In Just 7 Days…


Yes, the time is once again almost upon us: The Annual DC Rainmaker Giveaway Extravaganza.  Albeit slightly later in the summer season than years’ past – but worry not, I’m not skipping it!

Next Tuesday (August 4th) starting at exactly 12:00AM Eastern (0600 CET/CEST) the pinnacle of sports technology giveaway awesomeness will commence…again.

Last year the numbers were huge – both in entrants as well as prizes.  Thousands of dollars in gadgets were given away to people everywhere on this little blue marble (everyone is welcome).  Here’s a refresher set of posts for all the craziness that went down last year.  But as with every previous year, I aim to make it bigger and better.  Bigger prizes, worth more.  Cause as always, bigger is definitely better.  The conversation with Clever Training roughly went: “How can we giveaway even more stuff?”.  To which I accepted the challenge and went about planning next Tuesday (including feeding the web servers’ meters a bit extra for next week).

Like last year I’ll be giving something new away every 2 hours.  This means that every two hours a new giveaway starts and the previous one closes (i.e. 12:00AM, 2:00AM, etc…).  The entry period will only be open for two hours for each giveaway.  So be sure to plan your entire existence on Tuesday around being able to enter during that two hour period for each giveaway.

If you aren’t sure how to convert your time zone to Eastern time, you can use this little tool to figure it out.  Though, it doesn’t really matter as long as you know what time to start in your country.

So if you need to barricade yourself in the pantry for 24 hours to ensure proper attention to entry periods, that’s totally acceptable. Just do what you need to do!

Cause yup…it’s gonna be awesome…again.

Note that the giveaways will be announced promptly on Twitter – so that may be easiest for those that are following along there!


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  1. Happy Runner

    Up all night, here I come! Woot!

  2. Miguel

    I prefer this tool:

    link to

  3. Dan Nied's

    Work? Shmerk!

  4. Sandro

    Ahh!! Finally I’ll be checking every 30 minutes for something! Rules rules? Europeans too?

    • Yup, anywhere globally!

    • Josh Parks

      Sandro: this is the first time you’ve checked every 30 mins? A few of us have this affliction regardless of whether there’s a give away or not

    • Sandro

      no, I meant that I would be checking every 30 minutes, as usual lately, but now with a better purpose than hoping the Epix review would be published ;)

      Talking about that, eventually I decided to pull the trigger and order one, will give my impressions once I get it.

  5. Daniele

    My first day of the holidays. I beat my wife will be real happy having me refreshing on my laptop on the beach.

  6. Chris

    Top tip for East Coaster’s: Stay up till midnight, do your first entry, sleep till 3:50, enter both the 2 am and 4 am contests, then just wake up before 8 am to enter the 6 am one, and you’ve gotten nearly eight hours of sleep and entered every contest so far!

    Love this Ray!

    • Rob

      Good plan Chris, adapted for use in the UK,

      Can’t speak for everyone here but I’m always up by 05:00 so the start is not a problem for me.

      Go to bed Tuesday night at 23:05 and wake Wednesday morning at 02:50 to enter the last two slots.

      good luck

    • lolwatts

      isn’t 12:00AM Eastern (0600 CET/CEST) 5am in GMT?

    • lolwatts

      I though 12AM eastern is midday, not midnight.

      maybe i have been wrong all these years.

    • Most Americans/Canadians would refer to 00:00 as 12:00AM – hence the usage there. Whereas noon would be 12:00PM.

    • lolwatts

      so 06:00 CEST is the Wednesday then?

      Rob (above) has got me confused with his 02:50 Wednesday morning UK time.

  7. taniwha

    Arghh… Heading to the middle of nowhere without any data acess.

  8. Thomas Clement

    I follow and cross my fingers :D Do we have to do somthing to participate?

  9. Scott E

    Oh how I hope the random number generator is finally kind to me!

  10. Pete Everitt

    Alarm clock is set and I’m looking forward to it!!

  11. MAGNUS

    I was crushed last year when I didn’t win anything. So much so, I basically gave up on working out. Here’s hoping to getting back into it.

    Thanks in advance for all my new goodies!

    • sbyrstall

      If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t even know about. Completely slipped my mind.

      I hate it when life get’s in the way.

  12. Mike Hensen

    Guys and ladies, you can get your sleep, it’s all me this year, I’ve hacked the random number generator ?

  13. Mike Hensen

    Just kidding, I can’t hack an alarm clock ,lol

  14. Karl watanabe

    I sure hope to win something this time.

  15. Brian

    Cool website and lots of good information about technology. But I gotta say that visiting here has cost me a lot of money on tech goodies. Thanks Ray!

  16. William

    So Great! Thank you, Ray!

  17. Mike T

    Slightly off topic…are you going to Outdoor Retailer, I know the starting dates of the show are roughly at the tail end of the giveaway. I know you can’t tell us what’s coming up with announcements, but i’m wondering if there will be anything new from the big boys.

    • Nah, not bothering to go this year. Just don’t expect much in the way of new products. I believe only Timex announced new stuff there last year.

      The giveaway timing was mostly because I had wanted to do it a week earlier, but being on the small boat for a week had killed any hope of doing all the prep work needed for it.

  18. Aaron Cowan

    Just practicing

  19. Joe

    lol at A-Aron Cowan

  20. likependi

    By the way, the same procedure as last year, Ray?
    Ray: The same procedure as every year, guys!

    (1) refresh DCR page time_xx:58 & comment (item y) …. wait 3to4 minutes …. time_(xx+1):03 refresh & comment (item y+1)
    (2) wait / go back to sleep for 3h_50min :D

    repeat steps until 24hours are over :)

  21. Fab

    hoping this year’s giveaway post will outnumber the huge amount of comments of last year’s one. DCR brilliant work on this blog deserves it.

    (speaking of which, I must carefully check not to post my comments under 2014 section. it could slightly lower my chances of grabbing something… :) )

  22. Jason Raath


    I’m ready, alarm set!!!

  23. Sori

    Is there any estimation of how many participant for each competition? I mean, what are the odds…?

  24. Marcel

    So it basically means: only one comment allowed per item, right? But will there be an accompanying comment thread where we can vent all our excitement? I’ll be giddy as a schoolgirl all day, I suspect ;)

    • Marcel

      Oh, another question – I just informed my brother about the Extravaganza, but I wondered: is it one entry per email address, or per home (ip-)address? Because it would be nice to give his wife and kids a chance as well, but I can imagine you wanting to rule out people creating 300 hotmail addresses from their home to improve their odds.

    • It’s one entry per person per giveaway (so each in your family can enter once every two hours). Just ensure each person has a unique e-mail address.

      I do some additional checking behind the scenes to weed out the 300 entries by the same person (seriously, it happens each year), that keeps out casual cheaters.

    • Marcel

      Cool, thanks for the quick reply, I’ll tell them :)

  25. EmersonNZ

    Who needs sleep? :-)

  26. Seth

    Can’t wait!!!

  27. Rich

    ALL NIGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Benjamin

    That will be day to of employment at a large sports brand! :O I’m sure they’ll approve when I explain the circumstances….

  29. Eduard

    Great stuff DC !!

  30. Maksim

    I hope i find some good access to Internet to take a part in this craziness! Thank you, Ray!

  31. Javitter

    One day you will have to explain how do you manage to keep such a good webpage and still have a private life with lot of sport.
    Keep the good trend folk

    • Did you notice that Ray is often only in the pictures in little pieces (arms, wrists, ancles etc)? He has the testing cunningly outsourced to under paid school kids while he is cup cakering, showing his face only incidentally between munches. Yup. I’m sure of it.

    • Wait, I’m supposed to pay them?

    • Marcel

      Well, if they’re young enough, they would only require… let’s say.. free cupcakes? Which kind of would explain the need for the CupCakery. Thomas may be on to something. Or he’s just ‘on something’, of course, a certain special flavor of cupcake, perhaps?

  32. KRD17


  33. Landry Bennett


    I have a 5 mile tempo on Wednesday, and if it doesn’t go well it’s your fault. Just saying.

  34. sbyrstall

    *sniff, sniff*

    Why twitter? Twitter is the downfall of intelligent life on this planet. :(

  35. Dan

    I’m new to this, so…how exactly DO we enter our name in these great giveaways? Thanks

  36. Robert

    Ow yeah! Looking forward to it!

  37. Aitor Altuna

    Paris hour? It starts at 12:00am in paris?

  38. Ryan

    Sounds great!!!

  39. Marcin

    Can’t wait:D
    it’ll be my first time – be gentle ;)

  40. Greg

    Testing for Tuesday. Can’t wait, as always.

  41. Yanick

    Wow it is like Xmas for sport tech.

  42. Giulio

    This is epic!! Congrats to Ray for all these effort, and thank you so much!!! It will be superfun!!!

  43. Andre

    Marked this event within the calendar :-) Many thanks for your other posts and tests!

  44. Good luck, everyone!!! Thank you, Ray and Clever!

  45. Pat

    1-2 testing

  46. dries

    cool! bring it on!

  47. Antonio Rodrigues


  48. Mike

    Locked in

  49. Rob

    So it’s a 5am gmt start? This is my first time. I can feel the pressure already ?

  50. Goran

    Looking forward to this. Hope I finally get some hardware. :)

  51. Staughtonboy

    In it to win it !!!!

  52. Joshua

    WOOOOOhoOOOOOO!! I’m up for the marathon

  53. Matt


  54. Hank


  55. Casey

    Bushido Smart please….from 4-6pm

  56. Charles K

    Practice post! Just making sure it’s working. I need to win a power meter!

  57. Martin

    Will be there :-) Thanks Ray!

  58. Paul

    This should go on all month with a new product every day and each give away lasting for 24 hours. That way I could get my name into each drawing. As it is, I’m going to miss a few. Bummer!

  59. Alex

    I’m ready!

  60. Navnit

    So this Tuesday will be night out. Marked calendar as PTO.

  61. Sergey

    You have to enter to be lucky.

  62. Tim

    Getting ready for Tuesday!

  63. Mike O

    Coffee brewing already……

  64. Mike O

    Alarms set, bring it on! Great idea, thank you:-)

  65. Attila Boldizs

    I am looking forward to participate! ;)

  66. Jeff Gillen

    Thanks for all the guidance!

  67. Antoral

    My brother-in-law’s pulsometer got broken last month and he’s looking for a new one… If I’m lucky enough, he gets the gear and I get the story to tell! :-D

    Greetings from Spain!

  68. Andy Neumann

    I’m definitely on this 24hr bus!!!

  69. JB

    No sleep, plenty gain….

  70. Rob

    Let´s go!

  71. Chris Ch.

    Cool! Looking forward to it!

  72. Shedb

    Also testing.

  73. Rhody Seth

    Wow, sounds great!

  74. energgy80


  75. Simon R

    Getting close to giveaway….

  76. Andy S

    fingers crossed! Eyes down, look in!

  77. LemurSquirrel

    check check….is this thing on?

  78. David


  79. João

    It’s of, but it will be on soon!

  80. morey

    8 hrs until game time.

    My plan is to sleep through the first 3. Hope to remember a couple times during the day. Then get pissed off when I missed entering for the thing I really wanted. then, enter for something I already have.

  81. Stefan

    So exited!

  82. Jokim

    Bring it on!

  83. Dallas Morisette


  84. Uli

    1 2 3 …

  85. David Wariaro

    Excited… ?

  86. Rafael TiNTi

    getting ready… :)

  87. Kyle

    Can’t wait

  88. NaoDesiste

    Can’t wait!!!

  89. Ian

    Sooo close now ….

  90. Rafael Tinti

    Come on……

  91. Caleb Justis

    I guess we will all be useless tomorrow at work.

  92. Trevor

    Just checking my post-making capabilities prior to the big day!

  93. Matt

    Can’t wait!

  94. KRD17

    Looking forward to seeing what the goods look like this year!

  95. Patrick NL

    A bit early but I’m psyched. Though I won’t make all of em them due to work.

  96. Davesee

    Can’t wait

  97. Pierre-Luc

    Almost there!

  98. Chris

    The time is near!

  99. Jimmy

    Come on… I am ready…

  100. Basil

    Had to see if this works.

  101. Eric

    Testing for the big day!!

  102. Lorri Sullivan

    Everybody GOPRO!!

  103. Suneel

    I love GoPro

  104. Less

    GoPro = fondo movie

  105. Adela Tarpan

    Thank you DC

  106. Pedro Lobo

    GoPro? :-D Cool!

  107. Nimsrod

    I want it!

  108. Margus

    GoPro would be nice :p

  109. Igor

    DcRainMaker on fire)

  110. Roy

    I would love this. Please!

  111. vicente Charcos

    I like it

  112. Sento Charcos

    I like it too

  113. Kathy Laughlin

    Vamos que nos vamos…

  114. sbyrstall

    What’s the 10am-12noon raffle???

  115. Owen Lepps

    Yes please

  116. Christine

    I hope I will get lucky and win some goodies.

  117. Mato

    I want garmin

  118. Antonie

    I think it’s my turn now!

  119. Lorri

    Garmin gets me going!

  120. Johanjohn

    Cant wait