With summer essentially ‘over’, and only one long weekend worth of it left (well, for those in the US anyway) – I feel like I need to add a bit of excitement back into your summer sails.
Given the fall running season nearly upon us – I figured I’d give something away that works well whether you’ve still got a few triathlons left, or if you’re purely a runner (or cyclist). And since I love the Forerunner 310XT – I decided I’ll give one of those away. Here’s my in depth review if you aren’t familiar with the little orange device.
Like the last three giveaways, there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you. Last month it was one by someone in Poland! I’m going about this like a random raffle drawing, except that you can get multiple ‘entries’. Here’s the usual skinny on how:
One Entry: Simply place a comment below on this page, that’s it! No lyrics to create, or poems to make. No stories to tell, or anything complex. Only comments on this page count (nope, comments from 2 years ago don’t count).
Two Entries: Three different ways to double up here. In addition to the comment below, just put a link on your blog (if you have one) to this contest page. Or the second option is adding your Twitter account as a follower of DCRAINMAKERBLOG and retweeting the contest announcement. By simply spreading the word, ya get an extra entry. (Note: If you’re already a follower, simply re-tweet and you get credit!). The final third option for non-Twitter/Blog peeps is to Share this on FaceBook instead. Surely you have FaceBook, right? There’s a handy button below the post for doing it automagically.
Three Entries: Triple-time baby! This is easy – just do all three of the above! Twitter (or FaceBook), Blog/Site, and Comment. Ya max out at three entries though…no quadruple dipping here!
See, that’s pretty painless, right?
If you’re new around these parts – then I suggest getting the lay of a land from this post – it’ll get you all caught up on the most interesting stuff I’ve written this year pretty quickly
Please let me know in your comment below how many entries you’ve qualified for if more than one, as it’s super-difficult for me to lineup a Twitter account named “AwesomeRunner28” to a blog named “RunnerGuy” to a comment listed from “RunningCowTippers!”, and I certainly want you to get all your entries. I don’t need to know your account names, just how many entries. Also, if ya have technical questions/thoughts/comments/diatribes/poems regarding the FR310XT specifically, use that post page for those writings.
The winner will get a brand new Garmin Forerunner 310XT (without HR strap).
The contest will run until Thursday September 9th, 2010 at 11:59PM Eastern Time when I’ll close the entry period. I’ll announce the winner the following day.
For those curious on how the giveaways work (like the part about how these are funded by me…), here’s the full deets. Thanks all!
(Note: If you’re active duty military and deployed and are unable to complete the three entry methods above, simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya counted for all three. Thanks!)
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
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Hey, It’s Sharon from Houston, and I would LOVE a new Garmin! Thanks for the giveaway :)
tweeted and follow twitter name @Bockle
3 entries! Comment, blog and facebook. Thanks!
1 entry
In for one entry – Thanks Ray!
BTW I love this blog. The free giveaways make it even better! Please put me (Sam S.) down for three entries:
Thanks for the offer!
I qualify for 3 entries (comment, twitter, and facebook)
I am also sharing on facebook. Count me in double!
Woot. Party with an HRM!
Commented, Facebooked, and RT’d (from YNWAsteve)!
Three entries for me :)
Tweet, Facebook and the comment.
Thanks again for this giveaway!
I’m in.
Oh how I would love to have a Garmin. I will retweet ASAP.
One entry this time for SteveF
awesome contest! Put me down for three entries.
One entry is enough for me :)
yes please!
I can’t wait to win! I can finally retire my old Garmin!
Count me in for one! Thanks!
Three entries for me and my third entry in your third contest…hope 3 third times a charm:
1. Comment
2. Retweet
3. Blog link
Hi there, great blog! I found you thru Barefoot Neil Z. I would like 3 entries, I facebooked you, followed on twitter (albertagreekgrl) and commented here. Have a great day!
Love your reviews! Thanks for the hard work!
Commented and shared on facebook. If I am lucky enough to win, I would like to donate to a deployed soldier if one enters.
commented and retweeted!
Two entries for me. Comment and Tweet. Thanks!
Two entries for me please – this and a facebook post! Here’s hoping to win the Garmin!
down for one
Down for one
Hejsan DC,
Home with two sick childrens. Just made some “american pancakes” to spice up the life around here. The kids are now happy buth the father needs heavier stuff to get back on track. Sleep could be one way but the XT seemes to be a whole lot sexier way to get there. I even got a twitter account for this. I also made some fuzz about you on my blog on http://www.funbeat.se (visible for all signed in members).
Thanks the great work you do,
/Christian Månsson, Gothenburg, Sweden
2 entries for me (retweeted).
I hope to win that Garmin!!!1
Wow! 229 comments already; that’s some serious readership. Count me in please. Will post to blog as well (which will net you zero additional readers and me one more entry: win for me, meh for you!).
Nice timing. My Garmin 50 just broke this weekend. One entry for me.
Commenting on the post… entry 1.
As this blog gets more popular the odds get slimmer. To be expected though! Tweet, comment and Facebook for me please.
In for the triple comment/Tweet/FB play! My husband could put the 310XT to good use.
Count me in!
Follower on Twitter
This is an awesome giveaway! I hope I win :)
I tweeted this giveaway @runcourtrun
I posted a link to this giveaway on my blog http://www.runcourtrun.com
One entry for a Brazilian guy here!
1. Comment
2. Blog Link: link to livingachangedlife.blogspot.com
3. retweet @jennewsham
me me
me me
What a great give away! I’m commenting, following, and will RT.
Two entries for me: this comment and a retweet! Thanks!
Glad to see you had a good trip in Canada!
Two entries for me, please – this comment and a facebook link.
Pretty sweet, after reading your reviews I have been trying to talk the wife into letting me get one of these. Each of my runs is a little less neat without it!
Count me in. My Forerunner 205 is trying to die.
Two!! (I retweeted)
Great!! One entrie. Thanks
Rainmaker – count me in for the 310XT!
Excellent Blog
One entrie, bye. Patricia
3 entries – comment, tweet, blog
Three entries for me…
linked, facebooked, and commented.
2 entries for me, facebook and this comment. You rock!
Retweeted. Thanks
Wheee! Three for me!
one please!
2 entries please (this comment and facebook). THanks for the contest!
Comment and retweet! Hope I win!
Just one entry for me.
Thanks for all the help this past year and a half!
Two Entries, comment and facebook.
One for my lovely,active and fit wife!!
Sign me up–I’d love a 310!
I SO want to win this! :o) Comment, Facebook page and profile share, a follow and a retweet. I promise I’m not obsessing. :o)p
Two entries as well: retweet (@griggskat) and comment!
One entry for me please.
Thanks for doing this.
One for me too!
Retweeted (@tonydicks), Facebooked & commented. Thanks!
Great Idea. I am in x3
Comment and retweet. Rock on!
I’m down for two :)
two for me. I will post this to my blog!
Two entries for me, comment & retweeted from @cyberjunkie21 !!
There’s three for me (facebook, blog, and comment). Love your work!
John Chopper
Such a great blog. It has encouraged me to do a lot more training. I love the reviews!
Thank you
In for three entries… re-tweeted and shared on Facebook!
Put me down for 3 entries please! Comment, check. FB post, check. Blog post, check. Thanks again for a sweet blog Ray!!!
Oooh lawdy I’d love one of these!
Commenting & I’m about to retweet.
Awesome Thanks!
Props to The Girl!
Another 310? Nice. 2 entries for me – thanks!
1 Comment… “Thanks”
This is my first entry!
Twitter: @llaneza9_runs (second entry)
Blog: http://llaneza9.blogspot.com (third entry)!!
Great product reviews. Thanks!
Rosita, Two entries (comment and facebook) fingers crossed
Three entries for me: comment, retweet and blog. :D
Oh…and I retweeted and posted on FB! And started to follow :) hope read your stuff soon!
3 entries for me…comment, retweet, blog post
No, I don’t do facebook. No, I don’t do twitter either. But I’m here following your great site so I’m in for one entry!
Two entries for me: this comment and a retweet! Thanks Ray!
Going for all three!
Two entries for me! Twitter and comment. Great blog by the way.
Thanks DC Rainmaker.
OK 3 entries for me please.
1. Tweeted,
2. Posted on my blog,
2. Re-Tweeted,
3. Facebooked
4. Commented.
Thanks for the great Blog.
link to outhouserag.typepad.com
Count two entries for me.
retweet and comment.
3 for me! Good luck to all!
thanks! 2 for me! comment & tweeting.
Love to win :)
Love to win :)
link to three-fifty-nine-fifty-nine.blogspot.com
retweeted by ly0n123 *whispering “follow me”
Great Blog!
comment, and a retweet
In for 3 please, linked and tweeted.
This will go great for my next IM training regimen.
Count me in for 1! Thanks for all the time you put in.
Just the one entry for me, thanks for the awesome giveaway!
1) Retweeted
2) Facebook
3) Link on my Blog
Yay, another chance to win a Garmin! This comment will be worth one and shortly I will post on Facebook. Thanks so much for offering another great contest!
2 entries for me. Facebooked and this comment. Loved your reviews on the garmins-I’m seriously considering purchasing one but if I win one that would be even better!!
retweeted and now following.
Please consider me, pleeeease :) lol!
Commented, Twitted and FB’d.
Three for me please, Sir!
commented, twitted, and FB’d
Two entries Please! Here and FB
Two entries for me, comment and tweeted. Hope I win!!!!
2 Please…this and FB…Thanks
This comment has been removed by the author.
Two entries – this one and a tweet
Please enter me for one! Also, I’m FINALLY in the market for a Garmin so I’ve been taking full advantage of all of your Garmin reviews today. THANK YOU!
Facebooked, Tweeted, Site: link to crzcars.hit.bg and comment
Two entries…This comment and a facebook share!
2 entries for me. Twitter = jgosline
I’d love for you to send one my way! Thanks for the chance.
Great site! I’m new to running; I will be sure to check back often!
3 entries. Twitter, Blog and this.
link to rene-doin-work.blogspot.com
That’s two for me, this and a retweet !
2 for me: comment and retweet. Thanks!
Two entries for me rainmaker. Comment and facebook. Thanks!!
Sweet coincidence; just thought of buying one; now postponing this at least for a week.
all three for me :)
1 entry for me
one entry for me and I hope I win it. Garmin died.
Will add to my facebook to make it a double.
Didn’t win last time, I think it’s my turn. ;)
Thanks and great work!
(steve.vaillancourt at videotron.ca)
Two entries please: this comment and i linked it on my blog
2 entries please: here & twitter (@esslevy)
Enjoy the blog. Keep up the good work.
I’ll post on Facebook when I get home tonight for that second entry.
Yes please!
Thanks for the contest Ray!
Great blog! Congratulation!
One entry here.
I love freebies!
2 entries for me, this comment and facebooK!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Three please!
Blog on sidebar
RSS follower
Great Blog. Great giveaway.
Put me down for 2 entries: comment and retweet.
Wow, I hope I win!
Ooops should’ve read more carefully. Including this comment, I’m putting it on Facebook as well, so I have TWO (2) entries!
Wow, great giveaway! Put me down for an entry!
2 entries for me. This comment and a retweet.
Great giveaway… Nice blog, I’m here everyday :-)
I’m going for three !!!!
Great giveaway… Nice blog, I’m here everyday :-)
I’m going for three entries !!!!
Great giveaway… Nice blog, I’m here everyday :-)
I’m going for three entries, comment, tweet, facebook, link ;-) !!!!
Facebooked as well!
I’m in, single entry!
Great giveaway… Nice blog, I’m here everyday :-)
I’m going for three entries, comment, tweet, facebook, link ;-) !!!!
DC Rainmaker does it again!
2 entries FBook and comment
DC Rainmaker does it again!
2 entries Fbook and Comment
This comment!What a great giveaway!
3 entries for me!
also posted on twitter
One entry for me!
one entry for me!
1 for me please!
Keep up the great work
Keep up the great work
1 for me please!
Three entries for me. Facebook, Twitter, Comment here, and link on own blog.
I have three entries, thanks :)
Free Garmin !?! I’m in for one entry for sure.
One Sir.
Free Garmin !?! I’m in for one entry for sure. Thanks !!
One please. And thanks for all the advice.
A second entry please. Just posted a link on Facebook. Cheers!
Aaaaaaaaand another 2 (comment and retweet)
Two for me… this and a retweet.
Keep up the good work.
Like :-)
Please let me win!! Thanks for the giveaway
I would love one of these!
Commented & retweeted!
one entry for me. rhellewell@gmail.com
Please enter me 3x…comment, FB and blog link. Thx!
2 please! Comment and facebook.
3 entries, please – comment, facebook, blog. Good review!
Two entries for me please! Comment & Twitter. You have the best giveaways EVER!
Nice Lilly Pad Photo : )or
put me down for three!!
Just 1 – comment here. Thanks.
Not sure if mine got through…
How in the heck do I retweet this?
Sign me up for three entries – comment, facebook, and blog @ http://runtotheborder.blogspot.com
I’m in – thanks DC!