This weekend turned out to be pretty darn busy, lots of running, running around, and everything in between.
It started early Saturday morning with a run with the Pacers group. The plan was 10 miles easy, but somewhere along the way we had some navigational errors and ended up going a few miles more. The irony here is all but one of us in our little group had GPS’s, but somehow we all kinda thought it might work out. Not so much.
Once we finally got back to the starting point I happened to check out the sign-in sheet and noticed that I had crossed over the 100 run marker. I actually crossed over last weekend, but didn’t catch it. Now I was at 101 runs! That earns me a t-shirt (you get a hat at 50 runs). Pat, one of the guys I was running with a few notches down the list is at 201. I think they give you a new car or something at that level.
After the run, I headed straight to the pool to get my swim done. It was about 3,500 yards continuous, just back and forth. It ended with a 700y time trial, which…was just as much fun as it sounds.
Afterwards I played around a little bit with the underwater camera…because…well…I could. This week ended up pretty nice on the swim front, with a bit over 13,000 yards. So that was good.
After a quick stop at Chipotle it was off to the Ikea distribution center to pickup some cabinets for a kitchen project. I was mentally picturing this place as sorta branded Ikea – maybe even attached to an Ikea. In reality it was a sketchy industrial park and was sorta branded ‘place where the mob operates from’. Heck, look at the building next to it – it even has a missile on it. Told ya!
But, I got The Girl’s little circus-car sized SUV all loaded up and homeward bound I went to put humpty dumpty together.
The goal of the project was to create more cabinent space in the kitchen. When the people designed my house they decided there should be no pantry and really no place to put anything. So, we went to Ikea and on the cheap got some small cabinets to make a bench/storage unit out of, below the window.
I actually even shot a timelapse video of the whole thing…complete with cheesy circus music I found on the Internets:

What a busy and productive weekend! Good work squeezing your training in…
That was a very busy weekend! Great job!
The music on the video was very spot on. I am waiting with baited breath to see the event shirt for Rumpass in the Bumpass. I am expecting an epic shirt.
Congratulations on reaching 1010 runs! Love the time lapse video. Hilarious!
The video was hysterical! All those boxes to put together something much smaller…gotta love IKEA!
Great job on the training!