A Friday Giveaway

Sometimes I end up with smaller things that don’t quite make it into my larger giveaways.  Sometimes those are items that I’ve bought, and sometimes they are ‘unique’ items that others have offered up.

This time, I’m going to combine the two…just for fun.

Back at the ANT+ Symposium the founder of Brim Brothers offered me a limited edition jersey revolving around the Brim Brothers Zone cleat-based power meter.  It’s the jersey they give to their test team folks.  You remember me talking about it here.  It was for me, but I explained that in general I usually pass on items to you all instead.  So he agreed that was understandable and was good with me giving it away to you instead.  Thus, a limited edition jersey for you.  Apparently there were less of these made than honest politicians.


(It says test team, and yours will be brand new in a not-so-fancy plastic bag, and in your size)

But, just because I’m known for kicking it up a notch – I figured that if you’re going to be out riding, you should probably have a way to record that ride.  And since you’ll be riding with a power-meter companies jersey, you should probably have a bike computer that’s compatible with such a device.  And soon, the Garmin Edge 500 will be happily compatible with the Brim Brothers Zone – displaying Left/Right power as well as all the usual power goodness.

So because it’s Friday, and because it’s not Friday the 13th (that was yesterday, Thursday the 13th)…I’m going to give away the jersey, and toss in a brand new Edge 500 with a heart rate strap as well.  Just for fun.


Oh, and I’ll even include a DC Rainmaker sticker. Again, just cause I can.

But, because I want to reward all of you who just read day to day, I’m not including in the title that there’s an Edge 500 in here…nor will I tweet that there’s one.  And, the contest will only run till the end of Sunday, midnight eastern time (11:59PM Sunday the 16th).

Sound good?

If so – just drop a note below.  I’ll keep it simple.  Just tell me your last cycling workout (be it during training or racing).  How long, how far, how many squirrels you hit, etc… Winner will be chosen at random.  Goodness will be sent anywhere in the world.  From Arkansas to Zimbabwe.

Have a great weekend all!


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  1. Gavin

    Did a short TT workout, and only had a road kill run in with an armadillo.

  2. My last cycling workout was Wednesday (10/12) evening; refreshingly chilly, damp and windy. Thankfully, no squirrels or other scampering Rodentia but I did have to navigate through a vicious herd of sedentary black walnuts covering my lane. Frankly think I’d rather take on a squirrel.

  3. my last bicycle ride was this morning on my commute to work. 6miles of fun city riding.

    bye sam

  4. My riding is limited with my daughter in the hospital! As a result, I’m stuck the trainer in the basemetn already! UGGHH…and no squirrels hit. just 1 dog on the hit, with a peddle. He’d forgotten how the trainer + pedals worked. He remembers now.

  5. Last Ride: 1hr on the trainer in the man cave. Did the Gayley workout on Trainer Road. Thanks for the tip!

  6. Biking to work. Alas no squirrels were lost in my endeavor. Next workout? This weekend… to work

  7. Hi Ray, my last ride was my weekly spinning (RPM) ride in the gym with an extremely fanatic instructor. Had a lot of fun, almost passed out ;) Rather ride outside but autumn in the Netherlands isn’t very generous with sunshine lately.

    I’ll be attending BikeMotion Benelux http://www.bikemotionbenelux.nl tomorrow, nothing like Interbike or Eurobike, but hopefully Garmin will have their Vector with them!

    Am looking forward to your reviews the coming months.

    Have a great weekend.


  8. Did a short 10 mile lunch time ride around a 1 mile block near where I work. Nice safe right turns so I don’t have to deal with cars much or lights and stop signs. I don’t use a trainer so that’s how I get my workouts in. Almost like a time trial as I’ve done as much as 20 miles blasting away. 50 mile ride last Sunday.

  9. spent 90 minutes on my apartment’s spin bike. i shouldnt be complaining because my apartment has a spin bike, but still… :D

  10. My last training ride was in search of the truth. Sometimes riding is about looking for answers or just getting away to think through life’ s problems.

  11. Last cycling workout was post Chicago marathon, get loose workout. 45 easy minutes.

  12. Tom

    Two hour endurance ride as part of training for the Chicago Marathon.

  13. My last cycling workout was a leisurely spin on April 14th, the Thursday before flying out for Boston. Then I took off the rest of the summer :)

    Picking it up again in prep for IM next year and, boy, I am regretting the lack of consistency.

  14. My last ride was last night, 24 miles. In 1st week of taper week for the Austin 70.3 on Oct. 23rd! No squirrels hit, but lost a water bottle due to Texas Chipseal. Your blog is awesome, I always refer people to you when they want a good product review. Thanks for your reviews and I am looking forward to your next one!

  15. Francesca

    Great giveaway! My last bike workout was the bike leg of the Waterman’s Sprint Triathlon, my last tri of the season. It was 16 miles of rolling terrain and I kept my lead from the swim so was very pleased. I did see some roadkill but nothing I ran into.

  16. Triathlon! Tri Red down in Jekyll Island Georgia. They cancelled the swim due to the 30-40 mph winds. So it would be my first duathalon! It was a windy 14 miles! Most of us were out of the saddle for the first two miles as it was right next to the beach and unprotected. Head and side winds, even coming back to T2! Whew!! So the GarminFR60 told me: Average mph: 18, which was 2mph off. Cadence: 92. HR: 153 Time: 41.51.2


  17. Toyota US Open Dallas Tri

  18. Awesome giveaway as always Ray! Last ride was last weekend. Rode 25mi up to a charity ride for American Cancer Society and met up with some buddies. Rode most of the 50mi loop, but cut out early to return home. Got in about 85mi on a beautiful Missouri fall day.

  19. 50 minute recovery spin after a pretty disastrous race last weekend. :( But, at least I didn’t hit a squirrel!

  20. My last cycling workout was commuting to work in August. Once the new school year for my daughter starts I’m resigned to running or, if I’m lucky, a weekend ride.

  21. lol my last workout the squirrels hit me and laughed at slow I was going, but with that said I’m on my grind looking to get my 1st tri in the spring

  22. Last training ride was, appropriately, in the trainer… But I commute with my bike, and two afternoons ago I saw a ferret cross the road just ahead of me. I think it was a ferret. Otherwise, we have some huge rats in this town!

  23. haven’t cycled for a while, but lookng forward with a new toy like the edge 500!!!

  24. My last cycling workout was on the trainer because of tornado warnings outside. I set up the trainer in a rush because I only had about 45 minutes to ride. Probably should have checked to make sure the bike was locked in place before hopping on. So…my last cycling workout included falling off my trainer. Good times.

  25. Very nice, thanks dude! My last cycling workout was during a sprint tri, and it was 12 miles and had two big climbs on the course. My calves cramped at the top of the second hill. :(. Plus I totally need a long sleeve jersey I don’t even have one yet and it’s getting cold out.

  26. I rode about 92 km with a friend. Was a fun ride and it was nice to have an entire ride without rain.

  27. My last workout was a hard tempo ride to work. Pushing hard on paved trails and bike lanes on the 22mi route to get the average speed over 20mph so that I have some room for the hill at the end of the ride to try to finish with a 20mph avg speed (Just missed it last time).


  28. Seb

    Mountain biking around the woods, with the usual hill to get back home… It’s easier on the way out, when speeding down the hill…

  29. Jon

    I’ve had some runners knee issues so I’ve been sticking to short rides lately, just a few 8-10 milers at the gym

  30. onderstroom

    Last ride was from work to home, touristic route through the woods. Not very exciting but nice.

  31. Rode two-man relay on the Furnace Creek 508. That would be about 250 miles in Death Valley! It was pretty desolate out there; no squirrels, a few desert mice and some turtles. Lots of flies!

  32. Last Saturday – beautiful day here in Iowa 77 miles in two different States (we live on the Mississippi) two large bridges and about 10 riders with a stop at a local bike shop that has a kitchen and an owner who KILLS at baked goods.

  33. Went for a fun 92km ride with a friend yesterday, and we didn’t even get rained on.

  34. Martin B

    Steady cycle after work, making the most of what is left of the English day light hours …


  35. Ben

    Last cycling workout – hmm, it’s been awhile – but we got a new bike for my wife today!

  36. No squirrels but almost hit a possum!

  37. My last ride occurred a couple of weeks ago, a short trainer ride to break up my marathon training. An outdoor ride? That was way back in the August heat when daylight training hours were more readily available.

    Thank you!

  38. My last bike workout would have been last week. Set up the trainer and did some interval work for about 1hr.

  39. Last cycling was the Honolulu century ride. Was only able to get 75 miles in because of various other time commitments that day. Great fun to run with that many people and you can’t beat the scenery or the excuse to eat donut holes and shave ice at the aid stations.

  40. following maccormack twitter coach for the last two weeks.30 min warm up, then steep uphill 1min sit,1 min standing, 2min sit, 2 stand,3sit, 3stand 4 sit , 4 stand then down and all the way again.cool down as you desire!
    you’re great ray!

  41. dimitri from belgium

    Climbed one of the hills in the Jura mountains in Switzerland, from begnins to st cergue. Close to freezing and it was raining the whole ride, but loved every minute of it!

  42. it was a 30 minute mostly uphill ride out to my mothers. no squirrels but i did see several cows in the fields. Not really a threat to ruin my ride i guess.

  43. Hi Ray –

    Thanks for doing another giveaway!

    I’m tapering for the Austin 70.3 (my first HIM!) right now, so my last cycle workout was 30min with 3x3min at 100+ cadence.

  44. Didn’t hit any squirrels because it was a 45 min ride on the indoor trainer. 17 miles of torture.

  45. Hi – I love your reviews and website. My last ride was the Augusta Half Ironman a few weeks ago. 56 miles in 3:30 and no squirrels were injured. I want to get a waterproof mp3 player soon so I’m looking forward to your upcoming reviews. gajkelley@gmail.com

  46. Wild-life friendly trainer time on the same Tacx trainer that you have received in the post. Be interesting to hear your take on it!

  47. Short 12-mile loop around local lake last Saturday.

  48. I was biking home from work yesterday, waiting at a stop light and just as the light turns green, a guy blows me. I caught up with him at the next stop light, was initially impressed at how much more ripped his legs were than mine, but the admiration faded when I was stronger going up hills and was able to hang with him until our paths diverged.

  49. Cycling workout? Ugh. Not since last Sunday. Just a quick 33mi up Mt. Lemmon Hwy in Tucson. After my last HIM of the season- I’ve moved into running for the winter. Can I tell you about my running instead? How about the run I’m going to do tomorrow? It’s gonna’ be great. As a fellow data geek- Love your blog Ray!

  50. After my HIM two weeks ago, I’ve left the bike mostly parked, as now I’m into running season. I did do a short ride part way up Mt. Lemmon in Tucson last Sunday. 33mi. I just love that ride. Can I tell you about the run I’m going to do tomrrow instead? It’s gonna’ be great. 2.5mi to Saguaro park, then 1.5mi of trails to get to the loop. then 8mi around the loop, back on the trail, then back home for 16mi. I’ll be back home before my family gets out of bed.

  51. 30 Miles on the Queen K.

  52. I hit a small pothole on my bike ride into work this morning…

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. My last workout was up Mt Falcon, a steep climb that I have been wanting to do for a while now, but have been putting it off. I cranked it out! It was hard, but I powered through it.

  55. My last workout was on the bike trainer.

    Warmup, 3×10′ at 90% FTP, then cooldown.

    No squirrels were involved, except for the curious one outside that was watching me pedal and go nowhere.

  56. Last cycling workout was 20 miles in the cold and rain. Started at Redhook and rode the Sammamish River Trail. Enjoyed a nice Winterhook ale when I got back. Didn’t take out any squirrels on this ride.

  57. My last cycling workout was a couple of weeks ago doing a common loop here in Boulder, CO on Nelson Rd. I did not hit any animals on this one but a few years ago I decimated a Prairie Dog with my front wheel when I was doing about 35 mph! Felt bad about the Prairie Dog but I managed to stay upright so both of us were not hurt. I still record with an old wired PowerTap. The Edge 500 would be great!

  58. My last cycling ride was what I call my Hour of Power. Basically a 40K Time Trial out and back but this one ended up with me having a beautiful companion for the last 3 miles. Amazingly she was running beside me on the shoulder. Never a peep about going too fast or hurting too much…just kept plugging away, keeping a safe distance. She finally collapsed from exhaustion and I circled back, gave her my water and called her a ride. My TT time was terrible by the time I was home but enjoyed my companion…a Springer Spaniel.

  59. ‘Twas my usual 2 hour training ride from home in Seattle. Out the Burke Gillman trail on a fine fall afternoon. Oddly enough, did have to avoid a few suicide squirrels and discovered my Garmin 705 cadence sensor had failed. Oh well, the Brim Bros Zone will fix that!

  60. ‘Twas my usual 2 hour training ride from home in Seattle. Out the Burke Gillman trail on a fine fall afternoon. Oddly enough, did have to avoid a few suicide squirrels and discovered my Garmin 705 cadence sensor had failed. Oh well, the Brim Bros Zone will fix that!

  61. Anonymous

    Last workout was an hour long threshold session on the trainer. I had A/C set to 65 degrees, ceiling fan at max, and a video of Metallica in concert blasting away on the tube/stereo.

  62. ‘Twas my usual 2 hour training ride from home in Seattle. Out the Burke Gillman trail on a fine fall afternoon. Oddly enough, did have to avoid a few suicide squirrels and discovered my Garmin 705 cadence sensor had failed. Oh well, the Brim Bros Zone will fix that!

  63. wow- amazing.
    you have no idea how much i could use that edge 500 and well, it is just not in the budget :(
    you could be my birthday fairy, santa claus this year!!
    and that jersey is pretty sweet too!!

    last cycling workout was an easy 10 miles outside just to be out-nothing epic. No squirrels were hit but I did see several

  64. KC Krane in Maine

    my last bike session?
    last week on the stationary bike at my YMCA.
    not really biking, I know but it’s gotta count for something righ?
    last time I checked, they did not allow squirrels into the YMCA

  65. a giveaway just because you can? Awesome!

    just an easy commute for me on the west side bike path here in NYC, nice and smooth, weather was fan-tas-tic. Really nice. I’m definitely enjoying racing season being over here in the northeast :)

    no squirrels but plenty of near-head-on collisions with fixed-gear hipsters, commuter Freds and everyone else going around the runners, razor scooters and strollers… good times.

  66. Ron

    My last cycling work out was the Waterman’s Half at Indian Head Maryland. Did not hit anything but launched a bottle.

  67. Anonymous

    This morning, Interval trainer workout. Cant hit a squirrel in the apartment, or at least I hope not.

  68. JC

    Haven’t biked since my half iron Sept 24th. Good ride except for my gels falling out of my back pocket into the port-a-potty…d’oh!

  69. Finally joined the guys last Friday morning for a two hour ride before work. Best comment was that they said normally newbies start earlier in the year. However I was doing some sprint tri’s in June and July.

  70. My last cycling workout was just an easy ride. Only some wounded snails. However just escaped from a bulls attack during my last run workout!

  71. Nefastino

    Last ride: on dolomiti mountains…70KM, 40km of climbingin with 3 degrees…Amazing ride!!!

  72. Tim

    My last workout was immediately following an easy 6 mile run. I did a trainer workout to the Sufferfest video – “The Hunted” using TrainerRoad to record. It was a good time.

  73. Did a two hour ride in Litchfield County, CT. Saw 3 squirrels, 2 snakes, a chipmunk and an unidentified furry mass that had an untimely early death. None caused by me. Thanks

  74. Last workout was Halfmax Championship where I went 4:44 for 9th in my age group and a qualifying spot for Long Course Worlds

  75. The ride into work in the dark. The route taken was muddier than expected as the back is now 80% mud coloured. No squirrels spotted but did have to swerve around a flattened/exploded cat

  76. Last workout was HalfMax Championship where I took 9th my my age group and qualified for Long Course Worlds!!

  77. My last ride was on my cyclops liquid trainer in my pain cave: 15 min w/u, 4x ((8x 20s@ 360+w, 40s recover), 5min spin), 10m c/d.

    No squirrels were harmed in the production of this workout.

    BUT *today* Oct 14 – is my birthday :)

  78. After a week in Kona riding my new Trek Speed Concept 7.5, I got back to Rancho Palos Verdes, CA and got back on my “old” Cervelo S1 last night. The Cervelo is not as comfy or fast as the new Speed Concept, but its an old reliable friend. It’s carried me through 3 Ironmans, and I’ll use it in a couple weeks for Ironman Florida. Going down a hill on Hawthorne Blvd at 35 mph, and cruising along PV Drive at 20+ mph, the Cervelo with my Zipp Firecrest 404’s was a little slice of heaven on earth. I did have to dodge some roadkill, a squirrel, I believe. It was an unusually warm day with temp in 90’s, so I just took a short 1 hour ride.
    P.S. I’m looking at either the Edge 500 or 800 to link up with my new Speed Concept. Thanks…
    Alexander from Rancho Palos Verdes

  79. Thanks for the giveaway! I have not been on my bike since Ironman Coeur d’Alene, so…yeah. 112 miles.

    But I promise to start again soon if I win!

  80. 90 km last sunday, cold weather even though its spring here in South America…..

  81. 30km after work no squirrels but a few dead skunks and an awesome lighting show

  82. Rode the Arlington Fun Run with my daughter last weekend. The kicker is that my daughter is 8 and — on her one-speed little bike — did the entire 17 mile circuit with me. It was her first ride of 5 miles! I was a proud daddy.

  83. Hi Ray. I hope I win this time !

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. last workout was repeats up flagstaff peak in Boulder, CO

  86. Ken

    My last workout was finishing Levi’s Gran Fondo. 103 miles and over 8,000 feet of climbing. The most brutal thing I’ve ever done.

  87. Last cycling workout was on a computrainer many moons ago sadly. I’m in full running mode for a marathon in 3 weeks so cross training is taking a back seat… for now.

  88. No squirrel’s but almost my dog, all inside on my trainer, 45 min of pain while the toddler finally went to sleep

  89. javier m

    last night in Key Biscayne park, aka raccoon’s land. 50 minutes easy, as the coach indicated.

  90. 45 min of trainer, no squirrels but almost my dog, all while kid sleep in next room. ( sorry if this is duplicated, still trying to work keyboard with no coffee)

  91. My last cycling workout was my last race- a month ago! I’m in full on marathon training mode and find myself staring longingly at my beautiful bike. It begs to be taken out for a spin!

  92. My last ride was a little ride to work and back. The weather is finally tolerable in Texas so it felt wonderful!!

  93. resipsa99

    60 km with the girls – no wildlife was harmed!

  94. My last cycling workout? Biking as fast as I could to make it to class! My last real workout on the bike though was on a trainer and it was riding 40k in about 1hr 20min.

  95. a

    last workout… trainer… 9pm to 11pm… because having a newborn means you train when you can, which is usually when they’re sleeping.

  96. My last workout was so hard I almost can t remember. I got really tired and can´t keep myself on the bike and had two knees injured.
    But I ready to another one!

  97. My last ride was last night, commuting from work. It was about 7.2mi in 22minutes. I DID almost have a possum get into my rear wheel! He was crossing the street and I made a noise to try and scare it, but he just kept on walking! Scary stuff. Possums are creeeeeeeepy! :-)

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get on the bike since July. A brisk 19-miler used as a nice break from running. After the marathon on Sunday I’m hoping the weather will hold out a few more weeks so I can get some rides in.