Note, my list only has 5 ‘true’ items on it. It has three others that are inked in on every piece of paper (it was a free shopping list magnetic notepad at some grocery store years back). My total items should have been about $10-15.
My total: $100.63
Some of the stuff was on sale I tell you!
In other news…
Tuesday’s are becoming a bit of a mini-Saturday from a workout perspective. The recap:
6:00AM Swim Technique Session with coach:
This went really well actually – first one. And the good news is I don’t swim nearly as bad as I thought I did. The top four things I need to work on are:
1) Focus on bringing my arms during the stroke in tighter to my body while above the water (I can’t explain it well)
2) Focus on reach coming into water earlier and slightly deeper into the water. As opposed to my hand entering the water nearly flat against the water (I want a steeper angle of attack essentially)
3) Focus on rotating body with stroke
4) Focus on keeping head straight (not moving laterally), with #3
*Note: I probably explained this horribly above, but in my little head I know what I’m supposed to work on.
After 90 minutes of pool work and then regular work, it was off to…
5:00PM: 80 minute trainer ride with three sets of Z4 built in (plus 10 minutes one legged drills)
6:50PM: Z2 run for 1:20. Ended up at 11 miles, some hills along the way. And mixed in 5.5 miles with the Pacers group in the middle, like a running group sandwich. I run from home and time it to arrive just as they start.
8:10PM: All done with run, do some running drills
In total this Tuesday ended up with over 4 hours of training. Oh…and we have yet to begin the fun stuff. IM Canada is still over 4.5 months away. But I’m feeling my run, swim and bike getting stronger. Especially my run and my ability to simply just knock out a a crapload of miles in fatigue conditions. So I’m really excited by that.
…In more other news…
In line with the quote of “A village is missing its idiot”, I found this FedEx door tag stack on my door step this evening. So by the look of things, I’m thinking someone wants to deliver an entire FedEx truck to me. Woohoo!
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I see tostitos!!! Good man. I could so eat at the Rainmaker household.
There’s a running group sandwich joke to be made here somewhere ;)
Maybe there is something good in that FedEx truck!
Gees, good thing a more honest type found that!
Hmmm, ice cream!
And it is Bryer’s All Natural! It is the only ice cream I can eat any more because it does not contain corn sryup.
I’m flying in to have you cook me dinner!
I think I’d buy the entire store after 4 hours of training. I wish they had free samples at all grocery stores, because you could load up on those and actually be able to think before you throw random foods into the cart.
You spent a lot of money to save some money. We’ve all done that. My house is full of that stuff.
Your Tuesday just wore me out!
Hmmmm, $100 of Tostitos, milk, jam, ice cream and ground meat. Looks like a listener ingredient list for a recipe challenge for Lynne Rossetto Kasper on the “Splendid Table”.
LOL at the grocery basket. I have been so guilty of that. Nice swim with the coach. It looks like you got some tips to work with, I think?! j/k
That was a busy workout day. I am bowing down over here!
Poor Fed Ex man is thinking where in the world did I leave it?
100 bucks? That’s nothing. These days I rarely get out of the store spending less the 200. :)
(of course I’m shopping for five…)
You are doing SO much mileage/yardage. It’s amazing. You’re going to blow them away at IM Canada.
How’d you get in, btw? Did you fly there to sign up last year?
Thanks for the computrainer lesson. Definitely helped to clarify.
and ice cream! tostitos and ice cream! yummm!
It’s time to have a bloggers’ dinner party–at YOUR PLACE!
i laughed out loud at the FedEx thing. I’m betting that the cool present I bought you must be on that truck.
So, what did Fedex bring?
$100 is like a normal shopping week here in NYC. Damn you, Whole Paycheck.
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The $10 turning to $100 – that’s the story of my shopping life. And, that’s without my kid tagging along!
So, now I have to ask u – what in the world do u think about for 90 minutes of swimming in a pool? Much less all that biking and running such long distances?