The May Day Giveaway Results!


Hopefully everyone had a great weekend, and everyone that raced (or trained) was successful in that venture  Since Friday when the giveaway opened, a ton of you swung by and threw your hat in the ring.

All in a total of 3,814 of you entered in the giveaway (after I removed a bunch of duplicates).  Then there were another 16 US active duty military folks that entered via e-mail.  Thus I took the 3,814 comments + the 16 active duty folks and got 3,830 people.

From there, it was off to my favorite to find a winner:


Taking that number (330) back to the comments, I found the winner:


I’ll be sending  Gabor an e-mail here in a minute so he can pick out his gadget.  He gets a $400 credit to buy any device of his choosing at Clever Training.  Hopefully something he can use in June at his 70.3 race – good luck there!

Finally, a huge thanks to Clever Training who sponsored all the goods, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device), plus free US shipping.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!


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  1. Harald

    congrats to Gabor

    and thanks to you for this great site
    and of course to Clever Training for the price :)

  2. Michael E

    Grats to the lucky one

    And thanks to the Red haired dude who writes this blog !
    He is doing a very good job !

  3. Patrick M

    Ray (and whoever may be reading this at CT), I just wanted to say:

    a) thank you for what you do. I’ve spent more time than I care to admit poring over the reviews and comments – so much great info and such a great community and

    b) thanks for partnering up with CT. They have comparable prices – but with the discount they’re quite good – they have AWESOME customer service, and I feel good knowing I’m supporting the site. I bought my Fenix2, Garmin 500, and my Withings scale from them and all have been super smooth experiences. They’ve even called me twice to update me on when the new Garmin speed/cadence combo will ship. Just great great people.

  4. Magnus

    Congrats to Gabor and thanks Ray for the give-away and your reviews.

  5. Good for the winner! I bet that is going to make his day! Good luck to him on a hilly 70.3 :)

  6. Remco Verdoold

    I bet though choice for Gabor, 910XT is getting older now, but replacement not there yet. And no real other options.
    Good luck choosing Gabor!

  7. Congrats and good luck at the 70.3

  8. Shane McCartney

    Congratulations Gabor! Good luck on your 70.3!

  9. Ricardo Resende

    Today I had found that could shuffle a list of numbers and used it that way, but I guess not even that could push the odds to my side!

  10. Andrea

    Congrats, Gabor! And good luck with the race :D


    Congrats to Gabor!

  12. Patrick McIntyre

    Congratulations Gabor! Good luck at your race!

  13. JD

    Congrats and Goodluck

  14. Wawan

    Why not me, Random Number Generator????? :)
    Can’t imagine doing triathlon on a hilly course. I had on race going up the bridge, 4 laps thus 4 times, even that was tough for me. I know I need to train based on the course profile of my race, but still.

  15. Aditya Wahyu

    Congrats Gabor, good luck with the race :)

  16. Boaz

    Atmospheric noise eh? Could that be what’s distracting me in races? Just a random thought…

    Congrats Gabor!

  17. Gabor Szilagyi

    Thanks all! I have never won anything in my life, so I was pretty much astonished. Still don’t know waht to buy since I am happy with my polar rcx3, but it is sweet not having to worry to much about the price.

    Thanks again Ray!

  18. John Friesen

    Congratulations Gabor!

    Thanks to Ray and Clever Training for the giveaways.

  19. MAGNUS


    Good luck on your race!

  20. Zoltan

    Hajrá Kaposváron!

  21. Eyal Zoran

    Congratulations to Gabor :@)
    Tank you again Ray for this amazing site.
    Good luck for all of us (more success than luck, i think)

  22. Patricia Didone

    YAY, congratulations to the lucky winner!