DC Rainmaker

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Ho Ho Ho, Happy December!!

Hey folks, and welcome to first edition of December! I still can’t believe it. And I certainly can’t believe that the DCR Open House has come and gone already!! WOW!

I just want to take a quick moment and say a really big hi to all the Newsletter Readers who made it to the party on Saturday, and as well made the effort to swing back to the bar (my hidey-hole for the night) and say “what’s up” and how much they enjoy the newsletter.

I was really surprised how many readers were at the party. I was also surprised by how many readers told me that they basically skip this initial tech recap section of the newsletter and just scroll to the bottom! Hahaha I died laughing because I had recently talked to Ray about the direction of the Newsletter and maybe cutting some of “The Girl” section. Ooops. See that’s why we have face to face parties with you guys! You can tell us what you like and don’t!

So since no one is reading this top section, then I suppose I can just do this:

First up on the blog this week was, Blah Blah Blah, Blah. Yadda yadda yadda, yadda yadda blah. Okay? I have no link for that. So, yeah, Blah.

For realz tho, Ray did put together a great DCR Open House Recap post, which includes videos by both of our special guests, Shane Miller (GPLama) and Des (DesFit). So be sure to click through the post for all the party and 10km fun-run photo and video goodness.

Speaking of Ray, DesFit, and GPLama, these three amigos have been having too much fun and tech-geek time together this past week! So tonight, at 5pm Central European Time/11am US Eastern Time the three are going to have a LIVE Q&A on YouTube, to sort of put the finishing touches on their time here at the DCR Cave! Don’t miss out, this is the direct link for the live stream on Ray’s YouTube Channel.

Also, Ray gave us a run through of all the goods involved in the new Rouvey Augmented Reality Indoor Training Feature. I’m not going to lie, I’m super tired writing today, and all I can think about when I read this title is what augmentation might mean for some other people. Maybe the people at Rouvey could have come up with a different catch phrase?

Last but not least, Ray and I have been working hard (eating lots?) to help put together the DCR Approved Amsterdam Food Guide. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s a start!

Now, if you think reading is faux-pas and audio-visual is more your style, be sure to check out the DC Rainmaker YouTube Channel and click subscribe! By doing so you will be “in the know” for future new videos by Ray. This is where you need to be to check out videos like todays LIVE Q&A!

·         DCR Open House 2018 – This is the highlights reel from the night in case you weren’t able to come  :(

·         Rouvy Augmented Reality Video- This is Ray’s first ride, and explains what the heck “Augmented Reality” is!

·        While not directly a Ray video, GP Lama did a DCR Cave Behind the Scenes Video.

 That’s the round up from this past week. Now if you have time, keep it moving to below the fold for the “In-Depth Thoughts from The Girl”.

image Rouvy Rolls Out Augmented Reality Indoor Training Feature
image DCR Open House Amsterdam 2018 Recap: Photos and videos!
image Strava’s 2018 Fascinating Year In Review Stats
image Hands-on: Specialized ANGi Helmet Crash Sensor
image 5 Random Things I Did This Weekend

In-Depth Thoughts from The Girl

Hey There!

Thanks for joining me down here. There is just so much to tell you about I don’t know where to start?

I could do a quick “from my point of view” how the DCR Open house went, but I’m wondering if the party has been over shared at this point? No? Okay, I’ll keep it quick.

Basically, we received the email with the final quote from the caters 2 days late and less than 48 hours from the party. It was not what we had budgeted for. So, I said “no way”. Ray said “WTH”. I said “I can do this”. He said “Humph… okay”. Then I “Supermarket Sweep-ed” the heck out of the restaurant supply store. And then, all was well, and I gave out beers all night long like I was Santa! We had a great time! Boom.


But before the party, I have to back it up here, we had the DCR Fun Run. While my poor legs were in no shape to actually go running, I figure I have to start somewhere with running again. The point is, we had so much fun running with you guys, it made us realize how much we miss our original running group from Virginia. It is where he and I met after all!

So, wait for it… we are going to do one more group run before the holidays. It is going to be a Santa, ugly sweater, Christmas Lights, you name it, sort of holiday run! So, if you’re in the Amsterdam area and want to meet up again before the holidays, send us an email and we will add you to the list, and hopefully by the next newsletter, I’ll have an official event detail section for you! This isn’t going to be super fancy, and since we will stick to the park this time, runners can go faster or slower without feeling like they have to stay with the group. 9:30am, Saturday December 22nd. Mark it down, more details to come. Go find a Santa Hat!

Now what? Hmmm, Oh, right. Since we have had the whole gang here all week, ideas have been flying around like crazy. And one of the biggest things we keep coming back to is, having a summer DCR Cave event! We are just pondering how can we tie it into the Tour de France finish, or a big sports viewing, or who knows. But we had great feedback from everyone regarding the event, and we don't want to wait another entire year to see you all again! Annnnnd let’s be honest I think Des and Shane (and Von - Shane’s much better half) all just want an excuse to come back and enjoy all that Amsterdam has to offer in the summer season!

I’m going to leave it on that note! Please let us know if you would be interested in meeting up for the Santa Run, I’ll be working on some fun stuff for that next week!

Have a great weekend!

~The Girl.

…. Incase you forgot already… Live Q&A with DC Rainmaker, DesFit, and GP Lama : 11AM EST/5PM Amsterdam time!

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