So I was tagged by Ironmatron back last week to share seven random things about myself. Here’s my seven pieces of random information that you likely didn’t know.
I ran x-country my freshman year of high school. And then didn’t run again until about 2 years ago (which for those keeping track is about 10 years).
I never went to college.
I had planned to become a commercial airline pilot and was accepted to a few aviation related universities…but the computer consulting thing worked out a wee bit better in the end. I have flown an airplane myself a number of times, but haven’t yet completed my pilots license. I will eventually.
I kinda sorta speak some Japanese. Key in on the kinda-sorta part.
In 2002 my travel for work peaked, I flew 265,770 miles (plus a few thousand miles I don’t have records of on tiny/3rd world airlines).
I have a ‘small’ wine collection of 149 bottles. I don’t drink that much though (wine or otherwise).
I suck as Netflix. Really bad. I’ve had two movies rented for over 6 months at one point last year. My current set of three movies is no less then 10 weeks old.
Here were the rules are as follows (I’m required to post them):
# Link to the person who tagged you
# Post the rules on your blog.
# Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
# Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.
In return for my little blessing, I’ve tagged (required to) the following suckers people to receive their own little present. As to how I choose my seven victims…it was rather simple. The last seven people to post a comment on my blog. Sorry. Really, I am sorry. In a not-so-sorry kinda way.
Who is SLB+
Just remember – don’t hate the playa, hate the game. Although…if you had to hate a specific playa…Ironmatron started this thing. Just sayin’…
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I suck at Netflix too! I’ve at least had the first two discs of Lost for about a month and I have gotten through three episodes. I think I thought I would ride my trainer at my house a lot more than I do…
And you must have more frequent flyer miles than you know what to do with…
You suck :P
yes..ironmatron is the one to blame….or thank..depending on ones perspective… like i did not know that you flew nearly 300,00 miles…thats frequent flyer miles to the zillionth degree…
have not rented a movie in months….my son, however comes home with 10 of them and can polish them off in no time…
he’s a budding movie maker, so its research, right???
You know that’s a great way to DIScourage commenting, right? But you’re the third person to tag me, so I guess there’s no escaping this one.
DOH!!! i agree with xena.
and wtf?? you haven’t figured out how to log all your flying miles on that friggin’ garmin of yours??
no college. wow, i’m impressed. i went into debt for a degree in photography. not so smart…
i think i beat you on the netflix. but i just returned 3 tonight. great, now i have nothing to watch on the 3+ hour trainer ride i gotta knock out tomorrow…
Hey! I didn’t start it! This game has been going around and around and around and around…I got tagged! Nope. I’m not takin’ the blame.
That’s a lot of miles. Have you ever sneaked in a triathlon on one of these ventures?