Today was nothing short of long. Not quite exhausting though – just tiring. So much stuff packed into so little time.
Up at 5:35AM to catch a 6:55AM flight from Reagan National Airport to Atlanta. The cool part about DCA is how darn quick it is. Out of the shower and out of the garage in 15 minutes, the drive to the airport only took 12 minutes. I was parked less than 50 feet from the skybridge to the terminal. Mr. Checkin machine and a 2 minute trip through TSA-land later and I was at my gate by 6:15AM (remember, I was sleeping comfortably at 5:34AM). I love DCA!
(Da Plane Boss! Da Plane!)
From there, arrival in Atlanta and zipped off to the location where I had to give a speech/presentation at a conference. After my session, it was back to the airport to fly back to DC. I only had 90 minutes from when my session ended to when my flight departed (including driving 25 minutes and dropping off a rental car). But I managed to make it without issue and have time to grab a smoothie. Oh, and the best part of all was the fact that as I left the conference center in Atlanta – I saw the below truck again (my most favorite truck ever). You know what that’s a sign of.
My flight was late by 25 minutes, which made me a few minutes late to meet up with a friend to go running at 6:30PM at Gravely Park, right next to the airport. I changed from work attire to running attire in my car – sketchy yet functional By now you’re probably learning I schedule things REALLY REALLY close, especially travel. 99.99% of the time it works out. The other .01% of the time…life happens.
Speaking of life happening – as I was changing I realized I didn’t bring any running socks. Doh. So I had to wear what I had on. Since I had a bike immediately following – I figured might as well keep the same socks as opposed to dirtying another pair.
(My ‘athletic’ socks, running & cycling shoes)
We ended up running a wee bit longer than I intended. It was fully my fault – I was determined to get to a certain semi-scenic location on an otherwise non-scenic (but different) route. We ran just short of a half marathon (11.71 miles). It should be noted at this point that a taper clearly isn’t in order for this weekends’ HIM race.
It’s funny to think I could accidentally run a half marathon – and not feel a thing afterwards. You kinda have to step back and think about it sometimes and realize how different so many of us are compared to the fitness level of the ‘average American’. We train so often that we often times just look at our performance and become disappointed when we don’t do well or have a bad day…sometimes one just has to step back and realize what you’re really accomplishing.
By this point it’s 8:20PM. And it’s time to get my bike in. So I zip home and jump on the trainer and give it a whirl. As usual, a mix of everything from high wattage to high cadence to the evil one-legged drills. Thankfully Mr. Tivo was doing his job and so I was able to watch American Idol in the exact amount of time I spent on my bike (skipping commercials). That worked out well. And it’s good that Kristy Lee Cook is still on…cause she’s hot (and from the Northwest..and hot).
After that…it was time to eat. (For those keeping track, by now after addressing some work e-mails, it’s 10:30PM before I start eating). I downed half a jug of chocolate milk (3 glasses) when I realized I should probably stop. And I made chicken nuggets from a bag. Just so you don’t think I create fanciful dinners every night. Sometimes all I have time for is 10-12 minutes at 450*. Life happens there too.
Oh…and after all of that, I wandered out to the mailbox and found I won an award at work…with cash. Wootage!
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chicken nuggets from a bag??
nice socks. you should rock those at your HIM this weekend. straight off the plane, right to the race, and back onto the plane, all in your work socks!!!
Nice work on a heck of a busy day. Who needs a taper anyways…the way you are training, you can do a 70.3 in your sleep. Taper or not, I’m sure you’ll be happy with the results. Good luck!
The other day as I was gazing out the window of my office at work, I set my eyes on a Brickman truck doing some work on a surface parking lot. First time I’ve actually seen one.
I think you did more yesterday than I do in an entire week :-)
You can definitely make the most of your day and pack in the action.
Me – I need a nap to make my day complete.
It is nice to step back every now and then and realize how far you have come. I like to play a little game called, “How many people in the room have…..”. Take your conference for instance. How many people in the room that day do you think could run 11 miles? Probably not too many….if any :-)
Wow..this is ONE DAY for you? I couldn’t get back on a plane the same day!
Sounds like it’s routine for u though – you are a busy bee!
Love those sockies with the shoes.
And now that I’ve been sitting on my tuff all morning, I know I have to get up and go for a run! Thx for the push.
that’s some fancy footwear, and footwork.
I hope to accidentally run a half this weekend. That would be awesome!
You’re right to remind us that our distances are kind of not normal.
but even i draw the line at chicken nuggets! :)
oh and CONGRATS on the MONEY! That’s so MONEY!
Busy day for you. Glad you made it back home in time for the run! Your friend would have been bummed.
your life is insane. for reals. enjoy the $$$!! you’re such a good computer person!!! :)
Just imagine what you could accomplish in pink French Kitty pajamas.
Chicken nuggets: for shame.
You are a busy bee. Did I see you getting off the Metro on Wednesday morning at Farragut West?
You changed in your car? Couldn’t you find a phone booth? What an efficient day, to fly out of, and back into RR, and then run from Gravelly Point. Congrats on the cash award, money is always better than a time off award (what could you do with that–fit a swim into the day too?).