Sometimes I end up with smaller things that don’t quite make it into my larger giveaways. Sometimes those are items that I’ve bought, and sometimes they are ‘unique’ items that others have offered up.
This time, I’m going to combine the two…just for fun.
Back at the ANT+ Symposium the founder of Brim Brothers offered me a limited edition jersey revolving around the Brim Brothers Zone cleat-based power meter. It’s the jersey they give to their test team folks. You remember me talking about it here. It was for me, but I explained that in general I usually pass on items to you all instead. So he agreed that was understandable and was good with me giving it away to you instead. Thus, a limited edition jersey for you. Apparently there were less of these made than honest politicians.
(It says test team, and yours will be brand new in a not-so-fancy plastic bag, and in your size)
But, just because I’m known for kicking it up a notch – I figured that if you’re going to be out riding, you should probably have a way to record that ride. And since you’ll be riding with a power-meter companies jersey, you should probably have a bike computer that’s compatible with such a device. And soon, the Garmin Edge 500 will be happily compatible with the Brim Brothers Zone – displaying Left/Right power as well as all the usual power goodness.
So because it’s Friday, and because it’s not Friday the 13th (that was yesterday, Thursday the 13th)…I’m going to give away the jersey, and toss in a brand new Edge 500 with a heart rate strap as well. Just for fun.
Oh, and I’ll even include a DC Rainmaker sticker. Again, just cause I can.
But, because I want to reward all of you who just read day to day, I’m not including in the title that there’s an Edge 500 in here…nor will I tweet that there’s one. And, the contest will only run till the end of Sunday, midnight eastern time (11:59PM Sunday the 16th).
Sound good?
If so – just drop a note below. I’ll keep it simple. Just tell me your last cycling workout (be it during training or racing). How long, how far, how many squirrels you hit, etc… Winner will be chosen at random. Goodness will be sent anywhere in the world. From Arkansas to Zimbabwe.
Have a great weekend all!
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Did a large group ride with a new group on a route we shared with an MS-benefit ride. Two-lane roads + large groups + nice day for driving made for an interesting day. No serious injuries but lots of close calls
last workout was intervals on the trainer: 6 x 2 miles (hard) with 2 min spin in between. No squirrels were harmed during this workout :D
Last ride was on my trainer do some intervals, showering my bike with sweat. However, tomorrow’s ride will be a different, 3 hours on the mountain bike.
My last cycling workout was the Green Bay duathlon. No killing of squirrels but the falling leaves made it a very pretty ride.
Short but sweet ride last Saturday. Easing back after over a month dedicated to running. Ran my first Rock ‘n’ Roll San Jose Half Marathon :-)
My last cycling workout was Ironman Louisville…112 miles, 5.3 hours. I’ve been a completely lazy git since then!
Last time out was 43.5 miles – longest so far. It was great – unlike a long run, there wasn’t any pain afterwards! Gotta love no pain……
Rode around my neighborhood with my 3 young kids. Too slow to be a workout, but I look forward to the days when the kids can join me for a workout ride (my youngest just learned to ride w/o training wheels)!
My last cycling workout was the 56 miles in my first half-iron distance race (Mightyman Montauk) – went much better than expected, although I really should have practised the aero position more, rather than sitting up and watching TV on the trainer…
Let’s see, my last bike workout was just over 20 miles up and down the foothills in Utah. Sprinkled a bit during the ride and the leaves changing colors were gorgeous. The bad part is that I kept dropping my chain off my crank and found out that my front derailleur is bent and almost broken. Hmmm… I don’t know what happened there, but that won’t keep me off my bike for too long.
Thorpe triathlon (I don’t include spin sessions). Ged
Had a very good bike ride back here in Brazil on wednesday: a national holiday, so work was off. Along came my 15 year old son (my recent training buddy) and my younger brother (after almost a year away from bikes). Don’t remember the miles or the weather, just the fun.
Keep the excelent job going on, Ray!
Bike to work in Halifax NS…. Rain…. Wind…..Fog…. Burr
Last bike workout was a bike run sandwich, 6 miles to the track/running club followed by a hard hill session & then bike home in the dark. No squirrels around but plenty of car dodging.
The shirt would be perfect as it captures the 1st 4 letters of my surname
Worked from home the other day so I made it a car-free day. Rode the cruiser to the gym and to the store. Gotta love cruisers!
My last cycling workout was my commute to work in Zurich, Switzerland. Didn’t hit any squirrels, but ran over some errant slugs. :)
Meridian training ride in Colorado – no animal cruelty here!
My last cycling workout resulted in two flat tires :(
A nice fast ride going over the big bridge in Key Biscayne Miami. Didn’t hit anything, but enjoyed the awesome view of Biscayne Bay
Last cycling workout was to and from daycare to pick up my son. Pulled an empty trail-a-bike there and he rode it back. 10.75 miles total, half of which he rode with me.
I’m running a marathon on Sunday, so I haven’t been doing much biking lately. Fri, Jul 22, 2011 was the last workout, and unfortunately it was on a trainer.
Rev3 Anderson. A challenging course to say the least. A well put on event and a new PR for me!
Cycling has been taking a back seat to running since I have been training for the Rock & Roll Half Marathon. Now that it’s complete I’m looking forward to doing some nice long easy rides.
Indoor trainer with @trainerroad software. Had to stop multiple times b/c the kid kept trying to put his hands b/t the spokes.
A relaxed 15-miler through South Burlington and Shelburne, VT. (Pretty close to the USAT National Oly course, actually.) Beautiful ride.
Inside m’y hotel fitness room after a full day of never ending meetings… I am sure you can relate :)
Unfortunately, my last cycling workout was indoors. Fifteen minute w/u; 5 x (4:00 increase cadence from 75 RPM maintaining 240 watts on 5:00); 20 minutes at 90-95 RPMs at 230 watts; 5 x (30 seconds at 105-110 RPMs at high wattage); 10 minute cool down.
Sorry it wasn’t more interesting.
My last workout was actually a power test to figure out power zones. New (used) Powertap, yay!!
Then I moved to New Zealand, and built it back up only last night. I do miss my bike!! :)
Well, actually, I haven’t been on a bike ride in a couple of years. But if I had an Edge, I probably would try to set things up to ride a couple of times a week to cross train for my running.
My last cycling workout was last night…my first set of rollers arrived today and I had to try them out…needless to say, I was very glad I put it up in the doorway because people weren’t lying when they said it’s like riding on ice.
It’s definitely a learning curve I plan on conquering but I only had the time to spend about 30 minutes going about 80%-90% on it and it was a good thing because at that point I was getting pretty tired and sloppy handling was coming right in with it.
REALLY thankful I tivo’d the TDF this summer so I’ll have something to watch in the new few weeks and I work on my balance and pedal stroke.
30 miles training ride, little bit of sweat, some climbing, no squirrels
Last cycling workout was painful – rainy and cold, but a good prep for rainy PNW riding this year!
Easy ride along the river here in Fort Worth. 0 squirrels, but the gnat death toll was probably off the charts.
I did a 11 mile ride. I was a pacer for a local 5K. I haven’t been on the bike much due my training for the Marine Corps Marathon. I had a blast riding that day. I did a bunch of intervals and short burst of speed. Got up too 23 MPH on the flat road. I didn’t hit any wildlife, but dodged the water station!
Man, I just started following you and had no idea of your generosity. What a bonus! Thanks, Ray.
My last cycling workout was actually on the mountain bike. Sorry. After breezing through the easy trail, I hit the advanced. Yeah, like literally hit the trail, and the trees, and the ground when I crashed about a mile in.
Last work out was on the Trainer doing 30-30 intervals… at Z5-Z3. So much fun, but at least there was a good TV program on. Oh.. do not allow squirrels in the house.
Last cycling workout was on the computrainer. No squirrels were harmed.
My last ride was a boring session on the turbo trainer. No squirrels, but I didn’t get wet either.
Dear Santa Maker,
I’m not sure I should tell you about my ride. It’s kinda embarrassing. Spring has finally come to Canberra, Australia and last Wednesday I started joining the fast bunch of the local triathlon club. What a humbling experience! Man if I’m out of shape! We were keeping paceline, but I would regularly end up in the front when we were uphill.
I didn’t get too depressed and I loved that ride though. Now I’m old enough to know that’s just how it feels at the beginning of the season. I know I’m going to get better. I’m actually excited thinking how good I’m going to be soon!
Joe Friel is always in my ears: gradual increases!
Thanks and good luck in Philly!
My last workout was 40 miles on Coyote Creek trail, about 3 hours. You know I’m new to cycling, so it’s kinda slow. I did see two squirrels during the ride.
No squirrels, but a mellow trainer session to recover from Kona.
My last workout was an hour ago on my pt300: 10 min warm up with 6x5min@300w, with 1min recover in between.
Now my daily triathlon; put my 3 kids to bed: Sammy, Laura, Ivan
All the best from Spain!
While a recovery ride was the last time I was on the bike, it followed my 70 miles MTB blast at the Brown County Breakdown.
Last cycling workout inside was just the other night, 60 minutes in total.
Last cycling workout outside was gack, July…
Need to get back outside for workouts, rather than just casual bicycling with kids!
Last ride was last evening, a 25 mile race against the sun. And the sun won. Days are getting too short…
45 minutes on the trainer last night. no animals were injured, this time…
Only a few k’s on my mountain bike, with my 12 year old son. Unfortunately, no squirrels hereabout…
Last cycling workout was the hectic school run with my toddler Max on the back of my Kona crossbike, in traffic. We saw a squirrel though.
Unnfortunately not too much training rides going on lately, but I did once encounter a cow during a mountainbike race. Does that also count?
An early-morning ride out to Concord, MA through some beautiful rolling hills and scenic farmland. A great way to start the day!
Count me in
Pick me!!
Last cycling workout was an easy ride through the horse farms around here in Lexington KY. Does easy qualify as a workout? I think it does when there are no races on the calendar!
Dear Santa Maker,
It’s finally Spring here in Canberra, Australia. After spending the past months being very jealous at seeing you training and racing – while we were having frost out of our doors in the morning – I’m very excited that the riding season is officially on!
Yesterday I went for a mountain bike ride with the local triathlon club. The Australian country is awesome. I often cry loud for how I miss my life and friends in the Northern Hemisphere since I moved here. But riding in the country at dawn with the kangaroos crossing your way with their babies in their pouches is priceless!
Thanks very much for your terrific blog!
25 chilly, pre-dawn miles of rural Kansas highway with a few good friends. Hilly by Kansas standards.
Its was a 40k that was part of an olympic distance triathlon I did..windy and hot. No squirrels.
My last workout was a long hard one for me. I am new to running and cycling. I had just ran 5 miles the day before, which at the time was my longest run. My brother in law called and asked if I wanted to ride the next day. I said sure but didn’t wanna do much mileage. well, 30 miles later we were done and I was beat up. doesn’t seem like much but this is all new to me! Thanks for the chance Ray and good luck to everyone.
Jeff Watterson
Last ride was this morning into work. Last workout was last Tuesday on my regular group ride. 16 miles of what we call “hills” here in the DC area, which means “flat” to you people in the west.
My last ride was a lonnnng time ago before the summer in Texas got abusive. It was actually 11.2 miles as part of a sprint tri. Zero squirrels hit.
While I didn’t hit any squirrels on my last bike ride, I did have a close call with a groundhog that was curious about the asphalt near his home. Fortunately it was an easy 1.5hr ride in the mountains of Virginia so I was going slow enough to avoid the little guy!
Taking a break since my last race (Black Diamond HIM) – The bike section started with my seat post sinking down to the bottom of it’s travel 5 miles into the race. Midway got chased by a dog and sprinkled in a few near dumps from slipping off the aerobar pads.
My alias is chrisseg@msft
No squirrels on the roads in Holland! My last ride in the US, during my internship last year, I dodged enough to last me years though…
My last bike, was a quick 8 miles from home to my in laws. Nothing hit and was quite happy with my pace, although really would like a road bike rather than my Rockhopper and slicks!!
My last workout was an semi-fast paced group ride, 38 miles. No squirrels hit, but someone just baaaarely missed a deer.
Will you also throw in a MOOSE COOKIE (droppings and all)? Please oh, please??? Anyway… My last ride was 112 miles. I wonder what that ride could have been for? :-) I didn’t hit any squirrels or moose, but I did eject a few of the bottles they were handing out on the bumpy parts of the roads…
Last training was with my TACX Bushido (Which I Love), I’m really looking forward to reading your impressions on it. I’d love the idea if you can get the developers to throw in some virtual squirrels to run over on the VR interface,that’d be fun!
Commute to and from work – 12 miles round trip – didn’t hit any squirrels, but then again, didn’t hit anything else either, which is good.
just a nice moderate 22 miler. no hit squirrels but my three year old son really loves carrying around acorns he finds on the ground in his pockets, and then asking people if they want to see his nuts.
My last cycling workout was my 20 mile bike ride home from work (along with the 20 mile bike ride to work that morning!)
It was disappointingly slow because I was headed into a tough headwind the entire way, something like 23mph. So my speed dropped from my norm of about 14mph to around 11mph.
Sadly, the wind is even worse today, and accompanied by some heavy rain, so I did not bother cycling to work today. My weekend plans for some long distance riding are also shot.
unfortunately, my last cycling workouit was 4 weeks ago, a pitiful 4 (yes 4!) miles. Pinched a nerve in my shoulder/neck and hoped a ride would help things settle out. But no go, after 2 miles could hardly grip the bars and rode back in pretty much single-handed.
How pitiful! Seems like there should be some solace in the world — like being the entry picked at random for the giveaway!:)
Rode for an hour this morning on the trainer.
Last ride was indoors on the trainer for 90min while watching The Tourist.
I exchanged my running shoes for a bike jusr the time to discover the cycling experience with a friend in forest: it was awesome!!!
Last cycling workout was a 2 hour ride following a river. With the trees beginning to turn color and slightly cool temps it was an excellent experience. Love cycling in the fall.
My last cycling workout was actually bike camping around the San Juan Islands. Absolutely beautiful!
Tuesday after work. 23 miles and a lot of short steep rollers. No squirrels but startled one deer in the road and her companion decided to try and get ahead of me. At 20 mph it was truly a thrill to ride within 10′ of her for about 50 yards before she kicked it up a notch and cut in front of me. That’s not being “chicked” right?
Nothing exciting… a 1 1/2 hr ride on the trainer and a 15 min run afterwards. Need to invest in Netflix!
Pulled out my old mountain bike for a break from the road…had a nice (but hot) 17 mile ride through the hills…chain came off 5 miles from home so ended up hiking it back…
No squirrels to speak of, but lots of western blue belly lizards to dodge – they’re out in force in California right now!
my last race was cancelled!!
Last ride was 20 mi on a hilly stretch of road in Shreveport, LA. Avoided all rodents, but picked up a nasty case of ITBS. Trying to rest, stretch and swim it away.
A nice, easy, autumnal 30 minute ride home from work through the woods. Lots of squirrels, all avoided.
Autumn here in sweden. Last workout a hilly ride on my Tacx Flow trainer (VR-interface). 50min of hill sprints. Dosn’t beat the real thing. But ok.
My last biking was a triathlon sprint race. Funny but a bit embarrassing… was being passed by a foldable bike :)
Thanks for the giveaways. Even without these you really excel at reviews/previews.
Last ride was a super windy three hour ride, no squirrels were hit however
Bike to work and then home. 13 mile one way twice daily. Saves on time and gas
My last workout was a easy 45 spin on the rollers, working out the last of the Mohawk-Hudson marathon aches & pains. Can’t wait to get out for a REAL workout on Saturday!
My last cycling ride, in preparation for my 1st century was:
– Distance: 46.43 mi
– Time: 3:01:40
– Avg Pace: 3:55 min/mi
– Avg Speed: 15.3 mph
– Elevation Gain: 1,733 ft
– Squirrels hit: 0
62 miles with 1700 feet of climbing good for central illinois
40 miler through Elm Creek Park in Maple Grove, MN – pretty much the peak of fall colors
Went out to try out my power tap pro hub with my FR310xt last saturday, started my watch, then saw my wife pull in the driveway as I was leaving. So I stopped my watch and forgot to restart it, realizing this after i rode about 25miles! Missed out on some good data.
I rode in the TREK Breast Cancer Awareness Ride last Saturday. 25 miles in under 2 hours in a STIFF head wind. No squirrels encountered – it was too windy!
I rode in the TREK Breast Cancer Awareness Ride last Saturday. 25 miles in under 2 hours in a STIFF head wind. No squirrels encountered – it was too windy!
20 x 15sec Max Sprints (All Out) with 1:30mins recoveries. First 10 were in the drops & low cadence, final 10 were done seated with a high cadence 108+
Riding the W&OD. Almost hit one a few days ago. He changed directions twice on me.
Last ride was after a two month break……….shifters were out for rebuild and I was traveling for work, so not much opportunity to ride anyway. But I was able to get in a hilly 16 mi ride with my riding partner, who since out Rev3 Half last June didn’t maintain his fitness, was quite beat at the end if it.
My last ride was supposed to be my last ride before my first Oly tri, but instead I fell while turning on some slick concrete and had to get five stitches in my chin. Stitches mean no swimming, means no triathlon. An Edge 500 would definitely make my week better!
Hi Ray! My last ride was my last long ride before the taper for my first Ironman coming up in just 2 weeks! Yikes!
I did not hit any squirels, but I did spend most of the day swerving around chipmunks.
Great giveaway!
My last workout was along the Leelanau Trail in Beautiful traverse City, MI. (It’s where I live) No squirrels but I did see a bunny rabbit!
Have not been on the bike in awhile, but bought a new one today
3 laps of the Montreal ProTour Circuit.
link to
last cycling workout ended just 5 minutes ago. i’m done with my race season but not yet in my winter training mode, so i did 60′ of riding at endurance, with 10′ at tempo and 2′ at threshold thrown in. great fall colors here in wyoming!