Things went spectacular at the Philadelphia Marathon today. Finished in 2:54:39 at a pace of 6:39 – which gave me plenty of time for a Boston Qualifying (BQ) time.
This is awesome in that it both qualified for the Boston Marathon (3:10:59 required for my AG) as well as automatic entry into the New York City Marathon using time-based qualification.
Plus, I set a new PR for my third marathon:
1st: 2006 – 4:23
2nd: 2007 – 3:21
3rd: 2008 – 2:54
Now…only if I could walk again.
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Nice work! Congrats
I can’t believe you’ve knocked 1 1/2 hr off your marathon time in 2 years! Impressive!
Congratulations. I swear I can spell.
OMG Ray this is fantastic! Congratulations!!!!
UMMMMmmmm…HOLLER! I’m so proud of you! Congratulations!
Wow – congratulations! Your step down in times is awe inspiring. I will be looking forward to reading of your training for and racing at Boston.
P.S. Say hello to Boston Billy for me.
Woo Hoo!!! Great Job, nice pace!!
A Huge Congrats on Boston :) Could I borrow those running legs of yours for my marathon?
Holy Shit Dude!
I didn’t know humans can run that fast….you are human, right?
Very impressive!!!!!!
Jeez, that’s WAY too much improvement in one marathon… but you know what? It’s really encouraging because it means that if I work even half as hard as you, I should be able to improve too… :) Congrats. You deserve it.
Many congratulations!! Well run! Looking forward to “watching” you do the Boston Marathon in the spring!
I think you might possibly be super-human.
Wow…you’ve taken a TON of time off your marathons there. How long did that take?
Have fun on the trip…crazy how people can nail your schedule from a 3 sentence OFF?
Man I knew you were going to kick some ass congratulations and dont worry its going to take you 3 days to walk again…enjoy the off time and eat a lot of junk food you deserved it
Well done, Ray. Now quit hobbling. ;)
I tell you what – you quit hobbling and I’ll quit hobbling.
Yay Rainmaker!! That’s fantastic! I am especially impressed because I was in Philly on Friday and it snowed four inches on us! I was sooo glad we had already decided not to run the half marathon on Sunday but look at you, tough guy – BQ! Woo hoo!
Great job Ray! Congrats on that BQ. Your list of marathon results is really impressive – nice improvement!
Great job man. Nice way to beat the cold yesterday.
Yaay! So proud.
Rock on dude!!!
Dang…that’s fats!
I think the automatic NYC qualifier is more impressive than the BQ. Either way, you rocked it.
So, based on your progression, should we expect a 2:20-something marathon at Boston?
Man you’re on fire!
Nice job!
Wowie! Congratulations! Your improvement is awesome!
That’s awesome. Nice finish.
I’ll never see start/finish of Boston ever. Stupid genes I got from my parents won’t let me.
You’ll walk soon enough.
The New York City Marathon is the best thing to qualify for short of the Olympics! Plus a PR and a BQ – take a week off, you’ve deserved it.
you rock. i might just have to travel to boston..i think thomas is running it too! (thomas from ireland).
now, we need deets! (and if you say it was easy, we’re through.)
dude…you cut down 90 freaking minutes from mary number one to mary three??/ thats just incredible…and I think you have the makings of a sub 2:40 mary sometime….I gar—unnnn-teeee it….
congrats on BQ’ing….
plus big apple invite…
you are my hero
That’s a seriously fast time. Congrats!
Congrats Ray!! With the amount you trained, you have certainly earned it! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Booya to speedy you!
Congrats on the under 3-hr finish! Run Ray run!
Awesome job man. Glad to hear everything worked out perfectly…as it should have. You put in the time and it has paid off. Looking forward to the race report!