October Timex Global Trainer Giveaway

There’s no better way to kick the fall running season into high gear than giving something away.  So in an effort to mix things up a little bit, this month I’m going to giveaway a brand new Timex Global Trainer (In Depth Review here).


Like the last four giveaways, there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you (heck, with all my travel as of late, I might just simply drop it at your front door myself!).  I’m going about this like a random raffle drawing, except that you can get multiple ‘entries’.  Here’s the usual skinny on how:

One Entry: Simply place a comment below on this page, that’s it!  No lyrics to create, or poems to make.  No stories to tell, or anything complex.  Only comments on this page count (nope, comments from 2 years ago on a post about pasta don’t count).

Two Entries: Three different ways to double up here.  In addition to the comment below, just put a link on your blog (if you have one) to this contest page.  Or the second option is adding your Twitter account as a follower of DCRAINMAKERBLOG and retweeting the contest announcement.  By simply spreading the word, ya get an extra entry.  (Note: If you’re already a follower, simply re-tweet and you get credit!).  The final third option for non-Twitter/Blog peeps is to Share this on FaceBook instead. Surely you have FaceBook, right?  There’s a handy button below the post for doing it automagically.

Three Entries: Triple-time baby!  This is easy – just do all three of the above!  Twitter (or FaceBook), Blog/Site, and Comment.  Ya max out at three entries though…no quadruple dipping here!

See, that’s pretty painless, right?

Please let me know in your comment below how many entries you’ve qualified for if more than one, as it’s super-difficult for me to lineup a Twitter account named “AwesomeRunner28” to a blog named “RunnerGuy” to a comment listed from “RunningCowTippers!”, and I certainly want you to get all your entries.  I don’t need to know your account names, just how many entries.  Also, if ya have technical questions/thoughts/comments/diatribes/poems regarding the TGT specifically, use that post page for those writings.

The winner will get a brand new Timex Global Trainer (including HR strap).

The contest will run until Thursday October 14th, 2010 at 11:59PM Eastern Time when I’ll close the entry period.  Baring any major travel snafu’s, I’ll announce the winner the following day.

For those curious on how the giveaways work (like the part about how these are funded by me…), here’s the full deets.  Thanks all!

(Note: If you’re active duty US Military and deployed – simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya counted for all three.  Just like that…magic.  Thanks!)


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  1. paul_bunyar

    Just to make sure I don’t win, I’m putting in another comment. Congrats to the winner. You are so lucky.

  2. I am a follower, and I asked for this for xmas, been eyeing this for a bit now.

  3. Awesome blog, very detailed and interesting. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Count me for 3 (here, twitter and fb)

  4. RobinLD

    Enjoyed your post about Haiti. So sad that there is still so much to be done/learned there.


  5. Great blog and giveaway!

    Count me for two, here is the link to my blog:
    link to attemptingforsuccess.blogspot.com

  6. Done !!
    BTW , great blog.

  7. Commenting for 1 entry. Thanks.

  8. 2 : One comment plus the usual FB. Keep up the great blogging

  9. Kaves

    Best tri-blog on the web! (does that help me win?)

  10. Wow, twelve new comments since I opened the page.
    One entry for me, please.

  11. I need to train and need all the help I can get. Enjoy your blog immensely.
    Diolch yn fawr.

  12. Awesome contest! Count me in! I love the blog. I read as soon as you post. What do recommend for off season workouts and/or training plans?

  13. A great blog Ray!

  14. Now I can write my comment.
    Cont me for 3 (tweet, facebook and here).
    I can’t post my comment used Chrome in Win7!!
    Thanks for answer my post in twitter.

  15. Linked it to my blog!

  16. Please enter me into the contest. Thanks! Great blog BTW.

  17. Big money, no whammy, stop!

  18. Cool….love your giveaways!

  19. Chris

    Again…thank you for all the great reviews.

  20. I have been wanting to purchase one of these. One thing I’m not sure about, it why no foot pod? Sometimes I work out on a treadmill and the foot pod would be nice.

  21. I have been wanting to purchase one of these. One question though – why no foot pod? I run on a treadmill some days and would like the pod.

  22. Sure I will try. I will do all 3.

  23. Hi Ray I’m always checking your blog for the latest news on running watches- thank you for taking the time to do this!!
    Also added link on Facebook

  24. sam

    Im in for three. (comment, retweeted, facebook) pick me this time :-)

  25. TIP

    This time it’s mine :)

  26. Sweden perhaps :)

  27. Great blog!
    Retweeted as well

  28. Tea

    Please enter me twice! FB and here.

  29. Love the blog and reviews. Count me in for 3 – comment, twitter and facebook!

  30. 1 comment and 1 facebook, keep them coming

  31. Seb

    That’s two for me !

    Keep up the good work, Ray !

  32. amy

    This is a great give-away. Thanks for sharing!

    Count me in for 3 – sharing on fb, posting on my blog and commenting here.

  33. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about all this techy stuff in a way that the rest of us non-techy folks can understand (for the most part). I’ve enjoyed your blog and learned quite a bit along the way.

    Put me down for three – Comment, FB post, Tweet.



  34. count me in for one

  35. Roy

    Time for Timex Ironman Kona 2010

  36. Roy

    Time for a Timex Ironman Kona 2010. Just in Time

  37. Ray, I can’t believe you have 448 comments. Or 449 now…

  38. Would be nice to have one of these baby’s over here on the Gold Coast, Australia.

    I may able to take you out for a ride if you want to drop the trainer at my front door.

    Bruski. :)


  39. Thank you for the blog

    in for 3

    big money no whammies

  40. Wo hoo! Let do this! In for 2 twitter + post.

  41. OMG want! Count me in for 1!

  42. Add one entry for me! Thanks Ray.

  43. Awesome blog and incredible giveways!!
    Count me for three: fb, tweet and this coment.

    I am telling all of my race friend in argentina about your blog.
    I can´t believe how can you get time to work, train, and filling out your blog so in detail.

    Good work!

  44. Awesome blog and incredible giveways!!
    Count me for three: fb, tweet and this coment.

    I am telling all of my race friend in argentina about your blog.
    I can´t believe how can you get time to work, train, and filling out your blog so in detail.

    Good work!
    Oh, I forgot, my account is @jalocreille tweet
    jalocreille@gmail in fb

  45. Great give away! Love the Honduran airport story.

  46. who doesn’t like free stuff.

  47. Ooh, would love to win, thanks :)

  48. following in twitter as @stickyprints and I retweeted your giveaway tweet

  49. Love the blog, Ray. Also RT’d you, so countm me in for two.

  50. Hi, two entries for me!

  51. Thanks for a great blog.

  52. groochu

    cool blog
    waiting for that watch;)

  53. Gaz

    I know the chance this, this wont get read, but what an ideal time to run this, I am someone who used to weigh over 550Pounds !!!!!, I am now under 240 pounds by cycling every chance I get, I am now looking at starting to train for a triathlon, so this soming up now, would be PERFECT.

    Anyway I’ll shut up now :D


  54. J.

    One comment, one entry…
    Thanks for all the effort you put into this blog!

  55. 3 entries for me please
    comment, blog and tweet


  56. I’ve been enjoying your blog as of late. Thanks.

  57. twitkaise

    loving all your reviews! great job!

  58. Count me in for 3 entries!

    Obviously a comment, shared on facebook, and put on my blog at http://www.tritrainingwithjustin.com

  59. Joe

    I enjoy the blog

  60. Thanks for the giveaway

  61. bp

    i’m in. tweeted @bpower917

  62. Comment, blog, tweet – put me down for 3!

  63. paul_bunyar

    Hey, third entry the charm? And why not on 10.10.10. Hope I win so I can give my Garmin to my son.

  64. Brandon Holbert

    I could sure use that!!!

  65. Brandon Holbert

    I could sure use that

  66. brandonlholbert@yahoo.com

    Forgot contact info.

  67. My wife would love this!

  68. Thanks for the quality site at a quality price!

  69. What a fantastic give-away. I’m new to reading, but I will be back.


  70. I posted your give away on my blog’s side bar under “win this”.


  71. Tim

    Count me in for 2 entries (comment and FB). Really enjoy reading your blog, lot’s of good information.

  72. Cool! Please add me in for one! (Unless spouse to an active duty Marine counts for 3? :))

  73. Great giveaway. Retweeted also. Count me for two.

    Brian in Little Rock

  74. Like the site. Thanks for many great reviews, they’ve been really helpful.

    Also, thanks for taking care of the deployed troops.

  75. Awseome, I so want one of these.

    2 entries, this plus facebook…

  76. Thanks for the contest. Comment and a retweet

  77. Yvonne - NL

    One entry for me

  78. Will hit you up here and on FB!

  79. facebook, twitter and comment… 3 points!

  80. Comment and tweet. 2 Entries