Here’s this week’s edition of the weekly mailbag. This is a weekly series where I feature a handful of the e-mailed questions I received from the previous week or so. I try and pick a wide variety of questions. Some are technical in nature, some sport related, and sometimes all sorts of other randomness – as you’ll see below.
This week’s mailbag covers the following topics:
1) Multiple Users and Garmin Fitness Watches-
2) Rolling/Folding Wetsuits
3) Which websites to find races
4) Forerunner 310XT Mount Options
5) Item of the utmost importance
Question #1: Multiple Users and Garmin Fitness Watches-
From Crass-
“My wife and I have recently started running and I hope to get a bike to start cycling soon. So we picked up this sweet watch this weekend to track our training. We only bought one watch as we are not yet ready to commit to buying two of them (due to the high cost). If we get plenty of use out of it and like it and keep running, we will certainly buy a second one, but for now I’m trying to figure out if it is possible to share it. Do you know if it is reasonably possible to share the watch and both of us take advantage of all of the cool online features (either through Garmin Connect or a third party site)? I have searched and searched and cannot come up with an answer. After reading your reviews you seem to have quite a lot of experience with several different data collection and analysis sites, so I’m hoping you might have the answer to my question.”
As you’ve found, there isn’t a way to easily have two separate user profiles on the watch itself (though you can setup multiple bikes). Your best bet is indeed using online software. The challenge with Garmin Connect is that it automatically uploads from the 310XT to one persons account. One option would be to use a second account for the second person, and that person simply uploads the files manually. The other person meanwhile deletes the unneeded ones.
Another option would be Training Peaks – which offers more features than Garmin Connect, and would make it super easy to just pick the workouts which that individual did.
The last option is Sport Tracks, which is a non-online athlete tracking program that’s free and offers the ability to have multiple users via separate logbooks. That too allows you to pick individual workouts.
Question #2: Rolling/Folding Wetsuit-
From Brian-
“I’m flying up to Maine over labor day weekend and I’m also doing the Nations Triathlon the following weekend. I want to continue my training up in Maine and I know you have plenty of experience with traveling. I plan to bring my wetsuit, in your opinion, what is the best way to travel with my wetsuit? Can I use my current suitcase or do I need to buy something for this purpose? I have a traditional suitcase as well as a suite suitcase that I can bring. On Slowtwitch there was conflicting opinions about folding the wetsuit and rolling it. I appreciate any inputs you can give me.”
For wetsuits when I travel, I just cram it in any way it’ll fit really. I used to toss it in my bike case, but now I usually just fold it on the top of my luggage in my suitcase. I went away from the bike case route simply because I try and keep that as light as possible in hopes of scamming out of avoiding paying bike fees. So now I just fold it once on top of my luggage right before I close my suitcase.
Wetsuits are actually delivered to tri/bike/swim shops folded in a box not terribly unlike a big shoe box, sorta flat and wide. So, the way I see – it can fold again. :)
For me, I’ve had mine over three years now (and it’s not an expensive model), and it survives just fine. I haven’t drown yet.
Question #3: Which websites to find races
From Donald-
“Quick question. What websites do you find has the best list of triathlons for our general area? (I live in Baltimore).”
Quick question with an easy answer – my list of race schedule sites. I put it together a bit back, but it’s still pretty accurate. Hope this helps!
Question #4: Forerunner 310XT Mount Options
from Jake-
“I have an Edge 500 computer that I have been using for about 6 months and love it. I just purchased a 310xt and plan to use it in triathlons. I see in your blog that you have a quick release kit specific for the 310 that has a different strap for the watch that is similar to the edge 500 mount. I cannot find this listed on Garmin’s website. I was hoping you might know a part #, listing, or where I might get one.”
Yup, the Forerunner 310XT quick release kit is fully compatible with the mount for the Edge 500/800…and vice versa. Meaning, you can mount your 310XT on the Edge 500/800 once you’ve attached the quick release kit to it. I LOVE the Edge rubber band kits, check out my review on the Edge 500 or Edge 800 for more details on them.
Here’s the Garmin 310XT Quick Release Kit ($21)
Here’s the Edge 500 bike mounts ($8, pack of two)
The quick release kit comes with a new/different strap that’s black. Though there’s also an orange quick release kit now available too, but finding it stateside is quite difficult. Finally, if you haven’t seen my huge post on the quick release kits…scurry on over there pronto!
Item of utmost importance-
As I post this, the final finishers from both Ironman Canada and Ironman Louisville are making their way to the finish line before the midnight cutoff. While I did Ironman Canada the previous two years, I took this year off from Ironman’s to focus on shorter distance events. Though, you can read all my past Ironman Canada posts here (I’m not responsible for your lost productivity).
However, what is FAR more important – is that good friend Carl, who we’ve trained with and hung out for weekends at Lake Anna with, did Ironman Louisville today…for his first Ironman!
He went out there and took no prisoners – and his official finishing line photos will surely be pretty entertaining. We tracked him all day and the above was a snapshot I took as he came across the line. On top of that, he’s raised over $5,000 for a local shelter here in the DC area. Which is pretty awesome too! You can of course still donate to a great cause.
Congrats Carl!
Recent Mailbags:
Weekly Mailbag – August 21st, 2010
– Choosing iPhone or Garmin as running buddy?
– Why no Polar Product Reviews?
– Want Android support for ANT+? Read on…
– Random note of the week: Looking for web designer
Weekly Mailbag – August 17th, 2010
– Travelling with Gels
– Displaying Live ANT+ Data to a computer
– Which Garmin’s I use for races
You can find all past mailbags here.
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Congrats Carl!
Golden Cheetah supports fit files and can do multiple athletes (you manually inport the files) Would love to see what you think of all the different tracking apps (Golden Cheeta, WKO, training peaks, sport tracks, Raceday,…)
As someone who lives in the DC area but goes out to Luisville for work a few times with the latest being during the ironman it seemed kind of funny how different the place seemed during the ironman and how easy it was to spot the athletes
Rolling or folding a wetsuit won’t hurt it for the short term, like travelling.
Its folding it and storing it for longer durations that will cause damage.
The neoprene will compress and crease in the area of the fold. It could also weaken the material and eventually lead to a rip.
Thanks for the shout-out! I had an amazing experience in Louisville yesterday despite the heat, humidity and whole running a marathon after a century ride thing. I didn’t expect the whole world to be able to witness my finish line euphoria live on the internet but I’m glad I provided some entertainment!
found this site by accident..thanks for the info…keep up the good work…