Because it’s almost Cherry Blossom time here in DC (one more week!). Because you’re probably contemplating getting back outdoors for workouts (except you lucky fools in Hawaii, you don’t count). Because it’s pretty…and maybe just a little bit because you know you want it…
So I’m giving away a brand new Garmin Forerunner 310XT.
Here’s my in depth review if you aren’t familiar with the little orange device. Though, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll love it.
I’m going to do this giveaway a bit different than before – just to mix things up a bit. Simply provide an answer to the below question and you’ll be entered:
What’s your funniest training moment to date?
Or, you can just say ‘Hi’. Either way – one comment, one entry.
See, that’s pretty painless, right? If ya have technical questions, thoughts/comments/diatribes/poems regarding the FR310XT specifically, use that post page for those writings.
The contest will run until Monday March 28th, 2011 at 11:59PM Eastern Time, at which point I’ll close the entry period. Like the all my giveaways there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you. The winner will get a brand new Garmin Forerunner 310XT (with HR strap).
(Note: If you’re active duty military and deployed, and are unable to complete the entry method above, simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya entered in. For those curious on how the giveaways work, here’s the deets. Thanks all!)
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I was running around the tidal basin, mildly distracted by my poor playlist and attempting to manually change songs, when a low hanging branch came out of nowhere and attacked my forehead. Ok, perhaps I was the one who ran into it… but the oddest part was that when I looked up (a bit dazed) the only people around were two Buddhist monks with completely shaven heads and in full garb. At least that’s what I saw…
Getting to the gym at 5:30am and realizing that I had not brought a pair of underwear with me for the rest of my work day! Can you say free-ballin???
Out for a ride in the rain and apparently my chammy wasn’t completely rinsed out and it started “foaming”.
Funniest and embaressing moment, showing up for a training session with my Nike Training Pants inside out and then to find I have different colored sneakers on!! One green Nike Free and one Orange Nike Sneaker!! Good Job I am Irish so I pulled it off with my Irish heritage colors!! LOL
Funniest moments I use some of the 5k’s I do for training runs and I always enjoy the costumes that I see so far I my fav was a chicken and santa and reindeer so fun!
hi from Italy!
Drawing a blank, so ‘hi’!
i think my funniest (aka most painful) training moment was one time i was running along a sidewalk and instead of looking where i was going i was watching a puppy on the other side of the road (im obsessed with puppies)… i didnt see the truck parked in a driveway with a ladder sticking out the back bed. face meet ladder. ouch!
Just this morning, I walk into the gym at the same time as the masters swim coach. She says “I have something for you, try them on in the locker room and let me know if one fits” and hands me a bag with 2 wet suits. The guys in the locker were kind enough to show me the trick to put the bag on the foot trick to get the suit on easier. I struggle as the guys laugh at me in the locker room to get the larger of the 2 suits on 3/4 of the way before determining it is too small and decide to take it off. That’s when the fun begins. I couldnt get it off my legs. The guys all abandon me in the locker room as I am flailing around by myslef trying to get the suit off. I finally did get it off 5 minutes later after missing the warmup swim.
Hi from Canada
Hi again…this time with an email address :-)
Is it kind of sadistic that I get this urge to be out there training so I’d have some funny stories like these fine examples for my own? Even if that means road rash, embarassement, and a bruised ego?
I was doing an internship in California during graduate school and my brother came to visit me. We decided to head out for an easy 16 miles. My brother has a very distinct routine to prepare for all runs. Finally 45 mins later, we left the house and got about 200 yards away, when he stops dead in his tracks, opens his shorts to peer in, and says “Yep, I sharted.” Needless to say we walked carefully back to the house so he could shower, start his routine all over again and we finally got out the door and ran 16 shart free.
Probably not that uncommon but it amused me. On my very first outdoor ride being clipped in with my new pedals and shoes I fell over at an intersection. I was getting a little over confident and the next thing I new I was on the ground. Kind of glad to get that fall under my belt early on.
First time getting back to riding a regular bike after riding a fixie for w while . I couldn’t stop spinning no matter what
Going swimming before a group ride with a bunch of roadie cyclists and wondering why they were all looking at my funny – me thinks I wore my goggles a bit too tight that day
I have nothing funny is the funniest moment I had.. :)
Having nothing funny to share is the funniest moment I had.. :)
Let’s see over the last twenty years…
First triathlon. Managed to find my bike after going hard on the swim and unzipping my wetsuit. 3 miles into the bike a guy passes me and says, “is that a little hot?” I look down and notice that I failed to remove my shorty wetsuit after stripping it down to my waist. Oops.
Halfway through a bike ride, I realize that I’ve put on my skull cap but forgot the helmet. Riding like a monk from the middle ages.
Finishing a 3000 ft climb and rolling to a stop where a group I don’t know is taking a break. Guy says, “How you doing?” while I roll to a stop, unclip a foot, lean the wrong way and fall over. My response, “We’ll that about sums it up.”
A few summers ago I was practicing with my friends for an upcoming open water swim in a nearby reservoir. Apparently there were signs that said NO swimming. The cops came and arrested 3 of them for illegal swimming….while my coach (in kayak) and I (swimming) hid in a nearby cove until they were gone. The 3 of them got foo
link to
not so funny at the time :)
Hi hi hi;; :P
How many hi hi hi can I say to you?
Thanks for all the great information, Ray. You’re the best. I have a horrible memory, but just yesterday I chased a racoon down the trail on my bike-commute. Those guys can haul! Sounded like he needs a pedicure now, though, nails scratching at the asphault the whole way.
While running the London Marathon someone in front of me took a lucozade sports cap drink bottle from one of the aid stations and didn’t realise the tops were already taken off. They then proceeded to squeeze the drink and completely cover themself and the road in sticky orange. It made me chuckle and they only had about about 16 miles to go to the finish.
Keep up the great work Ray.
Not really training, but my first tri after getting clipless pedals I couldn’t clip in on the slight uphill out of the transition and fell over just beyond the mount line.
thought that running “commando” was going to be more flattering since my pants were so tight.. well these particular pants decided to go where my underwear should have and i was pulling them out of my butt the whole time i was running.. didn’t realize there were cute boys behind me for most of my run :(
Not exactly training, but I rode the bike leg of a team triathlon on my 20 year-old mountain bike that features cruiser bars and fenders made from car license plates. Some of the pointy helmeted disc wheel crowd cheered me as they zoomed past.
taking my son on a run in the jogging stroller when he was about 3 – I was a bit out of shape and faded quickly, starting to walk just after we turned for home. My son looks up and says… “Dad, I can walk if that will help you make it home”
Funniest moment didn’t involve falling off a bike — I was on a trail run in the middle of nowhere. Rounded a corner and there, in the middle of the trail, was a swordfish. A giant, dead (obviously), swordfish. If anyone could tell me where it came from that would be great.
I was meeting my husband’s cousin for a run and afterwords we stretched both standing up and sitting down. I didn’t realize until I got home that I had my running pants on inside out the whole time. “Pantyliner” showing an all. Now that is embarrassing. :)
Tripping while running and skinning both of my knees in front of several cars. And why did I trip? Because I was texting my SIL *while continuing to run* about where to meet up to watch my brother run a marathon. Embarrassing!
Sorry, I gotz no story. . .
I never eat ice cream because it does terrible things to my digestive system. But I did the night before an 8-mile run through a state park. I handled it smoothly at first, casually swerving off the road into the forest to find a secluded tree. Okay, I thought I had found a hidden spot, until halfway through, a glance over my shoulder revealed a hiking trail leading right to my tree. My eyes followed the winding trail up a hill and to the gasping faces of two unfortunate hikers.
Two moments come to mind: First, the day I was trying clipless pedals for the first time. My boyfriend suggested I practice unclipping in a parking lot while he jogged along next to me to catch me if I fell. I stopped, he stopped, I desperately tried to unclip, and timbered to the side opposite him. Instead of concern for my scraped up leg and hand, he said, “You fell the wrong way!” I kept the boyfriend and the pedals but practiced on grass for a while by myself after that…
The second funny moment was on a long bike ride with said boyfriend. I had overdressed and needed to take off my windbreaker. Mind you, I don’t have enough balance to use a water bottle or go handsfree so I don’t know what possessed me to try to remove my windbreaker without stopping first. (I had mastered unclipping by this time…). I did fine removing the body part and most of the arms but couldn’t get the tight part off my wrists. At this point, I was screwed since I couldn’t reach both sides of the handlebar to brake safely or shift. My boyfriend looked back to see me straight-jacketed on my bike…and while laughing, suggested I get off to complete the maneuver. Duhhh.
Hi! Great giveaway.
I know we all had trouble learning to use clipless pedals, but mine was especially bad – falling over caused me to roll into a ditch full of poison ivy!
It had been 8 years since my last triathlon and I had done basically zero swimming. During the swim had a panic attack and started waving back to my wife on the shore to come get me ! ! She couldn’t see me amongst all the other guys with swim caps and goggles. (Can’t imagine why). I was so pissed at her. Did some breaststroke, regained my senses, and finished the swim and the tri. Realized there is merit to the idea of “training” after all.
hi! hi! hi!
Um, Hi!
Oh one more time.. Let see if I can get it.
Taking off without my helmet.
Oh one more time.. Let see if I can get it.
Taking off without my helmet.
“Hi” :-)
I can’t think of anything so hi!
my training mate was attacked by a crazy cow while doing his business..
THere was the time I arrived at the track to do some Yasso 800s… and it was only then I realized I forgot my watch…
Bike/run brick. Forgot my bike shoes so I drove home 30 minutes and back and attempted to meet up w/my group on their ride but couldn’t find the trailhead which is in a popular urban area. Ended up going home before I hurt myself w/more stupidity.
funniest training moment? Hmmmm…. probably the first time I rode the Silver Comet Trail. I went the wrong way and kept getting lost at the far beginning. I kinda forgot the trail went in both diretions :-)
Was speed roping in the local gym. 4 other people were doing stretches. About 20mins in I accidentally let a fart go. I didn’t think anything of it since I had my music cranked. Than I realized it was really loud because I had my music cranked. Since the gym has mirrors I immediately see those same 4 people disperse with looks of disgust. I didn’t stop speed roping. :)
Hello.. Thanks for all of your informative reviews. I fell with my bike while sitting almost completely still. I simply lost my balance and wasn’t paying attention enough to unclip in time to catch myself.. Oops!
Failing to unclip and falling on the ground in front of a school full of children, who had a blast watching.
Looks funny now, but not so much when it happened. After a few Kms into my run I made the big mistake of drinking some freezing water froma fountain and a few Kms after I started to feel the urgent need to poo. Finding where to do it and how to clean afterwards was really FUNNY.
José P.
I’ll say Hi!
…and add a semi creepy semi funny training story. So i’m out for a lunch run in late fall on a paved multi use trail behind where I work. It’s super foggy – like can’t see more than 10 – 20 feet in front of you foggy. I’m on the back part of my out and back, and i see a shape coming through the fog. It doesn’t look like bike, or another runner. Still, not to worried as we get a lot of walkers. I get a little closer and the shape begins to resolve a bit. It’s a guy wearing a full leather duster, leather cowboy hat, huge white beard smoking a pipe. My first thought was “where are his six shooters”, followed closely by “have i somehow been transported back in time?”, followed closely by “this guy is gonna kill me and leave my body to rot in the woods!” I was truly the most surreal thing I’ve ever seen and probably the only time I’ve really been creeped out while training.
Then, my friend Ed, running from the other direction, comes up behind the guy, smiles and waves at him like Roland Deschain the Gungslinger hadn’t just walked out of the Gilead.
Ok. So maybe I should run more and read less King. Still would love to with the watch.
morning ride and realizing 10 minutes in that the bike shorts are inside out. At least they weren’t the green chamois
I was doing a short training ride near my home and got honked at angrily by a person who was upset that they had to slow down to pass me because of the narrow corner on the road. They also decided to scream some choice words. About a minute later I see the person stuck in a line of traffic waiting at a light, so I made sure that I stopped right next to them so I could give them a piece of my mind. When i stopped and looked over, it was my boss and he was bright red and apologetic.
During a long run this summer we came back around Haines Point and ran…straight into the thick of the Glen Beck rally. My training buddy was wearing his “Yes We Can” shirt. AWKWARD.
Crashing on a bike test ride.
pooping my cycling shorts thought it was going to be a fart turns out it was a shart opps
Unfortunately, I don’t have any funny stories from my 1 year of training so far… Just a few injuries, been chased by dogs, etc. Boring!
Anyway, Hi! Thanks for all the great giveaways!
20 Miles into a ride hearing something fall off, not knowing what it was… 1/2 mile later the left crank arm completely comes off the bike clipped on to my shoe. Worst part was not being able to stop without falling over cause I couldn’t un clip my right leg without my left. I didn’t want to step on/scratch the crank arm…
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20 Miles into a ride hearing something fall off, not knowing what it was… 1/2 mile later the left crank arm completely comes off the bike clipped on to my shoe. Worst part was not being able to stop without falling over cause I couldn’t un clip my right leg without my left. I didn’t want to step on/scratch the crank arm…
Hi from Atlanta! Sorry I can’t think of anything funny!
i have run in my clothes backwards and inside out because i put them on in the dark in the early morning!
Running hill repeats when I was in high school, one of bigger guys on my team insisted that he had to “drop a deuece.” The coach thought he was just trying to get out of the run, so he told him to keep going. Next thing ya know, the big guy is coming down the hill with a huge brown stain on the back of his white shorts. He had to run 3mi back to the school, through the center of down with fudge pants.
Going to swimming at 4:30 in the morning and when I get there I forget my swim bag so I drive all the way home 30 min. and turn around and go back. So and hour and a half after I left the first time I get to the Y and the pool is closed for the day. Fun Stuff early in the morning.
Well, to me at the time it wasn’t very funny, but I laugh about it now. I had taken my dog with me on his 2nd run with me ever in his life. He decided that it would be fun to chase a leaf and ran right in front of me and I was inches from landing face first on the ground! The angels pushed me back up I think! lol
Great ideas, great sport support. From Italy. Michele
Great ideas, great sport support. From Italy. Michele
during a tempo run i sneezed and for a moment my body jumped up in the air and then back on the ground to the previews pace.
Spent 20 minutes dumping GU packets into a travel flask so it would be a snap to consume and that I would be “neat”, with no GU stuck to my fingertips. Ten miles into a 75-mile ride on a 45 degree day, the GU got a little thick, so I squeezed a little harder on the flask…. SPOOGE, top popped off the flask, GU all over (seemingly)every inch of my body and bike. Had to suck it up and ride like that the rest of the day.
after i finished my first tri, i was dropping my bike off to get it shipped back to nyc. i am pulling into the parking lot, and as i make my turn (and i forgot to mention i was holding my wetsuit in my left hand and now it is stuck in my front tire) i literally supreman out of the bike and land on concrete infront of my entire team. what a way to finish a race.
As always, thank you for a fantastic blog!
Explaining something regarding the drivetrain to my girlfriend, while not looking at the road, ending up hugging a street light with a cracked rib and a bit of road rush.
Wait, did you ask for the funniest or the most humiliating training?!
Hi, I really want to win!
Hi, DC!
Funniest moment… falling 3 feet off a ridge into a farmers field, well to more exact a bit pile of horse shit! Spent the next hour running back with flies chasing me. It was a really hot day :/
Best review site, stumbled upon it while looking for reviews. i would love a 310xt.
Not quite a training moment, but realising on arrival for a half marathon that I had left my number and chip on the desk at home. Presuming that I’d have to miss the race, I went to see the organisers and there were two other entrants (of around 1,500) who had done similar and forgotten their numbers. As they were there before me, they were given the two “spare” numbers, which was fine for them but left me with nothing. At the very last moment, they found an envelope with a number and chip in it – number 1! I got endless support around the course from spectators just because of this, particularly from children who would turn around and tell their parents, “look Dad, it’s number 1!”. I just told people I was the winner from the previous year. Given that I was 50 mins behind the eventual winner, I’m not sure how many believed me!
bad gas on a group ride…
We were going down a forest trail, around a lake. There were many people around me and the trail was sloped towards the lake. Going forth was fine, coming back didn’t go so well! I was used to putting my other foot down, the path was sloped…i ended up trying to reach the ground with the wrong foot and fell face first, + bike on top of me in a pile of reeds at the edge of the lake…I was really happy the reeds were there, at least i didn’t get wet, but did i mention the many people around me? :D
Not sure this is completely funny. Was doing hill repeats in a local park. Creapy guy in the bushes masturbating whenever I did a new lap. Stopped up the hill, called the police and guided the car to his location. He ran and like a scene out of “COPS”, he was run down and tackled. Hooray!
Love the blog and technical info.
Wondering why my long run of the week was so uncomfortable until mile 13 when I look down and realize my shorts are on backwards. Awesome.
Realizing in the middle of my run that the public restrooms don’t open until daylight. Thank you big leafed tree!!
Me please.
I don’t know if I can think of a funniest moment? I’ve definitely had my share of stoplight tip overs! So I’ll just say “hi”
Yo! Hook me up RM
Having a young Japanese boy try to keep up with me during some speed work on a dirt track in Mitaka, Japan.