November Forerunner 210 Giveaway

Over the last week or so I’ve been testing out the Forerunner 210 GPS running watch, which is brand spankin’ new and just released in time for the Holidays.  I’ve been so happy with it to date, that I’ve decided to give one away.  And while I don’t have a full In Depth Review put together quite yet, I’m happy to say this watch is just about what the majority of runners out there want.

And since I love the watch, and I love you guys…you get a free watch. :)


Like all giveaways to date, there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you (heck, with all my travel as of late, I might just simply drop it at your front door myself!).  I’m going about this like a random raffle drawing, except that you can get multiple ‘entries’.  Here’s the usual skinny on how:

One Entry: Simply place a comment below on this page, that’s it!  No lyrics to create, or poems to make.  No stories to tell, or anything complex.  Only comments on this page count (nope, comments from 2 years ago on a post about pasta don’t count).

Two Entries: Three different ways to double up here.  In addition to the comment below, just put a link on your blog (if you have one) to this contest page.  Or the second option is adding your Twitter account as a follower of DCRAINMAKERBLOG and retweeting the contest announcement.  By simply spreading the word, ya get an extra entry.  (Note: If you’re already a follower, simply re-tweet and you get credit!).  The final third option for non-Twitter/Blog peeps is to Share this on FaceBook instead. Surely you have FaceBook, right?  There’s a handy button below the post for doing it automagically.

Three Entries: Triple-time baby!  This is easy – just do all three of the above!  Twitter (or FaceBook), Blog/Site, and Comment.  Ya max out at three entries though…no quadruple dipping here!

See, that’s pretty painless, right?

Please let me know in your comment below how many entries you’ve qualified for if more than one, as it’s super-difficult for me to lineup a Twitter account named “AwesomeRunner28” to a blog named “RunnerGuy” to a comment listed from “RunningCowTippers!”, and I certainly want you to get all your entries.  I don’t need to know your account names, just how many entries.  Also, if ya have technical questions/thoughts/comments/diatribes/poems regarding the Forerunner 210 specifically, use that post page for those writings.

The winner will get a brand new Forerunner 210 (including HR strap).

The contest will run until Thursday November 18th, 2010 at 11:59PM Eastern Time when I’ll close the entry period.  Baring any major travel snafu’s, I’ll announce the winner the following day.

For those curious on how the giveaways work (like the part about how these are funded by me…), here’s the full deets.  Thanks all!

(Note: If you’re active duty US Military and deployed – simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya counted for all three.  Just like that…magic.  Thanks!)


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  1. I want it, I need it. I’m a poor med student. I post here and on FB. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous

    I am in with three entries- here twitter and Facebook!!!! Awesome watch!

  3. So I guess I’ll try to sign up for twitter so I can triple dip.

  4. Hi

    I am following your blog from over here in Denmark and are hoping to be lucky in this giveaway. I am also following your on twitter (@twjensen1976) so please hook me up with two entries.

  5. Sign me up for all three, this time :)

    Awsome reviews on your site.


  6. fun giveaway, count me in!

  7. Send it on! Or, drop it off!

  8. I love free stuff. Pick me!

  9. Love your giveaways! I was the lucky winner of the Forerunner 110 so if you pick me – feel free to throw it back in! I just wanted to say how much we appreciate it! My husband wears it for his runs and I am sticking with my 305 that he bought for me just a few weeks before I won the 110. He would have never bought one for himself and he is training as hard as I am as we approach our half marathon in Disney in January. Just wanted to say thanks!

  10. Ooh pick me! If I had this watch this weekend, I would have known that my fun run course was 1km longer than advertised and not freaked about my time being too slow :o)

  11. I am a new runner and would love to have this!

  12. facebooked too. count me in for two! thanks :)

  13. Count me in for two: comment and twitter (@ronaldvh)

  14. Now on Twitter – so that’s 3 entries for me!

  15. Marc in Edmonton

    Love the opinionated GPS reviews, really helpful for a runner like me.

  16. Dan

    comment = would love to get free forerunner! :-)

  17. Okay, I realized there was no email address attached to that last post, I’m trying again…

  18. Thanks for the opportuniy to win! Put me down for 2

  19. looks awesome! i want it! :)

  20. Would love that watch.
    one poor girl who loves to run! :)

  21. Looking forward to your full review of the 210 (and the 410) – it’ll make my shopping easier. Or, if lady luck is good to me, unrequired ;)

    One entry, please. :)

  22. Put me down for 3 please. Great give away.

  23. Awesome giveaway! Looking forward to the more in depth review. Glad to hear you like it.

  24. JoanS

    Can’t wait for the review. Would love to win!

  25. Could you put me down for two entries. I retweeted as #outsidesd.


    looks like a great watch.

  26. Looking forward to the 210 heading out here to Singapore, thanks for the giveaway!

  27. Put me down for 3.
    Love the blog.

  28. Great reviews! I would love a Forerunner 210!! I put this contest on my blog, twitter, and facebook. As well as commenting here.

  29. Count me in for 1 please …

  30. I can’t find my way home! I need that GPS watch ;-)….
    Thanks Ray!

  31. J

    This would be a nice upgrade from my FR60 which I bought after reading your review. Thanks.

  32. Very cool of you to do this! Crossing my fingers!

  33. Julee

    Looks great!

  34. Wow, 640 comments and growing. Anyway:

    * Retweeted as @moment_uhms
    * Blogged @ link to
    * And commented on this post.

  35. Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. I desperately need this garmin! ;-)

  37. Excellent blog and another great giveaway.

    Commented, Tweeted, ‘Facebooked’ and blog posted … that should cover it all.


  38. and second entry for retweeting (adam0510) ;-)

  39. I am into GPS and hoping to get into running. Who better to give this prize to? :)

    Comment, twitter, facebook.

    Finger crossed.

  40. looks like a great watch, so gonna try my luck :)

  41. Ooh ooh, pick me ;o)

  42. Put me down for a Twitter entry too ;o)

  43. Here and Facebook ;o)

  44. Three please! Love your giveaways, just with I’d actually win one!!!

  45. joe

    Of course I’ll leave a comment. I’ll keep on doing it ’cause you’ve got such a great blog!

  46. Mattias Betsen

    One for me, Thanks

  47. Thought I left a comment but I don’t see it. Here’s another. One entry please.

  48. Two entries for me, please, a comment and a tweet.

  49. I could definitely use this watch; sounds great! Great giveaway!

  50. Here and facebook. I didn’t see your automatic facebook link but I think I did it correctly anyway. :)

  51. Shane W

    Awesome contest from a consistently awesome blog!

  52. Ben Winterroth

    Looking forward to the review…I hope to get my hands on that watch.

  53. Count me in for 2 entries: Comment and a blog.

  54. Great post on the accuracy of the GPS devices. I have found the FR305 to be very accurate.

  55. One please. Thank you.

  56. Wow – what a great give-away!
    I would so use this watch.


  57. Put me in for one. Your blog is great!

  58. The watch looks great. I have become curious about a GPS watch so the information is great.


  59. keep up the good work !!

  60. a

    Count me in for 3! Twitter, FB, here. Thanks, and keep up the great work!

  61. mark me down for two entries… 1 facebook and 1 comment

  62. Love your blog. and the watch!


  63. Hmm, three out of ~1800, I’ll take a shot at that!

    (3: comment, facebook, twitter)


    I want to see if this watch can keep up with my pace,

  65. What a great gift for my sweetheart.
    Going for the Comment, FB & Tweet trifecta.

  66. Facebook, Twitter, and a post. I’m good for three entries.

  67. dc1

    Thanks for the blog!

  68. Chris N

    Count me in for 2. Here and facebook.

    Chris N.

  69. Joe

    I enjoy the blog

  70. SkyMan Eddie

    2 entries. Wow I have never had a watch that nice!

  71. I’m looking forward to the hearing more about the 210 in your review. Thanks for keeping up such a cool blog!

    Count me in for three posts: Here, FB, & Twitter.


  72. M

    I’d love to try it! Put me in the drawing twice (I retweeted your link). Thanks!

  73. M

    Following on twitter (and re-tweeted). Thanks!

  74. Pick me! Pick me!

  75. Great, count me in

  76. That’s two for me! (comment + Facebook)


  77. wow, i could really use this!! i just started running more and more.
    i look forward to reading all the info you have to share for a newbie runner

    one entry please

  78. Great giveaway! I recently came onto the scene of triathlon training and used your blog extensively in deciding between HRM/gps devices, thanks for all you do!

    I posted your blog to my facebook, so please put me down for 2 entries. Hopefully it will inspire more to get into a healthy and happy lifestyle.

  79. Anonymous

    Oh isn’t this awesome!
    I don’t have a blog or tweet or even go on facebook so that is just one entry for me.
    Thank you!!


  80. Tim

    Put me down for a twofer please.

    Great blog.

  81. Awsome blog. I want the watch!

  82. Anonymous

    Two entries please.
    (Here and facebook)

    Cheers, Martin

  83. Bo

    Count me in for 3. Thanks again.

  84. I want that watch!

  85. Kept getting Google account errors, so hopefully this isn’t a triple post. Also follow you on Twitter (also as “yournotunique”).

  86. Pick me please! I’m posting on facebook too, and I’ll link on my blog – so put me down for 3!