I’ve long since wondered what to do with all the random tidbits of things I collect each week – or the little thoughts that don’t quite make for a full post. But I finally came up with a solution: The Week in Review Post. This takes the place of my Weekly Mailbag – which is over on Slowtwitch. These are just quick snippets of things that I’ve found interesting. Nice and easy Saturday reading. Plus, a recap of my Weekly Mailbag post a well.
So with that, let’s get into the action!
Weekly Mailbag Over at Slowtwitch.com:
Back into the flow of things over to Slowtwitch this week with a good assortment of new topics, check it out.
1) Garmin FR305 not charging/syncing without rubber band
2) Garmin/Timex/Polar Product Release Cycles
3) Accounting for slope on treadmill with running watches
4) Determining your FTP using a CompuTrainer
You can read all my past weekly mailbags at Slowtwitch here. Or the pre-Slowtwitch days here.
Posts this past week:
A wide variety of posts this week covering quite a range of stuff. Here’s what landed on the page:
Saturday: Week in Review – Feb 5th, 2011
Monday: Cycling around South Africa
Tuesday: How I travel with my bike
Wednesday: My Sports Technology Predictions for 2011
Thursday: Did you qualify for the Boston Marathon and miss out on a spot? Free entry for you!
Friday: A circular tour of Africa
Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a small smattering of links I found interesting this week:
1) New Garmin Training Center Beta: This new version of the good ole GTC program includes a pretty impressive set of new features. Turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks. (P.S. – Thanks to those that sent this in!)
2) Training Peaks adding Swimsense: The folks from TP have a good preview post into what’s coming down the pipeline with respect to adding Swimsense support. Also a good preview into upcoming Zeo integration with their new data fields added this week.
3) Brim Brothers Power Meter Update: No sooner did I mention them in a post on Wednesday than did an update come out the next day. See where they stand with respect to their cleat-based power meters.
4) YouTube Video #1 – 2011 Korea Indoor Cycling Gymnastic Championship: Words cannot fully capture the whackiness here. You just have to see it. Additionally, check out some of the related Spinning Gymnastics videos that show up on the sidebar while watching this one. Way-whackier! (Thanks Andy!)
Korea Indoor Cycling Gymnastic Championship
5) YouTube Video #2 – ANT+ Integrated video with GoPro HD: I’ve seen similar things a number of times before…but never with an awesome finishing crash. In short, he’s combined ANT+ data (power, speed, cadence, HR) and overlaid it onto video from a race. Very cool stuff
ANT+ integration into on-bike video camera
Random Note about Boston Marathon entries:
There’s some great entries into the 2011 Boston Marathon Giveaway that closes tonight (Sunday!). If you qualified and missed out on a spot – let me help you out and give you an entry to this years marathon. Granted, you’ll have to do the whole running 26.2 miles thing – but beyond that it should be a blast!
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Wait a minute, how do you integrate a power output data file into a video? that’s crazy. Nice crash.
Hey Micahel-
Check out this:
link to photoscene.com
Combined with this:
link to chasecam.com
Dude! I definitely wouldn’t want to accidentally end up in that guys spin class!
OMG!!! This is why I stopped going to the Spinning Conventions. If you cannot do it on a real bike without ending up in a ditch…DON’T DO IT IN A CLASS.
That spine extension he did with his man junk resting on the handlebars looked really comfortable.