick-start guide:
With the unboxing complete, let’s get into some comparison shots…
Size Comparison Shots:
It used to be that GPS running watches were big and bulky – but now that’s mostly a thing of the past, with today’s watches getting slimmer and slimmer each year. And in that area, the Timex Run Trainer has made significant progress over last year’s entrant – the Timex Global Trainer.
I’ve gone ahead and placed all the watches on my friendly rolling pin – in order to allow you to easily compare them side by side. I selected some of the most common competitors to the Timex Run Trainer:
(Left to right: Garmin FR210, Garmin FR610, Timex Run Trainer, Garmin FR910XT, Timex Global Trainer)
As you can see above, the Timex Run Trainer is one of the larger running-only watches, however it’s still smaller than both the FR910XT and the Timex Global Trainer.
And in some ways, that thickness might also equate to a bit of a more rugged watch. For example, the slimmer Garmin FR610 feels more ‘breakable’ than the Timex Run Trainer (though I’ve yet to break it). And – if you were to add water to both, only the Timex Run Trainer is fully waterproofed for swimming. The FR610 only has temporary immersion protection, and not against lap swimming either.
But, the most important size to take into account is how it looks on your wrist. So here’s a couple shots on my wrist:
As you can see, it looks pretty normal on my wrist. And as I’ll talk about later, it can easily be worn as a standalone wrist watch as well. Now, let’s get onto running!
Running Features:
Given ‘run’ is built into the Timex Run Trainer name, it stands to reason that its specialty is running. And in that arena it easily beats all of its competitors at the sub-$200 price point. It does this primarily through sheer quantity of features. While other watches like the FR110 and FR210 removed features from their higher end watches to deliver a lower price point, the Timex Run Trainer simply just lowered the price point without removing features.
When you use the Timex Run Trainer you’ll find a few different modes. This can be admittedly a bit confusing at first – but you quickly get used to it. The main mode that you’ll be hanging out in during training or racing is the “CHRONO” mode, which is essentially just the blanket activity mode for anything not specialized such as Intervals.
To get into CHRONO mode, or to switch modes, you merely tap the lower left hand button.
Within the CHRONO mode you can customize up to three display pages, with each page having either three or four lines of information (there are other pages in other modes as well that you can customize).
You can configure these on the watch (as per above), or within the Timex Device Agent software, which is then automatically downloaded to your watch:
If you select three lines, the middle line is double the height:
This is probably the biggest area of differentiation between the sub-$200 running watch options. When you compare the Nike+ GPS or FR210 with the Timex Run Trainer (TRT), the TRT is fully customizable from a data field standpoint. Whereas in the Nike+ GPS and FR210 you can only change a small handful of data fields which are preselected for you.
In the case of the Timex Run Trainer, you’ve got the following data fields to choose from:
Average Cadence
Heart Rate
Average Heart Rate
Average Pace
Average Speed
Time of Day
Lap Number
Lap Time
Split Time(Note, in Interval mode you gain a few other data fields related to Intervals)
As you can see, tons of options there. Also, the different modes also have different display options configurable. This means that as you can configure interval mode display pages differently from regular workout mode.
Interval Mode:
Speaking of which – let’s talk about INTERVAL mode, the second mode on the Timex Run Trainer.
Interval mode is where you can setup an interval workout to follow. Interval workouts in the world of sport can span from simple to complex. A simple one would include a basic ‘Warm-up, Main Set, Cool-down’ style workout, where the Main Set is typically a number of ‘Work intervals’ (the hard part) followed by an equal number of ‘Rest intervals’ (recovery). Most watches can support this simple concept.
But, the Timex Run Trainer actually allows a bit more customization than that. You can support up to five different main sets, each with their own parameters. This is pretty cool.
You can specify a warm-up and cool-down time (separately):
And then for the Interval and Repeats portion you can specify a gazillion different goals – whether that be by time, mileage or altitude. Meaning, you can specify that each work interval is defined by running for example, one mile. Or gaining 200 feet in elevation. In order to show the massive breadth of customization here, it’s actually easier to use the software to show you all the data pages and fields:
On the left hand side you have that piece of the interval – but the reps are actually controlled above. This allows you to set each interval as a work or rest piece independently and based on potentially different factors.
Really cool.
You can configure of this on either the watch or the software. For quick setups, the watch is easy enough – but if you’ve got something more complex – go with the software.
Note in Interval mode you gain the following additional display fields that you can configure to your display pages:
Interval Number
Repeat Number
Interval Time
Interval Reset
Interval Name
…in addition to all the fields I noted earlier.
You can save up to five different workouts in the software and on the watch, each with their own name. Note that this is substantially different than the interval mode on the sub-$200 Garmin Forerunner 110 and 210 watches in that you aren’t able to customize beyond a simple work/rest interval and not able to save them either. Additionally, you can’t specify any of the interval-specific goals like you can on the Timex Run Trainer.
Timer Mode:
Timer mode is pretty much just like it sounds – a simple timer. In this mode you can specify a number of minutes and seconds and use it to…well…count down.
In my mind this is one of those features that is rarely used by most, but there is a small portion of the population that really wants it…thus…it was included. And this is where you see some of the product differentiation between what Timex and Garmin has done, where Timex is adding some of the smaller requested features to go after as much of the market as possible.
After you specify the countdown timer’s total time, it’ll simply start counting down.
At the end of which, it can be configured to either repeat – or simply switch to CHRONO mode.
Additionally, you can also configure it to remind you half-way through. I plan to use this next time I’m cooking steaks on the BBQ.
Recovery Mode:
Recovery mode is a funny little mode. The sole goal of this mode is to simply monitor your heart rate and recovery from an activity. That’s it.
But, ironically, this is great for gathering resting heart rate data. You can simply just set a total time to stay in the mode (such as five minutes) and once the HR strap is connected it’ll just keep and eye on and record your heart rate.
Simple…yet effective.
Review Mode:
Review Mode is where you go to review all of your past runs (or bikes). In this mode you can drill down into any given workout and view total information as well as detailed laps and split information.
As you can see, you can get the average or total information for virtually any data field captured – from cadence (steps per minute) to altitude ascent to average pace. It’s all there.
While Review Mode won’t show you weekly or monthly totals, it will give you the details about a given activity. For overall totals, you’re best bet is to use the online software (TrainingPeaks) instead.
Configuration Mode:
Configuration Mode (technically called CONFIG mode) is where you configure anything general across the watch. This is separate from the individual configuration options presented in all the aforementioned modes. Like virtually every setting in the watch, you can configure it both on the unit as well as the software. This continues to be one of my favorite features of the Timex lineup – in that I can also save these settings and export them off to a little file for safekeeping. Here’s stuff that you can configure across the board.
Zones: You can configure zones based on Heart Rate, Speed, and Cadence. I’ll talk more about this in the Zones section.
Goals: Goals are simply like alerts, but for a given objective. In this case, you can configure goals for distance and altitude (total).
Units: This is where you can play flip-flop with wanting to be British or American…all day long. The Global setting does it all in one shot (Metric or Imperial) – but you can also just individually choose which settings are which. In the case of heart rate, it’s asking whether or not you want it in BPM or % of max. There is no different British/American standard for heart rate.
User: This is where you set information about yourself – primarily used for caloric calculations:
Recording: This enables you to change recording rate interval. You can set it to record at a 1, 2, 4, or 8 seconds.
Watch: This is effectively the ‘leftover’ bin for settings that didn’t fit anywhere else. This includes a total odometer, configuration options for hourly chimes and button beeping, zone audible or visual alarms, and whether or not to synchronize time from GPS.
Smoothing: Last but not least is the smoothing options, which aims to reduce some of the GPS jumpiness that some folks see when they use a GPS device. Essentially, this makes the paces a bit more smooth as opposed to jumping around. You can specify to enable altitude, pace and speed smoothing, individually.
With that, I want to talk about a few more unique features on the Timex Run trainer, so let’s dive into them.
Hands Free Start-Stop and Splits:
If you run in the city a lot, you may find yourself stopping and starting at stoplights waiting for traffic. In some of those cases you may neglect to resume your watch once you start running again – leaving a data gap in your recorded activity until you realize your mistake and resume again.
Hands Free Start-Stop solves that problem by automatically pausing and resuming your activity when you go above/below certain threshold speeds, which are configurable.
This enables you to set a high/low speed where if you slow to a stop, it’ll simply trigger the watch to pause. Then, when you start running again, it’ll go back and resume.
Hands Free Split on the other hand will automatically create laps on a predetermined time or distance parameter. So you can configure it to automatically create a lap/split every 1 mile, or every 10 minutes – fully customizable.
I tend not to use the Hands Free modes as I’m pretty good with remembering to start my watch. Of course, the irony in saying that is that just yesterday I hit a stoplight and didn’t resume on the Timex Run Trainer – not because I forgot, but simply because with running with multiple watches I ended up pressing the wrong button and not realizing it. Doh!
Zones & Alarms:
The Timex Run Trainer allows you to customize zones eight ways to Sunday. These zones can then be applied to the different watch modes.
Within the main configuration mode you can configure zones for Heart Rate, Pace, Speed and Cadence.
Here’s the Heart Rate Zones configuration, which allows you to baseline up to five distinct zones with either custom values, or those based on Max HR.
Then we’ve got speed and pace zones:
And finally, cadence zones:
As noted above, these zones can then be configured within an activity to alert you if you stray outside of a given zone. For example, if I was using INTERVAL mode, I could specify that in the Warm Up phase I want to base it on my Zone 2 heart rate:
Pretty cool stuff, clean and easy integration all around.
Eat and Drink Alarms/Reminders:
Perhaps my favorite new feature of the Timex Run Trainer is the Eat and Drink reminders. As one who constantly forgets to eat or drink (especially during longer races) – this is a great way to have the watch do the reminding for you. We’ve previously seen this on a handful of Polar devices, but this is the first time it has made its way onto an ANT+ enabled watch.
You can setup a repeating Drink alarm, and a repeating Eat alarm – both based on time (minutes) and both operating independently of each other.
I’ve loved having this on my long runs lately – as it makes it easy to remember whether I was supposed to be eating or drinking. When you’re out there three hours, sometimes things get a bit fuzzy. This makes it dead simple:
On the watch, the unit will beep and blink the appropriate thing to do, for about 3-5 seconds:
Then it’ll simply go back into normal timing mode. Love it!
GPS Accuracy:
When I talked with the Timex crew back at the ANT+ Symposium one of the biggest points they made was around GPS accuracy and the Timex Run Trainer. They had learned many of the lessons from the initial Timex Global Trainer accuracy problems, and were fully committed to really nailing satellite accuracy. In fact, it was noted that they’d be happy to go up against the FR210 any day on satellite accuracy.
And – I believe them. In my runs I found the GPS tracks nearly spot on with the FR910XT that I often wore. To the point where I couldn’t realistically determine which one was the most correct, but that either could have been.
For example, on a 15 mile interval run I did, the two units came with .07 miles in total – well within the GPS accuracy range of each other, especially considering I was doing constant loops (lots of curves). At .07 difference on 15.25 miles they were within 99.47% of each other. Pretty solid.
In every run I’ve run thus far, the GPS tracks are nearly identical between the Timex Run Trainer and a Garmin watch.
That said, once I get a couple more watches that are scheduled to come in, I’ll do an abbreviated version of the usual accuracy tests that I do. Though, based on what I’m seeing in runs thus far – I’m not expecting a problem.
There is one important item to note (only because I found this out the hard way). The Timex Run Trainer will utilize a paired ANT+ footpod over GPS data for speed and distance. This is important because if you’re (like me) and have an ANT+ footpod there primarily for cadence, then it’s likely that it’s not correctly configured. In such a case, it may produce incorrect (fast or slow) speeds. This is through no fault of the Timex Run Trainer – but merely something to ensure that you’ve got it correctly configured if you plan to use an ANT+ footpod.
Night Light:
If there’s one thing I can complain about with the Timex Run Trainer…it’s the backlight. I don’t like it for two reasons. One, I can’t customize how long it stays on – and two, it’s just not that great.
For me, when I’m running at night (which is basically at least a few times a week in the summer, and every run during the winter) – I want a clean and easy to see backlight that I can see from…oh…the other side of the road. Unfortunately, the Timex Run Trainer uses their Indiglo backlight, which is painfully not bright. I realize it may have been cutting edge in 1992, but not today…19 years later.
On the bight side (no pun intended) – with a long exposure setting on a camera it does show up pretty bright:
If they were to add a firmware option to keep the backlight on for a configurable amount of time (instead of four seconds) – I’d be a bit happier. I prefer the more typical option of ‘stays on’.
Using it as day to day (normal) watch:
The Timex Run Trainer can easily be used as a day to day watch. Although the watch is a touch bit bigger than a standard wrist watch, it’s not too terribly big – so it won’t stand out.
Within regular watch mode it displays the Month-Day on the top line, the time with seconds and AP/PM in the middle line (or in 24:00 mode), and then the day of the week on the bottom line:
Additionally, you can configure a bucket-load of different alarms in a lot of different ways. Be it daily, day-specific or otherwise – this has you covered:
In regular watch mode, you’ll get about 10 weeks (yes, weeks) of battery life before you have to go for the gold and find the charger again. Outside of that, if using it for sport, you’ll get about 10 hours. So realistically you’ll probably need to charge it about once a week depending on how much running you do.
While the watch wasn’t designed for cycling, it works just fine and dandy. It’s able to work well for cycling because it can switch between showing Pace (running norm) and Speed (cycling norm). In fact, you can pretty much customize the entire watch to just be a cycling watch if you wanted to.
The only catch is that the Timex Run Trainer doesn’t connect to either ANT+ Speed/Cadence bike sensors, nor ANT+ Power Meters. So, if you want to use it indoors on a trainer – you’re probably better opting for a different device. But outside, it’s a great device if you just dabble in the bike but are mostly a runner. And, even while cycling it’ll connect to an ANT+ heart rate strap without issue.
While cycling the unit can be worn on your wrist, or you can pickup one of the many different handlebar bike mounts out there. Timex makes one for their Timex Global Trainer, that’s a simple rubber mount that wraps around your handlebar and then the watch wraps around it:
Alternatively, if you can’t find that – just about every running or cycling shopping will probably carry the generic Garmin or Polar bike mounts, which work fine.
Note for triathletes that in order to switch between running and cycling you will need to stop the current activity (i.e. cycling) and then start a new activity (i.e. running). This only takes about 4-5 seconds, but it’s worth noting primarily in the context that there is no multisport mode like the Timex Global Trainer – which is aimed a triathlon.
As I noted before – if you’re primarily a runner but dabble occasionally on the bike, this is perfect. But if you’re primarily a cyclist and occasionally dabble in running – then you probably want a different cycling-specific device.
One of the really cool features of the Timex Run Trainer is that it’s fully waterproofed to 50 meters – or about 150 feet. See, it’s written right on the front of it:
Now, if you find yourself at 150ft deep you’ve probably got other problems – but for those wanting to swim with it, it’s perfect. This is because most of the other competitive watches (FR110/FR210) are not waterproof for lap swimming and will break (been there, done that). I easily swam my regular workout a few different nights with the Timex Run Trainer, without any problems:
Note that while underwater the Timex Run trainer not ANT+ heart rate record data, simply because the ANT+ signal can’t transmit more than about 2” underwater. But the time and alarm functions work just fine – as does the repeating TIMER mode. So if you wanted to use for doing say 50’s on 50s, you could.
Also note that openwater swimming with the unit on your wrist doesn’t work from a GPS track standpoint. But it does work just fine at gathering distance in your swim cap (did that recently). No issues there.
Software: Timex Device Agent:
In order to get your data off the watch, you’ll need to install the Timex Device Agent – which is essentially a rebranded version of the TrainingPeaks Device Agent. This software is available for both PC’s and Mac’s – and works fine on either platform.
Before using it, you’ll plug the USB charging clip into your computer, and then clip the other end onto the watch:
Once that’s done, the Timex Run Trainer will become visible to the Device Agent. You may note that unlike the Timex Global Trainer, you no longer have to select a PC mode – as long as the watch is plugged in it’ll automatically connect to the PC.
If you have other devices that you want to use aside from the Timex Run Trainer or Timex Global Trainer, then you’ll want to download the full TrainingPeaks device agent as opposed to just the Timex Device Agent. Both are free of course.
In addition to downloading your workouts, the TrainingPeaks (TP) or Timex device agent will also allow you to configure every setting on the Timex Trainer Trainer. Pretty cool. It’ll also allow you to export out your settings and configuration to a file on your hard drive:
And finally, it should be noted that this is where you can update the Timex Run Trainer firmware as new versions come out (note, because you can backup settings, no settings are really lost):
So, now that you’ve downloaded your workouts to the TrainingPeaks agent and clicked upload – it’s time to head online and checkout the details there.
Software: TrainingPeaks
Instead of developing its own platform, Timex selected to leverage the TrainingPeaks web based training platform instead. In general, I think this is a good move – as I don’t believe there’s a need for yet another web site that does more or less the same thing: log our activities. By folks focusing efforts and resources on a few sites we tend (as consumers) to see better integration and more features. And TrainingPeaks is a great example of that. My Withings WiFi scale automatically transmits data there, as does my FINIS Swimsense watch and every other sports technology gadget I have. A one stop shop.
As for myself, I use Training Peaks every day. For me, it’s the one logbook that every single workout I have is in – correctly. It’s ‘pure’ from the standpoint that all my training data is there, searchable for the last four years.
But let’s start with the basics. First off, when you upload a run you’ll see the general dashboard:
On the right-hand side you’ve got splits that you can dive into, and on the other pods you’ve got more general information. All of these ‘pods’ are customizable though, so you can see and change it however you’d like. For example, the case of below, I’ve expanded the Laps and Splits:
In addition to the basic summary information, you can dive into the Map and Graph mode, which shows you were exactly you went, and a graph of your workout:
You can choose to minimize or expand either the graph or map to make them more clear:
On the right hand side, you’ve also got total (bottom section of pane) and lap data available (mid-section of pane). And, if you highlight information, you’ll get that displayed along the graph and on the top of the graph:
One of my favorite features in TrainingPeaks continues to be the ‘Peak Speeds/Paces’ functionality, which allows me to see my top speeds/paces (or other sensor data) over a given span of time:
In addition to data displayed about a given workout, I can also display metrics like sleep, weight and even food logging. I can do all of this from within the calendar view.
As a platform, TrainingPeaks offers endless customization and pretty much anything the advanced athlete could ask for.
Finally, as for third party integration – it’s somewhat limited. The Timex/TrainingPeaks Device Agent creates a PWX (XML based) file that any 3rd party service (such as Sport Tracks) can pickup, so nothing is fully proprietary. But unfortunately few services accept such files at this time. As a general statement – if the 3rd party service supports the Timex Global Trainer watch, then it’ll likely also work with the Timex Run Trainer.
The Timex Run Trainer supports two ANT+ accessories that you can pickup. They are as follows:
ANT+ Heart Rate Strap:
The first accessory is the Timex ANT+ Heart Rate Strap, which will display and record your heart rate. This strap is softer than previous classic edition ones – which makes it a bit more comfortable:
You can either buy this as an accessory, or just directly in the Timex Run Trainer package. Note that any ANT+ strap will work, so if you already have a strap from a previous Timex or Garmin unit (or CycleOps or other), it’ll all work as long as there’s an ANT+ logo on the back of the unit. The one exception being Suunto straps, merely because they do their own thing with ANT, that’s not ANT+. Also, Polar straps are not compatible in any way, shape, or form.
In the unit you’ll go into the pairing menu to pair the given HR strap, which only takes a second. From then on it’ll automatically remember your paired strap for future activities.
ANT+ Footpod (for speed/distance/cadence):
The second supported accessory is the Timex ANT+ Footpod, which enables you to track your speed and distance while indoors on a treadmill – or if you want to turn off the GPS.
The footpod is based on the common ANT+ SDM-4 footpod, and is the smallest unit currently available. The battery life on the footpod exceeds one-year, and can be easily swapped out with a CR2032 coin cell battery.
The footpod will record running steps per minute (cadence) in addition to speed/distance. During a run, it’ll also also take precedence on the Timex Run Trainer for both speed and distance. This is important to note because if not properly configured it’ll overrule your GPS speed.
The footpod can be configured via the watch menu system, or if you already know your footpod calibration value – you can enter that manually via the software:
It should be noted that if you have an ANT+ footpod already, it’ll work just fine with the Timex Run Trainer. However note that like the heart rate strap situation – it MUST have the ANT+ logo on it. A Nike+ footpod will not work.
Finally, just for clarity – the following ANT+ accessories are not supported: ANT+ Speed/Cadence Sensor, ANT+ Power Meter, ANT+ Weight Scale, ANT+ Blood Glucose Meter.
The Timex Run Trainer as a product has really surprised me with the sheer quantity of features packed in. The watch includes both features aimed to keep it competitive, as well as new features that it’s competitors largely don’t have (i.e. Eat/Drink alerts).
From a runners standpoint the unit has basically everything one could ask for. It’s got complex workout support as well as simple run recording. It’s got alarms and time/clock functions for those that want to use it as a day watch (with ample 10 week battery life). And finally, for those needing a countdown timer in your kitchen…it’s got that too.
The only area where it lags slightly behind some of its competitors is the backlight. And from a menu system, they could be slightly more polished – but it’s leaps and bounds above the Timex Global Trainer. So significant progress was made in that area.
At $189 for the Timex Run Trainer (with another $50 rebate from Nov 3rd till end of year!) – it’s a pretty good deal. When I look at the Pro’s and Con’s of the device, I see the following:
Pros and Cons
– Tons of features for the money
– Easily and accurately tracks via GPS
– Supports ANT+ Heart Rate Straps and Footpods
– Fully waterproofed to 50 meters, no issues in pool
– Drink/Eat (Hydration/Nutrition) alerts are downright awesome
– Workout creator/manager gives tons of options
– Complete and total customization of data fields
– Backlight is too dim
– Unit storage could be more (about 10h at 1s recording)
– User interface is much improved, but could use a bit more polish
For those still deciding between the FR210 and the Timex Run Trainer, I offer the following chart:
Feature Comparison Chart:
Finally…the below chart pairs up the three most commonly compared watches in this category – the Garmin FR210, the Timex Run Trainer and the Nike+ GPS Sportwatch. At some point in the future once I have hands on time with the Motorola Motoactv I’ll include that as well.
Function/Feature | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Copyright DC Rainmaker - Updated January 30th, 2025 @ 2:55 pm New Window | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Price | $150.00 | $399/$449/$499 | $349 | $399/$499 (cellular) | $699 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Product Announcement Date | AUG 16, 2011 | Jan 6th, 2025 | Oct 31st, 2024 | Sept 9th, 2024 | Apr 25th, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Actual Availability/Shipping Date | SEP 2011/Discontinued | Jan 10th, 2025 | Oct 31st, 2024 | Sept 20th, 2024 | Apr 27th, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GPS Recording Functionality | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Data Transfer | USB | USB, BLUETOOTH SMART | Bluetooth & WiFi | Bluetooth Smart | Bluetooth Smart (smartphone) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Waterproofing | 50 Meters | 100 meters | 50m | 50m | 100m | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dive/Snorkel Feature | No | No | No | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Battery Life (GPS) | GPS: 8hrs, Non-GPS 100+ hrs | Up to 60 hours GPS (Unlimited in UltraTrac) | Up to 38 hours | 12 hours GPS | Up to 118hrs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Solar Charging | Yes (SOLAR Version) | No | No | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recording Interval | Configurable: 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s | 1s or Smart Recording | 1-second | Varies | 1-second | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dual-Frequency GNSS | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alerts | Sound/Visual | Vibrate/Visual/Audio | Audio/Visual/Vibration | Vibration/Audio/Visual | Audio/Visual/Vibration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Display Type | MIP & AMOLED | AMOLED | AMOLED | MIPS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Backlight Greatness | Good | Great | Great | Great | Good | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ability to download custom apps to unit/device | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acts as daily activity monitor (steps, etc...) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voice Integration | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Has Mic/Speaker | No | No | Yes | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Can make/receive calls | No | No | Non-cellular editions with phone/Cellular Editions without phone | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voice Assistant | No | No | Apple Siri | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Music | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Can control phone music | Yes | No | Yes | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Has music storage and playback | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Streaming Services | N/A | No (MP3 files only) | Apple Music | No (MP3 files only) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Payments | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contactless-NFC Payments | Yes | No | Yes | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Connectivity | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bluetooth Smart to Phone Uploading | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phone Notifications to unit (i.e. texts/calls/etc...) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Live Tracking (streaming location to website) | No | Yes | Yes | With 3rd party apps | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Group tracking | No | No | No | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Emergency/SOS Message Notification (from watch to contacts) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Built-in cellular chip (no phone required) | No | No | No | Yes (with cellular version) | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cycling | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Designed for cycling | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Power Meter Capable | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Power Meter Configuration/Calibration Options | N/A | YEs | No | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Power Meter TSS/NP/IF | N/A | Yes | NP only | No | NP only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speed/Cadence Sensor Capable | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strava segments live on device | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Crash detection | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wind Sensor | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Running | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Designed for running | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Footpod Capable (For treadmills) | Yes | Yes | Yes | With 3rd party apps | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Running Dynamics (vertical oscillation, ground contact time, etc...) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Running Power | Yes | Yes (Built-in) | Yes | Yes (Built-in) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VO2Max Estimation | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Race Predictor | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recovery Advisor | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Run/Walk Mode | Sorta | Yes | No | With 3rd party apps | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Track Recognition Mode | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Swimming | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Designed for swimming | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Openwater swimming mode | N/A | Yes | Yes | YEs | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lap/Indoor Distance Tracking | N/A | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Record HR underwater | N/A | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Openwater Metrics (Stroke/etc.) | N/A | Yes | Yes | Basic stroke type only | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indoor Metrics (Stroke/etc.) | N/A | Yes | Yes | Basic stroke type only | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indoor Drill Mode | N/A | Yes | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indoor auto-pause feature | N/A | No | - | Yes | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Change pool size | N/A | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indoor Min/Max Pool Lengths | N/A | 14M/15Y TO 150Y/M | 15y/m-300y/m | 1y/m to 1,500y/m+ | 15y/m-300y/m | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ability to customize data fields | N/A | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Captures per length data - indoors | N/A | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indoor Alerts | N/A | Yes | Yes | Yes (goals) | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Triathlon | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Designed for triathlon | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Multisport mode | N/A | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Workouts | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Create/Follow custom workouts | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On-unit interval Feature | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Training Calendar Functionality | No | Yes | Yes | With 3rd party apps | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Functions | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Start/Stop | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual Partner Feature | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual Racer Feature | No | No | Yes | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Records PR's - Personal Records (diff than history) | No | Yes | No | Via App | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tidal Tables (Tide Information) | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weather Display (live data) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Navigate | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Follow GPS Track (Courses/Waypoints) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Markers/Waypoint Direction | No | Yes | Yes | Yes (Backtrack) | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Routable/Visual Maps (like car GPS) | No | No | Maps but not routable | Yes | Maps but not routable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Back to start | No | Yes | Reverse course | Yes (Backtrack) | Reverse course | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Impromptu Round Trip Route Creation | No | No | No | With 3rd party apps | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Download courses/routes from phone to unit | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sensors | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Altimeter Type | GPS | Barometric | Barometric | Barometric with real-time watch face | Barometric | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compass Type | N/A | Magnetic | Magnetic | Magnetic | Magnetic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optical Heart Rate Sensor internally | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SpO2 (aka Pulse Oximetry) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ECG Functionality | No | Yes | Yes | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HRV Recording | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Heart Rate Strap Compatible | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Heart Rate Strap Capable | Yes | YEs | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Speed/Cadence Capable | No | Yes | No | no | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Footpod Capable | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Power Meter Capable | No | YesNo | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Lighting Control | Yes | No | No | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Bike Radar Integration | Yes | No | No | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Trainer Control (FE-C) | Yes | FTMS (Bluetooth) only | No | FTMS (Bluetooth) only | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Remote Control | No | No (Yes for VIRB camera control) | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ eBike Compatibility | No | Yes | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ANT+ Gear Shifting (i.e. SRAM ETAP) | No | No | No | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shimano Di2 Shifting | No | No | No | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bluetooth Smart HR Strap Capable | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bluetooth Smart Speed/Cadence Capable | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bluetooth Smart Footpod Capable | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bluetooth Smart Power Meter Capable | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Temp Recording (internal sensor) | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Temp Recording (external sensor) | No | Yes | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Software | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PC Application | Training Peaks Agent | Garmin Express | No | None | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Web Application | Training Peaks | Garmin Connect | No | None | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phone App | Training Peaks | iOS/Android/Windows | iOS/Android | iOS only | iOS/Android | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ability to Export Settings | Yes | No | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Purchase | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amazon | Discontinued | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REI | Link | Link | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DCRainmaker | Timex Run Trainer GPS 1.0 | Garmin Instinct 3 Series | COROS Pace Pro | Apple Watch Series 10 | COROS Vertix 2S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Review Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
Found this review useful? Here’s how you can help support future reviews with just a single click! Read on…
Hopefully you found this review useful. At the end of the day, I’m an athlete just like you looking for the most detail possible on a new purchase – so my review is written from the standpoint of how I used the device. The reviews generally take a lot of hours to put together, so it’s a fair bit of work (and labor of love). As you probably noticed by looking below, I also take time to answer all the questions posted in the comments – and there’s quite a bit of detail in there as well.
I’ve partnered with Clever Training to offer all DC Rainmaker readers an exclusive 10% discount across the board on all products (except clearance items). You can pickup the Timex Run Trainer 1.0 GPS below. Then receive 10% off of everything in your cart by adding code DCR10BTF at checkout. By doing so, you not only support the site (and all the work I do here) – but you also get a sweet discount. And if you happen to spend more than $75, you get free US shipping as well.
Timex Run Trainer 1.0 GPS with HR Strap
Timex Run Trainer 1.0 GPS Women’s Pink/Purple with HR Strap
Additionally, you can also use Amazon to purchase the unit (though, no discount). Or, anything else you pickup on Amazon helps support the site as well (socks, laundry detergent, cowbells). If you’re outside the US, I’ve got links to all of the major individual country Amazon stores on the sidebar towards the top. Though, Clever Training also ships there too and you get the 10% discount.
As you’ve seen throughout the review there are numerous compatible accessories for the unit. I’ve consolidated them all into the below chart, with additional information (full posts) available on some of the accessories to the far right. Also, everything here is verified by me – so if it’s on the list, you’ll know it’ll work. And as you can see, I mix and match accessories based on compatibility – so if a compatible accessory is available at a lower price below, you can grab that instead.
Product | Street Price | Amazon | |
Garmin ANT+ Heart Rate Strap (Classic Plastic Strap) - HRM1 $37.00 | $37.00 | Amazon | |
Garmin ANT+ Heart Rate Strap (Premium Soft-Strap) - HRM2 $69.00 | $69.00 | Amazon | |
![]() | Garmin ANT+ Heart Rate Strap (Premium Soft-Strap) - HRM3 $50 | $50 | Amazon |
![]() | Garmin ANT+ Running Footpod (Mini) $45 | $45 | Amazon |
![]() | Suunto ANT/ANT+ Running Footpod (good for both ANT types) $70.00 | $70.00 | Amazon |
Timex ANT+ Heart Rate Strap (Premium Soft-Strap) $48.00 | $48.00 | Amazon | |
![]() | Timex ANT+ Running Footpod (Mini) $51.00 | $51.00 | N/A |
Timex Bike Mount Kit (for mounting any watch onto handlebars) $9.00 | $9.00 | Amazon |
Thanks for reading! And as always, feel free to post comments or questions in the comments section below, I’ll be happy to try and answer them as quickly as possible. And lastly, if you felt this review was useful – I always appreciate feedback in the comments below. Thanks!
Finally, I’ve written up a ton of helpful guides around using most of the major fitness devices, which you may find useful in getting started with the devices. These guides are all listed on this page here.
Hey Ray I’ve just doscovered your blog when searching for a review for a new GPS / HRM. The blog is fantastic by the way. I’ve had a Timex T5F001 used with a seperate GPS unit T5891 for a good few years now and is a great piece of kit but I’m looking to upgrade to one which where the battery can be recharged and is a single unit. I’m also interested in the foot pad, please can you let me know if the garmin foot pad will work with the Timex Run Trainer? Thanks
Nice review, just one thing, is it possible to measure distance while swimming?
I just picked up a TRT, which I chose after reading a bunch of your reviews. So far, I really like it. I may never use all of its features, but it does what I need it to do and it’s nice to know there’s some extra stuff there if I want it. Thanks for your excellent reviews, and for helping me sort through the many watches out there!
I’m going to an 4-day race in June (www.4-trails.com)with this great watch. ’cause i don’t want do carry my laptop with me one single question: can I use the IPhone Adapter vor charging the TRT?
Am pretty much fed up w/ the watch. Have had the same radio button issues w/ GPS and HRM as others have described . . .freezing up and not acquiring signals from GPS or HRM sensors. Am using latest firmware. Only solution is to reinstall firmware. This will fix problem for 3 or 4 runs and then get the same problems. This is actually the second TRT I’m using. First one was sent back due to battery issues and they sent me a new one. The first watch would indicate that battery was dead and just turn off. However, I knew that the battery was fully charged. The only fix I could find was to reinstall firmware, which fixed the problem temporarily. Sent it to Timex and they sent me a new one. Different issues, but the only solution to fix it is reinstall firmware. A major pain. I don’t want to spend 15 minutes before every workout updating the firmware. I’m essentially afraid to use the GPS for fear that watch will completely freeze up. Have had watch since Christmas. Actually like it when it works. I think that firmware updates could fix the watch and make it very nice. Unfortunately not sure if that will ever happen. Wish I would have forked over the extra cash for a Garmin. Also, when it was working well (the 3 weeks we had it) my wife had issues w/ watch when running in the cold 20-30f. Timex customer service doesn’t really have a clue how to solve these problems, as they are bugs.
Just got my TRT with HRM. This review helped me alot in choosing between the FR210 and TRT. At the end of the day, its the value for money that made me choose it given the amount of customization one can do and good waterproofing.
Coming from Nike+ sportband, I must admit that I was overwhelmed by the amount of data I got at TP. It all made sense after a few hours of playing though.
Any idea what is the recharge battery model of TRT.
I think mine is not working coz after 8hrs of charge the battery indicator still blank and blinking.
Did you find out what battery this watch takes?
Hi Ray,
Thanx for the great review site!
Just bought my first GPS/HRM watch – the Timex Run Trainer.
Feeling a little silly, but I can’t seem to pick up the HR strap signal.
I’ve checked the strap battery (it’s ok)
I’ve worn it thru a workout – no dice.
Any advice? Anone else have similar issues?
Thanx for your help!!
I too have turned on “smoothing,” and I get pace values that fluctuate preposterously and apparently at random — i.e., regardless of whether there are trees and buildings around, or a clear view of the sky. This unit is going to have to go back where it came from.
Great Review! Im searching for a GPS clock with heart rate function. TRT vs Garmin Forerunner 410? The touch brezel is the only one, which complicate my decision.
Hello, while in “chrono” mode, is it possible to turn off the audible alert (like HR outside a predefined range) that might come during an exercise? The only solution i found was to go back to the “clock” display.
Regards, Pascal
I think Forerunner 410 Garmin better than TRT. The TRT is bad. I bought my TRT 3 months ago, and were as same issues with GPS that had have post here. It is 1 month to coming and 1 months in support. Can I believe that after concert going to work for 1 year ?
Hi, I am looking to buy a GPS sports watch primarily for my running. I have to decide between the global trainer and run trainer. What would be your advise on the choice? Global trainer with HRM is cheaper at 128$ and the run trainer WITHOUT HRM is about 163$ in a deal. I tried them both at the store and they both seem to fit well on the wrist. I am confused between both. Would really appreciate your advise.
Hi guys,
I came from the Timex Race Trainer.Very good watch with HRM. But decided to go with a GPS watch to get rid of repetitive looping. I bought a TRT last Feb & everything so far is smooth. I use the latest firmware though I dont like the idea of firmware update as it makes me nervy during the writing process. So far, I have had no battery issues, used it for running, kayaking, tracking boat rides & riding planes. I bought another one for my girlfriend a week ago..I hope no problems crop up with this one as the TRT isn’t sold here yet in Manila & will be launched probably next month.
Could you please share how your TRT alerts you when you are out of selected HR zone? Because my is beeping continuously and this way it’s impossible to use this feature. It starts beeping as soon as I connect the strap and never stops until I reach the target zone there, which means I can not walk with the connected strap and the feature activated. Am I doing anything wrong? Please advise, thanks
Just purchased the TRT, and can not set up the HR zone audible alert in a right way. In my case the device starts beeping as soon as I connect the strap and until I reach the target zone. It beeps continuously and there seems to be no way to stop it unless I turn off the sensor via a sensor menu. When I move to the the other screen from Chrono, it stops momentarily, but then gets back to Chrono with continuous beeping again. It’s very unfortunate – it means I can not walk with the strap connected because I wake up everybody in the neighborhood in the morning :( Also, the feature should alert me, meaning several beeps, and not drive me crazy.
Am I doing anything wrong with the setup? Your experience? Please advise. I sent a message to Timex support at timexcustomercare@timex.com as well, waiting for their comments.
@Oleksiy message 216
I have the same problem (see message 211).
i cannot turn the alarm OFF!
It’s a nice watch with a lot of features, but as soon as you start to use it a lot, you’ll notice that it is missing some important things or that some features are not working…
– no lap distance
– cannot get alarms during interval training
– cannot stop alarms during chrono mode
– after a firmware update the “hot fix” for the GPS signal is not working anymore.
– after 6 months of use, my HR transmitter got broken
– takes too long to download all the exercise from the watch
– speed fluctuating too much
amongst other things …
I would not recommend buying this watch unless you get it (like i did at the end of 2011) with a 50 USD rebate.
Most of the issues could be fixed with a firmware update but Timex doesn’t seem to do that very often…
Oleksiy –
You might try using the watch in interval mode, with no alerts active for the warmup portion. That should solve your problem. Similar to Pascal, I cannot get the alerts to work properly in interval mode, but only when I set them up using the device agent. They work just fine if I set them up on the watch itself. A minor inconvenience, but certainly workable once I figured it out.
How is Timex with their technical support? I bought a run trainer based off this review and after a couple weeks and a couple runs, it completely shuts down at some point while in storage between runs.
The GPS and HRM sensors are off during this period, but it is still plausible the battery is running out faster than normal. I will plug in the watch to my laptop and, though the laptop registers it’s USB presence, there is no acknowledgement on the watch’s screen that it is charging.
Unfortunately all their 800 numbers are closed for the weekend so I’ll find out for myself next week.
Thanks for the interval mode idea, I’ll give it a try. Meanwhile I decided to put a wide zone from 60 to 140 so that I hear continuous beeping only when I get off the upper range of the zone, it works just fine this way.
On the tech support – I never called them but on email they seemed to misunderstand me and provided a standard advice regarding the set up of the alert function. They never returned upon my clarifications. It appears this constant out of zone beeping is not a glitch but a feature. Hope they do sth about this one and other “features” in the next firmware fix.
Anyone encounter the TRT recharge battery not functioning? Mine having the difficulties to recharge the battery. Although the battery indicator do blinking but i just won’t get charge. Anyone can help?
The one thing I am disappointed about is the interval timer training. I based my purchase of this reviewers comments. They were mis-leading. You cannot set distance/altitude based intervals. They can only be time based. There is setting where you can setup distance/altitude goals, but these aren’t the basis of the intervals. It is only time based. You can’t set up a sequence of 800m, 200m sequences. Furthermore you cannot set up an indefine number of repeats.
The reviewer obviously didn’t do a thorough job of understanding this watch.
Its GPS seems to be top notch ont he pick up.
Dear All, I have been using my Run Trainer for less than a month but have encountered 2 painful issues:
– charging clip not fitting correctly (and now practically broken),
– lost workout data after erase of memory.
I wonder if anybody had similar problems and know the solutions to them?
With the clip, I was really surprised to have such issues given Ray’s review and many enthusiastic comments about it. In my case, the clip could not fit right and the pins wouldn’t connect. I was unable to properly fit it and the result was lack of charging the battery and problems with data transfer. When I tried to do something, plastic part broke down completely. Is is something I’m not doing right, or anyone had similar problems?
For the data loss fortunatelly I have found here in the comments similar issue and I understand that resetting the device (using 4 buttons at the same time) should help? However, has anyone encountering similar problems checked if this really solves the problem?
I have 2 days left to decide if not to return the Run Trainer to the shop and get refund. Frankly, today I’m a bit pissed off and close to the decision to resign from Timex at all. I wrote to Times support and got 2 information: they will replace my clip and they say that resetting and upgrading the firmware should help.
But plese, if anyone had similar problems and could share their experience?
Many thanks!
Great Review! I just bought this watch and loved reading your review. It was pretty helpful. A couple of things that I need helpful – sorry if I missed it in your review – how do I delete runs off of my watch to give it more space/memory? Also when my splits go into training peaks it counts that time that I have stopped… is there a way to change this?
This looks like an awesome ANT+ compatible solution, count me in Ray!
Thanks for the reviews
Hi Ray,
thanks for the very useful and thorough reviews.
I’m about to buy the Timex Run Trainer, and I’d like to understand if it will work in combination with the foot pod to give me the pace. In other words, can one use the GPS for speed/distance and the pod for pace? Thank you.
^^^ As noted in the review and other comments, no, the watch does not work like that. If you pair the foot pod, it is used for distance and cadence.
Has anyone had problems turning on the gps feature. Recently I have. I press the Radio button but the GPS sync does not activate. If I hold the button I can get to the Sensor mode menu where it indicates it is set for on but when selected it still does not sync. Is there a way to reset the original factory settings?
File a complaint at Federal Trade Commission. You are not the only one who experienced such problem with the Run Trainer. Until now timex is not doing something about it. Even their customer service is poor.
Mine sensor stopped working too. I will contact timex – has anyone had any luck with timex fixing it?
Picked up Run Trainer this morning and it’s completely blank. It’s been hooked to the charger since 7 AM and still just a blank screen. Tried holding down four corner buttons and all buttons for a hard reset – nothing. Any ideas?
Hello! Any chances that you can review a Suunto Watch? I am debating between a Suunto and a the GarminF610.
Hi Anon-
I’ve reviewed the Suunto Ambit, which is on the upper sidebar. Though, at nearly 3x the cost of the Run Trainer, it’s not really a valid comparison (though, it’s not really a valid comparison to anything in the market, given it’s overpriced nature and features below that of the Timex Run Trainer).
Perhaps in September when they release their major software/firmware update for it, it’ll become more competitive.
Ideally you’d want to compare the Timex Run Trainer to the Garmin FR210, or the other watches noted above.
New Firmware released..
Timex Run Trainer GPS
Firmware v13 (July 3, 2012)
link to home.trainingpeaks.com
Timex Run Trainer Firmware v13 Release Notes
link to home.trainingpeaks.com
You must use Device Agent v3.0.76 or newer with this firmware!
Hi Ray,
Do you know if the watch can be charged by plugging the usb cable into a car lighter adapter instead of into a pc? I have such an adapter i use with iPods and iPads and i don’t want to have to bring my pc on vacation, but i will need to ket the watch charged.
Thanks for the advice
No problems there, that’s what I always do. No idea where my original power block is these days.
thanks for the tip, and for the great reviews in general. As token of appreciation, now that you are in Paris, check out this address for superb breads ans pastries: Des gateaux et du pain
63 Boulevard Pasteur, Paris
Very nice. I’ll have to add it to my list of places to check out when I’m in that area. Thanks!
Am unimpressed by my TRT till date. First time GPS died on me, send for warranty repair and second time; battery died on me.
Now I have a replacement model from Timex nevertheless after the latest firmware upgrade, GPS cannot locate the satellite
I was an ex-Garmin 305 user which works perfectly till date unlike TRT
With the current firmware, does this watch now have the ability to display average pace in interval?
Hi Ray, do I feel happy I found your site to compare watches!!!
Now, I still need your help here…
I’m a beginner runner (although I’m 39) and doing it mainly to get back in shape and lose weight. Keep in mind I’m only running my 1st “official” 5K in 3 weeks.
Still, I want to be able to get better and, getting a GPS/HRM watch seems a good way to go for that, to analyse my progress.
So, with your help, I basically narrowed my choice to 3 models that fit my budget and needs: The Garmin 210, the Garmin 410 and the Timex Run Trainer.
As you said, the 210 probably is more than enough for my needs. Still, seeing that, right now in Canada, the Timex is sold at a lower price that both the 210 and the 410, it seems like a good choice to go for it and get the extra features and the possibility to upload to the watch.
I’m still unsure because of 3 aspect, which I hope you will be able to clarify for me.
1- Heart rate strap
Are there any clear winner here? You gave a glowing review of the new generation of straps in the Garmin line but, is the Timex as good? What about confort? (I need to lose weight so, I’m not exactly flat, you know…)
2- Lap Pace
As a beginner runner, I’m not sure what I would be missing here, with the fact the Timex doesn’t show it. I guess that, since I’m so new, and I lack experience, I need to make sure I am consistent throughout my run so, knowing how fast I ran each kilometer seems like a nice information to have. Would you agree?
Would not having lap pace really be a bad thing or could I find a “workaround”?
3- Web site
Although you mentioned often enough that Garmin connect is simple and great but, for advanced athletes, you prefer Training Peaks. Can Training Peaks be as simple as Garmin connect? Not sure how seriously I will look at my stats so, I wouldn’t want to be overwhelmed…
Finally, looks like getting a Timex watch gives a right to a “premium” account on TP for free. Any worries Timex might decide one day to simply stop the arrangement they probably have with TP?
Sorry about this long text that reads almost like a novel but, I really hope you can clarify these points.
I’ve had my TRT since July this year and it’s been great.
That is until 2 weeks ago when the GPS locked down and refused to function again until I re-installed the firmware. It happened again at 6 am this morning.
There are a number of posts regarding this problem; for such a widespread issue there’s got to be a better answer…
..any advice from anybody, please?
Hi All,
The same problem with GPS function: stopped a month ago and now tries to connect and nothing. I tried test mode, erase data, hard reset, but nothing happens.
And the customer service response was “send the watch to check” (unbelievable they do not have some steps to try before sending the clock).
Someone had better luck, or found a solution?
we’re both victims of Timex, bad aftersales service and product quality.
Hi All [Again!],
GPS has packed in for the third time and this time neither a reset or a re-install of firmware will get it back.
I am furious. I’m recovering from injury ahead of a 1/2 IM and am totally reliant upon pace/distance info when training.
I’ve emailed Timex; I’ve tried phoning…nothing back.
Please, please – any advice….???
Hello everyone,
hope someone can help me. I’m quite desperate.
Last week me brother bougth a TRT for my in NY. I’m really happy because the price was really good. Much better than in Spain.
But, to my surprise, the watch didn’t work. Blank screen and there’s nothing to do.
I’m not sure if the problem is the watch or the charger. I charge for more than 10 hours and nothing, blank screen.
I tried to reach the watch thru the device manager but seems not to be attach.
I tried all the combinations you said in the 240 post (yes, i read all :-))
Please, can someone give me a clue. I’m trying to contact timex but there’s no timex in Spain grrrrr. Is in Portugal and by now, noone answer my mails.
Thanks in advance.
Not sure if I missed it, but any chance to include TRT intoa GPS accuracy test…I know it has a newer chip then TGT but wonder if it works how it should. tnx
Timex has update the new firmware. In v16, it added Lap Distance and Lap Pace under CHRONO function. It also added Seg Distance and Seg Pace under Clock.
anyone erased run trainer and had issues afterwards…mine wont save the workout and then shows some random workouts on random dates
Not sure if this was covered anywhere, but I’m a bit confused as it seams on the TP website: link to support.trainingpeaks.com
that you can transfer workout wireleslly via Ant+ dongle?! And I can’t even see one in the package nor for extra ordering. Is this just a trainingpeaks website error? Tnx
Rainmaker, I greatly appreciated your reviews & information on some watches I’m interested in. I have a question also. Like the Timex Global Trainer, does the Timex Run Trainer have an auto pacer friend built in the unit, & does it have GPS navigate & point marking ability. Thanks for your time.
Read your review regarding the Timex Run Trainer Nike Plus and garmin 210. Looking for new watch Started out with Garmin 205 back in 2007. Last year watch just fell off band. Upgraded to Garmin 305 sadly it did not survive ride home laying on top of car. Hopefully it found a good home. Long story short after reading your review I was bought 2 Timex Run Trainers because my wife started running and got 2 for price of one Garmin. Thanks for detailed review on all
somebody can help me!! I want to buy my first watch because i always use an appl in the smartphone, and i don´t know if Motorola Motoactv or Timex run trainer. Which one?
Terrific reviews on the different types of watches. Yours are by far the best on the internet -without doubt!
In training peaks I see a lot of variability in the “pace” chart. It is difficult to determine what your pace is. I have the same challenge, run very smooth but the graph shows up as extremely choppy.
It seems that the graph is useless for determining pace. How do you deal with this?
Hello everybody
First of all thanks DC for the review. I am from Canada and it,s not easy to click on links to USA (customs)…
I know that this topic has been discussed a bit, but everything is not that clear:
I have a Timex Run Trainer and I recently bought a Garmin ANT+ footpod to work with.
No problem with the calibration but I read from old posts on your website that the footpod overrides the GPS for calculation of pace and distance.
I read in the forum of Training Peaks that with new firmwares it’s not the case anymore.
I upgrade to the newest firmware, so could anyone confirm that the GPS override the footpod when both are on?
I just want to use the footpod for cadence when I’m outdoor.
Thanks for your help
Hello everybody
First of all thanks DC for the review. I am from Canada and it,s not easy to click on links to USA (customs)…
I know that this topic has been discussed a bit, but everything is not that clear:
I have a Timex Run Trainer and I recently bought a Garmin ANT+ footpod to work with.
No problem with the calibration but I read from old posts on your website that the footpod overrides the GPS for calculation of pace and distance.
I read in the forum of Training Peaks that with new firmwares it’s not the case anymore.
I upgrade to the newest firmware, so could anyone confirm that the GPS override the footpod when both are on?
I just want to use the footpod for cadence when I’m outdoor.
Thanks for your help
Hello everybody
First of all thanks DC for the review. I am from Canada and it,s not easy to click on link to USA (customs)…
I know that this topic has been discussed a bit, but everything is not that clear:
I have a Timex Run Trainer and I recently bought a Garmin ANT+ footpod to work with.
No problem with the calibration but I read from old posts on your website that the footpod overrides the GPS for calculation of pace and distance.
I read in the forum of Training Peaks that with new firmwares it’s not the case anymore.
I upgrade to the newest firmware, so could anyone confirm that the GPS override the footpod when both are on?
I just want to use the footpod for cadence when I’m outdoor.
Thanks for your help
Sorry with my 3 times post, pb with the computer :-(
New upgrade of watch soft. from 30th of August. Now you can see a distance of lap! Firmware v16 (Aug 30, 2012) And new device agent – v3.0.79 (Aug 30, 2012)
Hi!!! I just read your review on the Timex Ironman Run Trainer. I used to have a GPS Forerunner 110 and recently it stopped working (the bottom button to connect actually, and my warranty is gone). I’m an distance runner… and am getting ready to deploy oversea’s and want to make sure that this would be a good buy for the price. I’ve read the reviews and it seems to be a good buy. Any reasoning why it would not be a good product? I thought your review was great, but please let me know! I really appreciate it! Thanks!
Thanks for the review on the TRT! I initially went for the Garmin 210 but ended up with the TRT based on your review. I am a newbie runner and on the C2K program. I am able to program the workouts in the Interval Timer function. Awesome! I also like how the screens can be customized to show the data you see. Even cooler is the fact that you can set all the features in the watch with your PC. I uploaded to the latest firmware and the watch performs flawlessly. GPS is super fast to acquire signal. For the runner this watch is a go to. I love mine!
I’m having a hard time with the Interval mode and distance goals… Say you wanted to do a workout of 5 x 1mile with 3:00 recovery; is there a way to make the watch recognize the distance as your interval goal instead of time? I can’t figure this out, and it’s frustrating.
Great review ! I think i buy it!
I clear my mind thank you!
G’day – Can the display names be changed on the Run Trainer(i.e change Custom 1 and Custom 2 to something more meaningful). Thanks.
Dear friends! A lot of us have probs with GPS! Timex didn’t react! Look here (link to facebook.com) – a lot pf complains about GPS and now answer! Meantime new runners buying noGPSworkingTimex! Probably we need to unite and do something?! What do you think?
@Ray: Thanks a lot for all your great reviews, they have been helpful for quite some time now.
I have been using the run trainer since it came out here in Germany ~April. I had no major issues. Ther were some bugs in the older firmwares, e.g. for intervals set up he pc, the goals were not automatically activated. besides that, I love the watch
@Jared: At this time, you can only set a certain time as a goal for an interval, which is a bit annoying, as almost everybody I know runs their intervals based on distance. But you can set a target distance, when reached the watch will alarm you. Now you have to hold the Start/Split-Button, which will skip the rest of this interval and move you over to the next. Hope that workaround helps.
Excellent reviews, thank you. Is there a mistake in the Feature Comparison Chart (10/31/11 @ 8:30PM)….It mentions that cycling mode (mph/mph) is available on the Nike + sports watch..
I’ve just read your review of Nike+ and one of the disadvantages is that this is not available. Has this changed?
Hi. I bought this watch after reading your review. Working ok till now.
Today morning I dropped it accidently. The display is showing since then. I do not know if it is damaged.
THis watch does not retail in Mumbai where I stay.
Please advise
Hi Rainmaker,
I got my new Timex Run Trainer and connected the watch to my computer to charge it for the first time.
According to the manual, a blinking battery level icon is supposed to appear but I see nothing on the watch screen. Is there something wrong with my new Timex?
I’m not sure which one is better, the TRT or the 310XT. At the moment, I won’t use it for swim, only running and biking. Can anyone help me out?
From the functionality point of view, it would be great if the 310XT could be added to the comparison chart. Thanks
Do you know if the battery is easily replaced or does it need to go back to Timex?
The newest firmware update (v16?) has two important improvements. 1) It can now give average pace; 2) It now asks if you want to disconnect from GPS once your session is saved.
Wonderful review!!!! Very informative and helpful. I can say that this is a purchase in my very near future. With my next marathon being in just 4 short weeks, I am super excited about getting the slimmer version of the Timex Ironman. I like mine now but being so petite I have to wear a wrist band under it for it to fit. This new version looks perfect for me!!! Thanks again for such great information. Happy Running :)
I’ve owned this watch for around 10 months and it has worked pretty well until now. I dropped it from around 3 feet high and now the watch is dead. I connected it to my laptop and it still didn’t turn on. I’m going to call Timex but there’s probably nothing they are going to do. Any suggestions?
Because of this your review I have bought this watch: it’s my first gps watch and I find it wonderful!
I like to see stats on my interval training without calculating anything as I did with smartphone app
thanks a lot
p.s.: you’re right: indiglo isn’t so nice
Thanks for your excellent review. I have a question regarding the foot pod — what’s exactly happening when the watch is paired with the foot pod? Does the GPS get disabled automatically? If yes, this will save a lot of battery but no location data will be recorded, correct? If no, the GPS is still running, will the location data still be recorded at pre-set interval? Will the user see the route on the map after importing the data to training peaks although realtime speed/cadence is provided by foot pod?
Excellent review! I think you have pretty much sold me on the Timex Run Trainer (TRT). Thank you so much for showing the free Timex version of Training Peaks (TP). One of my concerns is being able to see cadence (steps per minute), which the free Timex version clearly does (I know you’re a paid TP member as well, but for those of us who choose not to pay that was an excellent addition to your review).
It would be nice if as a follow up you could address firmware and the biggest weakness which is forcing foot pod data to overwrite GPS. One of the commenters in Sept 2012 mentioned some firmware fixes and I for one am interested to see if they really have fixed this. (I am trying to “fix my stride” and so while I am extremely interested in cadence, the speed / distance will likely be quite far off as stride rate and length are going to vary significantly until my stride is “fixed”).
Thank you so much again for the TRT review and all your other reviews as your blog is truly the most useful resource available for people trying to decide which to buy.
Hi there – say you want to run at your anaereobic threshold which you have calculated is between a HR zone of say 150-160. Other than setting up the workout as an Interval, is there a way to setup the zone alert while in the CHRONO mode only and not for the watch as a whole? I mean – you activate the alert and the watch goes “mad” until you have started the workout. Think of a race you want to run in that zone and the watch starts bipping before you start? it would be far better for that alert to kick only after you start your chrono….
Great stuff Rainmaker
Best Regards
Just got a new Timex Ironman Run Trainer for Christmas however cant operate the HR mode without the GPS being activated. Am I doing something wrong or is this the only way to activate the HR mode. Also, is this watch suitable for triathlons ie will the GPS and HR monitor work under water.
I think HR monitor won’t work under water. According to other people, you may put the watch on the head in order to get GPS working otherwise it is just a plain old waterproof watch under water.
I have been using it for a couple of days. In a completely dark environment, the backlight is okay since you can keep it on. But keeping it on will make it hard to read near the street lights. The resolution of the screen is very low, in the middle section there are only 11 pixels vertically, in the bottom section there are 5. Therefore the 3-line display is awesome because the number in the middle is super big, however 4-line display sucks since everything is small — ok when you read it not moving, hard to read while running. If the resolution is higher (like a normal smartphone screen) it will be much different. The GPS accuracy is sometimes good but not consistent. I need to see if I want to keep this watch.
I bought the Run Trainer and it was completely dead on arrival. Fair play to Timex, I sent it back to them and four working days later I had a replacement delivered to me. Excellent customer service.
Gday mate – ive been stalking you page for quite some time and brought the run trainer after reading this review – i got a foot pod so i suss out my cadence.. trying to get to that sweet spot of 180. i used it today on my long run and it appears the foot pod was indeed recording the distance – not the gps – i think it was about a k off –
anyway of overriding this so i can use gps for distance but run the pod for cadance ?
I bought my Timex run trainer last January 15, 2013. I have used it only once last January 30, 2013 and GPS was working. However, I noticed that when I power on and off the radio, the watch would freeze. I have to reinstall the firmware to make it work again. After a week, GPS is no longer working! It is completely dead! Tech Support of Timex USA asked me to perform a procedure to reset the watch, but it did not solve the problem. I emailed the tech support and customer service again for a replacement. Until now, they have not replied to me. Not only poor product quality but also poor customer service. Very disappointing! I will not buy a timex watch again.
I had the same problem and it seams many others have had issues as well. Timex has replaced mine for only the shipping price. I only had problems after installing the latest firmware on my original watch, so I am undecided whether I will install the latest firmware on my new replacement run trainer or not ?
can anybody help me? which is better, this Timex or the nex Polar RC3? I want buy one in these days and i dont know which one. Thanks
I got a reply from my Ebay Timex Retailer.
This is what they told me to do: coz my watch was dead on arrival. ”
Please try this procedure:
Plug the watch into the power source (verify the USB
port provides power also)
Hold all four large buttons firmly for 10 seconds.
Wait a few moments and the watch should beep and
restart. When the watch battery has drained and is not
recharged within a few days the watch will need this
reset procedure.” The retailer continued to add that I would have to
charge it for a further four hours as it may not charge
when in a completely dead state. So far the procedure seems to work and the watch
has turned on: it works fairly well now, but I’m having difficulty configuring the beeping sounds
Oh, and I found a way to make the Indiglo light last longer than 2 seconds! No need use of firmware. I found this out last night when i was playing with the indiglo in the dark (in bed.. i mean!)
Press continuously on the Indiglo button twice. Once, and then the second time it will go “click click”. Then the indiglo light will stay on as long as your battery allows it to.
To turn off the feature, just press the indiglo button and the feature will turn off back to normal.
I’ve been happy with this device (which I bought based on your amazingly thorough review!).
I’ve started seeing results where the distance reported by the Timex Run Trainer is about 10% short of the distance according to the race organizers or other devices (phone GPS, friends devices, etc.). For example, I just completed a sprint tri and the 5k run on my watch shows 2.98 miles. Any suggestions? Could this be due to some setting (smoothing?)? Other issues?
Are you going to review the Timex run trainer 2.0?
I am waiting for it to be released anytime soon :)
Yes, that’s the plan. I have a unit and am testing it. Here’s a sneak peek and more info (especially in the comments): link to dcrainmaker.com
That’s awesome! I really like your thorough reviews, so I will be anxiously waiting for it :)
Then decide between the Garmin 610 and the TRT 2.0…. and then maybe wait for the TRT 2.0 to be released in Europe/NL..
thank you for the testresult.
Question: can you see the average speed on the watch while running of biking (satellite on) without te footpod?
look forward hearing from you
regards Gerard
Oop’s .I dont think my post made it the first time.Hey DC,can the rt 1.0 display show chrono while in the 3 line display along with pace and dist? I cant figure that out how to get chrono up there for crap.Knowing the actual chip time as i go would be awesome.Thanks for any help.
Can somebody who is slightly more intelligent than me (which will be very easy) please explain- do I need to use my foot pod for speed and distance outside or is the foot pod used just inside.
Thanks Adam
No, for outdoor use you’ll generally use the GPS. Indoor use is where the footpod comes into play.
When I follow your link to Amazon, I see a watch for $163 described as follows.
Timex Full-Size T5K549 Ironman Run Trainer GPS Watch
I’m guessing this is not the 2.0 but the older version since it is so cheap. I’m seeing the 2.0 listed at $225 on Amazon. Can I find the 2.0 cheaper???
Correct, that’s the 1.0 version.
You can get the 2.0 version for 10% off using the links at the end of my TRT2 review, below:
link to dcrainmaker.com
That would put it at closer to $200 (with free shipping).
Thanks again for your very extensive review. I had a few questions about this device and reading the article answered them:). Im saying “again” as I own a Garmin Swim which I bought after your review here.
I am currently training for doing a sprint triathlon (later on 1/4 triathlon).
2 things I am missing in this watch (and for which I initially thought one of them would work) are:
– cadence meter (I really believed that I could connect a cadence meter to it, seems I’m wrong)
– somebody told me yesterday he could successfully use a HRM while swimming with a cheap 50euro device. Which doesn’t seem to be possible for this one.
– also, how can I recognize a GPS1.0 from a GPS2.0 device?
In the end my question is: what device would you recommend? I’m not willing to pay 400 euro for a device. Is there any alternative?
Thanks in advance for your answer!
Hi G-
1) It does support the ANT+ Footpod (which includes cadence). The only limitation is that you have to either use the footpod for both distance and cadence, or use GPS. You can’t take cadence + GPS like you can on the TRT2.
2) You cannot use the HRM while swimming and get HR during the swim. While the unit and HR strap are waterproof, the transmission range of ANT+ underwater is only about 1-2″.
3) The easiest way to recognize it is based on watch size. Additionally, the TRT2 has the words “GPS” in orange along the left side, whereas the TRT1 has “GPS” along the bottom.
Depending on where in Europe you are, even with the import fees, you could still pickup the devices from Clever Training in the US using the 10% discount, and then the flat-rate $30 shipping fee international for most watches. Just a thought.
Thanks for your quick response(as always!)
1) It does support the ANT+ Footpod (which includes cadence). The only limitation is that you have to either use the footpod for both distance and cadence, or use GPS. You can’t take cadence + GPS like you can on the TRT2.
I meant cadence for my bike (or doesn’t that make a difference?). TRT2 is the newer version right(the GPS2 version?)?
2) You cannot use the HRM while swimming and get HR during the swim. While the unit and HR strap are waterproof, the transmission range of ANT+ underwater is only about 1-2″.
Are there other standards that do work under water? Is this only in the higher end devices?
3) The easiest way to recognize it is based on watch size. Additionally, the TRT2 has the words “GPS” in orange along the left side, whereas the TRT1 has “GPS” along the bottom.
That’s a small detail. I’ll check that.
Depending on where in Europe you are, even with the import fees, you could still pickup the devices from Clever Training in the US using the 10% discount, and then the flat-rate $30 shipping fee international for most watches. Just a thought.
I would still prefer to buy my device here(for warranty).
Any other devices that you would recommend in my case?
1) Sorry, no bike cadence support in either.
2) Not really, there’s the T31 coded straps from Polar, but they only work with a small number of the Polar watches, and none of the ones that are integrated GPS units.
Understand on the warranty pieces. One of the Timex guys noted in the TRT2 post in the comments that they’re looking at May for Europe.
Putting the swimming aside, which one would you recommend? So for run and bike?
Sorry for keep bothering you about this!
Between the TRT1 and the TRT2, easily the TRT2. Simply due to size.
Hi: I’ve been using my runtrainer for about a year now and it has been great. Love the review dcrainmaker! Lately, my watch isn’t seeing my heartrate strap. I’ve changed the battery on the strap and checked the connectivity with my multimeter and it seems to be working properly.
Any ideas of what I should check or ideas of how to resolve or trouble shoot the problem.
Many thanks.
Hmm, that’s a strange one. Are you able to find a friend and double-check that the watch is receiving data from their ANT+ strap (doesn’t have to be Timex branded). Just to rule out whether it’s the watch or the strap.
Do you know of a way to re-calibrate the GPS? I don’t have the foot pod, just use the watch. Over the year I’ve had it, it has slowly gotten off. I ran a 20 mile run with a friend the other day and when we finished my watch showed 19.81. I’m mainly concerned because I use lap pace for marathoning and I’m running Boston in a week. I really don’t want it to throw me off as it has on several tempos lately. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the prompt reply RainMaker! I have quite a few older Polar Chest pieces. Do you know if they would work?
No, unfortunately not compatible as they transmit over a legacy Polar data channel. Sorry!
Hi again:
I tried to connect to threee different chest straps including my Timex one, a Polar Wearlink one, and an older Polar one I had laying around. When I pushed the middle button on the left side of the watch, both the GPS and Heart started to blink. I assume it was looking for a GPS signal and the strap. After about five seconds the heart turned off. I assume, it wasn’t connecting to any of the straps. Wierd!
Unfortunately the Polar ones won’t work at all. The Timex one might, but only if it has the ANT+ logo on it. There are older Timex straps which aren’t ANT+ compatible, which may be what you have.
Many thanks for your great reviews. I gave up on my Timex Run Trainer and will never buy a Timex again. I’ve owned four Polars and never had trouble with them. My only complaint about my Polars were their ability to sync. I read your review on the Polar H7 and Polar Beat so I switched back to Polar dumping my Timex (which didn’t keep on ticking and I didn’t even give it a licking!). So my question for you is; Should my Timex Run Trainer be able to connect with the Polar H7?
No, it won’t connect to the H7 unfortunately. The Timex Run Trainer uses ANT+, whereas the Polar H7 is Bluetooth Smart and legacy Polar transmission.
Is there any news about a new firmware for the 1.0 post the 2.0 launch. Especially something which fixes the distance based Intervals? They have this for the 2.0 so they should be able to fix it on the 1.0 as well.
There’s no plans to do any further firmware updates on the 1.0.
Can anyone help me? I had a Garmin 302 before I bought the Timex ironman Run Trainer. With my Garmin I could verify the graft of my heart rate after a long run by downloading. I was told that I could do this with this watch but I haven’t found a way yet. Also I like to see different screens during my run such as avg HR.
Yup, you just need to download the TrainingPeaks device agent and create an account. Quick and easy: link to home.trainingpeaks.com
I have used Timex for many, many years and was excited to have them get into GPS and HR; especially like the HR zones. Problems developed when I started doing long bike rides and ultra trail runs. The watch only gets about 6 1/2 hours time with GPS and HR.
I have recently sent Timex CS an email asking for assistance. I don’t really want to change products but I need at least 8 hours.
Did the 2.0 product get better/longer battery?
Anyone have any ideas?
Sat Ganesha
No, the Timex Run Trainer 2.0 has a battery life of 8 hours, so effectively the same. If you’re doing ultras, I’d suggest looking at the FR310XT (about $195, same region as the TRT2), as it goes 16-18 hours.
Ray, I’m thinking this will be a very easy one for you to answer, but it’s driving me nuts! Is there a way I can make the settings so that when I’m running, the watch shows my average pace over the entire distance, but when I go to review on Training Peaks, it shows my splits by pace per mile? Every time I try to set it that way, it resets each mile during the run. Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately TP doesn’t support any virtual splits concept (meaning, they have to be done in the watch). That said, I thought they fixed the bug long ago in a firmware update where Average Pace was showing it as per-lap, rather than total. So you could still do per-mile splits and then just see the overall average pace.
first of all thanks for the reviews. just wondering if anyone has had any issues with material understating of distance. i did a run yesterday which the TRT measured as 19.5k and it seemed to me i was going a little faster than what the watch was saying. when i uploaded the file into runkeeper to check, it said 20.5k. very odd. this has happened once or twice before.
otherwise, i have to say the TRT is not perfect and a bit fiddly at times but significantly more durable than the garmins i have owned…
PLEASE, somebody help me !!!! : / Just bought the TRT 1.0, took it out for a short test run, and it WAS giving me the correct pace data during the run, but when I stopped it , the pace function was alternating between 99’59” and another number. Then it went back to zero. And I think it went back to 99’59” again. Am I doing something wrong ? Or is it ONLY in the Review function that it will give me the FINAL Pace number/data ?
I might be missing something but there is no option to put elapsed time on the customisable displays. I need to medium press (not long or short!) the radio button to display page one of the Chrono mode which has elapsed time on it.
A bit strange as elapsed time must be one of the most important parameters for everyone?
apart from that it totally kicks the ass of the Garmin 10/205/410 in all respects IMHO
after a few bike rides where the stop button was inadvertently pressed due to my bent wrists on the hoods I’ve bought the handlebar mount from Garmin.I guess I’ll have to wear it on the right wrist for triathlons. Why couldn’t Timex integrate a button lock it put the stop/ start on the left?!
some days ago, during a workout, I read “memory full” on display.
back at home, I noted on TP that there aren’t hr and pace data during the last 10 laps and, contacting TP support, I learned it was because of memory full in spite of the hr and pace graph were ok (maybe a kind of energy saving mode???)
Anyway, I can’t understand if I can delete one single workout or not.
Using Device agent, I am able only to delete all memory and I can’t save the locked workout.
So, what’s the point about locking workout?
I already have a timex run trainer and a Basic Athlete Edition Account , but i want to upgrade to a Premium Athlete Edition Account,now. I don’t know how to do , can you help me ?
What is the “Promo/Coupon Code”,it’s the key?
The Premium Athlete account is a paid subscription, beyond what the Timex-included edition offers.
thank you,originally I was wrong.
does anybody know if ther is a soft watch band for this watch?
something like garmin?
link to trekkinn.com
or something similar adjusting for TRT?
I would like to do this when I put TRT in my swimcap
If I downloaded the Timex Device Agent, then created and free account at traininpeaks without going to the “timexironman.traininpeaks.com” address, do I have the Timex version of the free account? I don’t know how to tell, and when I try to create such an account now, I only get the option to upgrade to a paid account. My calender view in Training Peaks keeps automatically populating with these annoying suggested workouts and I’m wondering if the Timex version of the free account eliminates this. Thanks for any help.
Hello, I am Italian and my English is translated by google.
I tried to update the firmware of my Timex but the file that downloadis type .Bin and do not understand how to do. Can you help me?
Thanks …………. excuse the translation
one more thing, to schedule a workout like this:
phase 1. 20 minutes to 4.30 min/ km
phase 2. 1 min to 3:30 min / km
phase 3. 1 min to 3.50 min / km
repeat step 2 and 3 until when you progress 2 km or repeat step 2 and 3 for 3 times (but not phase 1)
Have you tried this unit’s or Run trainer 2.0’s cable to transfer data from Timex Marathon GPS? I find it very difficult to find a soleus 2.0 cable at reasonabe price that could be delivered here in Finland… Thanks for the Marathon gps review btw, based my purchasing decision on it!
Doesn’t work, pin layouts are in slightly different places – but enough that it doesn’t work (tried it, even tried modifying it, no luck).
i have decide to get rid of my runtrainer and go back to garmin (the 910xt). it seems to always understate distance (and therefore pace). what is strange is that the same data when i use the kml export tool shows a longer (and correct) distance m google earth. i have also tried exporting the pwx to gpx/tcx and get the same result. maybe some gps experts can explain this to me but i’ve had enough, time to move on.
I bought this watch for my full marathin training. I am a run/walker. Anyway had the garmin forerunner 10 but battery life was too short. im a slow one.so I set up the intrrval time for 3:1 but I cant seem to get an auto lap pace at every mile like my garmin use to?? Any help with that please?? It helps me when I see how fast I was on the mile I was in. I am about to return it if it doesnt have that feature…
A good review rainmaker. I bought the watch based on your review! Can you or anyone tell me how to increase the number of intervals. It shows a warm up , 5 intervals and a cool down. I need to put in 6 fast intervals and 6 recovery intervals apart from warmup and cool down. I tried to find a way in Training Peaks but failed. So HELP !!
Is there a way to get the TRT 1.0 to reconnect the HR-Strap, if signal is lost? When doing triathlons I start activating GPS and HRM, but when exiting the water, HRM is deactivated i guess due to lost signal and wont reconnect until manually disabling all sensors from the menu and reactivating them.
Hi Everybody
many thanks and congratulation for the forum and your website.
I’m Patrick from Grenoble (French Alps).
I like to organise my training with a distance (on the track) + a time (indicated by a ring) .
So, I’d like to set my Timex Run Trainer 1.0 GPS as following :
10 series X 500 meters (with a bell every 22 seconds) with a cool down (1 minute) between each 500 meters serie.
How would you program such an exercice with the watch?
Many thanks for your help and your response.
hi there
I have this gps watch , and use training peaks and sport tracks. I mostly use the watch for marathon kayaking. my problem is the watch review ,has a different top speed and average speed to the training peaks log and sport tracks log….. which one do I believe ????
Hola amigos, he adquirido recientemente el producto.., le pongo el cargador de pines enchufado a un USB..en varias PCs distintas y no muestra ningún signo de vida. Me pueden decir que prueba puedo realizar a fin de que se inicie?? Muchas gracias
Hi Ray!
Great review! I just bought this watch from ebay with a huge discount. My question is, is there any way to export my workouts from TP to let’s say Runkeeper? (GPX or TCX) or just export it to my local hard drive for further import? I’m new on using TP, it’s somehow confusing. Or is there any other way exporting from the watch to Runkeeper directly or convert it to a supported format to manually import it to Runkeeper.
Thanks in advance.
Check out today’s post – it might help you a bit, though, I’m not 100% sure it’ll work on Timex-enabled accounts: link to dcrainmaker.com
Thank you for the reply Ray! Appreciate it a lot. Now a friend bought the same watch, after charging it a couple of hours after unboxing, the watch won’t still turn on. Any idea? Thanks again in advance.
Generally, a reset will fix it. Otherwise, it’s off to support unfortunately.
Sorry to bother again, but I can’t find a reset or something I can pinch a pin to reset in this watch.
Robinson, I had the same problem, but found the solution on another site. To reset the watch, while plugged in, hold down the four corner buttons for 5-10 seconds. The watch should power up. If not, it might be a dud. I read on the Amazon site that this is a common problem. Several people (myself included) had to send the watch back and receive another one, only to find the second one wouldn’t charge either. I just found the reset directions and tried it on both watches (I didn’t return the original one yet). The resetting only worked on one of them.
Oh no! Possibly it’s a dud! I hate to send it back ‘coz it’ll cost me $$ for shipping only (Philippines to US rate is expensive)..I don’t know what to do…
Robinson, try Timex Customer support at: timexcustomercare@timex.com. They were replying on the Amazon site for people who were having problems to contact them. I hope this helps and good luck!
Thanks Dan. Yes I already emailed them and one of their specialist respond back. I’ll be dealing with her from now on. Again, thanks! ;-)
Hi, I’ve read almost everyone of your tests, all amazingly complete, but still can’t decide!
I’ve found this Timex Run Trainer 1.0 at 129 euros and the Easy Trainer at 97 euros, I think the first is a better bargain isn’t it?
By now I’m only a runner but I’d like to start cycling in the near feature and , why not, also swimming.. do you think the 1.0 would be a good choise at that price? what else do you suggest in <200 euros?
Virtual Racer Feature – A silly question, but how do I set this up? Is it in the manual?
I got a Timex Ironman Run Trainer a couple of weeks ago, and I was told to charge it; however, it has never turned on. Can someone please help me?
Thank you!
After charging it, did you press the power button to turn it on (sorry for asking, but want to validate). Also, I have seen some issues per above in the comments about units not powering on – so you may want to double-check those.
Create a repair order on the Timex website. The website with also list repair costs. Since this watch is out of warranty, it will cost at least $30 to repair. Estimate more for any other possible problem and send a check for that higher amount along with the watch to Timex per the repair order. When I did this, Timex refunded my over payment after repairing the watch.
The watch will be repaired in the Philippines and returned to you via Fed Ex. If Timex cannot repair, they will tell you and return.
If you don’t want to do this, I will take the watch off your hands, as I have had good results from Timex repairing this watch.
What power button? There are six buttons: stop/reset, set/menu, start/split, indigo, radio, mode/done. I have press every button for ten seconds waiting for it to turn on, but it doesn’t
Hmm, sounds like it may indeed be dead. I’d reach out to Timex support to get them to bring it back to life.
Hey VAL, I have the same problem. Could you fix your problem? Can you turn on your Timex?
Hit the wall again! After a year of use, this time, USB not recognized under windows 7 in the same machine I’m using (uploading workouts). Happens all of a sudden usb doesn’t detect my phone, which includes the device agent. Anyone with this issue? I made the following:
* change data/charging cable to no avail
* clean the contacts on both the watch & the cables -again to no avail
* re-install device agent to no avail (watch already updated since from first use)
I’m running out of options here. Anyone?
Hi Ray!
Quick question from an experienced runner now diving (literally) into bike and swim activities.
Should I go to the settings mode and change from run to bike or the activity I will perform and cycle back each time we change the activity?
I read your comments about creating new segments (laps) when changing activity but wasn’t sure I we need to do that. And if we don’t, won’t we get wrong calorie count in Training Peaks?
Yup, you’ll want to change activity types ahead of time.
Let face it the cable for the Timex Run Trainer is terrible. You have to constantly wiggle and wrench on it for upwards of 20 minutes for it to connect with the PC. The watch itself is very nice and I like it very much, but the cable problems make it very frustrating before and after a run. Today, I gave up completely with not connecting and will seek a new watch that won’t be a Timex. I have personally gone through three cables, all start out good to begin with and slowly get worse and worse at connecting. I have used the Timex Ironman series for over 20 years and honestly I don’t know what they are thinking with this cheapo cable and then not addressing an adequate fix for their product, just telling you to keep buying new cables every three months.
Odd. You’re the first to report such an issue, after 3 years. :-/
Sometimes you hear of folks (on other watches) with contact cleanliness issues, but rarely the cable itself unless it’s getting frayed somehow.
The problem is rampant even with the new 2.0. The cables start malfunctioning after about a month or so and you start having to jiggle it and hold it upside down. In some cases this is happening right out of the box. It has been all over the forums, especially the Amazon Reviews are full of this problem. Even Timex recognizes the problem and fortunately does offer new cables for around $12 if you call them. You can actually now buy this watch for about $59 because the problem has been so bad no one wants it. Unfortunately, their 2.0 uses the same cable. I actually loved all the old timex ironman watches, but this cable is a real problem.
I have had connectivity issues on and off and have figured out a way to solve it when it happens. Might help you. There are 4 contact points on the watch and connector. The problem is that all are spring loaded. On my watch my I press on these 4 contact points with a pin/clip some go down more than the others. Therefore when you connect the clamp the contacts sometimes doesn’t happen correctly. I initially thought this was a cable issue but it wasn’t. My easy fix is to press down all the contact points once an then reconnect the clamp, this usually fixes the problem.
But without doubt this is a terrible connector and very primitive ! Sometimes it can be a struggle just aligning the contact point on the watch and clamp.
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 125lbs
Athletics: Half/Full Marathons and Half Ironman Triathlons
Thank you for posting this review. After reading it, and then reading all of the poor Amazon, Timex, etc. buyer reviews, I still choose to stick with your insight and ordered the watch. I provided my “build” and discipline information for other readers because I always find it helpful when reviewers provide more detailed information about themselves for perspective. In this case, that kind of perspective is everything.
Ladies, I purchased the “women’s” model…what a laugh! I think the only difference is that it has pink on it! The size alone is impractical to market as a “women’s” watch. I can’t get the strap tight enough around my wrist because the length of the watch is wider than my wrist. I own the Garmin 310XT and don’t use it due to the size either. I would say that the Timex however is slightly thinner than the Garmin, but neither are very suitable for a woman’s wrist. In a side-by-side comparison, the Run Trainer not only dwarfs my current watch (Timex Women’s T5K506DH Ironman Sleek 150-Lap), it dwarfs my entire arm!
I can’t comment on functionality because the one I ordered won’t even charge (Amazon seller error due to shipping a previously opened item). So I do believe the in depth information covered above because let’s face it, no one reviews a watch more thoroughly than DC Rainmaker. Which is why I was truly looking forward to this product!
Thank you again DC Rainmaker for your review of this watch (and every other watch you review!). This comment was only to warn the ladies of the size and practicality of this watch. Cheers!
You may be able to have Timex Philippines repair the watch for you, as they did for me. The cost was amazingly cheap.
If you prefer not to do that, I will take it off your hands, as I have had wonderful success with my watches and Timex servicing them for me.
In interval mode when you reached a distance goal the watch used to beep. I suddenly find that the distance goal beeps have stopped working even when I set very long time intervals (to make sure time is not reached before the distance completes). This means that I have to keep looking at the watch which in itself compromises the interval !
Does anyone know how to get the distance goal beeps working again in the intervals mode? All the other beeps and alarms are working fine. I use the device manager to program the watch and have the latest one installed (also latest firmware).
The software for this product is utter rubbish. I returned the first watch thinking it was a hardware problem, the second watch it also terrible. Timex has abandoned the product with not software patch in years.
The GPS only locks 2/3 of the time, when it does not lock the entire watch freezes and does not respond to inputs about half the time, the other half it responds but neither the HRM nor the GPS can be activated or deactivated. Clearly the sensor is still running in the background because the battery drains very rapisdly (within the day). REINSTALLING THE SOFTWARE is the ONLY way to get the watch to respond to any inputs at this point.
If the battery dies before you save your workouts, the data is lost.
I cannot say it enough, this product is rubbish and Times does not care, they have no solution.
I have had the product for two years and regret it terribly, a huge waste of money AND data is all in training peaks. The contrast with the joy of the first couple of months with the GPS are enormous.
I bought this watch in December 2013, used it a couple of times, then didn’t use it again for 11 months until November 2014. I’ve used it maybe 3 times a month since then and had intended to use it several times a week as I get back into running in 2015.
I have several problems with this watch.
The biggest problem is that the charger crapped out. I had intermittent problems with it before, where Device Agent wouldn’t recognize the watch, but then it would. Now, it simply will not recognize it at all. So I am unable to upload workouts.
Fortunately the watch does charge via USB or I would be dead in the water.
I don’t understand how I can connect the charger and CHARGE the watch but Device Agent doesn’t know the watch is connected.
I’ve ordered a new charger from Timex for $10 + tax postpaid. Fingers crossed.
Other issues I’ve had with this watch, and maybe I just have something configured wrong.
It’s always on. Is there a Power Off button?
The battery drains quickly. After maybe 5-6 hours of use. Maybe because it’s always “on” – should I turn off the sensors when I’ve finished an activity?
When the battery drains completely the watch loses all my workout data AND all my configuration choices.
I had not read your review until today so I’m pleased to see that I can save my configuration preferences in Device Agent and upload (or is it download?) them to my watch. Unfortunately because DA doesn’t recognize the watch, I can’t play with this – when I launch DA I do not see any configuration options.
I understand from reading the manual that if I want to set configuration options on the watch itself, I must be connected to GPS. So basically, no configuring your watch from the comfort of home … go stand in the street?
(This point is moot if in fact I can set up my preferences from within DA.)
I’m continuing to run, but because DA doesn’t recognize the watch, I have been unable to upload my workouts to Training Peaks. Because the watch loses power so quickly, I have been manually writing down selected data for each run (lap time, lap distance).
So, after posting that last comment, I tried one more time and this time Device Agent recognized the watch. This enabled me to get into the configuration settings on Device Agent. I happily set up everything the way I wanted it – now I’m stumped on how to download the configuration settings to the actual watch! The manual for the watch doesn’t seem to explain how to do this.
And… after searching on the internet I find these useless instructions:
link to timexironman.trainingpeaks.com
There is no “PC SYNC” option available on my watch. When I close DA and open it again, with the watch connected (and yes it does recognize the watch now) … it does not sync. I really love the idea of configuring my display and preferences from within DA (it sures beats doing it with the watch buttons) … but I am stumped as to how to get the settings off DA and onto the watch!
@ Alexandra:
– yes you should turn off any sensors after every workout or else it will easily eat up your battery.
– unfortunately, if the watch goes dead, any workout is lost! so as I’ve mentioned above, upload immediately and turn off any sensors.
– when saving settings from DA to watch, simply go to Settings in DA, do whatever settings you would like to have in your watch and press Save if all is done. It will sync the settings you made in DA to the watch.
Thanks for the help, I resolved the issues I had. But now I have a new and much more serious issue.
I got injured a few weeks ago and had to lay off exercising, today was my first day back. I have this 4.5 hills hike I do here in San Francisco, starting at my house in the Marina and going halfway up Pacific Heights (that’s the 0.5 hill), then up and over Russian Hill and Telegraph Hill, then down to sea level then up and over Telegraph Hill and Russian Hill and back home. So it’s a loop.
I tend to do this loop when I’m preparing for the Chinese New Years Treasure Hunt which is over hilly up and down terrain like the hike. So I hadn’t done it since last January when the watch was relatively new, and I did it twice. One time the distance came out as 3.68 miles and the other 3.70 miles. Today? 3.32 miles!
I also found, at the start of the hike, that it took a REALLY long time to acquire the satellites. But it finally did, after failing once and asking me if I was indoors.
Now, because I’m interested in my average pace on uphill legs, downhill legs and level legs, I press the lap button whenever I have a change of terrain from up to level, up to down, or whatever. I did that a year ago too. So I could compare the distances from a year ago on each lap.
Here are the values I got today on the EXACT same course as a year ago. The numbers are lap#/2014dist/2015dist:
I uploaded my session to Training Peaks and looked at it on a map on-line, it seems fairly accurate, with the exception of appearing to cut corners (literally) when I make a 90 degree turn from one street to another.
And if I enter this as a walking route on Google Maps with all of the waypoints I use, it says the walking distance is 3.8 miles.
So what the heck happened? Anybody have any idea?
I would speculate varying angles of satellites may have been affected by trees and buildings resulting in momentary lapses in signal. Not all satellites will be overhead 90 degrees above the horizon. Some might be 45 degrees, some higher some lower. Normally, triangulation requires three satellite signals simultaneously and intersection/resection requires two. Time of day, month of year will lead to variations of satellites that the watch is communicating with during workout.
I normally exercise around the same time daily, with 20 minutes or so, and my readings are quite consistent one day to the next. Minor variances due to which side of street or when lap is actually pressed.
One more question – is it possible to see your actual lat/long coordinates in real time on this watch? If so it could be useful for geocaching.
hey people, does anybody know where can I get only a charger cable?
I’ll be so grateful if someone help me
Don’t buy.
I had the watch for a year until a week outside the warranty when the GPS connection stopped working.
I have to reset the watch, or reinstall the firmware each time I want to use GPS. The warranty is useless, they just reset the watch and sent it back! Same problem, no change.
Don’t buy this watch, and frankly don’t buy Timex. I spent $250 to have a gps watch for one year! That’s awful value.
If you wish you can do as I have done and have Timex repair it by replacing the “Head”. Timex Philippines has done this to both my Run Trainer 1.0 and 2.0 watches and they are working perfectly.
On the other hand, if you wish to rid yourself of you watch, I can take it off you hand, if you wish.
My one problem with the watch is that for distance it measures in feet for the first mile, I don’t like this and i don’t know how to change it, I would like it to measure in miles the entire time. If someone could help me out i would be very grateful.
I believe that it is default to measure distance in feet for the first 528 feet or so, then becomes tenth and hundred of mile after that.
i have lost my usb cable.
do i need to use it only to get my data off the watch, or is this necessary to charge the watch?
The cable is for both charging and workout (data) downloads.
I suppose you can check with Timex to see if they have any cables at Timex Philippines. They recently repaired both my Run Trainer 1.0 and 2.0 watches, so they may have some cables for sale.
If they don’t have any cables for sale, I have an extra, as I own more than one watch. I could hook you up, just please don’t lose this one!
How delete workouts in reviews?
You need to do so using the Timex Device Agent when watch is hooked-up via cable to a desktop or laptop computer. Otherwise, the latest 15 workouts will remain on the watch and older workouts will continuously be overwritten.
Hola, acabo de adquirir uno, esta sin carga, lo he conectado y lleva 2 horas pero aún no enciende, ocurre algo malo?
Hi, I just purchased one, it’s not loaded, I connected it and it takes 2 hours but it still does not turn on, does something wrong happen?
Hell, try to see my other posts. I fear that I no longer speak Spanish very well, it has been about 40 years now, so it is best to read my English post.
One of my Run Trainer 1.0 would not charge when hooked up to my laptop. It would appear to charge; but once off the computer held no charge. This one also stopped synching with the GPS signals.
My Run Trainer 2.0 was old new stock and did not work out of the box.
I sent both to Timex USA in Indiana after creating repair orders on the Timex website. Both were sent to Timex Philippines and repaired by replacing the “Head” for $30 each. I sent in extra money, because I assumed $30 for out of warranty service plus more money for possible other repairs. The website lists repair costs. Timex sent me a check to refund for the overage in my pre-payment that I sent in with my watches.
Buena suerte!
Hi, I´ve tried to sync my Run Trainer to no avail, since Timex and Training Peaks don´t seem to be getting along any more.
I´ve tried running Timex Device Agent on both Mac and Windows, and I´m going through hell even trying to detect the watch in the application. Lots of driver issues, even after reinstalling everything.
So now I have a device that won´t sync and therefore doesn´t let me analyze my data.
It´s crappy that Timex will let customers without any support, as no solution has been offered. Just the same version of Device Agent from 2014 available for download.
I tried with a recommended app named Golden Cheetah, but as it´s open source, it seems to be quite complicated to get to work, as drivers are not “self contained” in the download, so it doesn´t work right out of the box without fiddling around.
So if anyone has any alternative solutions, I´d really appreciate if the info was shared, as I don´t really want to go out and spend on another GPS watch, having one that is “hardware operational”.
Thanks a lot in advance for the help, best regards.
Hi, I´ve tried to sync my Run Trainer to no avail, since Timex and Training Peaks don´t seem to be getting along any more.
I´ve tried running Timex Device Agent on both Mac and Windows, and I´m going through hell even trying to detect the watch in the application. Lots of driver issues, even after reinstalling everything.
So now I have a device that won´t sync and therefore doesn´t let me analyze my data..
It´s crappy that Timex will let customers without any support, as no solution has been offered. Just the same version of Device Agent from 2014 available for download.
I tried with a recommended app named Golden Cheetah, but as it´s open source, it seems to be quite complicated to get to work, as drivers are not “self contained” in the download, so it doesn´t work right out of the box without fiddling around.
So if anyone has any alternative solutions, I´d really appreciate if the info was shared, as I don´t really want to go out and spend on another GPS watch, having one that is “hardware operational”.
Thanks a lot in advance for the help, best regards.
No puedo activar mi GPS
Hello, one quick question: about the Timex T5K549 Ironman Run Trainer with Gps-Technology, DOES IT HAVE A BATTERY or simply some type of a capacitor? IF IT HAS A BATTERY, IS THAT A RECHARGEABLE BATTERY & WHAT IS THE PART NUMBER FOR THE BATTERY. I’M ASSUMING THAT IT SHOULD BE A ‘LITHIUM ION BATTERY’,TO BE ABLE TO RECHARGE IT.
Gabriel Giraco
It charges with a usb cable. The watch doesn’t hold a charge very long which is annoying since if you put it in a drawer, even fully charged, and don’t use it for a month, it will die and you’ll lose all your stored data and preferences.
It has a rechargeable battery. I have already contacted Timex regarding a part number for the battery, there is none. There are no replacement batteries available.
I have 4 Run Trainer 1.0 (T5K549) watches and 1 Run Trainer 2.0 (5K699), all were purchased second hand. The 2.0 appeared to be brand new in the original box. It did not work and would not charge. All four of the 1.0s worked, then two stopped connecting to GPS and later stopped charging and being recognized by the Timex Device Agent when I hooked them up to my laptop computer.
I contacted Timex USA in Arkansas and was told that Timex USA could do nothing as they were all out of warranty and Timex USA had no spare parts or watch bands for those models.
More than a year later I contacted Timex, which has since stopped servicing watches in the Arkansas.
The call center for Timex is now in the Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines where Timex makes many watches.
I was told that Timex in the Philippines would try to make repairs to my watches, if they could, then charge me if repairs were made since they are well out of warranty.
I created repair tickets (out of warranty) on the Timex website and sent my watches along with checks for the estimated repair cost to Timex USA in Indiana. I sent a total of 6 watches in for battery replacement, band replacement or watch repair:
2 Run Trainer 1.0 (T5K549) Timex replaced the “Head” for each, $30 each
1 Run Trainer 2.0 (5K699) Timex replaced the “Head”, $30
2 “Slap Face” HRM (5K543) Timex replaced band, battery, bezel and crystal assembly on one, “Module”, battery and sent me an extra band for the other, $50 each
1 “Small Face” HRM (5C401) Timex replaced the module and battery, $30
I had been told by Timex USA in Arkansas that all 6 of the watches could not be repaired or bands replaced as Timex no longer had parts for such old watches. I believe this was the case as Timex USA repair in Arkansas was soon to shut down, so Timex likely had limited ability at the time.
Timex Philippines was able to repair, replace bands, replace batteries or replace “Heads” and “Modules”. The cost ranged from $30 to $50 each, which included return shipping, depending on whether or not new watch bands were provided. All 6 of the watches now work perfectly.
Timex always offered me great repair service; it fell off a few years ago when Timex USA was shutting down repairs in Arkansas; but seems to be back to great service again. I have been using Timex sports watches for more than 40 years because Timex always did a great job repairing Timex watches at a great price. Timex Philippines is doing wonderful work; however, since it is half-way around the world it takes longer to get service. Timex Philippines returns repaired watches from Philippines via Fed Ex.
You can create service tickets on the Timex website, then send the watches in for service.
nice to know, thank you for the details!
You are welcome. Thank you for all of the posting you have done regarding your watch. I have learned a great deal from the posts of others here on this site. It is useful to read about others that are experiencing similar trouble and what, if anything, was done to correct it.
Like you, I am from San Francisco, although I live now in Hawaii. I used to hike the hills (and stairways, try Greenwich stairs from Sansome St.) in San Francisco, as well as many of the mountains in the Bay area. I was part of a group that would train on Saturdays 2-4 days a month. The training was to prepare to hike the backside of Half Dome in Yosemite each Fall.
As regards Geocaching, I use a dedicated GPS device; but, I still prefer my Palm Pilot attached to a Magellan GPS Companion. The Companion uses its own batteries, so I get longer usage time, and the screen is much bigger and easier to read.
Enjoy San Francisco, my heart will always remain in San Francisco, no matter where I reside.
Quizas mal “Head”. Lea mi otro post at Gabriel Giraco.
Buena suerte.