Polar RCX5 Run Package Giveaway

There are many things in the world where one usually sits firmly in either one camp or another.  For example, a few of life’s great dividers:

Boxers or briefs
Hot dogs or hamburgers
Bow tie or straight tie
Coke or Pepsi
Mac or PC
Paper or Plastic
White bread or wheat bread

And for you folks hanging out around these parts, there’s probably the most famous of all:

…Garmin or Polar

While the great majority of giveaways to date here have been Garmin focused, I’m going to venture over to the other side and giveaway a bit of Polar goodness…the brand new Polar RCX5:


Late last week (after I had published my in depth review), Polar approached me about giving away a brand new RCX5 to y’all.  Initially they weren’t sure what I’d say, simply because I always buy my own giveaway prizes (you did know that, right?). 

But, there’s one caveat to my rule – which you may remember from the survey results back in March. I had asked whether or not you would be in favor of giveaways that were for hard to get items, in cases where the company supplied the item.  For example, the first time I did this was the Wahoo Fitness ANT+ enabled bike case, where I did a giveaway three weeks before the first units were available in the retail channel.  In the survey, you overwhelmingly wanted me to give these things away when possible.  By ‘overwhelming’ that would be 93.8% of you – or roughly twice the water temperature for the Boise 70.3 half-ironman I’m doing this weekend.


You’ll be getting the above box – literally, that specific box sitting on my turtle tank stand– which contains the Polar RCX5, an s3+ stride/footpod sensor (for measuring distance), and the Polar Wearlink Hybrid heart rate strap.  That’s the fancy strap that works with both the RCX5 as well as legacy workout equipment that can read HR.  No turtles are included, nor is the G5 GPS pod, in this giveaway.


All you’ve gotta do down below is tell me the answer to one of the following questions (not all of them):

Boxers or briefs
Hot dogs or hamburgers
Bow tie or straight tie
Coke or Pepsi
Mac or PC
Paper or Plastic
White Bread or wheat bread

Simple enough, right?

The entry period will run until Thursday June 9th, 2011 at 11:59PM Eastern Time, at which point I’ll close the entry period and randomly select a winner.  Like the all my giveaways there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you.  The winner will get a brand new Polar RCX5 Run Package (with HR strap and footpod).  It’ll be sent out Monday morning when I get back from Boise and you should have it a day or so later – or roughly ‘a long time’ ahead of everyone else waiting for their orders to get fulfilled.

(Note: If you’re active duty military and deployed and are unable to complete the entry method above, simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya entered in.  For those curious on how the giveaways work, here’s the deets. Thanks all!)


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  1. Kim

    boxers vs briefs? how about freeballing!

    and hotdogs of course!

    yay for giveaways!

  2. Katie

    Mac for sure & boxers, no question (although maybe it’s not fair for women to weigh in on that..)

  3. Boxer Briefs
    straight tie
    Pepsi (Mountain Dew)
    wheat bread

  4. Garmin every time… doh!

    Never used a Polar fitness watch actually, so I’m willing to break with tradition to find out.

    As for the others,

    Brief Hot dogs, Straight coke and
    Plastic Mac


  5. Let’s see. How about still wearing tri shorts to enjoy a veggie burger (with no tie at all) and sip a coke after a race, before coming back to use my mac to blog about the local bakery’s great italian (white) bread, which comes in its own little paper bag?

    Or maybe I should just cross my fingers and hope for the randomness to fall in my favor. Thanks for doing this!

  6. Mac I hate my pc and would give anything to trade.

  7. White bread, but only get to eat it at the end of a taper!!

  8. Boxers, not briefs – and loose running shorts, otherwise it tends to get annoying.

    Coke or Pepsi – neither: Cool, Norwegian spring water, please ;)

    PC – I have an aversion to turtle necks :)

  9. wheat bread!!

  10. wheatbread!!


  11. Coke or pepsi? Neither – gave up soda a long time ago.

    Boxers, without a doubt, though the occasional boxer brief is good to mix it up a little.

    I’ll have to go Mac in this case – we’ll see when Lion and Windows 8 go live though.

  12. why are you making me think so hard to enter…I am going to have to go with Coke and Mac

  13. Boxers or briefs??? I’ve started wearing Tri-shorts. My T-0 (transition from bed to swim) times have gone way down!

  14. No hesitation :
    White bread … coz’ I’m French ;)

    You know, there’s nothing better here on earth than a big slice of white bread with salted butter.


  15. Hamburgers
    Neither Coke nor Pepsi – Dr. Pepper
    wheat bread

  16. Boxers or briefs??? I’ve started wearing Tri-shorts. My T-0 (transition from bed to swim) times have gone way down!

  17. Mac, of course but Android could be a good competitor in the near future

  18. boxerbriefs, hamburgers on a hot-dog bun, PC’s running OS, etc and so-on.

  19. Boxers or briefs: Either or, sometimes none(tri shorts…)
    Hot dogs or hamburgers: Hamburgers when they are somewhat healthy, lean beef, salad…
    Bow tie or straight tie: Straight tie
    Coke or Pepsi: The real question is, Water, chocolate milk or recovery drink?
    Mac or PC: As long as it runs linux i’m happy
    Paper or Plastic: Debit Card and paper bags
    White bread or wheat bread: Wheat

  20. Mac is the only way to go.

  21. TB

    The Computrainer forces me to keep a PC alive and happy. Other than that, it’s a slew of Macs.

  22. Boxer briefs, no doubt! And PC!! The rest, none.

  23. From all these i would definately go for boxers and paper. Pepsi or Coke? i choose water, just water :)

  24. Mac obviously!! :)

  25. Coke or Pepsi?


    Pick me, it’s my birthday today!

  26. Boxers.
    Hot dogs – because sausages are my business
    PC – with Linux runnnig.

  27. Dunhill Deodores

    White Bread

    Good Luck in Boise!

  28. Good luck in Boise Ray!

    Hot Dogs


  29. Definitely wheat bread!

  30. d00d, you rock!


  31. Garmin! But I’ll be happy to win the polar!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. mat

    boxers, burgers, bow ties and beer for me. Beautiful

  34. PC for sure…i’m a gamer..

    good luck for this weekend race..

    Alex from Toronto

  35. Wheat, of course!

  36. I go with: boxers, burgers, bow ties, coke, PC, paper, and wheat bread. But for online triathlon information, the best choice is DC Rainmaker, of course.

  37. hamburger, no bun

    cheers Ray

  38. boxer briefs
    hot dogs
    skinny tie
    neither (water)
    reusable cloth bags

  39. Tim

    I just have to do a few of them for fun…

    Boxer briefs, on the fence on that one.

    Coke, always after a hard workout.

    Wheat, with PB and J on a long bike ride.

  40. Hamburger on a wheat bun, drinking a Coke, while wearing a straight tie.

  41. MAC! All the way! And wheat bread of course.

  42. Mac, always mac :)

  43. Straight tie definately, of course thats because I can not tie a bow tie, lol.

  44. Wheat bread, naturally. Thanks for the giveaway!

  45. Coke, I don’t know what it is but when I get hit with a big track set by coach the coke gets me through it. And when I mean big I mean A LOT of 800’s, like up to 25, so yeah at about #10 I am ready for some COKE! :)

  46. PC until about 2 years ago. i went Mac and i’m not going back.

  47. I’ll eat my hotdog on a wheat bread bun with a Coke in a plastic bottle behind my PC while wearing my boxers and a straight tie!

  48. Pat

    Coke or Pepsi? Gotta go with Coke!

  49. here goes:

    no ties
    bring own bags
    wheat bread

  50. Mac or PC?

    Mac, I just found it easier for everyday use. I still use Windows at work though!

    Thanks for setting this giveaway up, Ray!

  51. Hamburger of course!

  52. Chu

    Burgers, yum!

  53. Paper, Mac and Pepsi…
    Thank you!

  54. Commando on the first question. The others I could care less except for preferring wheat bread.

  55. Briefs
    Veggie burgers
    Bow tie

    Would love to have a HRM!

  56. Hot dogs,
    and PC of course :P

  57. MAC!!! I feel sorry for PC users.

  58. Has to be a PC and Boxers v briefs, how bout commando…??

  59. Coke. Now and forever.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  60. White Bread or wheat bread: Dark rye bread obviously.

  61. Bowtie…for sure

  62. Coke makes you choke, Pepsi makes you sexy!!

  63. Mac is definately the way to go. Not sure if you can live without a PC, then put Windows on the Mac too!

  64. Hi, thanks for giving your readers a shot at winning a sweet Polar watch!

    Re: Paper or plastic- I used to utilize the free plastic bags from the grocery stores all the time, while bad for the environment the bags WERE used in the house as garbage can liners. Since I never needed all the bags I was given anyway I now use a combination of plastic bags and bring-your-own bags since learning from my coupon-clipping fanatic friend that many big chain stores will give you a quarter off your purchase for saving the environment. Do what you can, right?

  65. P

    Coke or Pepsi – Neither, Coffee!
    Mac or PC – PC
    Paper or Plastic – reusable cloth

  66. Mac!
    I have to go through Dell hell day by day @ work and don’t like it!
    At all others I’d rather choose both than decide for one.

  67. Shannon D

    Boxers or briefs – I’m a girl, so neither :)
    Hot dogs or hamburgers – Burgers
    Bow tie or straight tie – Girl, hello…
    Coke or Pepsi – Diet Coke
    Mac or PC – Mac (recent convert)
    Paper or Plastic – BYO Reusable
    White Bread or wheat bread – Wheat

  68. Anonymous

    Coke. Pepsi sucks, especially in adult beverages…

    ryans in MN

  69. The subtle elegance of a bow tie simply can’t be beat.

  70. Briefs, (silly question)
    Coke, (never really drink soda)
    PC, (although, I’ve always been a Mac fan)
    Whole Wheat

    I’m a Garmin user, but I started out as a Polar user, and I’m seriously thinking about going back. Garmin Connect has really stagnated as of late.

  71. bocoloco

    bow tie

  72. Coke, can’t beat the real thing.

  73. Switched to Mac a couple of years ago and have never looked back.