My Totally Awesome New Shark Blimp

Remember back a week or two ago when I noted all the new products that came in to review?  Well, in addition to those, there was one little item that I just ordered myself…a remote controlled shark blimp.

Yes, seriously.

I somehow had stumbled upon this YouTube video of it, and once I saw it, I knew it was love at first sight.  For those that have read for a while, you know I love sharks – especially great whites.  I’ve a long history of getting close when possible.  Probably closer than is good for my own health.  So, when I saw this thing for $32, I saw no way I couldn’t buy it.  Pure impulse buy.  They also make a clownfish (Nemo!), but that just wouldn’t do.  Nope, not at all.

So, here’s what the box looks like when it arrives:


It’s incredibly light.  I’m reasonably sure that college admission packets are heavier than this.  The Girl and I sat down and got it all put together.  It’s not difficult, albeit a bit tedious at times due to the sheer number of sticky thingies and ensuring you don’t end up stickying yourself or your partner to the shark.  That’d be awkward for all involved.


Now, when it comes to filling this beast up, you have a few options.  First, you could take it to your local grocery store or flower shop and have them fill it up there for a fee.  The challenge with that is that while it’s easy to walk in with this thing, you’re going to create a massive scene walking back out with it.  As you’ll see in a second – this shark is basically the length/width/height of my time trial bike.  Except it floats.

So instead, I found on Amazon a little mini helium tank for about the same price.  This would allow me unlimited refills of Mr. Shark.  It also (apparently) allows The Girl to to fill up small balloons and then…uhh…inhale the helium – going around and speaking in a super high pitched squirrel voice.

Here’s the bright pink tank:


And now…time to fill Mr. Shark.  In order to fill him up you have to stick the helium spout…ummm…in his rear.  Look, I can’t make this stuff up.


It’ll take a wee bit of time to get him all filled up.  As you do so, it’ll become incredibly clear how darn big he is.  Massive.



Soon, we had our shark floating:


The Shark moves using a tail that pushes it through the air.  There is no propeller.  You can control up or down via changing the position of the ballast below the shark – which runs on a small motorized track.  All of this is controlled via a mini remote control:


And finally….time to go for a swim…err…flight.  Since only a YouTube video would do, I offer you the following:

Shark Video

Now, I’ve found many other fun uses – like annoying The Girl while she’s on the bike.  I secretly fly in semi-silently and then just hover next to her.  I like to think the shark is keeping her company.  She likes to think the shark is about to eat her.


Mr. Shark does have a mind of its own.  I left him the other day in the room with the bikes, and then the next day couldn’t find him.  He had floated his way up four flights of stairs to the guest room (we live in a townhouse).  I’m pretty impressed he was able to navigate his way there all by himself.  I’m just waiting for a guest to stay and have him show up some night floating above them.


But he’s friendly!

At any rate, if you’ve got an office, or kids, or are in anyway a kid at heart – this is one of the funest things to play with.  Note that you can’t take it outside, just doesn’t have enough shark power to overcome the great outdoors.  He’s more like a house cat.

And really, at $32? Can’t go wrong there.  And more importantly, as you have seen, it provides never ending ways to try and sneak up and scare your significant other.

Have a great weekend all!


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  1. LL

    Awesome! I’ve seen these online and thought they were pretty cool, but it’s not really the kind of thing I would actually go out and buy.

  2. This is obviously the most important product review you’ve ever done.

  3. LOL! you guys totally rock. Love the concentration on the Girl’s face while assembling the shark

  4. This might be the coolest thing ever! Have you been blaring the music from Jaws as it has slowly been floating around?

  5. I’d say if you want to take Mr. Shark outside, just tie him to your seatpost for a little extra motivation on the bike. Nothing would make me pedal harder than being chased by an air shark.

  6. We had seen this and were very tempted. I’m even more tempted now. Can you imagine this at the office? But at home I fear our cat would make short work of the big shark.

  7. Words fail to describe how awesome this is.

  8. Rob

    Great, got to get it :) Question besides the shark.
    On the pic’s I’ve seen you’re using a Tacx Bushido or Vortex? How loud is it?

  9. Haha! Too much fun, must purchase now…

  10. That is phenomenally awesome.

    Did you lower it close to the ground and attempt to jump it?

  11. What fantastic timing! My DH’s b-day is coming up and I had no idea what to get him. This is perfect! I’ll let you guess which of the two options I picked :-)

  12. Anonymous

    Just a note that my local party store filled our shark for $3. A much better deal than $30 for a tank.

  13. Anonymous

    Best review ever. Ha ha ha!!!

  14. I’m shocked! *NOBODY* has yet asked the Compulsory Review Question:

    What’s the battery life like?

  15. So will it fly with the gopro attached?

  16. Thanks for the comments, glad you found it funny. :)

    Even funnier was today I was at Basis (link to and they had the Nemo one floating around. Awesome!

    As for the couple questions:

    RE: Battery life

    No idea! I have only spent a few hours annoying The Girl with the shark, it’s unclear whether The Girl or The Shark will run out of batteries first.

    RE: Surround Sound Jaws Music in house

    While I have not considered this, I do believe that if I were to tie it into some of my home automation – there’s serious potential here. Especially with house guests. :)

    RE: Attempting to ride it

    No, I limit riding of objects in my house to old bicycles.

    RE: Blimp Horrors

    Officially the funniest thing I’ve read today. Awesome link.

    RE: Attaching GoPro

    I so dearly wanted to do this. However, since a mere penny can be used as balast and make the difference between fight or flight – the GoPro was akin to a boat anchor. So sad…

    Thanks all, and have a great weekend!

  17. Dan

    Speaking of Great Whites: You’ll love this image, part of a photo essay recently posted at The Atlantic.

  18. I want one!!! I am totally gonna get it. I think it might give me more joy than my new 910xt. Amazon link?????

    I am a shark junkie too…so much so, that I have a bunch tattooed on my back representing me and my kids.

  19. This is the coolest thing I have ever seen

  20. Found the link in the post and got one. Can’t wait to play with it! I got it for 24.97 plus shipping. Nice.

  21. Anonymous

    The shark is cool and has taught you a lesson in how air flows your home. Its called stack effect that moves air from the bottom to the top of your home!

  22. The most exciting part is seeing the tacx trainer in these photos. Can’t wait to read the review.