November Forerunner 210 Giveaway

Over the last week or so I’ve been testing out the Forerunner 210 GPS running watch, which is brand spankin’ new and just released in time for the Holidays.  I’ve been so happy with it to date, that I’ve decided to give one away.  And while I don’t have a full In Depth Review put together quite yet, I’m happy to say this watch is just about what the majority of runners out there want.

And since I love the watch, and I love you guys…you get a free watch. :)


Like all giveaways to date, there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you (heck, with all my travel as of late, I might just simply drop it at your front door myself!).  I’m going about this like a random raffle drawing, except that you can get multiple ‘entries’.  Here’s the usual skinny on how:

One Entry: Simply place a comment below on this page, that’s it!  No lyrics to create, or poems to make.  No stories to tell, or anything complex.  Only comments on this page count (nope, comments from 2 years ago on a post about pasta don’t count).

Two Entries: Three different ways to double up here.  In addition to the comment below, just put a link on your blog (if you have one) to this contest page.  Or the second option is adding your Twitter account as a follower of DCRAINMAKERBLOG and retweeting the contest announcement.  By simply spreading the word, ya get an extra entry.  (Note: If you’re already a follower, simply re-tweet and you get credit!).  The final third option for non-Twitter/Blog peeps is to Share this on FaceBook instead. Surely you have FaceBook, right?  There’s a handy button below the post for doing it automagically.

Three Entries: Triple-time baby!  This is easy – just do all three of the above!  Twitter (or FaceBook), Blog/Site, and Comment.  Ya max out at three entries though…no quadruple dipping here!

See, that’s pretty painless, right?

Please let me know in your comment below how many entries you’ve qualified for if more than one, as it’s super-difficult for me to lineup a Twitter account named “AwesomeRunner28” to a blog named “RunnerGuy” to a comment listed from “RunningCowTippers!”, and I certainly want you to get all your entries.  I don’t need to know your account names, just how many entries.  Also, if ya have technical questions/thoughts/comments/diatribes/poems regarding the Forerunner 210 specifically, use that post page for those writings.

The winner will get a brand new Forerunner 210 (including HR strap).

The contest will run until Thursday November 18th, 2010 at 11:59PM Eastern Time when I’ll close the entry period.  Baring any major travel snafu’s, I’ll announce the winner the following day.

For those curious on how the giveaways work (like the part about how these are funded by me…), here’s the full deets.  Thanks all!

(Note: If you’re active duty US Military and deployed – simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya counted for all three.  Just like that…magic.  Thanks!)


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  1. Nina K

    I’m curious as to what the new 210 has to offer… any new bells and/or whistles?

  2. looking forward to trying this watch out.

  3. Wow, the number of comments you get on these things is getting more nuts every time! I guess free schwag brings out the lurkers :-)

  4. Oh pick me pick me!!!

  5. groochu

    maybe this time;) thanks for great reviews

  6. Three entries for me! Twitter, blog, and this comment.

  7. I’m a fairly new runner, and this would be AWESOME to win! Thanks!

  8. Put me down for my second entry, I just shared this on my facebook page. Thanks.

  9. give me the watch!

  10. Shared on facebook and leaving this comment – that’s 2 entries for me!

  11. Erin

    Instead of creative poem or haiku I will simply type a boring comment here so that I can enter the contest.
    Yep. that was it.
    erinturn at

  12. Three entries for me please!!

    posted a link on my blog

    and my comment- I love that it looks like a watch and not a mini laptop!

  13. 2 entries please. i linked to my blog and am a follower! :) what a great christmas gift!

  14. Two entries for me. This and twitter @scottbradbury

  15. As always a great review. I posted on facebook, blog, and a comment.

    link to

  16. Looks like a great watch! Hopefully I will be saying “Thanks for the great Christmas gift!”
    Have a great trip

  17. 3 for me please.

    blog post

  18. 2 entries please, here and facebook.
    Fingers crossed, feeling lucky…

  19. Yay for new giveaways!

  20. Hey Ray,
    Would love to win the new Forerunner. I posted your contest to my facebook page and twitter account and I am now following your tweets.

    Great contest idea!


  21. I’m in for all three entries! I blogged (sidebar of, added/posted on twitter (@knitterphd), and commented :)

  22. Have been looking into getting a Forerunner for my runs! The Edge 500/800 I have are not so portable on the road as it is on a bike :(

  23. Must have Garmin! 3 entries! Blog (, twitter, comment!

  24. Anonymous

    Hi, Since I’m a triathlete also, this watch will be very helpfull

  25. give it to me, i never win anything…
    I’m gonna follow you on twitter (I’m @cyberjoo)

  26. Please count me in

  27. Tim

    Ray, Please put me down for two entries.

  28. Please enter me for 3

    Comment, add giveaway on blog sidebar and retweet

  29. looks good…even better on my wrist!

  30. Watch looks awesome! Thanks!

  31. I would love to have the watch :)

  32. Nice to meet you!! I am running with the $15 (if that) watch I bought about 20 years ago. It, um, doesn’t give me sophisticated analytics!! (ps – I am @biggreenpen on twitter)

  33. casej28

    Oooh, pick me!

    Count me for two entries, please.

  34. Maybe I’ll be lucky with this giveaway?

  35. James

    Cool looking watch. I’m really enjoying your blog.

  36. Beau Miles @BeauMiles

    This look great! Count me in for one entry!

  37. I am in for one.
    Really enjoyed finding your blog. Am debating the forerunner 305 or the 310 xt. Not to confident that I will get full usage from 310xt.

  38. Would love to have one.

  39. Anonymous

    Wow! Count me in for the Forerunner giveaway. I’ve been dying for one of these for so long!

    mizcottonball (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

  40. Count me in please

    John Kynaston

  41. quicker than a Ray of light so Madonna says, I say, cool gear, and top notch goodies on offer, nice one :)

  42. Anonymous

    I’m entering twice as wearing a garmin smaller than I am would be twice as nice.

  43. I have been inspired by this site to keep up with my running.

  44. I want to have such a nice watch

    Count me in 3 times ;-)

    twitter @gertwuyts


  45. Ben

    Awesome blog…the reviews are great and have helped make a number of decisions for me. How will you harvest the retweets?

  46. Hi Ray, two entries for me please – RT and comment – all the best from Brussels, Belgium.

  47. Awesome blog. Would love the watch for my girlfriend

  48. love the thorough reviews

  49. Regardless of whether or not I win the watch, I’m looking forward to reading the full review!

  50. I have a 405 now and want to try the 210 because the touch features of the 405 can be troublesome during rain or sweaty days.

  51. I really like the layout of your blog.

  52. Need to replace the old 305. Count me in.

  53. I now follow you on Twitter now (@jasonnemecek)

  54. I also posted the contest on FB.

  55. In for 2! Woo hoo! Hi Mom!

  56. Sign me up please!

  57. DVR

    Oh, i want. not that i run enough to use it. re-tweet and FB.

  58. Hoping I win the cool running watch!

  59. I’ll try again.

    3 for me:
    Twitter, blog and comment.

  60. oh please, pretty please, pick me! i REALLY want that! thanks!

  61. Super fab giveaway! Chances of winning are obviously small, but I might as well try :) thanks!

  62. wow! by far the coolest blog give-away i’ve ever seen! and your reviews are SO helpful!

  63. I want to win!! pick me!
    Yes me!


  64. I have a link to your giveaway on my blog!
    link to

  65. Mine! it should be mine!!!

    Three entries for me!

  66. blogged on my blog runzanger

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I love Garmin Forerunner ! Forerunner rulez !!!!!!!
    ….and follow you on Twitter (rigong) !!!!!

  69. This is great! Thanks!

  70. ChuckLee

    Please put me down for 2 entries, Ray – here and Facebook.

    Your blog is amazing!

  71. Great blog!
    2 entries, also retweeted as @liliumdavidii

  72. thanks for all the hard work

  73. Hey Ray, the watch looks awesome! I appreciate your giveaway, count me in!

  74. Three for me brother!!!

  75. Pick me! I just signed up for my first tri and this would be a great addition to my training

  76. Dan

    Put me in for 2. Facebook and a re-Tweet.
    Thanks a ton.

  77. This watch is on my Christmas list, I’d love it!

  78. Tom

    Great, for a long time looking for a Garmin. And yes, I try only one time!

  79. I’d love one of these, put me down for one entry in the Forerunner 210 giveaway.

  80. Thanks for being so awesome, I love my Garmin!!!

  81. Hook me up good buddy! Thanks! I also follow on twitter @aphire

  82. damn this would be nice for training. comment & retweet – cheers

  83. Hey!

    Just throwing my entry into the mix. Thanks!


  84. 3 entries:

    1st : Comment – done
    2nd : Retweet @siukeongzai – done
    My blog – link to – done.

  85. So three for me.
    2.Facebooked my whole family.
    3.Followed on tweet even though I suck at that technology HCGWillpower.
    And now my comment, “tada” thats a good three for me.