The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter and Google Plus, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week:
With the crazy-busy schedule of the ANT+ Symposium, it was a bit of a light week. But I can assure you…next week will definitely not be! Lots of posts planned.
Monday: A bit of a Canadian Rockies Weekend
Wednesday: Cool things I’ve seen so far at the ANT+ Symposium
Friday: My 2011 ANT+ Symposium Presentation
Men’s Health/Gatorade/Urbanathlon Blog posts this past week:
In addition to all my writings here, I also cover a bunch of topics over on the Men’s Health Urbanathlon blog. Here’s the goods from the past week:
Wednesday: Your Urbanathlon Obstacle Questions Answered
Note that I post over there roughly every Monday and Wednesday, and Sarah posts on Tuesday and Thursday. It’s a tag-team event.
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet:
1) More aero wind tunnel information than you can shake a stick at. Really good (new) article from Lava Magazine on triathlon/TT bikes and aerodynamics.
2) Chipmunk takes on a Cervelo bike…and lives to tell about it. Straight from the Slowtwitch Twitter feed is this incredible pictorial. You won’t wanna miss it!
3) Rev3 Knoxville & Quassy will be on TV this Sunday…Well, if you live in either Connecticut or Denver. But it’s the thought that counts. 11AM on ABC in Denver, 3:30PM in CT.
4) Triathlon makes The Onion. Now the real question is – can someone identify where this photo was taken? Bonus points if one of you is actually in it.
5) Crazy video of waves taking out cyclists/runners in Chicago. Really, you have to watch this video. And be sure to make it all the way to the 1:10 marker. And just remember, this is a LAKE!
6) A video of the 14,000 people strong Virgin Active London Triathlon. Perhaps the best note came from the DCTri Twitter comment “So that’s what a transition area looks like for 14,000 people”.
Transition video section at 0:28
7) Kona Pick the Winner Contest: Swing over to the CycleOps site for a chance to win a whole pile of goodness (power meters, wheels, trainers, etc…). Essentially you have to nail winning times/peoples. It’s like a big NCAA pool, except somehow slightly more complicated. But it’s free to enter!
8) A cool running theater interactive show: It’s a bit difficult to explain this. But essentially imagine a theater show that starts at a normal location – but then actually goes outside and is played out in front of you in a park. The whole show is about the journey of a marathon runner. If you’re in NYC over the next month and a half, check it out. Supposed to be pretty cool, heard about it from some folks up at the ANT+ Symposium. (Review here)
Random Notes:
Just wanna say a quick thanks to all the comments and tweets on the ANT+ Symposium talk, glad folks are liking it!
I got two photos this week of my DCRainmaker stickers being used out in the wild. Crazy! Here’s the first…which I’m not permitted to say who it is…just that it’s out there somewhere…on a belt buckle…in an attempt on the cowboy pose.
The second, was on a trainer by the TrainerRoad folks (side note, that post has 41 comments…crazy!).
These were from stickers that were given out at Interbike. Those that found me got stickers. I’m aiming to open up the floodgates later this week to everyone else that wants stickers. So fear not…more soon!
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Count me in on a sticker or two. :-)