Thanks to everyone that qualified and entered in the Boston Marathon Entry Giveaway. It was pretty cool to read all of the stories in there! I know there’s a lot of deserving folks out there, including ones like this:
Or ones like this:
And this:
But unfortunately, I can only choose one winner – otherwise, I’d just choose everyone!
After I copied over all the comments to Excel and removed the handful of non-entry comments in the post, I was left with the official entrants. I also filtered out the folks that qualified after Boston sold out per the requirements (but, I’ll give ya credit for trying!). The key item here was getting folks into Boston where their entry wouldn’t work for next year. From there it was off to to pick the winner.
It turned out it was #12 on my sheet – which is Nick:
Congrats Nick!
And thanks again to Salonpas for sponsoring this free entry, it’s pretty cool that they’re willing to just let me pick anyone I’d like and give it away to y’all. Nick – give me a shout out via e-mail (on the sidebar). Thanks!
And thanks for reading everyone!
[Super-duper important update!!!!!]
I just got an e-mail from the awesome folks at Salonpas and they loved the stories so much that they’re letting me choose another winner to join Nick. This time, I’m just going to pick one based on the short stories written above.
Based on that, I’m choosing Hilary to join Nick. In part because of her story, because also because she qualified at Philly – which is where I qualified…and where I’ll be heading back to again this year for another run at a marathon PR. So congrats Hilary – please contact me asap!
Thanks again everyone!
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Congrats Nick!! Run a great race :D
Congrats to Nick, and to Ray for offering it up, great job!
Congrats to both winners!!!
Very nice. Ray! Congrats to both of the winners!
Ray, nice choice with Hilary. I hope they both have a great race!
Congrats to the winners.
I’ve always felt that for those of us that aren’t professional athletes (and not even close), the Boston Marathon is the Number 1 athletic event to be able to participate in. It’s the second largest sporting event in the world to the Super Bowl in terms of spectators and media.
Enjoy the experience.
That is so awesome! One day I hope to qualify for this race. It may take me until I am in my 60’s, but I will still be trying.
Congratulations Nick and Hilary!